The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, September 08, 1898, Image 3

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    Sept. 8, 1898
In thli department we will publish communications of a worthy uud suitable
character, received from subscriber to this pair. No conmunioatiok should
contain moub than &U0 wouos. Manuscript will not bo returned.
t'aiia of Travailing Hunt mill Uroulli.
A few year unto 1 said to some friend
of mine that we would have n few morn
bot and dry seasons. My arguments for
tli Ih assertion are the following:
Every moving object creates u current
and a counter current. Tue sun and her
planet move In tho same direction
through Ihe cold und durk universe, Lot
us compare the moving of huh mid earth
with tin morcl.ingof (wo men ugaiimt
the wind in cold weather' The one who
goes ahead will break tlm wind for he
who follow, so tho latter docs not feel
the eold a inueli a the former. Mont
nil antmnlM take advantage of such cur
rentM, especially geese in flyfng, us the
current rented ly the first one will help
in lifting thoHO following, and for thin
purpose the leader in changed at Inter
vuIh. In stormy weather a mure or cow
goes along to the windward of hi r colt
We know the earth move around the
Hun, therefor she always changes her po
hi I Ion to the muii, aud th um she must
sometimes be 11. hi tie nhead and some
times more behind. If the earl li Ih more
ahead or even with the nun the earth
ban to fuee the rol l current which ex
ists in the universe, and therefore we
niUHt have general cold; but 011 the con
trary, iilhe earth Is behind, the muii
riocN not only break ihe current, but um
the muii Im an enormous firey ball the cur
rent which she createM miiMt be hot and
therefore we must liave general heat end
dry weather which sometimes mny be
changed by counter currentM caused by
other plnnetM which pan the same cur
...... t Am i h..' i.Multimi of tlie earlh to the
muii cannot be changed t once, It taken
eeveral yearn b!ore we can come from
the back vide again to the front, or from
a hot and dry period again to a cold
'I'd Im phenomenon explains the seven
years of plenty und the seven yeurs ol
famine which follow eueh other at regu
Inrlntcrvuls, and we have only to re
gret that the ruler of toiiuy are not um
wises a tho rulers were In oldeir tiineM,
who Mtored up tlie surplus of the yearn of
plenty in the grnnerles of the govern
ment to dhttrihutH among the needy In
the yearn of famine, thereby saving mil
lioiinfrom Mtervatlon. That would be
paternalism, und the rulern of toduy
think itan liiMultto be called jiaternal.
II our astronomers would obnerve and
calculate 011 current- and counter cur
renin oi planet they nhould be able to
tell a few yearn in advance what kind of
weather, at I cast in general, we would
hove, Flllcll Hiiiwkizkii,
Woodlawn, Neb., Aug. iJl.'UW.
Heading Convert Nljr.
1 received two hundred Money Chart
yenterduy; paid for them mjself and
gave no committee any trouble about
it. An noon a I work theneoff I shall
rind for two or three hundred more, Tho
vote won by reading ty. Old alli
ance men read, and they can alway be
counted a nure. Money Chart I con
cine, clear, forcible and convincing. It I
not a large and cumbersome volume,
and will be read when a larger volume
would receive no attention. We have
inntiy good book on the reform lint,
but us a vote muker Money Chart I not
excelled no fur an I know. Write to M.
Wurren, Fail bury, Neb., uud nee the
good you cun do with a few dollar.
Now in the time to work. Man meetings
are good, but the book beat tlie meet
ing. -' M. SmnKK.
Loup City, Nebraska.
Old NoUllrra KriirifHiilHllun.
The old vetcraa drum eori of the
etate of Nebraska, will organize again
during reunion wt ck at Lincoln. All
army municlniin and other comrade
who became dm miner or tiler hi nee the
war are res'Ctfully requested to report
with their instruments 011 Tuesday and
Wedneday September 1!) and 11 of en
campment week. All are welcomed:
A. K. )irr,
Late tile acrgcaiit.
A I'olutcr for 11) ward.
A western "olllclal rouuty pnnr"
which clip it editorial from the Slate
Journal suys: "Poynter cauuot b re
garded a a man of utlleleut attain
merit for the ultlcw uf governor d N
bruk. lie lack iirrudth of kiiotth'dg
and executive ability. II full
lur Khort of lloleomb and i not to tw
I'oinpitrt'il for a Mingle moment with
Judge IUy ttrd."
