August 25, 1898 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT WORSHIP OF MONEY. ! POWER OF SATAN OVER THE WORLD SHOWN IN LEGALIZED IDOLATRY. Pr Cant th MaorlAe told t'pon th Al ter of Oar Mammon Cod Th I'(i Rr Itaaa riunilarad and Hnrdarad bf Civil (lorarnment. Rev. D. Otflosby preached at a camp mooting Unit wan being hold at Kpiirtu, 111. Ho prefaced his sermon with these wordit: I am 73 years old. In all these long years I havo never asked the prlvil k of preaching at a camp mooting, tinur torly meeting, district conference or any other special gathering until this tlnio, although I have been a member of tlio southern Illinois conference 44 years. I said to tho cider, I want to go to tho district conference in Hpurtit if 1 live and keep my health, and I would like to preach there, Inusmncn a tliut was tho last charge I received from a bishop. I scarcely ever muko apologies, but I thought it duo to tho elder and committee, for if tho congregation aro disappointed in their selecting an old snperarinnntcd back no in her to preach when they had so many modern np to duto divines to select from they must blumo mo and not tho committee, Nev ertheless I shall try to preach nn if wo were in sight of tho Judgment, for I am lure that it will bo my f unernl to moot of you and your to mo, Following is tho concluding portion of tho attritions fleeing tho roward Is o Indescribably groat, why in it no bard to persuade mon to worship Clod? Why In it that Christianity baa made audi alow prog ram in tho world? "Oh, " yon will aay to mo, "you aro an old fogy. You aro a pessimist. Tho church bun gone oft and loft you. Chris tiunity Is taking tho world. " Gomo, my optimistic brother, let tin look facta square in tho face. I don't believe that truth ever did any injury in our world. Count, lot ua lock arms and take a walk and survey tho flnld (tho field in tho world) and soo what bus Ixien accomplished and what I to do yet There uro 1,400,000, 000 people in tho world and only 200,000,000 nominal Christian, and in order to maku up tho 200,000,000 nominal Christians wo huvo to count all men, women and chil dren, tho one in tho penitentiary and out, tho inmates of brothels, suloons and gambling densall. Now, when wo fun out tho chaff to find tho wheat It is an exceedingly liberal estimate to allow that thero are 60,000, 000 Chrin tiona in tho world today. Hero we aro at tho minuet of the nine teen tli century and only ono in 28 or 00 of tho human race made Christians. What do you think of tho outlook? General Allien waa aeut by tho presi dent lust year to i imped tho armament or military force of L'tiropo. When lie returned, ho mild, "Tho millennium muHt bo a long way off when sword will bo made into plowshares and spenrs into pruning hooks, for all Europe 1m preparing for war as never before, build lug lurger warships and moro of them, raisiug larger armies, spending more money for war purpose than in any previous ago. " All thin preparation for war by ko called Christian natiotiH? What does it mean? Wo have not been preuohing war, have we? That it in right to butcher and murder each other? Thin dooiui't look liko peace on earth and good will to men, does it? Have we not good reason tocry out, "Lord, who hath believed our report and to whom hath the arm of the I Lord been revealed?" It looks more like the arm of the devil wan being revealed, doesn't it? ( Hurely there must l some obstruc tion across tho track of Christianity I Surely the stream of salvation in duni Uied up. Homo great ohstaclo bus pre vcuted maiikind from worshiping tied! Now let us take tho crowbar of truth and the pick Mint sliovt 1 of investiga tion and dig down and sea what in (he obstruction. And In for wt Ugia thW luvestigu tluii 1 want to make a little tliri .ion There Is a titilverul and strong i,rt- . judieo against poaching polities. If preacher says politics in I ho pulpit, h ! is Ostrat l d and make "hiuiwdf of lei ' rfputailoii" iii th cliunh