The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, October 13, 1898, Image 7

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    Oct. 13," 1898
Tearing tba Support From Vader
the Gold I tee and the Bank Curreu
ey Crawde Eitraot From General
Warner' Speech.
Following is an extract containing
lb obief points In the address made by
General A. J. Warner before the na
tional currency convention at Omaba:
The measure of the effect of paper
money on prices and on other money
toes not depend upon wbetbor or not it
Is covered by coin, dollar for dollar, any
more than upon tbe color or texture of
the fiber of tbe paper on which the in
signia of money is stamped, bnt entire
ly on the quantity of such money pnt
into circulation. The principle is tbe
same, whether applied to paper money
or to gold and silver coin or to gold
alone. No economist surely will dispute
the proposition that if tbe stock of gold
should be at once largely inoroaoed by
new finds of gold, while tbe world's
needs for money were unchanged, that
tbe value of gold everywhere would be
decreased and pticcs would rise. This
would amount to a virtual alteration of
the existing standard. Tbe effoct, no
doubt, of tbe restoration of silver to un
restricted mintage would lower the val
ue of all money, including gold, as
would be evident by a general rise of
prices. On the other bund, should the
supply of gold for money be cut off by
reduced production and increased de
mand for it fur tbe arts or for other
nonmonetary purposes, while the world's
needs for money continue tbe same and
no other money was substituted for tbe
gold, tbe value of gold would be in
creased, and prices would fall. This is
exactly wbat has taken place in tbe last
80 years. By tbe demonetization of sil
ver and tbe extension of the gold stand
ard to countries theretofore using little
or no gold for money tbe demand for
gold relatively to its supply bas largely
increased and its value correspondingly
augmented, but the point I wish es
pecially to emphasize bore is this: That
tbe effect of the increuso or decrease of
paper money, to the extent that it takes
tbe place of or adds to metallic money
or to tbe extent that it does the work
of metallic money, bas tho same effect
upon general prices and on gold itself
or on so called standard money as
would so much additional gold obtained
from altogether now sources and put
Into circulation.
Tbe idea that gold or "standard
money" is unaffected by the issue of
paper, although put forward anew by
tbe Indianapolis sound money commis
sion, is among the exploded fallacies
that rest upon the "intrinsic value"
theory of money. The broad truth is
there is no such thing as a purely gold
standard anywhere. Tbe gold standard
as it exists today is diluted, so to speak,
by the silver and the paper that circu
late with it and supplement it, and tbe
value of tho gold part of the whole
may be altered by increasing or decreas
ing the other parts. The real standard,
therefore, that which doterminos price
levels, is the total volume of money.
Tbe gold standard can bo maintained
in this country only by limiting the pa
per currency to au amount less than wo
would have of gold if there were no pa
per, to which may bo added our dis
tributive share of the gold that would
be displaced by the paper and then
making tbe paper vary as a purely gold
currency would vary. In thut way tho
gold standard can be maintained if a
debtor nation can maintain it at all,
but in no other.
It is gravely proposed in this country
to go fur beyond the proposals of Law
and Mirabeuu and issue notes on bunk
capital and bunk assets. In other words,
to no longer confine security of notes to
tangible things, suoh as lands and
bonds, but actually to coin bank credits
into currenoy. That credit is capital,
and an important part of effective cap
ital, will not be denied, but to coin
such capital into currency to swell the
circulating medium of a country aud
thereby to luflato prices aud render them
unstable must bo pronounced tbe wildest
and most vicious form of Lawism ever
proposed. ludeed John Law's propor
tion to tbe Duke of Orleans is ooutrva
lieu compared to it That such a scheme
should guiu tbe support of conservative
bankers is uuuct-ouutablu eicttpt upon
tbe theory that Urge fioflts might per
haps be made for a time, aud that tbe
wise aimmg them could gut from undm
in time to uve theittsnlvea, whatever
became of Hi reat and of the people.