IixmikI u-iii')itniiie of lour than
thirty ) ear Willi W. A. t'oyuler war
rant le in v lug that whil hi i not
o Mi t In girth n hi party ipib'tit
mihI not v nut luvi tut'uiUK ability x
Ititllt'd iu HIMWIVM evebrow. hi
"brvadtk id kt.Ldrf" i ui hthat ll
tlm judtj Red ktuiafll umiii the tuai
I'Miid" lt liltlvaiMUI. b will raH thut
t U kunlHg a very l.tmy btlil
Mr l'ti,tr ri.d.tii.mi
ti plvttit iitrd by "Mitiib t attain
a ' and hi "I rdih il kau i dg"
of It ktfialttiititt ) adnaeUtratitia d
! f l lka purljr in .N bri reue
bin to kitM lb itIU'tl r i(
Hit; Ui ho bnaiwrNphMt OtK atlt
ktr im lb far stitt. and ki i-
ill. U Ikry dr it hi to 11. k.
Lima ! a rthv l tkfir brtgkltat
ltL It bw mm ik.ittui)r Iti iul
Ik dUKlf )! W k MUWpii.
!, ( tit will lt Ut. i tk
tt. b btj muI ' I Ilk U
i!rvd I 11 0 ttt 4lutt
')tr '
Jta W, Kam.
IWhkkiM, ivpt. x u.
t'dituf a.. .Wt
lf VtMt44t tlilM lllt.
I ( tkt Kh a4 irtU w4
i ' t !! wt pi a aaii I
la It 1-t.i l 1 'ti lugbt,
"H'd. 'M Uf buM UI tfU
! t tkl mi It I (la J.u..n
rt, ft rlltt4ta tf I rt.bib't Metal,
tb ta lb In vl lb ImhI k h (at
state convention renflrmed it adher
ence to the Omaha and St. Louie plat
form while the speaker who usserted
in the convention that we proponed to
hold to every plank but would not
nlrlve to drive any person away who
wihed to camp on our ground were
cheered to tho echo. These are strictly
my sentiments now and always have
been all Mcriou to the contrary not
withstanding, rrlnclple must alwayn
ntaiid llrst with tho educator. Individ
ual arc secondary consideration, Hut
I did more then advocate real lliiiuiec
reform and apeated to my audience to
vote for every man on the state ticket an
they dener veil a reeled Ion for the satis
factory work dona in the punt two yearn
with the Immortal Hard of Avon, I dure
do nil that dolh become a man (a
Pop) and he who dare do more 1 none.
Ithaca, Neb,
Mnrvlnil Omt Anil Vlnrntiioii.
Nkiiiiamka Iniihi'ICmhcnt:
1 read the Mermou of Itev. I). Oglenby
in the "Independent," and It certainly
Mcnm that if IiIm arralgumeiit be true
it awful Import nhould rend the heart
ol every orient even a Nathan nald to
Havld ''TI1011 art the man." In thene
time of nliullling deceit mid fanhlonalde
marifier and method in all that per
tain to life, It require Momethlng more
than ordinarily eiiatloual to nllr the
torpid liver of thin Indifferent genera
tion; but here appear to lie a lightn
ing linen of eternity' ana, followed by
the whock of awakening nofiMisionnncM
that tuny reverberate throughout Chrl-
teiidom to the hopeful reform or utter
ruin of the church militant.
What then I ll? I it the pulpit.
kwimIi of one who wear the Impunity 01
a MUDerumiuate and I no longer obliged
to tnm hi dincouiNe to conventional
acceptance? f It, an effort merely lor
Mcnnalional effect to amnnu rather than
to luntruct, In rlu:hteoiiui'MMV Or I It in
reality an effiiMion drawn from divine
truth concerning the fact of life? The
(pieilon of it fltiie and propriety for
a camp meeting nermon might MUggeMl
an unfavorable linpulne 011 the part of
the preacher, Jf lie told the trutli men
the devil ha a corner on doctrine and
the church I coiiMentlng to hi term;
but the rulnlnbir miint olmy the church
III eeeking the ealvatlon of oilier' oul
even to the eopurdy of their own. PHI
ItnatiMiy Mr iluli'Mlty to oiinervo me
Mlckly Minlle that played around the Hon
of thoMO attendant miulntern a Minlle
that a illy cmcealed forbearance aa H
gave aent, while In the fervor of hi
latercHted hoiiI he wan convicting all of
being a Mtandmg lunult to the almluhty,
hypocrite like the I'harineen whomChrint
condemned? And did not hi own con
Mclence mine the taunting remembrance
of Mtalwart day of hi pulpit Mervie
when hi own bp wore that name ickly
Kin He?
