' ' ' -. y ,, . V. . " " i 1 :' . ''' " v. V'." ' ' ' ' ' Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated. , LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY AUGUST 18, 1898. NO.ri4. VOL. X. MMMMMMB MHM MMMM MMMMW I 1 ' I I .... I STATE MONEY SAVED Economy in tba Administration of ' State Ioitltutlon Baraa Thouiandg of Dollar. TAXPAYERS GET BENEFIT Bapubllcan Miartile And JExtrara ganc M Sbowa br the) Official Bacorda. Th ret end the Figaros. Maaj million of dollar in tat taxe bar two collected from tb peopled Nebraska during her thirty-two year of slattbood. Much of tbl money baa uo. doubtdly been well spent, and do pa trlotie citizen begrudgee tb portion be contributed toward good government; but, on the other band, every taxpayer , baa a right to know that bia contrlbu tlon to the com moo food baa beeo ex pended judiciously and economically ,and no good citizen can countenance gross misnianagHmsnt, wlllfol extravagance and downright dishonesty la tb expen diture of public money. Tart ol tfimi mllliona baa not been well soent. Just bow much no man can tell; for la the very nature of tblnga losses or iraine cannot be computed after the fashion of the merchant, AbatractJy, every dollar pHld out for state govern ment la a loss; bat when properly ex pended every dim of . public money brinae dollar of good to the citizen. What constitute proper and Judicious expenditure Is, ol course, a question up on which stood citizens mar honestly differ, but It wil be conceded that, In the transaction of atate business, nothing less than tba aame watchful care one would girt to bia own private affair can be considered ae good government. No one deni that tba atata aboqld provide mean for tubing cara of tba In sane, the incorrigible, the iwoie-minoeo, the oVstifnt, and the criminal.' Society demand, for iU own good andaafety, that ancli te done, and it would be anc le to dwell further opon tba sociologl cal uhane of tha queation. Jtot wbo la to aav what fa the necessary eot of main taining these ward of the atate? Wbo knows to a certainty what it afaould coat to roaintala a convict at the peni tentiary or an Insane person at the asylum? We can aay nothing by way of answer except to enow wbat it boa coat in tb past. There la no constitutional provision which read that the coat of maintaining a Won at Lancaster shall not exceed sixty cent per day; neither doe the law atate that an average cot of 20.8 cent per day shall be the maxi mum, o tbe republican party in 1878 paid sixty cents, and in 1804 paid 41 cent for what the populist party today get at a cost of a trifle mom than twenty bent. Let no man, however, fall Into the error that tbecheapest method of caring for tha atate'a unfortunate ward i always the best. Nothing lea than tha best of care, at the leat possible cost consistent therewith, should be sat isfactory to our cltiien. With tbi Idea always in mind, I may say that a com Jinrison of record I the only way to udga which political party baa shown tself entitled to the people confidence which bo been incapable, extravagant, and dishonest, and which ha proven iUelf to be capable, economical and honest. The record art tb best evi dence. It I Incontestible that tba discipline In all state Institulions wa never better than today: that tha s'ate'a nafortn oata ward are better fed, better clad, and in belter health than ever before; that the utmost neatnese and elennlinas I avery where apparent at each institu tion; and that all otfloera and employe are more courteou and obliging: to all visitor lhau they were In the day ol republican, administration. Ho much for thia phase ol our comparison. PromJauuarv l.lMUJ. to May 81, 1HUM. ariodo(2.43 day, tha total coat