The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, August 18, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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August 1 8, 1898
Boats Crushed Like Eggshells
by Its Mighty Grip.
Olf Com pendent's Interesting Trt
Through Water u Over I at Ik
Lcbarg Partner 4 Tnlr rati
Qrr Is floats MobbU4 Upon Meds.
(from Oar Bpeolsl Correspondent.
Foot or Lakk Lkbaiwib, May 80.
Wa are littlo surprised to learn that
pimotioally all who preceded us on tbo
trail are camped at the bead of this
lak. This, by the way, includes tome
who crossed (he passe front Dyoa and
Hkagoay as early a last rkiptombcr,
They toll us it if impossible to got
through with anything save auiall
portable boat that can he run from wa
ter to ioe and toe to water eauily. Of
ooturae most of thorn ooold have got
through before ooept for the Fifty Mile
ri?r, whiuh has boon impassable nearly
upon the Ioe, drag up our boat after a
good deal of tugging, place it upon fonr
sleds, or sleighs, making a crosspieoe
for the two front 0110a with a rndo
swivel ao that the vehicle may be
turned easily if required, Joad tip and
tart across the lake diagonally. .We
have not gone a half mile before we are
confronted by a crock, or figure, in the
loe about a foot wide, thon a spaoo of
loo about five or sis foot wide, followed
by another similar fissure running par
allol to it We hesitate about crossing.
The ioe is apparently two foot thick or
more, but there is a weight of four or
five tons to be put upon it, and if wo do
not make the attempt to cross our goods
must bo taken from the bout and por
taged over the weak spot We seek out
what we consider tho strongest spot,
and with a good start make a (huh for
tho other side, Tho ice sinks startlirjgly
beneath tho bouvy loud, but we are able
to drag tbo two forward sleds across
safely upon tho level Jen. Wo are loss
fortunate, however, with the rear of
the loud, for it sinks down into the wu-1
tor and, despite all our efforts, lies ut
an angle of about 49 degrees aud iu a
Krllous position. The bout must bo uu
1ed again, and after a good deal 0:
hard work wo succeed in getting tho
Great reforms are not se
cured by sitting down at
borne and waiting, like Mi
cawber of old, for something
to turn up. Action fa an es-
! seotial to success. The fight
Is 011. Help to spread the
trutb. Get a few doubtful
i voters to read The Indb
PKNDENT irom dow until tbe
result is known. We will
send the paper from now un
til November 10, to new
subscribers, for 20 cents.
Don't wait. Strike now.
The time is at band.
While we have no means of knowing
what was in tbe minds of tbe members
of the committees, mostly composed of
lawyers, who framed the war revenue
act, iayuieu generally believed that it
I was the intention of congress that these
burdens should be borne by the corpora
tions. The latter, however, never pay
any tax- national, state or municipal
tbat tbey can wriggle out of. and if
there be no other way of , escape from
tne law s exactions tney endeavor to
shift tbe tax to their patrons. Some
times tne latter object and anneal to
the judiciary, but it is usually to no
purpose, for it is the almost invariable
custom that when tbe decision is hand
ed down tbe corporation is the winner.
Journal of the Knights of Labor.
(OowrllM l, by I K. Sober toon, pbotofc-raiiher, Uifca:o.)
all winter, owing both to barriers
piled op ioe and to stretches of open
water wnere tno nvor runs rapidly.
Thus they wait for tho lee to break
poo the lake. As tbey wait tbey
spend their not very precious moments
in conjecturing whether it will go out
In three days or three weeks. We rath'
er demur to their statements that it is
useless to try to cross Lake Lobargo just
now, and they reply by saying that if
there bad been even tbe slightest chance
of getting through they would not have
waited in many oases for a month, cat
log op their precious provisions when
there is so much to be galuod by rushing
on. However, we resolve to make tbe
attempt and our start is not only watch
d with interest, but it spurs others up
to follow us.
rartaart Wba Quarrel and gprt.
This question of starting or remain
: tng has figured so prominontly among
argonaut partners tbat it stirs up some
foolish quarrels. In one case I see two
men who have the appoarauoe of pos
sessing ordinary good senso and intelli
gence fight like demons simply localise
two of tbe party of four wish to make
the attempt to go on aud tbo others de
sire to remain uutil tho ioe goes out of
the lake, claiming that tho start now
Will be too great a rink.
"I have got my provisions in so far, "
aid one of tho two combatants after
tbey had been separated, "and I can't
afford to lose tbom now."
