J7 n t t) Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated. VOL. X. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY AUGUST 25. 1898. NO. 15. r Di) no 1 1 to ni? mm 1 11? I iiiuiiimo ui "Euginofg Mon's Association" Cir cular Sent Out in the Cam paign of 1801. GOOD READING AT PRESENT Disaster end Ruin I'rodicted ua a Result of PopullHt Vlotory in Nebraska. Every I'reitlclloii i'roven n Ma, Four yi-HM ago populism in Nebraska vi nit mii experiment insofar iih conetTiiod tain government. In ninny counties, however, tint loicc of reform had been in power for a sufficiently long limn to determine tin Ir sucrlorify over t ho re publican parly in all Unit pertains to (food government; but in it great many of tlMM iisltm counties of the state Mm republican hubit hud bcnoum almost chronic. For thu first tiimi In thu his tory of populism in Nebraska, it had the loyal support of the real democratic party on a port ion of I In' statu ticket; tblx wu the beginning of luslon. It had also lh support of a large contingent of tho bet ter clement In the republican purly for governor only I h republican oomincu being distasteful to nil patriotic republicans wlio knew IiIm record. The -outlook for at loust purtial populist success was bright. 'J'lit'ii it wu Unit renegade democrats joined bands with tho lawless element of the republican purly mid, forming mii alleged society with Hi' pretentious till" Of "Till' JIllHIIH'MM Ml'lj'H Association of NYhriifkn," sent out many hundred thousand oirru In to the rent business men throughout I In statu, lu view of what bus occurred in stale politics and state government since 1ND4, Hi Inter esting at Hi in I mii) to read (hat circular: "THU Ul'HINKHH MKM'M ASSOCIATION "oKNKMICASKA. "Omaha, October 18,1894. "Nebraska Prosperity i'uruiuount to "I'urly Polities. "To f Iih Voters of Nebruska: "Four years ago proinbition threaten ed tliH prosperity of Nebraska. The business men of Omaha and tin Hint, without regard to party affiliation, then unit t d in u determined effort to ward off th danger, and, lori ly through thoir efforts, prntiibilion was defeated. "Toduy Nebraska It tbreitened with populixt domination. An businessmen, regardless ol parliMan politic-, wt auiu unite to avert the blight and business depression which the supremucy of pop uIihiii would entail upon our scute. 'Our character, reputation, credit and business relation as a state ar duter inincd by our acta and conduct a a body. If wh collectively act in accord wiili unsound or dinhnnHxt buiiies principles, if we favor repudiation of our debts, or evidence a ileHiro and intention to h-gis lain iu unfair hostility toward our creditors, we ahull receive, an we ehall ili'Merve, the condemnation of the bu-ilieHH world. In hucIi event all creii itore would refuie to mnk new liimi and to extend i lie tune of tlioe already Hindi. ( npitiil woul I diHi'ontinii" liu-o-un relation with our Hlate, Tim di velopiiieut of our reHouicew, tlioKron tli of our imliiHtrieN, the eiteiiMion of our commercial relritioiin, n'l will meet with midden not liiNtiiii; check if once (Iih io. iile uf (lie Ntnt elect the poplllint ticket Ohd I lilM xlioiv I lieinwl Ve In nVMipiitliy with I he deMHralH and iliiM're.l.ie.l d(M' triui'M id thoHM lm oH'iily avow tliem. MIVeM (lie i neinv (ll I'ipllal. ' (hi in t Weriion day the citiin of Ni b uka will atiuid at the pirnnn id tlieun. (liirnciD then will iiianifeMi our tiiMit urn in recpet t to inir Iiiihi- lieu oblUUlMMlH. Wh llieii enroll our iH'lvee i ll h r III lilVur ol mill nd liilll'' prinelii'en or in oip'iil lull (herein 1 1 y nur vulea on I hat il'ijf indloum t i I Iih tiuUifa wiiild our diameter aa a atat', and our re ululuiii will lei iioide or murreil nii oidiiirf to the witdoai or tolly ul our i hiiiiv. 