The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, August 18, 1898, Image 8

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August 18, 898.
Appropriation! Will II Asked (of Many
Hew hip.
CmoAoo, Aug. 18. 'A dispatch to the
Chicago Record from Washington says;
Tb Nary department will auk Con
grew to authorise the eonNtruotlon of
the largest and moHt formidable battle
hlpe and cruisers afloat, vessel with
out eqnala in an foreign fleets and In
comparably superior In offensive
power, speed and endurance, to any of
tha magnificent ships which destroyed
Ccrvera'a squadron.
This decision, reached at a meeting
of tho naval board of construction,
will be urged upon Congress for
prompt action, supported by argu
limits of the most convincing char
"The board practically agreed to
begin the design of three battleships
of between 13,000 and 14,000 tons dis
placement, with at least nineteen
knot maintained spued. It was also
determined to recommend three first
cIams cruisers of about 13,000 tons and
of not less than twenty-two knoti
"in addition to these a class of pro
tected and partly armored cruisers of
between 0,000 and 0,000 tons, as well as
a new class of 2, (500-ton cruisers.
"The battleships will be designed to
whip any fighting vessel in the world,
of whatever class, and the cruisers are
to be moro formidable than any ves
sels of their speed up to this time in
"The board made no reference to
torpodo boats, and is not disposed to
recommend any further Increase of the
fifty-one vessels of that type now built
or authorized,"
ports That (Ires! Ilrltsln, lluiule and
4 JspAQ Are Keying Heavily of ts.
Cjmoaoo, Aug. 18, The Chicago
Record says: Great Krltaln, Russia and
Japan have entered the markets of the
United Htales for the purpose of pur
chasing provisions, sjoIi as canned and
salted meats for use in their armies
and navies. For several weeks a rumor
has been in circulation among the pack
ing houses at the Stock yards to this
effect and now it is confirmed. What
such an order as will probably be
placed by each country will be, can
only be estimated from the amount
ordered by our government during the
early part of the war between the
United Htates and Hpaln. Hut it is
, safe to say that each foreign power
now figuring for the purchase of pro
visions will place an order for at least
i,o)0,(00 pounds.
Whether or not the American pack
ers will be able to secure tho full
amount of the foreign powers' orders
depends upon the prices placed by the
packers. Already some of (he big
packers are sending out their repre
sentatives to meet those of the other
countries to confer with them and sub
mit bids for furnishing all or part of
whatever orders may be placed.
toting Woman round Murdered In the
Grand Hotel.
New Youx, Aug.' !. Emlllne C.
I Reynolds, a young unmarried woman
about 21 years of age was found mur-
dered in tho Grand hotel, at Thirty-
first street and Broadway, in this city
yusierday. Her death' had evidently
resulted from repeated Mows on the
head with a piece of lead pipe. The
crime had been committed sumo time
between midnight and 3 o'clock yester
day morning, but the police have not
as yet been able definitely to deter
;min whether the motive was one of
robbery or Otherwise, though they are
inclined to the former belief.
After some hours of investigation,
and upon statements given by the
mother of the dead girl, Dr. Samuel J.
Kennedy, a young dentist uf this city,
was arrested and is being held on
euspio)on of the murder. The fact
that aot only the murdered woman
was robbed, but that another robbery
was ciKniultted on the same floor, In
aline the police to the belief that the
woman was killed In an attempt to
prevent robbery.
Traana al Ma rreaeWea Will lie tm
M tails It Merrill Aeht ft Tee a
Halt KBASClSt, Attg. iS. MoT
troops will U sent to Manila only at
the request of tlvneral Merrltt. Adju
tant General (or In a has wired Gen
eral VterrUiu to hold the Arleona and
Oeueral Kings troopa U readiness to
all If to ordered. The tr.p In ramp
here arc disappoint!, but are aim
hpeft that trouble wltk Agutnslda
Mis I tuake their prvaanoa aeveaaary.