and cut if It. lltsttM iiMdi w, uiim rlptural, w it ki d prejudice, tMcau pulitita U tliusch iuti of rivil government, and civil govt in went U an oriliiuiun .f Uo.1, just a much so ho cliun U I. t t curi pm U-r khould Hot pre li prty titi. at all, but it I mu. li the duty id tlm r.u In r t pr-. li KgHitist tin lit I lll goVftlilDKUt lty - Utr t?is f.r hit In Ul biia a i titiitil tn the wll. i. .,. N, aituu4udtHt bint la "lilt ep (ti ir tike Iruiupttt Hid ttiw tint ( U thvir siu " 1 Imv m. tbia dijfi 4i Inrntw we til end U grout eUM U la tit pr i f I htUIUhily n h tiohlp i f CM I u4 aUaje ban Ucm the m ta-b 4 the tltil yv'muiMU i4 himIi. Kwr iui tdd mim tuegHft4 lb lrt rvUlti m 4itlt l tiM t bk et4ut bu.ituN t,i kwtt tin tiu , nrfci'i Uii l"tf ki kwr be U Mikiti t u4 frv tH tbe mkIi end fM r aad U U It." IU ka tat tf Im it4 ffl t U kit4is4 Ut.t tl bt be M txwte t Mf, l-wee b be lil U rt tMJlty vf iMukli4 vi.t ftetef be ay biU ue.Ur.t i4 ttum tti Tbetkbeluew tbl mum wM t U tbidiatf, a4 tf U la U4 bit e4 m iiL TM Mil Hi W 4 etrv4tf eWll wnitHiii 1b be tll t all I be etN UM Uw IMI be Mt4 lie Mtede be M ib thai lie Ka itut f e a iwouaUiu aa4 bee4 Um alt the bta44Mia lftiverniwtiut U lb bt, al Mtd, "ell the l 1 Itva lb tf ibutmilt fall b a! Wvttblll II tHMUtV lUae m miua Dig liar as old aatan la, he some time tella tho truth. He owned the governments of the world then, and doea yet, a we will find aa we proceed in thia iuvcKtigation. Having got con trol of the govern men ta of tho world, of course ho would use thorn to prevent men from worshiping Ood. The Hurest way to do thia waa to legalize idolatry. Ho know that mankind would worship aoinething It waa in hi nature to worshlo. Hatan didn't care what ho worshiped no ho didn't worship Ood, Ho might worship tho huh, moon or heavenly host, or tho river Ganges or Niloorho might whittle a god out of wood or chicel ono out of stone; no matter so ho didn't worship God, but he must not worship God on pnln of death. Hero wo find tho obstacle for which wo are searching. It ia tho per version of civil government. Kvery martyr of tho 80,000,000 who sealed their testimony with their blood waa sentenced to death, to tho stake or dungeon or to ho devoured by wild boasts, by tho same civil government and law that protected idolatry. lint you may havo been thinking that Idolatry is cnnllund to heathen countries. You think perhaps that our country is a Christian country and our laws aro Christian laws and that wo have no sys tem of idolatry. Wo will see. We llcenso tho liquor tralTIo that costs $1,000,000,000 a year, and sends multi tudes to drunkards' graves, that crushes the hearts of mothers and blights tho lives of children, that is tho prolific sourcj of three-fourths of tho crimos committed In our country, Does that look liko we wore a Christian govern ment? Then, worse than that, our system of commerce is a huge system of Idolatry, aa is tho case all over onr boasted Chris tian civilization. Hero is the proof: The first law God gave to man was tho law of labor. "In the sweat of thy face sbalt thou out bread. " It is an impor tant law, Tho existence of tho human raoo depends on it. In tho production of wealth this law is respected and honor ed. All wealth is produced by labor, and wageworkera receive wages. Hut when wo enter tho domain of commerce God'a law of lubor is set aside and ignored. Tho ono who buys and sells and carries on commerce takes no account of his labor, if ho does any la bor. Ho works for per cent. Tho stockholders of this Central rail road may livo in KurojM), may never havo seen tho road, but charges for freights and fares aro adjusted so as to bring in a per cent to divide among them. If tho per cent fails, then tho wages of all who labor on tho toad aro reduced or tho charges for freights and fares aro increased, thus making tho men who labor support uud enrich tho idlers. It is tho samo in all lines of traffic. It permeates every avenuo of commerce o completely that all business is a sys tem of gambling, getting without giv ing an equivalent or robbery. 