The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, September 29, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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    wim UDDTiiiMi lunonnunn
4 11E MfiDnnsnA inifirAnybn 1
$ept, 29, 1098
Vka IUaklla rr(r ( MeKIlr
Rat th PHf of Llacola,
One of tbt moil widely known edu-
oatora, authors and historian! in th
lata, and a man woo ban on several 00
easioni bold pobllo offloe, baa dag op
and aunt to Tba Citizen the following
prophetic worda contained in President
Abraham Lincoln's first annual message
to congress (Dm. 8, 1861), wbioh niaka
nighty interesting reading in these
daya of perverted and fallaoioos politi
cal economy, part bosslsin and oapi'
taliatio tyranny
It In nut nld nor fitting her that a
general argument should be mad in tutor
of popuhir Inatltutbro, but thar Is on
point, with 1U connection not so hack
neyad ss moat others, to which 1 ask a
brief attention, It la ttia ffort to pine
eapltal on aqual footing with If not above
labor In th structur of government, It
t aaaunmd that labor la available only In
eonnaoilon with capital; that nobody la
bora utile aornabody else, owning capital,
somehow by th uaa of It Indun him (0
labor. Thin sssurnsd, It la next consld
rod whether It la best that capital ahull
hlr laborer, and thu Indue them to
work by their own consent, or buy them
and drive (ham to It without their con
aunt. Ilavlr.g proceeded o tut, It I nat
urally concluded that all laborer ara ei
ther hlrsd laborer or what w call slaves,
and, further, It I asaumad that whoever
I one a hired laborer I fld In that con
dition for life.
Now, there I no such relation between
eaplltil and labor a mummed, nor la thera
any such thing a a freeman being Axed
for life in th condition of a hired laborer,
llotn lhM bmm 11 nipt Ion are fill, and all
Inference from them ara groundless,
Labor I prior to and Independent of cap
ital. Capital I only the fruit of labor and
win Id never have eslstcd If labor had not
flret slld. I th u parlor of cap
Itttl and dmterve rnuoh th hiiir eonsid
ration. Capital ha It right, whloh ar
a worthy of protection any othvr
right, nor I It denied that there I and
probably lwy will b a relation be
tween labor and capital producing mutual
benefit. Th error I In uni!ng that
the whol labor of aommunlty eslets with
in that relation. ' ' No man living ar
more worthy to b (runted than time who
toll up from poverty, non tea Inollnsd to
Ink or touch aught whloh they have not
honeitly earned, I ft them bit were of sur
rendering a political power which I hey
already jwiesees and which, If surrendered,
will aurely lot used to clo I ha door of
advancement kuIiiI euch a they and to
fix new dlriililllllo and burden upon them
till all of liberty shall be lost.
Thoughtful persons, airmailing and
rereading the above, cinot help but
eotno to the conclusion that the grout
commoner waa ahlo to get pretty dis
tinct view of tlifl modern class etrugglo,
though it was in it incipiency in bia
day. The tool of production wna in
orndo form, tho mnchuulo wan indo
pnndnnt and surrounded by natural op
portunities, tho unemployed army wua
unknown, and the then pnwerf ul middle
class was in ita swnltb of power and
prosperity, and tho strangling trust was
not dreamed of.
Vet Lincoln, after analyzing the re
lation of labor to capitol and, hour in
mind, at period when the capital in t
labored and the ma of workeri own
ed capital or received the lion'a share
of tbe produat of their tollwan poli
tician euough to attempt to burnioui.o
wbat he anw wore boetllo elements, al
though bia strong sympathy for the men
of toil and hi hatred of oppression
foroed bint to utter bit fumoua warning
to lubor about surrendering it political
Tbe Republican purty of Lincoln's
day and the Kcpublican party of Mo
Kltiley'sduy are two distinct parties.
Wbile 40 year ago the purty stood for
tbe freeing uud ennobling of labor, to
duy the purty is attempting to degrade
aud enslave labor by spreading the per
nicious doctrine that oapltuliMin niUHt
be protected aud subsidized so tbut it
may in turn protect lubor, thus boldly
declaring that labor is dependent upon
tbe capitalist class, the fallury tbut Liu
ooln pointed out
Imagine McKlnley making tho decla
ration, "Labor is prior to and Independ
ent of capital," or "Labor is the su
perior of capital aud deserves much the
higher consideration. " And then pic
ture to yourself, if you can, Hose Manna
giving ntttiruuee to these word: "It
them beware of surrendering a political
power which they already pomixe, and
which, if surrendered, will surely
need to close the door of advancement
against such a they and to fli hew dis
abilities aud burden np.ut them till all
of liberty shall I .t "Cleveland
Caarag aad I vwardlee,
The New York Voice ptrtlneutly
atksi " Whf U that tu facing Internal
fin- we ara rtiwarda? Wby U il (hat a
Hat km that has th courage to tight and
win a war for frwdotu
will sit in slum white it great t it.
are ruled by 'ring' and thieve, audo r
rapt lHie pluudt f II rt mt stele.)"