I (lod a Jenlou Ood to permit Mitch
tergi vernation to atone lorn life accomo
dation to the devil?
Thene prencher are awfully afraid
that Mome poor honeet man may put off
the day of Mnlvation until it Im too late,
but they never ecem to worry over the
chauce to themnelve ofMhaklng mam
mon at the eleventh hour. Will they
claim Innocence and ntlll aMnent to what
Mr. Oglenby enyn? Or If they deny the
charge will their own reaeon nutinfy
their eoiiMcleuee? Oglenby mii.vm the
worMhip of the dollar-god Iibm conquered
and cajitured both the church and the
government. Here I a grave ad in In
hIoii within the church that thi name
charge made by infidel i true. I it
any wonder then, that faith 111 the pre
HcrviiiK power of (iod'n grace 1 Innguinh
lug? In it any wonder that at the muii
Hut of the niiiettM iith century, but one in
t wenty-eight of tho human family are
chrintiann? 1 it any wonder that in
fidelity ktowm bold and nlroug and
wag ft Ncorching touaue at the
church' trennou nguinnt Ood? Ala!
"for lu th rtin ol On iury IIhim,
VlrtiiB ltM.ll ut nnml l" iirtlon;
Va curd ami woo lor tuny to Uo 111 iu ooil,
Hut 'll sot aliorn;
Tburfl la no hullHim, I bars til il.'t lull Um
In Ha lr imliim; mid nrm'lva n-niplfd.
I to ilia twih 1111. 1 lorcbaad ut our (nulla,
Tolv In hvIcI.'imxi "
And then will the ((-at Judge juntly
diairn belwii-n the infidelity o f hiinent
unbelief and the Infldiility of pritwtly
C. 1'ctsam.
Wlut the Brainy UitorUt Writers of
Neb. ire Saylnr Tftls Week.
Tlie I 'run out ,inlr Ion bouuht a
power pn- and promiM- I" miiki
lluiig hotter than iM'Wtulor for the
enema id gnnd giivcriilutml. IMitor
Klly i a n ieraii Itghtn ia tlirlnrui
-ii im holt all l U ittq In auuie
day ottiilnliy rard-d lor hl wrviw.
I I... ..rll. I'l.itl.i li. l, li. u.l.'lit l inlll-
1 id all v 1 nw b a "a oaaal Willi Oiii lol
l.ian, lit Ual
' ! I It MHIUalb' In a- ttta i ptll'lii sill
prv taikiiig wt Mtm li almat (.'
II all ba ai.U lim.- b-"i ilvh.
tali la trittU a ii iiiiiiilui
Ixf Mi l'al l toal Hi liil tl'i
i-raik .Ntiirtk Irtua ifki. t In 1 mum-
I. tabitt lit Itiilik ol ll. It ! (i'i ilit
l. r-t ilti. h i.ik.Ii 'at tii l ipit,
a ! ft Ju.a. t I nil Mipit
lf I, I I; 1 batiU, IS" 'irt ii anf' a a
at bl. VI bat ivi ut4iH i-ii. r tat.
! n)r at-oul .Mlai(iMl,J ilMU ld'."
1 li lli .tl) l pit lint i lit i.i
lit a t ytrm al4 la la txbuua n
lK Juuiaat ami flkaf paivr ij lht
bi-l a thai ! a a. t ilina iim
Ui loid ual at f k li id bi bat,
fcu f hiIikI aa-l la br J vi.iUa
ietf at ttw- i.i eir ut lb atiu,
JiMttwili I vanljl Jnwta( aaa k.
M'uaiMtf la lor lb msv bt
"IVIllir ut t.iia aa, b bt bla4 4
tut i.r4 abt'tt t I vaalta la aatiwa) i
ii4ttt b ib ait taa ! ni.
l,tf. b ituk. ll bit bh4 hi
bad t ili.t aiAiaiiil n lt tiwt v
f e4 mad lnintU la blag i4-
Sties, the old (rang would still be in the
state house, robbing; the people right
aud luft."
