The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, August 11, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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August ii, 1898
L Nebraska Mqjenbcn
CtmitlidatUn m
IndBpEijdsijt Publihii?g Go
At 1130 X strut,
$1.00 per Year in Advance,
AditrrM all omBMlratln to, M nil
trait. osr ordr. t., pajrsbl tn
For Governor
Llu tenant Governor
E. A.aiLUKIlTof York.
Secretary of State
WILLIAM F. POItTEIt of Merrick.
Auditor ol Public Account
JOHN F. CORNELL of Richardson.
JOHN It. MKSERVEof Red Willow.
Supt. of Publio Instruction-
Land Commissioner
JACOD D. WOLFK of Lancaster.
Attorney General
A groat many rM) blicuusare demand
ing that an active campaign be made In
tb atate just (or tbe purpose of main
talnlng party line.
Tbe Omaha Dee ha discovered that
Foynter'a chief merit "Ilea In tb fact
that be In a farmer and In Identified with
the producing do." That'e our but
tle cry.
Tbi la another good year for republi-
cane to name a perennial office eoeker.
Jaat a well recognize the balance of the
Tome and Jack who are clamoring for
a nomination.
Judge Haywardof Nebraska City ban
accepted the g. 0. p. nomination fur
governor. Home one bad to run in order
to bold tbe party organisation and
cureaslio of the national campaign
fund in 1000.
Tbo Firet Dhttrict congressional con
vention of the reform force meet today
at Plat turnout h to Delect a candidate
wbo can carry tbe district and who will
represent tbe atate and hie constituent
In other way than by simply drawing
bit salary.
Tbe Plattamoutb Punt '.republican)
ba opened tbe g. o. p. campaign for the
republican nominee In the First district
by rising to remark that '"Mr. Ilurkett
lea young man with not eo much ex
perienceaa the Important office of con
greseman would usem to require."
As a mere matter ol torui the repub
lican party of Notiruek a met in con run
tlon yeeterday at Lincoln and selected
a state central committee la order that
the organisation might be preserved
until 11)00. Incidentally a state ticket
was aUo named.
During the campaign of 1800 when O.
W. K. Dorsey was making tbe race fur
congres In the old third district beeent
tbe following dispatch to the chairman
of the national committee "For Uud'a
aake bav tbe itiuuufacturvr and Job
bere stop marking up their good until
af tor election." Itwillooa be in order
for republican candidate to nd a di.
patch to klarru A. Ilanna in the folloi
Ing word: "For heaven' sake help Jo
letter or soma other bull keep ii the
prio ol wbat until slit fleet um."
It is well tu rvniriiiber the bridge Hint
carried o over, aud poputi! ol tbe
state ol Nahrakn, without regard to
their prfrnva for govrrnor In the late
ennvantion, owe adebttd gmid will to
Chairman J. II. KdmUtea. nhich they
ougkl sol lo b altald toaipraa. There
re only a lew mm in Nbrak who
know Ik ! dnVulikni that Mr.
Kdailalra k4 Iu Rol I Ibnl mmtr
able tampai of I Ml-lU rpll tan
la oltbw iatrratM by lnly If yr
nuntion Ika log bnak koI,ing the
m'Tj ami m ohm van i sai
by4 tkeif bidd, Ika IrU in.d
oninHinl vImsi wrganltl lain "k
ran WnaW'-tn l.tara ,,t an la lor Id. moat
of tk tolr i r4 kl Ik try l r.ial, jtHnl troooa ni lb OHiUit of
tloa-tke .)d roHirnlion rontt.laati.jvi I MraHl trir
Ikal lnrntk) bulk nnd l.h.i "Mk ,,,' .!
mrtatMa.kall ika J.m.fl-j nU.I-kr.1, aa in mu. iu rm lot
d0id -a4 ptnribaly an aanimii, . Urn iiIm i.i ci,i
t l.!-lkr tttf Ik amt-ltlr '' 'ata HNMPUrn.W
sal aa wvavlkran kr KU.l.t im'9 Urw ' ). f
sal as.l "io P ''iui'-wrw.nMonliisUlli.t.nr1.,.
