The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, September 22, 1898, Image 8

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Sept. 22, 1898.
The Omaha Bee Shows
Was a Railroad
Back as
"ihf m Ml wm BETRAY
lllb UllVfc Hill w..."
As Chairman of a Republican State Convention, Hayward
Proves Himself False to the Confidence
Reposed in Him.
Tbe Omaha Bee Says So.
ltemM, the WorhHIcrald baa preaentcd Vong eride, wijb
lkn itomlnce for governor of Nebraaka b tho ,14 cd de. It bo.
been ahowu that Mr. Hayward aald to Judge ton I .taken' to
wili oot let m run for congreaa." Following tflil up wimber of editorial
from republican organ liv been reproduced allowing that Mr. Hayward
won "a tool of tbe railroad."
Among reproduction wo one from the Omaha ltcc, -;h wnw
otflier thing wld: "Mr. Hayward i a iirtlrwid repuWIoun from away
The He evidently knew who it wo talking about when It aald 'Mr. Way
ward U railroad republican from away back."
Horn ixoil may not bae known Ju-t how fax "away back th record
tended, but tbeae will be enllghtenI If they will mid aa editorial in ill
Omaha lie of Ootolier 1, 1879.
Tha republican convnt4on of Nebraaka met in the evening October J,
1870, to dioaa a candidate for auprame judge. A mighty effort waa being
lujtk to nominate M. h. Hayward, and on Una morning of Ootober 1 the
alitor of the He came out in an editorial which wo ucb complete and
atrong arraignment of Mr. Uoyward a a corporation tool that tbe Hayward
oom waa completely punctured and ainother mam waa nominated for the
im wit Ion. . tl ,
The World-Herald Jire reproduce thi editorial from the OouUiu lice or
Ootol I, 187l
Fifteen month ago vooaiwy waa created on the eupreme bench or una
atat by tlia auddeu death of Chief Juatiee Uajatt. The du'y of filling thi
vwiwu-y devolved upon (Jovernor Garter, and lie promptly tendered the po
aitlou to General Aiuaae Cobb. The apiwinhmenit cam to (lenoral Cobb u-
Kolklted and iU acceptance involved womc aacrlflcee of profeionul ami
bualnc intereale, Uoveruor Uurber'e cliolcse waa unlverandy approved by
tihe pie, irrespective of party, and tadomed twelve lnonWi ago by the re
iMiblkan elate convention and t'kepeople.
Judge Cobb baa filled tlia office wiuli entire eatiafuctlon to the ata e bar
and hk colleague ou tihe benolu Under Uhe uaage eaUbllahed by the ie
pubUi'tttt fariy in thla alAte, JudgeCobb ia entitM to a re.noinl nation,
lie lia filled a vacancy covering a perloil of lewi than one-third of the term
and 110 valid mton caoi be iflveu for tlie attempt to aupercede Mm before
lie liaa at leaat tilled oixe full term. ... '
11mA (iovcruor (Jarber aeen fit to apjwlnt Mr. Hayward to tlie vaewney
eUuaed by the deuiiae of Julre Uantt, no man would ihave glvun, him a
mora hearty and geueroue aupport for a renouii nation to Ui full term than
Jneral Cobb. Wliy, then, doee Mr. Hayward overU-ap the boundarlea of
iiarty umim ami wMninon courteay by a jwrwUtent effort to eecure Judge
lobb'e aeat 00 tbe benon? And wby, of all the able and eminent republi
can JurlaU of Nebraska, ia ha put forward for tha ioltlon of eupreme
ludtfe? IS THIS HAYVVAKO MOVKMKNT a popular wave aeekln to ele
Wu f a nuui renowned for HIS OVKILSHADOwWo AU1L1T1K8, a WSTIN
(JUIHUKD I'ATttlOT whom the iieople delight to honor? NOT AT ALL.
Outalde of hi own county, THIS MAN HAVWAUD waa never a much
aa tllioug4 of, "ntil lat September, when he waa, by th con promise be
tween tlia faitlona, made the chairman of Uie republican atate convention.
