The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, October 06, 1898, Image 1

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    V 'V " ' I . 1 "
Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated.
NO. 21.
Populism has Eduoated the Masses,
Aroused Interest and Set tho
Poople to Thinking.
The Peoples Party lias done Muoh
But Its Mission Is not
Yet Ended
Jliii-nlii Word of Truth,
Purer motive, nobler 01 urn, never
moved a people tfluuhi those , wblldb
moved the men and women wluo or
ganized the people' iwurty, Illdit'ulcd,
abused, slandered, we moved on, end
we were growing a the storm cloud
grow. We couldn't lie met Ui de
bate. Our as wa too plain; our
proof too positive. Newsjaipers bad
to close their column to us. The
editor guve lrl readers alamler- wot
arguments, The politician gave the
people falsehoods wot reason. They
could howl us down; they could shoot
us down j tihey could count u out.
They could not meet us la fair de
bate, and they hud sense enough not
to try.
1, on the otber hand, you moan to
omk men, now irocs it wiui the roii-
triple of populism, I any to you that
they never commanded more m-peet,
never met with the Approval vt a
burger proportion of our fellow citi
zen than they do todwy. Necessity
1 forcing1 them forward, Class legis
lation bus become so arrogant and op
jwwwdve that the masses of tbe Am
erican ticople ore stirring In profound
dissatisfaction with it. Money u
homing the b'glwlnitlon of the Jowl,
ami a-l I hutu realize It, The taxes or
ore the nmnyj Ui favor ore voted to
the few, (Jorporaite greed and lawless
ness are adding strengtlh to our rail
road plnnk. The great New York pa
pers are populist on thait question.
The railroad there are no intolerably
tyromnlcal that tbey have forced pub
lie opinion our way. At an expense of
sixteen millions of dollar tbe people
of tlhe two dtles, New York and
Brooklyn, built a mngndflcewt bridge
to expedite buatness and travel for
the people. Bribed aUJermen fto-ve
give over this bridge to the rail
roads, and tfhese have practically run
the people off their own brblge. Hence
New Yorker ee the wisdom of open
ing tlie highways of travel and let
ting the ownertdlilp of pinbllo 5ii!gli
wwy remain with the public.
I'opullet principle liave done mwJh
in the party! but they have done even
more, a a lav en. They have eductcd
lilie nwiMM, aronel initerent In' eeono
ml queMlon and put the people to
MtndyinR' public ,quet1one.
In tfhe Wiite of Gemrpltt Khey b'nve
lmTiwmitely furthered the free whmol
moveme-nt, reformn on ttie eonvlet n.v
Icrn, elennHneK In the public ndmlnl
trntloni. and the toppne of favorlte
Imn, Tliey put ft Ktop to tfhe e of
public money by the Iwinkn wltboiit
interent. We pet 2 pr cunt where we
got nothing, and I eon not we why
they should not pay more than 2 pr
cent, ' Ilreak do win the monmpirly
called "Mate depositories" amd let rlie
twink which ran oiler good security
eoirirK'le for the money, and you wll!
fret A per cent for It. The newnnp r
are ifivlng grtny praue to rue iree ii"
livery of innll synletn, whUli I now be-
inc exteill miildiy, ami wun inereu
Inir Im-iu-IU to the eop!e. Thikt In a
jxpulil nienstire, thoutpii the iMvjm
ix-r will not my po.
You iw bnve principles e1blirhed
Hint jmlfr4 klwmKl lie fletMed by the
prciiple. 'Hiwt U a Mul1t dot'lrlt.e,
pure ami Niuil ,
'Hie jHpli' (Mirly, llieivfuit,aluk
Anf itiueh, lt uiUaion a n exHn
eitt of tn inlii i iwt yet ei4liilen
nt lx while there ar Kweriuneiiltd
wnxitra to tgt, IV.nt you tielltne
that prlneiphu die! If (1h1 liv. wnn'ir
cim imt forever ruie, iwr prim-i
Ttf IHTWl.
1U men may put f"ri-e nt'(f!
rltrht; Xrik It lwm elm in it baiul
ml f, but th ktnrkleti jrwwil U
yet a ria ni be will Mtraln t thorn
rhalit. ! fiilly ihtter ltwMr
rhiiHitl th fol U tellinff th
trh wten k Tber U 110 tbl.