tkal lit wiMaalnl vnwpnlo olnil. altanlioa .i ha .roUi.iUt
tkatktfke Ik rnaka i-i tvwliif la Ikm
lal tail 'vt4 lk wai ! Ik tklMMm
Ikalkav Mirtw.J. Ho tar a om.U
wtMHff d Mr, r'dniiaten' art vkwr kf
law l ri'1. It kl af
llonklM Wkalkrvlk aaeU wt Ik
UtMWkwi kavbkWtl appia.
wiattii ami nlloet k ttlnwai a
HMtleliaaallaUaoa r;le dtl
wlltr ikal Ik fearly bat Mat, Tki
aWtv k.Ui gralittJ 4 rMl
. .. . 0. . , t.uM
The Uuited States supreme court ba
recently rendered a very important 0e-
rlnlnn reeoectinir freedom ol contract
under present social condition. A the
n 4 1 . .1 t,. ,.i iui.,., 1-
fature conflict for the right of lobor I
' .'.
likely to turn very largely upon -oii-
of the state to urotect
It member from being compelled Into
contract which are to tbelt-dienoviin-
toge thl declelon of the United mate
utremecourtlof particular Interest,
Wl.ll. ll A,u.m not nnver the) entire one,
...... - - .
rm t ltd A iKMiHM on of the Inwol free-
dom of contract I broad enough lo in-
j w
timi ihut. li a iMimritl trend of public
thought I having an effect upon the
. . - .
an nreme court. There are two sctiooi
of thought upon the subl' Ct. One ad vo
cnte the theory of freedom of contr net
...... u .M.n tuka .iirntil
bat every man I able to take car ol
himself and should be left f to lorm
anv contract that lie cnooe nno uiai
..... . ....JaL.aI
contract b valid. The other theory I
tbat there can be no freedom of contract
exwpt bet ween equal liir every partlcu -
lar, tbat the relation eilatlng (for In -
i,.,,t i.. WM,n m. urmit corooratlon
M., ,i. hnn nnlv hi
andawog worker who ba
lanor 10 sen ami muai, sen it r ir ,
a Action and that it I the duty of the
fat to iirotwit tbe weaker member of
oclety agalnet tbe eelflshnes of tbe
The oarticular case before the supreme
court Involved the constitutionality ol
.. , , . 1 , ... . mil. iM i
tl right hour law. The facta in the
ca were euoaittiiuuiiy am iu.
... ... ...... 1. 11- ... 1. .11. .-.....
June 20, 1 800. complaint was made to
a lustioe ol the oeac of Halt Lak City
that tbe petitioner, Ilolden, had unlaw-
luuyempioyea onejono abhwhw w
work and labor a a miner io the under-
. I. I ... M 1. I. 1 1 ...I 4..
..wl -rWI ,.lll,a,l,t .Il,r,l,in l.ilf.n
. ,
In lllnghafii canyon, in tbe county afore-
said, for the period of ten hour each
day, and said defendant, on the date
aforesaid and continuously sine suld e.r n. ,ui ai i mora s. ii.a asmucn
. , . i i ii i i for the Interest of the state that the pull
time, ba unlawfully required snbl John ,0 hith should be preserved n that
Anderaon, under and by virtue of said life should b made secure. With this
employment, to work and labor In the
underground workings of the mlneufore-
aM1 u.Mlti'l Sif 4. ItiHl! Ait ft It ilS ft il I
.- '" "j i i
tbat said employment was not In case
an emerirencv. or where life or uronerty
i.. i i .i .
wot in iiiiiiiiudiiv unifa,.;,, uiruuniji ww.
Defendant Ilolden, having been arrest-
ed upon a warrant Issued upon said com-
plaint, admitted tbe facta set forth
therein, but said he wa not guilty, be
cause he I a native born citizen of the
United Ktate, residing In tbe state ol
Utah; that the said John Anderson vol
untarily engaged bi service for the
hour per day alleged, aud that the facte
charged did not constitute a crime, be
cause tbe act of the atate of Utah which
create and defines the supposed offense
I repugnant to tbe eonlitution of the
United Htate in these respect:
ft ilenrivea the ilefeniliint and all oin
... I
ployer and employee of the r gbt to
1 , ..iiii i I
' oiiu iwr
lawiui purposis.