Tiie Volte might gi futlher and ak
"Why i it that sottteof b Hifhl t fif
"frwrdolil' DivUiwUm at ill iituit
parlt f lite ring, thhm and orrut
pluudeftng Ummt C ltidltti f f"
wuM U ihi 11 rm fe a higher i id.
i f IsUllineii. sud iHAubixkl in t a I a
trio in - hn In war. i..i (,, U
Wat lituv tkwr at tUtf jei UwIui
ara mw lu(tuttMn If the aiu4 4 lit
U tltttut aal ll i lttidi if rrgt
Hteuial wiaiiiueuu th tythrua
t Mh the r lwg4 Ain,
thi ai h.i wki.i git tt b Djjht fvt
f4tm" tM I (ty t ttud
lug ! i- da u t tiv4 II U
MM 1 1 figbl 14 it, Ml. In b i wu
leUltt, It stuiiMlmiUs
ItiuiMS M lUtMHfd i:auinf.
lUm4 Xlr I lha Mm t a Jla
tivm wkly .Vtu.. t at g At
Hlgkl I (ut tank, ti U ihifM ui gul4
kg ltitt y A U gita aa w
ti it tf (Sitiglveeiw) lMHui (
Indiana wnk vw tun. ting ii.i.fcf
alllM4, V iJ 4ii 14 the ki gii by,
td tv U'4 II ai4 iMblug akmt
lhwi Ufa rvsia, eet he a a
ealitt ( frvea IVIitato,
waikM leu hint 4 liMalll tlia klm
Ml tf lftiaa 14 Waaiet.i u4
fiwJ kiaa t luit In Naw Veth aJuag
wua th im tt huj Walt Mm ftlaaOt.
lMiVef Ht4
Ileangertner' Trouble.
WJJlllirlni Itumgwrtsiier keq a beet
giinl-a. He liltu two skma wtlio leave
hoen allttdiing the hh minxA, Orne
la lleiw wwl Ui oilier la DMrmnk.
Umtik k wow a clerk in a loiwyw'g of-
lico aial Diwlriwk tia a asitnita'tioai. In
a iai-nk. The different eiwlroineiiitai
of Wie two iwya fiit Mid tine effoot of
tiMKklntf Je.i(Kt:it a gvWi uiimmi exi
vocil, wthila llsiiiai 1 liU tar trw il
ver, Tliw tawyr for wJiiriii liuina
work la a Inn silver Tiwllkun. The
dlilTennca In opinion m:iiwtiti 1ie two
bo j a inulko a. lt of IrouJle for Utile
tkl imw w3i love W j4 jhi UwH be-"
u-ittt fiiltiuk', lie wiu telwoK 0. fit p no
u4 y troirlU- mwj oKiher day. lie nViuli
"M'ia two ixxy. 1 jmut ktAV vu d
unit 'if 11, They quarrel unml iiiii,rrl,
Veu I Mi'y you (ki der iuIm- mold g'o
Ui Ih'1, Uiey go to Ixit but they nrnl
wtioji lr iiuumt, Ttiey liiul a jrig f)gbt
uUxrt dcr monetiiry t'onwrcK, 1kI
nick h auy 'Wwet mi v'iu vmn ivutn
New Vci-y wililwt vum one itosntiM'
miiiiii mvy t'hut 1jIim faHHiifr -lfim yum
uOl Mi uKuii.t ! invciiiUr. They
iiiek m tiiiwiy iniunK'.hiKnn uiiitl tliey in
vi-utt, m ummy t'liinfi Uliltt itKiktv ulill the
bri ! iiiu. Jmi J liioie lie my vmn umn
O'iiK f'nol. If dcr lirvnit nwike
UvUnn full why (hm't he kill Dh n
ven'twa? Ji'ii Jiliriwk lie any. Yu're
a lion, Ankl Jlntw )ic ati'vi Vour a
goli jmi, on!' l.licy tuwyvM it ttf hoImc.
VJ I imt evmrk I11I1MJ pix- hn H'iu-v
Winy jimww at nil. TSum wihcn t'li-y
vinwt Umt, i)iilrim k lie auy iwioIt
11 g nuiii Miy yv 1koI 'llfni'ly iai nwmvy,
HAit gvri't la u III t(h uuMwy wb wiitiit.
