The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, August 18, 1898, Image 3

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    Aneust 18 , 1898
In this department w will publish communication of a worthy and sal table
character, received from subscriber to thl paper. No conmuhioatioh mould
contain mors tuan 300 woiiui. Manuscript will not bo returned.
A Pew Pointers.
Editor Independent!
I am here to say that I have within
the lust tblrtj years, attended many po
litical conventions, sometime as a par
tlofpaut, sotnetiuiHS as an onlooker.
None of tbem have been In all respects
quite so satisfactory as the grand one
we had last week. None of them bare
forecasted good for party and candi
dates and country, as did this one.
We bad truch good mutcrlul from
which to elect, and it is generally con
ceded that wa selected wiselythat we
could not bare done bettor. We each
wished that we could support some oue
or all of the good men who wore before
us. We all felt and txl that we can aud
will support the choice of all. None of
the half good and able meu whose
names were before the courentlon was
slighted nor dishonored, uor will they bo
forgotten. The login of current evontfl
seemed to point to I'oyntor and we fol
lowed tho Index finger of uiunlfcst des
tlajr, No man has been nominated for an
Important office In Nchrnskaln recent
years whose nomination bos created so
much quiet, earnest enthusiasm nrnouu
the musses of the people, Hopefully and
assuringly, this cuthuslusm Is not of the
boisterous, evuucstcnt vurloty, but Is
rather of the assuring comforting kind,
born of the confidence that this nomina
tion Insures success at the ballot box
and greater success In the state house
In administration,
To the people of this purt of the state
the nomination is particularly sat lnf no
tary. Home of us have felt that we who
ere west of the hundrctb meridian have
not In all things been fully represented.
We now feel that In W, A, I'oyntcr we
have a man broad enough to fully and
fairly represent the whole state, every
part of It, and each part equally well.
While republicans hereabouts are not
shouting for l'oynler, none of them have
any criticism to offer, and the better
part of them, those who hold the flag of
country well up with their parly flag,
openly express their satlsliictlon.
You may look lor something more
than the usual majorities from these
southwestern counties 11 ml districts.
John W. Kahk,
Donkleman,- Neb., August 10, 18DM.
him until the adulation became sicken
ing enough to turn the stomach of the
carrion rulture, without berating Allen,
who bbsaccomplishod more lor Nebraska
and worked harder for Its people than
any one else ever sent to Washington,
Common decency would demand this,
but It is a quatiiicatiou that few republi
can editors in this state seem to possess.
Madison Reporter.
I'oynter I'apuldr ICvsrywIisr.
Mn. Kditoii: I sent to tho oonvon
tlon intent on contributing my small
mite toword the nomination of the best
man for governor. Among so many
very excellent candidates, I may be par
cloned for doubting which It could be
With the rent of my delegation I voted
for roy liter. On my return I was as
toulshed at the almost universal com
meudulion of the nomination by men of
all parties. Mr. l'oynter popularity
In Omaha Is greater limn that of any
other man who could hare been nomi
nated. Certainly no stronger man could
have been named.
Wii.ituu F. IIllYANT.
Two Hsnators,
"Henator Thurston will lie welcomed
homo with henry appreciation of the
great work h has done for the country
and state. His shining talents have
saved tho state of Nebraska from the
odium his colleague'a brawling and un
couth gyrations have brought upon it."
York 1 lines.
