The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, September 08, 1898, Image 8

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    Skirt Silk Waist Sale
$5.50, $1.00 and $3.60 value in Mohair SWrta, plain and brocad
' cd, for only $4.13, $3.00 and $2.73. l'laln Satin BklrU worth $7.50,
for $8.63. Taffeta, BklrU, regular prltfe $.00, $6.00 and $5.00, for
$0.00, $4.50 ami $4.00. All wool Serge Skirt, regular $3.50 valued few
only $2.75. Brocaded Batia Skirt, usual price fU.SO, $10.00, $750,
and $6.00 for day only IK38, $7.50, $5.63 and $4.50. Bilk and
wool Skirt (Taffeta Lined) regular $10.00 values, for $7.50,
Fancy Dald Taffeta Bilk WalnUt, regular prices $8,00, $7.00 and
$6.00, go for $8,00, $5.25 and $4.50, Mack and white Plaid Taffeta
Bilk Waists, worth $7.00, for 5.25. Plain Taffeta Silk Waist, aold
for $6.00, go now for only $4.50.
AH our summer aldrt walata, including Piques, 1'crcnle and Mod
n, worth and sold for from 75c to $2.00 each, go now for 25 cents
each; your choice and notWng reserved. We will aell these goods
for les tlian cost to avoid carrying theim over. If y want bar-
gains you know Where to find them.
'The New Store' I2J7 O ST., LINCOLN, NEB.
Baeoine Tired of Idly Watching til Span
Uh llahlad Manilla fortifications end
Htert the Hull to Rolllas Bnr Brunt
of Second Might Attack.
Til IT
Teller's Friends Kill a Follower of
McKlnlof ftnpulillnensst I oloreilo Mprliigra,
attacking the Convention llxll, Wire
Mat bf a Volte from the Free Nllva
Men Woloottlte Capture the 1UIL
Cor,0BAD0 SlMIINCIA, Oil., Sept. B.
The political war between the two
factions of the Silver Republican parly
resulted this morning In the killing of
Charles Harris of Denver.
Hcfore the murder there wan a rush
up the opera house stairs by tin armed
gang of thugs, a fusllado across dosed
doors, a daiilt from the inside to tho
outslda, a melee at the threshold, a
score of shots tired a nd tliun conster
nation and a run for cover. After the
smoke cleared away a dozen Winches
ter rifle with the hardware keeper'
tagsou were found lathe hall, half a
hundred men were disarmed and empty
whisky bottles enough to supply Dodg
City over night in its happiest days
were found, and all this disturbance
of the peace came because Senator
Teller of Colorado and Senator Wol
cott of Colorado differ in opinion as to
whether 16 to 1 is the ratio fur the
coinage of silver.
Slnoe the holt of Senator Teller at
fit. Louis there had been no consider,
able party in Colorado that has In
dorsed "the existing gold standard,"
but Senator Wolcott, who did not bolt
the Republican party, has been trying
to lead the Republican organization of
Colorado out of the coalition of fusion
with Populists and Democrats. Us
has been getting control of the or
ganization known as the Free Silvei
Uepublioan party, and has been trying
with considerable success to join it
to the regular minority of the Repub
lican party known as the McKinley
Republican party.
Woleott's aim, in separating his
party from the Democratic and Popu
list organization was his own re
election as senator. He has captured
silver Republican organisations in
every large county in Colorado and he
has forced the Teller wing of tha
party, known as the fuNlon wing, to
start contests in these counties In or
der to get in the eonventlou at all.
More than this, Wolcott has captured
the chairman and secretary of tha
state central committee and also a
working majority of thst committee,
and the National silver Republican
committee, seeing the danger that
threatened Teilar. sent Charles Towne,
congressman, from. Minnesota, the na
tional chalruun, to Colorado,
Yesterday, acelng that Wuluott had
the legal organisation of the conven
tion and wa alsmt to tent tt over to
MoKlnley, Towne depoaed the chair
main of the stMe. committee, Hichsrd
Uroad, and his secretary, W. R, Krro
man, and put In their places James II
HUwd and W. H. tirifflth. This
brought the situation to boiling ptilut,
Mae then events ou the stage tsv
esntiued a se,.4 ad rapidity, Ths
Teller wlag of the ilepuhlleaa wsi
huldlag a vuaty euaMi. vaatards
tath opera Itoeee, whare Us stsie
kvoi(or was called to e.e U mor
M, The WohMI people aed resiled
Ihe Vail and a reeeiei foe the
Mn tay paid ft t ff TaeraJ.