to the taipaysr of Nebraska br matstaiuiuf all atato charitable and Jwnat Inaiiiutio waa tba sum of IJ.etfi.Ulonit. Th average aniuber of luiuatee la Iheaa institution during thia iwriod wa . n. M. time shoalu n avsr g wr tpi(4 eoat of tl.taj toalur the trlol,or practirallv i costs r day for a la mat. The averg daily fwadittr foe aiaiauaaaiw. It will b ob rl, w a l,tau.l.1. The MloaiHg Is hi rover the lima from Jaaaary I, HUj, lu kaber 8t, lHUl, a rit4 ol lotMt dys, luet ir. tliitg ih laaagaraliwa d tiovsraor lloleuiubj No. la- Total lrri Year, l"t' 51 IW1 1HV4 malt, rtMt. iiavwl ai 4a,U4A ! To- MS ... ii 14 tat. i, jut, nit ii iHvidlng Ida lUl INt4 fif llirtn jfM ff tlk MH4 M 4s thlllt In h Imn ,.t a. al ihU ivtll t kaMst wf iaaMiy4t til thaw adHf ikl Marly is eal yt laal. Tata, rHMMUr, M tha day 4 a rWurm adatiateira. tJf. Id labia Wbiw, vri tha tin twa Jaaaavv I. Il, I .uvswWt Ail, lava, la hardly latr Ut U laht o4aii. WtralMHt, (aaeataell a It lsMiatNtl tknst aHiaa(4 ilal fvpab aa il lain la M ait lullitag. hn aa tbtl tbaagvj la iV4 la a4ft!f iKfMfia oa Nuvrotbat 1 bava uka lb tkim aa ahoaa by report on file. During tbla period of 700 daya Governor Uolcomb and bi ap poiutee were In , control of part of tba state Institution, and tb republican board of public land and building ana their appolnteea bod control of tba re mainder: , y .,, No. In- Total Per cap- Year, matea. ' coat. ita coat 1895 3519 1428,164.16 f 1O0U7 18tt6 2648 805,lf 17.97, 143.83 To November 30. Average No. Inmate 2534; total cost for periodf 793,882.13. I'roceedlnir aa before, w Bud tna av erage daily expenditure to bare been 11,183.40, or more than fou peraiam lee for maintaining 392 more inmate than In the preceding period, or an aver age daily cost per inmate of 44.7 cent. Altuouan republican control ol a tew of theatatainetitutiooa continued dur ing tba month of Penember, 1896, and part of January, 1897, 1 bare tot thought best to separate tb Item, bat rather to allow tb period of $547 day, from December 1, 1897, to May 1, 1898, to aland a repreeeutlug toe work ot a reform administration unhampered by republican barnacle: Year. No. la- Total Per cap 1897 to matea. coat. Ha cost Nov. 30 2448 378,957.60 1153 67 189810 May 81.....2425 181,926.68 75,02 Average,...2447 $557,884.18 ; ' Showing a coat of $1,019.89 per diem for maintaining a dally average of 2437 Inmate, or 41.8 cent per inmate per diem. Or, looking at it la another light, a cost of $164.09 ls each day lor supporting 295 more Inmate tbao the republicans were able to do, Tbe difference between republican wars of mismanaging inetltotioue and populist economy might be figured oat by some republican statistician a only 13K cents per day la the care and main tenance of each Inmate of public char itable or penal institution, and be mltfhtboldap with ridicule that 13 cents, and with withering sarcasm point to tbeatiugineaa and littleness of pop ulist, liut bold on, my friend, do you know what that 13 cent mean for tbe period we bare been investigating? It mean exactly $739,617 09. It mean that tb taxpayer of Nebraska would have paid out uelesly nearly 0740,00') lor republican extravagance and theft in a little less than six and a ball year if they bad not shown their good sn in 1896 by making a complete change la political servant. It means that the taxpayers did lone bv republican mis management $316,930.82 during the vaars 1802 8 4.-- - " , And it further means that the magnift- oentwam of 1369.165 69 baa been aaved to tbe taxpayere of Nebraska in tba on item alone ot maintaining penal and charitable Inititatione, by Governor Uolcomb and bia fellow executive offi cer and tbeir appointee. ' Taxpayer, where will your rote be counted In November? ChaklrrQ. DeFuakce. Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 10, 1898. MANAHAN NAMED Young Fret Silver Democrat of Llo cola Selected. The three convention, populist, free silver republican and democratic which w tb to select a candidate for coon res in tbe First District, met in Platto- mouth last Thursday. There waa a large atttendance, every county In tbe district being fully represented. Tbe three convention orxanixed In separate balls. It wa agreed upon con ference that it should require a major ity In each ot the three conventions to make a 'nomination. Tbe flret few ballot developed tbl state of affair; Tb populist were very nearly solid for George W. lierge, of Lincoln. A large majority of tbe silver republican were also for him. Tbe democratic convso tion waa about equally divided between th friend ot J anie Mauahan, of Lin coln, and Mathew (Jrmg of t'latu moutb. There w a another feature to tb situation. The democrat had tbeir heart set upon having tbe eongreaaiou! nomination. They urged that with a tat ticket compose! of nearly all of populist and a populist United Ptalea senator candidate for re-slectlta the democrat wra equitably entitled to th congressional nomination In thia district with If large democratic vol ami that It would b hard to g out th democratic rota If It wera not given to them, Al'eraeveral balloUOeort Abbott, of llli liardsua county, took th floor with a motion to conamlth sonil Hon to democrat and M lhin seise I th in, Tbl wa vgnmus!y opptN! and Dually w withdrawn. Part of la I(h hardoa aadl'n county popn bat began voting lr democrats) eaadl date. Oa the lKfitvttth ballot Me, krg aitttdrsw bU nam la on of tha troagwit '! mos afWilag MMtli of hi lit. Tb vot oil ha puiil and ilvsr repablwaa tavNlion Ihea hilietl anoiatl natll lb ytih Im11.iI wiisn Maaaaaa rwtvl wi)riy, la all Urw, There waa a flu 4 Mrd rul between Ik fr ! of Uaaakaa aad terlag lath dNitarali llo aad suae Iveiiag uvr lb ruU. lb popatiai ttiaveailoa .iiid a 4ibrai htrhastwHMM tl Owska aad Ml, l.itui plalbira a4 dnlrw fur a tii. la uriitoia of all who be lUtved la tu f iais. l,UTIKUbl ttlM IIU1K ! 4aiti Ah a ft! iwi UMa Ik tkM NiWMkt JfkiaiU, !, Aug, It rial TvUgr H lb 1Sl.)-(itvrawr IfuWauiK wtMi k ea ta a lit with (VUmivI Itrtaa l lb Third Nebiao k rvglmewt f vetasteera, baa Uft ff been. AT An Intaraeting Bketoh of tba Pao- pla'a Caodtdata and Hla .' Boon Count Farm. , 20 YEARS OFEABNEST EFFORT Written From Hif Bom Town by ft Oorraipondoot of tha Ohl-, V ' oago Bacord. Taeatorreralf-niaa Man, "Tba allied ailvar parties' candidate for governor of Nebraska I proving a surprise to many persona. Wltbln than fifty hour afUr b bod appeared before tbe delegates of tb three con van tioos in Lincoln and acknowledged tb applause which shook the three bouses, visitor to William A. Foynter'e farm, wbo came upon blm without warning, found tb candidate clad in blue overalls attending to th morning work of tb dairy. Having Jut milked bis cow is the barn, b waa running tb machinery of the butter-making plant with bia own banda. , " . : "Tba borne of tb fusion candidate for governor of Nebraska ia on tba quarter section where be nettled la 1879. It waa then merely 160 acers of prairie land. Now it i a farm with tb best modla of the land. When It is sold that tb owner take cbiefest pride In saying that every tree that now grows there and post that bos been set upon tbe land was done with bis own bands, it will be appreciat ed wby be went from tbe nominating convention back to tbe daily occupation that bas been bis for nearly twenty years in the same place. "Oa the wall of tb ante-room of tb governor' office at Lincoln are portrait of th past governors of the