(' Sept. i. 1898 'NUB HAHKA iNlitCPBNOICNT. COMMON SENSE. m a a a t fl If you will follow our as they appear you will notice that we do not depend on any high-sounding sentences or any far-fetched phraseology to interest you, and you will notice that one thing is never absent from our announcements.and that's common sense. That's our long suit common sense. That s what we always try to appeal to your common sense. Common sense will tell you that when we send out our catalogues and fill them with samples , , , , , . . to be picked to pieces, to be chewed over, to be gone over by families and talked over by storekeepers and merchant tailors and clothing dealers and compared ,lL 1 u 1., ...a Utu nnt tn with other samples in other catalogues we havw got to back our samples up with prices that no other store can touch, and we do it. Every season finds us increasing . , , mi c 1 our business through the mails, and every season finds our catalogue in greater to those who get them. throwing our catalogue will have to order it. It Better order it now- tbataepply and demand, wftb the help of protection, regulates tba price of tverv thiagelae, but tbev cau't see how goldcau go up or down. We bar asked them, to choose noun property with which to compare, but they cWt tbink of anything (hat would confirm their notion by cornpariaon. It iseaey for them to m that everything baa fallen in price by reaaon of overproduce tion eioptlng g"ld. They ciio't there in a heavy increased demand for old without, with but urn nil Increase of aunolr. One irold Hollar I equal to any other void dollar, always was and al ways will be, hence baa not changed. Nothing mora tieed be said. Gold must hereafter fill the off)!e and do the work that silver and gold bolb did, bence it Increaweof value or jiurcliumug power. Stop nt'ikfiigrlotb of cotton and wofl will tfo ui) in like profioi tion cotnnared with other urooerty. It would Ije more endurable if tbechawm btwi-fu irold and property waa flnixhed, but it In Ix-inir dug wider and diejxtr erery day. Own doe not half an fat na bunl- neeaaud population. It doee not in ereaae half wt faat aa the demand. Mera Hmwt from Manila, Camp Dewey, Philippine Inland, N'nnr Ifenila. July 27. 1H0H;-Mr J)ettr Mother: There la a mail eteMtner leun a here today noon for Hun Francisco, and 1 will reply to your letter of June 17 which I received yesterday, a month and ten da.va eince it waa written. It la the flrat letter I have received aluc we failed from Honolulu June 2th. The lint of officer of the third regiment whicliyou enclosed whh intereHMtig to the entire regiment. I reud it at offlitera meeting in the evening. I alw received two lnrc roll of iieNiMH'rN winch Kit 11 hud m-nt and a letter from Uncle Al and one from TrenHiirer Menerve. I expect a liirne ! livery of mail today or tomorrow. We get no newa here from the United KlaleH Nut il eif weeka old. Thninii.il wliicli I received yealerdiiy contnined the llrl infoniiH'ion that we have ilmt there nr two other X(M'illl 1011M following dm iiihI that the total army here will ! increaacd to 21,00" men. V" have not yet r neived Hiiy tn-wa concerning tint celebra tion of die Fourth of July. I wrote a letter to Ktta two dii,v niro coiitainiliv an account, of the nutivi-a and C'liiip life. I coniiler the native a lower cIiihm of I he limiiaii ruc than the Americnn IihIiiiii. They lire xliort in atature aveniKiug l' " tloui five f.ft. The women lire dhorler thiill the Him utid lo not n vemire tnore tlinn 4'iH't in height. All nre Itlthy and the greater part are diwiiKed. Kmall pox I com mon, fee I 1i lie Willi It every ilHV. 1 herit are many li tie more iln n i.