The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, September 22, 1898, Image 3

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    Sept. 22, 1898
Id thli department we will publish communications of a worth and inltable
character, received from subscriber to this paper. No communication should
oontaim uout than 800 wokdb. Manuscript will not be returned.
' I'rotaat Ag-alut Kea' faymeat.
Llucoln, Nebr., Aug. ao, 1808.
Hon. John C. Cornell, State Auditor:
Dear Hir: I wirih to enter protest
aguinst the pay moot of voucher No.
which will probably be presented to you
oon. The U3.33 called for In the
voucher cauuot be considered any thing
but robbery of the state, an the facte in
the cuse will show. The records of the
university board of regents, which
have carefully examined, contain inter.
esting history regarding the employ
went and retention of Mr. John I)
Kpts, payee named in the voucher, as
acting librarian of the state university
The following resolutions adopted by
the board of regents will more than beur
me out in iiiuklnu: this protest:
OctoberC, 1807, on motion of Urg
ent (Jould, it was ordered, in accordance
with the ncommcnduMon of the than
cellor and the uomiuutiug committee,
that John 1), J'ipcs be, aud hereby is,
uiioomtcd acting librarian fort lie period
from October 1, 18!7, to July 1, 180H,
ut the rate ol Il.ifUU tier annum.
Jt will be seen Irom this that Mr. Epes
was eiu moved fur nine moutlis only.
On the 7 lu day of December, 1807,
action was taken by the board by which
"the appointment of Mr. John J. Epes
us ucliuif librarian be extended from
July 1. 1808. to October 1. 1808."
This resolution employed Mr, Epos
for three mouths at the same rate of sul
ary, or f 340,00 for the months of July,
August, and Kept ember. On JuuuUtu
Mr. Epes delivered to the. chuncollor the
following resignation:
"To the Chuncelor and ISourd of Reg
cuts: I desire tbut my farm of office ex
pire by limitation October 1, 1808,
therefore I decline to become a ca' di
date for re-election. John 1). Erics."
Three days later, June y, the library
committee employed Mr. Ees for one
year from October 1, 1808, out grace
fully accepted the resignation dated
three days previous. On about tlieflirst
f July Mr. Kpes was paid 220.C7 of
the 1340.00 to be paid him for the three
months mentioned before, lie also re
ceived a voucher for the remaining
ill 3.33, which has not yet been paid by
the state. In as much us Mr. Epes left
Ivebruska shortly after this time and
does not notmrcutly expect to render
the state one day's service in return for
the 340, 1 deem any citizen justified in
protesting aKuinst the payment of any
further sums of money to him than boa
already been squandered, and in expos
ing the scheme and machinations of the
university administration.
The resolution of December 7th, ex
tending Mr. Eoe's time three months,
appears, in the first place, to be a "Hood
to Wealth Mude Easy," since it is not
customary to olect people for three vuca
tion months and pay them the regular
salary. Mr. Epos was elected, ns many
other employes are. for the nine mouths
of the school year. It ia not customary
to pay sucb employee for vocation
mouths or to elect them for such time.
J fence the plan arranged between Mr,
Epes and the chancellor is a transparent
fraud. All the more since at the time of
the three months election it won clearly
seen by discerning persons who used the
university library that ' Ir. Eites was not
qualified lor his work, that he was not
rendering service in any way propor
tionate with the salary of the position,
and seemed utterly unable to make
himself fit for the shoes be had been
thrust iuto. This, I say, was very plain
to everyone it must have been known
to Chancellor Maclean himMulf, yet he
eecured from the regent f 340 worth of
hitewash to make Mr. Kites and bis
friends feel easier. The finishing touches
of thecouitpirucy were given when it was
made to uppear to the public lb at Air,
Kpes was re-elected in good faith by the
recente, who then regretfully accepted
the sudden resignation, an peculiar doc
ument with which Chancellor AlxcLeau
may himself bad something to do with,
and which certoiuly was in his hands be
fore he got the board to re-elect Epes.
The scheme was then to let Mr. Ees go
with a uood record, wbeu an a matter of
fact known to svoryoue on the campus
all the record ho had mude was bad.