atate. Tbeae are Bo tier. Furnaa.Garber, Nance, Da wee, Tbayer, faoyd, Crounee and Hoi comb tb latter being entitled to tbe place because tba portrait la usually bung at tbe close of the flret term. Tbeae cover tbe time aince tbe state was admitted into tb anion, and although it ia and al way baa been a distinctively farming atate, there boa been no govern or aince Furnoe wbo waa aa actual farmerthat ia, ona wbo made farming bi chief buvinens. If W. A. Poynter portrait i hnng besid tbos named It will be entitled to tb designation "farm er governor," For In all tb yeare when the rough, bard work of breaking tbe prairie sod and building the borne waa in progress, there wo never a hired man kept on tbe Poynur farm. Not until four or five years ago was a hired man added to it. . "For a short time young Poynter en gaged in mercantile pursuit and theu farmed uutil, in 1879, he moved to hi preaent home and settled upon tbe land which is now bis farm, eight miles north east of Albion, in Boone county. . . "The Hoone county of that day was not the succession of well-tilled farm that it i today. It i remembered by old settler that tha Poynter house wo the only frame structure for twelve miles up and down tbe valley of Plum creek. All others were built of tbe native sod. Mr. Poynter recalled tbe other day bow on one Hunday afternoon oon after tbey bad erected tbeir first bouse shs and ber husband walked np to tbe top of a ridge half a . mile or so from tbeir home and looked out over the beautiful roll ng prairie a it stretched away for mile on every band, and there wa not another bumxa habitation In Her tb young couple lived and worked. "la local agricultural affair ia Hoon county W. A. Poynter bo been on of tb leaders. For ths six years just past he wa prentdeot of the Hoon county lair association, and h and bi asso ciate mad it on of tba few Bnancially successful Institution of It kind. "Th Pointer family' house is th Ideal horn of th farmer. It I not a lordly mansion imply a comforlabl boms. A part of tba ona story frame house waa Iramed In llllnolaaad brought aloug when tba youug man and bia wile, wi'h ibeir laiant bov, first moved out, It ha beer wi led to, and today the via Itor sews Ironi the outside a white eoU lag nestled among shad tree, a lib a grossv yard, aad her and there bright bawl flower aurrouadlng It, (aside, be fore lha tbrvabbuld U mmmmm, that r Ruemsal such a only vulture! woman caa Imparl, I uaiuistababia, Mr. Poyn ur 1 know a a gsaeral lartner, bat b baa a lalty la a dairy herd, alia whwa h haa fx"' smoenslul is lb bi-bl drgra, Oa tb Puater (arm vvorjribiHg I tborouabtir4llereliird, ptilaad t hid, Mud P'f atoulb Hoiks. ll ta m. 14 Y. A. Poisler I hat wbea b lfl talked of tuotiatf la Nlrak hi ghtr la Pimm Uoagat It wa lMlt uf hi la barr blatsaif w th u bft'kt prairtoa. Dh uf lb lk4 hi alUstutalo tb la?t Ibal Ptiialsr' lather ft wi lodi aa woaid b'p bou la a basiase atari, that wa bw dU ik pr.frr woald halaraMy U divhM ! Ibal Willlaat would tweoai beriahHjis bi:4 ag, V) by butd be Wait all tbl aad g of lu k allied imwii Iroaikff UtiH itak l lha lata aad lha .Uit .0.i why b wa fiarf la Mk IM -, If I star her I will AleMblk oaolwr ltbr, It gt omI lbf wkatsvef of imxw null mmt tone ill Mia, aad I will be keia a W. 4 potr, ljtvr taiall lhal aM ixav be aad buavsf ireaiMirbt h il I may bav ti trod, lb bwiiag that I ant laaVbtMi to a aa'a Ua" bat POiNTEK HIE only to my . own exertion, will fully compeniat.' "Tbla wo tb key to ona aide of W. A. Poynter' character. On of tb thing In which Mr. Poynter fak prld I that In tb twnty reura be baa lived at hla present bora tie bae never badadieo greement with a neighbor, and there I not one wbo would not do all h could