-rooa than that Veiv pretalent her. 1 he ntihv wear veiy little rlothiiig. .Moxt of Itm rliiidrt'ii up In 12 Veara of hue . ur uothitig at all. Il ix a v.ry coiiiiiioii tight IOMttowii H'Oplelirel.y tiHlii'd. Hint III the tv.'liil'g Hull, women und t'hllilieu eiitiri lr naked (Id bathiiig lit tba "a etiffe. Th'V ere vrv nilMpicioiia nud religioua lulheiraay. For nample one olthw nativea came lo my tent yeatenlav, lie bed a mad aliiililet alaiut 2 Int'hea p .'I made by lold'Uif and xiaing ix diuhII phcea of paer lgeihar, In il ha had oin lira ii K ami uuiatelliuihla anlniK. Ilacarrie.t lloa atMhlft llialile hiaahirt Dell lo hia biely over lila h. arl and ha. Itevrd that II would ward off ball!, la other wurda (hat It aaa bnilet proof. Ha had paid aa l ll native preala a laruiii lor II. II had a M-aroalha atila ul hla Un k holm a hi fa a Mpaillah buliai had 'il arid it no-rolf mllii'a' IhatklH. II riplaiiird thai if It had put lH for lh nit rioua pai-r aha ti ha carrli it would haVa tf'Oia throuuh him ai.il aillml aim. tM inm lull dim thai aea ld-a rt m' toivaa and a-k'il him II II would a. i ft mf iraa .l'ia, II-tal l II would aa I laid lha paf ai'foaa aia brwaal aw. I aaNl.d hh) to hoot alit ana u .11 t l hra lolU Hfolrr hkll Wimi'l ahiMil lkra ' Ikrraut'M lit kiai, 1 1- aim. ill. I hot l.i.nl ihali llnw .i tul. ,oii that d a w.im a it lain lha am.il ana ma I aout I Ui'f Mm It ahiailu a ktiWtw hla booh, lla wral wild aia wad with a'l Iheii.ll li-etw la ha atol. I tlurk it lu whtra ta I fohaMj in hint lllKMMl wp aaaiual lta f.f na In .a..ol al !' l'Mi lLal It a mil ward CAat.kaN lialhla, llf a .lfuttl I aa alih .a, "uat.d don iuhI I It ttal ah I ha uiiaaad , lltaaanv anad H-ora lrard Ikaa vaa a iW, .Hint, II wa tain IHal t.o l a il w..id patti da hdllal tea.d, tHva limit (a I it rto(r ad hot llnoua lh rwaia (,l (da ta h tear" It mil. kmU. It waa won. Inful i nta Ua hllua'a f l taioa rkau.nl, alhxrda Ida e ul die lraauta aud liwil la ( al ihtiM toMi',Ur(iia, I Omaha, August 25, advertisements in this paper demand and more valuable' We nver hear ot anybody away, it you want one you won't come to you of itself. Address department J. then nfood four of the nativea In line one behind the other and explained to bitn that an American bullet would go through all four of them and twice aa many of their relfgiona booke. They bive captured aeveral Kpaniah churchea and have plundered them of their paint Imra, bend, croaaea. etc. 1 eticloae croaa and beada which 1 purchased from one of them. I alao encloae aeveral little ahella and a piece of pearl gat hered on the beach near our camp. They are very identiful and I will eend more in a few any. When you write again encloae Ave or alx envelope, they ore very hard to get here, 1 have ph nfy of paper but there arealmoat no envelope In camp, I am feeling fairly well, am badly broke out with heat, and my feet a e aore from tbe long reconnoitering marchea which 1 have made, Jt rain here every day and generally three or four time. The fighting between the nativea and Hpainard continue all the tone night and day. It i a aort of buh whackiug warfare not a real buttle. When the American troopatakaa hand it will le quite different. If theHuauiard atand butt e wa will kill 6,000 or more of them in a very abort time. The Hpan lard may conclude not to fight, but they are well foUifl d and would not like to leave their work without a t niggle. A large atone wall eurronnd the entire city and there are 14,000 Kpaniab aoldiera inalde. I haven't time to write more at thia time, but will write attain in a few daya. Do not neglect to write me all the new, it i all the newa which we can get here. Love to all. F. 1). EiOKU, The Lincoln State Journal recelveathe following pointed rebuke from one of Ita aub'crilttira: Viilpiiraiao, Neb., Aug. 2.'