Would vou rather have 45 cent In
gold for your wheat, or UO cent In good
legal tender Nil ver and greenback? You
are one of the jury-men who will annlnt
In deciding (lie cane. torK tuner.
Mlnhnul Mi-Cnv of Sariiv county, tiho-
tographe Ihe political jianture lu Ne
branku a follow lu a letter to the l'a
pillion Time;
i'I'Iio iiotllloiil akv i clear for the
nilver force: the people of Neliranka pre
fer to have the line! between Ihe ntate
bonne and the)eiiitentiary moriidUtinct.
If J.I liuugi naag nan vmiren uieNiam
hfume during the republican adinlnint ra
tion and Nhould vlit the penitentiary
now. Im would think the ntate houno
liad been moved,"
Kditor Halrd of the Cedar Itapld Out
look, who hWt fornaken hi calling a
a preacher by occiifiylng the editor'
chair, make thin nouud remark;
'Topiillt need not indulge In offeii
Mive M'ronalille In (hi campaign.
I.lfe In too niiort for t lint, ll repuoucau
enjoy Dial kind of thing let I hem have a
monopoly of it,"
flim roniitilliuiri felmid tell 11 the llrv
weal her make a hundred pop a day,
UVII Hoaiel hilar' doisir it. Ihe air Ncem
ih tin. v.. rv tmiittli of a oooullnt
victory thl fall, but we are Inclined to
believe It republican inMinke nor, ury her that' dollar It." Jefferson
County Journal.
Tlm Howard I ailiniiaideu I-Democrat
taki the cover off the republican camp
kettle in that coiinly lu the following
graphic- paragraph which read like an
old familiar story:
"There were n whole lot of He ward re
publican who were very much dinatl.
lied with tlie open manner 111 wuicu uie
ring ran the late county convention, n
well a the action of the delegation In
the coiigrenlonal convention, and they
nave notlieitareii to expreinomoive,
many of them doing no In the presence
of their political opponents, For dolutr
this aud even opposing the ring the lanh
I being applied by the old bon. but It
doesn't seem to have the deired effect.
Threat of cutting off railroad pause
ha ve been made If these fellow do not
get back into line, but Ihe threat fall
on empty ear, one republican 1 seiu
to lifivu tolil tlui how tvhiui he made thi
threat that the country had reached a
very low point when a man wouiu eii
Ihe hltfhent privilege glvep b I in by the
A ini.i-ii'iin n 1 vi.r li nuiiif, lor a railroad
pans, and he for one did not propone to
(JO ll."
"Must take the bone with the meat"
is the motto of tho York Teller which
"If the administration want credit
for the good management during the
war, It miiMt take the blame for all mis
take made. Can not get all meat and
no hone.
Out In Thayer county the Methodist
people are raising fund to build a
church. The county Judgo ha agreed
to donate all hi prollt from marriage
license fees in the mouth of September to
the fund for that Minione, 1 he Hebron
Journal man with a laudable desire to
helo the irood work alonu: says:
"It will therefore lie proper for all who
contemplate committing matrimony to
arrange their affair o a to secure the
license In that month. It might bo well
for the Kp worth Leaguers to make it
their Njncinl busmen to boom tno
traftlo in marriage license lor mat
Tlie lust legislature anprotiriaU'd t00,
000 to pay the running expense of the
state penitentiary, ho lar only fitv
000 ha been used. When Ihe next hg
islature meet about f 10.000 of the pen
Itentiary appropriation will be turned
back into Ihe treasury. Never heard
anything of that kiud before! Hrokeu
ISow lleacon.
Now that wheat and eilver have come
together again, all that can be done by
republican leader iu Nebraska I to nit
and dream over the expert work done
by Hartley, Moore, aud other oftlcinl
Ma' ting Journal.
An Knrmy to health in imriure blood
a It lead to aerinu dieae and great
suffering, Hood' Saraiiarllla meet
and conquer thin enemy aud avert the
Hold's Fill ar the only pill to lake
tilth Hood, Sarmiparllla. l ure all liver
I hat llltiii ll I laid.