aval MtltM hs Ue Mom
VfAiMisaivs. Au IT The aavvd
01 lu..ut la taaittrf ID ta rU the
ivMreeof asval ol,iawa sailed lata
, oaf vl from the sawrai itiUi Its
MlMtilts U ta It it fait ef kr
raa Ika Y .mm ml la. tha t ( 4imll
tee Mikif ! twilttisawa, who
. . j . ... .. ... ..fcj. . .
ess la 1 moo tee utmu is
u lutt uf her . ta tha
Mai aa4 ta wiser iliari rft,lka
alhf the aaiei aumeaen e, taase
awsUUrt U go U this way
the naval serv'mw will sp4iy hw fe
twitted ta Ik fcU v4 the wf
toswt am
rawUlia e IMw tike W
Hiotttitf. ! f -Msnv
1mm tf Ik lifij lew a
iaa wired a at twl to w Uwwl papea
hM aaisrlav katfaiBtf the gwwtaav
m4 the W'l t the slate ta rve v
tSeea frve the awfwl UtU U
wkVli they Had tkalv at t Meha.
mam- pats. The are villi e U
41, tvwt U a Iwl tut
toga frwas MfhNt ldiRrea
The Iowa Senator Decline Appointment
as Teaee l'oniinl.loner.
Wasiiinotow. Auir. 17. The Presi
dent offered Senator Allison appoint
ment as a member 01 the peace
commission to-day, Henator Allison,
however, could not ace bis way clear
to accept the honor.
Corbett Lea re. for Ian
Naw Yohk. Auir. 18. Mr. and Mrs.
James J. Corbett left for Kan Francis
co last night. Mr, Corbett said he had
received letters Saturday informing
him that his father's mind had become
unbalanced, At present he could not
sav what will be done about his fight
with McCoy, He declared that if it I
was necessary he would forfeit the
'J, 600 be hod up. He would not fight
again, he declared, except for the fact
that he was the chief support or the
family. He says that what he makes
hereafter will, as before, go to help
support bis brothers and sisters. He
therefore savs that it mlirht be neces
sary for hlra to fight McCoy in order
to obtain money to support the family!
Murder ot an Ki-Manator.
St. Loins, Mo,, Aug. IS. A tele
phone message received from
Stanton, 111., says that H, W. Wall,
ex-state senator and a wealthy and
prominent banker and real estate
dealer, was shot and instantly killed
at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, A
coal miner named Hchadlclch, a tenant
of Wall's, is charged with the crime,
and a posse of Ntaunton s citizens is
pursuing I) I in. The shooting arose
over a trivial matter,
The Kaleer Would r.i plain to the Csae,
Lonnoit, Aug, 17, The Ht, Peters
burg correspondent of. the Daily Tel
egraph says persistent rumors are
current that a meeting will take place
between kmperor William and the
cxar in the first week of Heptember,
Ji,inpiTor William desiring to remove
the suspicions with which the Eastern
tour is regarded in Russia and France,
More Than a Centenarian.
lilnooMf, Neb., Aug. 16. Mrs. Dell-
ah Cromwell, the oldest woman In Ne
braska, is dead at her home near Table
Rock. Khe was a small girl when
Washington was president, and in
sisted that she was born in 1771
Neighbors who hove known her for
thirty years believe'- that she was 110
years old. Her fourth husband died of
old age a quarter of a century ago.
Havana Ulad It I Over.
New Yohk, Aug.' 10. A dispatch ta
the New York Herald from Havana
says; There is a general feeling of re
lief in Havana that the war is over.
On the faces of many In the throngs
on the streets yesterday were unmis'
takable marks of the privations they
have undergone as the result of the
rrlie right Fatality.
Idaho Hi-kihos, Col., Aug. 10. Jamei
llewark, a local pugilist, died yester
day from Injuries received In a twenty
round contest Saturday night with
Robert Watkins, a colored fighter, lle
wark claimed to have been the cham
pion of New Mexico at one time. Wat
kins is under arrest.
Wheeler. Home Town to Welcome II I in.
Courtlano, Ala., Aug. 17. General
Joe Wheeler sends word that he will
00:110 Immediately homo from Mon
tauk. An ovation will he tendered
hlra on his arrival and preparations
are being mode for an Immense crowd
of citizens.