'I h iiiipurlaiiiM id lh aiiutiuii can Ont l over lalniiiitixl, I'lirouhimi the UilMa it litera id our euunil t he o Ihill td our alttle wid Iw eliiMiy Watt he I. tlwaiWtatata olttvra Ml ahoit lh tualnraa Winhl haa Mo nil. HdniM-e, ttnd (ator the unaioiMl, rdnal and unaala thmiiira ol 1 1 Kittlit, a lUervtt Jri (roai the aii lha l.irvia eip lal hara, an I d tar all lr.nn lyrlar '.M Vp I lie Mia aiuxtK a. 'Tnai.nl lha rulat h ka ia 1. 1 di rwlit ,St ra la lha iih l lha our d. ll la Hi pfH Unit IImI lltiHW a In t..i-l tii Ika r bililii to m 1 1 1 1 araiulba inHii In imr i.iiii,iii.nli, a la li iiiara iilr'tiv, Hi ula I iur plMl In ikumi tair ahin.ka id aluva, la nar Mtaa td luu.rai, ,i tiaa l.i4 tuna loaa d tin I or Iiim Ida to i li'aie, l.t uiaka i Kattta tit oar Ula a tiftl ol r Mat, 4 I In Witk kaaaaa au I tilut,u Ilia aa Itoiiaium tJ Utt 11m im.miI t.afdittt4 U'a la k I uiuw. In ft hii.K'flaaa, .t r u 4 Ida utvi td lkiUta uva aaaclota, aowval tuMnt Miiaa '11. la'ilKH ll ay, lhrtag4 tk Mlltil, I'larla U Ilia HML:t!jr ll IMaaf t ,N. Mwaa. lit a.wlatta la , Kita4. k Va, I Id ! di m attr,oli( ta aaM fttiaral, a. Kiimi xtBvtt.te k tiaa a a ad, Ike itia.r, il.aiiiaaa rJil4 ky tl ta-mairial HtMltl, HVk e N.ktraakft, tr' llii aHNociiitioii, call upon it citizen to aid in Huh einlcnvor to detent populiHin, n nd lliernliy uphold uud pri'Hwrve the credit ol our Htute. "liUHINKBH MKN'H Ah'N OK NkH." Follow Iiik the MlKlillture to tliiecircll I ii r are thu iinuie of aevernl hundred prominent buinem men of Oinuliu, re pulihciin poliiiciiiii and ollleo holder of l)oiiu;lu county and Omaha. Out of the KiK"ner i today nerviiin u Iouk term in the Nnbrankii peniteiitiiiry for apply liiK too widely hi "Hound'' bueiuim pniiciplea, not "repudiated by the com inercinl world." Notwlthwianilinir thla united anil de termined effort to defeat the populiit ticket, Jii'Iku llolcomb managed to pull thronuli with a comfortable umjority over lii blue-Mlilrted opponent; tint the remuiuderof the ticket went down under an uviilniiche of me ii do democratic vote, 'l oo much pruine uauaot be accorded Ih one Heviiriil tliounaiiii republican who, following under the leadernhlp of i'M ward It 'Miwater, voted for u clean man for (iovernoi'. Had Governor Holcomb bin a delcnied ill 18!) i, it in poMible that the l.viiiK Hiiiteni.nl of the circular above quoted iniht never be rebutted. In lMOd the democrat m, llioroiiifhly purged of their "aiHtaut republican" iih'iiieiit, htiindiiiK upon a national plat form no nearly populiHtio that none but upopuliet could detect the difference, joined hand with their populit breth ren in a determined effort to rid the uhlp ol l die ol republican barnacle. Joined wlih both were republican who could not follow the republican will-o'.the-wip their parly beguu InllowiiiK ut Ht. Loum that yeur. The tate victory kiI""(1 by tho allied force of reform mid ood Kovernuient in too recent lo be forgotten, l'on' rva tive republican and democratic buHiueeH men of Nebraku who iu 1804 hoiietly believed III the aialemeuta and predic tion made in the quoted circular, may now indulge in a quiet lauuh at their own credulity and Uud much food for thought by reading it ovei ouaui care fully. JutiiHiti 18!), "NebraHka'i proaper ity I