1'er cent on money doea it all. The dollar is god. Per cent is the sacrifice laid on the altar of our Mammon god. This system of idolatry must and will be destroyed. It is tho last form of idolatry that will ex ist on tho earth. It has conquered and captured both church and governments and has such a hold on tho world that its destruction will convulse society as never before. Civil governments aro to bo converted, taken out of old sat an 's bands, and Christ is to rule. Wo have been taught by our great theologians that tho millennium would be a state of society in which ull would be saints. That stato of society will come during tho millennial period, but the millennium will como long before that Tho millennium is wholly politi cal. Whim civil governments aro mado to harmonize with tho divine government and civil law is made to conform exact ly with divine law, then the millennium will bo hero, then Christ will reign. Men are generally law abiding now. When civil law is in harmony with divine law, to obey the law will bo to obey God. Then "righteousness will cover tho earth as the waters cover the sea," Ix-eause ull will obey the law of God. As it is now and ever has Ix eii, to obey civil luw wits to serve the devil. The greatest crimes tat t artU areh g il crimes. It will tint l si when civil laws uro Jest nud righteous. (lod U Ju-t Ills juxtiee bit delayed Its coming lung, but it will come. Civil goveruiiieiila hnvw U-.ii n et lt d uud instead of i nitiating the pisr they have bu n uil to plunder ami oppress them. The piir have fan-it tobUii, plundered and iuurd rd by civil govi ruim nu and Uw through, all the sgea. Gist, Dim urtal I'niher aU, tud.i the earth for his varthly family t have homes, but through all the they btvu Unt tol Un i f lioiute ty wi. kt Uw. Great tltui -4e Uu built ty h niotu y Uka fruui the s rwhi toiled in. if !im out, boiin, hungry an I di sit late. If J'tstlc dvtiiauiU the diru li a ef lh stolen wealth, if restitution will l t t Voluntarily nmda In liud'a Phi, mol lli. tw it u t l i. UMIiiy vf ttiHl Uius d lo Hon Ihu Ju.t ltilutlMI ei tnii'g, nm fat "a 1 1 iu tf trtluUil ittitt aa iikvii m slui the faginuluf el Id isotll l- Hit 1 1 in. t, iof f .I14II t Mu!i.w iilf, ill Thie MVlHUl t t'titl.t b4tlH4pdUtl b4l Wt th ih.ltk tl"M I ( J. tMMlrllV Jvttt MltM fej. tvA CttlWt All I SUlti l4 nr4l tut-aUiiott. J. ru4b m u i) tl ib ftbi lb tl4 bs tvu-l bi tit iu u fcaw Msstkiiig M' Uitf, an t i tiuie f tul aUu it si Ih 4r Tbe gn (Still .f AU4f.ldltl ( H UtfUlt, t4 lb m4 mil luitvslute taenrwili tuiiUtiblatii ttsi, ttt.iKi nniH I tt i4. Slot I a ). ih tit aktef tf Ht4 i.oi. i i4tiu their stmt ril f At lb iMtttii 4 iu H a wMi.iil, Mnh IV it titMi, at i l thai In bv Ui lat bM tt lb lttks tt vnttsiftt li -it .io! I t it, b til lu I4 vf iu t ntm QlrU Thr Lef Behind, When Sergt. Wilhlte, of the Emporia (Kas.) company, took bla pen in hand to sign the muster-roll he was auked whether he was married or single. He replied, to the great astonishment of bis comrades, that be waa married. In vestigation proved that he was secret ly married to Miss Mattle Fowler, of Emporia, last January. Several vol unteers have been united to tho girls of their choice while in camp at Chlek amauga. One of the most interesting of these events was the marriage of Private 8. 