Indian Mu.le Was Ills Rpaalaltjr.
Nkw Lonihm, Conn., Aug. In. John
C Filmore died here to-day. l'rofesMtr
r llmore was a noted authority on In
dian music. He formerly lived in
Milwaukee, but moved to California a
short time ago.
Elffal Daadl Bun Stroke In Tarla.
London, Aug, l A dlspstnh from
Paris says eight deaths from sun
stroke occurred la thst city yesterday,
Xeoording to Iit-rlin advices the tier-
-isu auUools have I ! closed ou ao-
uat ot the heat. tsves Urf Ueefe,
Nbw Yobk, Aug. U. Freshly palal
d and looking as trim aud mat as If
she had only just smiis Into commit
slon, the United Htste battleship
Teioa awaits a favorable tide t m
floated out uf dry dock at the llrooW
lyn navy yard.
fartuiaeea Mlaletrt Mel,
tasBoB. Aw IT. The itklnUtrv has
resigned and N nr Jo LuranUi Has
twvtt eharged with the took of for ml as1
anew ealonrt
MovmW ft, tH will
Ka aaothef JxUmeal
l'a lot IHe r4UiHas! la ur,Ht, Gel
the mole la (he re
ksvei B0 Bilk the t)e,
upeathesvvetd aktie
ti hMa-tW M tha 1 1 hi
td Ike live talik-hf sa l
ti I w ta,sitaBB
BahanrtltiB tt1e Si
pMit sirthssf,
tlt ya etaislruniBMB
and the raait l the
u Si leg tkwIktB la as
d, 1st teet
aktBlt t Ike asealaad
Mord Blhef,
L'ruleer Sent to Capture a few Islands
and Slil p..
Nkw Yoiik, Aug. K A dispatch
.torn I long Kong to the New York
Journal says: After the bombardment
Admiral Dewey dispatched cruisers for
Hollo and C'ebu, either to accept the
surrender of those places or to bora
bard them.
The Raleigh was to start on Sunday
for La Jiuun, there to pick up three
Npanlsh steamers that have been run
ning between that port and Hollo.
The Concord end Ikmton were dis
patched to Porto Royalist to sink five
small gunboats that have been In bid
ing at that place. Afterwards the war
ships will raise the American flag at
the capital of each of the islands. It
is expected it will take the war ships
three weeks to accomplish these mis
sions. Vessels Assemble at Kef West.
Kr West, Fia Aug, J. In ac
cordance with orders from the navy
department, following the President's
proclamation of a suspension or hostil
ities, Commodore Howell of the north
Cuban coast blockading squadron, Is
rapidly assembling his ships at Key
West. Many arrived yesterday ana
still more to-day. The flagship Han
Francisco with the commodore aboard,
arrived yesterday morning, Hle looks
none the worse for her experience oil
Havana early Friday morning, The
hole torn in her stern by the twelve
inch shells from Morro castle had been
neatly patclied and the damage to the
ship is inconsiderable.
Illshl of rreedmsn to Vote.
Washington, Aug, II. The secre
tary of the Interior yesterday pro
mulgated a decision to the effect that
the Choctaw frecdmen may and the
Chickasaw teeedmon may not vote at
the election on the iMth Inst, in the
Indian Territory for the ratification of
an act for the protection of the people
of the Indian Territory, approved June
l'sndo Was Against Pease.
ClTT or Mkxico, Aug, 16, General
'ando, who has been here, has gone to
Vera Cruz and will thence proceed to
Havana, expecting to accompany Gen
eral ISIanco to Hpaln. lie said to
friends, while here, that both ho and
Ulanco were unalterably opposed to
making peace and that the war should
have been continued. His visit here
was merely one for rest and health,
Japan Intend, to I'rotast.
HKATTI.K. Wash.. Auir. If). Japanese
papers received here contain a story to
mo enect mat ttie Japanese ministiy
will protest Against the United Htatci
hold 1 no the Hawaiian Ulinl. (n nr.
dur to remove the opposition of thi
upper house to It by raising an lssu
of foreign complications.