It is class legislation, and not equal
or uniforu In it provision.
It deprive the defendant und employers
and employee of the equal protection ol
tbe law, atiridge the privilege and Im
munities of the defendant a a citizen of
the United Htate, and deprive him of
hi pnqierty and liberty
without due I
procen ol law.
The mii preme court derided the quos-
tioii raised. Two judges, llrewcr and
Pii'khnm, were against the constitution-
lity of the law. The mejority opinion
as iu lavor of the law and from ft the
lollowlng Uriel extract are given. The
The validity of thestatute in auestlon.
is challenged upon the it round ol an
rIIh.1 viol,.!.,... nl II,. -
mend men t to the constitution oft I,-
United Htate, In that it atiridge the
privilege or illllllUnitie of CltlSell of I
he IJii.ted Hlatw. deprive both the
employer aud the laborer of bisprotierty
liliout due iinsw ol law, aud denies
o Ihein tlieniiinlprotiK'iiou ol Ih laws,
nrsso counroisd that the authorities I
Mini 11 ntr,ni n xn-nii-r lif Ml H Iplll. I
lrll.ieiil loth, oll.rr. . il... .,,. ......
erly bacoiisiderml t igether.
Tim prwM'iit reuiury hn orlirinntml
mil relorm ol grml iiiiportsn-. Th
n nine niiir 111 01 ihihi oIhhi Iiiis. once
uiuuKQi 10 I mi neciary 10 III fllniln,.
tlonol llisnnl Uau bel wwn thpariii,
imitiiiii hi 111 iiMV, ma aiiotent
t tiUIVa ol ral mImIm bma lw.11 L,j.i. I
wi.t av ami laud I now tr.n.i...'i
aliitiiat aHaily aadehsaply a rHii
pni rtv, urre-.i woman have MU
X "A
mnailiy witlt lUm wilb raisit t.i ikmI
position, HHiaMionnnd lrHMMiion
01 .ro(riy. iiupMiaiu-ul lor .Mi baa I
. ..,..,, . .Huitina iroiti via-
vnuo h bn Urgjly ml l to, nnd
In nowil ol tha aUla koniaalawd arw
ratoHrM laeapatiki ol aa'tura nnd a
irw. it i n r nn
1 in(tenl In ro ol lntr
rat, ataa IS.iurfK inf be mriM ItMba
1 liJitll.i I.. . L... I -1
tkal uilot I'tianarn wla
mav U ma l.tin Ika
laintts ns I
sal, kisi lkea'4aJ fin)iU ol U.
ai ImntutaUlw. Ua a,. i ..!. a.
kU k im alntlaiUr liwt
Iwmnatnnl laeiwatmn, a4 tkal tk
roaaiiutu.a oi tk t'alird Hti-a, nktak
""''I l ta I,
I t-K an I i.iaat 4 mi ol
wa laonl, konl4 kol ka m toaalrnat
Iw antand tkaiv ! a iw nttk lkw
onlotnt I Ik wwktai tf ika an -,
tkay aint ! twal k tk Mj wr.
tlk. knaglng Ua lata ao-
fllct with tbe supreme law of the land.
I " 0 lie l lie uuhiuhs 01 iuiuiuk vum biiu
,aHln,n .n yu,aun t iHII..i.
.11 ft 1 .. I . I -. I ...... I .1
rHiilattearly a 1710, and in Virginia,
North tarolinia, aud MaeuchUHetta
I Ail. L . 1 L 1 . iI
even earner man mis, w nu milling
manufacturing were carried on In such a
mtml wayaB( by aob priraitive
(et,hod, that no special laws were con-
lifured neifesear.v. orior to the adoption
ol trie con ntu .o d, w im P'oweuonm
.,..' laAu.trlmua ;iIin4(
.it lias been found that they
can no longer be carried on, with due
rnm y vim iui.t .mi ura.,u ,
I I .1.... u, 11..... utuu. i.1 han.MA.