to help blm in a neighborly way. Tb atory boa been told that when th drouth of 1890 left most Nebraska farmer without need grain, Poynter furnished bia neighbor with what seed be could, asking them to return only buabel for bushel from the next crop." JUDGE ROBINSON THE MAN Nominated Tods? by tb JUforaa Forces la the Third District Norfolk,, Neb., Aug. 17, (Special nrclegram to tbe Powt.) Judge John . Itobinson. of Madison wa nomina ted at tha congressional convention held here tbls afternoon. Judge Bob liuton was not present at tbe conven tion, ' , t ' ! Judge Boblnaon wa formerly law partner of Senator W. V, Allen, baa been diairlsi judge in the district b ;livew In, is a free slrer democrat, and well and widely known. Ha is regard ed oa a very strong candidate. t ' 4 . . The itppllostlos 4ppreed ; Cblcksmauga, Aug, 17-(Speclal tal rgrarn to tbe Post.) Tbe application of General Walter, commanding tbe Third brigade, Second division of tba Tbird corpa, waa today granted leave to take bi troops out on a tea. daya eajr practice march. .'...;.',,, ' y . , ax eiHMlMok at Ma lla . : '' Manila, ,ria Hong Kong, Aug, 17, (Speciai telegram to tba Pot,) Th monitor Monad nock reached bera Sat urday and Joined Admiral Dwwey'a fleet. Tbe long ocean voyage was without incident. . , T U llsck ta Cabs , Washington, Aug 17, (Special Tel egram to tba Post.) It is stated to day that It is mora tban probable that Colonel Roosevelt and tba ' rough Mdera will be sent back to Cuba this fall. , ' Cable Cenplei ' Paris, Aug, 17. (Speciai Telegram to tha Poat.) President Faure and President McKinley today exchanged greeting over the completion of tba new French coble to the United States. Baroate to rrlsea New York, Aug. 17. (Special tele gram to tha Poat.) Jim Corbett, tbe pugilist, left thia morning for, San Francisco. THINKS AN EXPLANATION DUE QUESTIONS GERMANY'S ACTION London Time aay Editorially That Oer asasy Owe Apology to Uasl as for Kenovlag iieaersl A agastl , London, Aug. 17. (Special telegram to tbe Poat.) Tb action of German in assisting General Auguatl to eacape tmm. Mil n 11a after tha homhurimsnt nrka'bad coiniiM-oVed, is seriously ques tioned by ail th leading London pa per today. Several papera insist that th laws of neutrality were fractured by tba unwarranted oaatatanm given August!. lb Time oaya editorially thia morning that "an explanation ia due from tiermany for taking tb gover nor general of the Pbilipplue away from Manila In the manner Indicated by the dlspaU-b." ilONDKNlED WIHI! MATT till Cual propertl at Sundane, Wyo., are bring Aiktied oa a larg avl. It I believed thai a Carllat uprising ia ur to ueeur 4a rJpala wltbla tba tied wera. It ta said that ail Spanish soMir will b been transported frutu San lUgo by tba first of th tuoatb. Th rainy eaka I al ita height al fUnUaga awl laut'ft of lb alorea vl lb army sih Ur4 I'roaa b bma Ue irojtd, Th siller wpuUWa of Wyuiiiing bi Hion ir. 1, It. Hutikatt of Al bany, m hirnta of tb4r tab lrl isiiuuiiUea, Tb war dprttunt baa given 0 ersl M ton pxlera M preset Uw w4 rier k urfHdf terrt' lory around latuf a t say !, tlrneal Tvrab ltMdey, b baakritpt vl liolUh pruiuoltr, I Hiklf It Mther warm for 'm wtabr of lb Pngiiab totally wbw were itarllea ki my of K iradiileat ivehetas by IvlUnf lb wboht truth m tb wlw ae u4 A legriN fneui l.ulaf alatea that Uw huHuftta ilgd U ka epWleml Over fritiy IhuaaaM tre(a r re viewed tbl afwrMMa by tlerl trTbiaill at t btlaeMg, ll wa of lb awl atrlblag pagvaaui Is a. DEWEY BOMBARDED MANILA MERRITT ASSAULTED BY LAND Aad Old: Olory Was KaUed Ovt in City aad the apaaUh Made . . ' rriaoaeri at War ' ,; Woablngton, Aug. 17-(Spaolal tela- grain to tha Pot.) Dwey official announcement of tba aurrender