The chancellor theu gave Mr. Epes the
two vouchers covering the three sum
mer mouths. Haviug beeu elected by
the month, Mr. Kites should have been
Paid km alt others were in that class. At
least if be was expected to draw $340
the thauuellor should have required biro
! stay in Lincoln and occupy his office
1 hair during the three mouths. I we no
way out of the matter except to hold
the rbsmwlor responsible lor the
.'JO. 07 paid Mr. Kpt iu July fur r
vicmi rendered, and to refuse pay
ment lor the 1113.33 voucher against
bieb I now protest. Further, tb
chancellor, in spit of Mr. Kpe'seoutpM
d feiierslly miuuid (allure to Hit
Ins poatMou, apareatly laU-add to re
tail! biai aa a salary drawer lor auutbr
year il (be mtut bad not Una toa well
informed. lluo it satus that the onus
f th whole f.pca traiiaaclioa may Juat
I) U placed oa lbs chancellor ' shoulder
Itaapevttulty J our,
I. 0. IU'1-MMB,
lata, ttaaral Aa.1. lha ltntfce
VI. kilr, bare are tby Wutbvf
Uf ? TkUrd buds o( tbouauad
i tbw rttb nalo ba ff lb
gruat. Utaare vone broth' k
t, twat jo kl sad gl '
tu..av lor ur sappi!, i tbat f
il tbtt4 tuald ba b pruvtdwi
ithtvtri a-Maiy tblag. U
a I bat aa oaeolbrf tb jMrJI
akualtl dMj of await! lattay,
Many People Cannot Drink
etsai Bkl It epulis Uir ap,
Isa eaa drtak Uraia" w
ad tWp it a tup, W tiraia O d
t UamUler it nriv br aa4
b44. tt ItWk aa4 teta like the
beat , ftte M) , !
C0e a4 ebiMre Orata-U ta ls pf
Itfrtak. Mad trust trs avals tWt
Why did you not provide for your
wards? Why have you starved them to
death when we have a superfluity of all
kinds of provisions? Don't excuse your
self by saying you had too much to do.
If you bad not been so auxious to your
self dispone of every cent of the money
appropriated for tbft purpose, the dif
ferent state governments could have
equipped and drilled their own soldiers
better and in a shorter time than you
could do it. Governor iiolcomb had
the First and Second Nebraska regi
ments at the Llucoln fair grounds, the
best und healthiest camping grounds In
the United Htetes, because it is dry and
provided with plenty of shelter and the
purest water you can find an) where,
The KOveruor bud a chance to personal
ly oversee everything every day, and to
remedy and complete everything nt
cessary at once, and thus cut off a lot of
formalities the routlue of which Is so
long that a sufferer may die before reli
and his jusl rights ure grunted. This
was surely the right way to do the busi
ness, but Boon some Omaha politicians
found tbat profit could be made in mov
iug the soldiers to Omuhu. Then the
secretary of war, lor whose act the pres
ident is responsible, issued an order for
the change of camp, in compliance with
the wiehcM of a few irreedy Omaha politl
clans. ISut Lincoln remount rated, and
iu order to get the boys from under the
control of (Joveruor iiolcomb, the regl
mont were moved, one to the front in
the 1'hllippines aud the other to the
south to, ue they pretended, have them
The Third regiment was put up at
Omaha In t he sturt.L
It is bard to see why, iu order to accli
mate troops to the southern country.
they must bo put together in great
masses in a pest hole where they are
forced to drink sower water. The
weather is so chauKeable in Cuba one
miirht have expected the wise men in
Washington to order that every soldier
after each hard drill and sweat should
bo cooled off at once by ducking them in
ice water, us a means of acclimating
them to a country of sudden changes in
The federal government could have
saved itself a great deal of work, trouble
and responsibility by ordering each
state government to fully equip its
own regiments. Then if anything wae
wrouir the president could hold the dif
fereut governors responsible, liy thus
dividing the labor and responsibility the
soldier would nave bad better cure, and
the money appropriated for this pur
nose would have been more justly dis
tributed among the different states.
wonder how much of this money goes to
the western stats7
On the day the Nebraska regiments
were moved from Nebraska soil the re
eponsibility of Governor Iiolcomb
ceased and the responsibility of Presi
dent McKinley, as commander in chief,
c tmmenced. liut 1'reaident McKinley
bud not even provided provision for
hi troops for the first few days, so that
the men would have gone hungry the
very first dayoffoderal service II liov
ernor Holcomb bad not provided them
with food for several days in advance,
Everybody know tbat a soldier needs
some clothes, a gun, and some powder,
but most of all and first of all, be needs
some food, and that be must have every
day. If McKinley knew this and yet
failed to provide the necessary food for
the soldiers, he was guilty of criminal
neglect. Governor Iiolcomb would have
given these men more food than they
needed rather than let tbem suffer for
want of it.
The McKinley cabinet, instead of
trusting to state governments for the
equipment of troops, placed the whole
matter in the bands of some favorites,
some contractors, und some boys 01
promiuent fathers, who were sucked up
on the government tit and never in their
life bad done a single days honest work,
and the result is a sick, starved army
hat private soldiers cau exiect from
such boys of prominent lat tiers was
shown when one of them caused a court
martial to be held over an offloer. If I
remember right the accused was a Ne
braskau. He was yanked up for allow,
iug a private soldier, a friend ol his, to
euter hi tent and converse with blm.
