THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT August ii. 1898 INTO THE ICY CURQENT. Perils of the Canyon Above White Horse Rapids. TEE BIG MOSQUITO OF ALASKA. fh I Larger Than th Jry 1'nit, bat Mot Mo Urcly Itarrlanding en Injurrd Pug Cnrlon Bight Along th Trail, Tlawlng tli Famous Itapld. From Our BjmxHbI Onrraspondent. Wiiitb IIohhk Rai-idh, May 23, After consulting many export river boatmen, several of whom hud nuvi-1 gated the canyon and Wblto Horse rap-' Id, wo reluctantly decided that our cow wai not aafo for tho present low water, o we disposed of our first product I a boat builder, and I hud nothing to how for my lahor nave a cut in tho knee from the draw mil avo and tho novel experience, Then wo arranged to go ou With a party who bad already built u troug boat of about flvo ton burdau. Thud ot lust wo aro about to take ' Open water for 00 mile or mo at least. . rn wr",r. . m . TV gm if - - . AT THE HEAD OF WHITE IIOrtKP; HAI'IDS. lOoprtiflit, 1HUH, by Ii. E. IlulwrMon, i)iuturilier, ChWimu. Tbo morning i clear and cold an wo finish loading und step from tho thick ioe at Lake Marsh to the boat in the opon water, and with four men at tho oars, one at tbo stern and my wife and myself iu tho bow wo proceed down tho river. drandaar of tin Knanarr. Perhaps it ii the fine scenery that cause our watohfulnos to lapNO, Tbo hill are Ioni grand than thono we havo passed, but masterpiece of tiatnro aro till at every band. There aro cleared fiolda that might have been tilled by farmer, grout bowlder that look like well preserved cutle and onthodrals, rowaof giiuit medallion nut in high river banks, and mound so smooth that they might have been turned with a, yet civilized man Iuim never net foot on tie Roil. At all event wo (toon find ourselves whoro tho cbauuel divides, and despite our tardy cITortH, wo aro carried iuto tho wrong ouo. There Is a lurch, a harsh raking of tho bottom of tho boat, a careen and a sudden stop. We aro fast upon a rock. I wear tho longest legged wading boots, no I plunge into tho icy current that in o strong it almost ewecp my limbs from under mo, but we must tlo something more besides get ting away. We must leant whero tho deepest cbauuel is below, so us not to invito further disaster. With my long lalnion spear handle I cautiously Hound the stream to determine tho direction wo must proceed, if indeed wo aro fortu nate enough to get olT tbo rock. Return ing to tho boat.thooarsmeu use their pad dle while I make a mighty effort to lift the bout Umii one side. Hut it Is of no nse. Shu will not budge. Finally one of the boatmen, a giaut iu stature and strength, leap overbotird and our com bined strength enable us to get clear and spring iuto tho Wit ladum she i taken down stream out of our reach. It is uot what might be called a plcuait eiperieuce at tho ouImI of our water Journey. There aro shallow places in low when the river is far imire danger on, and an bn water isttli is tun uliil aratiug even iu a prohibition i-otmiiy, epet Ully when a ilutngo of ilnthtitg ratiuot IwtTii.idi rtti. bait for din ner at a place wrru tlvvw.l eoi moat plvutraud which U flrlr well failvia iuf via ail a trie a4wnM fntn la w iul WktU at I ) Utti ta Uryutf imv Ix)m- al h iai Arm Iiuiih laa aHiiM4t w aiN ttta Mb a t Utv tha'a. fttel ! tiia t U Imsnaatf t rari Taa ftkM4aa MmI kttli, Taat llt w at tba Istal la a llttW a4 UM m S M. a U ttil lhr ut fvar fv tak a t lk alltAtimtt la antiw a Kft tka tMatry t4i ta ail!tia and la tkvU NtttMna. Il U w M hw to i