!. To the editor of theKiate Journal: I have hud the pleiiHure ofreu'ling tliu Daily Journul for th bint yeur I citu any and I know whereof I apeuk, that if you are going to keep up thi tira'le aliout Mr. I'oynter'a lemieriiiir:e vieaa you will i: 'UMe iminy leiuneraiice rcpuhliciiDM to vote for him When a lii mi liaa a irood point what la tint ue of hiicIi nlui-i. ? I Iiiivm nl wii.vm looked at Tim Joarnal aa tlieatate li'itdi-r in true reiuhlic.iuimii UN 1 II III 11 relUlbl'I'llll to the till', I lecl ll il I hud a litOe to any. The republican piirly ahoiild aim to bit pure, iiml U,i le'en, with a few exi'eitioiiM, If tliM parly cannot hliiud on prilil'iilea then it hi lt, r bit ilefi'iiti'd. Teinpi'ianee ia a principle, and no inn ii that cnlU himm ll a rnl t.iau will ileiiv it. We do not m i-tl o be (nitty prohibit ionial. lint when a mini iota a good point don't for (iod'a enke knock that out, but atr ke at Ina bu bin 1 1 a. We ho m' Tim Joiirunl will kii-i and h i-1 uImivii the woiat i lmni'iit of 4 'Minim. I'leon nuawur in ;iumt or letter, Youra truly . Jl'liao ('. Al.l.KN, The Coluinbiia Tiiliea auya Hi" rliani piou Ni-hraaka girl livea in Joliet town ahii, I'inttH iioiiuty, mid printtieea ike billiiaing bid lo pro ita ataiemeni.' "la Hie iiiouibot Mn.V Ihlayeur ahe pUlited I lif wi were a oi polatoea aild lit J una and July d pi iliem i aul Ihor uahly nil 1 1 V ImI, and iaua that haa dona aM lha rmikiHat and avw lug lor lha biinlly, titiihid lour cow, fed Ilia rn !, piaa, wad t-Mvknia, al.ot threw rhikni haw ka, kiihd oer a doiea attak-a, ae lhadoii oiiaiathlwa traaie, aili'iiih.l lliirtrvu dauia aad lbr j"eiin, ra-l Hva ill ma uovt. la, wad aai ao lour a gMa in lha Mk with her beau, wad wa often baar lha ipf aiioa a,.dt "What la Ihera lor wo mm In do! ThM from (' d I: r II laard, of lha l'ailiiiow I aia( oitfui.r ul dai lha ,r. f o.tlua 1. 1 publla luultf i ann.ir rf iifi, ' ll-iu'liwifura lUrvitilii aa rtr I ewaaa il la.iMul j...m aoti pii.U" l.i aft H eraal m-w iu S l.a-l i lb hi-mwf I la Ikiliali4r l,aiae.'l liauaoar at,'' H oii. hu Iki Uk alaiut th "old fa Imlilieia ltf (wottf nut ul ibla d wan aoh !. ha v tl lly l.i Mhllla ).( h' r Ike 1 ha ltkl bd U'b eihat MM a I IOr id Ihvm. II think nut loud MU tha iti. )pt aa billow! With lbue t, H-htM-bb-r, hra I b.b. bibt .if lha bal uM if aat, rtu a.aa, aai v tlia Ibolaud . aa tliuiy, a m. rt ul K iiubiitaa ala wairal roanwltiaa aw l l'd HUiuMar rhimaa fllharni,. Hiillira om ia.il,ma' wa iIom'I b inn aa l rpel.laa f..alamliea k aa l-atiy la taa by the tdd nag." THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. AMERICAN RAILWAYS VALUABLE FACTS AND FIGURES FOUND IN A BELATED REPORT. tetlatlM Coaapllad by tha Intaratata Com Mart Cemmlaaloa Ia Thans tbe total llgaot af aa Will riad the Baaaooi for Oaveramaot Ownarahlp. From summaries which will appear la tba tenth ctatlatlcal report of the in terstate commerce commlsidon, prepared hr ita atntliiticlnn. tha fnllnwlnir art. , vsnoe figures are obtained! ! naAt In tb Unlted gtatM ln tb, buudi of receivers. Those roads operated a milougo of 17,881 miles, tbe mlloage 0wued by tbcm being 14,80 miles, fto arease of 13,013 miles lo tuiiuuge op- 'rated and 8,023 miles in mileage own byroadi-a tU9 obarge of ' - 8t". trol of receivers and 88 roada wore placed oudnr tbolr management. i Tbo cap)tlli took presented by rail- inf3 dubt $881,407,790, and current liabili