As it is impossible to effect a recon
ciliation, the crowd of gold seekers
quickly form a circle about the two
men, each tells his tale of woo, and tbe
matter of a dlrislon is settled by a com
mittee. I dislike to report such cases of
physical encounter and imrsotial quar
rels, because to an outsider it can but
reflect upon the character of those who
com in here, but it should not be far
gotten that such oases are rare and are
not any mora freqtwut than might be
axpsutod, considering tbat many of tho
men are worn out with the self intpotd
hardship of their Journey and that
partnerships In many oases have been
formed hastily. 1 have really seen a
dissolution of partnership over a ques
tion of no less "pith and moment" than
as to who was eating tbe most bacon.
Hat w rMsitvs to go on over the lake
or on the toe, or both, a Ih cam may
K even though it N a dlflloull under
taking. In soma parts tf this bt of
wator of mt 40 inline in length Ilia
tee is fr fort tbUk, aud la other It is
Dot fr I no be, and there are great
ttwteba of opea water b r and Ibrru
af tba obi, lb Mug at lt
II days eatiinr I baa usual, la stm
pi wa matt m si and pika H
get thriHigU, aud high rabUr 14 at
aa aW4it ( ty f. tbe purp.a of
jading- IhHunlug with whr w
atari that t a airw rhsauel of
tf mt the sWs and tkimiith Iht we
erfllf d siuwly pall lb ! auiiU
lllff gvlilug anmt4 a Uud, w Bud tba
way tUii4 ty thkh le kUh
matt U tat and .tth4 eat if lb y.
nwiil la the iv tlgtM wtf p M
oaa'e middle ta tAt a H.f f t tbe
Uwt i awt a iWtd4iy tltMat tnntuji,
tltw, t t I tft t.riil.t. tt.
tMtt ill eftwU tnm 'iah $ Ik
tif . h4 tbtMia Watt
la e taw (it i4 tba .at tttat
la tMtv4 tnm ibe Ut aa4 tt4l4i4
ahaig the w a -4t lrt ibe
W U sasUf. Thai w "i-l! mt aiy
wjr,M kwt axuvward, like tiry' Mav
las, Ut Itttle fartkaf torn kniMM.
taalty, afttr atght w tm mm of
m w m to a wkatf the
t u atiaily ta euidm ai4
annj wMj n hmt mt eallrt huat
ad aatlt. Th ak4 oar iweki
empty boat and tbo sleds on tho ioe end
making a fresh sturt, For somotime
now wo make good progress by putting
up a sail and allowing tho wind to do
our hauling fur us, A snow squall
comes up, aud so long as we can seo
ahead, so wo may not run into thin ioo
or other dangerous places, all goes well.
We finally cross an opening in tho fee
that is about six inches wido, when
suddenly the wind shifts and in a half
hour people who ero just behind us on
the trail are confronted by un almost
impassablo barrier, for tbe flssnre has
spread out to a width of six feet,
nioohad hf ley Harriers.
Finally wo come to a space of open
water mado by the Inflow of arivor,
and we again take to tho boat, but for
a short distance only, for the way is
soon blocked with icy barriers, and we
wield tho ax, saw and pike pole in or
der to effect a piissngo. Thus we ad
vance slowly, uud what might seem a
bit laboriously, but the hardHltips ore
not half as bad as they probably seem
when spread out in cold type upon
white paper. Further wo have tbo bent
reasons for believing that Thirty Mile
river aud tbo ontlro waters beyond to
Dawson City are free from ice. 80 wo
are all iu fuirly good spirits. As I die
tato this I am perched up in tho middle
of the bout nod my wife is putting it
down on the typewriter with the ut
most speed. Dinner is cooking 011 a
stove at one end of tbe boat, aud I catch
tho smell of the savory aud succulent
"towed beau as it Uwuftwl across to me
by tbo chill wind. We hove been out
about three hours this morning and
hove chopped and broken our way
through only about a half mile of ice,
but there Is clear water juNt ahead, and
We iiojie to muke it by V4 o'clock
the time tho inflow began to be noticed
two boats are crushed like eggshells in
ta migbty Kruno and another has been
literally pulled in twain by a crowd of
iron no men who attempt to release her
xroro tbo pythonlike icy monster tbat
holds her in its grasp, I believe no one
suffered mutorlal dumage to his outfit,
bnt the ions of bouts will be folt severe
ly, for at this state of the trip material
tor tne nomemaao variety is hard to
We render what assistance lies in our
power to tho unfortunate ones and at
about 8 o'clock in the evening hoist our
all ana slowly proceed down the river.
