The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, September 01, 1898, Image 3

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    Sept. 1.1898
In this department w will publish
character, received from subscribers to this paper. No conmunuutiox should
contain mouc than 800 woaos. Manuscript will not be returned.
Th Old Man' Ira.
I wan talking with a friiind of mine the
other day who wn an old niaa ol con
siderable existence, lie was a etroug
republican for year and like lot ol
other good old republican actually b
lleved that tba republican party waa all
right becuuae it ueed to bo In lbe60'e
Well aaye I to the old roan "I euppose
you are going to tow the republican
ticket tbi ull,""uo John," eaid lie
earnestly, "I will vote th silver ticket
thlN fall. There are some national poll
oloa 1 cannot exactly swallow is your
pop parly but (here la uo use talking 1
cau l go republican oumt in na.
braskaat all, 1 have cad tba diff.-r-ance
In ciixli accounts between the ad
ministrations ol both parlies and i have
been houest In my voting all tneee years
and 1 hope to remain trus to Ilia beat ol
my judgment what lew time there are
left lor me to vote hern on earth. I
want to vote for honest men Just a
nuchas any American ever did, and I
am so out of patience with tha republi
can party here that 1 nearly weep when I
"Those of us who are now old, helped
to lound the republican party and I am
ura no one ever thought ol such bribery
and theft aa has been propugaled by re
publican leadera In Nebraska. Oua
thing opened my ayea mora than aver
waa a il renin I had the other mgbt. "1
thought 1 waa visiting tba Hlata Peni
tentiary v ry leisurely one day and u I
waa walking about very quietly looking
At the eouvict at work, I beard a couple
, oieu talking in a corner, and aa that ia
not vary olten heard In aucu a place, I
pauaed to listen, to learn II trouble waa
apparent, I heard one of the convict
aoy to a in in who waa well d reused, I
hops you will be elected governor thla
fall, may be you can do me soma good
then.' 'Yea ao do I aaid tha gentleman,
but any Joe could you do ma any good
in tbi campalgu7 If you could gva us
a little financial help w will Hi thing
all 0. K.' 'AH right' said the convict 1
will give you 8,000 for the campaign
and when you are ehted governor you
will pardou ma out ol here.' 'Yea I'll do
that' aaid the gentleman. The convict
looked around a little and saw the
warden coining toward that room,
'Well aaid he, lure cornea tha warden 1
roust go to work ao good bye and good
wishes to you Mr. Ilayward.' 'Thank
you, good b,ve Hartley,' And tba two
men parted. About that time I wakened
and 1 thought it over and really itia
poeeible for such transactions, and more
than that it ia probable if the republi
can gel Into power again, 1
can't vote lor the republicans. When 1
think of diehard work we did yearn
ago to get thla once grand old party in
power and how wechenahed it with song
and speech with ehot and ahell, and now
to thmk of how It drilled faraway from
Ita aource thought, it makea ma aad. It
I neatly like the boy wo leave a lov
ing inoi her with all the care a mother
can give and turna out to be a thief or
murderer. It' gone it' gone but I
won't iro with it."
When the old man got through I could
see childish leer slowly creeping down
hi cheek, lie clung to tha party which
waa dear f o hi heart, but aoouer or
later, one by one they must leave the
old burning wreck and pull for I ha shore,
I do not believe any one ol the founder
of the old republican pitrty ever thought
of It returning to duet no soon. Iliatory
ia only repenting it well. Can I' be pos
sible tlnit .our reform parly will follow
an it in Jto yiiir hence, (Jod forbid Hut
if it doe 1 won't go with it, even il alive.
I will vote mm it free American no mutter
if the pnrt.v I once loved goe to way
wardueHH. I know it in hard lor some
people lo vote ati'-ketlhat ia not re
jiublictiii by inline, but dear friend look
the ticket nil over nnd ' which la the
republiciui ticket na it used to be iii Lin
coln' tune, eee which ia truly advocat
ing a government for th people, ol the
ItKople nml by the oile, aud vote it,
no matter what it ia culled.
Jamks Pkaiison.
Atihland, Neb.