.1. .. " .:..-..'.n.. i
1 i 1 1 1 11 mi fii c 1. 1 1 te imiium n iirivnanrii t lit
Lldeat to the emoloymeut. la eon
Meouenue of tbi. law have been ena!ted
- . . .
n most of ins siauw oimigneo wi ni..i
these exigencies and. to secure the safety
ff iMtmoii peculiarly exponed to thee
danger. Within tbf general category
are ordinance providing lor nr encatie
'or notei, tneafres, lociones, and oiner
Ml'Aim,. ft maMtm inaction
. j,.1tl.M. mnd ,1Di)Hdee deiiriid to
isw-ure paanenger noon railway and
f ' ' M
steamboat againt the danger nece-
uf(M!tur, Uc(irrM m tn a artlet
1 tent provision 1 made for tbe protection
01 aangerou macmuory againi atm-
denial contact; for the cleanliness and
WBM,atl(IB 0, working rooms; lor the
KnMnit 0f W(,l boles, stairway, elevo-
tor shaft, und for the employment of
taoltary appliance. In other, where
1 ir.'TiiiM'U in iinvm iir i.iiit nm, ,uic uu in
daiigerou walls; lor ventilation shaft,
Uut holes, secupement shaft, means of
1 .lMrrmllnr the surface; for the stlpoly ol
iresn air, ami in eiiwnuauoD, as lar as
.,.,,,' , rf(tM((,r,,llB aiuuJ u, .,tf
1 ' . . r ' -
iiiean ol Uoletlng and lowering ciige;
I for a limitation upon tbe number ol teT
'"" lM.'r".itH to un.u,r that
I llllli aall it II 111 ! VuSUl ' tt ft 1 H tM . t ttltftt
. . . iho tnn
I . . ' . . . . ." " I
(,i aj,aft, beelde other similar precau
Ut II II IW Wltlllfl til pOWSr Ol ft leg.
ll.. . .!.... U..... ........ I
r,,,w.tion ot ...I ... Dl,irMD. u
diffloult to mm why precaution may not
I aieo ie adopted lor ttie protection of
end in view, quarantine laws have been
. '
inaiitution lor tfie car and education
uf the blfud established; and siiecial
measure taken for the excliMion of in-
lected cattle, rag, and decayed fruit,
, . . . . .
jm,)uit tb- hoilM (1()r,l)ir w,l(ch W0(IIM.j
and children shall be employed in fact
pre - ; and while their constitutionality,
at least a applied to women, lias tx-eu
doubted In some of the states, they have
oeen generally uplieid.
Upon the principles above endorsed
we think the act in ouestion may be sus
tallied as a valid exercise of the police
power of the state. The enactment does
not profess to limit the hour of all
workmen, but merely those who are em
ployed In underground mines, or In the
smelting, reduction, or refining of ore
or metal. These em ploy men I. when
too long purxiied, the legislature has
judged to be detrimental to tbe health
of the employees; aud so long as there
M fit fun .!(., ....,, rwl. f... Vi ti-
,' tl Z " .-.-
that thl In so, its decision upon this
Kijiilecr. can not be reviewed bv tbe led
eral courts,
While the general experience of man
kind muy justify us in believing that
men may enuuKe in ordinary employ
ment more than eight hour per day
ftlthout injury to their health, it doe
not follow that, labor for the ame
leniftli of lime i innocuous when carried
on beneiith the surface of the earth.
liere the operative i deprived ot frond
air and sunllnht, and is frequently sub
i' cteu io tout atmosphere ami a very
high temperature, or to the influence of
noxious gases generated by the pro
censes of refining or smelting."
The law Is therefore sustained. The
decision itself i not of so much interest
to the great mass of workingmen as is
the discunsioii of principles it contains,
in me course 01 itie next lilt v venrs
irrt nml n,l imil r..f,ii-mn nru in lu. an
....... .1 i... 1. 1. .. ..
lui importance to thousand now
livitig whether those relorm are to 1st
lilni'L.I Ii n uiriltnn r,..,.lllMli.. ,.,!
rmlMlllllHr. ..,, , . .,,..
, ' ,
,ur' u' lmmeii 10 mis uie
generation which has contended for
them. It la worth nl nm. that tl i.
,i, ..i.. .. .