A. A. IIiu.
How Railways Rob tba Mailt.
u tne coming campaign must be
fought upon a single issue, it should be
tbe restoring to the people their inher
ent right to pass final judgment nnon
laws whenever a reasonable number of
tnouj petition for suoh a privilege. I
believe that as the people are recog
nized to be, and as they are in fact the
sovereign power they should have tbe
right to afllrai or veto any legislation
upon petition. This is ktywn as "di
rect legislation" or "initiative and ref
erendum." If any of our silver friends
object in that this would indicate on
my part a docreaHe of interest in the
money question, I would say that under
this system the people would speedilv
cause to be enacted not only the restora
tion of silver, but the other ereat re.
forms advocated in the Ohiougo plat
form. Congressman Todd (Dom.) of
It rnsy U that 1 ain't hln arlreNtod
HtiOtiiinntor er mora '11 th' luw allow.
En poKNlbl to unddrHiioullii murxif
Ain't VunUil to oiiii ttutt f,lliw ttlowa
En poMHlblo Hint liit'riwt fumiuriceorur
Wi'J fix th' bull thins nu fur ins an rem.
En -KHMlbla tluit tliDin uld arm? Rrounliuuk
wus IBi tiul tnliiu mtuvv eightuon nixty-two
En p'rhupil'in not s "export" in th' soltmca
Of puttln jobs uu on th' uove'nmont
En inakln of It pay its iMitu in monojr
J out donhlnd un in vni'a mmoa 'twaa lnnt
En posnlhl 1 wouldn't be ient htindy
la tskln money thut wu runnln wiiutr
En lurnla It to int'rewt bonds on foolln
Tb' tollln millions to bolluvs 'twas fair.
Set wlmt I ns I knows, J kind of reckon,
m wnn s tiiom whose minds run on their
En plun their sohamns s'ln tb' slnte en nation
En how to take frum you en add to self.
En I bav soon th' old sroonbsck on trial
Whur sold an silver both hnd slunk to rnar
Cn patriot buarts wus darin storm of battle,
mm nsror rt wus stwn s fuunsnotur.
Ea thara with stars ss brlirht as noonday shlnlo
uio uiory uoatou o'r tu' cannon's glare,
Ea there was tbet uld greenback, strong an
A-boldln (J lory In th' pulsln sir.
En there It huld It in th' storm en roarln,
J'utiont as niountulns Is to boor tliolr load,
En brlnwln tiuns on sust'nanca to th' armies
la thulr sdvsniiln on tb' for'ard road.
I say It staid there thot old army srennback
Wbon gold en Hi Ivor both Im d slunk to rear,
en it oora itr nation's aritiios throuub to glory
nuiiuui 111 iiiup or any luenancvor.
En simply 'caiiMt Its strong, er I'm mistaken,
To litdp In time of war er toil or noed
En costs tb' nation nuthln fer Its service 1
Its dnatb is ealltH tut by th' vampire greed.
Ea I've s notion thct th' feenanacerers
'LI And tlmlr ahumos come to a sudd'o end
Bomo inoriiln 'arly when th' voters ans'ers
liiot that old grotmback Is tb' nation's friend.
Bn I va a notion thet In earth's proxressloa
En man's conditions that are yet to be
That slav'ry to Rold'U be nnrootwd
Es wus tb' old time slav'ry of sixty-three.
Uuury Hludo Uoff In Mew Time.
But They Loan to Investors, Whom They
Kuln by Their Outrageous Usury,
ft t .n . . -
a suoHcriocr taxes us to iuhk for our
comments on tbo Nutional liunkors' us
sociutiou convention that meets here
next ui6utb and sines the sonir so fa
miliar to all of us about driving capital
out of tho Htitto. We wuut to auk un y of
our readers if tbey ever kuew of a
banker investing money? Out of all tbe
eastern money Invested in tbe city of
ucnvir ana tne state or Colorado, we
venture to say that not 6 per cent of it
baa been iuvuxted by bunkers. Tbe very
nature of tbe nutional buuking laws
prohibit these men from investing How
miuh money bus Denver bankers in
I vested iu Colorado euternriso! Miuhtv
We are ancond Iu a loiia lino of boats ' lltlI eswT n h enterprises as they
ana soows, trying to nush their wiv i w neon loretui to take in.
through, tbe method being to join forces
and with saws aud axes cut a passage
broad enough for tbe widest craft to
pass through. The leading boat ha just
out her way into own water and a
mighty t bHr gms up, for tbe argonauts
well kuow thut a imtontBe has ten matin
for them which tbey individually could
not cut tu a fortuigbt.