"Monty Chan" Kndaittd by tha Inde
par d nl 8ti Central Commute.
Editor Indcprndrntt
I have r.-viee. he following letter
from the 1'iiitirmau and aeereiary ! tha
MH)pl'a pitny atuie ceii trul rum mil tea:
I. m N. br , April SMI, IH1M.
Mr. Mai vii Wnrreu, Fatrburv, Neiir.
l-Hr Kir: We hnv examined your
Imm.1i, Chart, with Part riighth
addition thereto, aild With plenanrwcau
onilora th Nina. And will add that
yuur IhmiIi luliy hikI dearly l- flu- Ilia
tru 'em ol lltiimy a wa benv nml
i la hirinont won tha platform put
lurth bv tha iVopl.'a I'arlr, and wa
rwoiiHiH-Md it to il irona in - n U ol
the Iru ltie priuripleaol tiiuuey,
Il a eliitl' nnra,
J. II ttmUteit, Chairroan,
M. Iliiaa. HMrlrv,
la Moaay t ari ami on Iba uuianU ol
tba tk . r ilirvd la pr.wt4 tk
tullowiiig lormuU.
"Tk Halaarh of rlou," "Ika
lloaav I'h-H' I'riita "
It all oar nmiif t, told, altvav aad paif
U aiada a ! tfnl t ad to a all ! Iila,
It will lka if w . rily aad
aUaili im pari" i laoai .tax ptio la
etla aailiiHi tal aivrrwnat ilaaa
Ha1f.,i i.l Urdiaal Vl aaurwa."
N I. A'l Hwy m.ii a lewd
.i a all tWtita.
S i It.twaf wtaal wa r4waakk la
gittriul ilaoaoalr.
N 1 A aat aw-l aoaaiaat au
Many People Cannot Drink
lk at t tak tat aaa
fat d (I'aiaMl ;(
d (ik t. lot thaU,tl !
at etiM)! kiua. tr 4
IWaW a II U It a4 aM llktlaa
at r t.. !, f na
C aa4 il tK a,ia-(l ta at
rt, Ma.W rM e t)t
laMkaai hum vaaf ihax t.wlay, Tt
U aawaa ei t Mla. U a 41
communication of a worthy and rat table
of money circulation."
II Money Chart, la true, and if the pro
viaion of the foregoing formula of the
bulwark of freedom tie enacted Into law
aud faithfully executed the control of
the quantity of the money circulation
will immediately pnaa from the BritMi
American oligarchy to the people of tbia
country, aud the people will paa irom
bondage into ao overincreaeing freedom
and properity. Aud the Invialble em
pireof "Kid path' Arena" will perieb to
the eiteut of the Uuited Htatee.
Hut on the contrary, If the provlalona
of I he i'lfulwark of v reedom atoreaaio,
be not In every particular enacted Into
law. the control of the Quantity of our
money circulation will remain where it
In, with tha Kritiau American oligarchy
the (Miopia of thla country will remain
in their bondage" and tbeia will lie uo
bott i m to the interminable death ol
bondage down Into which they will be
forced deeper nnd deeper and deeper,
without remedy
I think the "Independent" a bettor
paper than ever before.
M. WAiirtRM.
Falrbury, Nebr.
Coaf reitman From tha Third hlatrlot.
IUktinoton, Neb., AuguatSO, 1808.
To tha popullata of tba Third Congrea
aional IHatrict: The republi(!an ol tbia
congreaHional dletrlct are seeking to
mike capital out of the fact that the
delegation from Cedar refuaed to take
part In the joint conference of democrat
and populiat, which placed In uouilna
tion John H. Itoblnon. They have iwd
fit to attach Importance to thl action
ol our county, becaune tha humble writer
of tbee line wa a member of our dele
gation. Without entering Into any dl
cuMaionoflhe action at Norfolk, which
wa fully ei plained, then and there, I de
aire to give my peraoiial reaaone for aup
porting Judge Hobinaon for oongre:
I. 1 know how John H. Robinaon
stand on every public queation before
t he a merican people; and any or you can
find out by aaking him, I know ha
atanda upon every plank of the Omaha
platform, except tha wild and vliouary
chimera of the u!Hraiiur,v.
