The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, September 22, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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Sept, 22, 189S
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Of FflIJi I'l DM6LE 81.
"Naw Tint" rubllahm Horn Happrrased
Hews From Waahlnilon War I
Prtinnt TrlcUs hhowu liaTe
eullar Drill of I'lutoirela.
sire to Be Friendly.
Washington: Senator Elkiiw of West
Virginia, one of the strongest believers
of the annexation of the riilllppine isl
ands, In la Washington. Ue came to
Washington Just an soon as ho heard
of Spaln'a proposition for peace, and
lnta been here ever since working in
the Interest of a strong and firm forit-ffii
policy. There are but few men in pub
lic life who have the foil tide nee of the
president to such 1111 extent us Senator
Klkins. With Mr. MeKlnlry the West
Virginian talked plulnly and urged mi
opcu declaration that this country
meant to hold tin Philippines.
Before the war begun Senator F.lklns
was opposed to hostilities, lie thought
the trouble with Spain could be fet
tled by other means. Press dispatch!
Without desiring to ruler Into a (lis
ruKhlou of it colonial policy, or an ar
gument on territorial expansion, I dc
aire to mildly criticise the president on
the choice of friends. To those whose
iiiemorlcM go beyond the present year
nn 111 turn In given by rcudlnif thut
"few men In public life enjoy the con
fidence of the prcitldent to such an ex
tent an Senator KIUIiih." Thl is the
name Klkins. bear In mind, who would
have looked upon tho world through
hnr at the end of theHtur Koute "uu
dulM If Justice and thu penitentiary
hml their due. If the president alms
to retain the lofty reputation for vir
tue ho ho hitherto bad, he will keep a
stenographer In the room when Klklna
In there, Jt may Interest the readers
of The New Time to be told the causes
which have changed Klkins from bin
ante bellum "pcuisc-at-uiiy-prlco" posl
tlou to hi present aggressive war lov
ing frame, When women and children
are being starved In Culm, and after
the assassination of thu Maine battle
ship, with SliOodd of her men, Klkins
sang, bird-like, for tienee and for
Spain, Ilia Intereat, like Klkins' Inter
cut In everything, could be expressed
In dollara and cents, lie wu the
agent, the paid aenute representative,
of the Hpii nihil bondholders, lie talked
against war and earned IiIn money.
Klkins la honest, at leant to the extent
of doing what be Is paid to perform.
With war declared uml hostilities on,
Klklna' view point at once changed. It
became hla financial Intercut to prose
cute the war thusentercd upon. It la
rudely estimated that Klkins, Bliss, the
accreiary of the Interior, llannu, the
aenator from Ohio, and two others not
In publie life will directly reap fifty
million dollara bei.etit from the war
about to Imi concluded a thin Is writ
ten. Fully one-half of tbla fifty mil
llona ia conttugent upon the retention
of the Philippine islands by tliU irov
ernment. Mr. Klklna la one of the or
iranloera and promoters of the I'hilltv-
plno Trading tympany, recently
formed, lie Isalso deep Intoa acheme
for build In ir rail ways In tuua. A ayn
d Irate to own l'orx Kico nuiubera Mr.
Klklna among it membera. He be
came buav aa aoouua war waa declared,
and at once accured a coal contract
from the government to furnlah It boo,
000 tona of coal for the navy at 10.40 a
ton. Henator Ilauna, a ncraon of aome
raodeaty aa well aa iuOucnce, could
Ifet a contract for the comparatively
amall amount of J00,ooo toua one
million between them. The extortion
ate price paid ia becauae of a clause
which makea it neccaaary fer the con
tr actor to deliver coal at any naval
atation In the Atlantic. The figure
were baaed on the hey eat atation.
where the fleet then lay, and Included
a nrolll. The veasela that have re
ouieed coal have all come nortli for It.
or the fleet haa lieen aupplieil by col-
llera. which have invariably taken
their loadaat Norfolk, the point moat
eonveuient to Klklna' and llanua'a
Klklna haa qiiiU? aupplanted llanna
In White lloune affectioua. lit U a
hiuoothernroMaltiouof iiiuiiIhhxI. Han
11 a bore hlmaelf too much aa a ifuur
dlan of the prealdential ron aa well
a curator of the prcaulentlul eatate.
Klklna la the avinimthetie unU luter
rated frleud.