Two rlvl 1 picr dealers ut War-
ifii-tiHii? Mo, liMvltis found th tnwn
loo 1 11 1 1 1 to ttiiiit lioth, hv enter
, tutu im id IlKleeineUt for a dl
kl.ii. 11 of I tie H0b. On lis aUKpmid
H atilh Htloii Mil!! July I x'j, un
tkiilih date th itln r IU enter intu a
rtiuU l4lr Mil l USt 1 lr rlrld
far I In- one a lid h l im 1 oaiati.
t i.n'i .4aailtaa a iirl llfd
III. m il.,, .( t i ll I t Hi'lil
111 - ! U li ' antkf.l l.i-iii.lia- a III lli
oil l I t-e.t I. i-l u ! i tr tiy
I i.Ui.i ! hltl n ine wi Ul.ilr (to
i lniila Itkv il.o til i 1 low M. al lha
Ui,ai a kl ' ' 1 liU aa !ai
tti 1 o i f Un tii in'iail th
1 . 1 1 k- i!m Ol I l-t an I
tt i-'( a la Hok m a'r am
tilt t a I
;. i- iut. atitti
t.i .i 1 1 ;-
t.. Ui a- . J
$n,..ti. i,,.i!(i . i i
Id I 1 1 11 - 1" t
,.i.l hit " ! Si 'I '
t . I-" ' M
i 4 I
i - -1. atlli tt
" iM I H V I
1 iMt(.,i. i aiiri
t ; I v a . , I
i' 1 n .ir'il Ik
a. ll- .1 ti '
Ht a4 HHatattae lata.
A. Vlb a4 llb t4 a,tMMl
tlb 4 Vtb lb . bbi t Will a
ttu la lint lt (. I. l, ki ttt
sIhi, ism ! 8a dt A A. )wi4
let; r. A , Uf IkiaU .utlilftMt,
II IHdu't SI tail.
The oilier afternoon a certain work-
Ingmun, living in the south of Eng
land, reloaded a number of young pig
eon for the Brut time. One of tho
birds failed to return to the cote at
night, und a search was Innllluted,
Kventually the wanderer was discov
ered perched on a high roof of a neigh-
hor'i house, Securing a couple of very
frail hidden the owner of the pigeon
hound them rut her clumsily together,
and proceeded to mount to tho roof nt
the imminent rink of bis nock,
One of tho bystanders recognized the
danger and called out: "Hi! come
down I Those ladders will never bear
your weight." Though the nmn heard
he heeded not. "Do you hear?" con
tinued tho well-meaning friend, "You'll
break you neck. The Juddering are
giving iiwsy now," At this the man
paused, and glared down tit the anx
ious bystanders. "Oh, shut up," he
growled. "Wot have you got tor do
with It? My neck's my own, so's that
pigeon, und," he mlded, ft if that set
tled the mat tor, "these luddcrs Isn't."
Hliiriliitf III World' Ail.
M. If'oucho. tho vhe-nrcsldent of the
French Astronomical society, smitten
with the frenzy of Archimedes, has
Just been calculating whether It wouia
not l noNMllitn to shift tho axis of the
earth from the poles to the equator.
He come to the conclusion that me
thing could bo done by accumulating
such a mass of matter at some point
on Ilia eauator as to compel, so to
speak, the north polo to shift Its posi
tion and eiitahllsh a rotation 11 1 ngnt
anirtes to the uresent movement, To
achlcvii this would require a mechan
ical effort equivalent to tne nispiaeu
ment of fid sextllllon of tons, and L-
000,000 steam engines of 13,000 horse
power, working for about; 2,000,000
veer, would do t. As tho rrencn
ay, "ft Is not more difficult then that."
Anierlaaii Un le f-eslunil.
The llrltlsh army bus adopted suc
cessively three different American
guns for Its army.ond paid liberally
for tho patent In each ruse. J ne nrsi
was the Hchnelder Knfiold gn, by
which the Knlleld mirle-loader was
tireechlonder. Tho
second was the so-culled Martin-Henry,
tvhieli win tho Pcaboily gun slrupiy
changed from rlmflre to center fire, and
lust the Uo-Metford, wb i Is the Ue
gun with some slight alteration or tne
i.r..,.i. ainrvriHiiiii hv Ool. Metford.