JiASK and BUAMKLKHS UKTUAYAL IN HIMI l'ledged to impartiality in
all hie xuLinira and a fair diivUh.i of appolntmenta on ewmmltteea Inwwri
liiiKg with the apiwintmeni of a jug-handle eommlttee on credential, he
cloaed HIS PEIIFIWIOUS C A It EE It aa chairman by aiepplng down from
tihe chair to opiKme and combat the rewolutlona demanding the abolition or
(the ODIOUS OMAHA 1UUDUK TOLL on the lloor of the con ven Dion. For
to be rewarded with a aeat on the aupreme benolu It La an indisputable
laot that the bargain waa made 1)hen and tliere between Hayward on the
une aide and Thuraton, Valentine and other Union Pacific cappera on the
other aide. Thi INFAMOUS BAROAIN la to I eonaumated through tlie
republican eonveutlon by the aame DISREl'UTAItLE MEANS by Which
OTHER PUANT TOOLS OF THAT MONOPOLY liave been time and again
folited into itoMitioma of honor and truwt.
Judge Cobb, a dignified, honorable and high-minded genttlenmn, who, in
every alatiau of public life ha borne ui uiwiullied repuUition a man who
nerved hie country gallantly In defenne of the union a man whouc fidelity
to the republican party haa been aa atwidfomt aa the magnet to the jwle la
to be ouated from the judgment neat HY A (UNO OF POLITICAL STRUM
KST JUDICIAL TR1RUNAL. AgaLuatlibU outrage we enter our solemn. pi
toat. Haa the republican lrty of Nebraska FALLEN SO UV n to drive an
honorable, miimHHicnable judge from the liench to REWARD UNPRINCI
he republican parly of Nebnuka FALLEN' SO IA) aa to liulortie or even
tolerate tJie conunimatln of a DISREPUTAHLK HAROAIN thereby an
tivtellectual dwarf like Yaiervtine foreil hinmrlf into congrt aa a rvpre
MtntaUve of 400,00 eo1e? We My enkliAtk'lly "iich an outrage otigltt to
tie reaented and relnikeil.
Ttnlay the Omaha Dee (a upiorting "UtU Hum Hayward" for Uie M(h
fifflce of governor of Nrlrnik.
Home of tbe almoaeMt mwanMi why Mr. Ma) Maul iJuifuUl nt ie rleetetl
to the office of giMernr uf Netraka love Ut-11 piivteit'ttsl in lnlinltt)l'
ttnm by republican organ in thi atate. Omaha Workl Hentld.
(Continued from wg 1 )
to New York, etc, during th cawing
liiuutha of lUrrtn' ediuinitrttNt,
and ef tw the bkima fttr iwittaf the
tioinla we put UHia Ui Art Oew
laml admliwtratiuu.
To th UuhI viniitte, ami
UimI aymlieat a4nt, are the imtple
4 ti I'aiteil tl'ale I.Wy In.U-i.ud
iw atill aaviDg a tree giiniuut, vt
a avivrrantaat f aay kmt, I KW kur-
is lor, arAliag to Mr. White, if
b bi ) ttU't th tM wnh
wbka th (WUal atiuiuitrlua
it.) a rilt dl fur ft),tkH),llU
t on wt.uh rfel the )ih1ui at
tt. twit etHlt to (It BaUUm vl
U tftrr. Ht, il oufet hv f tVmt,
Uakrtpt, ami feaentt !
vktiMtd ka tM4,tM.