Tliey Mt n that dmM rule lh
MrUI: m the trliu) i to the
(.fW frtitMli llt th re l to tb
tft, th lti!e to th tro'Mf, 'ri'ev
rret t tit,N'lHM' nwiin t!t
'4mI ftfht on th ii i th tiratleat
Ve. I know !t thi. I ew
tieek at ytHi n.l tell Tt'ti thai Un
rt't nrr wttHMl Mk (H tie
r ml lht St. HWimi kU
,,ri t ki, I tell yei b I
ml pu.! !).! AWiWr
rr. 1 I'M b'r ef
Ww ! rwW t i wMi-H
tf, mrv'r tt Ct fetl
I t vin ! tk lwr tk
rrt tkkee V . !.!
Ik wr.t Of k ret
Jtt rate f Ik r'" '
tet k wlt k I k
evmir) bwl tk entnlr f It. .
Tee.4 ev wi.M H ,
Ktnyw r.MVI hI rtt tl k
.Wk ! rrfcliMfi efwl (
T te r k 4rl. t
.f wv.ti K ktfc iM
k)M Ik frl !!. f rartk
"flrk'', !. eH ft jh
tk ie ltr.iMt I fs
and call to the brave: "dome and
fljrht my battle,"
You preach to me la vnin wliea you
ay that brute torce rule the world.
I tell you no, not a Dhougaiud time
llie triumjh of force. 1 of the devil,
vile ami clefrrarilnff, omu Mitai penicli
Wliere the lire burn out the dirom. In
Ml the eaaentlal of victory, In all the
real triumph of life, nere .nl Jiew
after, there can be no victory but
riffhltno oldier moiwuroh necure of H
Wuncme ami bnppy In hi powr. Are
the liiw of the land juwtY J)o tliey
droil out equal and exact measure to all
men 7 1.
It no, jNipulUni la no otlher miwalon
out to keep them no,
Hut if the law are unjunt, tHiien pop
ulism bflj work to do, amd will do it.
Dom't you, flntter yourwlf aw;,iIui
tor for he CIiiwh', that the mwiey
que(1lon 1 aettJed, You have trot them
oxed, but not aettlml.
No nueetlon. end till the aeWbmwmt
1 Jut. Ifuve you aettled illiem ques
tion tgml
'Populism tbrow thl qncMtion at
you a a '1i1leTijre (rlove at your
feet and rhwre you to pick Itup.
I'opuJWtl never doubt Uluvt I em
witJh you, heart and oul. Your crew
warn never dearer to mci your cauee
iiiKKre wrx'rerllv 1uwt. Keen tlho ffliltHi
and tml Kite Are of your hope. Your
tline will come, wronfr may muiM
plv, but we mtmt not obmndon tbe
rl0it, mnm to your iincipie; kwitmi
by your nominee.
ownraoe: rt win come nrni it, wim
fjome all rlirbtl ftrrniewhere in Iffie
economy of tihe nnlverae trtiere i lionior
for the t'hflmjiiomi or rwntf. rvomo
wliiere fheire 1 flionor for the brave
mere who will not worship the wwnlR:,
who will tM ceaea battlltur for the
We found Ibe tree of Imitmam liiberty
ryltunted Uiere wbcm we dame dmto tlie
world: 1!t m ee to 1't thMt we leave it
K'fmndi'nflr, We found Wie wieml torcfh
of freedom bumlnflrj let u keep it lit
onid pi It oni, Jift iffhe aower die it
miit tie o: out let Him aeatter jrooa
wsmI flrKt tbere leave tlhe liarvet to
Time and to flod.
A firmlv a if my feet were on iw
roek, I IHiicve 1m fhe final triumph of
rljrlit: believe flint jimMee will yet rule
the earibj bell ve that fhe white ban
ner of imlverwail pence, irfhnll wupjilamt
Wie tiKioirea netr or war, mimic
mny come and pro, foree and fraud miy
rule Mie day, but yet and ever yet. I
believe Hint rljrht tdhflll alt on tllie
throne of the world and rule the heart
of all men,.
The cloud Cfliber. I know, and iHie
utorm and tbe dnrkne rome liporn Hie
land. The weaklinir perlWh: 'lie bird
of the day fntt end flutter amd die, but
tlie en1e JJie ar a-jre miromg or
winw and danntle of heart, riae
airalnwt 1I10 ajform, beat M way
fhroujrb it aud beyond 1t and (rivee a
fleree cry of loy a Ihe lt,be hi winsrw
In tbe aunHirbt altove tlhe eloud. rxh,
apirt of ponullwm! be tlhou the enfrle,
to rle aowlnwt tlhe atorm, aud' rive in
the wmlltrlit beyond when the teimpeet
I pned and pone.