8. Clapper, of the Fifth Illi nois, to Miss Hosa llrlerworth, of De catur. Miss Hrlnrworth w.nt to Chat tanooga to visit her sweetheart and while she was there the regimental chaplain was called In and the knot tied. Herbert Bleenherg, a Itlpon col lege student, was married tho day he went to tho front with Company D. His bride was a fellow-student, Miss Clara Huntington. Two drummer hoys of tho Kdlsto rifles of S'jiitb Carolina were married while their regiment was awaiting orders to move, An inter esting Interstate romance was re- veuled by the marriage of Curtis Stan ley, of the First West Virginia volun teers at Camp Thomas, The brldo- groom Is a Pennsylvanlan and his bride a pretty Virginia girl, who de cided that she could not endure the separation and hurried to Chl kumauga after her sweetheart. Col, Splllman gave away the bride and all his staff attended the wedding. At the marriage of Sergt. Menler, of the One Hundred and Fifty-ninth Indiana, to Miss Steln- man, tho regimental band played the wedding march. A Wondiiriul Old Mm. When Sir Henry Irving produced the "Story of Waterloo" for the first time at Bristol, be was, of course, made up to represent tho last stago of senile de crepitude, An old gentleman In a box was much interested In the perform ance, and kept on exclaiming In an undertone, "Well, I had no Idea that ho was as old as that." When the play was finished he said to his companions very srflemnly: "Well, they talk about the queen and they talk about Glad stone as wonderful old people, but look at this man, Why, he must ho older than any of them, and here he Is going through the fatigue of acting nightly, traveling all over the country, and at the top of bis profession. That Is something 1Ik a Grand Old Man." No one liked to explain for fear of laugh ing, and It was left for Hlr' Henry's subsequent appearance In "The Hells" to remove the error. Idles rrnn' Itomantln !UariiK. Jules Verne's marriage was quite a romance. He was at that time a quiet. shy young man, with an apparent dis like to feminine society. Ilelng In-, ducerl, much against his will, to serve as best man to a friend, he hail a fit of forget fulness on the very morning of the ceremony, and finally arrived at tho house to find that the whole party had left for the church. There waa no one remaining at home but the bride's sister, a young widow, who had been unwilling to Intrude her weeds on the bridal group. Verne fell In love at first sight; two years later he married the lady, and he has since proved the kind est of stepfathers to her two daughters. Ucnrg-cs Hand In K"l Trousrrs. Ill a recent issue of Hie ltvue de Paris there Is a letter of Ualzac's, de scribing his visit to Georges Sand at her country chateau. "I found her," says the famous author of "Pere Oorlot" and "Cousin Pons," "In her dressing Kown, smoking a cigar, wear ing red trousers and yellow slippers. She had a double chin, like a monk. And yet people sometimes talk as If this were the only age In which women were 'strong-minded,' ami 'suited' themselves Inwardly ami outwardly like men!" further snys that Georges Hand went to bed 11 In the morning and act up at mid-day, oftn wrltlnit all nU'ht. An Anirrlian Old Man. Slni'n the death of I !.,o! -loite Sena tor Justin Knillh Mm i ill. in' Vermont, Is the oldeM llvilitf I:iimHh! Mi" itktrtK I ate. mult Then- ,i hIioik four mouths' difference in (heir a ?, Olad itont hntltitf l.ieii burn li 59. lion, and Kenator Morrill A pril It. 1110 Ills lellSlh of servbi er?ed that of any Amermui st.iti tn.m He l eeild a lefii .i-nl.tlhe Id (be Ihllt) fourth CIMltUe Slid If flee I "it to lh Hie siii-err. tins i oitMt -., am! thru (14l)ferte lo I he musli n a I li ton Itrpublli sit In hi.;, limit 111 1,1s Ifrm of public er H.e f.irl) (htei tr Biliousness It Muw4 lr Mptd bw. tltlr -ii d tlx 4M-I tU lsd fci Kikm-iiI n4 imttUI I IK llo-H ft, IW olkl SUJIlWtt, k44it, Uttutalfa. IWftMOMM M. 4. 