Tbo day i warm aud the sun i shin,
tng 1 "Tightly. .Suddenly a trees spring
up aud fatv tbat have bewt wearlug
Btiiile Iwuiii to bow alarm. The tbw-k
ie i crw plng iu uu lb linn id boat a
IWy are U-mg pushed forvrd.
HloUvkl tlo Wkl" U In rr.
"Vour Ut will l uiabx iuptwl"
the4 f tea Matt,
Th fl fofrtuiist u luanai ta
g Mud th iui aud into tjwn
ter ia safety, tu th UUiu two or
Ihrwi are pushing itiavlly wa aud IS ml
ar as vainly (! pun ia rinit
Slowly but w lib a lulgbiy hwvv th Urn
""H Iu. Mill wnk if tf tbvir
llv, TUy U gin fianll.lly ki auUit
thaif fattti ol i tinbMx aud rMhtug,
Ibntwtug th ! and tts hHt
aklit uu. i tb i, ia a st-utt i4 d.
ritt tt lwa Ikaa B tuiwattsi tnm
IWH Ivllf Ug l t m a taa tHkl tt
rU4 a W4 pm4 V 4 m taa Kt i
atbt hwk tdwMWH hek4 ,
r r III! i
sans w
Nit 4 I, ant4
NMi. tt. Ms4
WU a4 UMahl. I, Afl aVMitta
fltM4 1 IV t ilMt a lis. la Mss.
Ik eA lMMtaita tiMNt a atHa
We Udteve tbere is a fi.ild for bank
ers, aud wo have uo objwtion to mouey
loniier and three ball men. but we do
not uuderstuud why a lot of these M
lows who are able to pay tbdr way as
Well as auylHNly else on earth are able
to tin should be ruceurnged to visit ns,
belteviug tbat tin y can come to Colo
rado aud have a bully gomt time at the
expanse nf our popla Every one of
them coming to ibu convetituw will
rid on a w procured by sum rail
Mad r-aur r, aud wb n thy g l her
our il ar trvl'Kl lo rutrrum
them rvyally. W bo uur peupl will
entertain ttwiu royally, just la oak
thaw feudtrtud thai w ar a great
big. liU ral, brd luinded jwopl and
lrMit vrvhly lUtmly that nxu bir
tnm a l'bntuu taiU'vnr oaviiiioa
to a eiavciiui tf tmlbuga
Uul It luahf a wry la hor tpl
talk aUiut tl suioant ttf tuivy ibis
ruvttiti I giug t tavtalVhif4a
Of tnd- i t.tia la IXdurada, V r
o wry ttilt wiiselt, bat w venter
ti y a p"r a w t mil
fct mi? la lKida ta ta f r
tb4 lb fUllr Nll.t tUukrf'
utU will Ut u kumU aUui
lba tUlas,a-luvvf Nw tts.i
t tilia aa4 l Wm Vav
A I'attvd tttt Mittitalia at IH
twtnw, U. ht dct ttM la irrv
iiiMi immsI -Af k mil l
W kv4 H a rvi(l gttaa y laans,
4 N 4 M N ita4 a4 M i
tW itui lb tkjKt 4 a t4Mutf
laaisiad kat la ahit tf ! af Ik
tt. Ik 'ttw) f th )defd twrl
la tali Ut ta wk k4 It vtta
saurw laa dtary tattl, a tt till
aav aa tta4tt WsMtitg m th f
twva Iiaasvtit4yf irthwf taiit
that hv Ik a tat MvvawaftUy lr
ffv4 U va tie t thtf tuafa
Tb World Moves.
A new feature in the Democratio
! stote platform is tbe Indorsement of the
initiative and referendum and advocacv
j of constitutional revision in order to
extend their use in this state. The adoD-
j won or tnis system would tend to con
servatism in tbe best sense of that
word. Representative legislative bodies
are more likely to give approval to wild
experimental ideas tbau is tbe entire
body of the people. Wise reforms, on
tbe other hand, like the merit svstom
and provisions for protecting public
property rignts, nave an added stability
ana sanction from approval by oonula
vote.- Chicago Record.
What's the Use of Lying?