The rtreaident la much concerned
over the forward conduct of hia brother
Abner. Abuer l a ern or much
baalnaaa aairacity. He ttiMired great
poatbllitiea in hia klnahin and haa won
Condition of the Kluvan Thuoan4 Hpan
lull I'rltiinort Very I'oor Trpliuld
Fever lii(trealn at an Alarming Half
In Manila ami avlli.
atory of the Merrlmac ia an old wife a
tale by thia lime. She had been once
condemned and lay rotting at her
i dock. A coat of paint and a barrel of
! .... , . . . 1 1 . . :i.iii
1 wniieieau raiaeo oer aeiiuijr fwuhh- 1 . ,
tiea from a questionable 510,000 to rnllippine insurgent Leaaers UB'
8400,000. J ne Merrimne acanuai wna
ready to burnt when she waa scuttled
In Kantiniro channel. I don't want to
detract from the plory and heroism of
llobaon and hia bamirul or vikings;
their bravery stands for as much as if
It were effective. It waa not the we
al re of the men who ordered the Mcr
rimae' drowning to block the chan
nel. They wanted to submerge the
evidences of their fraud. When Cer-
vera figured that his t ime had come
for an ocean run the Merrlmac wreck
did not obstruct hia squadron's passage
nor did it prevent the entrance of the
American fleet later umler tlie ques
tionable Sampson and the undoubted
Neh ley. The Merrimne was sunk to
concuul a crime, and llobson and his
men were put in Jeopardy to keep men
now in Washington from publie no
tice. All these things will get Into
the newspaper press one day, but to
no purpose, -j ne war win do eigut
months ended before some uneasy con
gressman w ill demand papers and re
One of thu mont entertaining series
of ofliciul Improprieties Is oiiig on
now In the war ofllcc. 1 don lit If Mec-
retary Alger knows that lie la In a
way 11 felon, requi.liig only the for
mality of conviction to make liini
legally such. His ia one of those hap
py natures wbh-h knows no wrong In
Itself. Jn the fiillncsa of time it be
came necessary to the progress of this
opera bouffe of a war thut the war
depurtmunt ucquire some transports
for the troops. Asslstunt Necretary
Meikle job 11 set himself to work and
bought several at fairly good rates,
Then an idea struck the Algerian
mind. Other labor was found for
Melklejohn and Secretary Alger
brought from Michigan his one-time
business partner, Col. Trunk llecker,
and commissioned him us the f'ovcrn-
inent'a airent for the purchase of trans
ports. I'rlcea to the government for
sea going craft at once went up, al
though It does not appear thut the
khlp owners got the advance. On the
contrary, It la averred that Col. lleck
er, Necretary Alger a ouslness partner,
makea the tmrcrcuce. j uo not say
that Alger is knowingly venal. As I
have remarked, whatever Is to bis
financial advuntuges seems to be good
and in violation of uo Christian principle.
One day a man -a newspaper corre
spondent found Meeker In a govern
ment office ordering about ofllccrs pf
the army with the air of a proprietor,
Has llecker a commission in'
oulrled the correspondent,
"No," replied Necretary Aiirer, -ne
la simply a purchasing agent"
Then," salilthc correspondent, "you
will do well to tlx him out. It's against
the rules of the department to assign
civilian quarters in this ouildlng, or
permit him to transact business for
the war department, pome on win
impeach you oue day or another.
Thereupon Ceneral Alirei' wrote out
a commission for his business partner
and henceforward llecker became col
onel and assistant iiuiirtcrmaster.
Recently Alfred II. Lewis, In a INew
York publication. iruve asucuinct read-
In ir of tlia Alirerlan character. It is
worth reproduction in part lu tins
Who is Alircr'.' He Is a politician
from Michiirun. His millions, born of
dubious deula in pine lauds, make the
sole reason for his politteul existence
In person he Is tall, gray, slim and
Alirer is very rich. 1 hat docs not
mean that Alirer is very wise. To be
aa wealthy aa Solomon is not always to
be as profound as Solomon. J his city
bristles with proof thutmauy dull aud
witless folk, indeed, can produce a
bank honk the size of a Webster's un
abridged. Alirer Is of thia last sort.