L(ef Mr. VUH tM ! KM
to tnUi thai th gMriMet
t-H tu t iW(n.!4 e to rWei U
ii.wiMHa. 11 waa u.y i? goi
Iwk 4 a NtiUiatN ef t eml.
ti W atM it a Ul ) i,dMt ItMt
44itwM't I fa frwme 'M
4 o u 1 1 aa to Vm m h
a .fa.Wt i4 it7 tf tk
l I', Itunm, t,tvr vl tk Nt:w-
J lllHwtaiiiat, ti:il to Wkl' )
AikiuM. It MM Uat Mr, ikliM
k.t tl.l, f t ')'!, that g-l
. w tk elr kl ami Wel
rb im) tktt it ,d aTl tta
m (f ttfM tetHlt. Mr. lunirt
hl b h II to Ilia ftrHlillaa
vi Ike ttr II ! did m ec, t
ftte trat it aa ? mmpa1
4af Urth U. V1 leiaWr '
That Judge Hayward
Lackey as far
of ill ff emit eoumrte. ttohl a
iiHtney itw taj reaU'.i Vtiiolly on legal
temlrr aa. No on ireeiKi would
today Mt'ril gold r any other metal
or tii in if lu ixynifnl of iteltta ilu
t belli vslilih vi tii't legal triwler or
Immediately convert it,; into Wgal
Mr. Ilartlii then cxmtitmeil wiflh an
ri.1Un of liiiuetIUin, uifIill
liirf the tami.Ur argtiineiit in K favor
with a HMntera hiHt.
Mr. I'JirWh of I..Kiim.Us f.,iiol
11 w iaeil lnt tnaile by him v
a iiin ! iluttiwl ! nul of (th
uiliirttU theoff of Hioitef, In oh
"fl k dooiarrd tlt th MiMttnt
tf Hume) ' ilrt'uUthin ! iHhlug
U iki wta p '(.
A ftr want griMtml Ih tiaaJnw th
0 v a
thirtitt M .n I. mi i:t th -iv
tKH lo ofWr t Oi.ty witk lt
aleHi that JimI M, I. t'raoton)
lf lWkl, ft, yi. tMhi'!, who
k4 iiWI to aim lut-Mlay, woukl
givea t in fur hi l.tiea u 'l
r iWn, Jultf liawlufd'a
li ak i( th irohl
r i(tHtil.t. U thriMt totl
i'liiia U( "if fr et tl aUver
U alt'iieil itvl wt.l kv tut vm
try I hipLvtU.' toil ul 91
what. II etM wuuWI vvtn l-k
I retut Ke th iroiil. peoUtiff th
tMiiWd roid ill. I h h
rMior W, Y. Alt w mllid to
Ik 4iv to wt aa ft tVegrv
hi , tuti t inIi a
lHKiai4. ati AlW nl kM V
AM ! deair t k part la Ik d.
Imt. m It rriir t im i tha pH
k.Mt to illlMilhl gite at both
able at tk dUi' II a wvkt.
liowever.corrcet Horace White enough
to way that while 'he (Senutor Allen)
ilu d hny i'U congrcfca thtit the bond
i(wucd by Orovcr O.cveiiwid were iUe
giil he uiM kuid thtit htiviiig been in
mhI Hixl the money wid for tliem the
AmcrUtiii (Hupic were Jut and hoiiiMt
and xUvmt, Uicy would nut tuke odvau
uije at any tcchiiik'iuty but would
pjy lu'tcrciiit and principal of the
oouda, having received value for thwui.
Mr. 'low lie auid that the apeukera
on the other aide were complimented
or one tilling. They hod come out
luirly and atiurcly for Uie alngie gold
auuidurd, wii'ich aiuiplitied the (iue
lion, and wu U"iu-r and more honor
ui.e tiiu,n Ulie powiiioo occupied by
goid aUimiard men in the campaign of
i oUl, when they tnoMiuerudcd under
Jie guiac of frientl of aiivcr and bi
uictaii'lata. Referring to Mr. Khrich'a dcdLura
tiou on Tuceday, whieh wo Uhe only
one moile by uuy of the go0
ulaniiuj'd putikcr on the aubject
that the quautiiative tilveory of money
wu iiicurrt'cl and fallooiou, and thui
(jiiauility did iM conuvl tlie value of
money Mr. Towue auid tliut tlio ail
ver aide would init,evcn to the point
of diacourteay, ou ua u.uwer to the
plniu tpjcaiiou aa to what dtid consti
tute ami con trod the vuiuo of money.