paramoiiiit to party politic." "Today Nebraka m threatened with populmt domiiialinii," but buiueH men who do legitimate burducHH are not frighteiieil. They do not fear t he ' blight and budiii'H depreiou which the hu pteinncy of populiaui would entail upon our elate." They know that populiHin ha "blik-hted the buineoa" of diecnuiit ingMtute warrant; but thoHe who bid on nuppliea for Htnte iimtitutionn kuojr that every dollar in state warrant they net in exchange for their good will nut them over 100 cenu. Tbey know it ha "blighted the biiHine"ol drawing otata money on bogu cbiiuiM; but no houewt buiue man deeirea to do that. They know it ha-i ciiued "deiirewhl in" in the "biiHiiie" of leueing achool land to po litical republican peta and allowing the rental to no uncollected; but the real buinean men do not delineate the de DreHsion. becauee it mean lighter school tiiXeM. it va not the reputation of the elate which wiih in danger, but the repu tation ol many a republican wa "at Htake." mi later kevelooments have ehown. l'araibraing tho words of tho circu lar: "To elect the populimt ticket m to dmcredit the republican party in the eve of tliHworlii;" that wa true in 18U-4 and IK'JIi: it ih true today, la one neimo, NetiriiHka barely did eneape being diacredited ill the eyea of the world be caiiHeof the election of the populit ticket: 1 hat election exported reputilican corruption, extravagance, thievery, nml inabditv to ad m in inter good uovern- iiieut; and it wanouly the brilliant and lioneat character of populit administra tion which uvrirted tlie danger. Some "eiiterpne" hav been dicour 11 lied. Iti not poaatble now to deliver ii Hlate iiinlitutiou mix car load ol coal and collect for ten; but reputable coal dealer do not Had their Im-iiie ".Ii cournged" tweauae of that fact. The t ratlin ill ailver ink aland at 10 each, paper laatu.-r by the linn Ir-1 th ina i i'l, aiijuMtabln pocket tih-ar at $'.' per doi., hIh. I hii by I lie lilliiibed grH, and red ink la In! of two doi'ii ipiari. lot been ilijiirxd llllder the pupilliat adlUHIU- tratioii; toil ill real Iiuniiih. men, who pnv for thean Ihnm lliruuyli filiation, will hardly eoiuplaiu. No 1 2,000 pur chite id old 1'obbey atatuea lot Ixi-ll Held" b. Iherelorm adaittiiatraMiiii; a tlie Stale Journal mill bvna lo be uuoul liiiiiulita and ileaiiM'rata, ' I'mxr-aa," ill ainnu llllea, ban bmn "au.pelidiil " rrojreaaive ril!i.ry of, lliplir.tlll'e e.iillpilll'ia, under Ilia aulx'lil ul bor.lv, and ecui Iruiii piinuliineiil under Ilia pret. jl td "un aUlloirity," liM Utt "aUaaUet " I'fmtreaa III alaabarf !' liirHaa"" of Ih" i lo.il t'hd ilrni id Niirak4 baa U-ea "au. -i,d"l, but ainmn Ika iuiieaa man ul N tuit.lt t ara k a'd no niuriHroig4 id dixHlulfut b t'a id t heaa ul a i'B. V.ilira til N. I.'ai-lia. ra I taa flri nlaf tV-r tuirw uiulr, jmitilVr taf lha alala luaala, lliva ! up lha rrvttrd wad m ku Ilia pifl'i'llnua id Ihrw a. i.l. I la rofhl bala tna fa B'ta-I. V'a n il (m lul I anuliar lhiu thu lad, .lad jua Ul aut ba dHn.l au ft lnouoj (tll !', .Ih4. Vb, ,4 IT DELINQUENT TAXES GROW. Increase in School Moneys not Due to Pay ment of Taxes but to Honest Government. The Facts From the State Records. Ever adi.ee the publication of the facta regarding- the enormou Increnno in the temporary school fund under populiMt muimgement the republican or gnu over the late havo been put to their wlt'g end to devUe Home scheme by which Uiey could break the duuioainu; ell'eet of the atutcmeut upon their "'The'repiibllcnn pnrty prophetledim