a4 iSUay,
TW Telle op! i.ttree4 tWeli
oaelv MateatUMi aettt IrUtar ae4
leseUei tossed guard 4 I on M
to M4 ta asil day a4 alest. It
was sbovllt afta ttu aUwa Usa
tkst tke Vtlasheetee ettf f eat
la the foU re tt ptla( er4r
tovea ft4 lltess Ut4 foe Vs.
t VU avtatptthlr,
ti fttjal tWe tfalaa Weeal
)4 4 eae4 tgater 0.ea ttvm
Iteavar VI aela Wetet Ngaia at tall
Taeee) iae4 y Va
wl4l m true t'wireda vts
aa4 vUatty Ike ta. ta tha tate
Vimm 4Ue4 f Ik lallef eewyl to
HI U sU 't Wiaokaatef Ve
noisy. The stiad outside got from
tliu oorner of the street to the foot of
the opera house stairs where they
could hear the uncomplimentary re
marks miidn upstairs conoernlng the
political faith of the Woloott men.
Then they moved a little closer where
they could Join the debate.
Unparliamentary language crept
into the dlMciiftMion; there was a rush
up tho stairs and a soor of guns
clicked ami Joined the discussion,
Teller men uy outsiders fired Urst.
The Wolcott men say Urst shots came
from the iusldt). The doors burst in
after half a dozen bullet hole had
passed through tlimn each way and In
the confusion diaries Harris, a gate
man of lint (iulfroad at Denver, who
was with the posse ouUlilo tho doors,
was shot and killed.
Kach Is guarding Its wounded from
arrest and it Is impossible to learn
their names, lut blood In different
parts of the hall and on the stairs
seems to Indicate several wounded.
As soon as t ha firing began Hheriff
W. 8, lloynton, of K Paso county, who
is a strong supporter of Wolcott, and
who knew the condition of thingi
which he was powerless to prevent,
ran to t he hall with a large posse of
deputies and arrested the crowd, dis
arming it. Ho found that the opera
house was an arsenal and that the
guard detailed to hold it was prepared
to stay night and day and fight with
twenty rounds of ammunition. He
took possession of the opera house and
now holds it for the chairman of the
free silver stale committee, who was
deposed by Towuu and who opposes
, This man, Mr. ISroad, holds a receipt
antedating any other for the posses
sion of the hall and it is probable that
lloynton will recognize Uroad. lioyn
toa let tho crowd in the opera house
go after it was disarmed, but he held
James A. House, Walter Russell, J. J.
Lang and A. C. Smith for tho murder
of Harris.
Unit V Kit, Col,, Sept. 8, Charles Har
ris, who was shot and fatally wounded
this morning In the tight between fac
tions of the silver Republican party at
Colorado Springs for possession of tho
hall In which the state convention is
to be held to-morrow, came to Denver
five years ago from Omaha, where he
formerly held the ofllco of deputy
United States marshal. Me is a car
penter by trade, alout Vi years old,
and has a wife and two children. For
a time he was a member of the Denver
tiro department,
The tilnuemilvr ami Other Famout
Yarhta Will Not Ha Solil.
WaSiiiMiiro. Kept, s It is the de
sire of the Navy department that all
vessels that wou fume in the late war
witli Spain ahall be kept by the gov
ernment. The Utard apxiinted to con
sider what disNiaitlon should bo made
of the sinlllUry ah! Umglit or char
tered during the wr is now nt work
and has already recommended the sell
ing of a number of vcm1. All of the
auslliary coast defense llect ha imw
disappeared, dUpoaitioit ha U-en made
of the veasels and the ol' leers and men
hsve been discharged. Hut there are
a number of boat, like the ttloueeatvr,
which, though hough! for temporary
rt lee, and for service that mi not
supptieed te be Very warlike, have
made lasting reputation The Nvy
depeitiueut think It WnulJ b a great
unfurtM If thee ships should be al
lowed to he sold.