His bead isshaped like a red squirrel s;
he thinks like a red squirrel, aud he
has all of a red squirrel a trick to ac
cumulate, lu the instance of the rus
set rodent chronicled, the hoard is
acorns, w ith Alirer it is dollars; that
makes the only difference.
Alirer bus wealth to the humming
tune of millions. And It ia with thia
wealth be iHiuirht his present portfolio.
much aa some merchaut of beef might
buy a steer in a stockyard. Alger
from the earliest haa made his mouey
talk. Alirer is suLracioua to that ex
tent, at least. Alger la more eloqueut
more convincing with hla money
than with hla mouth. Mirer haa hotted
to be preaideut. and still hopes to be
president. And hla money la me ireuia
on which Alirer'a hopes do all their
elanibrrinir. Money! Money! Money!
It haa lcen the Alger system for three
tjy We place before you a most interesting collection of bargains for this week.
Nkw YoltK, Sept, 21. A dispatch to
the New York Herald from Manila
says: As the result 01 the meetings or
thu national ussembly of Filipinos,
thus far held in Malolos, there is now
entire confidence in the American gov
ernment on the part of the insurgent
lenders. All tho members of the as
sembly exhibit an earnest desire that
tlie future relations of the Hllplnos
with the Americans may be of the
most friendly character.
Tho condition of the Spanish pris
oners is beginning to excite anxiety
among the military ofllccrs here.
Klcven thousand of these prisoners are
pitirtcrcd in churches and other publie
buildings within tlie narrow confines
of the walled city, where most of the
Spanish people live, where the Ameri
can garrison Is quartered, aud where
(Jeiierul Olia haa located the army
Membera of the sanltar yeorps are
kept constantly at work clearing out
filth that constantly accumulates, the
Spaniard having not thu lcaat knowl
edge of the laws of sanitation, The
result is a condition threatening a
general outbreak of disease at any
moment. Typhoid fever la already In
creasing at an alarming rate. Author
ities feel It is absolutely essential to
the health of the city to get thu Span
lh prisoner out of Manila at thu
sarliest possible date.
Similar conditions are reported from
Cavite, where the Spanish In the hands
of the rebels are suffering from the
lack of thu necessaries of life. To
make matters worse the sailing of the
hospital ship Uio has been repeatedly
delayed. It Is now stated positively
that the vessel will sail J hursday.
on nearly M f them. Abner has taken ,,,.,.,,,. tm.v 'My iU Chicago
a broker a percentage 011 nearly every
t,U a.thl to the irovrrniucnt. lie was
a ttartv In interest to the Wanuamak
r shoe contract. The eminent I'hila-
telithtaa aohJ to the government shia
f,,r ilia vuluutecr Mildtc ra. Ilia price
i 13. M or '" "' hVuie. Me ob
taina the ahue at ' 41 from the Mas
kaVhtiaatU manufacturer. Whv !
nul the manufacturer furuUh thrm til
reel to the ettniiuUaary nr iiuarlertua
UrT Aher ktw. Ihie of the nrat
bill U ru W fore the I fv nth ctu
grei waa ft nt.Uluu t tale the
mi of Boalal carrier. 1 ha 1.111 was
aiartUtrtoil o..ufh a a J woulU mo
Jaubt ha larea i.v.f ul Abner
KUKtelcf made It a certain f by raat
trusts It He retie,! uuHi f
fcta frwlll.w hem.f I iKaj ami
laa valval vl tiure, foe MMMna
4 Vat ftA'HSt. Abaera iwrauloaa au-
Itvitt kaa vaeae4 tU brother, the
p,eUat. tiiacerelv ra aa.l ha
aa4 Kim V ela rat"i jca. ua
la eteet
ThAkhte, aaalturv vruier, tuf
sad the lika wkUa tftt lo wtase m IHe
tMt 4faae Hl hate, a I bate 14
I4 Iftaala M Hrlhef Utt l mI
K 1M iWaaeka aa atit.l her
iaflta waa tit
bthWea a tv Vark lUaaa at
a mi if . Atlhatiwt af the
javaia avha ly Ike ahe waa
iff tsiat4 aa iaa t-viilv t H M
llaaaa. Ik aeaakf a t.vU fM
llaaa faaatly a aVla aU la
laMMakM lha atiaial al IKa
eatiratltly aaaali aattt wf naJ.ii
WaaM Uur a HtUJiawa W
af ft etittlMt-ai.