Iot ns see. Was it the securing of the
Trans-Mississippi Exposition which has
done so much to advertise Omaha and
the state? Henator Allen was the father
of the bill which brought this to Ne
braska. Was it the locating of the
Indian Kupiily depot, at Omaha, with
('blfiiito 11 mi New Yoik Hunting the
measure? Senator Allen drafted the bill
and secured Its passage through both
senate Hud tuuise. Was it the appro
priation of $.10,000 for tiie improve
ment oft lie Missouri river at South
Hioux City, mid the $(1,000 for rebuilding
the government bridge over the Nio
brara? Hoik of these were secured
through the untinnirefforUof the brawl
ing and uncouth colleague of Henator
Thurston." Was It the recovering of
something like fj.1,000 from the general
government to tbe state on account of
the old war tax? That was the work of
the "gyratiug" senator nud Tim Hedg.
wick whs the secretary of the etate sen
ate when the money whs accepted by the
state. Was it the government appro-
Iirlation lor uu exhibit at the Omaha
OxpoMitlon mul for the Indian eongrtwa
no InsMMtionat lhant place? H.
pile bis "akwrdti," Senator Allen
was able to get the through thtmea
ate whrn tle money wa actvptiHi by ths
state, and afterward through ths
bouse, alter Omaha's brilliant iiigr
mas bud trM and ttiM. Waaitth
poaerfnl effort ind bv Tburstou iu Is,
halt of Cuban I.ibr? Il was a great
and eoavmctng argument, bat bl rub
agti end ba battling lor thelnd
inlrnteee of the dowa trtsldsa
td Cub lor O rut jpr,ktU Ibursln'
'mh-m I wre dumb. la lt l, tlur
lag lbs (wit Jr, -l a siugle
&r tor I he b it o the tripl ol
Mtat bus l-l Ik fuller of
rir4 bat Ul rVaator A lie ks
Ul-ortd lor It la sa and of
ea, asd snt ol ihm wi wMgmii4
bl kiu. t lw It trm m to Uthrsg
Ik wiwl tl lkrti, w ai b a
gsisHia of rr tiiimii, a4 k
ttrJM.l ,!. Us ssatitusst m! a
Wtifilf ol 1st otiiU la bmji-
ad tpMir i b t klm 4 IU
Watt uttrsltot,, aad in ki i.MHiUt
In b iitMtfa btsd Usu la a id
I a ks tovaUf (a t W-Wr ol
kie Miiitt-atM tarrowt mons)4
raiwa ! gkl twttf aU
Many People Cannot Drink
al aigki. It inU Usif iisk
TeWMilfskU'aia't wa fwa !)
4 ble tta t 4m
tttis!tt II atoi aMeea a4
feedk tt II Wis an4 Vssie like IN
beat I'm rM.av I was 4
nW 4 tiUtrva Uri'll la h wt
drlal, Uotis Irwax e iratMi M
Mkg WVMI tr mtvmf tka, I
H I fe4r lit ivSasv
1'rlnn lllmimrek,
At present so many eulogies are pub'
lished over Hlsmarck that one might
think bo was a saint or sort of deml-Uod
Hut the .truest judgment and picture
Ulsmuruk himself bat shown la bis own
epitaph, which roads: "A true German
errant of Emperor William,"
That Is what he really was a servile
lackey of William, but a brutal, iudis
crete tyrant to subordinates and the
pcoplo. to whom ho suppressed orory
free thought aud liberty lor the purpose
ofgirciug again together wit n uioou
and iron the thrones of European
princes, which were shaky from lbs
storms of 14 to 184U.
Ibsmarck suppressed the large major
ity ol German liberals and republicans
aud put the people again under the au
solute rule of mouurulis.
Jiismarck wus u bold gambler, who
staked the most precious lives aud the
wealth of whole nations on a single
curd. He declared ouce In the Uerman
relclistug that the oriental question
was not worth for him the bones of a
single mllitlumnu of I'ommerauia, but
to execute a caprice of William s una
himself hundreds and thousands of mmi
were slaughtered in tho wars of 1800 to
1470. and millions orioolud for lifetime,
The pope wus ths only man who van
quished llismarck, if Jiismarck hail
been the wise statesman he In now
praised for being, be should have known
that the emperor's crown wus untenable
without the sanction of the church
Without tbe superstition of divine rlgh
an emperor or king is untenable, and
these divine rights have to be beetowed
by a representative of Ood on earth
and It Is sometimes oesiowed upon a
lun it lo. Ilelore the pope had acknowl
edged William I. as emperor be was, In
the minds of Catholics, only a freebooter
and pretender. This liismurck had at
last, louiid out when he put on sack
cloth and ashes, went to the canons and
repented, for which he was decorated
from the pop" with the order of Christ
thogrcntcHt humiliation thut over oc
curred to a statesman, but the most
glorious triumoh of i'opclsin.