Un, Mll Hiaket Foriiiil Call on Col
llrysn Which th Anuf Marllneln
Hiijr Wi InHliulHbIe.
There vo trreat excitement in the
Alfreriue tmnip 1(mmi(cI lu the war de
triment when it bei-amc known tluit
(ieutiral Mi It's had uiuk a f.ill on Coil.
llryau. The Waahintrtou oorraioud-
eutjt Miy that it wua the talk or the
town, luitJi aiuonaf unny oliicer auu
It in not otmtonuiry for major geii'
era it to iv!l upon wriuientiil cmn
iimrwlerH. and Mill ha tixule only
till one exception to the rule. He dirt
not cull on (ieiieral Sfliafter iior Gen
oral Wibwm when they enmo to town
from Culm and Puerto Rico, and be
ha not left a curd for (ieiieral Greene,
wbo ha Jut nrrlvftl from the Philip
pine iftluiMl ami I tftoppinir at the Ar
button. There have been no end of
ot1nr lrlraHer penerul ami cokHie'.,
ilU'lililltitr (oloucl IiiHWfVelt, In WHfcll'
Inirtmi nlm-e the war clfxnil, and they
Save all pni.l their rewt to the jren.
f-ral ntiniiMmiHuir the army, Hut the
iretsrral cnninamlinir the armr ha iwrt
taken the trouble to return tht'lr vlit
except in a iiirle (nntMnee, atul thnt
n when h wnt ikiwn to the Xfetm
ni!tan iMttel, and en hi eanl 1o the
tunnel of tb Thlnl Nrtmk. H wa
only friitil call. Other prrn
wre prewnt at th Interview, bihI
twiiinir f ltnrtnnce or lnteret tun
nut on rrther Me, wit the iitvwniat
ad bn receiel tarlou liilrejeelii
! Ill4 ! Amm
! t ItlM-IM l ftt
Tt rtrriiUMrivt lilnn'tMi hi th
"ImMi mM t'iiutwliiM-r I to r
iu4T fir it Mii.piliKi v C't
thw I'iiImiii UM nn Ut Ik MMMnent uf
) eutltfk f the wf Wleti Kji
I hI il HiaiMi nl lb If thv
oil ri.tilt ikt tkr r ta Ikat
Ik WM k HMtM Hp ttl k Urn id
thw 9iiMnk Ml Ik pwuetwlMM I
A Hi it rk!ii(ei, Ik laieii.
tliwt r ht ihuIa IS flifctnUH rVki
l t a '.(' atvMppirttnt, eei b
lif Mitll. If fkU aixtHkl pm In.
Mli, tkv e h trMir ail Ik
If Ik 'tlfl (! nlMWtM kep
ii UmI l I n.. ia Mfiki
l itlsk NtiinlHlHni tm,w prr
l Wi MWtlMpMiMI 11 Ik fiMIIMeiM
I lief Ore' Piti Mr lr In
riem mm U K mmI In
f hiweilnMl Htemt H
Poople of Linooln Turn Out By tbe
Hundred to Hear Silver Dis
cussed at the Oliver.
Audlenie Larger Tbon Greeted
Ilayward When He Opened
tbe Republican Campaign.
KathnlRin Lnbouoilnd,
Tho fuaion force held a meeting
Monday night at the Oliver theater
which urprbied everybody on. account
of the very lurgo audience tha-t turned
out to Lear the money question (lU
cunaed. The free silver men were as
much surprbed at the lorgene of
the crowd a were the republican,
The fuaion force have no dully paper
In the city and there wo no bran
band. The meeting had been adver
tlttud by tlie dbtrtbutloa of a few
band bill and yet there wa a larger
audience preaent than, that when
Judire Ilayward. the republican cuu-
dklute for governor, opened the gold
KUuiiaru utte campaign.