H! J""" """" " ",,lu
well xnowu Iriends ol rorp.ratlon luter
"n" t,""n known to the jmmi.
l'H Nebraska a the leil.-rul judge who
Mrt nulliHI H. ..i...... ,i- i,.M
oiraiiou ol Ilia luliutir
'd n-lerauduiu tha Mopla ol H witter
land have In tha pnst yaur volinl to
' w...meul ol nil
rnilwsf Una I that country, Thl
i"! victory for tha practe al npplkn
to ol imiiiuUI principle wna
a by a
Urge Hiaj.inly nllvr long year of rtlv.
actional work,
Tha govrrnuirnl nl unw a about it
naw work, I be oniaal ownrra of Ika
Mnd ana pal I off by mtua o n guv
fitinral loan II d al a low ! i. m
Ufaal, Ida failaaf doparlmanl of
gtivrrnatent waa lOgaalMd on a llt
at-rVHw baaia,
llilMkaatoat radival tolatlua an
Ik kta ol pwMar tala. On Jnn
I at of tk tw rk Iml.iaiag
'a bf i4aMugr intra Want Ulw Sr:
TbksUM wprtia valid M
Firal H.on4 Ikird
'. riaaa. rlw,
I'.ttiwn d .,.no ir i if no lr
Ikrlj4ai ...lot I l It foil
Ikrvwrnoaiki 'lr lflr titdlt
wn monik. .... null gftlfr lu-Hr
TtMonikalUHi 4 Jil tf tltsllf
t t rana ol tk w konaH
koi. Ika .fwai of tk tkkat tiM k'
alta M.iaU ti Ral rlwM, S'SI ltnr,
ann4 viaaa, fll tmnra. UMr4 ataM, tiki
!. ka n tlvkaU elile Ik
ki4 lf I Itaval a wtk and a to a a
kMatf Ik aiua railf
ol Mitrftaa4. liana tka lima ul Ika
tali4ilM kt takat. lUawa UavH
every day and all day if he wishes, and
in every direction. All Hue are open to
him (save a few minor funicular one.)
The lake steamer are also available, a
second-close railway ticket giving the
right to a flrst-clas ticket ou the steam
er. These tickets are rigorously per
sonal, and have attached to them a
photograph of the bolder; if mleiiMed,
they are li able to confiscation, and the
bearer Incur a heavy penalty. Ticket
mu At be legibly signed with the bolder
entire name.
No allowance la made for ticket un
used. With all applications for ticket
the oriuted form of application must be
used and a photograph of the applicant
Inclosed. The application form I sup
plied at the railway station, When the
few preliminary formalities are gone
through with you are In possession of a
ticket which give you no further trouble,
save that of course you have to present
it at every demand, a an ordinary
ticket, but you cuo travel lar and wide,
according to your sweet will and leave
no nook or corner of sunny (Switzerland
unvisited. Thl Innovation will attract
more traveler than ever to Hwltserland
for It will render traveling there cheaper
man in any other country. ,
There ba been conaiderabl talk
about the pu ayatem In Nebroakp poll
tic. This I tbe kind of pas system
tbat ought to prevail In tbi country
and that will prevail when populist prln
cipiea are applied to railway manage
menta system under which every man
will have an annual or monthly pass at
a nominal price. Figuring tbe franc at
'20 cent it will be aeen that the price ol
an annual pas in Hwltterlaud Ifl20
first -cIiism, $85 aecond-clos and $00
third-class. 1'h price of a monthly
pass la f.O frt-clu, $14 necom,
cluond$10 thlrd-clus. Mot Amerl
can student and other person
moderate circumstance ride either sec
ond or thlrd-clas In Europe. At the
pricea quoted for even second-class fare
every person wbo bad any railroad
traveling to do could afford at least a
monthly pas.
Tbl I what government ownership
mean In thl country. Let every good
citizen work for thl accoinplihmcnt.
Nearly everyone in tbe atate knowa
r. A. I, liixby, who used to be the
editor of a populist paper over In Platte
county, but finding (a many a populist
editor bo found) tbat there wo more
glory than cash in fighting the people'
buttle quit tb cause, and is now en
gaged at a good salary in writing re
ublieau campaign rubbish that be don't
believe for tbe Lincoln Htate Journal.