of Ma nila,' after bombardment by the float, nd assault of tba land foroea, waa re ceived at tha navy department at 10 o'clock tbl morning. It follow! "Manila, Aug. 13. To tba Secretory of tha Navy, Woablngton, P. C.i Ma nila surrendered today to tba Ameri can land and naval foroea, after a combined attack. , , ' "A division of tba squadron obelled tba forte and en trench men ta at Ma late, on the eoutb side of tha city, driving th enemy bock and enabling pur army to advance from that sine at the earns time, Tba city surrender ed about o'clock, and tba American flag wera hoisted over tba forta , by Lieutenant Brumby, About 7,000 pria- oaara wera taken. : " i : - "Tba squadron bad no " eaaualUaa, and none of tba vessel wera injured. "Auguvt 7 General Merritt and formally, demanded tha aurrender of tha city which the) Sponiah, governor general refused, ; Signed' " : ; ' DEWEY." Tbe Lieutenant Drumby, mentlooed in the official report, ia Admiral Dew ey' flag lieutanant. . ' , ; ; r ( - , , groai Other Ooare ? vf , At 10 o'clock tb war dVportmwni bod received no dispatch from Oeaerol Merritt, bat momentarily expected one. . ', . , '. , ' A Madrid dUpatoh received bera this morning elates that tba Spanish gov eminent boa decided to reject tba res ignation of tha governor general of Cuba, Porto Blco and the PbiUpir-nee Tba aam dispatch say tba Corte will aaaembla on September 15. ' Advieea freetived from JtfaoS Cai ed August 14, by way of Bong Kong, atata that our troop mat with much rewUtancc. ' Eight were killed and 34 wounded. After tba surrender of Ma nila Agulnaldo' follovrera turned on tba Americana and attacked them, but were easily defeated. .' Tha monitor Monadnock ' reacbed Manila Saturday, , Tba aama dispatch sswerta that Gen eral Auguatl left Manila after th aur render. Tbe Madrid government, it la asserted, boa received from General Auguabi a report of tha battle. On August 7 General Auguatl refused all proposition to surrender. Carry lag Pro Isloas to Usvssa ' ' New York, Aug. 17. The first steamship to sail tor Ilavano since the beginning of the war sailed for Havana and Matanza with provisions. Tbe Drstton of the Muosoa line will sail for Cardenas tomorrow, and the Ardanrose of the same lino wUl nail Saturday for Matanu anu Cerdenaa. Tbe chartered steamer of tha Ward line is aheduled to sail tomorrow for Havana. She will carry twenty-four passenger, ber fuil capacity. Tba Lydla will be followed by th Matan i, formerly tba Spanleh prlie steam er Guldo. llotb the Matansa and tb Lydla are heavily laden with provio Ion. Ilaffala Mill WUl Matlrs ChryeuM, Wo., Aug. lT.-liuffalo Pill baa written a friend la tbla city that be Intends retiring from tb show bus ne after tbl season. II I get ting bis affair In shapo to tab tip bl rldnc permanently lu tb Pig Horn basin, where be baa IuvmIihI over a half millliMt dollar in a big ranch smi Irrigation enterprise;, 11 aay In bl letteri "I am tired of rroad sud show anl want lu gtt aviy vtbvr I rait rl.lo aod bunt and b lb ll air aittl water In tb uul lerse." a at fablM let Madrid, Aug. IT (HmmI1 TiWgntwt to tba 'ial.) -1 be guierwweiit ba re 44 lb ivpwft at llur Auguatl oa lb Utile f Mtntk, He Ml sflef lb baule, Tb gaverauteat la nut f t ready to publish what Aug sell ba resiled. POLITICAL COIVUNTIUMH wtteaaaae aad ftashtlils la ths IbrM at taaioalkMi aat alitabe WU, Aug. IT-lHiMwItl leiegtSM la lb Pt.)