ties 1113,800,848. A comparison of these figures with tboNe corresponding for tba preceding year abowa doorcami In capital atock ruprcMiuted of over $260,000,000, and la funded dubt of over 40S,000,000. Tbe total railway mlloage ia tbo United Bfatui waa 184,428 itilloa, tboro being au iucreaao of 1,001 uiiiui, or .00 per cent, during tbo your. Nliicty-flve per cunt of tbe railway mileugo of tbe country waa laid with aUwl ruila. Tba total number of looomotivca in eorvlce waa Z5.0H0, an incrciinoof SO for tbe year. Tbo number of purHcugur car waa 83,020 and of freight cure 1,221, 730. Of tbe total number of cant 628, 280 woro flttod with train brakca, tbo In creuM) being 70, 4'A'i, and 078,728 were fitted witli antomatio tsouplura, an in croflne of 133,143. Tbe number of men employed by tbe railway of tbe United Btatca on Juno 0, 1807, aa reported, waa 823,470. Tbcao figure, anaigned on tbo mileage baeia, auow that 449 wen were employ ed per 100 miloa of lino, Tbe corro ponding flguroa for tbe year 1800 were lightly larger, ficgurdlng tbe year end lng Juno 80, 1807, it nppoara that tbe amount of wage and aulurie paid wa $406,001,681. Tbia amount rcpreaent 01.87 percent of tbe totul operating ex peuacaof railway, or $2,640 per mile of lino. Tbo total oompenaatlon for 1800 wa $3,222,060 greater. On June 80, 1807, tbe amount of rail way capital ontitanding wa $10,686, 008,074, wbicb, aaaigned on a mileage baiia, abow a capital of $60,620 per mile of line. Tbo amount of capital ftockwaa $6,804,042,266, of wbicb $4,. 807,060,067 wa common atock and $007,686,688 preferred atock. Tbe amount of funded debt wa $6,270,806, 810. Tbe cloNciflca tion of funded debt bow that It oouiiiHt of mortgage bond, $4,630,011,606; mitoellaneoa obligation, $430,718,803; income bonds, $260,847,164, and equipment trout obligation, $30,888,707. Tbe amount of capital stock paying no dividend waa $3,701,003,277, or 70. 10 per cent of (be total amount out lauding. Tbe amount of fuuded debt, excluding equipment trUNt obligation, wbicb puid no intercut, wai $807,950, 840. Tbo total amount of dividend waa $17, 110,600, which would bo producod by an average rate of 6.43 pur cent on tbo amount of atock on wbicb no mo dividend wu declared. Tbe amount of mortgage botidi paying no intcruht wu $01 6, 260, 080, or 13.65 per ccut; of miHccllunooti obligittiou, $.'37,345, 870, or 8. 07 per cent, and of Income bonda, $216,344,07. or 82.87 per cent. Tbo amount of current liuldliliea outatand ing ou JunuilO, 1807, waa f 578, 601. 035. Tbo number of piiNaciiger curried during the yeur wu 40,443,198, a do crcaaeof 2.327,630. Tbe number of ton of trnight curried wa741, 705,040, wbicb i 34,15,439 1mm limn for lMiO. Tbu groa eariiinpM of the railway of tbe United Htiitc for tliu yeur ending Juno 110, IM7, u reportod for an op eratud mileage of 183,284, were$l,13a.' 080,773. lu com pail on wltb tba jro ceding year thi amount aiiovia a de creummf $;"4,079,(o;i. Thelnconie from operation Unit i, tbo amouut of groaa euro in UK renmltiiiig after tbe deduction of operating oipi luea, commimly termed nit earuinga - wu $ JtlU.fiU3.0U0. Tbia amount la 17,015,343 Icm than the oor reaHiiiding item for tbe prevbm yi-r. Tbe tiilai iiumbert f caaualtiualo iht ecu uti wuHiuutof railway acuhleuU for tba yuar eu litig June 80, H07, wa 43.. 