Germany, Switzerland, Austria and
other Kuropeiin governments simpiy
appropriate Inventions, make some
aiitii alteration, elvc them a (Jerman,
Swiss or Austrian name and never rec
ognize the Inventor at all.
t oiirlln la Kn.
rtn itiA fourth of July a young man
of Stockton, Kan., took bis best girl
tn n nlenlc. There she accepted so
many attentions from another young
man that the first young man no
came enraged and went home, leav
ing the girl to get bock to her own
honaa a best. b llllk'lU. titJO IlircU
A hack, for which her father paid 75
cents, end then the old man sent tho
bill to the sulky young suitor, lie
refused to oav. and the old man sued
him In a Justice court, alleging that
havlntr taken the kIH to the picnic ll
became hi duty to see her safely home
at his own expense. Hoth sides have
hired lawyers and the case will be
fought to a finish.
Nebraska State Insure..
For Fire, Lightning Oyclono8,Tor
oadoos. aud Wind Storms. Lo
cated at Fairfield, Clay County
CurraaiiuNitaaea nindielail by J, M. Rasfufl,
uaowai waiikMar,
The above namml company la one of
the moMt aueiwsful mutual Inauraue
eompaiiie In the tate. On srnibr
Ulai, 1UU, nuadieriHl Uil from the
top a to th anion at of Insurance la
force, aud on )ermbtir ill, 18'J7, wt
ere tiiimlier U, having iiaed twenty
01 lmr Inaiiranee etiinpauiee in the year
a ii in aiiiouiit ol HiMuraae In lort.
In other words there were only Hire
other mutual rompanle ia tbe itatt
that wrote more lusurane than this
eniiMiny did lat year, anil (her I only
llin-w mutual etimpauioe la the stale U
sid' our own eomiiany Ibat rot more
liinarauee In th whol year ol 'U7 tbaa
t.v wrilUa lu lli ltrl lour mnalii
td 'bt, and 11 wm k we wrote Tt
iimiulair ami Ibi amount ol fire aud
ryi Uiae Inaaraiitaj U 7J,H10.
1 1n eooipauy I th t b-t ami bst
roiiipaay In th Ute lor Are, ligblaief,
ctiiuu. iiiiliofm nl toriti.
Tbiaroinpanf gtfi-e 'ltia hmi
l rabip bw aa. ia ritueJ taiiwy,
W avr rbaige loe aiabieg auj
rhsMaj ia i4 i-tibry prut il4 tb lu
urnr to nut lavrtMtMMl, W av
t ha' lor raaiviUima.
1 Sat Aa-iaiUi at prtklrt editp
l,l in arrtiit' ybia Issaraar I tilt
11I ,MY I'tiUTAMlJi
If ya bat tart4 veer -rirl
M are M B4)N tlwck eiaipN, it
afoul el e, motlg(, we lutut
Lu Mlt (yalnaae, m. ln ai and
r4i a tbaa is tar 1 hf t.aa n
aftaf ll tHi.aay, iWlorw m la
lurm twb e ol tur agai a bat
af I. VI la Ik aU. I lbt to fee
sa)t wl m la ywer bwaitif aril b
a 4aa br yoerwtl u twiuad
iim gH4 Ute inaa, id la
J. U. ftrtiaa,
Uvtd U tsaa,
I all M i, ,Sab
Maaltaa Swt4 Ik I I HI I,
!. M, latUtt .
I'l.f I - a4i IW N ikal 1"!
fna I ld ll ltal Stttl m.a
hat Ifc In4ii4 li. 1 kl ' '
laialwf lt t ! i.t! ttt i'i rei'
lad aald 1-la.nla f 4.1 I i.
4ttl afi u l tr t V t i'i, li
fl Ag-SI, III Ai- f '- "
Many People Cannot Drink
eoffoe at night. It spoil their sleep.
You cau drink Qrain-0 when you please
aud sleep like a top. For (Jrain-O doe
tot stimulate; it nourishes, cheers and
feeds. Yet it looks and tastes like the
best coffee. For nervous persons, young;
people and children, Graln-0 Is the per
feet drink, Made from pure grains, Got
a package from your grooer today. Try
it In place of CoflM. 15 aud SiSo,
OrUO cent In any form pnys
for Tnu Ni iiiumka Jjkiik
t'KMigNT from now until No
veiiibur 15. Head in one new
name, or send a hundred.
We want the doubtful voters
oread the paper this fall,
Tlm fight Is on and every
man must do his duty, A
long pull, a strong pull", and
a pull all together will win.
Help us tn spread the truth.
Tub Iniiki'knukmt will spar
no effort to (icrpelual the
work of reform iu Nebraska.