Tk OloaUr h tetMtu already
a much, a ait i. the glory it the
ftsvy of this oualry a the Cuaattltt
tiu, the tUrl.r,, tka Oreguit or the
tujuipia, tHker veaaeia. la e-jual or
la itagrse, Vate feme la tk re
eeat r. It weaid U a dtsitaet
t. the asvy to ke Ikvse v ba,k In
Ikeir ui4 ! a dear yaekU or
I'aSl eaiiler a
May a4a el
MtWUs e.. re eaUast Was
aatkirtft4 tk fvveig antalstet, Dnk
AtaaodMar 4 Rlrt, U g.tlU with
tk ratUppla tasargeat to raani
Ik t) prtsar kvw la lkie ksad
ad II a to aaaut,! u trsaswlt
to Vsatla ft tkst iurtHse a4
fue tae relief et Ik peats Ir-atp,
kWa at fatty la aeed f feada
Omah4, Sept. 7. The Bee prints the
following excerpt from the reports
sent to the Hong Kong Mall by its Ma
nllla correspondent. They contain an
account of the part the First Nebraska
took in the operation around Manila,
From tk account it appear the First
Nebraaka fired the first shot sent by
the American army into th Spanish
Within half a mile of tho front line,
I ho natives have returned to their
homes. Here we have peace and war
In congruous juxtaposition and It is
uol till the American outposts are
passed, some distance beyond the diver
sion of the "Camliio Real" towards
i'asay, that w find the houscsdeserled,
The American troops under Oencrul
Oreene's oommand have invested the
Npaulsh lines frora the beach some few
hundreds of yards inland towards
I'asay. The soldier were marched
out there with instruction to entrench
themselves between the Filipinos and
the Spanish lines and on no account to
fire unless first attacked by the Span
lard. The new trenches are eighty
yard beyond the Insurgent lines, near
er Malete, and the American lines em
brace two houses of JOuropeon design
one said to be the house of tin Kng
llshmau, the other the residence of u
Sjiuiiianl The. Kjiglihhimin'M house is
nearest the shore. Reside it, Captain
Oraut of tho Utah Held artillery lias
thrown up heavy earthworks In which
one Held piece will be ununited. A line
ofriliepits connects Capluin (J runt's
battery with that of Captain Young
(also of thUtuh light artillery), whose
earthworks extend eastward beyond
the Spaniard' house. We were intro
duced in the trench to Cuiitnin Yountr.
who is a grandson of the lulu Mormon
prophet, itrighani Young. Oablons of
bamboo watllewor-k werj thrown up
and the men were busy with pick and
shovel building up u substantial 'trth
work and preparing platforms for the
two Held pieces lying ready at, hand to
place in pohilion,
These operations were covered by a
battalion of the First Nebraska volun
teers, who had repluccd t he First Col
orados in the trenches that morning.
The two bouses in the lines presented
a terrible example of the destructive
effects of the Spanish and insurgent
tire. Tho walls have been perforated
by shot and shell, Everywhere th
woodwork Is pitted and torn by bul
lets. Jn the lintel of one doorway w
counted Hi) less Ulan thirty-seven bul
lets, American wddlers, with their
bayonets and other instruments, were
picking out tho bullets to keep as
souvenirs of the op-rutlons in the
Philippines. There may come a tlm
when these same young fellows will
have become so familiar with bullet
and oilier wurlilte missiles that their
proclivity for relic hunting will dl
uppcar. A portion of a two-inch shell,
some Mauser bullets and leaden pel
let fell to the lot of our party. On
the second floor of the Spanish house
four cement barrels tilled with earth
were stuck through tho wall facing
Malate fort. liehind each barrel
crouched a Nebruskan sharpshooter,
his rifle ready to knock over the first
Spaniard appearing above cover. My
camps u ions had returned to the trenoh
es and the infantry otliccr and 1 were
endeavoring to distinguish soma fig
ures on the landscape, when the man
next to me pulled tho trigger and sent
the first American bullet speeding to
wards the Spanish lines. 1 confess I
could not, see any Spuniard. A minute
or two before a Spanish ofllcer ap
peared at t he broken roof of a thatched
house, Usik a survey of the American
movements through u telescope and
then disappeared from view Just a
our sharpshooters were preparing to
get his range, (tut when the Ili-sUhot
wus tired 1 saw no one. although we
seemed to be less than 1100 yards from
the opposite lines. The NebrasUun of
ficer, however, Muted positively that
he could distiuguiih the dark form of
.punish soldiers creeping steulthlly
from trench to trench, ami presumab
ly his men had made out the objects
st the same t line. We could mt tell
the effect of the lit st shut. Not that
any one seemed to cure much At the
time there were twenty or tnit tv men j
at work In the house tearing up the
tlivor to make a platform in the tn-m h
m, 'I he tlrst shot was the signal for a
ktameile for the st.ttr In les time
thail it tsUes to tell there vwt no one
ill the hoiic hut the Neln .!-!, iu oiliecr,
bis four shsu p!utot,-i -. ami mvself and
n soon Ms I li-iiiit d the prnlu bllil V of
the Sipanisrits returuitn.' ttm tire into
tha house 1 did not hoMt ite tUnt Join
ing the remain. I. r of our party In the
It a thrilling rss-i Imi. ( but
after alt I tt Hete Do-re was l dan
cer where e were than in ihe luitue
tliale rear, for, I rtpUuu-d In a pre
ftoua latter, Die ismtuiMitU iiiarttly
shoot high and lU- tiifer ,u I
atntut half a I11' I hind the tmu kve
I hat lets Is l, bv I lie feel
thsla pritale la the I ir.t t oloredu
voluatee. tubulin Priiale liitam
Merltitf was kilted tu om out
p,l tluty, YvtUrdsv to lh rtht a4
la the Imiitediate rrar ( Die Atiesrtcaa
llusa, a aM -illr.t l was
kludil a Bre wl.ri il.a Mu,r bwl
it pal th)Oittt hi I .t.