'J 'he ivitgibib apoatle of aingio gold
alaiuiurdiui had deolared u-ut the
faniKi warned a doiluir of tihe high
ttl purchualiig tower1. Tlie Americun
adviKMile of the alngio gokl ataiud'urd,
iiicluiiiiig the gOixl apcuker ut thli
coiweutiou, hod adopted the declara
tion a their Juw uud repeated 1 ami
repeated it. Hut notliing wum auid
uUut the fjiirnurr having to give more
and more of 'Ida own product for thia
diKutr of h;ig")wr purchoaijig jiower.
Tliut the nuiu who had money tuid
wanted Idling ahouM want a dollinr
of the hlgheat purchuMiiig powcr lie
could unUcraUuid. Mr. Town auid,
bu t tlia I t he aeven-ciglvtih of he pop
uiiiUiou which liwl thitrga, ankl only
thingit, tio trade for doJuiivi, ahoulcl
want a dollar of the Silgheat purchaa
ing ower, for which they would have
to give the greateat (uanDity of
thiiiga, wua lucouceivable.
Horace Wiiitc, in hi gohl wtanUurd
KMii'h on Tuewtluy, hud u 11 1 intent ion
ally and uuconacioiudy miule one of
tie atrongcttt jxitiaibie arraignment of
the bingle atandtird. He had told of
the mlilion ujN11 inilllliona of Ulie
money in the New Y'ork bank. Thla
money, Air. jowne occurred, anouui
be out and at work, Out the Single
gold atandurd drove It iiuto idle new
11 the banka. Jt would be ua Menwi-
ble for Mr. White, during the atrike
of 1804, to point to the mile on ml lea
of idle engine and car In tbe nu.
rowl yanl in Cliiwigo ne an evidence
of the traniorUiition imiorUiuce and
pronixrrlty of Chicago.
In tlie afternoon tieorge rrea wiu-
iema of Muiuichiiitta, miwle an ad-
dire full of wl-rength of raaaonlng,
fact and aympathy. He aketched
briefly the condition of agricultural
induatry In Europe in the present era
of falling pricea. lie aald:
Tuie irentleman froin lexa (judge
Crawford) and other might talk of
increoaed wagea and earning, ami of
prosperity, but he (Mr. YVillUuna)
came from the great manufacturing
district of New England and notwitlir
atandlng carefully prepared and jug'
gled atatlatica tlie fact renmined that
earnituga in Uie niariufu?turnng clu-
trict had been decreaalng. Within
the last three weeka, .Mr. WlIQiume
aald, he had aeen tlie rnrvlng atrlk
nr of the New IJedford mil! going
down to ditr clama out of tlie aand
with which to anatnin life.
Tiie proaperity of the New England
manufacturing wtate wn built upon
the propcrity of the farina and plan
tationa of the west and aoulh. t row
hla pta-ona kuowllge Mr. William
tohl of the (nxjnpliiunU and diMtre
In manufacturing circle and ex
plained how and why their condition
could not be improve! uretu comii-
IJon in th agricultural d'iKtrict im
proved. The only ataple IndUHtry to
New England which wo piiying wa
that of brewing.
After Mr. William, (ongrewmian
Fowler of New Jerey, wo announced
to nnawer the bimetallic argument.
He beiran by aaking ex-Congreman
Towne qneetion. The anwor Ui tlie
tiietiona came hot and tiard and kept
the audience in roura 01 laugnter ami
the lautiter waa not on th gold
tiutard aid of tlie inouth. Mr.
Fowler tMtcd up hla time and it waa
tlien extended to enab'e him t an-
. . aa
ajer a Hat 01 queauon prepareu iw
him by (ieorge Freil Wtilinma. Thee
ij Mention and Mr. Fowler' anwee
(o far aa he gve any) win te gtveu
lu a later Uue of the liutetM-iMlnvt.