A national currency Isuik ty the
general govrrttiiieul should be legal ten
der thai Is, ehottld ba nttatry la the
fullest it, 1 hope some cms here will
eipltin Jut bow a pr ourrvuey Is
seed tlti-r by ditpiivlug It of lbs mw
f of U't Undtr autl what the pull to
Is to gain ty the substitution Ron
legal tender twt i f banks la tlx pU
of our prvwut Ufal tudtr giuLa k
The Imim U tltly rMtte4 krlwtt a
i csirtiu'T tutted by tuiuulif batik,
vMmk all over lb rouutry, as Ibeti
intervals elotte way UtiUI-f IbcJ
wilt N gotntmt ty t eU f tlaeii
a4 Ibay U atveiitHt ty U uilt t
Itt't a rtfey lw4 and iatrvll4 ty
tbe aw anient la It ltttrt vl all tbe
ftlt a4 will the lew of seckiing
II ail Ho (Utility t taatalaa 4
ntouey att4 !!, thfby jrluli.s
iwtflltluMi kh4 tamable ta luUttl
au4 t atuiil inamy. YYaaiowt
attaf la tbe ialt aww, U lb ant 1 be
IIM weltat will tm4, and tbe
fowef that iltv4 Will leu
vtttrvt the ttM f a Mt vau,
tttlaa 4aieltr,
Tbe eikv aliens) f alalMt vl Ik
0Imm eta) It lata yae llll M V
t4tnMi llJo.w ta KltHM
vklle In lb earna liae laa Mai
Uika lt rad MtMAttvOk lbs aawltt
fttm m m loj4 1st InditaitUl
alts lMle4 llM it0,Wt I Ul
la IV, IK Win .
Thoee Banker Who Are Still Oat (
Jail Think Ther Owa the Karth.
The bankers say that it is dangerous
to issue greenbacks, but that bonds will
always be good because the credit of
the government is behind them. Is not
the credit of the government behind tbe
greenbacks also? Is there any difference
between tbe two except that one boars
interest and the other doesn't? If con
gress bad issued $200,009,000 of green
backs instead of bonds, we would have
saved fO.000,000 a year interest for
years and years to come, and so much
increase in money that always circu
lates among the people would have
raised the price of all tbe turners'
Eroduots. But tbe bankers would not
ave it that way, and wbat the bank
ers say goes evory time with tfw Hq-
fmblican party. II. tl. llannn, the pros
dont of the executive committee of tbe
Indianapolis monotary convention, says
there will be no permanont prosperity
until tbe present greenbacks are de
stroyed and recommends that money be
issued by tbe banks to take their place
and that said extra money bo issued on
tbe crodit of tho banks Instead of the
credit of tbo government
Here are two interesting statements.
First, prospetity bas not yet come and
the politicians have been lying to ns;
second, money issued without seourity
by national bankers like Charles Mosh
er is better than that issued by 70,000,
000 of people, most of whom are honest
These bankers are getting mighty bold,
Thoy think they own tho earth and the
fullness thereof. They know thoy own
McKlnley and the Republican party.
IIow soon will tbe people awakon to
tbe enormities of tbo present banking
system? IIow Jong will they allow their
dishonest servants to issue unnecessary
bonds for tbem and their children to
pay? IIow long will they continue to
vote all the wealth of this country into
tbe bands of their oppressors?
In 1600 8,000,000 of black slaves
were working without wages for 100,
000 slave owners. Today 70,000,000 of
white slaves are working night and day
to enrich 80,000 millionaires. The
blamed foolishness of the people seems
to increase in proportion to tbe incroase
of population. Omaha Nonconformist
Hnrrnb For Ul
The war which was undertaken in the
name of justice and on behalf of hu
manity for tbe Cubans is coming rapid
ly to be seen as a oonquest for commer
cial gain and nothing more. We are now
told by Mr. F. 13. Thurber, president of
the United States Export association,
that "production bas outrun consump
tion," and therefore additional markets
must be found for American products.
The opportunity of American capitalists
oomes now with tbe closo of tbe war
and must not be thrown away, and so
Mr. Thurber proposes that suoh territory
as bas fallen into our lap as a result of
the "war for justice aud humanity"
shall bo retained.