10a. Of thaan i MUaltlne 0,437 re.ult.d lu UeaiU and 30,731 iu injur ita of vary ing tbarautrr. Of railway mpbiyH 1,093 wire killed aud 87,1367 Wei iu. Jutol during the year, l"ruM auuitiiarioa lowUif tba ratio of riillia II aua lhal otiaoutof every 44 euiloyi waa klllnl aud una ! out of evtry BO iuptoy waa Injured 4atlng Iba yar. Owe aagr Waa killvi fr awry 1,10 1 . To laina l, aud aa iujuiad fr iiy lli.ll) tatiiwl. n. tafHUIlaw. N. U NfU.a, iii.Ubt tf Ida N. U KaUat Miuufai liiflOat Miiiiuf .f i, laatla, I un b i f laadairw, taalaaaa tiaa a, Uilmllirplt. aa' 1 WUa lu dirttt b juUii.'W h lha r,inii.ii tyateia btlvvlo4 aaa Uicaatr ma wmduew. It da tw liaird lha v(U fi .ui .(mitol.ty j aad lbtt va.'lod thiir iiitnltat f'loo J a choKw 1 1 lha l t and 1mI. Ii li!tr- aH a4 liiorwi bat llt IU l Wl lha thlaa.l, Ida aUatlW) , df VlftUut tf tetkflt, A pUra bate aa b .uld kava M "4 goraiui nl at It drax l et aa baiwr. Y irn wt atitiait i govi ataiHvMt a tuuvit a la rvitgua it Ul g au l anfair, If all lb 4hh I i . a, Ua Ua vljiaava mini aiaed tf fall tiujathar Ida U hit tia u the va M aaflaf aud fall ' thvtti. LINCOLN TOI-IC8. Governor Holcomb haa deeignated September S aa Labor Day. Tlie repaying of 0 atrwt now oecuple a large hre of attention before the Lincoln publin mind. The aaid public mind la divided between aapbalt aud brick. Republican who want to fill Judge Hull' ahor upon the diatrlot bench ar It. B. Bfeerna, Lincoln Front, F. M. Tyr rel, John 1. Mauie. J. h. Caldwell, Q.'a. Adatna and A. W. Kcott, The L'ncnln Rvening Poet an a ponded poblicHiion Monday of thia week. Man ager Kdtiiutida fine conducted the pnpr with vigor and energy, but baa bad too hard a combination of circumatancee to fight. Cha. A. True and 0. T. Bullock have been chnaen to take eharga of tbe nnlon rempnlgn In Lnnenater ponntv. Hand qunrlera will be on the flrat floor of lha Lincoln hotel. A vlgorcu campaign will be inaugurated. The funeral of Judire C. L. Hall waa very largely attended lat week. While an nrdent reptiblicen, Judga Hall wna a man who did hia own thinking and wna fearleaa of eotiaeqnenw when once ha had decided upon a courae of conduct. Tbe Unlveralty of Nebraaka, ft bool of Mnale, opetm ita Full term Bept. 6th with increuaed fucilitiea and large rorpa of Inatritntora. All bratiehea of mualo tntiirht by thorouuhly educated teach era, and nt the loweat ratca consistent with ouiul liiNtruetlon. 18. Tbo populiNt county committee met Monday to conaider the queatlon of can didate for diatrict. Judirato fill the va cancy canned by Judge 1 1 I I'm death. It waa decided fornd a convention Rep. tendwr Wfh to nominate, The poputM token of for nomination areQeoree W, fleru-e, Judgo Wheeler and Fred Hbep berd. There la no more ue in looking for lower prlcea In flour when yon can bny Huneaaa high Patent at $1.10, Rtar Pat. tl.10 etrnlirht Potent $1.00 and other flour for Or and 80 eta, per aack at Farmers Exchange 131 No. lOtb St., Lincoln. II. 8, Hte.ler of the firm of tbe Akron Wholeaele Ih-ef and Provialon Co. of Ak ron Ohio, wife and two little aona are vlalllng for a few week In Lincoln with , K. (Jiff bia father-In-law at 1U20"M" -treet. This la Mr. BU'tler'a flrat vialt weat from Chlcintn, lla la greatly ulnaeed with N-brankn's fertility of aoil, ita good echoola In Lincoln and all over tbe etate and the general intelilgnnre of ita luboring people oa well aa tbe buai ueaa claitaea. Propoaad Bwb Daak. A plan for a central bank baa been presented to tbe Swia federal council by tbe Union of Commoroa aud Indus try. Wbila tbe federal government ii not to be a stockholder, two-fifth of tba atook will be ubaotibed by tba can tonal government according to tbolr population, one-fifth by existing bank and two nftb by private snbacrlption Tba capital stock i to be 60,000,000 franca. Tbe bonk, wbiob la to have a monopoly of note issue, will be known a tba "National Bwis bunk," and will bava a bead office at