Then J I an Jiv wiy tilui t umn mw pg er
UnA tin tlioit wWit on it; cuiihc, 1ic my
in 'Ida in-x't x'i1i we lilniw'l (((A inkAi
ey i'nu'li (iinl wtnnllJ bli'e Kiii:k' Ui
Mwiie brxiiMind iinii'uon, iimm niMiwy,
'1'hwi ll)i"V Hirfit mH1hdr nwnittlia enwiK!
inritri', mwl Jlonei b grt'ni) (mi 1ilie nrlil-
dl! of the toilili! and yell: 'nstut atwne
1iA my iMiioiioit trt WfMwy Mun
iitiliiliitf 1m do vtiilr ln'ic-M ii'Dirl
iicoii-y I t-iUrniuDi unwl it 1iinir't iimoiiIi
'cutiM! lit wanted v t'viiMuiiliI' nij;EiyiiUi
of ItfLper money, 'Wivm WmkUk
tfli'rvi. liwim fix ih-r Imililn .nH li'iak
dcr d'uVlieei, VV'liM slliluill 1 do 111 (Icin
Htykl If il'r nk wuiiit lWcddcvk
Ut In; a pM tmtf ilnlt 4 11OI I'iglit, lint
ilW nrh Khloirlil liini HlM.tfH
aUrsti-sj mu nt wiy two tlnnw, ww t?ut
mwy rmrmuh awsrl wtwitt n brflowuiH
itvflUiKiiM rniioiy1, I oVutd't wtinlt dcr iti-
virnilioiw htuiitf I'lilvr. f)n of 1Uivn ino'ke
a 1xr foui'ct kil butter t'hi.u inw tU
oim-a. It dlou't moke dcr li'r U-vm hi
dur jirlcc. Hut Uim pnym Uhvy dt4ivis
nw irnw.y"
'line IIUMI fTHtl NlW JelVM-y UllfeMt.
Wircmltt mtt bia otiiim (mild crti:
"MoSiey hliH noMiii tntt wHfli. iri'c,
AimI wIk miy M ima, Jin Vm,
"Rik fljiko and .levvme (iiiiI M'ill.
Weiw Mlmiiry wlika'kiiiir JId' ftki.
All 1 mni kiM'W 1 1 l lung' imi'JII
W fouirok'd our gtdd eHWieiiipd
"lo n't, to o-lil A4l.m11 HumMi,
Or IliMveitt r (VuU- Mifltt,
VUt HeiuA thny taught b a mytltli.
Hut UuMmii tf) niroivvi'IKviiDcMliiil,"
- t, 11. Tiimr.KH.
kept Awake at Might.
Lincoln, Neb., Kent., M, 18!8.-
(Jeorge Miller, resldinu; at 1711) N street,
thlsclfy, wna greiit siiilerer Irom im
pure blood nnd n broken down system.
I'implea broke out, on hi bodv which
burned nnd itched nnd kept lilm nwnlie
at niuht. II beiriin tnkinir Hood's Hiir-
supurilla which cured him.
(Continued From First 1'nge.)
hud one. vols nnd tlm republican hud
eight Hguiust him he was not able to
muke much headway.
March '-8. F. 'i'l'i cutno before the
aetiiite when In comniitte ut the whole.
It wns not sent to third reudinir nt
once but ptecipituted n discussion mid
controversy iihiii the Hour that led to
one oldie hottest Incidents ol tbe ses
sion. Tti record mnde then U given
from the prlvute senate journal, together
with the peculiar style ol imrngrahbiiig
employed III thut hook which coet the
IHHtpIs id the stslN some tliousauds
rlrx dollars. Her It is:
"On motion,
Thesrunte residred itsell into n com
mute ol (he whole bouse
For 1 he consideration ol
1'h lull reported by the
Hilling eoiiiui ltie, with
Mr, Tilti In the chair.
I'uring tlieseMion ol lb comiiiiOew ol
lit abide, th senator Irmn Huwr
ret uk to yield the floor'wlira hawa
railed to Older lV Ihst hairmau, rWuglor
otf having rlen to n Hiinl ol order
bile IkssekMlor trout lMwa siwak-
Alter lbetlir (Hinviuenl I It I or
liuarv mean had lade,!, he it.bret Iks
Hrrgsuut at anna id lb aruat tor
lure order.
Thuior from ! rWtd th
ergeaut nt arm, aud sere ol ilia.
Hfdef luliid.
lb .fi leal rattie. tkgaVe aa l
ortlffl elsg ivelnrtd lm ttimiwlltr) id
Ik akteW rUHi l ni,iN ailk lh
M-Halor l a la ikw lhair."