Basod upon an estimated population
oi 7,ozu,ouu, tne per capita circula-
- i. i. I . . M , .
tiuu an me Beginning or July was
134.74. This is an Increase of $2.17 ns
compared with last year at this time
St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Tell us bow much of this money is
noaraea up in tne united States treas
ury, how much in banks and trust com
panies' vaults. Then we might perhaps
get a true idea ol tne amount in circu
lation, the only portion that is of any
benefit to the productive clashes, and
also the extent of the monstrous false
hoods promulgated by tbe gold organs.
-Cleveland Recorder.
Ha Saea the Light.
It is not unnatural that tbere should
have been an increase each year in tbe
gross amount paid railways by tbe post
office for the transportation of mail
matter, but the amount has grown from
110,624,050 in 1888 to $33,876,521 in
1807. The average annual cost per mile
has also steadily increased, the figures
during each year having been : 1888,
10.62 cents; 1889, 10.60 cents; 1890,
10.84 cents; 1891, 11.01 oents; 1892.
11.81 cents; 1893, 11.43 cents; 1894,
11.46 oents; 1895, 11.68 cents; 1806,
12.05 cents, and in 1807, 12.40 cents.
The present rate is tbe highest since the
Free Trial to Any
Reliable Man.
Weak Men Restored, or No
Expense for Treatment
A Conrao of Remedies the mar
vel of medical science and Appar
atus indorsed by physicians will bo
VANCE PAYMENT. If not all wo
claim, return them at our expense.
M M -
vri the
Securing fret-
'om from the grip
catarrh makes
friends or
1'e-ru-na has
It'cn malum
f':",rSJ X mt'IU,'', t"il
I J'i 1 ''nil for many
-t' Jeara. Hcurv
fi t aturrli wher-
( V . - , -A ' vt r hi'aU-d.
tnit, Mich., Is one of the uiuny thou
sandot lV-ru na'a fr'u-iuls. This U what
ah say tit lr, llarliuan:
MV have usi your iV ru io with
tbe nitwt rt-uiarknlle rvsulteand would
not tin without It. We bv always
rvinunii,U-. tt to our frit ml. A ft t
year a'u I pun hii d a UittU vt your
IVru-u and afUr attlng lu rvutU.
rtttuiiM luh d ll tu my rri r h hu uat I with iliivit. the fwrltiif of j
whUh In.liuvd Iut t.i at ll it iu l r '
ttr, hhi baa iUI UrL'w iihiuuU of
AGED. Men who suffer from tho
effects of disease, over-work, worry,
from the follies of youth or the ex
cesses of manhood, from unnatural
drains, weakness or lack of develop
ment of any organ, failure of vital
forces, unfitness for marriage all
such men should "come to tho
fountain head" for a sclentiflo
method of marvelous power to vital
ize, develop, restore and sustain.
On request we will send description
and particulars, with testimonials,
in plain sealed envelope. (No
O. D. imposition or other decep
Cut out this offer or mention
Buffalo, N. T.
Spend August iu the lllaok Hills.
Go first to Hot SprlnRH. Tbere you
cuu bathe, rirlp, bicycle.climb mountain,
dance and play tenois to your heart's
content. If your limbs are stiff, your
kidneys oot of order or if you are
troubled with exenma or any other form
of skin dwease, a month at Hot Springs
wilf make a new man of ynu. i
Sylvan Lake and Soearflsb aro within
a comparatively short dintance of Hot
Springs and everyone who visits the
Klnek Hills should see them. Sylvan
Lake is the prettiest and coolest sum
mer resort in the west. Spearfinh is
reached alter a railroad ride that ranks
among the experiences of a lifetime.
1 here is notbinsr like it anywhere else on
the globe.
During August, tbe Iiurlintrton Route
will run two low-rate excurnions to Hot i
Springs; one on the 9th. the other on
the2titbof that month. Tickets will
be sold at one fare for the round trip
half-rateH and will beiroorl to return
any time witbin SO days.
urgamiB a party. Arrange about
your hotel accommodations at Hot
Springs. Pans the most delipbtful month
iu tbe year in tbe most delightful sum
merland on the enntiuent and arrange
for your tickets and sleeper accommoda
tions at B. & M. denot or citv office
coruer 10th and O streets.
Geo. W. Bonnkll.
C. P. & T. A.
Private Diseases
Years BWlenoe.
10 Years ia Omaha.
"Vk free, (kinsnlta.
tion free. Bia7Ufl,o
14th sad Farnsm Bti.