"Production bas outrun consump
tion." We have in tbe United Btates
70,000,000 of people, all well boused,
well clothed and well fed.
Seventy millions of people wanting
nothing and all prosperous I
Heventy millions of people witb unre
stricted access to tbe means of life I
Seventy millions provided with every
comfort and every luxury known to our
higher civilization I
There is a plethora of ricbos in every
home. There isn't a loose bellyband in
tbe land)
There la no want anywhere and no
fear of want I
Never in the whole courso of history
have any people been so universally
well supplied with everything that
makes lifo worth living!
Nobody is poor! Everybody is rich I
"Production has outrun consump
tton I" '
Hurrah for us 1 Social Democratic
Baoaa on Money.
Following is wbat Lord Bacon wrote
about usury:
"Tbe discommodities of usury are,
first it makes fower merchants; for
were it not for this lazy trade of usury,
money would not lie still, but would in
great part be employed upon merchan
dising, which is the true vena porta of
wealth in a state; tbe tecoud, that it
makes poor mert hunts; for as a farmer
cannot busbnnd bis ground so well if
be a at a great rout, so the merchant
oaoiM.t drive bis trade so well if be sit
a great usury ; the third Is the decay of
cuktouts of lings, or states, which tb
or flow with inon-baudising; the fourth,
that it bringi tlt the treasure i a realm
or state Iota the bauds tf tba few s for
theusurwr U'ing al crrtnlollcs, at tbe end
of tba gnmo iinat of the money will ba
in tba feu, aud ever a state flourished
when wealth is mora equally spread;
the fifth, that It brats down tbe price
of laud, fr lb eiupltiyiuvut of imna-y
Is chiefly tiitwr utrvbudulug or pur
ebaUig, au4 tuury waylays both; Ilia
stub, that it doth dull au I damp all In
dustries, linrTuveutraU "! new I -tions,
wherein luouty wol4 t stl tut
It It werb t fwt Ibis slu( tba Ul,
that it is cekktf a4 rain ft sue y
tura's mi w bit It la ptuteea t4 I tuts
U4ei) ublit ptiorty,"
faaaea ItalleHea.
Wbetl yoN tell kUvltsrf tf aiutif-
raryita flKwbab ba u'Tl
ty ! liire.ti ttewtSMptf tail lit
wutbi4 t 1 le aia tut) wore i tt
ft ty yat, Mis satu et U i4lti4
iue etaiutka at ! eUwwtfg; that tba
ltti! wa4 let tba la ia, Yut
mm eaeily tea tba t4 eat il tK a
Mtaw'a satis ly tellta aim tt a
iteiletk ant ffta4 by taptulttts t
aataltelltt a4i ithj tba twit.ttt
4 sWetva, Tall blut tfeat tb- Hr
af MUte4 ty l Udlaf tb fat
salaiiea vt lt l teaaaavis aa4
ali tea4il lt Is jel mm lit
iiaa., tat II W a taiO,aa m tt
Mtl beatuaas v4 tbe tjiatti.t U
a taUiy f laO.waa )t ki
ra tela t tbe tUIMtviti a4ef
i!y.HatJ leutiatM tUialJL
Average Stature of Hot Countrlea De
clines as Armies lucreeae.
Aa the size of modern armies is in
creased the average hlght of fighting
men Is diminished. Tbe Tageblatt, of
Berlin, ascribes the reduction In tbe
average stature of soldiers In modern
armies to conscription and says that
In tbe German army It is now only
60.63 Inches. In the British army the
bight Is 64.96 Inches, allowing the tall
ness of the average Englishman and
Scotchman. Frenchmen and Spaniards
are taken at 1.54 meters, Italians at
1.55 meters (61 inches), and the same
minimum measurement is the rule In
Austria. The Russian minimum is
1.54 meters and In tbo United States
It is 1.619 meters (C3.78 Inches). Id
1800, before the beginning of the
American civil war and before the gen
eral arming of Europe, the average
hlght of men serving in the various
European armies was as follows, given
In Inches Italian, CG; Spanish, 65.5;
French, 66; Hungarian, 66.1;' Austrian,
66.6; Belgian, C6.9; Russian, 67; Eng
lish, 67.6; Irish, 68; Scotch, 68.5; Nor
wegian, 19. Although the average
hlght of soldh r has decreased during
the last few years considerably In those
countries In which conscription is the
rule, It is found generally that in coun
tries in which peaceful conditions pre
vail and no great standing army Is
maintained the stature of new soldiers
is gradually Increasing. This is shown
conspicuously In the caxe of Sweden,
where the average hlght of new sol
diers between 1840 end 1850 was 66
Inches, 66.2 between 18K0 and 1860, 66.6
between I860 and 1870, 66.8 between
1870 and 1880, and 69 between 1880 and
Hiss Oawlef Deceived a Sick Moldler
Abuai Money Matters,
When a soldier enters tbe detention
hospital all of his clothes are burned.