2. I know that no one (not even Wil
liam F. Norria hlmaelf) know bow tha
republican candidate for congrea in
thla divtrict. atanda on a eiogle quetlon
beforethe A merican people.
Now, underatand me. I have nothing
againat Judge Norria, peraonally, hav
ing known for eighteen yrara. Dur
ing all that time nothing ugtint hi
moral character or financial honeaty
ever cum to my knowledge. For eight
year he aat on the bench in thl dlatricf;
and, during all that aime, our relation
were moat pleaaant; and 1 rather favored
hi being retained in that poaitlon. (Hut
lt ma rmua to add that the preaent
Judge H van, ia tha choicest gilt kind
Heaven im ent ua in many a day.)
William F. Norria ia one of the moat
airreeable men in a aocial way I ever met.
Gifted with an education at Weat Point,
one of tba bet obtainable, by the way.
ha ia an omniverou reader, with a flue
literary tate. He would make a re
eoectable and valuable citizen in any
community, a would William McKiuley
or Hefijimn llurriaon.
Hutatae! h l a moat acnom pi lulled
trimmer. Ill true that he ha many
eminent example. Marc Tull.v and
I'M ward Hyde were trimmer. Hut a
trimmer i not what wh poiiuliMt want
in thia illatrict. I wiah to know what I
am voting lor, don't you? We all wnut
Homethiug beai'le empty platitude, glt
taring general i tie and iion-couimitlal-ixm.
One paiier, for wIiohh editor I have a
hilt h iwteem, Hity ol Jll'fge Norria:
lie i not a radical goldbug, being
rather a ailver republican who refuaed to
breitk with the old party.
You all remember how Petroleum V.
Nm-hv aet the country in a ronr in INMO,
when Im deMcrile-d (Jenernl llnucock'a
position on the money queation: "0ii
ileunn," aaid the it rent leader, "I am re-
juiced that I hev an opportunity uv au
aerin the querica wich may be put to me.
In i ha maiter uv currencv, wiieiher we
lie, d mure or lea, whether it hould Im
rad'emable In void, or not redeemable in
anything, ia a queation on wich I ncod
not aay titer are grave oni renc-a uv ,
oiiinyuii. Kf it I heat lo hev flat money,
wa inu-t l v tl'il money, el on on the
other hand, ft wat la polled ound money
ahould b" held to roiidoo to the grent-
eat gootl uv thaurenteat number, that i
wat w waut. It il t one tiling yoo tnml
lar In inind eiyoog.i to your homea,
wich la thai eternaJ Vigdanew la Die pr e
uv bla-rly, and that th Fabiat poliry
uv Oeueral VV wuv wut bn.i
the kau'rv thro ilia, war."
Try Judge Norria. Wii'eto liliu at
Wayne, Wana manly, Nebraska and
a-k him lo wner wild "ye" or "ao,"
and gi'a y mi leave to pulihali hi aa
aw era IhaalaVatt (pleatlon that her ltd
I. IM yu believe la a protacliv Ur-
'J. l. .m b-liva ii tariff for rev
ran oalyT
.1, li yon bahav Im I raw lrdT
I l. ou lli la lli Irva, aallm
!! aud iab-adaa eiiaad I.,
K'.ld and ail-r, al a ratio ol III lo IT
A ln ya te-iwv I al I oly
bowld Ih iba waftaum ut alaad'trd ol
Htoar v Vl-a la lea l ail J Niaf
0 Ki jo Ik I im aa rad pawf
mouot lit Ik l'iiid Mala nuftraotaat
rd.ntila o air ia r ?
T. I' 4 kllav l
N. v,i a Mwe la ;. Ihwaaaf
tf 1 04 latllav la W Wkat- ?
lit, iMloa ".! Ua la!Ut
l.ra kw aWIr for guMstas.Urd? i
II. ijii4 sued 4uwij
platM m aairwddi ua Ike
woky saawliw?
nilin V, Plst,
rrwa fwtts) a
TfcsMHiwtatf M'vf fvraoa-l I tut
kf N)avlaWsda Jfia(
fv It, lovws-f aVif, tUpl tl. )',
IWI, AljUtl U TlirJ Nsfc'Mka
Vo. t-r,
l4ttarWrSJ ?, l,fawCw
ba Libre, Panama Park, Florida, Aug.