albt'a twia, Tat U a mtt tm lbtti fnMM la ilia, Val k Ut tlsi wtwU awM Ida It tb air MWwtf Mtra It U aatdly tsaujr U 91 f ft HiV tKaob laaat M Mfv4 no that the bout can bo balled, for aha louk a little and we cannot afford to bavo our provisions wet Pcrbup Mho received a slight strain ou tho rocks, al though Mho in a stanch craft and it will tuko a hard blow to disable bur. Blanket ronst be curried back to the tout and a campflro built. Cofl'uo in to be rondo, although roost of our food, or at leant enough for several fluy ra tion, has been propantd beforehand. Next morning we aro awakened by tho robins and that weot sky songstress that aoem out of place in tbii locality, tho lark. I Mliould pcrbap state that we have already inado tho acquaintauco of tbo Alaskan mosquito. Ho, or rather abo, made her appearance in aoclety abont tho 1st of May, and I iiuvo liad tbo pONky creature bito moti tho Ink" while it wait covered with four feet of loo, Yet it cannot bo truthfully stated that tbo Alaskan variety in uny uioro pestiferous than tho Jersey brood. She 1 larger and moro finely formed and bur voico I more of the con (ml to order, Sho will likowiHo bito through thicker clothing, but in easo of warfare Mho in less quick of movement than the Jersey breed und can In mien nil her moro easily and thus annihilated, I havo forgotten to mention one of onr passengers a modest and well bo haved fellow whr walks tbo gangplank or swims aboard and is taken over tho gunwales if more convenient. Ho com mands universal resect und is one of tbo most quiet und orderly individual aboard. I refer to our dog Collin. Far ther back on tho trail a ihm called at onr tent one morning and aeemed so hungry and friendly that we resolved to buy him if possible for a camp dog. The owner proved to be iu u tent not far away, and much to my delight loomed quite willing to part with him for a consideration. Tha Hofrletidatl Meoteh Col I Is, Hut I soon found that be was not an honest dog. Ho bad a habit of sticking his bead into tho opening of any of tho tent bo canto across, neighboring or otherwise, and if nobody were at homo bo would rusli in, grab tho first thing ho came across in the footl line, prefera bly bacon, and dash away like a shot. Thus he been me unpopular ou tho trail, and had his master not settled liberally for stolen food ho would have achieved an unenviable reputation also. So after paying duty to tho Canadiuu ofllcials I was glad to turn him over to one of their mounted police, whero he was to be UMcd as a draft dog. I'uf. one dav we eame across a Scotch collie dog lying Isiside the trail with a broken hind leg. He seemed so badly iu need of friends and so willing to ac cept their oHIith that with the aid of two pieces of board and a rope wo sue- cecded iu htraiuhtcnitig the broken iucoiIkt, making liiiu more comfortable. l!y dint of threats und coaxing my wife and 1 took him to camp on a hand sled. In three days he could move about easi ly, and ou tl.e fourth we took the splint off and allowed him to walk alonu ls- hind our goods. A dog of better murals, better nianiu'is, of stricter integrity or of more vi loin it would ho hard to boil anywhere, He wears a while col lar, which is always clean, a brown suck coat of the cutaway ntylo und white'XMi and xles saud if we go ba k to civilization be nball go loo. H'akiiig of lite curious night on comwa tu n on the trail, 1 ton remind l of a 4 wm k tdd thai jmd ahairf rciitlv with it mother, which wa sUU ully pulling I ho heavy loud of