Ihe Qicetlnir wu adurcssea by the
free Uver candhlate for eongrc Jn
tlii district, Mr. Miinulian and
Judge lumi of Omalia. The specchc
weie devoted amowt excluvlvely to the
money quctlon. Mr. Manahan, how
ever devoted iilmoat exclusively to
hammerliiff Burkett, the cold tand-
ard candidate, la which he mtule it
very plain to the audience that Jiur
kctt had run away from a chnllcngo
to dlMcutt the qucilon wlilcb the
voter were called upon to deckle in
the comlni? election.. Mr. Manahun
1 delivering over the d'iatrlct in which
lie ay to the people that there is
very kmie auJerence oetwcea thpu-
liKt, deiruocrat, free allver rpubli
can and republican on the money
quention and there would be practi
cally none, if they only understood
each, other, They all believed in the
coinage of silver, only the republicano
thought the beat way wa to buy the
ftilver, coin it and pay it out. and the
other partle wanted th government
to allow the people to bring the sii
ver to the mfut and let the irovern-
ment coin it and give them buck the
dollar. Mr. Hurkett tells the people
max tnere 1 pracucany no difference
in mene two procee. The republi
can party i all the time coi.ndnr il
ver, and then he pull a silver dollar
out of hi pocket of this year coin
age and how it to the audience.
When Mr. Burkett planned that tort
of a campaign, be no doubt clearly
aw umi 11 would not do to allow a
free silver man on the same platform
with him and that wo the reason ho
refuacd to Join iaaue in a diaciudon
Mr. Mnnahan ays that Mr. Uurkett
acciiMc him of running on three plat-
ronrm, nut it appear that Mr. Bur
kett 1 iryinir to rnu ore four.
the creat audience, the unlimited
enthuaiaem, tho cxntant attention
dunntr the whole meeting In which
nutioiinl Ihhuch alone were under cou
aideration, ahowa that the people of
Lincoln at leaet are juat a much in
earneat and juht a determined to
njrlit out thw money queation to a
finish a they were in the middle of
the hut presidential wiTiixi!rii. Any
man who would look upon that Inrpe
and enth iihliiKlic audience and then
ay that the intercut in the free aand
unlimited eulmifre of allver 1 dyiny
out, would any that the uu never
fchone or that there wa no auch thing
11 nay oul lllR-ui,
AKiVr ub or lM tw f t.
trurl. ream III Writing.
lu a Icier to Jtwph Jl. Stewart, May
10. PIT:
"IUmiV of lu Uiv Um rtvu kit 11
of the wf.ij luhvn vt our fort him
mul c4ihIciw rxpUnle theui at
their will. In ix'pviuir IUikUiimI we do
It. I weiii Ui eoiMtlvr that bk Ir-iu.
e lixtine lit, ettiiw4pv-iMi'. Th bunk
miutMt I oiie if th iiuwt tUreattiMiif
if tlniM. imilaiiutui. U k ruUtog u l
t iiM.iM rl orUrUit raev li our euunlrv
Ith'.'i Um linahr iw IImi rovrriuiwivt
l defit'.M
lit wricuf hi ir, Tbomna (mi'.
Jmmry K Kit, In -kiiig of U
nuiMMi iuiUtitiiMi mM coiilrnfUvti lt
lailill Iwprr, l. vl
"It U i-nw-l itMit hH revtdutUwi In
iwli f.iriuin ahoukl b the n,tr-
. r ef ri.itkw Uhker. iUs ImMmmI
t.r ni.l.ilr ttnlr rpit. If hT
lliev Mil, In wurM lur ihI erf
i-f.i i'titut, Mik It a iiMtruutm t
in i.tri'KWM i ti iihanr f lmik
iv with wifttaiir
kkS r k irwe wf Ha itMrf4 mli I
irt er tlr,"
lm,We c 4, . th .W ol
t.i,k Imik k mUi
"W mrm w wttk4M ny ,) I ttm
wt ft wl ft lrl,4lM
! n! !), tl mat Me 'l
rwxe trity' .i. ir Hl.lnl ,
WI !! a , Omurre wm
tr ik Mit.iM, m wi(ki i
iwj4. a.' I lk mm ikr wm tt tk
nMM4 ef ttBf( tinki ht
NMMelv kHi tk4r mMtM
fK MreH Mil, U a Vf fc Jss
Ikutlurte Suy, apeaklng1 of treoeuiry
note, tie wild:
"The banking confedei-acy and tlie
ireeitshanite bound to tluem by tilietr
deb'tm) will endeavor to t'ruWli the cred
it of tluese niotee, 'but tHie counitry 1
eagi'r for tmem a aomouwng they ean
trut to, ami 0 nootv as a eomvenilent
quantity of tliem can get in'to clwula-
'nwiii', the iMtiiiik note die." ,
Ire writing to Mr. 0a:l latin, 0dto1er
10, 1815, he ald:
"Put dowti the IjanOiD, ami if thin
country could not he carried 'through
the ionfffiat war awninm our momt pow
erful eiienny, without ever feJling Ui
want of a dollar, without dependence
on, the tialtorou oIiuwhh of our oka-
sont, wllfliout 'beartlnir liwird ore the re.