17, 1891. Dear Mr. Jackaon: Your let
ter bearing date of August 15th reached
ma yesterday, and a usual louud a
warm welcome. The queetiou of "peace,"
"going borne," "goiug to Havana," aud
kiudred subjects are receiving consider
able discussion these days, but couclu
sious are as varied aa tha inclinations ol
the meu. Home want to go home. They
argue that, since peace ba been de
clared, the object for which they euliated
is secured, aud there is uo further uecee
"ity lor louger remaining iu the army.
Others are auxtous to go to Cuba just
lor the experience, aud still others want
to tight, lu tha uieautiuie the Third
Nebraska Is perfecting itsulf in the art ol
war, and ahould it be needed, 1 feel that
it will acquit iUelf creditably.
Yesterday we paaed our first inspec
tion, Colonel Odd, one ol Gsueral Lee's
staff, la luapector general, He took
diuuer wltu ua, auu uegau tue inspection
shortly alter dinner. The meu were iu
Hue form, aud, while the Inspection wa
quite rigid, the inspector waa highly
pleased, 01 our total strength, l.'JVi,
but four meu were absent, three with
leave aud oue without. The lueetiou
proper was not completed until 6 I). III,,
after which the regiment formed aud
passed iu review, i wish you could see
the Third. This eveuiu the 1st brigade
of the ild di vision was formed, with the
Third Neb. ou the right, the 10th lud.
iu the center, aud the 2d Miss, on the
left, aud pasaed in review, Colonel Mont
gomery commanding. Ueueral Hub
bard, acting dlvisiou commander, wus
reviewing officer, Parties who wilueswed
tha rwview told me the 3d Neb. waa easily
entitled to Brat place iu point of appear
ance aud precision In marching, me
ability ol the meo comprising our regi
ment la renogmced at division bead
quarters. Four of our lieutenant are
ou detached service at division head
quarters. Out of thirteen olliuera com
oris nir th areneral court martial of tbi
divisiou, seven ura Irom the Ud Neb., to
say nothing of several private who are
aci lug a clerk.
Tonight our baud assists In giving a
Couo. rt ia Jackson villa lor the benefit ol
the hospital at Pablo Ueach. 'I hi Is
the third time our baud has been culled
upon, which fact goes to prove that we
have an excellent band. Chief Musician
lirowne. of Lincoln, is a bard worker,
and his bard work baa accomplished
much. Tha baud la tba pride ol tha regi
ment. Well, if! continue iu thla strain you
will think I am losing Interest in affairs
at home, but such ia not the case. You
cautiouuieto take care ol my health,
but I wonder if ou think ol yourself
enough. 1 do not envy you those mid
night freight train rides. Mrs. Ueck and
children will soon return to Liucoln. I
am afraid she will get pretty lonesome.
I think I have never told you what I
think of Col. llryau. lie ia a man, eo-
cially, physically, morally and in factu
ally, lie Is the life of the oHIuere' me.
He has stood the change of climate and
manner of living ua well ua any ol ua and
much better than many. Ills talk,
deeds, and many acts of kindness to all
classes of meu are proof ol hi moral
standing and character. His profound
arguments In all questloiiscomlug beiore
ua bring u to rail is bis intellectual
strength, 1 never met a man ia all my
lile for whom I bod such a high regard.
Kind regard to all. 1 have written
my name about three hundred times to
day, signing warrants aud passes.
Tolls fur Milling,
Hear Hir: It seems to me the greatest
danger to our party's success I the
farmers must have more lor their pro.
duce In order to prosjr and bring pros
perity to the country and it is easy to
convince the people living in tbecltus
that higher price lor products means
higher price for tbera to pay for what
they live ou. Mow i there not a law say
ing how much the miller can tak for
toll lor grinding our wheat? I have
heard that one-sixth of our wheat was
all th law allowed them here and one-
ii in t ft eaat. Now if there is no such law
The "Dewey" Automatic Stock Foun
Wn want our readers to not the
change in I ho advertisement of the Htock
Fountain Company of Luke City, Iowa.