1'W May ft4 Vf lh UW
tlf4ft tkvtel, waa Iwwf at - iv,aj
P tnatl awthaiM Ma,a, tat IM
aeaaUr ! waa hit Ua taMttaf
Uaf, wVU h Wr t.a ial U
ajrhl M r wa ft wat fwllatf Ua
klarl Mia MaBe W
Vat iftehtaaaa
Ute ! Wfwe U "ft. Th
convention of long aud long ago an
Alirer airent found a bevy of colored
deU'tratca iu the roluuda of the Calmer
Who are you people for'1 aaked tin
Alirer Airent.
We II. aah." re,mUded llie w.atiy
kiMtkfaiuau. while a bargain counter
kth lot ahoue dliulV lu Ma eye, 'well
aeWa of ua la to' Sherman, an telwu la
f.i' aale
lllalory bath It lhat ietan waa fi
Alirer' wheli Ihe areut ismcluded the
aa uajavta u i t at .
A ft4U'loua rumor la carrtat taat
Ik rHal lilaaaa at tba ciarlaa
Va 4u ta io jKt.alai Ua araaau
Waa aJalalalaievI It la aaU-tty
truii4 laJ la aHlaa la Ua eare
waralai aa f vfealat Heaaaltanat
rutaor el Ik U Ita4 ara rallaaaUi
tfeaala aa a4 taa ai fat Uat tka
our la ka (ua aa la III kaaltfc a
tUta aufllt taal aaala ftktcft la Ia4
lta alal telataa aiixf. Tbat IM
fttarea la aairaUr ta varialaly a
trwa t taa alrri.
tla at iat wt kattaaJ 1 V1
Vt fcar aliaua aa4 lavt, fcti iJM
aiatatt kaf U4im l ftaUiaf aiiia
iai4l Via lit aaa tnal tit
aa f t Maiaal kar
ftiwMf a la
t kal 4 tkiak at tka (.rtkoa
at tfea I ltt HU" ak4
Uaaaail "tkftt la laal kat it k" r
all4 IMMi, "tiaatT" A rwa
tteft.- rwH Ckrwalla tairaa
taa ilaat4i aVfttaiaa,
A, vm4 CkrlaAlaa ta a4 aat M ft
tmA ftlftf U aa4a-k 4aUr ft
tataar al tka laak 4 ka4Vt klftv,
a ft .ttat kWt ft4 Muttftft-Kat,
u u r, Nutf
Two Tranipnrti Left Ilia lalanda
Manila l.aat Week.
Sam Kuancisio, Sept. 21. Tha
steamer Australia arrived In port
early this morning from Hawaii, lien
eral Merriam, commander of the De
partment of California, who has been
in Honolulu, was one of the pussen
gcrs. Me was accompanied on the
voyage by Lieutenant Craves and
Lieutenant Itcnnelt of his staff. When
the steamer left the people were Jubl
lant over annexation and were Inter
estlng themselves In all efforts to
make the irovcrnmcnt of the islands
liuiilar to that of the United States
The ofllccrs of the Australia say that
iho Arizona, with troops for Manila,
ailed September II, and the Hcandia
with troops aud treasure, was to leave
September 11. The Australia brought
up five sick soldiers. Lieutenant Hunt
of the Fourteenth rcirular infantry
was also a passenger. He was taken
ill in Honolulu with typhoid fever
Hiul after he was convalescent was
granted a sick leave.
Tim I Hike of Tatuaii Sy formar I'ra-
inlar t'aiiora Would llav Averted W ar.
Madkip, Sept. SI. The duke of
Tetuan, who was minister of foreign
affair in the cabinet of the late Fee
mler fanova del ( ustillu, ia quoted aa
saying iu an Interview: "Honor Cauo-
vas, if he had lived, would never have
accepted war with the United State.
Canovasaud myself were convinoed
that war would lead inevitably to the
ruin of Spain."
Continuing, the duke blamed the
Liberal, who, he said, could have
averted war, either by aeccptinir the
proffered gistd offlcca of the United
Statea minister, Ceneral Woodford, or
by treating with the inaurirenta 011 the
haaia of Cubau Independence, or by
selling Cuba. Nenor Nngaata, the uke
of Tctuau ilet lured, "in rckminalble
for all our dUaatera and moat I
ejected from power."
in submitting for your inspection
our large stock of FALL GOODS.