n reHult of popullat admlnlatratlon a complete overthrow of the nUite'ii credit, ruin to our lnilutrlcii and wrecked homes. Instead of its predictions the stute bus niudet better progress than ever before, its credit is higher than ever before, iu homes more happy nnd its schoi . better suntnlned, Unuble to face their own falsehood of their own predictions, unnble to deny the facts of the great Impr vemoiit of nil state ulTuIrs under populist control the republlcun orguni liually resolved upon a gllttei ng Hank inove- "ienTHIS WAS TO ADMIT A..L THE FACTS OF IlETTEtt STATU 00V FIINMKNT, HUT CLAIM THU CIlliOlT THli.MSLVKS. In pursiinn: to this plan the Lincoln correnpoudents of the republican paper were Instructed to whoop It up for McKlnley and general prosperity, and assert thut all the Increase in the school funds wus due to higher prices for grain caused by the I ingley bill (forgetting to even mention poor little Joe Leiter, who broke his buck try Injur to boom the price of wheut.) ThcHe fellows have been persistently shouting that the payment of de linquent taxes wus the cause of burger state school apportionments, and of course the payment of delinquent taxes was caused by McKlnley prosperity. " An examination of the records lit41ie state house was made for this pa per. The records show thut instead Of the delinquent tax - being decreused during the yeur 1807, they nclnully increased ncurly $10,0001 The dcta'led statement of state taxes uccured and puld is given below. Jliltiff on the next campaign lie. COUNTIES. H i- o 62, I is 8. Adams I 10.841.84 $ Antelope banner lllaiue 10.8 kms lioone Jl.l03.H7 llox Uutte lloyd Drown .... liuffalo .... Hurt Butler .... Cass Cedar Chase Cherry .... Cheyenne . Clay Colfux .... Cuming ... Custer .... Dukota .... Dawes .... Dawson ... Deuel Dixon Dodge 8.285.05 1.440.80 4.0(14.80 21.203.19 17.3fi8.0l 13.B;3.22 29,2s4.11 14.lH0.70 8,0()0..15 8,877.88 8,174.43 17,3)6.93 12.Sui.48 17.34S.04 13.lS3.C7 10,7,;7.53 7.7;,4.03 11.3J0.14 8,144.70 10.978.28 22.5u.C9 Douglas 103,200.89 1 .at-M i i. Ifejtwu, Awj H - (.wv.la.i Ui'ut ) - i dtuwisii alaia 't'a lHl.tia hlj ad v 4 ifwliM t Sllilaa taa i a t.atlVltH ,' laa Uo.aiaiiva wl lit ivitMif f t'htl St IS In t, lIS Wtll 4.li ttt ltlvlal.o t IMtiaa h tadn UtiiiaiM J. IJ. S Is tsadidstw fwt tSwtk, latvl IsrtMtt U( tiwilU.iijf ul Us ,irat ti !, Ul.af tUla Mti.lli i4 a4ais U lUn.l srwy It : faMi g U 'lt.l'tttuM SS ll s Us 4 Was. ! U ttUth kta ftHttftw t,ti T lnsrsisr I t ll.ttt, Dundy Fillmore .... Franklin .... Frontier .... Furnas Gage (iurlield (iosper Crant (ireeley Hull Hamilton ... Hurlun li,iyes lliielu'oik .. Holt HooUrr , Howard JflTei nun .... Jitliiikini . . . Krjinty .... Keith Krya I 'a In . . Kimball K no I.. i in Jttir , . . Macula l.uuun buiip M.lrll.OII Mil'hrrtuu .. Mrriiik N 4 in ....... .Niii4h. NuvkuiU . . . . lit. I'4tttia I'trMii . . . . I'brlpa I' iih I'Utta .;w . , lird V 1 1 ill aj , ( harilfiu li-Hk h I ) ....... u tulwr . , N.l'l HI aft ! ltd . . . . . MtaruUn . Shl ii4lt . . Kutx . kUMloM 1fc4,.r ..... 1 h.iiiuta , . . thitua ... stla ...... kifttti . la WUlr .... Ufcli V.lk ItlMtMMI 3,74.29 18,7i).05 7.2:14.30 7.1S5.85 10.7u5.77 30,717.51 1.5-.5.47 4.5.0. 16 I. 517.23 0.5h;j.C8 18,5 15.75 11.(1,12.62 8,4)2.54 3,0.'().C3 f.