In the future men like llismarck will be
an Impossibility. In the tweutimh cun
tury nations will bounce all rulers of the
through-the gruco of-Uod stripe, undrulo
themselves according: to common sense
and justice, Disputes between nations
will be decided Hccording to reason and
natural rights by unpurtlsun Interna
tional courts of arbitration.
Liberals and republicans have no cause
to mourn over llismurck. He was their
most unscrupulous enemy, ),et the 1 111
perlulisis mourn. They have a cause for
it. Hut even William II. gave him
kick lust the same us ho would other
Vnjuit ltiirMtnlt!on.
A week ugo u gentleman in the west,
I forget his name, complained In the ln-
WCI'KNDKNT that the west isuotrepre.
en ted according to the census of 1HII0,
neither in congress nor in the legislature
for which he blu nice the eastern legie
latorstor not allowing them tho lull
11 not M . I believu the eill.i'lii of the went
can blame no one but thcuiMelvee if they
ore not properly represented, because all
they have to do Is to elect the number of
ri'prceciitutivcM to which theynreen
titled according to the census of 8!0,
Article '2, Hi 0. II., clause . of the coneil.
1 11 tlou of tne l inted Males says: uepre-
Mcntutivee shall Im apportioned among
the several state according to their re-
sisi!tive number of tiersous. The actual
enumeration shall bo made within three
yeurs after the tlrst meeting of thecon
itrcHNottho United Statee, and within
very subwqui'ut term of ten years in
such maimer ns they ehall by law direct.
1 he number of repreeentatlvee ehail not
exceed one for every thirty thousand.
According to this every atMHiii per
sons are entitled 10 a representative.
All liter have to do Is to elect them. A
legislature cannot delude them by not
changing the districts, for a district
which More was entitled to one repre
sentative should according to the new
reneue be entitled lo two repreeentativee
ehsll elect two mcmls-M and of to dis
trict ubich bfor were entitled to two
rrpn-tiltlv should now bemtitlcd
gelher to ttire run coniutne and either
sleet 01m memlwr in rsch district and
ths third at large as all threw together
or II thy riMld aot agree thr raw
niniidht the governor divide Ihedi
Ira'tsauewso that thry an aide lo
lecl Ihetr lull quota Sifordmg lo Ihe
rrastis, II ailersri mil iitsiririing
should Sol suit lb IrgisUlur IheV Could
i t nsg II tut oaly su Ibsl err district
ip'l It lull quitia. but such rvdislrtrlieg
rould ksv mo ffon the results ti
iul lriiva Oi suprwate eourt
eHil sol ttj't mi lcisd rvrnia-
1krra doubt Ikal it is Ik
dul tl h tfii-l!to lo pruvub k alt
itl ur M-rosteisd lu "ugrs a
la k bgislrttur mver'lii'H lo
lb etiilaiia 4 bd oa lk r
us, r' I ol IkwtoeslilatioM ir
Ik grrnor Hir In t . si,
lkrir I ll lkl tnr (twiol la Ik
lnslvwdH HiebiratsUtslrH loiil
trow .f kssllyr hnnU ( figkl
hsd and ! lull i(mia (4 r p atvul-lin Ittr-s.Hs.
KWI'swa. Ju'y Itt. I .
WMIa .lifc Mill 4il 141 1
T Ik I; liKw 4 k Jitiia4.