Just the Right Shoe
Isn't always easy to find, hut don't give it up
and take something you don't like. You'll
find the shoe you wnnt here right In
stylo and shape, well 111 11 do and durable,
uud very low ia price,
Kid button Babies' Shoo .1-C, all solid, OQp
reirulur 4.fc, thia week... Uev
Kid Button Babies' Khoes, 'l t, spring
heel, regulur price uOc, this week
Little dent's lace kid, black and tun OA
y-H), regular f 1 .50, now I? 1 .6U
Boy's Hatln Oil lace, 1-5, rog. (1 OR
ft.G0-l.7fi, now kpitUJ
Boy's stock farm culf bnls, 2-5, (tjl
rcgulur f 2, this wis'k I? 1 ill J
Misses Kid Button, broken sizes, rcg QQa
ft.G0 l.7G, to close VOX
Ladies' Kangaroo Calf, button and &i QC
luce, reg. price ft. GO, 110W..IP 1 J J
Iodles' Kangaroo Culf. button or lace, heel ft
spring heel, coin anu opera too, tf CA
regular f 1.75, this week, per palr.-lplivU
Ladies' Kangaroo, button and luce, 0 17 A
histl aud spring beel, reg. f 2 k? 11"
Ladies' box calf, button and luce, tf f AO
coin toe, rcg. k'i.'i't, this week. tp i tUO
(Jeuts' floe Bhoea, up-to-date, extension soles,
coin and bulldog toes, at f2, 6 A RA
M and f.'I.GO. Cordovan,,. .kpl. till
GOe, 1 0-4 Cotton Blankets, thia jO
week, per pair "ill
00c 10-4 Cotton Blank 11 ts CO A
-this week, per pair
7Goll-4 Cot ton Blankets,
this week, per pair
11.00 114 Cotton Blankets,
this week per pair
f 1.25 11-4 Cotton Blanket,
this week, (sir pair
f 1.50 1 1-4 Cotton Hluakots, tf f QC
this week, per pair IP iiUV
7Gc Bud Comforters, full size 07c
f 1 Bed Comforters, full size SUa
ft.iifi Bed Comforters, lull size f 1.1 2
f 1.G0 Bed Comforters, full size 1..15
1.75 Bed Comforters, full size 1.G7
'2.00 Bed Comforters, lull size 1.70
Better grades at same discount.
Underwear; Special this week.
Children's Gray Merino Vests and Pants, 4c,
OXfl, n, U; 14c, lOtfe, 21c, 2.'c, 25c
and 27c; from 1 to 15 yearn.
Ladles' heavy Jersey Ilibbed Vesta, regu 17
lur 20c; thia week, each I I v
Ladles' Fine Jersey Ilibbed Vesta and 0 1 A
Pants, regular 25c; this week U I V
Men's Merino Shirts and Drawers, 1 7a
slightly soiled, rcg. 25c, to close, each 1 I V
Men's Camel's Hair Hliirt and Drawers, QQ
regular 40c, thia week, each UUV
Men's Jersey Uibltcd Shirts and Draw- Aii
era, regular GOe, this week, each 1UW
60 dozen Urn's fancy random fbwc-llned A Ap
Shirts and Drawers, reg. 00c, each...?
Bargains in Prints Muslins,
and Satines.
40 pieces Martha Washington fan- Q
cy J'rliils, regular Go, this week...d 1 uV
20 piece Anderson LL. 4 4 Muslin, '
regular 4 V. this week, per J 3"4C
15 pieces Simpson's 114 llgured Hut-Q Oa
lie s, regular price 10c, this week..O 1 U
20 pieces Windsor flirured Hutincs, A
regular rlee 12!,'!, this wia-k. per yd I VI
Fall Dress Goods.
Jifl pliea brocaded plnlds and novelties, 1 a
regular and 15c, thia week. 1 11
15 pieces brocaded dress goods, regular f 17 A
20c, this week jl I V
1 2 pieces novelty dress goods, regular Q A i
UOc, this week, per yard Hit
1 1 pieces novelty dress goods, regular Off
45c, this week, per yard U I 1
pieces novelty dress goods (beauties) A (In
regular 00c, this week, a yard..,.. tVJ
S5e novlty dress goods ., 73c
Lot 1, 50c men's Hat, now
Lot 2, 75c Men's Hats, now
Lot H, f 1.25 Men's flood Fur Hat
Lot 4, f 1.50 Men's Hood Fur Uat.