-Tbe fiealeal l4iUel ball) la the bUlery at Wla evia be a Ibhi fiartvMia ahaaj tbe rfablua atata maatiai waa aoUed) to order to aeteot oondidatea for a fall U to ticket,' .. ' :-:..',' i A recese waa taken after a tempor ary organization bad been affected. Governor Sobofleld and B, M. LaoU ette are both confldeot that tbey will bead tba ticket. T , Nashville, Tana., Aug, '17. (Special telegram to tha Post.) The rpubU can atata convention mat today to nominate o candidate , for goveesor and three condldaUa for railroad ejaa- mlaslonera. . - . Walter Browniow waa elected pars";. onant chairman, Tha convention will nominate 0, W, Howklna for governor and tha flat form will contain an endorsement of " McKinley admlnlstratloa. Blow Vp War Mlae Key West, Aug, 17.-(SpecIoI Tela- gram to tbe Post,) Several aubmar ' . . I AM. i nn mine mat remained ja tha nor bor wera blown up today, aMajBHBVBaHBasaBBaaeasBMaaaal ' CERVERA 0ETS ORDERS a)rat4 Adailrsl MomIv Order Vreas - . Vie Messe Ooversoieat ; New York, Aug. 17-fSotlaI Tela- gram to tba Post.) Admiral Carver arrived in tbla city tbla morning. Ha baa received order to com homo on tba first ship, regardlea of tba nationality, If will sail tomorrow. fever p$t be cc:;:ei:id BXPEIfSe WILL NOT Be fPAC3 0vraaat Will Tsfc v ery) Fresaoiloa ! t Frevaat tha Spresd ml the Death- t Poallag Costagloa . ',; ',''' : ! '' "' ".'' ' : '" f Washington, Aug. 17,-(Special Tl egrom to tb Pot.)-f-Tb fever prob lem is now tba greatest difficulty that the government roust contend with, and to tba end that tha disease may be entirely stamped , out no erpesM will be spared or precaution) omitted that will tend to lessen Ita spread, Sev eral Important order were toy.bv, u4 "by "tha uitreotgeneraf, 'Col amy be stated that there is greater activity Jn the bureau presided ovee by tbla office than at aay time dux- . log tba war, - s On of these order issued waa that all welt and convalescent troop now at Key West be moved further north, to a more healthy and sanitary camp, Tba surgeon general today said that tha Idea of thia move waa to get all troops away from locality where tba fever germ propagated. ' Expert medU cal care bae been ordered for oil tba sick at Montauk Point, and that no fear wee entertained of tha dlaeaaa spreading among tbe aouiler re turned from Santiago, , General Wheeler today bad a loaf Interview with Secretary Alger, and at the conclusion of the conference re ceived orders to take command of Camp Wikoff, at Montauk Point, pend ing tha arrival General Sbafter. Tba orders further directed blm to spare neither pains nor expense ?n provid ing comfortably for tbe sick, and maJt Ing adequate hospital arrangement, , Brport today from Montauk Point aay that seven cases of yellow favor have beea transferred from tha trans port to th frier hospital today, Berrn more rases of yellow fvr are la quarantine, and lity-tbra ore un der auaplt'loa, . , Hhaftrr'e last report from Santiago chronicles twelve dselha from yellow fever. Carpoeailaae vs. the revels. Editor ,Nss InniMKiiaur: la regard to lb ti eliminations, I balieie both tbkel or strong ones, aad If ell bar parly rshuUtes oa a aliaway tbey Mill be groily urprieed. It hi a square lasue between Ibe eorHirllan aad Urmieg eoaiinuaily, aad odl ba lb hardest aad Mtoet alubhuruiy (ought tlaUtleotioa Nabroska vr aitseased, A, V, XrV.uisn. 0mba,Ag.ialliH, to rsii miii ri. Editor Maaaaa lircabar. I se yoa ob bo h Patted Ktale ia g4sg to atab Koala fay ibeetwi of lb r if aaaaiisg th Philist ine lalaaiU, pitrtw Hies tw aav mM riaata) 4 ontf Tb ar belama lb Palled Hiate ! MiHita au 4 I a diacj Jiauuk. rtMiaa U a Is dM to lb talbtbiUuaa IiIIIhhi dIUr bf tba laat lea ar ead ba sol paid db lar In lbot aad eaaaol ay. We, tba .. .. .. taipaiera, ui pal iae t mwi vtawa a let fipata hul IM, J, w, amta, tasl Aeel t aaUtaa ' Wblkalta. Aua, IT-iaWUl viam utb rl retuaUr Cuafe K, Italia al Miaa), eblnsiaa off lb ! ewattiwutv aa helg vbv Waa, baa arld lb leader al ap Clalasaat a tsVr of t tub Ml NTiUjdft jMr WaftSaOSSa(fBa