Thi Is an Important eleo
tlon. Its result determines
whether Heiialor Allen re
turns to WaMhlngton to
fight for Mil years more the
battles of the Common peo
ple, Hum! the paper to your
neighbor who Is still mule,
elded. Hpeud 20 cent In a
good cause, You can hardly
do lens If you are worthy the
name of I'opulist.
I.OOI.I We have lowered the above
to 15o nnd will mull a copy of Warren's
Money Chart to any one sending us a
im im ne mum s.
Give the Children a Drink
called Gralii-0, It Is a delicious, appe
tizing, nourishing food drink to take
the place of coffee, Hold by all grocer
and liked bv all who have used It. be
cause, when properly prepared It tastes
like the finest coffee but 1 tree from an
Its Injurious properties, Grain-0 aids
digestion and streuutiiens the nerve, II
is not a stimulant, but a health builder,
and children, as sell as adults, can drink
It with great, benefit. Cost about um
much a coffee. 15 and 250.
Ksnursloa to llualiin,
Ti. mi,.ui Pint mod will sell excur
sion tickets from Chicago to Host on
..,i in t.rn n ol nnritemoer 10.
17 and If inclusive, at rate of $10.00
for the round trip. 1 icsets win oe rami rur until HllllfilllllMir uu iniausivs.
fin iu-ooii ut: of heaw travel at this par
ticular time, those desiring sleeping cur
accommoiiaiion snouiu apiiy nj
J, 1, i;alaiian, tienerai agutf iu
Adams tit., Chicago,
Te the Orsud Knnmiiniil Mining Ul
trlnt, Wyoming,
The Union IVIfle will sell tickets at
one fare lor th round trip, plus $5, from
all point In Kansa, Nebraska, Colora
do and Utah to Ruwlins, Wyo. Dates
on which ticket will be sold are 1st and
3d Tuesday In Mav, June, July, August,
Kept., Oct., and Nov. Htnge line daily
except Hunday etch way between' Raw
lins and Grand Kncampment
For full information cull on or add
K. It. HlosHon, Gen'l Agt., Lincoln, Nub.
Dr. Ketchum.
Eye, Ear, Noso, Throat
and Catarrh, z x z
Spectacles Carefully Fitted,
All Feos Reasonable
226 South Uth
u 7
III V 1th
IP I est Br
III ri I
1 m aetr Mvf MM it a a, a ns4 tvwi m itvit 4aunt tt nmtmM
fef aetr Mvf 91 m ns4 rvf
itvS W w4fwa.a
L A V. a. ImmI
4 lliai.i ai , a.. i a W f
J f ai-. . am ,. a
J ' . Lu kM aL M4a
i -"t ...... a.. ... ,
iichfi li it it
! I4 twstl
" a - 4 JP t
Vd ft WHiniK W
t AflAHt ASftiOlOOfH, look fox JOJT riltt Ps. 1
1 m-wt ia iiai 1
A Het, ia w.4k Wmm
au aiajialf Maal
ImhI) Sainiii m atM
t... I Vtaa a VaM. t ,IM
n'1 jttJMaavkaak(JSJaBMaiA aima.maaMBVanaaai
w "aaanBP aweenvem SanannmjJ
aua Swa M
faaa'aaiajai a Ha aw
tWaaaat Sn awa
Jb. . JL.
Y VI R!n ciin V
4 ti. mu. uuu.
' , ..
In three months an elce
tlon, iu sis months a U.
H. Heimtor. Two Impor
taiitevmits to those who
fight for principle and
not for pelf. We want
your help in spreading
Ihe gospel of reform.
8"iid u CO cent for a 6
month' new MUhnrriptlon
to Tllg lKIKl'f.NIJiNT,
nnd wu will send you, pre
paid, a copy of "War
ren Money Chart" a a
premium. It, sell for 25
cents, and It' worth the
price, (Jet a doubtful
voter tut the list uud we'll
try to add another re
cruit lo tho grand army
ol reform.
MhI I'lnl Ik uraliia to lliMtoa.
Ticket 011 sale for train leaving Cht
cngo Hefilmnber 10 to JH liielusive,
rale of $10.00 lor the round trip, ami
good returning until Heptember U
Also cheap rales lu all points east, Tea
tlbuled sleeping car to HostoM, aud
solid trains to New York, lialee lower
than via other lines. For furl br lufor
matlou call on or address J. Y. Calahan,
Ueueral Agent, IU Adam Be, Chicago.