The misery tbat liix suffer has been
guessed at by some of his old friends,
but ft ha remained for Ibtpresentatlve
Wooster of Merrick, to translate Ilixby'
secret feeling into word a follow:
"On O afreet Ilixby hove insight, bis
eye were sad though blue; 1 g rax perl
mm nrmiy oy tne nana just as i usea to
do, "Ah, Ilix, said I, "where is your
fat? you re thin a thin can be. xou ucd
to weigh nix hundred pounds, but now
not more than three." "Don't joke me
thus, my wbiekered friend, it makes mi
eel so sad. If you hut knew my sorrow
now. to them you would not add." "1
cannot tell you ull," said liix, "but 'tie
enough to know that these itol durnei)
republican give me no earthly show,
tlod meant me lor an honest man, and
ouest I would i'. but that infernal
maw of mine has been the curse of me,
'o keep it full and feed the kids, I lie for
them for hire, und, worst of all, it seem
to me. men know I am a liar. It dail.v
preys upon my mind; my soul is sorely
rift, ami it gets worse and worse, my
friend, as 1 write my 'Daily Drift.' I'm
tired of harping on liilgretme, and that
ancient, speckled tiiir; Id rather go to
hell at ouch, or in Cuban trenches dig,
I think 1 11 shake the beantly gator,
thoiiKh I hate again to flop, but I gutus
I'll do it, just the same, aud b a buppy
John A. Finch, attorney at law, India
napolis, I nd., I to nddreea the National
convention of Htat Insurance Co in in is
sinner at Madison, Wis., next month
on the Mubject of National Hupervision
of Insurance Companies. It appear
that Mr. Finch I opposed to the present
tat BUrviaion of iusurano and iu
favor of national upervion. II ak
Ih Nebraska iuaurnmw department if
they would favor national uwrvliiu,
lo which a nngntlv anwr wa eut
The coin) question waa, what ad ratl
ings national eupervlalon would b lo
tha public. Thl wn an wared, that II
waa luipuaaihl to era any advantage,
axtvpt to elrrhgtlieu r.uropvan and
astern eoutpaui, and that nsilounl
supervision would make It harder (or
yuuuger coiupwNHte to get a atari. Tka
irtl i)iaitoa wa, if tkr would not
b a grval aavlng lo Ik opl, bv abol
ishing UI Urvlaioa, to nhii'tt Ih
rply mat! thai tk Inaumnitt d
parlioant ol tha alaU of Nvbraaka la
lua al total aipenaa ol tnlyei
kuudml dollar r yrnr, and Ikwt II
wna kard to mm ko nay aaviag could
UidMlnl, and II Ikvif wemkav
lag it wonld wra bkt rrl l Ika
aiakngtr and ltkloldral Ikan to tka
fl paWi. tttsntio taliatl to
Ikalaillkat alat ki.atti.lon a4 l-
aatlnniloa ! all Maka, a ' a
atwr aatialnelury In our (oplo, tka
tkeuptMioMi'rl wvrr anlionnl
kaaka, nnd furlkar II laraar wn
trt t4 kf antManl law Iroai Waking
Ion, ania iHlloa wouM mot
I kl Is rttkdm 14 la Ik rurl
b-lora t Igr olnltt hr lit, wkk
gmt ) kav f MllW tera aboal
Ik 4trtai -o'la,a l al tk
Ik Mat tie t l (ttallMtiMt orHrj.
lUiado, Tk tv'io sprawl
tkal liar istipl at Mk wtur Ikw4jr a
oktnn )lii Ufor tk t twirl,
wkWkarll4 ky Ik rtibl ft
kwtl Imw mt
Under tbe bead "Pate Tbi in You
M..II S y-V mmw .mm.
ii ai in umana world lleald ol re
cent date aummanlzea tbe salient fea
turea of the reform administration and
contra! the present policy with former
republican corruption and ita result
Tbe facta are ao compactly stated tbat
we reproduce tbem below;
Under the republicanudmlnitration
nenrasua state warrants were at a dis
count. Today, under the "denio-oon'
administration, Nebraska arrantare
at a premium of ltf
During theflrat half of 1S07 tbe"demo-
pop" administration, collected aud pui
nun in aiaoi treasury a interest on
SCllOol bind lantfuM Itn.l iumlu.1. 7l .
more than was paid in under the
republican administration for thscorr.
ponding period of 1895. During the
second nan of 1H7 the "demo-nop" ad
ministration collected and paid into the
treasury on the eume account $l3o,172..