Italy Congratulates Vs.
Wasuinotoji, Aug. 1 .Tho United
States government yesterday received
the first cougrutulatlous from a for
eign power upon the successful termin
ation of the war with Hpaln. The
congratulations came from Italy
through the Italian ambassador liaroo
Kiour.lon Steamer Aground.
Cincinnati, Ohio, Auir. 1". At mid-
bight the stoumer New Nouth, a very
large vessel, returning to this city
with an excursion party of 700 pco-
;Ie from Alaysvllle, Ky,. ran Into a
tank In the upper part of the city and
stuck fast.
Worth Knowing About Fruits.
If a man persists in using or trying
to use that for which he has neither
power for digestion nor assimilation,
he must, without doubt, pny the pen
alty. To many persons strawberries
are such a violent poison that a single
dish will produce a rash In less than
two hours. The rooking of the fruit
seems to destroy this active, Irritating
principle, but agsln, here romi our
fashion of adding sugar. Canned or
preserved fruit, as well as Jams and
kindred articles, are to be condemned
on account uf the mass of sugar used.
With (he fruits it Is more prone to
fermentation, and eveu If the sugar
Is Inverted we have a fsr greater
amount than rsn he rated for by In
liver, and here Is the origin of the "tor
pid liver" we hvar so much about. The
liver Is aot torpid at alt, It la simply
overworked. The given rapacity Is
ebauated.-Mrs. B, T. Itorer In ladles'
Horn Journal,
Kardette fMsra the Bhmsay Pall)
And the buttles In Ihe school, I
guess there Ut always be bulllrs la
all schools. There were some mesa
ones la the Underlines. The hoy
bully wss always a toward, of courts.
bit of a sues as well, rringlng la
the dig boys and brutal Id the little
nsea, la the renre of Ihe l her
be wss half 'rated with Urror. rrylna
eu, "Whsl I dt ih thee'
Ike weak fui'll. whom h routd
ksadl. he mauled without Merry. It
at his feature to he hiatal IUthr
Iks aot have aayihlag tit worry k
would torture t hg, tsuh ks
hat t live with Ike aatmsl la gv
klHt, R'tert J. llurdstit l U4is'
llewe Jaersil.
the 1hl Are tsS ,,
As aikkte el itsl Uml vsltte In
Ike IaIW IUe J.-mssl, tv Ms
T. Ht'rtr, ll what fruit are rfllky
tad wkuk t ihsut aie bsbi fay
It it surrUiailf skewt thst siu
f Iks trails In WMt (! e are
Hs ait usshulvtoui. and cti.e
Ideally uA Ut fui4 ll4. Ihe a
IHt ttei pisialUhg gad a
ej.iej ideas isgsrdisg ft tilt, sad Is ef
trvat value b istlsg em wklth l
si bb4 wkkk U Ittvt akmsx
Ones More, the Toenailed tetter.
Here Is a new story about the man
who forgot to mall Tils wife's letter,
says the New Orleans Times-Demo
crat. The hero is a newspaper man
and is connected with one of the New
Orleans dallies: Borne: hlng over two
yean ago, on a cold winter's day, his
wife gave him a letter to mall, and ho
illppnd it Into his overcoat pocket. It
was addressed to a friend In Los An
geles. Two weeks ago, during a chilly
snap, be put on the overcoat, and In
the lining felt the long-lost mlsslv.
Conscience stricken, and without no
ticing the date or remembering when
the letter had been given him, he
rushed off and posted It, It was when
the reply cams from the friend in Los
Angelca that the secret was out. The
friend thought that the writer must
have gone crazy. "I was g!ad to get
your letur," the frlBud replied, "but
what on earth la the matter with you?
You wrote of thing that happened two
years ago, and about nothing else."
It took soma time to get matters
straightened out.
sweetest Ive Itory In Mteratura.