-g:m.07 10.8V1.50 0I.S3 0,010.50 IS. -1.9.08 i.2;if-4 J; i.23 8.7,: OH 29iV05 4 3 , 0i) lt.4 V4I 7J rx l'O t.8i nt 1.4 .J 01 1.1.1. vT0 16.0'it 31 tt iu 4 UAu.Jl I jo 54 17.1,1 mi IVT ji iu I Mn u 4 3J is ti i t.fj MM mii u: 4 T. .? v 'ii.luilt t.n si n , i It.) o 14 mo it J.Utt UJ U ii Ft tiir us i i tt IMM H.ftaS 44 v m t.T.'S II Ml 1 1U l M 41 II. Ttt IH lt i tst4iT n in it H en M 10,847.39 $ 10.140.54 1,233.48 05.87 11,801.38 4,277.32 1,790.47 3,000.24 22,177.33 17,303.40 18,331.20 28,700.55 12.502.C2 2,828.21 7,933.15 7.887.05 17.G74.20 12.879.08 10,584.18 11,327.01 11.516.25 9.852.71 11,927.12 5.125.32 10,079.19 23,278.71 140,801.11 3,410.71 19.187.59 7,649.77 7,703.72 14.3H5.40 37,085.00 1.243.36 0. 153.89 1.301.20 C.397.43 19,511.70 13.101.07 9,208.47 3.0S1.75 4.9S0.39 13,294.10 43.31 10,143.73 18,173.39 14.073.04 ,9iS,9J 3.7;i!i.71 8,004.87 3,71.01 10,K'.l2 2t 09,639 91 14..VI3 Vi 790.99 1.0I7.5 IT.MiU.6l 731 80 n,etf 07 ii t 17,677 34 IJMUt II KM I) 13,06 VI 3.B9I 74 10.194 T U .'Ji !7.)C lo.su ii T.3a i 1 ?'4 14 II 114 11 1 1 ll 11.111 14 1. i4 It Jv 44 S.I IS 04 l. t II t JV 41 111 If 14,1 If 14 Tit ll 11 it 1111 II III lisrtti llwilt I Til I Is.tl H n, S M e : 1 , r ; r 5' : K : sa CM 757.51 '840.07 972.33 2,498.04 307.27 748.73 2 008.68 600.03 "V.91 717.02 p n it M Em : 33 : ?fs M O f Ml 10 709.84 643.20 41.01 1,C08.63 1,'coV.sa "oV.ii VlV.50 1,598.08 1,072.14 7V2.f3 287.33 12.40 700.80 1,850.00 481.54 415.47 577.87 3,589.72 908.15 8 19.38 22,438 78 297.58 1,304.73' ' 13.75 943.95 1,498.45 7i:.3 :i2 ii 15.90 538.81 937.0S 3.539.U) 038.33 1,133. T3 300.J1 700.00 313 .1 4 ,i0 80 ,8 VI H9 f U,'9 1.N04 J9 fin 1.04 91. U l,so9 :io 6 II 1,0.14 74 8.33.' T J. .73 m I0IT1I CUTIS ...... 11)64 1.T0T 04 ail SIT 14 , !,.' HIT 1.IIITI .. .. Till 4)441 4 '4 fvlSI . ... tin IJTMI i.;mi s i Ml! iM ...... I.PIJK) nu III KJ ...... ..... !?! t.HIM nrm mm I ID II tit.i. 44 St Tli New Ooltl rirlils KALAMA.OO.Mlch., Aug. 24. Mrs. fleorge Bperr,' has recleved a letter from her husbund, who Is at Kkaguny, Alaska, slutlng that three men struck u new gold field twenty miles east of Luke Tuglsh, three months ago, and huve taken out $100,000 in gold. They were then discovered by rullroad en gineers, and 2,000 men huve left other pliiecH for tho new llelils, whlcii me fifiecn miles vida and thirty long, the bed of nn old lake. The Kuluiimoo hustlers camped within Ueea miles of the new nnd rich 11 ml. ICslaiiil tlm our! 7 WAKHINUTON, Aug. 24. (Associat ed Press lek'gram.) Atnbossador Hoy lu a cublcgruiu to the stats department received this iifternoon, suys thut the Hiltish iroveriiineut has directed the governor of Hong Kong to accept Ad- iiilrul Dewey's application lor per mission to dock and clean ships at Hong Kong. TROOP MOVEMENTS REPORTED SECOND NHHMASKA IflCLUDF.D TUa Commlaiarj. Su.tlf ,Iiol lo II Uuvad Kroai Olialtaiionga Is lluutafllla, Alabama Chlcksmaugga, Aug. 24. (Special telegram to independeuti The Eighth Musauohusetts, Twelfth New York and Twentt-flrst Kausus, left camp Thorn us toduv for Lexlnirtou. Us., wliers the troops will be cuinped until fur- llier orders, The First Illinois cavalry Is expected to leave early tomorrow morning for Chicago, arriving thero by Friday might, The commissary supply depot which has been at Chattuuoogu for several months, will be moved to UuntsviiJe, Ala. Among the western regiments In cluded In the mustering out orders issued today are the Fourth, Seventh and Ninth Illinois, One Hundred and Fifty-seventh, One Hundred (Sixtieth and One Hundred Sixty-first Indiana, Fifty-second Iowa, Twenty-second Kansas, second Nebraska, seventh am: Tenth Ohio, Fourth and Fifth Miasou rl. First Ohio cavalry, Twentieth lud iana battery, Fifth and Sixth Iowa batteriea and the First butalllou of Ohio