They now preaent the Uteat and only
abaolutely perlecfc fl.tat lountaiu ever
put on the market.
Cholera Is prevented by pure water,
and tlie bountiful auoply ol it lucreaae
fat and lea-tna the quautiiy of food re
quired. Pure water ia funnelled by the
"H-wey" Fountain, manufactured bv
tha Stis'k Fountain Company ol Lak
City. Iowa, They have bandied every
coiniiinanoii ol fountain made, and tor
I wo vear have been uo'ing all of the
objections to the uuat fto-tt fountain,
J H vereoma all id Ik idt'
)- do I in ' ! I It lnvawl
4lkrv Mrol ifei ,
wn ik Minrk-l rwawiti, as I v givaa
Sufc b 144.M n allHH) Ikal ISM
ka,?f ii.W4 liJ all lk Il
U ui.! wa Ik aiaiksl nd tk-ir -nl
sf ! to ia-1 urn I mm
kr II tt- tkal t aaaj ,
triad il'iw prof 'id. lu ba "t
! aaihatajflwrf, tJ
ft Iks kelai a'W lrilr H, a4
fmll ka rwll M al M to
I I t,i uPl ) )Nass 1klf
(4sal w4S towwlki', aad It
ktd m I.Wd k ad ataah ataar
Ik it iik lu llaal Knaia in
Ik .aal k t-O, ' W a.rn t.a
kkl 1K ' k g, bnaiat
aad ka tk Valval ! I ml rii
ii tatea dnaklarf tap alluao-g
(M4 I ! 4 4l4ta k ( tt,
null it a? 4 ki Ik ir i l. 1
f nit al Ik ! .a )iai s
there ought to be then it would make no
difference with our own people whether
wheat wo high or low a larmer could
compel the millers to grind our wheat
and we could aell it direct to the people
at a reasonable price and at the same
time make the foreign countries pay aa
a remunerative proe for w beat. 1 be
lieve a war on miller would keep from
dividing the interests of the farmers end
other classes. I wish Hardy or some
one would write this up. 11a gives telling
b'ows to the g. o. p.
I took eight bushels of wheat to mill
which weighed 480 pounds. I got V40
pounds ol flour, bran and shorts, 100
pounds of flour wa all I got so you see
they take a bait. 1 told tne miner i
thought the law gave bim oue-sixth
which would be 80 pounds, his part; 400
pouuds my share which If I could get
would enable me to undersell him in the
markets thus giving the people cheaper
flour for it brings the producer and con
sumer together and no miller to go be
tween. Of course the miller can buy
w limit and sell flour as high a bepleaan
but dare h take unlawful toll from the
farmer? 400 pound of flour would be
8 sack and at CO cent per suck would
be 4 dollar, 1 dollar per buahel would
be 1 dollar per sack. Most of ua sold
last year at CO cents. I sold my crop at
UO cents five years ago that wa les
than the miller sold his bren.lOO pounds
of bran at 00 cents, 120 pouuds ol
wheat at 00 cents. ,
Please look this matter up and see who
la iu the right. Heaped fully,
Y.LUk How Aims.
Ashlund, Neb.
Th I.aooasiar Cuanly Farmer' lab.
The world's oldest flag, the stars and
stripes, moved on the top ol the flag
stuff and beueatn on the club tent, erect
ed on a bice rise of grouud, covered with
graa and flower of variou kind.
Tlii wa a eight long to be remembered
by the many farmer and wire with
their lunch basket, lull to the top with
pie and cake and many otherdeliuacleH
to partake of, hospitality of Mr. and
Mrs Heueberger, two miles north wist of
Woodlawn, August 18, 18U8.
Iu the well appointed bouse only a few
rods away, was heard some good sing
ing, while the first table was being
aerved, but ceased at the second call to
partake ol a bountiful lunch. After
which the meeting was called to order
by the president, 11. Policy, Minutes
were read and unproved. Then there
waa singing by KstellaHmith, which wa
Very much enjoyed by all. Mr. Dram
read, "why Willey would not sing," who
dually admitted, because it is a Hpaulsb
Mr, (Jy lords recitation, "Nature and
Grace", met with a loud applause. He
was called to the (root a second time
and gave another called "Maud Muller".