m HtU(HlUui Willi llr (.-!
aisJe yer j.niiii rHwarl latker
luot htiatal(lit thau eoiifxUtl
"Ike Amvruaa urtn ilia .. f4
U4 b th load rpits of Ik la
urSt WAttk Ue funs. a wktea
Ik apa.a tvpliod with itl!lrr
ftr, fr.eta ap vah fus with a ts
II ef kstla, tka s-hh4 of hu h a
kf ad eviha I .imdU4 o 1
Ub tkat of Mstim a piwtv, tU
Ik tlaaatsk ailll eiviaaa Hwt bs
ItMalae the lpafale Ilea of Aiaarua
aa4 laiatfaal U-fsv fa aa sapet tat
ttipt we sai l to Npty to tk Aa
e !, Ore
1 Ha I trst Vbak 4 t:ikt.eH
lfhtry ai4 Ik tve toiet II
Me Mant
l!?our XTrabe
The Great Bargain
935 0 STREET.
See Us Before
You Buy - -
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Hats, Caps Gloves,
Don't Forget
The Place . .
Store. I I
gi' p
- - - - 'fj
late last night. About 10 o'clock the
Spaniard opened lire from Malate
battery and ssnd fort. One man. Pri
vate C. L. Lewis, (Jomjmny li, Nebras
ka, was killed by the explosion of a
shell in the trenches.
Seven Nebraska men wer wounded.
only on, (ieorg Harrison, Company
A, seriously. 'I hi man wa wounded
by th same shell which killed Lewis.
The Spanish loss is reported a heavy.
Karly thi morning pariah dog ware
seen from American line aeaking
from bamboo thicket to feed on Span
ish bodies.
The Transport Obilaaa Arrival With All
us ll.ard Walt
Nbw York, Sept. 8. The United
States transport Obdam, having on
board Major General Nelson A. Mile
and his staff, Major Ureenlcaf, Captain
Whitney of tho Second regiment of
volunteers, consisting of thirty ofllcer
and 800 men, and the hospital corps
from l'orto Kico, arrived here to-dav.
Mr. Miles, son and daughter were
also on Isjard th transport which
sailed from I'onee September 1.
The surgeon in charge reported all
woll and no sickness or dauths during
the voyage. The troops were In the
bet of spirit.
The big tin lit wirt was deiortcd
profusely with palms and drrtped with
llng. From the fore truck wss fly-
Ittg tho American t-iisiifli ovur a Ui'tie
Spanish II. i. w bile long strings of In
ternational ele tlgs were lloatlng
from raclt li.-nd to the rails.
MrlU! I. w n -n. IIL
l't. Ill , hept. s. A a remit of
disturbance on account of the strikes
the to li lot been put under martial
vhlr Hveka aae Jun.
SS Jl S I'H I'iinm It it'u. htpl. S
The I li'l.'.t Msl. tritHirt hetiees,
earr.tiog lU-ar A.ouirti s. s. Uley
sii-l III Ig.t.l t-r lithrral Vt .liordoit
of lite 1'-rlii Ulin military c--uoiiil.iii,
arrived to? thebarU.r l i.t i.igkt 1 1.
l ulled Mate ptoletted ciuU.if Nut
iHltfsns, vihiiht I) lug lathe biU.r,
Bred an dutial a Pilule of Ihirtowa
guns. The ?pnih gouKtal l
h gua I rMudi-t tt tilt tiottet a guut,
wlirvUnt tha Nw ttlaii act tha
lauutt d4' at tha k su4 -tiulwt
tslth tltlrtveu gnu.
t-4l S)m tw tt.