I hi wkat tSilKrt a
tk"kMUr pMlbsg tnlV ol lkl
.ih Hrst..f H ti Mieaatt la wtl a
tl flhef Mi-tlM lnml b
., e, k loll a I jmiiiU.I out H If H
! aw. I ill j. 1 HUttr
Implt I ki mI,I rilrit. rm
as I 1... a at Usd ktdder in
!,( iiHg t hiH.I laiea U s MI
wsf ua dxirU ta la Ik ria'ral
h I l ed 1 1 IK-ta1 ol
pfni1t ttt imhs. hf lliee
Ino Imi k (.U lulug Itiere
ki4,ii bill (i htll !, IkvV
wt'Mbl ifguii k4 ilulftt! and
a, l SO f MS nili trt kvMn
Milt a kid. M.iel (tt the Mt.'liey Id
t.iUiUitt th v'i finin Ih
e. ael U iw rhi i.k Nl
tie iter, )tii) ol Ik latter teeterf
it I wlui kl f.i kw,
II vitUi'. ful -r Ih p.pu) !
m mt l m iht lull on) lu li il
Hal .l tf other, W vs
Ol )( I I l gvl IHOIgtl lll l
rim a ikw lb liM fvifi In b" nkiig a Wy of to la II
mijeil 1 1 M theie ww) liiej (HI U1
in the samd hill and sparsely settled
reg-Lons whereTbereVere only five to
ten pupila and where tbe average at
tendance would pot be more than Ave
and that this bill would deprive thee
children of any education at all. -
It waa hloo pointed out thut in many
strong district' having thirty-Avis
scholar the effect of the bill would
be tu close the school. Under the law
then u now a district with thirty-five
scholars must muintuln six months'
school in order to draw state money
A fifteen null I levy In many of these
western districts would not bring in
enough money to pay decent teachers'
wage for six months, consequently
thut district would loae Its elate ap
portionment. Teachers would buvu
U U nci) for Iwlf-pey or the ac.hool be
It wum urged that the children in
these districts bud un gtxxl a right to
sch(MJing as uny In the stale guil that
the milroud coinMini)cs uud non-resident
owners of kinds were doing no
more thun their share whew they
furnished school for the children
whose parent were dcvchplng the
country ami making their property
more valuable,
During the beuted discussion on
these powrts Hciiator Htewurt bud tbe
floor and was fiercely attacking the
bill In bis peculiar style when rksnotor
Noye rose to a point 01 order, mew
art thought the point of order was in
tended to take bwn from the floor and
continued to speak dcstiite the xnind
Ing of the gavel. Flnnlly the ser
geant ut urms, It, (, Htewart of Hust
ings, wus ordered mi scut me sena
tor and it scullln eiMiied, in which the
sergeant ut arms pulbsi the senator's
As a result of this fight this amend-
incut wus added to section 'il
"I'KOVIOKlJ. however. That on the
opinion of the county guperlnleiident
of schools delivered Jn writing show
ing that the above mentJWwd levy Is
liisiilllcw-nt for the proper iiMulntc-
nance of the public schools of the dis
trict, then suld levy may be incrcnsed
Lomnv amount not to exceed 23 mills:
uud also, provided, that the provision
of this section ahull not apply to any
school district sHiiutei wi wtnn Hav
ing J ,&00 population or upwards,"
This amendment wna at once at
tacked us denying to eomAy school
districts a freedom which was ffrnnini
to city districts and making the peo
ple In a country district suppliiwit in
the. county superintendent's olllce for
the right to levy 0 milis, tmi it wus
put on,
TI.,. ....ll.-.w c.l t,i IIim fceluitc
11!" I 1.1 I I II, I ... ,.- -
journal is found on page lOlf whcrit
Hie Wlls us flnnlly amended wus re
ported lawk to the sciiole, Henotor
Campbell (K)pulist) from Nance coun-
ly, jiow geerelary of the. iiuiis-mish-issippl
commission, then led the fight
against the bill There were only
eig-bf, populist souiMors uud twenty
five reimblieuus.'ll the tsipuliets
and but one republlrun voted to strike
out. the most iniquitous feature of the
bill wliil IH republicans voted soniiiy
iiiginit It, The soiuiittt rouMVl In full,
(pairagiuijhs unid ll) is iicmwiitUi given:
"Mr, Cumplicll moved,
To amend the rejiort of tiie comiiwt-
tee Oil
Hennte file .ut. S22
Ity striking out section ',
As iiincndcd.
The yens ami nays were deiniuioed
The roll wus culled, and
Those voting in the ullirmatlve
Messrs. Akers, Itniier, Campbell,
Diile, Crawforil, JelTries, ..preehcr,
Stewart,- H (all populist Inu Akers.)
Those voting in i..e negative were:
McHtrN. Itliick, llrcssb-r, Culdwell,
('111 ne, ( i-ohm, (iraliam, lliihn, llilch-
roc I, llollu-ook, l.ehr, LiudMuy, .Novch,
I'ope, Monn, Sluefer, IcITt, WiiIhoii,
Wright.- is. (all republicans.)
Not toting:
Messrs, Mighcll, McKcfhy, .icKes-
son, Itut hliiirn, SuunderM, Smith.-0.
Mr. limy, excused. 1.