source of the people, or leaving tflie
puiiiio with an lndeiireite purden of
debt, I Know nothing of my courotjry'
men. Not by any novo pralont, not
by any wiarlmareterici, but by ordlnwry
and1 wen erperienieedi mean; py tUie
total nmliibltion of all nrl volte ikiimt
at all tiini'j. py miiHonablo tuixtt of
war. rnided- oy tlie rmmiry emweion
of public paper of circulating ine, thi
txtJtomei 011 iqMiai inxe rcdeemnoie
only a tli1 pwIl tax come in, and
finally wltMn a niofterate penorl."
Ire writing to Prenldentt Aluma, Jan
uary 24, 1814, ihe Muld: -
J uiave ever boom tlie eniwiy of
tiank, Not of thoee diiiwou'ntilnig for
ciinih, but of tllione foiirtjnfr their own
paper in'ro olrculntlon, and tlliti imn'
IxJiinycr our cnht My wal ngnlnut tlioee
Inwtiltutiloni wa m warm and1 open at
tbe e4(nllMunent of Mie IVank of tlie
Untliod Hliulv that I waw derlded oa a
mnniloc by tllie trllie of Imnik monger,
wliO were iwekinr to fll!!li fromi the
public their iwilndllnff anid barren
How Tbcy Ilve Ud lh rranbln I'rlvl-
li-K In Mbrk,
fiewdrd, Neb., Oct. 3, 1808. Dear
ftir: Ire your letter thi week you call
attention! to the fact that the republi
cam are alrnoab working themselve
In; to iwmm over the fact Uhot Beno-
tor Allore favored iwirt of a peedh to
hii eoiiKtitucjiiiU.
I wanlt to call your attention to ome
WiMg in till line wlnkfh there Mime
ptteiinodio riipubliean , are doing.
W utMn the ymt week immured or en
veio)e under Hie frank of liore. I. W.
Iiabcoek, M. C, from Wlnconwln', liave
bcre reeeiveil by Be word oounty vot
er. But lnwtend: or coiwining tnem-
k-Hvc to eendlnir out a Copy of J. W.
HnilK;k'e upeexji alone tliey bave ire
eluded peeohe on 'lrawtt.W,' 'Prow
uerltr Siviee McKirtlev Klefrtlon Be-
puwtcan Vmgm" "( iroevenor on
IJemoeratlc OpjKiidtloni," awl ila Koine
- . . ... -
cne a couple ol cople 01 one or tine
Now. I would like to ak Uhewe re-
pirtl'iean limvler tnronrli you if it
I wrong for Senator Alleire to end out
a part of one pee?h under one frank,
bow mucflv woree i it for theee tame
republleanw to send out four, five .nd
wix epeetflie mode by' a mnmy differ
ent meni under Ulie franK or J. v,
BnlKwlf. Very trulv vour.
W. 1. SMITH.
They Pon t Hivnt to Know Whnt Kind of
(Invcrninvnt to Met up In.lli Con
Ui'r(l I.IdiiiI.,
Wiwdiintfton, I). C, Sept. 28. Hie
great quentlon now before tbe admki-
ihlniion in whether we Khali muke col
onlc or territories of CuIju, Piie-rio
IUio, Hawaii and the Philippine;
Wht-uher we ahull annex them to the
Unted islnte and irive them a voiee in
our government with Arizona end New
MexicVi or make them uetiemleneie
ami allow them to govern theniMdvea
under our Hutierlvilon ami protection
tireat 1 m in in, wuien iia tie en. the
nmntt iKH'eKr.ftil of all nation in ac
quiring and governing colon leu, lut
puraiied the latter policy. Spain,
which line iieen the moat unueeeuirul
eohmlicer of any nation In hlntory,
tin puixiicd a (llfTifent tmllcv. A
MrttUh erlony ia practically Indepeml
emt. It i a)loil to pivrm itnelf, to
iimke it own krw. to impoMi It own
taxrw, to dlNbur M own revenue,
Ui ebet it own official and to f xer-
eUe every other futwtUm of tet
exempt to carry on rflatlon with for-
etirn imwer. nie latter ntiertv t
will. li-M wmiliMiily, iw I aettwGy
riivnl with 111 eo-OperMi of lh
liiiprrhtl iriivrrnnimt. I now til on
trtel by Ihe blrh krfiit mmmUftion
n mnwUmi liuel Th Tieiiollathtn
Ffing on tker ar rnntlueted by th
litiHiv, tb HHtlnb eriien
kevtnif tmm repeenriiNitli'e out of liv
h th PrtnTnlin Mhetever U ikwt,
hram pr, I hIiIm-I In the iprol
ami et4ne1loii f h tiii)ierU !
rKereene, re.. Iwt. M .t)ti
llenvml MHerr U aitH.iHlr t lh
jlMei ef f th V nxn.