a purty of pbuwra. lata lt liufi. Hat we sre approaching the canyon Th.. Water vtrvi along iu ripplea lUre arw lite pilot' headquarter, with xveral Uu I idea wiilt big oititlt waiting to lt ti tbrtmgh. Jul W-yoti-l I the w til.l g.acway iniiig Inlo Ibe rkvd. nl. With dltlb ulty w w inn rrii l into a iiva and di iu laik f r the tirpoMiof nuking i l.f ti4t aud tied m j eel Ilia t. llm dtilii uliy and l ti.h-. r. If hut. Ii iu a Ullur U loru.i.Ln ! t .itx tttau wa K(t U'l at tin 'H ,f Hum yv.r, ud g tut. kly bk, pwh eit and ara i lud dW H ovt r tha twltt lei. lit k rW f Iba Umt tau I a Uaway mtt btuait, vr t twad and tkral tl aul bail ttviuiu4 lit Iba iiL rVunUow It tviaku-l ua i4 a likiuj el el t U tupiitt sit tbawtatt kM ita t hewM li ka raptalM au4 tha Mih iota wb kaa Ua la lies t-t t lorw, Mkm a a l bl el MrMmih kta a )h it lha tif tkl la Iba riiiet it Um t bun. atw a ay fcai ibw dtt(ro wll. but II il.lelhrowk ravftt!l auraliy, iel Ufota kt tiiua k tak imu h a4 of bl t aim - b4 fl IMi lb etotiioj t y t4 I Ibtak Iba i(iimm vl lb at aid Iba itttigfta tl tUt U MutM jga Itata tw aowkl ag fali N4 , kovav, Wllk Iba Wku lb rapid Ulow, nr irt la ttkWti at Ui rYfv for au- MM ll A A. Illii. A Uuty Wall Poo. A aolemn duty met every delegate to the silver convention in Lincola last Tuesday, aud loyally that duty wa performed. It is a difficult task to always tiflo party prejudice, even in the mind of moderate men, and yet loyalty to the cause of good government loyalty to the sworn duty of every dele gate to do all things in their power to keep thieve out of the state house, served to allay party spirit, nerved to title personal ambition, nerved to offer to the voters of Nebraska the best ticket ever presented for their Inspection and approval., William A. J 'oy titer, the unan imous choice of the three conventions, is the best selection that could have been. For twenty year be tin been a Nebraska farmer- a farmer who furrns a loyal laborer In behalf of every cause which point tho common good. Il has been tried in public place, and the trying proved him true true to hi political principles, true to his every anteelectioit pledge or promise, Tim choice I partic ularly pleasing to the Time because of the fact that tho nominee is one of the few public men who ha alsay had the nerve and the honesty to pay his way in the world, scorning to Accept a railroad puss, a tolfphori" frank, or Any favoi from any of tliKl't corporations whose continued spoliation of the public by corrupting the public' servant 1 more a menace to the public weal than are the torch tird dogger of the most vicious anarchist iu the land. With such a man at tho head of our ticket we have already passed the time for discussing success, are already at the pleasing time for dis cussing the majority by which that uc cus will be secured, With one ex ceo Hon the balance of the ticket is made of those who have aerved the state In their respective ofllees dur ing tha last two year and served so well that the credit of the atatn ha been re deemed, public thieve have been sent to jail and the tiuino of Nebraska ha been lifted from the linguistic quagmire of reproach out Into the effulgent utillght of universal encomium. It i not a dem ocratic, not a populistic, not a free sliver republican ticket, but fin antl-tbievlng, antl-republicun, entl-monopoly ticket. Democrat might have liked it better if they could have induced the other breth ren to have graced the ticket by naming Hon, C. J, Smyth a it head. Silver re