One man who bas been furloughed at
Camp Wlkoff asked yesterday for his
clothing and $12 that be had left In bis
shirt pocket. It was all of his funds,
and be relied on It to pay his fare
home. He was told that his clothing
bad been burned and the $12 also, as
00 one bad thought to look In the little
pocket, relates the New York World,
At this news the weak and miserable
fellow collapsed, and It was necessary
to again put him on his cot. He was
lying semi-conscious, overcome with
Jlsappolntment and the hopelessness of
his poeltlon, when a nurse went to his
bedside. "It was all a mistake about
your money being burned," she said,
and here It Is." With that she handfld
nlm $12. Tbe poor fellow could not at
first realize his good fortune, but final
ly he smiled and then fell asleep. The
nurse was Miss Harriet E. llawlry,
laughter of Gen, Hawlcy of Wachlng
'on ,who cast her lot In the detention
tospltal when help was greatly needed
here, the $12 was really burned end
Miss Hawley told a fib, for which the
vlll no doubt be forgiven. She had
ollected the money from doctors and
uirscs, subscribing the most herself,
One War to Avoid It.
Myers Tbo 'idea of the government
putting a war tax on beer! It's an out
rage to place such a restriction on the
poor man's recognized beverage. Gy
jrs Oh, well, the poor man can eaIly
get around the payment of the tax,
Myers I'd like to know how? Gyers
By rushing the growler for cham
pagne instead of beer.
Heroes of War,
From the CbicitRO Tlntua llernld.
The fueling of admiration for heroes o
war seems to bo innate in tbe human
heart, and is brought to the surface as
the opportunity and object for such hero
wort-hip preeents Itself.
AtnoiiK those who proved their hero
ism during our Civil war waa A. Bchiff-
( lie revived a wound.)
enedrr, Ml Hedgakk atrvot, Chicago,
lie i an Austrian bv birth, rain to
AwrU at the ni;e i l Ul, and a'Hit I.
emita an Atttrrtcau eiilin, lie waa liv
ing at Milwaukee atua the rail for vU
uaiiwre mine, rarly in lUJ, and he
(rutiiptly tnliaie4 in Companr A, ul ft
Twentv-e-ita WkMHMteia Wdunltffe, la
the arttiv l the I'titofunii tur ro ana
mui'lt huMm, ranimi(hMtif la tba
Hltxaattduaa Valley.
u the BmI dajr'e fi-Mui-at tba bat
tle id itlybtirir, Kl.ifl. nli r riv4 a
atiuadtu tit riM elds WU nl!r
aerd raue4 aita urn h trouble, ith a
Hiriluit ul ate rginat be eapiared
aa4 ttteiiee4 al W Ila4 aad A
itoatiattlte, a4 ahraer4 iaeaa4,
llerttir4 lu ala rint-t.t, at., aea
tratte!etre4 ! Ia arntf i4 (i-neral, a4 atrlte4 aitaki a tartu
Ueuitfia Iw the a,
a lata aaiaa Mr. M liinVe.e4e 'e iM
atu4 Usta M trouble kirn. a4 be
ee eeet lu Ike koattlal aa I biae,
IU k I U) rotitra il eatafth tt Ike
(iiM.t lt, a4 Kmi4 aa tM lte eara
I ki fe-l Im r4 aa aiMtal In
Hu'leate I'tak Ma K. 'ala V,4.le
tt a la mn," ke eat4, 'eel
IfctMNkt Ikal ltf wVt U m4 t
at Iroakhk I ftiala M It l Ikewt,
I tniMght e an t Weealtttek
lka etwi4t4 l tltrwttwa. Itet
Save a.e fat rl titer SaUkiee
Ut ti I totht aalW, a t aka I
ba ttk Ike ille I all Ikal I aa
ef4, I iwtivet I Hf aitlMa aa I t
kaitttv, I eat tvettiy It Ike bjmi4 Ike
i.l a,M
14 r mkiUa4.e U a traitaat llraa l
ttwif aaa la I ka is akukef b anrj
sua j eats a wila ftta laa,Hy,
Colrrlilse'e Kently Wit.