"Wheraver Mrs, -ownlng trod,
whatever ih touched, became endow
ed with the sacred ness of her presence,"
wrl'n Gilford Howard of Robert and
Elizabeth llarrett ilrownlng In Ladles'
Homo Journal, "When Mr, Drowning
returned with her on a visit to Eng
land, after an absence of several years,
he repaired to the little church in
which they were married, and ther, at
the entrance, he reverently kneeled
and kissed the paving-stones upon
which she, the light of his being, had
steppe'" And In after years, when the
llr' had gone from his life, he sought
this sacred spot on the twelfth of each
September, and in the dusk of the even
ing shadows passers-by might have
seen a white-haired mon kneeling for
n moment as If In rr icr before the
doorway of tha dark jnd silent church.
Yet little would the have thought to
recognlzo in this man the poet Drown
ing; he whoso mystical writings had
led tha world to regard him as a man
of austere nature,"
The Original Declaration ef Indapandanee
The original Declaration of Inde
pendence is In so dilapidated a condi
tion that nowaday it Is rarely If ever
exposed to public view. Tha Ladles'
Home Journal was recently granted
special permission by the secretary of
state to make a single exposure of the
document to the camera, and will re
produce tha photograph, which Is a re
markably clear one, In tho July Issue of
that magazine. Exposure to light and
the process of making a duplicate copy
of the declaration have faded tha Ink
In the historic document, but It Is still
legible. Soma of the signatures are
nearly faded out. John Hancock, how.
ever, seems to have used on imperisha
ble Ink, for his name stands black and
bold on tha parchment, which is now
kept In a steel aafs, out of tha sun
light and out of tha public's view.
Her Statu.
Fuck: Hally Gay "What do you
think of Miss Dralnley?" Dolly Swift
"I like her quite well; for while sha
Is so exasperatlngly clever, she la bo
consolingly ugly,"
llt'I PN H'AVTRII wlion tha norvoa
become weak and the appetite falls,
ll,.i,l Mui-Miiiiiirillii irivite huln lie innk-
linr t he blood rich. Dure and nourisliimr.
(Id only Hood's.
HOOD'S PILLS are hhsv to take, fbsv
to operate. Cure indijection, sick head-
A political romance. An
evt-ry day slory ol every
day hi". (Iraphlr, In
tensely lntrtinir, true
to existing conditions.
A rtiarining love story
running through a po
litical treatise, lb-ad It:
you will he entertained
and lustructsd. Trice 23
(s-bU, or wot tree, post
age paid, to encli new
suhacrilier o Tub Ns
BNASKA I oiikl'l SliKST,
whoseuds f 1 .Ot) or the
paar wue year,
FiM II.IMtibJw S1.J0
Btweial low tk Mount) WieJow
Hka4t4 all si l'l ha lew tUVH
Hot! hde Id la, Kwll, e4 s
featl kr our I'rww I Wt id Wiado
MhBiU, aaled tree to nil ari lwaaW.
W Be4eJ attsBlkm In Wail ttrdH.
1319 O Street, Lincoln, Nebr,
Independent Sewing Machine Indorsed By
All Who Use It.
For soma time tha Indki'KNOknt bos
chine and year's subscription to the
ranted flrst-closa in svery particular. All who bar purchased these roacblune are
pleasud with them. '
A lady Id this elty deslrlngto purchase a machine called at tha Isdkficnoijit
ofllrw and asked for the name and
machine. Hhe stated that sb wished to writ to tbsui and leuro U tba raacbins
waa "eiactly a advertized' Bhe was given tb name and addresses of thirty
person from which she selected seven, to whom she wrote a letter similar to tb
LINCOLN, NED., March 1, 1908.