At the evrnlnaa iMVioii Mtecne
were maiK by Henry W. Prlry of
IhMiton. J, A, Adam neiie ot iiu.utn,
8. A. UoWtxin of th New York Nwrd
.f tnul. and ex-Senator Carey of Wy
oming, all In favor of the rold at"l
anl, and by Congrtna lUiinai of
MonUtta, ami fMenuir iniii'i vi
IdaJiis fur blmrtniftMiii.
hrnator t'arv' iiiwh luwl t'er
lm tml iut of Inter for our
reatter. Aiitontf othrr lliittg h !!
Ihl th wottiWrful -otrrea of th
wevtera tta had len made uiHler
arthrr a paper or a iiHrkt r"hl til-
nk Th I1! uii'uvjr ir in oas
frmef ir fha tVUrk miner wa
tht wU h w tx-et fuf th Nw York
loMaeM man, Mr, l'ry mUI, ami k
tkea rirHH lht ain'h Bhihv w
fyt prtwlpatlj mi a-nint f th al-W-.!
at hi L IV I th valu of irki.
b r had at tM ton lhvTl
thwl lMm!lH Miitfht b jHili'.
tfcrootra aa later iihmiI iwt,
but ftvm th ,rore wbkk th gwld
UmUtd kad m.l la leeit )fa b
wj urtnl thai bwi4alUiii ma a
tkiaf el ia ,! ail tht rM w'nl I
l th ltHr t4Uid el th wor'd.
It wiMibi k toe bnr for hW
tv, Mft l'f dp.!fe.l. If tk t
ee tU ka Iwe iUie Inl4 dob
br Jr-g th Ul f )r V4
m Ml lHMel It k4 to b
HteMMt li4 rtli4 to ckl II
WW-.1 to a ll to bat greiMk
I t.W f il d'lra.
Pr -iff ilaf eeed wV a
Ktorut 4 t Ut h arl
(due btoka tul dxrta W peereib
(M data e-to. It taa from
tk kmhImm el h IWtorw Pre A
Utioa, 4t l goeruiA
jaer money, legal tender for aU due
public and private. It wi over the
m'.lotuieiJt of time by those who hud
arranged the program. The gold
men had lx-en giv-n moat of the time
on tiicir own day and a large part
of t'he time ujion ailver duy. They
now come in for a large part of tllic
program on )nper money day. J.
Sterling Morton, chairmun In Charge,
had run away from the battle on ail
ver day, leaving General A. J. Warner
of Ohio, to act an hulrman on the
Uutt liny. 'Ivhe lleforut I'ren Aocla
lion Iwid been inviUwl to take part
in the program. L. L. Raynoida, eli
tor of tlie Chicago Kxpreaa, wu on
hand and wih him N. IL MoUinger,
edlor of the Indiana Referendum, ex
Oongrraamnn "Calamity" Weller of
Iowa ami Ailie Reed of MuMcatine, la.
They hud been cut down to twenty
minute apiece in tlie aiMotment of
time on paper money day and' had
been practically abut out of Uhe even
the general diiacuxelon ou the two pre
ceding day. They felt Indignant and
they voiced their indignation.
liealde thla Mr. Tibbie known oil
over the United State a a 1 talent
ami writer on ecotuomlc question,
wu preMMitt, backed by a letter aigned
by ail he Nebraaka atate officer and
uuinerou requeata from the Nebraaka
jM'puliat pri'Mi that lie be given' a
pioee ua an udvocute of goveirniuenl
puHsr money. He wa finuliiy Informed
tiiat he nnmt get Whatever turn he
could from Mr. Ruynollda, who waa
already unable to allot time enough
to icakcr who hod come hundred
of in J lea on Ida in-vltutiou to mpcak.
Under tlheae clrcuymMtoncca Mr. Tib
bie waa gran'ted fifteen mi ante at
the owl of tlie program wuidli h re
fuacd to take and went home.