He who watched wits with the au
hor of "Tho Ancient Mariner" had
ndeed a lively task aefore him, for
Coleridge was never caught napping.
The poet was go awkward a horstman
hat his riding often attracted com
ment of anything but a complimentary
tature. One day he was riding along
he turnpike road In the county of Dur.
tarn when a wag who mot hint fasten
ed upon him as an excellent uubject
'or sport. Consequently he drew rein
tnd said in an Impertinent drawl:t"My
graceful frkiid, did you happen to meet
1 tailor on the road?" "I'm Inclined
0 think I did," said Coleridge medlta
'Ively; "I was not sure at the moment
but be said something about my meet
'ng a gonst farther along tbe road,"
The wag put spurs to his horse, and
'he poet jogged calmly on his way,
Valor on the flil.
Dear Mabel," writes tho man at the
front, "1 have received the beautiful
Iresslng-gown and slippers you sent
me. At night, when all the boys are
isleep, I wear them for your sake."
Scrofula la a tVimtm) n old ow on
tlcqlty. It liaa Wn biunKlwV down for
irennruitloiw atul1 ia twntio toViiy m
trw ewrly tlms'W. H la einjlitltlvtl,ly a
dlmtmi of the bliootfc 'I'tot la ut
wlunt Hood's KnrwntKirintt ftom 1m cverv
com wflwre it is (rlvera a fnltili'fitl trlntl,
It enulitwtcM all impnrfMsi from Uhto
9kMi1, pl'nifdca otiid 11 forma of altlfl
dlmmwe due to acrofuln Intivlw bhle
IAooyT, llotxl'a 8nrwipi.rllla luttaj won
titiA oimiltffiiil rvniliMt tvt vnttb timiiiilwm of
myiAe by J'ta (rrawl anl otnnipl
ffiirrN. JJtm t owow awontuv 10 devel
op In, your 11kh1. Cure it at miice Vy
taklnfr Hood' fittrwinfirtlla
Twelve Brldesmalda,
Some nsw ideas In wedding novelties
corns from Berlin, whers a daughter
of one of the Emperor's aides-de-camp
was married to a man of blgh post
tlou, Tbs bridesmaids wars twslvs,
and earn was escorted, so that there
wars twenty-four immediate attend
ants upon the bride. She wore a myr
tle wreath in place of the usual knot
of orange blossoms, Her bouquet was
roses and lilies, a gift from tba Em
peror himself, Tbs bridesmaids wars
In full dress, without bats or bonnets,
Tbs Emperor kissed the brde's band
wbsn tbe ceremony was over, and was
one of the g'tests at tbe supper. Tbs
menu Included spring soup, plovers'
eggs, Ostend coles, lamb, bam, truffles,
chickens, lobster salad, asparagus,
strawberry Ice, cheese, sandwiches and
desert, Tbs bride and bridegroom
did not hasten away from the recep
tion in the usual fashion, but waited
until every gueat bad gone before Uk
log their departure.
Tba Cattaa Machete.