A minority not having voted in the
The motion un not tigered to,
Mr. Stewart moved
Thut the I'ciioi't of the commit lee t.f
the whole on
Senate (He No. SS'.,
He amended ns follows:
Add to section 8, "thut cities except
ed fioiu Uie pionsUiU of this uct !f
tliev desire to lew more than lu utilM
sliiill be required to secure the written
coiieelit of the county supi-riliteiiilent
mi tit do,"
t he Jens uud lui were ili iii.iiuled.
The roll wax cillled uud
TIiomc doling in tbe iifhl'liiiif ic
Mesnls. Ihtoer, ( uiIiiiIm-1, I iuw'ftil,, Hteart.-
I liose (tiling IK the licgulMr wi re:
Meosrs. Aliele, Hluck, Hrresler, ( uld-
well, I raue, fr, lirahiiiu, il.iiin,
Hltt-beiH'k, HollMHHik, l.ehr. I lods.!,
Mighell, Mi'Keebv, MfReni, men.
I'ope, hiiiiiuleie, .H'tstii, Sprti'iier, Mue
fer, Tettl, mmi, right.
Sol (tltlllgt
Mii, JelTre and Italbbiiiu J
Mr. htewarl iiiotrtl
I l.l I he eeiiale now Hd)ioirii,
Wbivli w lil tiei'd
Mr, 'k iiiom-iI
'I del Ibe lepttil l I lie commit tee of
th wtudit
lie rttli'ptol.
Mr, hliMU uimr l
I It emn iiii'tioi
V ! li w Hglet'd to
l 1 Sj.m her u k . I,
I hat
itiil tolt- I lArii on lb I
H 1 1 I'll
s,.iir Rle t Hi
Mr, IS)e tUd
I he .ut ft older,
Ib'l lh i a ltelttt iwii.lii.g w
f. IV l -ol, ami Ih t'ini''t
( tut kt. Ui oideif.l and the i4t
itii.M imtal ! lie p-il, nd lb
,j rel l llvritr l ol imler.
lb I teas. If ul ile I. led
lhl lb tH of order w wvll
lt lt: mm il e.grt.-ml ftl
ih l ltt ig I u l! U.t e I'-
,!,!' ami vbiV ullitg t(.l
he. I .ih eettt out otvr H ' lt
r. hra.lvd nrwei apef trU and
(ftnrral alirdlWot it.itvtul .( lb lll
Il i'ltaioe geiteill( known thai th
Iwll a diieel all, k lb votto
molt sehool loi i f Ih MI lu lh
nii trsi ol i iitnilnNi and loot rest
little and word Iwgxil rto to
mnv n at,M front th!r (u dm
IrWla thai the Ml M jad I
426 double Khawla, tbla weuk
r,00 double Khitwla, this wek.
............ i
A birge Assortment at very low prior,
OfiO double Shawls, this week,,, $5.85
Hqunre at II .08, 2 'IT, 2.48 and f 2,0,1; regular
price 2 2fi, 2.oii, 2.7R nnd MM.
Heaver Bhawls at 4M, B.40 and 17,20
rcgiilar price MM, fi,t), 0,00 and $H,
Men's Merino Khlrfs nnd drawers, f ft
slightly soiled, rcg, 25c, to close, each 1 f U
Men 'a Knnlfary Hldrt and Drawers, QQa
regular 4'ic, this weik,ewh ...UUU
Men's Jersey KIMmhI Khlrts and llrif A Oft
ers, regular Mir, this week, each TllU
Misses' f'ornblnntlou Suits, regular 2rrt,
this week
Ladles' CVimbinetlon Suits, regular
fiOc, this week, eiii'h, ,,,,
1 cnee Herman Indiiro lllue Prints, 28 Inches
wld, If bought In a rcguror wny this
could not li sold for less thnn C i
)i' Our price, this week only, U 1"1V
7-8 Hleoched Muslin, regular 4e, Q 1 An
this week, per yard,,,.,, 0 I 'lu
4 4 Klcached Muslin, regnbir rc, ln
this week, per yard , ...., tIv
4-4 Ph-ached Muslin, regular 5e,
Ibis week, per yard.,. UV'
4 41. U lirown Kheetlng, 4 Q iA
Ibis week, per ynnj 0 0"tv
4.4 I'epfierel II Sheeting, regular fie, C
this week, per yard ,.,,..,. ,.,Ul
JJ dozen Men's Moleskin I'auts, regular QQa
f0c, to close out, only, per pnlr0 w
Hoys' f'ottonade I'nnfs, regular COr, QQa
to close nt, fx r fmlr,,, , 0 tV
7ro Hoys' Cotfonade rants, to close AO a
nt, per pair , 000
91,00 Hoys' Co'toii'ide, I'a 11 ts, QQa
to close at, per pair ., 00 V
A large stock at special low prices: '
JD pieces Himpson S-4 figured Rat- Q 0
sens, reg, 10', this week, ier jd.,0 1 "ttU
20 pieces Windsor Hateens, regular A