Ma. H, WiLKOim, Vesta, Neb.t
lump Hiet haiir thut vnit hnva rmmAwA nna ttl thm I'InilimanAunt" auetlno ma.
cblnes, advsrtlsed In the Wkuhamka InuwtHVitM, A I aw thinking of purchasing
ou 01 these inaomrio 1 writ to yon lor iniormation concerning It. uow dot It
compare with the Hmgr, VVbit, Wheeler and ucb rnaohiuos: i tba wood work
ninety flulshed; Is it supplied with full set of attuolimeuts; Is it high arm and drop
head; Is it easy running and of simple mechanism; I the much In all that la
claimed for it in the advertisement, and Is there any additional si pens to tb
receipt of it not outlined in the advertisement of tba machine? Will you be kind
enough to answer these question and gl v rne your opinion of tb muchlnsT An
varly reply will greatly oblige, Itespectfully,
ETTA HAFFED, m North loth 8k.
Tb roplle which b received to tb seven leltsr war a follow:
TESTA. NEIL, March S, 1808.
In reply will say that tb macbln referred to, is ail that tba advertisement
guaruutees. Finely finished, and la all respect complete). Yoo ar afa la buying
It. lours,
DA?EV, NED., March t, 1808.
Ktta HArrisR, Lincoln, Neb.i
la answer to joor letter w received lost evening concerning tba"Independaat"
sewing machine, I can ay I Ilk th macbln ?ery much. It doe good work. I
have had my machine three weeks and Ilk it better all tb time, 0uofoor
neighbor hod a Hlnger and Inst full got ao "Independent." Bhe say tbey work a
great deal th same, My mother also ba a $05 Singer and we bar compared
th attachments and find inln equal to hers and also a full set. Tha woodwork la
nicely finished. It I high-arm and asy running. I think It Is all that l claimed
for It in th advertisement. There I no additional xpeus to tb receipt of it I
hope you will be as well pleased with tb machine as I am. Your' truly,
OAK, NEB., MAKCI1 6, 1698.
Miss Etta rUrren, Lincoln, Neb.;
In regard to your letter of March 1st, I would say that th machln Is Just as
described ia tb iNDgpgNOKiiT. Wear perfectly aatisfled. It has loll set of at
achmenls, and is high arm. It is noisel, light running and a perfect machine.
The woodwork is highly polished. It will compare with any other machine I know
of. The machine Is all the advertisement claims, and more. There in DO addi
tional expense to tho receipt of tbe machine. Yours respectfully,
IMVEY NED., March 4, 1898.
Mm Etta utrtn, Lincoln, Nb.:
Dear Madam: Your letter received, and lo regard to tba "Independent" sewing
uiaehiiie will say It is something Ilk tit New Home macbln, It Is a very good
oy runnlg machine, doe splendid work and ba a full set of attachments every
thing that I needed in that line. Tba wood-work I nicely finished. I believe It la
as good a any bigb priced tnachln. It I bigb arms but no drop bead; and tbera
isn't any more eipens to It only what I mentioned in th advertisement, ao it la
not expensive, and Is a very good machine. W have bad our eight or nine
month and ar greatly pleased with it. I bar don a great deal of sewing on It.
I have bad two machine before thi on, both expensive ones, but neither of them
run as easy as this one,nor tbey didn't look any better to look at, a this ou look
very nice. I don't think there la any fault whatever to ba foond with thi machln.
I am sura yon will be well satisfied with It if yoo got one. It I as good aa any ma
chine you can get. Well, I think I have answered alt your questions, and aaid all
I need to. Sincerely ours,
LEBANON, NED., March 8, 1898.
Miss Etta FUrris. Lincoln, Neb.i
Dear Madam I will say in regard to tha machine that we have, that It la
complete In every reepect; it bt all It I claimed to bo; it is nicely finished; the wood
work isouk. 1 do not think it necessary to answer all the questions you have
asked, for we think it a grand machine for the money $10.50 Irelubt paid. No
extra charges in any wuy. 1 think if you purchase one of these machine you will
surely be pleased with it. Respectfully yours,
0ILTNER, NEB., March 6, 1808.