This tell the story of our array manage
ment better than anything else. .Such
blown up sucker think it 1 a disgrace
for an oiilcer to treat a private soldier
as a man. For sucb bralnleas, arrogant
sunb soldier arc only a eubordiuat
class of men, jut tit lor an officer'
lackey but entirely unfit to grasp hi
baud in Irieudly recognition, toucan
be cure tbat the toldier uuder the officer
who invited a privat Into hi Unit bad
all the food aud aupiilie that officer
could ur them, and you can asaur
yourself, also, that tb uob whoordrd
hi court martial uevrr w tb kitchen
ol tboldi or card whether tby
bad anything to eat or But.
r.veu in Uvriuany, bi ay nave th
tricttwt military diaripiiu, tb bigba
officer do sol tbiub il U a disgrace to
t civil, to talk and lo have lua aitb
privat uldir if they ar not on duly,
a may U boa by a iuipU
prival aldir had arrange! a u
11 abow ia lb Uvrmaa I ra b war and
wbaaaoloa duty b ga oiii pr-
lorataacM ia tb rmp. Ou day (lea-
rl Mom iMiNl Iher. topiNHl,
Uugbait and alrbmi uatii lb r(v.rm
aace aa ur aba b rtiita"J a
tarMtla witb lb waa wbo buw4
a good dl fl wit. Finally ll.JU.
atd 1 rum - d ? i'
mil IruM 'ottdMt. M'kat' tb saw
4 tbat ant' iWflia, Allot J4 tbl
ia lb ra! I rua Friar Frfek
iupi a4lalt4 iib ji ildr
la tb Mip abo tlisi a bo l lb
tvld Hiib ba tb truea Fna
id 4uy w ra I da ear bIWr wl
Bw. lb bl Ikiag M ya l ula I IM
lay (iur4 oa war WUw a4 win
tiirl aitk lr banks wba aa ttl
aullti rartl 1 oar namtj
Ikal atiaid b alt rukl bat Ur tea
fc.ti ia Ibal ewaiiott, lw I'rfew
fdtak labl at b k bat
kt a!4 our auba do if a ldf
I4 m aatlbiag bk wbal tb
lruiaa llw i4? Tbr wtxiM
tbiak Ikat tbat ual4 be a facial fia
iail 4uRii4ia a4 sbrttaaUoat
cipline. There is no joking and not the
least bit of neglect of duty allowed in the
German army. The bitfheet general is
com ielled to do his lull duty juet as well
as the common soldier but if the soldier
has done bis duty he Is free to do and to
enjoy himself as he wiehesaud this inter
course creates a kind feeliuir and com
panionship between officers and privates
which is necessary tor every army, lou
can never expect the best results from
an army where officers aud soldiers do
notairrue. liefore a real dutfiul officer
rests himself he will see that every man
is provided with everything that he
needs. Hure enough it is not always
possible that every soldier can get his
dinner exactly at 12 und bis supper at
7 o'clock but if every ofllcer and every
man does bis full duty it Is poseible that
every man cau get at least one meal in a
It Is uot only a scandal, it is the most
abomnable crime that was ever com
mit led lu this century aud which cries ho
Heaven for reveiiBP, that some unscrup
ulous, iusutiuble usurers and some In
competent, urroirunt snobs hud the
power to sturve and to torture to death
the most noble, the most big-hearted
men who volunteered to free some neigh
boring subiuiratud people from their
barbaric tyrant.
The honor ol this nation is now at
stake; we owe it to the world but es
pecially to the thousands of inourriinif
widows and orphans to give them all
possible satisfaction by at least giving
tbem the true facts. Let no guilty man
escape no matter to what party he be
longs or how high he stands even If the
tcullty man should live iu the White
It will not do to let McKinley, Alger,
Doss lleed or even the supreme court ap
point a committee for whitewashing the
icuilty. One committee could not luves
tlgute this matter to the satisfaction of
the people bocauwe those criminal ueg,
loots of duty aud these fraud have us
sumed such enormous mugmtude that It
is just as impossible for a single com
mittoe to investigate this matter a It
would be impossible for a single Jury to
investigate and divide all the criminal
cases which are committed iu the United
Htates in one year. Kverv case has to
be investigated and judged for itself and
therefore let evory slato government
and legislature investigate its ownc ses.