12V. this week, per yard 1 Uv
20 pieces A. II, & V. Dress floods and
Novelty Huttings, regular 14o I I f rtA
and 16c, this week, yei yard., Ill mUt
HI piece beautiful coloring in brocad- O a
ed Dress (ioods, reg. 20n, this week. ,45 1 v
10 pieces Novelty, regular 80c, ' OA
this week, per yard ... CtT.j
11 piece Novelty, regular 40c, this QQa
week, per yard , .., 001
14 piece Novelty, regular 60c, A0t
this wik, per yard , ,laiU
00c Novelty, this week, per yard... 49c
rl'ic Novelty, this week, per yard.., 73c
A pair of Shoe that will wear you the
right length of time aud fit without pinching
or slipping, and good style, at a special low
Kid button Iliibfes'Khoea 3-C, all solid, QAa
regular 4 fie, this week , ,,..0 vv
Kid Hut ton Hubies' Shoes, 8 5, spring M C A
heel, regular prhw 60c, this week iut
1,1 1. tie dent's luce kid, black and tan tf f I A
0-1 !l, regular $l.r,0, now 10 lC U
Hoy's Matin Oil bw, l-t, reg, 0 i QC, now ?..:..... I1.09
Hoy's stock farm calf fials, 2-5, C
regular f 2, this week tp 1
Misses Kid Hutton, broken sizes, reg. AQa
9160-1,76, to close OC
Ladles' Kangaroo Calf, button and & OR
law, '2 H, reg. prfca 9 1 .60, uow..ip 103
l,udls' Kangaroo Calf, button or le, heel A
spring heel, coin and opera toe, tfj
regulnr 1,76, this week, per pair,.? 1 eUU
I.udfcs' Kangaroo, button nnd bice, fljf 17 A
heel and spring heel, reg. t2.., $ 1 I U
I.ndles' box cull, button and hie, ( f AQ
coin toe, reg, 92.26, this we k , $ I y 0
fJents' fine Hhoea, up-to-date, extimslon sole,
coin nnd bulldog toes, at 92, IjiJ IA
2,60, 8 and 98.60. Cordovan....p4.9U
FDCn CrilMinT ft, RDA 9210 Street, Opp. P. 0.
ml." uuiimiui i uij,, LINCOLN. NEB.
1 1
ipolc or closit school work. Hut
Miero win a iwcrful rioni.twn
liby ut work for the eniivtnieiit of
... i, tit if. mi.ii.irt. Uioiisnnds of dot-
inrs iiiinunlly in school tnxr U the ln-
rcMs wprettetneii nun incy piooo-o
c bill mi victory in tne wnmr,
i.i i, ...... i,,. iiiii.iitUin to iret the bill
through with the euict gency idiiuse,
but ns the senal Journal shows they
,i .1... ...,l t.t ,ly
re iiniioie n y i....,l Here Is Ibc record of Hniil
pnssiige from the sciinte jonrrui 1 :
"ht'imte iiwt iii. tut
V l.iM livr n ti lu-t to nincinl section 4.
sulsllvisiion 1. se'tirtie II mini is, ol
Kiibdlvls-iil 11, setflion II. of hub
l.:.... a .....1 I... 'J iiikI ID of
sulsliivlsItMi ft, of chnpter 7l, entitled,
"Al not to eefliiblifh a s-yst.-lil of pub
lic iti,triH-li(iit fr tlw slate Notinis-
ku." ciHiivlled sliilulfs of IS0.I, mid to
rv-l said m ctiitn anieiuled.
With nn oincrgfiiry cIuum-,
The presided statctl
'llii I -ill having Urn retul at liirg'
on th etc ilitTcroiit duy,
And lot' iwliitt Willi ! inici'ini
nieiit biili.g ln-on printed,
Tbe iiu-tiii Im-ii v,
btiil the bill mi-"?"
Ili rn!l wus i-allt-iK ntl
Tlit' toloig lu Htf ufTiriimtlte
Illitik, llrrwler. I'ttWUell,
1'liili.S I'luee, linUiUliI, llbtt, ItHfh
csk, lebr, McKeebV, Mfhrweon,
Nore, I'ope. Hautn, Noilb, Uttieltr,
U ,!-.. li. IT (H tt-ptittlieiioe )
'. tottig in lb lMtrtU w:
Me,l, k -)-, Ibiucr. I'tij-i-;i.
Ci.,t I .mI, iMle, HoiltCtHik, Jeffitt-t,
Migliidl,, Ktnotlme, MMtH'
rr. M,-tti-l, IrrTt, Wrigbl II. (T
H itttiU mI I irp'tltlu aiut. )
Im i (;
M, -t I, raj, ttcttettl jiw I mI
i ..i,liullll ttt HiltU ttJj
H t tttttc-if tfd l b iiTrtt
li t- U'l trt ntl
VVitit IL rMnr"-'l t'bt ". "tt-tt
Vtn I llv erfift".! !