Lot 5, f2,25 Men's Extra Fine Hat.
Lot fl, 25n Boys' f Aa I-ot 7, 50c
Wool Huts 191
Boys' wool IlatsUaJw
Lot 8, 75c Boys' Wool Hats, now.. 58c
Hosiery Bargains
Misses' ribbed lloso, black, G-H, jier pair 5C
Missea Cotton 1 loan, fleeced, 5 W Q Qa
regular 10c, this week, per pr...O 1 Ul
GO doz. Boys' aeamless ribbed 10 1 .On
Hose, heavy, reir. 15c, this week.. Id 1 'bV
50 dox. Men's cotton p ilose, fast col
ors in tan, black & brown, reg. 12!..,
. . . --v jrs r-- s
Il w the Well Street Bunkers uiul New
York Trust Furnish Republi
can I'lipcr l''ree.
Murk I In 1 iik lOditor Trie lo Lie
I'.ut Can't. Tell a l'lauible Yarn
Nebriwlia Itiinks.
r.w.(.n b Umi.i llgai Ma
lea MklMli HI Itualiataa.
Sr Loiia, Npt ?i. lu a Ha-hl -
Iween Mala Bart l-avia and Ihe Hltfht
watehiaaa, I harloa Davia. ut tha
ataaiitar .Matttotaer, of tha DiantonJ
Ja Una al (Ufa lan.tin laat night
tha aigkl walchutau altavk4 tha mala
with a kaif Fw ami Him tha
atragla lai4, tath parU'iaal
rolllaf about tha deW, lu (Ha h.rr
at tha paaaeafara. I taally, whew tha
mala, whu ka4 Wm ewt ta uaiuerout
laeea, waa aUul give up, h
a.le4 ta eullUrf l rtwlwt Wtltt
a wall dr tt H.l U UiJ Iha walvh
aaaa U
Mleiihaa lUg, (f-prial.. t tha
laa.tiatf, weal aflar a ettrwaar They
aa4 both the HtU a4 walvkmaa
iUa-1. Ijlaf ua the W.l wr4 tlwth
ttfta ia ra-aa ta a Wwhieaa Imaaa
f wkJ - hi aa kaat via
wa laath at tha Ura f alaiUa l
thia tllla ta IU Um vaUaf aaeaed
bewt at vharvh alal I tH W
a wata awla-t I ! a tt
5arwwa' III aa4 fwwr ar tivle4 t
ia, tha XmW havlaf a iiaa4 aa
het f4 thair rvt ka laltaf
ar Mr Mhat Uaai, Mia. J M
Travis. Mr. Jvha U. vea aat U W
If the people cf ,elin.Uu could have
cMiet inforiiiution of the 1-1 I i t ion of
their Mete (riicerunieut and a true rec
ord of tlnd gernmeii1 .or the lnet
ciHileeu iinuitha, the fuwion iiiajority
vmmiIiI not Ih' htH than Iimi.isio. Mony
Nell lamled men ihvlure that iMilwith-
stuittling there arc several humlml
faiiHilieK In t'he Male who rein l inning
1ut thv IsnnIU' repultlieun wtt-klie
11 im are let 111 Ijpmantnv or lite lrue
ituution. Hie fuin mujority will not
H ICHH t lltS tl ;5.(miu.
iMiiuilint etki'litr wriliirg to lite
' ' . , ... . . I I .hi. I.... ..I
the itMHiblieen Miper here lHa not
one veut for the uiiar on whith
In ehHl i priu 1 mr for the print-
liijfof six of iueitrlit Mifea WbetvOoea
the uMM' tiMiie InHii lo M lor Hie
(mleiil liatith'k t.f 11 M the ivpubKciin
iMik t ,eliiiKu," MV iW'iir iru'iiti,
1 . .. ... .... . .1... 1
nu (iiw o! I lie un, uaii n 1
,.u!il inline iiiil furnish li uamr).