General Warner read a atrong pmjier
ad vocal Lug pajer money Umied exclu
a'ively by the national govern'ment, re
d'wniubie in coin. Hi paper wa an
able d'iMouion of the general heory
of money and wa good jKpniint doc
trine exccjyt in it mUniiptluu theo
ries, The next apeak er, Oongrcioii
Fowler of New Jeraey, deaervi-a great
credit for hla courage. He waa the
omly one of all the gold atamlurd ud
vocutea M'eeivl brave eiw.Migh to pre
aent a definite currency plan for tlie
Fowler'a plan in brief 1 Covered by
a bill introduced by him and vow
iHMWlli'iig in congre. it ia to have
gold for a wtandurd, but have the cur
rency of the country iaaucd by the
bank all the government paper to
be dottroyed. lianka were to Ittmie
note baaed upon tiicir aeta the
amount of the inane to be fixed by
thivir own discretion, lie pictured at
great length the advantage of hia
plan of allowing the buirka to iwue
all the "trade currency" they deired,
witbou reatrlction of any kind; the
banka of Nebraska uiuler wtiob a plan
would be able to iue $30,000,000 of
currency and Intereat rnt4- wouM be
cut in two. Hut lauc of government
imper money he declared to be uwmife.
ltuuieqv'ite and not economical; they
represented a petit money and debt,
but the trade currency iwtmed by the
banka would represent bualneMi, jut
the aame a checkc and draft if a
man borrowed' $1,000 from a bank it
could, or if he ao deaircd, iaue him
a check book and allow him to draw
check against hia loan. Such Iwau-
Ing of currency waa a natural right
of he bank and ahould be reeitored
to them.
The chief argumenta In favor of hla
plan were drawa from Scot wind and
Canada in both of Which he claimed
the ayatem had been in operation for
a number of year. Its reauita were
an avoidance of great punica, a reduc
tion of Interest rates ami securing to
tihe jieople in remote locaiitie of
money nt aa low Interest aa those en
joyed by trode center.
The moat effective addreea for a
truly government paper currency wa
that read by rrewident Will of the
Kanae Agricultural college, Manliat-
m, KaiiMia. ilia addre wua a thor-
oughlv up-to-late progntiaive popu
liKt addrewa, showing the scholar' re-
msin'b cwl the reformer a fear.-'
neii. The InleieiHlent w"Ul print uie
addrena in full in a rater Imiue. Mean
while the following brief Byuopla
will be of intereat:
Itluatratlng hi point by a largo
chart allowing the price line for a
number of year. Prealdent Will advo
cated the eatabllabment of a govern
ment Httitlcil bureau at Waahlng-
toi, attiwheil to tlia treaaury depart
ment, to wtoli an) tiivrmtlirut the
niovement of the prlc line. He de
I'iiinil that Uth the oM'illiatlon ami
the dwivwarl movement, th latter
of whkh i enecially diwtatrotia.eoulil
Im- controlled. The leu ihiwnward
iiinHim-iH in the piii Hue the better
for all exeeid the money loaner.
Not alon th metallic or legal ten
der imiuev of rti oiuutry, but th en-
tn-e mi-ilium of eoheng affect th
aierair of price, and H w ooMcibl
to exjwnd or iH.utiwet th medium of
rit'haiiv througli gvenniint tur
ruin)' In piai- of th a"uv"ritiieitl
iMtn out tf th baakipg bualn
PreaiiWnl Will tooetrd lhal It ahouid
nt ktUI ileetier into th Utakiog bui
in-; it vhou'd control th t urrei r
im metiS uioa of ehofe. T1 pre
eiit aikoul tiiktii Ytm eoukl
and did rootraot ami tiiiiU th cur
re-v, toil th troubU w that th
Iwiukt, artinf from ertHil n.(lr,
iii,u te1 ti, eurrew th
t of ' i ttiiwM world imI tit
mi' dMiniv4 ii.. i4
..(ti" . mei.t wa uuin. tturf out H
d IxOftaiMetft, att, ! MUM.lvl
htl roulrt'l t ral.w), elek"riti
aivl teiephoa liit a.i pwldi hf
, kutHitbaa 5rlie miImii, wa
tr wot ha, il ethr pt.;.e uii.'Km
th vurrvwt-l, tVmi'.d H t tuu4
Mef tw Ik cvutioi of a mimII hu ul
lo,kf, an4 a whwh th kuur
.( th i-oiMiry ahwwtd t otd.v
iii.iutof tti, Ha atw.ui awl a
tuvly Mt Httit to tk tow t toe
of It- tiauiauaity.