;! d tfm wr Mil lawn Aiier
ir iw "i of I uo of m
Utni Irt tri k ml! wiiK k4r ew
kinl. Msm f tkvnt mrn 'mm
rM kiM4M ma Wild rl bi
Mr i illUm, Slut tit ttl r
fr fklr , TMr pr.4,i
mrrint ikem ttM Ik v.lnnl rn iVx
IhiI we K Nt rr iter
;ia hm mtMleemi nut m rfuew ! w
r. t 1Uee V H, k lk
rkanre f Ike tbie7 tmV
.Wktre lkl tk p will km fw
h, tl ! rt Ik
lime, HI fli! .bkw w aJf
lt-r ail fiwMl,
Tbe Old Ring in the Saddle Tbe
Old Gang in the Management of
the Republican Party,
Some of tbe Queer and Devious
Ways of the "New Blood"
in the 0.0. P.
A Itavlew or th Can.
The people of Nebruaka refuaed to
elect Tow Majors and Jack MeCall to
(111 the executive chair of thile Mtate
becauie they were the tol of (tiho B.
& M:. railroad, and OUlier corporaitlon
of tlhe n'tu'to. I Ilayward' an improve-
nicjiit over Major and MeUaUV Be
coinee up at UhJ time with the pr-
tenitions made py the republlcaia jwrty
tlhat the iMirty Iliad beoa rotrereerutcd
anil pui'ilwl and tliat tlie Ixxxller and
deiauiiter nad been relegated to the
rear. ,
Bet ii nee if the party hue bceu
purged of it old dwrnntuitors and
IxxxlJer. At tlieir eounity convention
here in Banouetcr co unity Ulie BimI
Blndwey and Cap. Billlniffwley element
Iwul complete oonitrol of the convere-
tlore thnit secured the nomination- of
Burketit for conirren ia tli.1 dbftrict,
knocking out Judge Hall whone bon
ety awl irofcegrity bllghtttd hi oppor
tunifty ire ihl regenerated party,
The at ate convention doml mated
and1 controlled by tbe name old clique,
tlhe Bedaund, BHllngley, Llnrtney,
Hiiyworda, liredi Blaughter. Tliere
was hardly a pew man prominent In
the eon vent lore. It will be rememnered
that Brnd laughiuer wa the elilef clerk
of tiie bouee wluen the repuiblican par
ty wa robWntr the tax payer of the
state la nearly every conceivable way.
Under the management ol Jvnul
SlauxHlvfer it coat tlie etoite more to
eomlle the bonne joitrnnl and leginla-
tive manual ire low timn it u'm1 to
botb prinlt and compile them, ire 1897
innder tbe preaenit adminfetratlon.
Who is at the bend of their state
committee managiing tlie onmpalrn of
Kliene reirenerateJ candidate? 11. 11.
fV-Hmieider awl P. 0. Hedlund, Sdhnei-
der 1 owned body and breeches by tbe
raiilrowls of Mie atnte. r. o. Jlwunnrt
bns been conineeted with the old riag
no long thnt fwie would Jiave to go to
tlhe recordi to see wbea bl namewr
first entered on the pay roll at the
enp((oL He was deputy under 'Gene
Moore for four year and) wa the re-
fiubliean candidate for state auditor
n 18!fi, If Ihe i so pure, bonest and
upright a to serve at the head of thi
regenerated party, why did he not ex
pose 'Gene Moore when be knew Ohat
he was robbing the State by taking the
people's money and appropriating it
to bin own tine- Why (lid be betray the
confidence of the people and allow
'fierce Moore to violate but omtlh of of
fice by auditing the claim of Joe Hart
ley for $180,000 wben be knew tbe
state did not owe Joe Hartley tlhl
amount. The vounher upon whioh
this warrant wn drawn by P. O. Hed
lund, deputy state auditor, for $180
000 1 part of the records of the audi
tor' office awl ean be seen by any one.
and upon investigation it will bj found
tflmt 1b la roucber was drawn to Hart
ley peraonnlly and not ns state treas
urer, I
It mov le pnM In tbe outlet thnt
Hayward 1 no Improvement over Ma-
tor nnirl MrtJiu. in the first place,
Haywaird la the most radical partisan
man In, tlie stnte, so much so fhat if
eleeted he would lone sight of justice
anil equality to further the lnrteret
of hi own political party. In the sre-
ild place he 4 controlled Ty the II.