publican rnlxnt have been better pleased with Judge (Iregory'a name first on the list of candidate, but the will 'of the majority said the ticket should stand just a it ii and there It will stand a light to guide, an Inspiration to do all that honorably may be done in the glorious work of rendering Nebraska republican harmless by keeping tfacm out of office. I'apillion Time, (I)em.) Mlat Central Commute. Hon. J. N. damn, of Colon, Kan rider county, chairman; J, M. Thorn psou, ol Lincoln, secretary. Adam Co. Ii. It, Iligelow, Hustings, Antelope J. D. Hatfield, Neligb. Itoone M. W, McOann, Albion, Ilox Hutte-G. M. Sullivan, Alliance. Jirown 0. A. Miles, Aitisworih, Huffalo Horace F. Carson, Kearney, Hurt W. F, Urewster, Oukland. Hu tier Nelson Holdemess, ItislngCity, Cass Henry Heniple, South Iieud. Cedar H. T, Ankeny, Laurel, Chase J. F. Morris, Imperial. Cherry W, A, larker, Wood Lake. Cheyenno Henry Snyder, Sidney, Clay C. W. Jester, Clay Center. Colfax John C, Sprecher, Schuyler. Cuming Lewi Uewald, Winner. Custer I! Louiax, Broken l'ow. Dakota M, D. Slocum, S, Sioux City. Dawef I'. (1. Coooer. Crawford. Dawson .1. 11. Donahue, Lexington. Dixon H. II. Wills, l'oiica. Dodge II. D. Kelly; Fremont. Doughm Dr. .1. II. IVabody, Omahu. Dundy C. It. Walker, Ilenkelinnn. Fillmore William J. Waite, Exeter. Franklin W. M. Dunn, Itlooinington. Furnas K. T. Metiuire, F.dlson. (iage ,1teob Klaus, lieu trice. (bmper-W. 15. Miller. FJwood. Frontier W. U. Heed, Stockville. Garfield-C. S. Iloyt, Harwell, Greeley 1', II. Harry, Lincoln. Hull K S. lee, Cameron. Hamilton F. M. Howard, Aurora. Harlan O. Hull, Alma. Hitehcock Geo. W. Carter, Dyke. Holt J. ('. Morrow, Atkinson, Hooker Win. Harnttby, Mullen. Howard J. L Darker, St. I'aiil. Johnson (I. W, Swan, Ttcuinneh. Kearney J. II. Kobb, Miuden. Keith-J. II. Itarretl, (alalia. Knox I'hil It. Clark, Niobrara. l-uncaMer-lt. T, Chamber, Dennett. Lincoln li. F. Copsr, North Flat la, Logiiu J. K. Morrison, dandy. Madison J. It. Donaviiii, Madison, Merrick D. MeClurn, Central Cily. Niuiiv T. C. H'd. Fitllerloii. .Nemaha S. Cochran, Auburn. Nuckoll Lee (ire, Ni loii, (h II. I'. Karuaorth, I'limltlhi. I'liwtiif D, D. Davis, I'a a nit Cily, I'erkins C. 1', l,oiu, Grant. I'help W. A. tlarrftl, lloblrege. iVrvi I', F Fosltr, I'latuview, I'latto II. S. Hyatt, Mmiron, I'ulk J. A. LotoWriiiilk, StMnmburg. lied Wttlow-ll. II. I'li km. MctVtok. I1k liardott I. Km htwiiheit, I'alUt lty, II.m V-U l Dal, ta.awtt. Snbni J. M. hoot It, Friend, harpy -W. t mhaal, Hprmgrl. Id. M.uudr-l II. mar, atparajiMt, haard Dr. II. D I uioiihiiu, Srd, Slivruoia M, II, Malhra. Im City. Stoui liat dwrlMcb, llarrtoou. Hi an ion-Jaut Kity, l'ila-r. IkayM F. S. Mekry, Ibl.roa. Thurlon-Jolia Hlanrhanl, Yndr, Walotgiot-l , A, Wbilbird, Arbng ton, Waynt-K, W. Watlae. Waiaa. Uk-r-C J Proaa, lUlUvll. .tk-J. I. iMHealt. Vark. t'anaa kadiaatUr Ul b at Ik l.laeuta tlutl, .trla. il4at at tattUtt, 1kdilr tl U IHaif I'uatWr ta rep. lata tdtM. II, Tkird rginat. aa4 tk luaa ka tkarg id Ika ar ata Ik pa i him Iu ta ap a Ik aba id k lllur atatia triwauWf able iana, Il tkanalsH ttlwr 10 Ik l oarv r ar It lotia kf aid av p alt arrrg und Ian yar la advance. Aa4tlttl MlilW4 la Ikal laafh 4f wrdtaar Mrvalaaa, feat kt ka ladoa lka Iu grabnna gt 4 bar i kral Iu Ik kailal id kw aalt jib, Ik Mat ta pay l M kni al iili ki bill Kmm tkaa tra lyii, llkMrtaa4 Maa, Oa'y lar tm trtaf, H. D, Msrlratataa:ilkurt baa lf Tb Care of liable la Hummer. The sick babie that one meet every where a soon a warm