A recitation by Miss NoraPatwater was
well reemved.
Hr, Duncan ba a soft and pleasing
voice, read a long piece about free rural
delivery of mail, in which he said: "Iu
Ore-it Britain the free delivery ol letters
was began about fifty year ago. All
mad Is delivered at the residence, at the
address without extra charge. The
rural postmen making a daily walk ol
from 15 to 18 miles, and receiving a
compensation of 18 shillings or about
four dollar and fifty cents a week. It
wa establlehed iu France in 1880, At
flrt an extra charge of ten centime
('1 cent) waa made, which woe aban
doned in 1840. Iu the Herman empire
a change of 10 to 20 pfennigs (2 to 4
cents) according to weight, is made lor
the delivery ol mail In rural districts.
In Austria, Hungary a small extra
charge Is mad, ranging from to a
cent and one-half.
The rural delivery, is in Belgium and
It had bean put to the test of practi
cal experiment in 29 states ol this un
ion, and over 4 dinreut routes.
This ba been done by direction ol
congress, which placed a sum of 910,000
Hiioleirinted by another appropriation
of f 80 000 at t he disposal of the depart
ment for thia purpoa, during the fiscal
years 1800 and 181)7.
And tois appropriated a further sum
of CO.0OO dollars, lor coutinuiug aud
just over the float, outside of the body
ol water ami freeze readily. Mud cannot
becleHtied from under them unless the
en'ire fountain is takeu apart,
Theaw objections are all overcome In
the "lew ", heaide many minor one
not mentioned. It ha a double drink
ing rup, and a hrne flout which will not
ru-t or water log, and valve that cannot
freeie, na It ia 8 luchea within body of
water. I'.enieinlar this point, a you
can ii-i t he fountain the entire winter.
Mud cannot get under the flout.
Theaa statement are iwiainv fact.
Th denier nnd larmera all want a foun
tain if they run purehaaaa -rfect on.
Without queatfon the "Hioxsy" ia a per
lect loun'mn.
Hog chol.-ra I now gaining ground
. aa4 it aally la ns
liu 4'a lt M fnralakad, ( lIM I
l.akstui, la, akurww rua lw
kaadrwtl lu Ifcrw kaa-trwl ki a )r,
ad "k i" 'Mkiin
atatra, vrv i'f k' I'Mti n isikU-v .i
Itignad ka in-wil wa tvuu ! b
lag wa'r4 taiialn'lv. Tkay aara at'
niakoi, ISankt Ikitnly aad wrui.
a tu wot kav a p ij i, 4ir A
hi k ubtia a ik oaiaiw,
fci t-attiMnivnvt lu Ikfive, I kka
-f Itwt lan Iron nat
Ma) loakd ttt lnrnr adl laiit
lu ik , sa l Ik (Wef It tar
ik tun af knathrf wl I'Mnmi lu
hunt w4 ! anv u Vaftly ka rr
Allvlkatliak Cu,La
O1!, Uaa, on tkt 4 el'ia ik
ttnara, and 4aair at Ifcn asail
aii4vtf klwlntwMng any !,
nkWk) ion sua wu kt Irtian ik loaain a
aadkul ay 4 Kfit.n aniline ltr;t
extending the experiment, during the
jirewui ui-chi year, weraana towushlp,
Johnaon county, Nebr. rural free deli?,
ery was inaugurated ou the 7th ol Nov.,
Each ol the four carriers, who, start
ing from Tecu timed post ofllce, make
wieiraany inps or ao miles or more,
supplies about 00 families.
The territory embraced in the delivery
contained 1)2 square miles.
Ouly favorable reports are received of
the nervine, and the cooperation of
the farmers in making it a success, It
Wa moved aud carried hv mi
mous vote that free rural delivery ol
iuhii uBestenuea an over the state.
The committee on tent was requested
to meet with the Houthren In Lincoln.