I'). in n tbttit bfie,
"a , Itut
Hltlt MUDifM) ohe ed kt'
I bi l'll t l ill.' 'I N(tl
II,, ti-l i g Ui i he ii,'tt tt
Vl,i HU. k, Hiwr, t"kU:t
t it, I rt, iil o. Ubt. Il-'itt
k, l-bl. M l h.-tS
, N"S Jtbetn, H'OK ait'vl.
If ( :t lt'nititt' a I
irtSl-K It IK Mti '!
M-, Uelt, lU.or, laoi'lwll.
Ir!.!, V tt.;brv..k, ltrtfH
VI f.o,t, Itrtthbtlttt, Siti -ra, 1'iwtf.
a . i. Iw WiiM I t
111 f.l 1 rroUbU h.
liri.l ;
VlmtM. I.ea? t t,tl l I Ul
ililttUMt4 l(M)ntl) kiw
,iit h e aft io tti
Ik I ill V MMfl,
Wtt ! Mti.y Wtue alHiikt-a
wtil, aiol
'l lw lllli! agreetl to."
The eii'iui now slilfts it) the- Iioiim.
The I'eeird ns ho'wu Mu-rc Itt e fol
lows: Api'il 2. S. K. Z'i'i n-ci-ivml fiNnii lhe
sc.uiile niwl jeii, I linst tljiic.
April 3,- S. V. refer nil to cMin
uuilitcc on foes nnd snliiriet,.
Tbe einiiill,l,ce on N'es iiiul siiiliiries
wile) heiiilitl by lluriJh of Wyiiumv, it
Isinlter, uiul Iiiul but out? jio-pulisb
Khoilew, of Valley cou.nUy. Tb fol
lotting were im-iii Im i w. jlinx-li, oluiir
n r,i ii ; Kihikc, Wela-r, Mot-iliinmui, Hut-
lOII, (Iblllglllt,), SIltKlk. lUl-llillHOUl, Mc-
Niitil, l!liiil,ti.
April .'I, tho very day It vtiis referred
to this otniiinll let? it wiwt rfsrUtl
iMick for the gciut-Ml 111-. Thr lit'Xt
duy It wna iitltuntMtl y tin. Iumim sift
ing iiiilnlMee mill tvu itointUlonl in
Hie CKiiiiiiit lec of the t1ioIt-. The In
teroU Uick of the UUt foil ml t ha the
ISlo rinlng mi fuht Hunt it wua new
iory to the t-ill nlong fnt.
Vindber lusiU'd delHUte eihsiotl upoei
tbt bill ill the Ihmiw. So iiita-h noine
Inu I bittii imide iiImiiiI it tbut il pt
tutjiMis ttelf imw IbtotiUK'bly ill.iUn
Wt.eel. A lilllllla-T of rvpttlll'Uwtll -l-l.ili.t
Ainiiiig I holll I Vivien of Ca -lililioilliiivl
tlJieir H'e.lliAil to ft.
At tbt i'linc of the il ! Mlo ill ihtt choii
uiillre of the wliole tbe bill wu lrl
eu on a rising tttr, Nutfcllw U-t wbrli
It ttii Mni'leil Uok lo Ih lnoo'
fitui I be i-oiolliil U-e of th
ttbi.le HtectU (rmit;iiwi) of
li.oiK rt itmoly. on'tl tlntl I'l m
l iitsouliir ntleil tt paeet. Tt- hlute
jitornel l lwg I U 1 git IK fttl-w-lug
"Mr. It i krtt and tsbr l.ltti.g
i Ul f r tb !- ai tl Mt t a
l r t tt-iW crtiil lb roll.
,kMH o ft at ttVWI
,m.i A;. 4 , AbbV, !!"-. Ifk,
IVm.IUI, lUriNtrd. Itur.'h, liine., llvtriw, (l-tlrrl, lnvo
lit, t'oUm, I b.(-o4ii, t'id, la
Mat, Cttf), I'lttts, !. IU b lUra, lUreta, IUt 'eiOK lli..t', ,lpl-lM,
Jri kli, .!... 1 1 ", !. J'M
tiUilll tevbM. Ml, M.'
4 ! ,.., -lH. l-l, U HVet,
'vt t 'il .!. Ill' i !'. latl't,
!;, Nl.teU., ,tls .e-r, 'U4t.
lIVoi.'-ol StlHHt ( I'- I.
UltHt, iik (i..i,..! Mr hUi
il ( I riUi'-ita I
II ttv
Vlrtle. IUiii IV. IW, lo.!,
li,,Stt, I, t ms i ).;. I1.v,
I' IUtt, Wwm', llnlt.h.
H'l. Jtttt.t..j (S.itl .l i.ll.