A true investigation and punishment ol
the guilty persons is necessary to pre
vent such criminal acts In the future and
every honest officer must wish for his
A French investigation with a Dreyfus
as a scape goat will not be satisfactory
to the thousands of noble women, chil
dren, mothers and fathers who lost aud
mourn over their husbands, fathers or
It was not a crazy populist or social
ist but one of the mont prominent repub
licans in Lincoln, Captain llilliugsly
who In defending Mayor Graham in a
cuseof boodling said; Office getting bus
been corrupt away back ia history loug
before Jackson gave utterance to that
principle; "to the victor belongs the
The methods of politics and of office
holders are not savory and sweet smell
ing at best. Harrison as president, ap
pointed as a member of bis cabinet,
Wannamaker as postmaster-geueral
who bad given f 100,000 to Harrison's
campaign. Mark Hanna gave 150,
000 to get McKinley nominated and
Hanna is now at the head of the kitchen
cabinet and dispense now the patron
age. Dawes and Calhoun it Is said spent
fH.OOO and months of time to get Mo
Kiuley, the Illinois delegation aud they
having paid In advance of these jobs.
Each were rewarded. One is now comp
troller and tbe other on the inter-state
commerce commission, each a $5,000
According to newspapers Mark Hanna
got the whole contract for delivering
coal lor the navy at a dollar tier ton
more than tbe same coal is sold to other
parties. According to newspapers tbe
transport of soldiers fioin Michigan was
contracted at f 8 per man but another
contract was made at $12 er man.
Here luys tbe cause aud tbe main root
of the evil. Corruption and bribing even
of the highest otlicers is taken as a
matter of course. Captain liillingsley
mude remarks over bribing presidents
in the open court in defending Mayor
Graham and these remarks were pub
lished iu lbs newspaper long ago.
All tul iteople need Is to emancipate
themselves aud clear the government
from corruption and boodlers, eeecially
after our sad experience In tbe Cuban
Fhkii Son wtizKit,
Woodlnwn, Sept., 1, 1808.
lifoi'U lutvc Imm-ii Mtarl'd in Ou
ctMlli'iy tmet J. M. 1 itltciiii, Ioiihm
i-rutic und iiulit ihiioiiicv for stale
KCIiltlur, MotlM lnl (NinhinlK fcmiiml't
S-iietir llti fr re-Hcf-len in Hie
i-i-l.l f ill mvii I'li-cturti tii I tie It-iri-
luttiiv. The Mlmviirg ol"11 i"t
from Mr. I'ullcr.cmi ought to M-llle unci ion for till lime:
editor liiik'iM-mlriil : I Imw Jn-I
Im-th Imnilcil H trll-r of huiim Mil
ilrt-ftwnl Ut I lie ttiittir t.f tlit- I'hil.U
iitouiii .iimiiiiiii, ciint'critiiH,' my him-
Ikiii 011 die r---lfciiiMi ol l'Milor l
11 in the fiml of tti ''tMMi lo the
.llc M'lmlc,
I lint Ho lu-ll,il hrti tit ilrrtninit nit
u.l 11.11 in iIimI u-a-.l. I trgul
. imtor Allen m oi of tin- lit ki ami
W.t ! Mititttr rw r rrHvt-olt'd
Nr I unk ,t in tin- itAtwtlHtl Mtutlr, ail I
lit ilcffrtl mm tttmtit imi! l' M
irrtdl im In lliv ! !, , t,u ikt Miv
id Hit- liitliiut. If In I
ii.tM iimM ittiutU ii li,iil) .ii
iliir lllt r vxia I tu!t
I V IStlrrooll
xli.i'l t.,4t Mill a a,.t4i'f liui
If t iv mi turn 11 iihuillw II4 ) tkt
otf art rr-l unlit pMl, ttiat tlr
iiali Hut.w ol iitl." or ttiiturtu
it 111 to ti.oh ll..i ItatM wmm
ho iutlt-r ttl (ft t tkiit of
lit ttit' olel Ml I !r wtl loi.l
l M itfttfc, M tilt- IO.tli of
tliw to of tluit ttr lU a !.
it, VI roiur i iKM,m tuttl ttHa-h
'm' aa atltaot-tn fe th tiMr
-OIIIIO HtHIVtl twriHf thtf tlM of
lMM . Kt-ortrf tint i,k 1 lv
na art wMOf 1 1 tt.ta n.l- tt( tb amal
Ht-t4l ami tt IKttt W IttHialrmi
Xatnttt at laita tloa ttl Itttttwaw la
tf pUi.l rttuatt r aMt atwtlar.