M. rallroAl, having been tbe attorney
for 1b is company for years, and In
fact that be did not want to rum for
iravcrnor, a he knew that his chance
were better to lie elected to congres
In the Firwt district than it was for
governor. But he wa the choice of tbe
It. r M. rmilrond ( imttinr. ami It
I a fm-t that be told J mice Baker t a
ha been stated, tbst th B. . M. rau
rnml eoinpsny wouUI no kt him run
for eoturrm. Ilnvwnnl mm pot ibntnl
to deny tbU ttement of Jmlg lkik-
er. lite proie Priieve jimiw mifcer,
imI timbimtand why lie w lurnel
town last fnH for eblnnti of the r
iilil.nn stste eonvritlioti, Tk miim
okl rinir domlnnteil by tb II. A M.
ttinml him down tnu rU rr sover-
nor lieesims h ilnml to envUt In hU
lour is of their rlnir fe robblnff
tbs t of over isno.oon, ,V,w lUy-
wnl I-Im.. to tli old ri'r k ha
im ftnly krbml o iwtmlnsi '! liwt
very miu)l ii .kfulirr in the tt
but b ! lo Ikfif reaeus In i9t
when sniine ef them were tmne4ie4.
ih defelniel them (e Ooshs IW
ml Krarne Hub), ll U eiieidy
imiinl Is rr"i rln'le 1tl If llV
wnl is etei-leil. m U h rbM iWrt-k-y
eul ef Ik iieidieniisry, Tkli
Into eoMt,lemlln Ik lurnletT down
f linker soil IWirlVf rt rft
vks any eosfn4s, tker I
rnot lo keen say fit.N l Iks t' l
rt sol ef tk foeeww, ekslr, tl
will rentes, tiered ll reiniblb
ens nsivsattiMt tki fa'l pswml any
4u1ks es.lvmeln UHI- of n
ikee rpnb!ks !irftee, Mr, art
Wr win sak s eoes sstii s
ee wkftksf se Hrnt I
.! m pertt ks wdl ek ss
lexMint all tr ttrr.l I tiefMteil
Usssoiett a tk okl rlns wlH !
les all l tkel pmwr M f '
Iks eln f Iks i soveensvssl.
When kry fm Y. Ik lled'.n! t tk-
heml of their committee they struck
tlie old machine a blow that It will
not outlive during this campaign.' P.
0. Jledluiml might bave saved the peo
ple of tliis state $10,000 that BaTty
ntole if lie had) bad honesty and, back
bone enough to bave refused to audit
that claim and exposed Hartley as it
was bis sworn duty to do.
Tills is the kind of man Mr. Hay
ward Ihas selected to run caiapaiiK'ni,
Why tUd' they select Mr. Hedlund?
Simply because they bad to, as there
might bave been a rebelMou against
tho old ring. Tliere are otlher evi
dence bbnwing tbat tlbat Hayward
belong to fhe old ling, some of which
are these: '
He I tbe honest republican that
pledged himself to the County att mey
of bis couinity (Otoe), Mr. Jensen, Wlio
had responded to tlie president s call
to go i a defense of hi con mf y's honor,
1 say be pledged bimseli to Mr. Jes
sen, tlhe counlty attoruey, to take bis
place and fill it honestly ami to the
best of hi otblldty While be was gome
to war. How did be do it?
By refusing to prosecute a republi
can, defaulter, Mr. Ebrlght, superini
tendent of tbe Institute for the blind
at Nebraska City, who had beea found
miort by a comTOattee appoinited bv
the legitebrittire, ,
The eounity attorney. Mr, Jesaen.
brougilit this suit and bellved Ebriirbit
to be guilty, as Senator Mut bad
imttiered) anil compiled evidence
against Mm to such an extent that
Jensen entertained 00 doubt of Eb-
rigliit' guilt. .