Miss Etta HArruii, Lincoln, Neb.:
Dear Madam Your letter of March 1 received; and in reply will say, that we
have had the machine only a few weeks. Did very little sewing with it. Rut I find
It h very liRt't running and ueat appearing machine. The only machine I com
pared it with was the Singer, "latest Improved." The wood-work is as nicely
finished as that of the Hiuger, the same kind of wood. 1 have the light color. It
mochauism. In general, I as simple, and in some respects more so than that of tba
Hinder. Perhaps the only possible advantage Is that the Singer has tha drop
head and the "Independent" bits not. "Independent" has a hlh arm the same aa
ihe Slimer, aud a full set of attachment, except etching and Keusintom em
broidery altocbment, which is 7oo extra. There is no additional expense on re
ceipt of Ihe machine. They send a certificate of warranty good for ten years.
Yes, I think It Is all that they claim it lo be. Aud I am of the opinion that
the "Indejiendent," with proMrcare, which all machines should have, will last aa
long and do as irood work aa tbe machine which 1 Just compared it with, which
would cost me 155 cash In Aurora, Neb. Yours respectlully,
D. 1:. HUH KEY.
PAWNEE, CITY, NEB., March 6, 1808.
Miss Err SArricii. Lincoln, Neb.i
Dear Madam Implying toyoor Inqulryof the 1st Inst., regarding the "Inde
pendent" Sewing Machine, I will sayi It compare very favorably with the Singer,
which we have aUa.vs oousldered the "best," The wood work Is nicely finished. It
Is supplied with lull set of attachments; Uhifc-harm; drop leaf; simple In eon
structioit; easy to run, and is all the advertise meat la tha Ikhki-ksiiknt claims for
it. Tnere Is no addttioual expense to ihe receipt of li, except what is iudiewtcd la .
th advertisement. 'ry rvepeotlully,
If yott need a Hewing Maublo you wilt find "Ths ladupenduQt Maohias" satU-
lactory Ib every particular. It a a bargain, ran) advertisement peg evsa.
riltaT-Owv ladete4al" tewing Machine a anva aeH
aad Nebraska Indewsadsal a yset IW $1 k
BCUNIOwt "Independent" Rawing Machine givsa a a
nlwm abeulwtely free ef ooelfue aCtwknrto aheortawew
at tl otitaum
THIIttV-Owv "IndependeBt wewlng Machine $11 0
a4 a tiwk ef ta RwUeorlb at II uo eachy
HEIOUT VAlle-AllatacklaeasklpH
sssrgea riaiti si wi
nutau la W aahisakia. t nitiorn
I.taka. t'lah. tlualasa. Ariloai
all haiahl shareea tot 1.1 IMI aJdHluShL
f ordeflag MaekiBMi will pkMsae sUto pUlsly ptaal ta wkkk tks hsAhwa
la la U sh pi!. a wsU a fe..m.w th jav U l U seat to, Utv ship.
pisg SHtiBt a wvit a tHMtorAow addrvaw, asd bulk aloakia asd faps wt4 h
iwtl asat,
atr tBi4 Att, 0mb oa Arm to Israawtrto m
Lincoln, Nouraaka.
ktaah tashla teare-eae
KAStt till, Ma, Awg lt.-Ue.wg
H. kittoMe), vaehier tl Ike rhnet'
BUI NkHh tl Alhseeas uy, sis,
en saw ta this vlty m Ihe after Ml
July , rvgisistvtl at t wum
tel. left there arivf n r la wmii
alkh this klrsMat kud hB Wot W
aean er hesrd vl
ar slrwigkt,
been offering to Ita raadera sewing ma
paper for flO.M, Tha roaxbina Is war
addresses of parties wbo bad purchased
dtraat front taslorv at (Itko, rratghi
I la Ih I'aiUd HUM oa a rwuwar, mb hs
tin, Nsvade IVrvga. Iultirwds Ussiest,
i a4 W;vuiug, ta wkwk stale w tuj npf
M aaeae MatBas Man leeaih
Iiihii4s, lit, Ug IT -Mrs
Nnf aisveswMi, wvaksr ef AJlal r.
HlvaH, ts VKw IWdewt, l very
III al ks ' real.UMxa and U W
t4 ta he la a ettlla .,,tiiUN,
U lwaat aa ' old aad kas hea la
svellewt kealtk tthtil a few avj ag
tie relatlvaa kav lwa ummikml