Zuriob, with branobe in tbe obief town. Tba mail mam of note Issue will In) fixed by tbe federal assembly, with provision for an excess of Issue above tba limit, subject to a tax of 6 per cent, as in tbe case of tbe Imperial Bank of Oermuny, the AuHtria-liuugariau bank and tbe Dank of Japan. Tbu proceeds of tbfs tax will be dividod between tbe federations and tbe caur him, and tbe hauk will be ex empt from all but stamp taxes. The earnings will be divided, 15 per oent to tbo reserve funds und the remainder iu a dividend of 4 per cent upon the capital, und with tho excess distributed to tbu cantons. A council of 45 uiem bcrs is pro bled with a banking com niittee of five and a directorate of lb roe members. A Bfl.OOe rira to Talilaqaah. T A iii.ko.ua u, I. T., Aug. !. Ilal lard's cotton gin, haw and planing mill burned ychterduy morning. Tbe loss is about 0O0. The "Dewey" Automatic Stock Watercr. l ha luteal and Otdy ahaoliltely Mrfer I liouiiia r lout routtlalu. r.vry n' H luia to hog waiarvra ont-rcum. Vaiva light iitche in water, I'atiMOt Frwl" nor leak trwa dtMt; ran tto I ruat or wairrloaf. Mud raiiiml at ea.br It, lllaihatii In lakh, barrrl, Imi or la laaiMMliy, V ill walr ;tiei hoaawda?, horaa and eatlh. aav htni.hor ul talv 1 aUr.-(., rhakaea or dui aav kad Whliiiala or low la thai diliik. l i fMia, 1 uai it iauil wii-im-t.r, tsl iru, u riaa ra4iel, lo te. .ail hr d t.iuui a.ilialm luf t O'hrrwlaa rvlaraad 11 Ida lf.-a i ll.v. I iHit atihia In Ir ami nif waa, ii rv.a"'a a-l ii- a K ia aauUj. MU-tK )t MS H. I aia t llf, luwa. on, icoNHAnora ANTI-PILL Cl'KBI till PILL HABIT. I oval .a)l.a, ii.i ti I ii4i. aawa, MfVwa lila, tt. eU at Mlwea4 k awaUfaaavaK DOUUT ITI TRY IT. Dru::lst$25c, Lancaster County Convention. A county convention of the peoplea independent party of Lancaster county. Nebraska, ia hereby called to meet at Doha una us hall Lincoln, on Thursday, September 8, 1808, at two o'clock, p. m. for the purpose of nominating a candi date for the office of Judge of the district court, for Lancaster county, Third Judi cial district of the state of Nebruaka. Each ward and precinct in the county ia entitled to representation in aaid con vention by delegates, aa follows: First ward 1 0 Hecond ward ., ,., 2l Third wurd 87 Fourth ward Ill) Fifth ward WJ Sixth ward 24 Heventb ward IM Huda precinc 0 (Yotervllle , , 0 Denton , 7 F.lk 8 (Inint IS (lurfleld 0 liiuhland 7 Lancaster ,.2(1 Little (Salt 0 Middle Crack 7 Hock Creek 8 Mill 8 Nemaha , 12 North llluff 8 Oak Olive liraucb. Punumu Hock Creek.. HnliiHo nou 1 11 I unn,. ..,.. U.....I. !..- Stevens Creek Stockton 6 Waverly,.,.., 7 WeatOuk 8 Weat Lincoln , 7 Yankee Hill 11 RotlKltr WMKKbKll, Ciinlrmau of Co. Con. Com. D. 0. liui.bocg, Heo, of Couuty Ceo. Com. Silver Republican Convention Is called to meet for the same purpose at tbe satna time und place. Representation aa follows: First ward 10 Second ward..... , 10 Third ward 17 Fourth ward 10 Fdih ward 18 Sixth ward 12 Seventh ward 12 Huda precinct s 5 4 4 Ceoternlle. I ten ton F.lk Grant 6 S 4 dnrfteld... Highland. Luucaatcr.. 18 Lit lie Salt fi Middle Creek.. 4 Hock Creek 8 Mill 4 Memaha , , 6 North llluff 4 Osk 8 Olive liratiob .'. 2 Panama,,,. 