Only one fare to liot Borings. 8.
am return via the Klkhorn line Augk
VI h and ifflth and Heptember 10th oai
SUtli, Limit 80 days.
licet your mind and cure your boflf
by trip to thl delightful reeor.
Get tickets at 117 B 10th, street.
! , JB
Matlunsl E una iiiji meal 0. A, H, $lfj
llnilmiail aud Biuro flS.00,
The Klkhorn line (Northwestern) will
sell tickets to Cincinnati aud return for
above occasion, Heptember 3, 0, 4
$1H.6U for round trip. Upon imymeut to
joint agent of doposit fee of 2& cent!
limit may beeiteuded to October 2d
For further Information apply to A. tt.
Fielding, T. A,, 117 Bouth 10 street.
Mabraah and Wjomluf 11 kra
ArgUSt 110 ano iwin. Drjiuwiuwr via
and 20tb, October 4 tit and Ibtli, the II.... illl mil
r.isni'ril mi niwrwwfuwi
i..kaM f t nm I ura nlna t'J. tor ih round
r VTW N. ..w .w. " mr'-m ww
trip to point on its line lo Nebraska
wet auu norm arm ia vj owing
olsnd including Orfu Junction. Tb
minimum rouml trip rate u ne v.
Htop-overe granted en goliia trip be
yond ritanton and O ton, Neb. For
fortber information eaJI on A. H, FieIV
big, C. T. A., 117 S. 10th St.
The Hlght Keatete Klondike
Whether yon select the all water root
by way of Ht, Michaels, or the over I ana
route via. Uyea, Hkagway, Cooper river,
Taku or Htikine, yon must first reach a
Pacific port of emhnrkatlon,
The Ilia Grande Western Railway, t
connection with the 1). ft tt. Q. or Cblo
rado Midland Ry Is the short, direct
and popular route to Ban Francisco,
Portland, Tacoma or Heat lie. Through
sleeping cars and free reclining chair
cars from Denver to Han Francisco ana
Denver to Portland. Choice of three
routes through the Rockies and the
most magnificent scenery ia the world.
Write So F. A. Wadleigh, G. V, A., Bait
Lake City, for copy of Klondike folder.
tsryOUR NAME, saatly printed es IM
Mb, i high t Mi'tlop and SoUhaadi fea
Bstctil also on pint et baat pik Ink. iU tke
abort ant prapald for only L0, ah orpo
iUmpa. fsll II at Mm pi tot tats la
tamps. H, P. SIWKL.t Baoaalam. . a
Just try a 10c box ef Caecareta,
finest liver aud bowel regulator
New Lincoln Steel Range
and please your dear wife and family, Warranted the
Bioet perfect eooklug etove made. We ne the very beat
told rolled patent leveled et4, aad line every Itanf
aebestoa ana sUel, wblea makes It imptiaaibM vm
to roar Soor. They are haudsom. attractive.
ia iiatlaea aad daalgn, lull aieket triaiaual,
will bora any kind ol lal. wUI last a IHe-
tlui. Made on honor, eold oa atrtt. Tkta
ie why we eall them the "bt um istTa.
If your dJr dw aot hand! them a
oakee a gral nlntake. Write to as aad
we will pro v lite a way for jm to bay one al
rewMiaable prke,
BuckstaU Dros. Mff. Co
Patroalse kone ladustrymail la Kbrav
a. Werfryoa to Vutt Uftkr itaakt
aad Ksprvaa CwsBpaeam id Uaeula, aad
tkouaaade aing iur liasg, lpnMJ
tetloa glvaa Unlet esd lUatasranl Osili
A aiwAMAtu tCitavwio
Mptarwi. set.
I Ha .axaaaa liruM tai l (in
m ia I
!, I wa a4 f aMi
i " m4
daMkeKk aanna-eaV ifS'naSal
iT Tl if, xr jr-rr
! tlta w H iul MMrl4ai if MUM.
WMIV IM f 9 wm. aw im an wssww
h t4 TlaTf TgTlsl
ivNiiiH im?
aau i aMmSkh flkjav BbkJL.
WslsJ I9nw3h "w
M A (sMsJl J'(siVAsftafcefc)'4
V a aaa) !,