71 more than we paid in under tb re
publican administration during the cor
responding period of 1805. During the
first half of 1808 the "demo-pop" ad
ministration collected and paid Into the
uu treasury on tbe earn accouu
$I4'J, 818,01 more than wo paid in un
uer in republican administration dur
ing tn corresponding period of 1800,
Tbe foe paid out bv tb "demo noo1
administration ba been 10,000 er
year ies i nan ine tee paid out under
the republican administration.
The expense of collecting the txe
under tbe "demo-pop" administration
hn been $14,000 per year less than the
expense for collecting the taxes under
tn republican administration.
During tbe flrfc seventeen month of
the "demo-pop" administration the
amount of officers' fee collected nnd
nsid Into the Mtate treasury nrna tr.'i .
805 07 more than wa paid in durinir
the entire two year of 1805 and 1800
under the republican administration
The general exte-nses of tbe state irov.
eminent under the "d'Wio-pop" admin
isrranon tor ins yenr ending April
1808, were $502,844.08 lens than
general ex penee of the state under the
republican administration for the similar
period ending April 1, 1800 a an ving
lo the taxpayers in state ex oennes un
der the "demo-pop" administration of
f i,w,u per day.
During the flrsteiuhteen months of the
"demo-pop" administration nub'ic
schools of ebraeka received 10(58,501
03 more than they received during the
entire two year under tbe republican
During the last two year of it exist
ence the republican ad minis! re tion in
creased the inferer-bnririir debt of Ne.
braekafrom $1,188,570,50 to $2.40.'!..
(100.05, an Increase of f 1,275.1.14 .'10
During the first eighteen month of the
"demo-pop" administration the tnter
esi oeiirinir iieor ot .-vebranka was re
duced $700,542.90.
Til K TIM K you, ACTION.
The fight i on. The candidates are in
the field and the line have been drawn
for the state cumpulgn. The IsMsue are
so clearly defined that "bo who run
may read," On tbe one side are the
nominee of the common people; men
tried and true; men of known honesty
and ability; men of clean band and
jlear records. They stand for honesty,
economy in the administration of state
affairs, and for exact justice to all with
out regard to pastor present party af
Acrois the line stand the representa
tives of a party which has robbed the
state for twenty-five years; a partv
whose choseu leaders have been bank
wreckers and embezzler; a party con
trolled by the corporation and the
money power; a party without regard
for the common people except when it
desire their suffrages at the poll. Its
nominee are under the same old influ
ences which have controlled the party
since it organization iu Nebrasku, anil
depite all promiae and protestations
that same influence is still all powerful,
und us In the past, still stand for cor
porat greej and extortion. It caudl-
late are bound by every Helftsh Interest
o that clement in Nebraka whose J
ablest representative have robbed the
widow and I lit orphan; who bnva swept
way tli saving ol hundred of poor
iliuille in heart leas fliiaiielitl scheme
nd premeditated bank wreck; who
have niched from the school chddrea ol
Nebraska thousand ol dollar annually
iuc they Drat cam Into ioenton ol
Ike durational lands; who have de
leted tha tlata treasury lor s-ronal
gain, thereby loreiug tat warrant to
u begging In tha nioiiay market and
almost mining Ih crwlitoln yom g
nd growing eoiiin.inrlth,
Two yrnre of populist a-lmlniatrnll jt
a made arhana and It will b I ha
niaalon of Ilia Nktft. llMM'sknti
lo liln I klaiael nearly Is lor Ih Vob r
dlhaalat, t make romparUoa. lo
ite Ike bo U an I tlgra lakn dim I
bom tk olft 14I rei'or l tka lata
ons Tkianiupain tonal Iw wo by
an ovrnfclitiig majority, Ibafniura
roanly as I nll Uiu: of lktnl d
tanndall, Tka ; of Ika nnlmn will
aula IN rall I Nhrk nn I lkaf
r wiil b lar rkie: I nloal al
lair. Tk goH td Iralk and Utrgriiy
ntnat U 4rtb4 Iw tk 4iktll votrr.