1 1,. I milt tol IfcHlMU lllnltK-l. 01
i-iurtkM icputdii'MU MH'r. but fr
h.i f 11 iloell other lle, iit not
er i1ier thiileiul uu-leiih of
oi- i r eeiil. k biiir a I lie irutia
11 ml iitjk.ileii ini niinna n-v'
fuui, thvie will " immw
l M lor kU-lil ilMtktva fr rrpulNt
mil Mirk-I.
Mslf. . lll M-Mk I U 1111
ide lik lepol'Utttit eMo tur.iihli
lt.e WaII liv-l iv f mill ilil, noa-n
1 mtit iU4 II, but of !! I lli-
kiitikal bw larll trMaet. Ilelooil l
du Mineihl ii.otniMll .H aiteitiioii
Iti !. tliwl lalIUsM awkltra
rtte m'(vI aul Ueii Un Ut rpul
t,4ii ntiloi li -all niivi'l iMHkrr.
ltif(nrtl Iruxlk aiat ld4 oaMt
1 1, M
Hi- of Ih I1wk tnli u'llt
I, ul .ti iliiiii' aiHil .t Ih
lOrtin WMia .S.i,li lit Ihe ill I
frtitml kiAlra N Ml l HlUiuf t
h W of d.ltvreel i4.ul.ut
uollcva th. trurHl wa
ilwtt. " I h ituinillai wiii fura-
I4 ltwr kit lvm WMf it
iHllitnl litaii.liia aixl Welt w !. aill
i-Urm laliiJ Mini M rlHk WM
t .rlMv,l tut ab ail lu I He
taliHtra taaa r I ! a wrrk w k.H
lata tw uwatt a ). al vr III kr
waia " Im u4 mm tH-tMi waa it
r-l 1 Itaal Ikitl kill .f
wtiM !' (litn ! l kaw I.Uh- mmI
kal waa U l kli In aal
tl mwk --t rhwl '' fwMkiMt kia
wiM Im furMlkloal aHk ia.i HMtvr
U MUM k !(."
la i laka Ihe rep,MnMH wvekbr iaw and lea tkUUra ( aiial'
wlH Continue to I' anippl'ind with
reiuh pnintil iuwhlea aiid for with.
Murk IIiiiiiui IsmkIIc hikI the prc,wivl
eililol'lulH will come in M-uleleliaelipen
as heretofore. The i-cfoimi lal'itors
will contiinue to siy for their paper
iiikI priiuli'iii,' ixl iiilvunciil ni-te ami
more hImiii kcp wen vv i till ulsiilitil
iH'giin of pliitN'rucy. The.v have
done il fur ten yearn. While there are
more rcipuhlivuii weekly ais-nH ptili
iihco in Hi is slate thu.11 t'lieie. aiv re
form mikis. il is well known llmt
ihvrc are wore of t1n foruu-r Mint
ixiul'l nkM con'iliiie pnbliealioil for
two wt-eU if the Mark llaimui IshmIIc
wii wilhllrawn. However, Mic fact
that they lire ImmmIic paMTM, nlr1i.liel
inul pa il for by the corpomllon anil
IriiftM he lasxnue m well wnowii li
ra aiiHiig tliiw lo whom t'liry arc
Ncn1, thai they no longer nave innu-
nce. The iimM ctTixtive work they
iki U lo keep I lie paple who rely up
on I liciil iu lfiurain-e of runvirt ev
en tK
i'wo ur' t iiiinin uiuler Mark
I In 11 11. 1 bus multl'il few of tlie re
piltnlenill nVitora of this ktate 1o (fit
linvu wr ami eMiloli nMe n-iu !-
HHil,t fhan nn heretofore In (' 1 1
mwiUle for any man mnitf 011 .e
iaikl oil. The laUtiir of Ihe llut-
lii i ui.l yi11" ail eMiiienoii 01111111
kiixl of vileiHtvi in (tie fotUiwnl
I'ufle .Like Wolfe, in tiia irloriou
ciiiver iik it m.uc Mivior, ota-kii 1 ii-ii
whv he 'lil iplitl'lel iatHili of
In ml land in liiM ilkw eiMiuiv for
t ieu tn-rv to our of Mewrve' lnl-
IIM-11, lieu a Ik, 11. 1 lot! wia on
ISU- in 1. laiwl eMiiHlkMoiH-r'a offU-e
ettei'iiajf tS imi im iv for Hie .iioe Irin't.