4 Hock Creek 4 Ballillo ft South Pass 4 Stevena Creek 4 Stockton S Waverly 4 Weat Oak - 4 Weat Lincoln 4 Yankee Hill M 6 W. C. Flkuiiv, Chairman of Co. Con, Com. L C. ClIAI'IN, See. of Co. Ceo. Com. Democratic Convention la called to meet for the abme purpose at the same time aud place. Ilopresentation as fol lows: First ward 10 Second ward 10 Third werd 17 Fourth ward 10 Fifth ward 11 Sixth ward 12 Si-ven lb ward 12 Ituda nreciiict G (Vtitervelle 6 ll.'iitou 4 F.lk 4 (irant (1 tint (b id 3 Il trhbtnd 4 LiiiicuHi-r l.'i Little Salt & Middle Creek 4 ItoekCrcfck M Mill 4 Nemaha 0 Son I. llluff , (Ink , (hive llranch 2 pHiiama Hock ( reik 4 Saltillo Sou lb I'aaa Klavena Cm Ik Stork I on , W wvarly WVat tik Waal Lilicolu )aikw Hill ., V. A. l at a. t It rum. lu. tea.loui. J. A. Maui ink. Hue, to. ten. Com. Ill Ja a arrtaal That yna earwa aad purity y(,ar blood ia the tall aa la lha iei lug. At Ibia lima oamglo uVeaiia v alalha, a low watr hwL aad wihar taava, lhare ara tl vaa gt aia all aa, wd aad d.litratl ayaiaa quickly yiM lu (Ii i4 at an, ktara.vie. I' pari flag aud lata Slag J oar liltaid wild IIimmI's Saraapartiba jea snaj hai'a ap ur ! lo rial larava ilakgtra, wa wall aa riiugha.riibta, aaauioaiw aad the e rp wbwa niaaa ana viiar arwtsrr. u l- o ha ia aula, lata llwo.l a 4.rol sua, aad a'aaia tasarait m II wad aol a. ai-ISiea tWe i aata I la ha ' Jt a gitw4 " loaat far raai Ma4a Wa h. ) t riu4 lha i bj thai It b laMvaia htawaalf u ia laitaa aa f lha wi !U4 t'ataa ttl U ymm ba taiHy H f- iwafM, 1 h I aUta boat-U law4 talaa axasaf 4 M ai t.livia aval la namail tS.t, lh Wal.iaaJ I htidrai lUahiaia4 la I'aU wvr ktit ly haal h4. If wa Uaaav tw.y l ), Ul hf h .h waa vf I Ha ift tt IHiMa si Uiaia Im ba i.d44 Pta lah) tuittJa whuiU a4 lt v M Lw4 iaiy m hu. thai wauls k fvw kni. PttiM Mr Jtrtat, Fi ee nieaicai Trealmen II Who Are WllUne to Pay Wfca Convinced of Cure A adentlflo combined medical nachantcal cure haa been dicovara4 for Weakness of Men." Ita baa baen ao startling that tba aropria tort now anaouBce that they will aani it on trial remedies ana appuane without dvnt pmymtntvt any I at man. If not all that ii claimed all yaw wish send It back that ends itft ; Botlungl Ma aneb offer wai aver mad la , faith before; we believe no other i edy would stand sucn a test. This combined treatment cures ejabah Jy, thoroughly and forever all aff acti aj early evil habits, later excesses, over work, werry, etc. It creataa health, , strength, vitality, MStainlng poweri and restorai weak and undavalopas portlona to Bataral dimeaaloa Mai functions. Any mas writlnf In aarnaat will n ceive daaciiption, partlculari and raf ereocea la plain sealed anvekmaa Professional eoofldeaoe. No daeeptla nor imposition of any nature. A na tional repautlon backs tbia offer. (Cat out and send thi notice, or asoacaai paper.) Address us mm co., ci.rtY. "Beauty Without Virtue is like a flower without perfume," aa old Frenoh mailin says; but oar harness embrace! both. Tbey ara tbe perfection of the harness makers art in beauty, strength and elegant of trjmmlng, and are made from aa perior Oak atock. Our atock em braces everything ia eiogle and double Harness, Fly Nets, Whips, and everything In borae goods for track, road, or stable use. Cook & Barlow, 225 So. i ith St., Lincoln. Neb. You will And the date at which your subacription expired marked on thia week's ieriiie of your inner. Take notion of it aud if you are in arreara you should make a paymeut at once. Caecareta stimulate liver, kidney a and tajwrlsi never sickeu, weaken ot gripe, 10c " THE SUCCESS OF A FAILURE." A political romanee. At every day story of evary day bU, tiraihr, la teitaaly laUivatiiiaT. tree lo esHitieg foadilloua. A ehariuinaT kv story runalnic through a k blieal lrwl, H-ad it: yoa will tat eatrriaiaN aad iaairaetad. I 'raws' 3 crate, or seal fra. pa i.fC vah, la arh a lnWf.laf to Tat Ka tst heraaT, whuaaada ll.lHt kr lha l apar aaa twr. U 0 aiv W Oaf lattirv ! l 4iMfv in u.-m mt utiof. iut It .TfMft. Tait4ii A tun for veaK men r goeal W A ilai.fTtifklaii.