weather begin, appeal to our symputhle a no other clan of sufferer can. The study of the want and need of young infant la one of the greatest Importance, yet there are comparatively few mother who know bow to minister to their comfort. Give tho baby plenty of fresh air, and comfortublo clothing, made of plain, oft material. Do uot punish blm with frill and tuck, and do uot starch his clothes. The kiu I very sensitive, and starched neam scrutch them almost be yond endurauce. The average stomach of a new born bube will hold about two tublespooufuln, and when we think of thin, we reuliztt bow curelul one should be in feeding a baby, and bow often they ore overfed. It Is true that nature Is kinder than tho mother, and ban arranged o that when the stomach I overloaded, the surplus may be thrown off; if it were not no, the little oue would nuffer untold misery, and would ntund but littlochunco ol tver reaching maturity. When the sultry weather begin, the mother often finds herself unable to pro vide the nourish men t needed fur a healthy, hearty baby, hence It I neces sary to supplement the natural food with some other. Cow' milk l often chosen for thin purpose, but thi seldom prove satisfactory, for ilia highly sen sitive to exposure, aud spoils very quick ly, atiless the greatest cure I taken. Then one cannot be sure the cow i r fectly healthy, hence the bube I Iu con taut danger. After experimenting with varlou thing I found nothing no satlslactory for my babie um lactated food, and 1 have raised three hearty, happy babies upon it. One should always Lave two bottle, and keep them well cleaned and aired when not in use, Une the plain rubber nipple that slip over the end ol the bottles. Turn them wrong vide out to clean them, brush with a soft brush to remove every particle of food, and keep them In a cup of weak soda water until needed. The baby' health depend la a great measure upon such little thing a these, aud upon the reg ularify of all hi habits. Do not give the baby tunte of everyt.hlug ou the table; it take no little to affect u baby' stomach, and food prepared lor adult in entirely unfit for him. When two month old, two hour should Intervene between bin meals, and the Interval may be gradually Increased In length an be grow older, until at tbe aue of aix month, be will need four or five tneul per day. When eight month old, be may lie given a little well cooked rice or oatmeal in addition to tbe lactated food aud a little later, cracker soaked in beef or mutton broth, Many a baby nuffor for water, especially if he In teething dur ing the" summer mouth. Give a lit tie at a lime, and a often a he will take it, lie patient and teach bin: to drink from a cup a noon an possible. The more quiet a baby can be kept, the better for both mind and body. Keep him In the open air a much a possible and select a cool shady place for hi little cab. Never give a young baby soothing s.vrup or patent medicine of any kind; in fact no medicine wiles prescribed by a trustwortbv physbia. hl.SIK una v. Give the Children a Drink called Graln-O. It is a delicious, appe tizing, nonrishlng food drink to take the place of coffee. Sold by all groiv-r and liked by all who have used it, be cause, when properly prepared it taste like the fluent coffee tiut is free from all it injurious properties. Grain-0 aids digestion and ntreuKtlienn the nerves. It In not a stimulant, but a health builder, end children, an well a adultn, can drink It with grent benefit. Cot about a much a coffee. 