Mr. C, A. Arouson ot the Boothren club
was permitted to use the tent for the
first of September,
A vol of thanks was given Mr. and
Mia. I)enberger for their hospitality.
Thejclub will next meet with the pres
ident II. Pulley 8 mdes northwest of
Lincoln, September 15 th,
Program tor said meet ina-: Declama
tion, Miss. Blanch Duncan; Helect read
ing; Mr. Mildred Koonts; Declamation,
Miss Nora Puswater; Musio aud Miscel
laneous. Diw'usslon: "Best methods of seeding
tame grasses led bv Mr. A. IL Drain,"
'What methods may be adopted tbia
yenr to Improve y h-ld of arop next year,
a well to reduce the annuul growth ol
Opened by Mr, Malum.
II. Pot-bV, President,
E. L. Boumuu, Beo,
A Startled Mother.
Krum ili Krarport (III)
While busy at work In her home, Mr.
William Hhoy, corner of Taylor and
Hancock Avenue, Freeport, III., wae
ateriled by beuriug a noise Just behind
behind her.
(Mrs Shay Was Startled.)
Turning quickly she saw creeping to
ward her her lour yesr-old daughter
Beatrice. The child moved over th
floor with an effort, but seemed filled
with joy at finding Iter mother The
rest of the happening ia best told in the
mother's own words, lib said:
"Ou the am b of Sept., 1800, while in
the bloom of health, Beatrice was aud
deiily and severely alHioled with spinal
meningitis. Strong and vigorous be
fore, In five weeks she became feeble and
suffered from a paralytic stroke which
tSvieted her head back to tha aide and
made It Impossible lor bar to move a
limb. Her speech, however, was not af
fected. We called in onr family doctor,
one of th moat experienced and success
ful practitioners in tha city. He con
sidered the case a very grave one. Be
fore long little Ua trice was compelled
to wear a plaater pari jacket. Promi
nent physician were oon-ulted, eleotrlo
batteries were applied, but no benefit
was noticed until we tried Dr. Williams'
Pink Till for Pale People.
"Biiey in my kitchen one vfternoon I
wa startled by the cry of 'Mamma
from little Beatrice who was creeping
towards me. I had placed her on an
Improvised bed In th parlor oomfort-
ably close to the flreaide and had given
herome book and tdavthlngs. She
became tired of waiting for me to come
bock and made up her mind to go to me,
so her story, 'Mr. Pink Pills made me
walk,' which she lells everyone who
come to our house, waa then for the
Brat time verified. She has walked ever
since, niih ba now taken about nine
box. of the pill and hi r pale and
pinched iHce ha been growing roay, nnd
hr limbs gained strength day bv dav.
She aleep nil night long now, while be
fore taking the pills she could reathuta
few hours at a time." Dr. Williams'
Pink Pill for Pale People are sold by all
v. rn
3 m aii ? kudu $ aA tw mm C44 itwr nxmmit at roat ru f
T .K Wa aial naiaaiS IgWM lani ia. MiNSwaann w
a, k nam im H i.Hiiii twM . m aal .' i J
T J V ttmm . m i. i ew at a. mfmijtmmt ti tmm A
j( jSTmt ITnfTi i jjg i
7 nV A MWI I nUI IIA ? It tta TWoVtASM MtlJkfBl (I
9 I S mat4tm aaw. m ft new m4 I Wt tm a laiaif na rW A
A y" nasi' in n ihm l-mt w. mA km k. wl i um I 9
J r-,- MrfHMMnA A 11 miaaaSii A Ai.ea W
rKr?IM-u-l,0?c II (kT
Eafcla' ! J1aVMa H l4
ra wmm 1 n 1 aj 1 4" S m, a II I I I
V In three months an !.
Q non, in six month a U.
T S. Senator. Two liiifKir-
V tant event to tlioaa vhn
fight for principle and
not for pelf. We waut
your help in spreading
iu goapei or reiorm.
Seiid us 60 cent for a 6
months' new aub-cripHon
to Tub Inukpkniiknt,
aud we wdl eeuii you, pre
paid, a copy ol "War
ren's Money Chart" a a
premium. It sells for 25
cents, an I k' worth tha
prion. Oet a doubtful
voter on thit and w'll
try lo add another r-
A crult to the grand army
X ol reform.
