12 TIIE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. Oct. 20, 189S. In 3 (1 V Romembor it'o your buoineoo to oee trhoro you can get tho moot for your monoy. Don't forget Wo our buoineoo to oee Jo it that wo give (70u more for your money than other otoreo do. In doing your part come and let uo ohow youhow thoroughly we can do ouro. ALWAYS FOUND AT THE FRONT . . A good ooldier never lago behind, but is alwayo forging to the front. Men who are eager to go to the front are the kind that win battles, Same way with keeping store keep in front, be first. When there is an opportunity to improve the retail trade of Lincoln you will always find our store in the front rank of the procession. When there is anything new at right prices our store is the first to tell you. When there is a reduction in price of goods our store If you buy for Cash, you naturally look for the store 'with. ' the best values,, not the lowest priced goods. It has always been our rule to sell good reliable goods at reasonable prices, and to never knowingly Handle Trashy or undesirable goods. On this basis, coupled with one price to all, we solicit your business.' io tho first to say so. Always keeping the people pooted and selling goods at prices 25 per cent lower than the other fellow is what keeps us in the front rank of the clothing business of Lincoln. COLLARS AND CUFFS At 10 cU. or 3 for 25, we sell pare 2100 Linen Oollere of 11 styles end 2100 Linen Caffe at 16a per pair. Oar eaitomeri wonder bow this is done; merchants, too, won der bow we can eell these collars for less than what they pay for them. It's an open secret; we sell nearly as many collars as all other stores in Lincoln combined, baying big quantities makes the difference in price. Best Oellaloid Collars . 1Bo Second grade Oellaloid Collar..... 10 Third grade Celluloid Collar o Fourth grade Celluloid Collar 2o Celluloid Cuffs at 10c and 25o BOYS' SHIRT WAISTS Good quality Boys' Shirt Waist, only 15o Mother's Friend Shirt Waists, only. 2Bo Mother's Friend laundered WaisU, worth75c; in this sale. 39c Mother's Friend Shirt Waists, laundered, worth $1.00, go at 75o BOYS' SHIRTS Boys' Work Shirts. . 25o Boys' eitra good Work Shirt Boys' Caaslmere (heavy) Shirts, worth 7 Bo, go at Boys' laundered Shlrta, with collars attached, at 190, 25c, and 50o Boys' faaoy bosom Shirts, with white bodies, worth 75c, go 35o 60 at. 60c Boys' eitra quality fancy boeora Shirts, to be worn with white collar ', worth fl.OOt go in this great sale at . . . 700 ARE YOU IN THIS PICTURE P If you are, yon are a bard to-fit man. We have taken a great deal of pains this season in buying sizes to fit tall slen der men, short thick men, and tall fat men. In fact, we bare bought for every shape and size, in order to fit without dif -ficnlty all who come to tfs. Our "Slims," "Stouts," "Fats," and "Extra Sizes" are made from the very latest fab rics and come in all the new colorings. We have learned from experience that hard-to-fit men want nobby staff as well as their regular shaped brothers. Therefore, you will be shown nothing in our bouse but new, snappy styles in Overcoats as well as Suits, and when you find your size it will fit Prices for odd-shaped Suits and Overcoats, $5.00, $7.50, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00, $18.00, and $20.00. mm i - ei SUSPENDERS Men's good Suspender, only Men's Suspender, regular 25o value, go at , Men's 40o Suspender, with us Men's 75o Suspenders, go at 80 190 250 500 HANDKERCHIEFS Linen Cambrio Handkerchiefs 3o Liaen Cambrio (colored border) Handkerchiefs 3 Turkey Red Handkerchiefs 2o Beat Turkey Red Handkerchiefs So Indigo Blue Handkerchiefs Best Indigo Bloe Handkerchiefs. lOo Purs Linen Handkerchiefs at 13c, or 2 for 85o DRESS GLOVES Fine Drees Glove In Dog Bklu, Kid. and Mochas, at 30o, 73c, ftt.OO, and 1.83 Men's and Boys' Hosiery 150 Dozen Men's Black or Tan Hose, worth 6c per pair, go at 4c 50 Dozen Men's Qrey Mixed Seamless Hose, worth 8o per pair at 48c per dozen, or per single pair 50- ik rtnan Man'a TTabw WAltrVit Pnrfl Dva Black or Brown V WMV. Mw m . J ' J Hose, worth 15c, go at ; ...12Jc: Men's Fine Imported Half Hose, wortb lolly zoo per pair, . go at 2 for 25o or each 15& Men's Merino Half Hose, very heavy, worth 25o per pair, goat... IB Boys' Long Hose, go at 8o Boys Extra good Long Hose, go at 10c Men's Overalls Men's Overalls Without Apron, in good Substantial Make, only 25c Men's Heavy Drab Overall (pantaloon cut), worth 60c, go it,,,, 45c Men's Regular 1.00 Pantaloon Overall, go at 75c Men's Apron Overalls, Splendid Quality, size 82 to 50 waist, worth 60o, goat 39c Men's Apron Overall, Best Railroad Cut worth 75o, go at. 50c Men's Check Jacket at 29o and 35c Men's Best Bine Jacket at 30o Trunks and Valises Trunk Good Zlnk Covered Trunk, sizes 20 to 46 inches, at. 1.50, 170. 8.00, 8.50, 8.75, 3.00, 3.50 and 5.00- Others in Fancy Makes at O.OO, 7.50, 8.00, 10.00 - Vullsfs at 50o, 75o, 1.00, 1.50, 8.00, 8.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.50, 5.00 Telescopes, tla U to 80 Inches..,,,. 83c, 33o, 50o, 03o, 73c, 83c, 1.00, 1.85, 1.50 It you are going away it will pay you to look OTer our stock of Trunks and Vallate. ftp jpff o) mm U l m rati m Tin (ntirnn n w (n) is LIU r u P Wo 1013 to 1019 O Street. - LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. JACOl WORTH 4 00. CT"3 MINTIM. UMCOIW