llirht artillery. A special from Philadelphia says that a hospital train left that city this morning for Fernandina, Florida, to bring home the sick soldiers ol the Third Pennsylvania, volunteers. Tha Oriler laaaar! Yesterday A special from Washington, dated yesterday evening, says: "Adjutant General Gorblu today issued an order for the Second regiment, Nebras. volunteer Infantry, now at tamp Thomas, Chickamaiiga, Ga., to break camp and proceed to Omuha, there to be mustered out of the service ol lue United States. It will probubiy be a week or ten days before Coloiiel Hills regiment reaches Omaha. After arm ul in Omaha a few days will be con sunied in straightening acc'ounts.such as the return of arms, equipment, etc will be set at after which the men liberty to return to their various nun mm CAMPAIGN MOTE Hopubllonn National Commlite Preparing to Flood tho Country, 1 THE TARIFF MAY BE DROPPED Back of Japan Increases Its Hold ing of Silver and ia Criticised. Uaneral I'artf Maws, I l'niiil' I'nrtf Hurts, I si, l buum, Ma,, Ails' ill. Tim republican oongressloiinl commit- tiie, with hiiftd(pmrtrs at Washington, 1), (J,, lias been flooiiiid with apieals for literature dining ll)o hint week. During the campaign of '0(1 this committee sunt out U 1, 01)0,000 campaign documents and employed over 'JM chirks, Most ol the latter were government employes who had been given luavs of absenee on full pay, and there is no reason for doubting that tho samn plan will be adapted this year. Cluiirinnn Hancock reports that (ho greatest number ol calls are for literature pertaining to th war ami such imilM as will throw light upon tha tariff as it now stands, Tim iiiIiMIii of I lis road purtnrtht populist party lu Cook county, Illinois. split so wide open and with such a re sounding roar st the nwnt convention thut the police had to be culli'd In to prevent bloodshed, Two scpurat ticket warn gotten out. Charllu 1'almnr, chalrmnn of ths tnld (lln of the road populists In Illinois, has isMijfdacull for a ineetlmr ofullstaU chairman at Cincinnati, Ohio, Hnptem ber oili. A queer call from a queer sou reel At the republican state convention In Nebraska, recently, the gruatiir psrt of tha time was devoted to abuse of lbs populist party, Tns bank of Japan bns added 0,000, OOU.OOUysn In silver to Its reserve and Iseufd convsrtabls notrs to cover I h nmotint, Hiich a pnmedurs Is gravel criticised by gold standard pajier. The stats executive oomuilttes ol the silver republicans, democrats and popu lists of Colorado met at Ulenwood Kprings August 10, and adopted a reso lution favoring fusion of the three par lha In tha coiiilug slection. The Join! committees sat two duys. No appor tionment of offices was made, that bclog left lo the convention, which mests at Colorado rlprim In Hnptember. Curnegle, the gnat steel plats thief, bus Hk-aiti accumulated a sufficient amout of American dollars to make blra restless, and so he has offered to endow another huge public library. This time Dumfries, HoolUnd, Is the lucky pluoe. It is rumored that soms of the leaders of the republican party favor a com plete flop on the tariff question. Wheth er this is only a rumor or whether It is a deep laid (luu to forever shelve t tin pres ent Incumbent of the whits house, It is at tills tune impoMHible to say. Governor Pitigres is reported by op posing parties lo be using a liberal amount of "practical politics" in his ef forts to elect a ftate ieiriMlatum favor- able to his pet scheme of reform and to Insure the return