Mnkal Plat Ksnuralim ta Uoatoa,
Tickets on sale lor train leaving Chi
cago September 16 to 18 Inclusive, at
rate of $10.00 for the round trip, and
good returning until September 80.
Also cheap rate to all polut east, Vee
tibuled sleeping ear to Boston, and
solid train to New York, Hates lower
than via other lines. For further Infor
mation call on or address J. Y. Calahaa,
Oeueral Agent, 111 Adams St., Chicago,
Only one fare to Hot 8prlnfs, B. D,
and return via the Elkhorn line Aug.
9tn and 28 tb and SepUm'ber 10th aui
80th. Limit 80 dav,
Ileast your mind and cur your bodj
by a trip to this delightful reaon.
Oet ticket at 117 8 10th street
national Cnearapmsal O. A. ft. f lg.aa
Clnelnnatl nn4 Blarn 01S.6O,
The Elk born line ( North western) will
ell tickets to Cincinnati and return lor
above occasion, September 9, 8, 4 al
! 118 60 for round trip. Upon payment to
olnt agent ol dopoait lee of 25 oeatt
imlt may be extended to October 3d.
For further Information apply to A. 8.
Fielding, T. A., 117 South 10 street.
brack and Wyoming Boikrt
Argust Sod and 16tb, Beptetnbsr 6th
and aoth, October 4th aud 18th, tba
Elk born line (Northwestern), will sell
tickets at one lore plue a. for tb round
trip to point oo Its line In Nebraska
west and north and la Wyoming weal
ol and including Orln Junction. Tha
minimum round trip rate to be 19. '
Stop-overs granted a going tiip be
yond Stanton and Crton, Neb, For
further Information call on A. 8, Field
lug, C. T. A., 117 8. 10th 8t.
Th Bight genu U Klondike,
Whether you select the all water roate
by way of 8t, Michael, or the overland
route via. Dyea, Hkagway, Cooper river,
Taku or Stikine, you must first reach a
Pacific port of embarkation.
The Rio Grande Wetern Railway, ia
connection with the D. A R. 0., or Colo
rado Midland Ry., Is tb abort, direct
and popular route to Bun Francisco,
Partland, Tacoma or Heat tie. Through
sleeping cars and tree reclining chair ,
cars from Denver to Ban Franeiscoand
Denver to Portland. Choice of three
routes through tbs Rockle and tba
most magnificent scenery in th world.
Write to F. A. Wadleiirh. 0 P. A.. Bait
Lake City, for copy of Klondike folder.
rarrOUR NAME,;
Bialaad Addraa
tly prtatad oa IXf
ab, M blah eat ravalopa sail sotahaads to
natch; alaooa plot of baat black Ink, All th
aliovaiaat prepaid lor only 1.M, orpost-
stamp. fall Una of aamplaa forseaoUIn
Uinp. S. P, SKA WELL, B.Dtaltin. M, 0.
Just try a loo box of Cascareta, tha
finest liver and bowel regulator aver
i i ii' i u ia
Lincoln Steel Range
and pleas your dear wife and family Warranted tb
Dioat rfect cooking stove mad. W a a th very bast
eld rolled patent leveled steel, and line every Rang
with nabaato aad stl, which make It Impoaaibl to
set fir to your floor. They ar bandaoni, attractive,
up-to-date in pattern and deaign, lull eekal trim mad,
will burn any kind ol fuel, will last a low
time. Mad on honor, sold oa merit. Tbi
I why eall them the "esaT oa basts."
It your denier do not handle them a
make great niltk. Writ lo u aad
will pro v id a way lor you to buy oa at
a rn"bl prirn.
Buckstaff Bros. Mf. Co.,
I'alronis hoaie ldoatryod ia Kebra
k. Wetvlrryos lohmin OrTWra. Itauks
aad Eir Coaipaawa ul Liaroln, aad
tnottaand aaing our Itaatm 8aJ at
imi ita llotal aa.l Kaaa Oaisi
aatoM Waatt I