I tj ktl rra .iltl la lkot U
w ! 1 i-f hlet ttl fo it Hi h
rv-ltwit tl-tiw, tHt v aiaft fatlrtl
tter until it i a little wiurinw Ulitou
ik'nv milk, ttnd mid a littJo Itonu tio
it. WmshIi' tho wm.'wt quickly, using
very little manp, utwl rubbi'iig ligihtily.
Tlit-n riiixe t.liixruh two waiters: nittnl
drp in thin lx)il-l Mttnnctii, or 11 lititlo
Ntuiix-h 111 ay Ih iuIiIkM to the netinl
rlwm wntt-r if prefcriftl. lltunig ivHt
iu the kImkIc tio dry, lVonnx hIiouM m'l
ways be. ued ia noftcn tute wiutuT In
which dark printH are wawlwni, for it
nwikiM lift? wnKhiiiig very t?ny, ami
diMis ntit injure 'llw tvdnr, Colkirs niul
cuffs 1JI1011I1I be dipMil In ooll Mtflrch
Ix'fore Uicy wv Ironed. E, ,1. ('.
How Relief Came.
Kriim Cul C'ountT pmuiiorut, Juftimua City. Mo,
Whcni In gi'lpjtc vlwitl tilbis sit'tloiii,
iilxvut scvon ycmi's ngo, llenimut II. Fv
clcr of 811 VV. Mud 11 atiwt, JclVcirKom,
Mo., wus one of Uic vIcIIiiih, tinkl Jum
Iwn-ii tJHiblil vit'li til 10 (iftviwITcct
of tilic (I'mtNiM, lie is u well known
con t,iii'iUr iiiiwl luiililcr, n limi'iifKK n
(i iiirlng- ttiiich ineiitiil utui oil vniiitiil
wwrk. A yclue ugo ih!m 'Imialnii Uiifini,
Ut fill I IMld dot WUM tllllligctl til ll'l)-llii-
wiiiuio weeek. 1 1 1 it t he li'ves toUuy is tti
itioeit 41 inlnu'lc, He myn:
"1 won ti-oubltnl wttlli eiliorl'iitis yf
b it'll Mi,' jwiljti ttitlixii of the bciirt lunil
a ipe 11c nil ilcbllily, My wk kiImo
iMiiucd lift M'vercly.
"I trkxl one lnxtor ufti't iiiwyniicr
und iitiimicroiiw I'l'iiietliiett kii'-hIhI by
my frii'i'klw, lut wlilimint u.ppiii'ci't
bfiicilt, und fwgun to five up hwn;
(A (kiiHtnwfor'B iMITU'ii'lty.)
'J'licn, I wt,w Dr. WilJiiwiMt' I'd ink I'lIU
for J'lile Fctplo extolMf lu a Ht, IamiU
Miix.r, utwl Killer wtvewt Ignition, o'ecwi
ed to give tili4m it Imlul,
"After HKiii'g tho first box I felt
wonuderfully relieved 11 ml wiwt mu 11m-
flctl thnt the pills were ipiil'tiliiif 11m on
flic rmul lo 'rvcovcry. I infnglit two
11 11 me Iwixee limit contiiiiiifir luking
"After tiklng four 'boxes of Dr. Wll
liiiins' J'iuk Fills for I'nk- I'itntU' I
inn reHwrred tx) gwsl Hiemllh. J fe.-l llkt
11 new man, inwl limviiig tli' will it'tiil
eneivy of itiy fontwi' iftiy jvliiinntil,
I i'in cetuililic of ti'iiiiMuHinir tny btiHl
ium with IikTcilmnI O'tiiibitiion,
"Dr. WlllliiinV J'ink J l'IU htr Fule
1'eoplc are it woiulcrful iiifil'W'liN1. mid
wnyuuv thnt is u ITlk-ll witllv lioil-
ii4iss of 'breuHh, isilpiitbwv of tliV 1nnrt,
iwinvoiis proetniitioiii' and! ionienil tlt-
Irllity, will flu. tlieti tlinwe tiills ere
Mie Kpec.lflc. 11 HUMAN II. HVFLF.Il."
.SnilHtcnlted uiiil worn 1o be row iim
a Ntrlnr.v I'ublic, th 84tJi tiny of
AiUiti l'ouit(i'iig, Noliny l'u Wile,
Mr. Kvelcr will irliully nnuwtr any
Jntpi'iry regiiTtling this if HfUimp 1 it
Dr. Wllllm rink FjIIh Cure peo
ple troubled llw nftep-effivls of
the grippe Im-chhihc they art d'i recti v
on fhe i'lnpnrc blood. They iiiv also
a stMfifle for cbiviiiic rytnis'lm, !
tiirrii,, riieiiiiiiitiKin en it nil (liMtMises
due to ltni(veriWli'(l Mok1.