Utuisutis, a,pt Ike apuuk
fvVaMivat h fjml.l nf t,i g,i.
taMvt the g-e of svH.liog fw
utall fuekat la t-rlaiatf ISe ('ltd
Ippta tstaa lt ttkare the let-ats
ate parliealailt a. lite, tsllk i to
atslauialaf a-aitt stigaly
Tk atsltee ttad- uw. at )tr
4ibtaet allag N,i aaaoaaee
mm kt bea at U a to tk result
t k tsl4ratbm of th astur, tel
It t a4f tl.s-4 tk tbeteaes wtU
el to greeted,
Second Hand Store in the city. Cook Stoves,
Heaters, Heds and Springs, Dishes, Tinware, all
kinds of Tools. See us before you buy.
No. 132 South loth St. Phone 581.
W. 0. VANANDEL, Proprietor.
rrttllut Appoint Nina Member of
tha Industrial Coram Luton.
Washington, Sept. 8 Shortly after
11 o'clock last night President McKin
ley announced tha names of his ap
pointees on the industrial commission.
They arc Andrew I Harris of Ohio,
S. N. I). North of Massachusetts, Frank
V. Sargent of Illinois, KllieonA. Smith
of South Carolina. John M. Farquhar
of New York, Huge no I. Conger of
Michigan. Thomas W. Phillip of
Pennsylvania, Charles J. Harris of
North Carolina and M. I). Uatchford
'A Indiana.
Hsiialillran Tti-kal Mil.irl.m. bf Major
lilMt SniHlivr limn In tsu.
Win ik lttvcn Jr.M Tloy, Vt., Sept k,
In the regubir bienuiil Vermont
election the l;piilUe;ius eleeted their
entire slut., ticket. Thomas V. Mo
loney, of KiiiUii.I, the m-moeratlc can
tl.tnte f..r Koverie-r, h i polled alxnil
tlie st n in vote as the iK-mm-ratlc esn
dldste four year sgo, tthlle the lie
puhlieatt vote f..r governor has ma
terially deer,..!.
express'compaWs refuse.
l..r 1h lN.r IU4 Ar..l la 1'raiMi
fa aiM W luwint
Cutt Auo, h-pt. s - Mr, W. II. iaiu
Nil, a member of tt.e board of manag
tisof th A lti'i l.tpiesi eiiitpauy,
say that the iv(.rl lhal Ihe vpra
t-otopautwt ) ilvei.hd t-n r the tar
tas I w. trit. an I lt.l hu e-Mfr tn-e
ha lifwH I.e. ,1 tlm . HMa! t of
tha At in, Aun-rkau and t uiUd
tals t.tpit at t hitagit.
AIwmI e tai la al taiiKii
!" i.i,
M stit. fc'i't -At a uttkf ti
taeaty of lh ilipm, Mf all
set linns, veiied tt . a t,a p,:t, w
Wte Uisads. slghlvea of that, tta
a.phstWUy U fof of ettlrigal a
aiatio to le I V.a.l Sui,, ,4
we la Ufu pai.u
tl 1 ! t ts aawr,
November 8, 198, will
be another Judgment
Day for the republican
party in Nebraska, (let
the fact in the cast
keep u,j with tho timea
open the ayes of a hesita
ting neighbor to the light
of the trtiefaith by send
ing in a few campaign
subscriptions to Tnu Nb-
Only .'0 cents from now
until the result of the
coming election I an
notinee.1. I'm your
shoulder to tha aheol and
eueouragu ottn-rs.
-V have li.Ki-nd ih abovs
to IV (tint a ill mud a enpv of Warren'"
Mont y Chart to uuv one a. ndtug u a
list ot tlve nuiiiea.
I.I Mil
When billoua or eoativ eat a Casear
rt candy cathartic, eur guaiaulvad,
Its-, ;v.
fhe rral4al Nr Awi the Aall Aa
a(ilo t,MMrt,t ihe I ,iiMtMHit.
W'ASHlsatoM, Kept, , -N i.l.. tint
of iVIavtare asv I- Ihe llftlt uuiul.r
of Ihe A merit-.ta eaei tsMouiiloii
It eW l kttd uu utU.irltv that
Justice While will rve.
Ik rtt I laa aM , 09 ttkkt (t,
ttaae toM4 IM.
''aai. X,pl i - Ttt. Hgato ays IHa
eahiaat enauU Jwl U14 uaaHtei-aiW
gnsad p.. a rwuioa of the lirvtfw
ae aad dirwtail n adaUlvr ol J
tie, M, turtle a, to Uke the ry
Up la last sad,
Kierf weataa whu KS ever Immiu U
Uf a rfi4 arntte Utter aroaad la
ta froat of Iter tlt.