On the monunff of Mar 20. the dar
t for trial, Senator Mutz appeared
with; bis witnesses ready for trUd. He
expected Judge Hayward would' prose
cute tllie case a be woe tbe eounity
attorney. But after wai ting some
ncoiiw ujo uvur iut vrisi, ear.
ilayward Had not appear and Senator
Mutz telephoned bdm at tbe office ami
he refused to bave anything to do with,
the cane, and after abuslnar Mr. Mutz
by the use of tbe most vile language,
umoeeomung' 10 a gentleman, Mr. Mutz
asked him why be refused to prose
cuite tOie case. He said it was because
it would oast reflection uoon bim and
other dtlaens of Nebraska City. And,
being tunable over the phone to pour
out bis reform republican vile epithets
upon the populist who had been desig
nated by tbe legislature to hunt down
and help to prosecute these default
ers, be soon arrived et the court bouse,
burst into the court room not as a
gcntleman and bonorable man would
aproaob a court room, but as an war
civilized savage, and there abticed Sen
ator Mutz for carrying out hie sworn
duty, using the coarsest, most vulgar
and profane language that is possible
for any border ruffian to use.
Is this tlhe kind of a man to grace ,
tbe executive chair of Nebraska? A
man unrefined, a man who violates hi
pledges, prostitutes and degrades the
position of one of our boys in blue at
the front in defense of our country
and flag? Is there anything lower to
wbicJh a man can stoop? Would you
so degrade the state of Nebraska by
electing a man. like tbi to fill the ex
ecutive chair? A man like this would
be danigerous in a public place. It
Is well known that bad tbe case ntt
been dilsmissed by a republican judge,
but gone to tTinl, sure enough one of
Nebraska City' regenerated republi
cans would bave been humJlitated and
reflected upon to the amount of about
$.100. ,
Tliis is wby Mr. Ilayward refused to
prosecute tbi ease a he was afraid
tbat it would reflect on bim as be bad
been paid $300 by Ebrlc-ht ttleirally as
rtin le shown by the voucher. Mr. Eb-
nght drew up a voucner In favor of
Ilayward and Hayward testified that
it was a just and correct claim against
the state toy attaching bis l (mature
thereto end the claim was rejected by
Auditor Moore. (A claim that 'Oene
Moore and I. O. Hedlund would re
ject, must have been awful rotten or
they were left out of tbe deal.)
By the triplicate voucher on file at
the Institute and other evidences
would imMento tbnt Mr. Hayworrt's
claim wna returned rejected and Mr.
Kbrlgli paid Mr. Hayward $30u out of
tho cof fund at the Irntltntion. Now,
If any on doubt thi. It ean be proven
by a triplicate voucher end a letter
from Mr. I3rlght to rVnatcr Mut?
stnitirtf thnt he imlil Mr, llevwwnl out
of the cash fund. Now, If 'dene Moore
rejected thi claim because It wa lib
"cul ami not a Just claim resins! the
tate, atul Mr, llaysrd knew It td
leen rejected for "the above reasons.
and then received tbe am 011 n't cart of
tbs rash fuml of th Institution, wh
in he nol jisrt a ruiity a as Mr. Mill
bo we sentenced to nix years Is lh
I x intent in ry ir TeeeiviiisT larrs
mount from th county treasurer of
llMriait eounity on itepovit is hi bn
lhn hd been ilesignoted by th sous
ty eisiimlwioner. Mr. Milts wsa om
vute.1 by Iks district court ami th
mipreni cVmrl utlnel th tleeUlen,
lit eimnlv Iressurer of llsrlss rows,
t v wn ilefsultsr ami Ik eiMHi fceld
thai Mr. Milk wss urtr te th rrtiu
mm k k. received Is kl hsak Ufan
tl fsdnl s psrt sf tk mount ltnl th
iresnuretf wss short, Mr. Mrtl,t Is
m ilefuiier ami tker U a utt ivsUss
irlnt klnt snt kh rHMlnues for U
revnery of this nlHrtr-
If Mr. lUvwsnt receive.! 100 of tkl
k.4ys U k sot a ut?if a Mr. V lesv tkl fr tks ee ki
deienslas Issevsis a lsvwwei k
iitel. ns It Is wt.:
tkst Ik tet.k f tk sfl kavlnf
tk tesal lilt terse of sy Ut Is Ik
Stolon, wonkt ke fdUk seswrH " M
Miss llks tkt ere kses Ht
llnlmvK Ik osst ffwsersmf tksl tki
ressil ski ! sr !, Tk )
SSlV W seokled SV Sottstf f Ik
mestse wKo essswl V krhet, tv
Its, A. iN'rstsf, wksx If Wlel, ti
ml sn tk rrltskls f tk
ale ist luks,,ibi Wf sff.