The following appointments have
been made by tbe peonies independent
state committee.
Candidate for contrress. Jumna Mnnn.
ban will be with Senator Allen at these
I'awneeCity. Thursday, Kept. 15th.
Falls City. Friday, 8ept. ICth.
Humboldt, Saturday, Kept. 17th 2
p. 111.
btella, Saturday, hopt. 17th, 8 p. m.
Kecretarv of State. W. F. l'nrtnr will
be with Senator Allen at these places:
Nebraska City, Monday, Sept. 10th,
Omaha, Tuesday, Sept. 'JOth.
Crete, Wodneeduy, Sept. 21st.
Wither, Wednesday, Sept. 21st, 8 p. m.
1 toy unir, inursuay, nept. vxa.
Geneva, Friday, Set 2.3d, 2 p. m.
Kxeter, Friday, Sept. 2.'id, 8 p. m.
York, Saturday, Sept. 24th. 2 p. m.
Aurora, Saturday, Sept 21th, 8 p.;m.
Auditor John F.Cornell will be with
the senator at the following plows:
I ted Cloud, Montlay, Sept. 20th.
Kenkleman. Tuesday, Sept. 27th.
Treutou, WtHlnesdsy, Sept. 2Hth.
Arspahos, Thursday, Sept. U'Jth. 2.m.
McCiMik. Friday, Kept, aoth, 2 p. m.
Itlue Hill, Satunbty, (K t 1st, 2 p. m.
Haatlug. Oct. It, 8 p. in.
I'OVOTtH nii son it MM.
Ways, Tbnrada.v, rVpt, l.'.th.
I'ulumbua, Saturday, Sept. 17th.
tii.itiMn xr it TMiai.Nii,
StiM'kvilk Sepl. Kith 2 p. in.
FIwimhI, Srpi. I nth 2 p. m.
MtBdea, Sept. I7la Ip. m.
.MM NT HMmr.
II.IM UlMiiy, t lrliilr r .'
I ltan II. k pirotla-r aii
ktttrort , ,'Sr lola-r 2
II Nrill,' ta I
, iitrr, Ik tota-r I ktt
lii. i, u 1, ,ir I Nllil
lovf I'liw, Ik toU r
ikii.iai. m t.owr
si I'.ntl, th'titlwr
(Ml, la loiit r It' la,
atSM, lh-4iia lu -.t
lltiiwt It la t..U r M
! a I.1I.1 II
tt I htttit tk toia r 1 1 k, Ih-tttlat It
Mtttm tilt. IS 1 1 1
I p t ttt tk hMtl t
St tk tisvr It
lilfirl.- lk-,f I
tkaktikt, tk'lol vt J I
NtHh i Ulie, Ik4r
I u-to, tkMlr ft
I tWM.t. tk
lt.krHlnHr lkt,ur 4
lalUMat, tk k.l f
MlsT, tk tolarr Tt
HiwiHm, lk!tVt i
ltvHMM. .Ntttrtolaa-
iNnttvit liftMv., Notrtt.U"
MaWtttt M U Mtvf ,
IS) tfU
Ik tap ttMa4
JeqrnitlUtlii Animilllr
"Our wart of a contemporary," the
current Issue of the Jazevllle Gazette
gays, "claims, as fur us the war is
concerned, to have the earliest intelli
gence. That Is the kind of intelligence
they always had at that ofllre. It Is
more than early; it Is primltlve."
Cinclnnatl Knqulrer.
If Ta In Marnianr.
Dog taxes are giving trouble to Ger
man military men. The Herzog Karl
of MiK'klenburg-Btrclltz Infantry regi
ment No, 43 enjoys the distinction of
being the only regiment In the Ger
man army whoHe bass drum is drawn
In a little cart by dogs. It won the
honor by its gallantry in the war of
18U0 against Austria, when It captured
the buss drum and cart of an Aus
trian reglmont. It refused to pay a
tax on the dogs at Konlgsberg, on the
ground tbat they were useful and not
a luxury, but was compelled to pay,
as the law gives full power to tax
all dogs to the local authorities, Tbe
Hlucher Huzzars at Stolp objected to
paying taxes on the 0 dicers' puck ot
bounds, as they were necessary im
plements of war, used to train officers
niul Iioibcs, but were llkewlso obliged
to yield to the "limitless right to tax
ing oil dogs."