Vh rMitwt fetra tl k itv
Wrl Ih fit IWtwut reile l-T lh
iTHmulil'if l lH rKe rM
No el the comM r!ty 4 jti,
to th il(i I th u Mot. ..t
.mm ef theui wlet whl tluwi thf
il-l k.
(unflfMliMll MuCWr if Vliwie
to, vthf l th Met Vary lak(n
seen so early in the season, even here, and never seen, at any
time, elsewhere.
Lndlt'B extra heavy ilwna linod Union
Suit, open ncroHM Hlioulder or Cfl a
down front, our UOo quality, stuUv
Ladie' flmiCH lined Vtteta k I'antH.AC-
gray or ecru, each uvv
1fldien' hitch puck, long aloe v t CA
cotton VeatM'oucn 1 uu
Child' heavy fllwca linnd Uulou Suit,
ona acroaa ahoulder, drop, fifln
aeat, each ..VVU
Child's fluece lined Udon Sulta,
opim down ironr, encli
We uguin cull your attention to the
moat completes lino of Now Hreaa Good
ahown in Nebraaka. Thla aounda like a
blgflaim, but our aaaortmonta juatify
ua In making it, aa you will agree when
yov nee them. If you can't come to
Lincoln, aond for aumplea,
Lttdlea' black and tan cotton Ifoaa,
iik;wi nee 1 ami toe, dou- n f QA
bin aula, aoamleaM, u or... lu 1 abG
Boy a' extra heavy cotton blcyclo
noae, xxi rit, il-thread, double OK A
knee, heo! and ton, a pair uuli
Mon'i tan and black cotton aocka,
aeamieHM, double heal and toe, 0 ft A
two jmlr for u)j
fEwing Clothing Co's.I
New fall
ter stock
Is now complete and ready
V greatest bargains in the state.
a a
500 Men's AH Wool Suits
500 Men's All Wool Suits
500 Men's All Wool Suits
X 500 Men's All Wool Suits
Boys and
Children's Suits. !
$ 200 Suits .
$ 300 All Wool Suits
400 All Wool Suits
500 AU Wool Suits
Come in and examine
our mammoth stock
of Fail Goods at the
Lowest Prices. . .
1115 AND 1117 0 ST.
Kit wo d.rf Ml rtwfl iwl i-
lf th tlovt J-OMUlHlt aiwt hiMnt
li-i wl th iftal atamUrd and
toitk tit urrMry, th t
a th vii. It wm r
dy. klr, Vi.l ry a th tncwtd
vlU!it a Wilr l th mm w r;
rwtaUve o tk rurreory eaeatVo.
w it kko Ht h- U if
nt f r aa )Mitt,k wl th m p
ft aiw Mrri hiw ta to b
Lad lea' 2oc Taffeta Glove at.. ...19c
8O0 quality at 29c
To rIoho a unall Una of $1.05 aaa
Hilk Mittaiia, a puir VJj
Two-boned CorHeta, 4 0
J'erfect Uttlng Qj
Heavy woolen lllunketa, flf f rye
I Ox t, a pair ipl.O
II x4, extra quality gray wol- d An
len lllunketa, u pair if 1 I
A full and complote line of Cotton iA
Flunuula, upward from j
FulMine of Comfort npward 5QQ
and win-
The S
for your attention
jt jt
. $ 5.00
$ 7.00
. . 8.00
jt fc
$2.00 I
tlml i lh twinf laa wl wo
rw Tu tk cuwiiwit : ktf,
M.t lewiy w4 all kv tim a4 t,
WuaMle tol.te ta il.kttf th kt
tory il th fie I th litl
at'r i hwltf l)UthMi rwd)
i hi ,y WIWr U !.". H
liw ww ttMld a aiito i tk
wtit of thi report with h tal
lUnl w f4 H