Wb at tk rtkabJM) oavlta ta
tkiattly, (bairwaa Wa4 Uakl
rj4i4 Ik r(Ht nj lb toMadll a
rultiti, k iu Utrrtiits4 b lta.
A. E. Cady at the point where the plat
form declared unequivocally and unre
erredly for the gold standard. Mr. Cady
who has been the republican nomiuee fo
governor of this state and an honored
leader of the party la council and In
action, who was, acoording to the re
port of your own columns the favorite
candidate for state treasurer before that
convention, rose to a question of Infor
mation, He wished to know if Ihe pi
Intended to repudiate the Ht. L
platform, which declared distinctly
against a single gold standard whlc
would be retained as a ueoessury evil
only until such time as an international
agreement could procure bimetallism, to
wtilcn end the republican party pledgod
all Its efforts, Mr. Cady was squelched
with an equivocal answer, and later re
fused to allow his nnnio to bo considered
as a candidate before the convention
Now 1 rise to the Name nuestlon of In
formation when the hurry and bustle of
the convention Is ended, aud hope that
from the auiet and secluded tudr of the
journal ttiat information may be given
as honestly and as candidly as it
Is It not customary In the procedure
Of political parties tnat a declaration o
principles, adopted at a national con
vention, I considered binding on all
member of that party, until reaffirmed
or rejected by the next succeeding na
tional convention? it It also custom
ary, or rather Is It to be customary, that
resolutions adopted In bad faith, to de
ceive the people, declarations contrary
to Intentions and not to be lived up to
is It to b customary, I ask, that such
platforms and such principles, though
enunciated by tbe supreme source of ull
party authority, may be repudiated and
unmasked without treason to the party
that promulgated tne licr
Was the republican party sincere when
two years ago It declared lor bimetal
Hem? It went before tho people on lha
declaration, ft protested through tho
press and on the stump that It was not
a gold standard party. Jt denounced
(Jrovor Cleveland's democratic adminis
tration for Its "gold-buggery."
agreed with the democracy of the Chica
go convention that a single gold stand
ard was undesirable, it must bo abol
Ished. The only point at Issue, there-
publican partv claimed, was bow to
abolish it, If Mc Kin ley were elected, all
tho tremendous Influence ofthoAmori
can people would be exerted to force
Europe into allowing us to coin silver
and use It as a money of final redemp
tlon. That Influence, we were told, so
great and so powerful It wus, must be
The people accepted the argument, be
lieved in republican goon tuitii, and
elected McKlnleyasa means to secur
ing bimetallism.
The enormous power of tho American
people 'was exerted, now At an ex-
penes of 1100,000. Mr. McKlnley's
administration sent Henator Wolcott
and his colleagues to represent the
United Htates and pass their hats among
Torelgn people begging lor a little silver,
Yet scarcely was tho commission on Its
way when our secretary ol the treasury
declared in New York City that "the
gold standard must be maintained.
Scarcely had the eutbuslastio beggar
from Colorado received his first conirl
button from France than Mr. Mc Kin Icy,
hastening to add the weight of his
utterance before Wolcott might per
ohance obtain aooncession from England
declared, with his secretary, for a gold
standard, and joined with him In recom
mending to congress tho radical gold
standard report of the Indianapolis con
vention. Thus discredited at home, our
commission was laughed at abroad, aud
came home to join the administration
iu its efforts to fasten permanently the
gold standard on the American letoplo.
And now Mr. ICdltor we ftnd Nebraska
republicans joining with McKinley and
(inge In avowed declarations for a gold
standard ns a good and desirable tlnug
Iter se. why so many traitors to e
platform scarcely two years old, and en
thuslastlcall.v defended but a few months
ago? Is it sincere, or insincere now? Or
has it determined, alter its herculean ef
forts through the Wolcott commission,
that Europe refuses and always will re
fuse to join us in international bluett
allism, and that consequently a gold
standard, though it means 47 cent wheat
and stagnant industry must be main
In this dilemma I ask the Journal's
What Is the explanation for the repub
lican party's false promise and broken
pledges, and this final right about lice.