Iloa Hiih,ir piaipoalthMi will ta- re'
i.t.hl liV sue 1N1MH iiikiiM ii i,iikier
In Uluill timr I i !r Juke la
l.lla.l llltf "
It en one will refer to mvIhhi I'hSi,
ttMi.p.le! kl.tliil.k kti, lie will are
dull when a limit hImi tta U'imhI
M'liool Inul diel wUhea ll but It, ami
H. l.nxt li.i laa ii ,t.utiMl ,naHl' lo l,w, tin- ! v bit a fikl l it
r t it if M.liit' iillw I IH.tll l.l,SI olTvr
1 1 .ul tin tute Im It I !- U im null
llili.rf ,i I. tiling f4- im tv I Kut, ami
l.,t Ih ii4 I lir 1 , of H'iii- ll.etv
h i, imi "lknm n.l" bt.l on Hit,
h'i'l Mi-tti Ui Imir tHirtitiil ill
Iruuaelf bta iiliU.i up In Die km,l of
h It ill l a kiwiwhaltil l all
iv a lo I Ihe Mal toivUtlv aial
trtaU'tl tan.! of the alalt tatukln
W roel Miat It ever foM Ihw i
Hie. Ilia Uil li-(ail til I h ttuxlilHHi
tit Ihe lt latuk, allv iialnl
iliMiig biteM la thw alala ha aiai
4 irk itkMit Mirw Kt ut wtt Itwir
IMiittiV tk II a'e Itittl lUe
lutttt mm tiHieif ikitiMtaal lulotilHa
lu tha aMiMMkl tt U laiVTtt anil ta
l-4al iwh In I heir aMk,aiM iwtly
MMHIUl In V.IHVi II. tv t
rallt aula .f al4lra) I i ik-IWr of
limit of wife lainkhig ha uilwaya Ix-eu
cousklered, oine dollur of iiuney to
four duMar f ciNtlit, 1ut in these
ilayH of eoiinil inouvy, tlie iNiiikx are
(fo'iug it mx iH-tter. Thoit latenu-n1
Nlimw'k Mie feail foiind'atioit iisin
wliii'h all liiiNiiieftii rt-Ml iu t'his Hl.ite.
N .Miile breath wuuhl kiHs'k tin
whole row of rardk down. But Kiip-li-.e
we really Inul u gokl' ta.adunl
anil omly gh'l' wa legall teixlei'.
Where vvoulil we Ih- IlienV IllMeail ol
having i.1,710h0 to pay off t'lwir in
drl'ledlieKH of $.'..'!,01).1,T.;i:i. tlhey voillf
only have fi,4il,770. or out- kMar of
mouey to lid chillan of vviml. W'iml
ia a pretty jfsl thing, bint if Uit iiiim-Ii
of it ia force, I into any sort of u re-I'l-placU'
it, i sure to lurt. If ul
ouiteiil.h of the laiiu.k' eitalitori
Should take 11 notion Mine, they
their money, the vvholt- 5115 would go
up the tliriiie in llftet-n minute. The
time for uisiMiec isinau 1 gi'ttitic
elee to hand, Thia laiuk ti-jawt lai -
nliat the condition vvlileii pnatun
pauiek are iilrcntl'v hvrt.
On ttclota-r - to a tlie Minaouri I'.i
eillc will kill liekfta to KiHiaiia I l'
uml ivlurii at one fare for the f ..it1.
trip. The only line with two Itimuye
expri'M t nil no daily, le-itiuw l.iao.i
i! p. 111 11 mi tuts p in rur rn-. 1"
I'ifoeiiitilHNi call at t i1y te kel ntfi-i.
IIKIU O at reel.
Y. IL (OIINKI.I.. ( I', and I
kA- tK-Qrf?
til brlug about taa aawta raUa a
Irl luj ith a Kily aiada aarw.
of karaaaa Ik at ia aa la Irwut lei. f
ie itt a. I lur Raa Vat a at
alia a ! la lreat aaj ilnralM
lly, aa.t ok ea lf) lk roaf"'
ruada, aa4 liaal lu tla a-ran'j
aa; atrira7. Wa a a ) Uiw
aJatila Ua baa wl l, akla.
aoraa blaaktta aaJ aaeala. at J ka
(ttotla garlly,
COUK A UtlllliW,
u Sa 1 uli St., Lincoln. Nrl.