15 und 25c. ti TWO SILVER DIMES, Or contain any form pny for Tiik Nuihaska Ikik I'Knukmt from now until No vember L". Stid in one new name, or send a hundred. We want the doubtful voter ton-ad the pttMr this full. Tim fight I on and every mini uiiiMt do hi duty. A hour pull, a ntrong pull, and m pull tll ogthtr will win, Help us hi i .read the truth. Tiik Im'Kckmikst will npttnt liiitflorl to H-riM t unto the work of reform in N. braka. Tlit In an important dic tion. relllt dotfrtllilie whether Keioitor Allen re lurne to Washington to lljhl for nliyewr more lit hiltica of th common ja. plo, S.aid tit pnM'r to your neighbor who i tii und edw. Sjwud an out in n good mu. Yuu ritu hardly do U-M if you ar worthy lb nam of pupal,!. (IIMMMIttl.HtMMIHM!tHMIMiMlItHIMli Tb K'il Naalele Mallb Whrkr ttm kcl lhall water rout by way ol St, Michael, or Ik overland rout via. Dvra, fkny, t oor fir, Take or Htikiaa, yoa aiul Art iak a I'artHe mrl id vmliatkalloa, lb Km draatla ura lladaar, la ronevriioa wilk Ika D. A It. O . or Colu rado Midland ttv., bt tk borl, dtr. I and popular tout (a Saa I'raaviwHi, I'eiUed, lai-owa or, l krouik Itaplng ra ad Insi rliln tkair rare Iron wvr Iu Kaa bmu and Wr la I'orlUnd. kU' wl lkr ral) Ik tb Hwku aed tk woa jtae:at aeaaary t tk world. U ril let F. A. WadUk, II. V, A . Sail Uk nty, Kt py l Kuoidik bild, keaOsk a4 Wrta Ktiaik J.m TU a4 IUI k Ill Hie;Uwajtara M HI sn ltaU at M kwa fi W W k raa4 Uia la lw lia baa la tartfe abfaka aatl la wyawlac mm t4 a 4 la4t Ofla JaawiNva, Uiaiat talc ltHk ptlvtv rt tnfa nutaf, llaaj Haul a ay a, 11 V abM tit ! 10U itrwlk Ut !, lkv O j 4 4 . i UrUUVVUHVl T ! ugviiu m Whl IHllV an inferior article when such well yyiiy Uliy known goods as the above can be had at a reasonable price. Til A nil fa to buy Vehicles is where you 1 11C pialC can find a house full of the latest style up to date goods from such well known manufacturers as STUDEBAKER BROS. MFG. CO., COLUMBUS BUGGY CO., BUCKEYE BUGGY CO., H. A. MOYER, TROY CARRIAGE CO. Dam am bar we are the only firm in town nCIUCIIllUCl carrying a line of strictly first class " A " grade goods. We also carry the finest line of medium priced goods on the market. BILLMEYER i SADLER, 2024-6 So. 1th St., LINCOLN, NEB. Would Not liar In to Walt, "So you are going to marry tbat rich old Mr. Ducat. Well, b look both kind and food." "Yea, but ha haa a bad heart." "A bad baart?" "Yar that' tb reason Tm going ta marry blm," K, V. Kurlo to Indianapolis, lad., $1.40 for llouud Trip. Vqt above occasion the Elk horn line (Northwestern) will sell ticket August IU, 220 and 21 at f 18.40 for the round trip, Kitrem limit September 20th, det other particular at city office 117 South 10thtreet, Rend postal card to Conservatory of Mnsie, , and l.'lth streets, Lincoln, Neb,, for beautifully illustrated souvenir cata logue. Complete musical education at half the expense of any other ecbool in tbe weat. Nl.-kal Plata Kiourslon to Hon top, Ticket on sale for train leaving ('lib cago September 10 to 18 inclusive, at rate of $1 !).()() for the round trip, and good returning until September 80. Also cheap rate to all points east, Ves tibtiled sleeping cars to Don ton, and solid train to New York. Kate lower than via other line. 1'or further Infor mation cull ou or add re J. Y, Oil ah an, General Agent, 111 Adam St., Chicago. Loan yonr paper to your neighbor. Perbapa be will subscribe. Caecareta tlmulat liver, kidneya and bowel; never aicken, weaken or gripe, 10c. Hot Spring and Ketarn On far. Aug. 0th aud 2Cth and September 10th and 20th the Hlkhorn line will sell ticket to Hot Spring, S, D., and return n above. Limit IW day. A. S. Field lug C. T. A., 117 South 10th street. G. A. R. A. R. CINCINNATI. 