Lincoln, Neb,
Spirit of lb (Worm lr.
Edgar Howard, ol the 1'apillion Times,
climbed to Hixbv s Sanctum In the
Htat Journal office tbe other day aud
found that Hlx had just finished a new
KHm which Howard carried away aud
print a follows:
It kart, tars b. kr4, O tint I usr ligkl
iu iksilsis ul rvt iil.llrns) wlskt
m so silk esiefclK tk suit
Sans lists aiusor as ksurkls ur prop.
Wsarf auk sitil-ri sl 1st
Ilssilsa (n.U4 puur, kusst 'Uss Mur.
'ntrt krk I Iks m'I litis k Jus
s..i ttpa ku ss4 iIkuImI tks uak
Ha k Iu Ik kur fs"lUss )
Nstvt as nl auk It !! a.iu,
l ttrt mouth aW
IM i miiulbs C.
" Klr, I iMis,f.
UmI o ats i lki wku
BUI ..f I tlus pSi and
..i t. f (it. w
your ltj ia spr t4
ik nis, i rtnt s.
1 4 i 'i mu br ll
otimikt' a 1 .tim
In tea i.t resr,
4 m II sm I to, 'i
la d, pf it "l.
r U'i ikaria a
I'fvastiiM. Itasli fof if)
!, I U' MMftll Iks
tss li t a doubt 1, 1
tutor ikM a 4 u
try In al l aiaf rw
vii in ike gtw4 aij
vl rvKtrwi,
Our low prices will prevail as long as we have goods to sell.
New Dress Goods,
New table Linens and Napkins,
New Lace Curtains.
New, Window Shades,
New Hosiery,
New lied Spreads,
New Yarns.
New goods arriving daily,
Soft and Laundered
Dress Shirts.
60s Dross Hhlrts, this week 43o
7fu Dress Hhlrts, this week ,
1 1 Dress Hhlrts ,
11.25 Dress Hhlrts, this week,
Bargains in
Prints and Muslins
Medium Print as low per yard as.
flood dark Prints, Go raluo, this
week, per yard..,,
3 l-2o
licet Prints In light or medium A Q Aft
dark, reg, flc, this week, per yd.. t tJ'lt
'20 pieces Anderson LL Muslin, Q Q Aft
regular 4c, this week, er yd.,.0 O'iv
12 pieces IVprt II Muslin, regular
(Ic, this week, per yard
Jost the Right
Shoe or Slipper
Isn't always rnsy to And, but don't glre op
and take something you don't like. You'll
And lb. abo. you want here right lo tyl.
and shape, well made and durable, and ex
tremely low In price, .
Men', low Hhoes, OIoIm, plain, 6-tl, A i OA
regular fl.CO, this week l) I 0U
Men's Kid Low Hhoes, opera or plaiofi i AG
711, regular $1.76, this week leiCI
Men', vlcl kid low Hhoes, coin toe,
7-lX, regular 2.25, this week..,
Ladles' Kid Oxfords, patent tip and
r.lln ,.Hla. I I.U
Ladles' Kid Oxfords, patent tip and ft f f Q
plain, regular f 1.25, this week...altlij
IiadlcM Kid Oxfords, patent tip and
regular 11.50 good, thl week
Ladle' Kid Oxfords, patent and lj AO
stock tip, regular 11.76, now....., 1 itO
Iodle' Kid Oxfords, block, atock
tip, reg, f 2, this week
Ladle' Kid Opera Hllppers, plain and
trap, regular 01, thl week,....
Ladles' Kid Oxford, strap and pat- (ft QE
ent tip, regular f 1,50, this week..! 1 OU
One-fifth off on all brown and colored shoos.
921 0 Street, Opposite P. 0 Lincoln, Neb.