4 rB4. s-uwo Mf Pills Iwm4 FMtUMk4 llxud I fill H'MtUM II liswlti r IM Stf t w lt.w. Wt. dmiM. mt Mi I U4 W U it ItxwJ t lfll IWtiilt sllmuUt Ur, Ltdwryi tt4 mIi ,? tt'koM, WJirtt f trll Vfin-Cstltird tor,t:r Ccr.;y, LUMDER. !!. t s tittew (mn lOil m4 lMt4 - fb ATI WHH ksr IT, OMilli, 1 I I I KIR "INDEPENDENT" THE O k Perfect Machine at a ?H $19.50 K WITH ALL ATTACHMENTS. T. Ml 'wBsM s4MtMt4Mt9 0 8 0 Sags Wbr Day tbre times a much in order to secure a popular name? Wbn yos boy aone machines yon pay 75 per cent for the name and 25 per cent for tb nar thin. We sell you a Hewing Machine that will sw, and charge you nothing lot the name. II yoo do not like the name "Independent," paint red over it and oai tb machine what you will. We are doing the advertising, and it does not eot roach. We bay tb machines direct from one ol the largest manufacturer In k world at riOToar cost, and we oflnr them iow price, and all we want in addition is Machine is a thoroughly flrst-elass Family it original name at 05.00. Our arrangemnnts with tb manufacturer will M allow us to us their name, but instead w call it "Independent." HIGH ARM, HIGH GRADE, NOISELESS, LIGHT RUNNING, SELF-THREADING, SEWING MACHINE. Awarded the Medal Premium at tb World'! Colombian Eiposltloa a Chicago in 18113. VEBY MACHINE WARRANTED. A written warranty accompanies " each Machine. All part arr interchangeable, and we can supply dupli cate at any time. Each part ol the Machine is fitted with such exact ness that no trouble can arise with any part, as new piece oaa b applied with tb assurance ol a perfect fit. Oar "Independent" is a strictly high-grade Sewing Machine, and finish throughout in the best possible manner. It possesses all modern improve men ts, and its mechanical construction is such that in it arecomblned simplicity with great strength, thus insuring ease ol running, durability, and making impossible for the Machine to tie put out of order. It sews fast and make t perfect stitch with all kinds ol thread and all classes ol material. Always r4? lor use and unrivaled lor speed, durability and quality ol work. Notice tb following points ol superiority. TBI UKAD swing on paumt socuet ningne, ami nrmiy osiu uowa by a thumb screw. It is strong, substantial, neat and handsome in dHsign, and beautifully ornamented in gold. The bed plat baa rounded corner and is inlaid or countersunk, making it flush with th top ol the table. Ukihest Akm Tb spae under th arm is 5! Inches high and U Inches long. This will admit tb largest skirt, ven quilt. It is Kelf-Thiskadino Ther are absolutely no bols to put th thread through except th ey ol tb nwidle. Ttiit Hiiut TLi is cylinder, open on th end, entirely lbthrading, easy to pat In or take out; bobbin holds a larg amount ol thread. Tut Stitoi Itr.oct.AToa is on the bed ol tb Machine, bensath ths bobbin winder, and has a scale showing the numUr ol stitch to th Inch, can b changed from H Ui SU stitches to th inch. Thk Ficn Is doubl and extend On both sidssol tb needle; never lalls to tak tb goods through; w-v-r stops at seams; mormneot Is positive; no springs f break and get out ol order; can be raisml and lowered at will. Automatic Hobbim Wixpkk An arrangmnmt lor filling th bobbia autoaiatieal'or and iiertettly smooth without holding tb tbmad. Th Maehins do not run while winding th bobbin. I.iiiht Huh aiNtt Tb Macblu i eauy to run, do not fntigu tb orator, in nkes littl aoiiMi and sews rapidly. Th Htiti'M i a doubls-lock stitch, th sanm on both side, will not ravel, and can b cbangd without stopping th Mnrhuis. I lia Tassm-t Is a flat spring Wnisioa and will admit lhrad Irom H to I .' Hol cotton without changing, Nvr get out ( imUr. Tiik Nikm I a straight, Mll-Mttiug nedls, flat on ous sid, and ranoot b put in wrong. Niki-l-l ilia la round, mad ol ea bardi urd slerl, mth oil eup at bottom f prnt tul Irom gttlng on lb eikhU. AwisTAet a Itaaaiatta All Uaring ar ra brdud tl and ran b ly adjustad with a cwdrivsf. All lot motion sua b taksa up, aad th Maebln wil last a Id tiro. ATT aMT-Kb Maehia I lurnib4 wltb tb tolluwing tl bt tl attabml rasa: On r'ool llanim Kllr, oa I'ai kaa ol ,S4ls. u Hobbiii, oa Wrub, os l'r nr, pa huttl8r lrivr, o IW foot, oa I Wit aad HiHik, oa Od I ll4 Ub oil. on Uaufs Uaug rWr, M yuiit'f, aa4 fa llrutioa t'ook. jk. $un.oo jwi voxiiwia rou, OUR OFFERS riltir-4 lalilat' Mwlf Maeblaa a atst IimtIM aad Ntbrasaa adaflt aa i rue $! ft Ox (.XHU-r "ledsi.!!!" ! tUekl iva a a rr HlMt at.latlf ft f tnt rW a 11 f aa abvttw at 91 tHi ua. Tltlrtr-4 -4a4at' aa4 1 1 f M fRU OUT fillv-AII .arkl.M.VIr4 jir. tr laeloff at (ua. Tri bar -rpai4 ta a h't U I'siWd Miat ta tail, Mt W set la waaigtoa, 1'aMMfaia, Ksfala, t-i'a. tVlurk.., liMMsa, iJabax I' ll. Miaa, A f 4 Wfvmiwi, In tbwb itatM will faj aj rikt krS M J (HI a44ittal, rr etdtflM Makl a ill fkm stU (daialf It t nklsa tb Mass at la U aita. a wall a IM a-Mtima U if I t N t t-t. Ui abia. atg attiai a wi M ( 44rM, a4 bt MasbiM ftad t ju U aipU aat. IOrAsM 4tx OassjM ea Arm rtB lrurws INDEPENDENT PUBLISHING COM Lincoln, Nebraska. FWINf5 . . MACHINE Popular Price. FREIGHT PREPAID. to our subscribers at an exceptional!) One Subscriber. Our "Indpndsr Bewiug Machine, and Is retailed usdet MU Maahlaa Mtlt M itst at $ I wa General Oreely's 27 H I)ars of leath. The true story of those 278 days of suffering by (Jreely's heroic little band of explorers in the Arctic region has been told by General Oreely himself, for the first time, for the October ''Ladies' Home Journal. For years General Oreely bus kept an unbroken silence nbout his fearful experience nnrl thnt of bis com panions, as they dropped dead one by one at his side, nod It wns only nfter tin greatest persuasion that the famous ex plorer was induced to write the story. UN. McCREW IS TVS 0Lr SPECIALIST WUO TUKATS ALL Private Diseases HMlHa 4 IllMrdar tl MEN ONLY V) ytr EiMiriiic. 10 Vimrs iu OiimU. Hook Vnm. (lonsnllit- tloe r roe, IJo tm, 14 th nd Fsrasni Bt,. OMAUA, MKJI. II yon ned Be Hives, Hections, Comb Foun dation, Kmokers, or anything els lor the Apiary, sad the prie to us: will ship Imme diately. Large lllne trated Catalogue Free -LEAHY MF(1. CO., 1735 8oiith 13tb8t. Omaha, Nebraska. 24 PHOTOS 25C Small but fine. Cabinet Platinos $2. I par eot on to California aad Othar fa. Ifl Coast 1 raralsr. Tb abov redaction applies to tb tlm enront, Hy th North wesWn Dnfon Pacifle rout th tlm Is on night, or 18 honrs, less than by other line. This save money, berth rat, end thir teen boars of wearisome ear riding. At Fremont connections ar direct with through tourist and Pullman sleepers, cbttlr ears to Dnvr, Ocden, Bait Lnk city, Portland and Han Franelaeo. Din ing car through to tb coast, ftvt. tick et and berth reservation of A. H. Field ing, city ticket agent, 117 south 10th st.f Lincoln, Neb. YES, it is always Cool COLORADO and there is where you should go for a good rest. 30 days... Will save a doctor's bill equal to twice the cost. Information and tickets at B. & M. depot, or city office, corner 10th and O Streets. G.W. BONNELL, CP. AT. A. Niiuil Auiiu.t In in iiw It Mill (lo tlrst to Hot HiriiiHs. Thi-r you enu bathe, ridf, bieyel,i'tiinb luountitlii", diiiiin hihI plnr I i loyotir beurt's eoiitfiit. If your liinbs ar slid, y onr kidney out of onb r or If you r Iroubli'd with utivuiit or anv oiln-r loriu of kni iliit., a niiMith at Hut SpriiiK ill nittk a livw in nil ttf you. KvUmi 1.nU and MMitilih ere within a eoiiimriivly .Imft dUiauiwuf Hut Hirlii(( mid evirsuni. tl,u I In. lUtuk Hill kitutild , tbi'iii. Hy I VMM l.kith prfiitint aud eoolinl n in inr Nurl lu lh t. riarttb U rra bxl alt. r a railroad rid ibal muk IIUMiil Id tIH.iii (, n lltflliiia, Tlo-r I niitbi li.a II Hiij wl,r rl on lb gtiilw, I'uritt; AuKtmt, ih lhtr!it(ltia Hnul III run ao hi rat , Ur.iu In Hut Hpnss. oa ua tb Pitt, lh o.l.if oa Ilia JOib t.l thai iii.ti.ili. 'Mt aill baaold al oaalar fur tk round tr ball Mlaaad il M, f aaf lima within tin day. Or! a party, Arrna about kolrl kiriiuiuio.Uli.irtt t aprih. I'aa lha siii dl bilul atoaih ialkayaar lalba anl uVl fhituI sma Mtarlasd oa tha toktiHMii as arra lor ittur t. bat iUt aoui Hums at It, M. uVmi of ,tty umm traf tum as 4 li.trt, tlkii, W, l..i i, l I. A 1. A. T ft aaaatl a4 Al.k rlt. Tb MortblVM I'sioa I'aetA la lb f diratlruat a tk 'ua. a,,s4 asd Aiaka hiiat. Murat iM illmnmi (rant a.l tlirtrt natt at I ra at U1 ibHiuaH ttmriai lar aad rf r-wlitis, tkair tar In r,itl., o eorfavi hlnrmm tail ta A.M. I Mihaa. all Ikl.t tit ........ ui ii,, Liainda, ,Sb, PREWETT, II 0 (MOW