Kuts M. i- i, Mint, Vt M.le-
Ht .t., tit V, O. Il-il IS t wtt!t,
lt.. I-., J..uf, et,i rk
eiMi, t.H-tMiH !, S, tu-
t U ei.t, Wr, Jl l l
s i t it . )
Vih i si il ! oi'ils
l. . I, i, Iturke, V..f(
I'riu, lit f lmfcr, Uvo He,
lUtu, l e-tf h, t.trd( M lt,
lt,, tt, Hmi u.itt
liion., l-r. iek, -THt. I
A Htttjofily MM I '
ri ntiiit tii v tliw inouioti pnttvailetl1.
The r-jxirt an utiiiiNx1 w,i ml'opt
od." fn Hie next duy (Apo'il 5), t'li! Ui 1 1
wu put UKin it x ivtitliiug audi pueMigt-.
The rcomnl on piifn- 137 of Mil- ilou;
journn rcutlis im follows:
"S, F.
Wu nil 1 1 I'lie Mii nil time n.iwk fnt
The Mpt-nkor
HUitn-tl Mint Ih: bill linviniif 1m-o
mul on thiroe I i fr-mtiiit dnyw nnd' the
mi mo wi-tli nil II aine.nilmie.ulH hnvwig
be-.!! prinJed, the qiuitluiii is "Khuill
the bill KiMi?"
T'lmwe tii!ng njj wore:
MfhMr, Allen, H,Mi-Mot, Hetrtlirtl,
linn kiiunii, lluroh, Hurke, (Ihslge),
lliirus, ( l.fimtiitter),rYi.iiiplMl'l, (itCmhii,
, Coimwiv, I'teiley, (Vow,,
Frit, (luthrio, IliiUor, Ilrkii, ll.irni
hoii. Unite, lliuilii, ,1,-nkinK .Idio-loii,
(Isniglue), l.sinliorii, lHi'luifct, Me
FiuUlen, McMH, (Irton, IVliiiniin,
ltlcktts, KitliitiMni, IUhM), t-lrke-iltiil,
SiMn, hutUni, (INwiwr), MI
dr, Mr, SjHkr. -3S. (:i7 niUI
urns I iU iioh r t )
Mi. Awhliy, l!,ulu, Harry,, lUic,
Ibtk, llniilv, llitin-:A, (Vin, (Huiof.
CiutpinaiH I'r.isiib, lbiv!, (IrilTitb.
Il.iii'gnne, II.Mris HirM, ,li,bit.t,ii
(Neinulm), Mfiekt-r, MtTllek, MtraV
Mi!, Mut-bnitttii, Miinpr, I'ri'klue.
l;iel,iiilu, liniiM-, Sio.tli, SnM--r.
Ilt.hti.i. i'U,
AIfcot mI im1 t..4ig;
MeMi. l(ltr, llrt.kew, (Vxr,
IWbutry, I riii, , lr, Il4k.ll gg
Ilia, lUivtenl. Hull, J-.oi r.-et, J.i,
Jiukl, Kai)k ,Utltim M. llu.lf, Id in
Iti g Uloelv, liobrrtMMi, Uoilileol
In r, IS itlt, Mxetlk, H.t tu,i, Sh k
liutn, Mult-ir, atot Ikukglii, T.iitiiM-,
'n ll.i.irtwi, 4il. VV Mi, tr, iok,
(Jobikuti, .iik t l l"Mtl (Meitiainl
It J I.
iMttfliltiM4tl ItmJuriilV lu4 lutt
I f tolr.l In f4tof t.f Ih U),-w of
I be 'it, lUI lv.. I .m "
Mdt I Mltt-t lhl nth,' II tv
pnl.ltttio t.ilr.l I.i r44 li (.;! fV
1 1 t,!t if Kr l uot h
.1 O.i, h4' f 1 Vil on mIi lenrof I l fim
(WH tuO I tel lk" l-Ullllnl
nt II nli liHt I"
II, il ii I t'wll tw l. li Mn ttrt
il ioe up t'-v .-- u If. lrii
af 11. bt . I k I-4- ( 11 ll tHI t t tt
II. II tfi nit4M i mm lb
U.1 mi ll tl I Dttii r.i t
lb kui I.i li' la li ,t-it Mint
IttAMV of tl VmI fM t
ilw ' hi jtit a th Itwi ittj .
I k M .l ittM.I, : T t,ai4,
tV eor l rri!lsii l,lrr,l
hr a u.kiv tt lt rt i..M-n a ltwat ,
l tMil l f rMtil t'i4 o i.t
iMMtrt l itoi tkal i f it. r, hU
l la Ita lMek tt ttiinl fvW
II. i tMir rtntiltii f..f m
tt) l Ik Itflei'altlr) l Unl H
fMlkr mI iott-f t al m tea
d dt 1 b rittrw u tba ,