0.. SEPT. 510. For the Annual Kneatupmeut of th (1. A. It , at Ciiieiiinail, ,, in Seplemlier, the I'MON V M l Fit' will mnk th If really redueeil rata from l.ineolll of fH mi for the round trip, Hiireyonr tirki read via tint I'nion 1'neiHc, For lima table and full information call ou V l. SlinMon, General Ageut, STYLISH HARNESS. that it well iiuilc niut ihira Mr, I what everjone wunu thai rnjoyi tlrivin, Wts can Uvc it to you with all the UteH Improvement, ami van lout t U o( inuuntina. In rubber anil nickel. For work nunhlp,M)le ami hnUh our fine lurnei It unturpatictl, Cook a Uarlow, 115 So. nth St.. Lincoln, Neb, mm IMF - Nebraska State Insurance Association. For Fire, Lightning, Cycloru!s,Tor nadoos. and Wind Storms, Lo cated at Fairfield, Clay County. Nebraska. CorrMfmnrtKiir roinlnclil by J. M. 8ttnfer), Uurnl Muiiuuer, The above named company In one of the most siiceHMful mutual Insurance companies in the state. On December Jilet, J8U0, we, numbered 2!) from the top a to the amount of Insurance In force, and on December Ml, 1&!7, we were 11 umber 0, having passed twenty other Insurance compauie in the year as to the amount of Insurance in force. In other word there were only three other mutual companies In the state that wrote more Insurance than thi company did last year, and there 1 only three mutual companies in the state be side our own company that wrote more insurance In the whole year of '07 than we have written In the first four month of '08, nnd lat vet k we wrote 71 new members and this amount of Ore and cyclone insurance I 172,840, Thi company is the cheapt and best company in the state for fire, lightning, cyclone, windstorm aud tornadoes. This company give a perpetual mem bership fin und issue a perpetual policy. We never charge for making; any changes 111 said policy provided the in surance U not inereused. We never charge for cancellation. Thi Association i particularly adap ted to earr.vinur evelonn iuuruuce FOIC COUNTY COMPANIES. If you have insured vour property by Are in some stock company, on areount of it mortgage, we will insure you airninst cyclones, wind storm and tornadoes a ( heap, or cheaper than any other stato company, 'Detoro you in sure ask some of our agent as we havo over 1.10 in the field. In ruo there 1 no agent of ours in your locality write for an agency for yourself or reccommend some good live man. Address J. M. Ka.nkoiii), tieunral Manager, Fairfield, Neb. Mtlng HiiTrlgn tlranil I.niltf. I O O F llii.luu. Mm, , vpt- IU-U I liicluatT. For tlo occasion the Nickel Plate roiid will sell tickets at rata of one fir for llm round trip. Ticket ou sale Sep tember Id tn H IneltlHlve, Kood returti iittf until Seplvmls'r IKi ineiii.ive. For particular uddre J. V. Caluliaa, (i. u eral Agenl, 111 Adam Si., riueago. iryoUB NAME,tVo,Tr"'li"o" .-k,H klak l !, ,,v 4 utkUlu ! hi Im ilt ut l,n ,lar. Ui, Ik aUut.Mkl Hi. umIjt l N, fatk .f hi- .lim tail IIim at Mit.fl lr ai l.. . f. ill.WKt.1. H-I.MH.-, H. v. -PHOTOGRAPHER - 1029 ?wyc&7i Hi. 0.K'f f cola Our work I lSbt la tUWty, 'rb Iroiii Mr diMa up. ftlakc Cheese at Home d II l C XL, Kitllgr, lah, H, lk. !? 10 ruu ana .rat4 iaairar '' lor taaklatf abma at tow wiUoal hatiai apparalaa Ayua da It, Your ttoify rt fiJilf o u. Full Gim Qxtm orrtrtiMooiT. UNC0lHc0r1PANYt IWpl Siftlct. Phoni 25$