Much bas been said of tbo terrtbls
machete, a deadly weapon indeed' it
tbs bands of a desperate man and when
used against a defenseless person, Tbs
machete was never Intended for a wea
pon of warfare; it Is sn Instrument of
husbandry carried by the Cuban peas
ant in times of peace, and Is bis one
familiar dally companion. It cuts bis
firewood, aids blm in building bis but,
baws his path through the maalgua,
and performs many other offices. The
machete is a straight, heavy blade
about two feet long, with a wooden or
bone handle, bavlng no guard; const
quently it Is utterly unsulted as a wea
pon to be used in conflict with an arm
ed man. Tbe Cuban, of course, by rsa
son of bis long familiarity with the
Instrument, is an adept in its sue, and
Its effect upon a group of unarmed
workmen is truly terrible. It is In tbs
foray against tbe defenseless and 1 un
armed that tbe most serious work of
tbe machete bas been dons In tbs lsl
and of Cuba. The Century.
Aa TJareeof etaed Star.
Dr. Edward Everett Hale tella this
story about Lowell: "When Lowell
was editor of the Atlantic, ha received
a contribution from Tbomaa Ballsy
Aldricb, then Just starting la bis liter
ary career, lie waa much Impressed
with tbe literary merits of tbs article,
and, in sending tba author a check for
tbe same, locloud a congratulatory
note, advising blm to continue writing
and to follow literature as a prefteslou.
Tbe kind tboughtfulnees was appre
ciated and remembered by Aldrlch, and
tba note wss carefully areeerved.
Years after, wbsa Aldricb hlmulf waa
tbe editor of tbe Atlantic and Lowell
sent a contribution, ba was gratified at
ret tlvlag a copy of tbe nate ba blmasif
had wrlttea years be fur a. Wbsn It is
realised that Lowell had already snads
a reputation la letters, the clause ad
vlalng aim to stick to literature bas
fuaay aigBlacAa.M'Tb Outlook,
A Weeee StfeteSlif ee,
A wentaa as a gravedliiarl Tbs
I lr see at a almost ImauMikle, bat la
tba toe a ef lwee. t-'ogiaad tars Tit
tui a, tkara is a lair wko !! lbs anV
f aettoa, Kverfkoar kaeas er,
aa4 until raoatlv ska dug all Iks
graves In lwea Ceaitury. N. at
Ike sie at 14, ska toauete fctrteif wltJt
Rlllitf tkeat e aa4 attainting la Ike
KtuuBiJs esj laasra Mrs. itel-Ike
aante f Iks eeiUaeet. If ae ran Bee
am a a tarni It a vett kaaltky all
lair, k 4 ska las been laard say
ikal ska will leave bar kst
ul It la bar lure to lata a gtava 4f
M Isr, War Iks tiasa k far 4is
teat. It Is a wwaleitttl ik U wit
Seas Ut sH Hit was lbs a4,
I l I: lOMtt M t a .Im).
er Miftm h 1 mm tKlutf "jit aa r"l"
Mi m a Mf li i vttt.M. 1 nrte
ia Iw Hi eotwt.t't'e 1't ,(rrte
(irxat IUlua,
ItlUlll'a I'll I t .tun - -
tknaWhev u)tiiiitai atl ait It'ef i
Pemember the name y
vx vhen you buy aflainV
m CEIl CU3E0
bt our fiul iMtmat ut TurSluk UmxhiI,
tut Ift IW. Mlittit Lome, Iter Lena, mtrrt
er rua irvuine, vuna m perren h J
erer were. We Make our ewe BMllMe
ail roe wutrlroauiiii well. WtiMiie
wrttt-o vueranue with lull cure. Sluele
Ho,HWhy null. IIh' PwneifT
Mianna ran Nraaissa lanarawwair
Little Reptile Has Manf Uood Traits,
One of Them lining Indastf),
Whon you regard the earthworm (or
angle worm) seriously and a good
many people have cause to regard blm
very seriously Indeed you will find
that he has some admirable traits. Hs
Is Industrious; he is a natural fertilizer
of waste and barren fields; be is domes
tic; be is patient, and, above all, ho is
:auklou. Perhaps bis caution Is his pre
dominating characteristic, unless w
except hla patience, which has been
honored In both song and story. When
an earthworm takes an airing in dry
weather he goes about It very slyly, for
he knows not what may happen if he
gets too far from home, Such being
the case, ho does not creep entirely out
of the earth, he Just sticks out his head
and enough of his body to inflate bis
lungs with fresh air. His tall be keeps
securely fastened in the ground. If
removed from his bole against his will
while thus situated, It Is impossible to
put blm back again, and it Is claimed
that be himself la unable to get back.