of the right man to peaceful vocolions. as before the war. I thu Uuited Hiates Heuats. Of course It is mnong the possibilities that the regiment will camp In the exposition grounds pending muster out." Will start f rlil f Chattanooga, Trim., Aug. 24. Col onel Hills uiil lust night the Kecond Nebriiska would leave here Friday for Oitiuhn. Fverything is in readiness to move as soon ss transportation can be securtd. (tiloiiel Hills suys he does nut know whether or not the regiment Mill lie mtialered out. H ill tlea I t lh St h.MiU Santiago, Aug. SI, (Associated Press telegram. ) The conference be Iwrru (irnrial 'Vuo.l, tb AliirrU'SO military gotrrur, ami Ihs total su thtnities, with rrfertme to opening the public sthools. reanlted si'40 tori t hmii 4ii, Set UiUul.iu kss been rlimiitsted frtmi the uiaitsgriiieitt Slid the Aiort ran system uf rilmstitut sppruna.1. they are accusing Piitgre of wanting the seuatoralilp hUllatilf. TelfKraphle di-tuiicheii re(iort that Scott Mormiu ol "Hun Haw" illfam and at present the uubcrmitoriitl ciiiidulats for Hi" middle of the road elmni nt In Ar kansas, s the only man whoa inline an lnrs mi the olhVial ticket recorded Willi tha secretary of stale. The delay in limning a man tor gov rrttor at the rreriii Texss rapubliena ennveuimn CMUaad many rumors a to their Inlintlou to uomliiats llarney (i t.ba, (Kipuliat noimiira (or that pi see. Hp lo this tima auth rumors have not Uu eouttrmutl, A. IU Vl.uM Malar Slarlas iM-stur, Ind., Aug. It. A new pw lit K-al party bas been orjinlitd ,d ly. Piatt will be ns.ly or fourjihU (A Jam.) eouaty with l.ooo mn arssatl puidls on f'l,,''n.br. ' V bers lo start with. A full liekel b.S Tsl ...It Ht tl4.T4 ll, HI HUT 4MI It lUMfttl Ttil Iianm U diiiii liii U Hit ....... ....... ..ttttt MlfM HOLD TROOPS AT HONOLULU. The fcaaae SuLHara tlta rSOIalaaa la l aaa la the Mtatlus iaaltak Wtiisars, Au, Ii - A -ut days a4.1t sdvtaes wsrs la.tad tin Ua rl Merrill, la whUd ss asas lh f. lUe rta.s I - r at MssiU Is saUUiasl l Us la kss.1. Iks ftttersstest, Wwsver, tills sl iC apos, lUesdtios ufUf,l Merrill. Id wut eveflowli the t-l IKst s-1 J Uuaal threes assy la sa4d la ls ' .. e.iaJ.ta. It Us fftrie) I'hil I'l'iaM la las saf fslsra, we lkl , iia i.m.re ab is lia tiif etMtoS wl IHs ttkf a tfter Htay j a I wt VeliUI l a ll I 14 fcsve Ws Ws rtMttel a4 fsfUasHl Vy ,' lwf suo4 au M Uf J4fc einers, been poiiiinated ou pure gtvernmeat platform sad Ihs rsmlidsies plrtlgsi Ihr niaehre, IMI, If eirrlrt!, Ihry will return ball their saUrles la Ihs rsna ly, tu be ued In gn'nf orr the booka and ilrainktrnlKf thrm up. Ike ran ilnUlrs ere ii!)y tliild brlwrsa the popuiisi, repubiusa sal Ueiuo t rsllti lollies. ' a altar! 4 iriiMS Tka at.tt( lt .i I. WIII4 U tttael .ii , tiliatvaa tkal "is las ea ut evar nmhtv, lsis ksie bes Mt l IktS ar ki a kav a Ui pd Mi rav ts I tk. siili a la M11IUH4 Ik Ts It st f ! 44 tUla- lit a (vr ! IrvHa ! U lsl , W tistf eeas aa,4 tra hti Us fail paises. T1! lts wttl V test U t)eltil 44 s4 aUtse4 tKsrt f at saserf eaey Ikal sssy attsa. 1a wise M Iks itr f WMiiesasat Ws Itai Ula was Veea Ism4, a4 Ika trsas saajutlisl Hl tarff Iks awl ar ialiwals4 Va remsl a at Ulla alii fmrtasf artier. laiSSSI taiasa-rs -.ll is )l UA ketrf law 8) 4 WliH, setitS SMta tl ws es e. savai! ri-si-laa rtattll ta kraa BrS-f 4 Mvrltt. weaie Is list a4 v-,,l- I it ,tl llsv in Uk.. )l 4'flll al a ta'laS kra IH4 la es ke PMHI e tttttia rthMs la law? a l IU tlvit4iii4ia ikta, llr, H-l I'a t aisAV. TatetUlMrxssf year, fl H s'1 1 4 i I i 'J