Thoss wsrs Ihs days whss lit wa worth IM11K
Osjr wnsn tktvutsrs anil oourw wrinrKiis
isva whs tistnets sail in ins nun no assuias
Stul tli asjrlaiu ssd jIksI It to Hm.
Torn backward, Jar tluit, turn back Jait mis
To halcyon aVv onr sll ws In lt
And II os rslnss ms, I ssssr tijr inr neek
I'll litiffl.i thin roll and Join spoi tsdeoir Hpso.
Notice to Farmers
and Stock Feeders.
Huy yonr cattle and sheep at the stock
yards. West Lincoln and save freight
nd other ex pun saw. Have yoai sheep
iitited. WeKiinrantee to cure scab, we
o the work for one rent iter head. We
are buying II AY, HTKAW AND GRAIN,
G. H. Geoghegan,
Gen., Mgr., West Lincoln, Neb.
J net try a 10a lwx of Cuscarets, tho
finest liver and bowel regulator ever
A permanent Feature of the Trans-
Mississippi Exposition at
orly Irihe of North Amerkaa Indian
irMttd. I ui'pi slbaologtcai ti
Ml, llr opiHiriauily lo lh vr-
lou lyj ol intsritan Udtaa la their
nliv fftiuHi ami ItatxUiloMa,
rly a Ihouaaad Indiaaa n the
grval eaeHiMiiat grouud wflhia Ik
iHwitHia miiiHur
I'sdef IU d rw iuia of t'atlaia W. A.
mt, V. H. A., iNishi ImliMN Iribeo p
ci.;il in Iketr i'tat'uUr du.
! ttri-rr evttieglb war dni,
luvilii iu lUsrv. ghistl dMt-,
i, u dai, ami olhsr Iradiiuttial
is nl Ik kia ar ntiriu4 by
rss) . asa.
I h grl siki'li'tl tiktbil, la ai
bull I hs I'mis. MiaiMMrs ai-
r.. ttals, ti,iMK, tiUi.liuH a b
I 11 lb lHMllklM.
That wo are prepared to
supply best bale ties at
lowest prices quick. Hay,
Grain, and Mill Feed
bouuht and sold In all
parts of the state. Write
ua for price. Cull anil
see us when you come to
the Kxposltioa,
1898 BICYCLE $3,00
Tat, M Ua ssr a I dale, eaaiaal 4 blra!
sat g rsst stsrallT asr. xa s a Uida sork la
rssr srara Osm. Writs sisw. OOO OVOLB OO.
uaMa, ai M t4 rasnsry. avaj rrsatlUI i. Uklaaa
Katloaal nesmpaieat O. A. M. l.M
Cloclanstl sod latara $lt.0.
Tbe Elk horn Ho (Northwestern) will
ell ticket to Cincinnati and return for
above occasion, September 3, 8, 4 al
ill 8. 60 for round trip. Upon payment to
lDt agent ol do posit fee of 35 oeata
Iralt may be extended to October 2d.
For further Information apply to A. B.
Fielding, T. A., 117 South 10 street.
I p M "i V K."""" "Z-V
WlM Nmv tilun TUrmw. fnu
W mitti llftMuli'Malt
SsHiti nr.
iviuilonUf- tli
tritt im of mnmIIpie.ism tli tw)tiii!n(i''r ti Ul t b tiarvajt.
Uiacsin in. mnnv in
ihnrih nil tin wity.
, npirt. Ktii for rift nlr,
M JlTtVA WStf hpP noil.