If yon need Be Mires,
Sections, Comb Foun
dation, Smokers, or
anything els for tbt
Apiary, send the prlc
to us: will ship I mm,
diately. Large Illu
trailed Catalosra Fra
1785 South 18th St,
Omuba, Nebraska.
0 per off to California aad Other Pa
alfle Cast traveler.
The above reduction applies to th
time enroute. By the North WMtern
Unlon Pacific rout th time Isoncnlgbt,
or 18 hours, less than by other Unas.
This saves money, berth rate, and thir
teen boors of wearisome ear riding. At
Fremont connections ar direct with
throutrh tourist and Pullman slaenara.
chair ears to Denver, Oirden, Salt Lak
elty, Portland and San Franeiseo. Din
ing car throusrh to th eoaat. Get tlo.
t and berth reservations of A. H. Field
Ing, city ticket asrent, 117 sooth 10th
st., Lincoln, Neb,
it is always
and there is where you should
go tor a good rest,
30 YS...
Will save a doctor's bill equal
to twice the cost. Information
and tickets at B. & M. depot,
or city office, corner 10th and
O Streets.
Ta f'URt Mouml and Ala.ka Point.
The NortliWHstern Union 1'nciflo Is the
direct route to the I'ufcet Sound and
AlaHka points. Momma and afternoon
truitw make dlnct connection at Fre
mont with through tourist sleepers and
fret reclining tmir eiirs to I'ortland.
For correct Information cull on A. H.
Fielding, city ticket HReiit, 117 south
l'h St.. Linenln. ..i
New Lincoln Steel Range
and please your dear wife and family Warranted tb
most ierect cookiug stove made. We nse tbe very best
cold rolled patent leveled steel, and Hue every Hang
with asbestos and toel, which make it iuiposxible to
set fir to your floor. They are handsome, attractive,
up-to-date in pnttrn and de!,, lull nickel trimmed,
win uiira anj sino 01 iuei, win last a life
time. Made on honor, sold on merit. This
is wby w eall them th "bkht on bartb."
If your dealer doe not handle them b
make a great mistake. Writ to ua and
w will provide a way for you to buy on at
a rwiaonabl prion.
Buckstaff Bros. Mfg. do.,
Patronls bom Industry mad in Nebraa
j S' 09 t0 Ottlcer. Bank
and Lspre Companies ol Lincoln, and
thousand using our tUuit, rWil -.
tantion Riven Hotel and Iteataorant Outfit
I At
It. MyiUughu r baa jnt Wm nmd j IL I ?vk U'd a t the
ft jaundU-w with IV ru b. My n 1 r" it bidrjwM tvtlfm your wo.4,
wHild grow ty h.iv 1 to Wknn lo ! A til RFRflAH DRDS. .'
1 ....... ... I iX" ,
" n- i4 l our liuiiM'liat ttttntty
lli I ha al ul of ir.
If, lUrtmaa, lrrMUitt of tW uri-i
I Hal. tollil.a, KhH ill Vhih1
and prvM-riW Bfiy thowHt wntra
tlii yrr frr of charo. .ry salTr
i ws b14 writ U-t spvtUI
jiht!.. blank fur wiwts, and hf
Ixr lUrtmstt KA. llih aa l
IWaaty. Ail UmgUU U Vn ,
15,000,000 LBS. WOOL
Tkl'm mM mm hmtmllmd Immt fmm, Thl'm a a
mt mifmtl al ra mt t ) mmmmtmmltte,
W sell tllrw t to the Butnufavturvr and do not pmldl your w4
out in small drib. Mra sbmU faal aatvanaa on tttualk-nniBt
and ibrs oaW mt Ihm mtm mi mmml, pmm rr iini nfaj-af
on tb same, supply k in la our patrone. e aavtt Bt
iw(i-sa jmmrm- saw i vmm syewas Mf III krrp
J'U ililufUMd M to Hie rvotitk ol live .! luajkrt. rile ua
, Wm mmm a Ao iwij fWat.
U!Utl!l.l AUIAiaa ass
Haiisstltllf. IsHllflUU. ILL
X t ttrnnttnmTirf. iT--i
i - - - 7 ii'miiii inHi rjmn jtti'"' " 1 j
CgAtiirricriaii f
t a'art
and bwMalai
f rtol f
iiMtitUt liter, ktdtir)
lke, k t
IPffitt'lillirl list:r Cer;uy.
u44l,g 4S tttilla
tmm 10th aad Itard Kit tmm in
Vrtteki liwa,
UMAUA, t l I !
lt M teat, IKU matt N av4 WMW - v . as