TUUF.S. 'ihe first iiorl cults Imkni of Miiry K.
miiiiiiM tvnic.11 eiic lies ever liked will
be prlii'Uti In the. October Iridic'
Home Journal, There will 1m tiln of
tlicm, nml they will how flic famous
New KngliiiKl story teller tit 'home
and wltn 'iwr frlciwm oihiiiikI licr,
(in Oftober 'i io 7 the Missouri Fn-
cine w.ti sell flckets to St. Mini an1
III 111 11 u'imiinl. lit Ii'iiIp niul Viit!,tt
i'ropbrts' piiradc, ut one are for 111
1 j.ui.. . , .
riuiiwi vriji, gxMNi ll 111 IX lH.'looer 30,
The Ncbnutkii llmltitl leaves 'Jneoln
nl S : .11' p, 111, mid uitIvcb at St. Lotili
nt 7; 2.1 a in. For further liifoniiatPn
call nt cHj ticket office, JO.'IB O street,
F. D. COKNKLL, C, 1'. and T. A,
N0TICK; Do not pny any money to
A. L, llrown for the Nuiirahka Iniiki-kn-dunt
as be is do longer our agent.
Ilauk Mulxerlptluni.
Subscribers who are In arrears should
remit direct to tbe 1nuki'indbvt I've.
I'm. Subscription agents are not au
thoriced to collect old accounts, but one
sent out for the purpose of Introducing
the naner and securimr nnur anliara-ikna.
Our agents are authorised to collect aisb-
scnpiions at toe regular rates from new
subscribers and to receipt for the some.
Indkpkndknt l'uu., On.
Dr. Ketchom.
Eye, Ear, Noe, Throat
and Catarrh, z x z
Spectacles Carefully Fitted.
All tees tteaaonable
226 South lltb
Is ConiDllaDo with tb itatntM of tbiatala
ot Nabraaka la mob ohm mad asil prorldail,
DOtlea I barabjr nlro tbat all propuial will
It ranalrad at tb oflloaot tit eutumlMlontr of
itabllo lands and bslliilnv on til ( a. m., Oct. 1,
1hh, for farolitiln (appll fur tb quarUr tid
ing Daoanitwr 111, lDliH, fur tb boiplial lor tb
luian at Lincoln, Haitian and Norfolk, tit
utataliiduatrlal iibool at Kaarav. tb ulrl'g In-
nuainai iiuooi at unra, tn imtltatlun lor
ImIiI nilniled youth at Uaatrlc. aud tb ol
dlara' anil allor' honiM at Uraod laland and
Mlllord, tb bomcoftbt IrUndUat at Lincoln,
tha aotnao'a ladnalrlal burnt at Mllford, and
tha atat panlUntlary at Lincoln. Katlmata
and blank propoaal can ba iirornrad hjr applf
Inn to tb auprlntudan' of tha dIDarant Inatl
tstlona, A bond for a m aqital to tba bid aball
aooompany aacb bid. All blda to ba mada In
dapllrata. No bid will b raralvad aolaaa In tha
ofllt ol tb oominlaalonar of publlo lauila anil
tialldln on or balora tbatlmaabora uianllnnail,
'I ha board rattrraa tb rlbt to rl t any or all
blda. J. V. WOI.KK,
Lincoln. Nab., Hapt. 15, IMS, Hacratary,
I'.H.-No bid la whleb aamplaa ar eallad tor
will ba eonaltlarad anlaa tb aamplaa ar aou
mlttad. .
and pla y oar
most perfect
so hi roUe4
11 - U.4fe
A im t isa K. IK4 i ww re wtt m isstr s svisi4fiAr m tmmtk f
X n-a BAaAS BHi M4iwwl laaaa M batbaat saajaai aaak a A
k 1 a ii i i at na' ' I ii ii a. mm aa at m wmw. aaaajaa W
E Jf 7 aoi i ntimmiiiw aa a-rfa-n fm i tti iaama Ba A
m V. . ii" - i ii at Wa. ' mi i am a. aavaa aat
J i t MMt saawaa tut has rsw ia bmi iwswttaai tt Mint, f
V 4 M " a i ul i mi. mm Mtl
'av. S mn. a-.ia m aa' at t aM a at W A w )i.miI 1 011
W r-s " taat aAW a aaat taaaA 4 w ml a Mtaaai Aaanaa W
I CMtASttlCZZa. 4m Cam tfftfffK 1
r-iuiiNriBuiicas, ) lltvsxit ticjT)
; IWat 4 iMthSS) .X H aai .
Nebraska State Irsuuccb
For Fire, Lightnine;, Oyc!onc3,Tor
cadoes. and Wind Storms. Lo
oatod at Fairfield, Ciay County.
Oorraapundanx rondaetod by it U, laaforl,
Uanaral Muiiaatr, .