Ins CiilKv, Kstrs I IO. I4T. Ivsr Hirm, t1U
Msn, taM). Itl.liiis Osns pliim. UM1H
II m rm. tU. If ar HL.. si m. Ma.n. Hiuvi..
lUmaHN. Hwwlna MalilftMi. I'aua and I I. la. V
V .rloi
will aftpssr suiu. Aw. II.
liaila Sliil InsUHth.r tlllnaa at i."li..!f itaalar
IJsiaMwiis rras. n
kirtliia i bis id.
aaaa rias la., Ual l. l-a. III.
ad Wyamlag
Argnt3ndand 10th, Heptember fllb
and yutb, Oclnber 4th and lMih, the
MX horn una l.orlliwestern). will el
tu ket at on Inr plus J. for the round
trip to polut on It line la Nebraska
wt and north and in Wyoming wst
ol aad muluding Orin Junction. Ths
minimum rouud trip rat lo bw VI,
Htop-ovrr grantml a going trip
yottd Mtaoloa and l'rston, Neb. For
further Information eall on A. H, Ftsld
btg, CT. A., 117 a 10IB Ht.
lb ttiabt Hi I Mlillh
Whsthar tnu sall ths sll tilir mul
by way ol Ml, Mu hai l. or lh overland
rout via. !, hksay, tWr rlvr,
Tako or rink Ins, ytm must tlrst tract a
I iw itlit Krl ol iutirktkia.
I h Ida Uranil nsairn liallwav. In
eonitsritoa wtlh lh It. k II. II.. or I'l'lo-
radu MelUiid It v., i lb hnrl. dim I
and Htulr rout lo Hun FraaruMxi,
rHam!. laiomn or rb-atih. 1 Brutish
hvpiug ear aad trsw rvcliulsg tbair
rr trout Vavr lo Ha l'rasri aad
lb-aver lo iHirtlakd, Otm ol thrvr
mulnw Ikuaa ih Itinkie aad Ik
miiisI aiHgtutlxesI itry I lb wurld
Wnlsl.i J". A, V.l.ih, II, ', A , Hall
.akOiv, lor nu r nf Kload k lobWr,
Inih'I hrgl lb Mvuratua lt IWtoa
tiv.f ib .Si. 11 flat road, Hsiiswilr
H lu 1 iui-lui, al rii l liiih.r
IbarouNd inp. ritirtiig waul
Hr.sasUf ai isu. BialV.
fats. s,mm M
tlil UK3T
Comr ttni Stt St.. LlltCOLR.
rboo 41. . . .
Pill AMortmeit. But Grtte,
Lowest Prlctt.
Wklf rMaally OsadasUd RisartJ
U rartUiJ, Ur tb lwuitM
Oa rbruar 17. aad vrv Tkami
lkraltr at O.lU p. B . 1'ullmaa iansa'
ispiaar. in sbars iJ oar oa iBarsioa.
oaduelor. ar .lsduld lu Iwiv U
Ma lor 1'oriian.l via Wavr, UadvilK
Holt UkCtly,Ogda aad lha Orga
Nbort 1.1a, asalg ikrouaa tka ra4
laesnsry vl lh Ulla aad stpai
svral boar in al Hall Uk Oiv la ai-.
b a tu lo Ik maty oiiu Uwr
in., utriM, lh ksUHi iU latorwMb
tiua may b obuia-4 at II. A U. Vi
or eily lsskt vtthra, eiwasf al tl aad) lUUk
irtsiia, Uao, W. Uti w
Ul',)., .
Tli kkbsl rtalH4,
I Ik kWnrl mi tatUwa Chla
a4 ImBIh, aad aoUlls asttir ai
Is i,.r4 tk Itrtpttat Tog Vid'
auiavtaaav aik.rtle. lit VimsuV
leg ikt auk anal aat,tilaia H
rlr limit tnw HuRalo t a l lJauV
tN rs ianUf at nat b arJ aa4
aUi sinsir all1autaia lu mv
la leal limit at Iwktt. 'sMr ay
bav fkoteaal walerarrwtl rwaia k
a IUviaa4 aad I1lls w libra
Isalbiaii 4 tsikvi. (Ul ttr
lbra4 IHi. Yaa Dntwa Mt, IVsas
i 'Ma, tboj) aatMbtep. Tn
fkoaa Mala IMt,