A rainy day is the earthworm's special
delight. Then he valiantly leaves bis
hole and promenades up and down tbs
damp, steaming earth In supreme hap
piness. He Is very fond of leaves,
however, and always likes to keep In
the neighborhood of a bunch of them,
so be ran retreat under the shelter for
refuge In rasa of sudden danger.
ttepl'l Aaeaeee ml the Jaweaeea,
Another Incontrstlbls proof of tba
rapid advance of lha Jaaita In tba
civilisation of tha West Is the follow
ing advertisement, wit Mi appeared In
aToklo paper revenllyt "A young
Udy wiahea to get married riba la
very brattliful, baa a My fa, whloli
is surrounded by dark curlv hair. i!r
eyn-tirowe hoe the friu of Uta h tlf
iitiMtn and tha wiuatti 1 aui.tll and
irrlty Hlie I alwi very rldt, wl
rea I eiiotiftt to a lutlra tha fi.itr la
lha dajlliue at lha aide f a lite eoiu
rmitli.ii, or at blrfHt '"f xu"
Ura In heaven. The waa wltm
wl! (home ma! kUo ba Vctantf Itt t I
koe aa I well ad allied, an I ba t4 ljf
to attars lha aaita grave wlllt U- fc"
laataelr litoiay niKliitvai
'lha foittitaUta a4iiif Kaa lea
arrat irrl la lettaaair Pt'Uitty, tnbrf
Uir-titje Milt I at AHlMHttM n Ulrf,
Ktlttitier tk litwr trlrftte, ak
rre, i-ura U. iWia anl J. V,
ll..l.ti, t-raVrt, H, J. utile, ltnOK
II timer., k !.,! J -IWMtMt, tk'
era, lei . iif, t. lwt-,
LomvIh, afwakrra, Jetuea Maualtaa, ,
J, Ituna.
I tM-etUv 'lr t -IWnm ll, atx-ak-
era, Jaawa Waakaa ,
Uiatv, lk nn, Seak
ef, Jaatra Mi'l .
I'tiwroiUr. tk4wlr -Weal IWh ra
rlit, ana arlmad lmaa -wakMia,
WHI ant ll-erMiHft, 3el t. Al,
ItuUt lk,Mf t -N.atb tilulf ra-
eiact, tU-ik a-Kui4 , rakef,
. j, rttuw.
Duiiunlef , I--It', atvaakart,
ttntttf, IV
Jmm UfcttaKaa,
wc:uz a
co cic:3.
Sreuttoaa eareS kf tlXO
sjrubiite Oere. aerer Sm
nth eiwl tmuii,(ii,-
wa wHtfas- to or alTTttara.
bad to pttM under the auction ham
mer reoHBtly.tand.l it brought tears
to their eyesjto aeelthelr friends In
camp and battl'pas to etrangera
All lovtrs o'ltbe'noble animal likes
to sea blm wellj: equlp(d, and look
sparkling and; proud In one of our
flnsoitk barn(Mtrimme4 and fin
ished to lha ;Qucrn'a taste, and that
yon ean rely on aa.tbell?st made.
Cook a Barlow,
225 So nth St., Lincoln, Neb.
A Chilly Autumn Evening
la mad roauforlabla aal tkeery by
btiskl, aloattta grata Srv A bt
poufcde t'l eooe ul t
Many high craic Coats
illdtew iKe dm .ea aad skill
and laoara balth aa4 soatfuti,
Vta bate Ike
ti aujllllfs of all
dcsiratlc Kinds
ataafs va kal Itt deiivtf ptmMf
tarsi I' baas IM.
Wkea kltlaaa l avaUt Ml 4 lawa
at taedy faikkrUs, saro aavMkss4,
4, I W,