The above named company Is one of
the most successful mutual insurance
companies in ths state. On December
UlitJHUO, we numbered 29 from tbe
top as to tbe amount of Insurance la
force, and on December 81, 1897, we
were number 0, having passed twenty
other insurance compauies In tha year
as to the amouut of Insurance lo force.
In other words there were only three
other mutual companies In tbe state
that wrote more Insurance than this
company did last year, and there ia only
three mutual companies In the state be
sides our own company tbat wrote more
luHurauoe In tbe whole year of '97 than
we have written in the first four months
of 'W, and last week we wrote 71 new
members and this amount of fire and
cyclone Insurance Is 73,840,
This company is the cheapest and beat
company In the state for fire, lightning,
cynlous, windstorms and tornadoes.
This company glvts a perpetual mem
bership hi) and issues a perpetual policy,
We never charge for making any
chanties in said policy provided tk In
surance is not increased, We never
ebarge for cancellation.
This Association is particularly adap
ted to oarry ins: oyalone Insu ranee FOB
W J v
by fin
ou bave Insured your property
re in some stock company, oa
account of a mortgage, we will Insure
you against cyclones, wind storms and
tornadoes as eheap, or cheaper than any
other state company, Ilefore yoo la
sure ask soma of onr agents us wt bar
over 1 B0 in tbe Held.. In case there la no
agent of ours lo your locality write for
aa agency for yourself or reooommend
some good live man. Address
1. it, 8ANIT01D,
Ueneral Manager. '
Fairfield. Neb.
T tbe Oraod Enoampmaot Malar Dis
trict, Wyoming,
. The Union Paolflo will sell ticket at
one fare for ths round trip, plus f 5, from
all points In Kansas, Nebraska, Colora
do and Utah to Knwllna, Wyo. Dates
on which tickets will he sold are lat and
8d Tuesday in May, Jane, July. August,
Sept., Oct., and Nor. Stage fine daily
eioept Sunday each way between Raw
lins and draud Encampment
For fall Information call on or address
E. D. Slosson, Qen'l Agt., Llnooln, Neb.
Vebraafea and Wyoming BMseekere
Irgnst 2nd and 16th. September f tk
and liOtk, October 4th and 18th. tha
Elk born Una (Northwestern), will sell
ticket at one tare plus fa, for tbe roand
trip to points oa Its lines ia Nebraska
west and north and in Wyoming weal
ofaad including Ortn Junction. Tba
mlalmnro round trip rats to bs 19.
Stop-overs granted a going trip be
yond Stanton and Creston, Neb. For
farther Information sail oa A. 8. Field
fog, a T. A., 117 & 10th Bt.
Tke RlgM Bout to Kloadlkc,
Whether yoo select ths all water roate
by way of St. Michaels, or ths overland
rout via. Dyea, Kkagway, Cooper river,
Taku or Stikine, yon mast first reach a
Paciflo port of embarkation.
Tbs Rio Grande Western Railway, in
connection with tbe D. ft R. 0., or Colo
rado Midland Ry., is tbe short, direct
and popular rout to Ban Francisco,
Portland, Tacoma or Seattle. Through
sleeping ears and free recliniusr ehair
cars from Denver to San Franoisoo and
Denver to Portland. Choice ot three
routes through the Rockies and the
most magnificent scenery in tbe world.
Write to F. A. Wadlelgh, 0. P. A., Salt
Lake City, for copy of Klondike folder.
Just try a lOo box of Oascarsta, ths
finest liver and bowel regulator sver
mads. j
Lincoln Steel Range
daarwifs and family. Warranted ths
sooklng stove made.
tovs made. Ws t
as ths v
ry Ri
patea leveiea bimn, ana line every Hangs
with as ba to aad stoeLwhioh makes It impoaalbls to
set Are to yosr Boor. They ar handsome, attractive,
a-to-dats la ratters aad design, rail atefcei trimmed.
wtu bars any klad ol laL wttl last a life-
ia why we saU them the "bt oa bastw."
If yosr oVabs? dos aot hdl tbm h
makM a grat mistaks. Wriu to as aad
w will provide a way for yoa to bay oa at
a rvaabl prie,
DudataH Bros. Mff. Co.,
FatroBls bust ladastry ! ta Nbrax
la. WinkrM to iuto OflWara. fWtsks
aad Ki press Cvmpaakas ol Llaoola, aad
tbwwaaade aWag osr Kaaga. ImwU et
Mttioa Uvea llotai aad lUvlaBraal Ostlia
fejba bvta ar atv lUy, Tff I
H U pi 4 Cuie. II a 4 IK I
bal tkn ekoa tk rabt ki4 ol dis
aetl tkwr Utn i ma