oar asigkleir vi ' krtlUg ail
b o tivrf It ' 4
ally fr.ttll. l'l Ik thjkl Ha l id
' I lata Ik.if knd, U i
nb, rV4 la Maipalga nWrtpUoa
lit Ik ikrir. IIKitwniH at
tk alat tspil!, I' rvprMilativr
avavMiilkrrord, II wdl atal
vigontn Igkl lor Ik taa al rb-rw.
rUol tk papr ! f far wigkbora4
vr liWada, A JJ rriU In Ika
rank and make tbe calling and election
of our ticket aure.
Tbe In dk pen dent will do ita part
Campaign subscription will be received
at 20 centa each, tbe time to run from
now until November 15, when the defi
nite result can b announced. 20 cent
ie a small amount and yet each 20 centa
ao uncut may mean another voter added
to the force of reform.
He wbo aita supinely down and let
tbe daya glide by without an effort in
tbe cauae of better government deserve
not tbe nam of citizen in tbia great
"Ought any to refuse their aid in doing
what tbe good of the whole demands?
Hball be wbo cannot do much be for tbat
reason excused If be do nothing?"
Abraham Lincoln.
There fa entbueiaam In populist ranka
at tbe campaign opening. From all over
the state letter are coming to the Iwioc
I'KNiiKNT filled with that guarantee of
success hopeful, buoyant enthusiasm
for the cause and for tbo ticket named
to represent It. We aball be glad to
print extract from the letter. Hend
them in by the hundreds telllnir lust
what tbe local sentiment la and what the
work for the campaign in your neighbor
hood should be.
Meanwhile tbia paper ho a few sug
gestion to offer for tbe campaign. Tbia
ia a campaign for tbe producing claae
of Nebraska. Tbe largest producing
clas iu tbe state i the farmer class. A
representative worklngman of tbat class
ho been nominated for tbe highest place
In the state. Tbe campaign for his (lec
tion ought to begin among the farmer.
It ought to begin at once without wait-
ng for tbe state committee to set ita
machinery in motion. In every forming
precinct iu the atate there should lo-
atantly be organized "Producing Clasa
Clubs" to place Farmer Poynterlnth
governor's chair. Io the camoalirn of
1800 the farmers of the state organized
at home without waiting foranyatat
committee. They elected a farmer gov
ernor of tbia atat. They have an op.
portunity to do it again and they have
now tbe mean of placing bim iu tbe
Mtate bouse after he f elected.
Another thing. The republican poll-
tican and railroad have nominated a
lawyer for governor. They know that
he three parties oppoeed to them have
from 10,000 to 20,000 more vote in tbe
state than they can muster. They know
they cannot gain any populist or in fact
any country vote in tbia campaign.
Their sole and only bop In thl cam
paign i to win democratic vote In the
citie and especially among the commer
cial class. They hops to bold tint remit,.
lican farmer by waving the flag while
they bargain with corporation, com
mercial club and saloons for enough
vote to elect llay ward. They will color
their whole campaign with this effort
nd mortgage everything there in to in ve
n order to secure success.
This effort must be met by exposing
their tactics und rnaki 1)1 Cnnvorta
"n v
mong the farmer, fa ,Vcry farming
recinct in the state are republican who
ave been voting the ticket with a falter-
ug band tor several years. Kvery pop-
list in the precinct must make it hi
usiniMs to secure these men. Now 1
he time to unite the produciuir clussc
u Nebraska for their home und t ,..;,-
Still another thing. Tbecamnalun in
tlii state cannot be wou bv cullinu-
amen. It cannot be won by slurrimr
he republican party a a collection of
thieve and rascals. If t ailing name
would destroy a party there wouldn't be
populist left. If abuse would make
invert we should all be republicans
day lor certaiuly populists of Nebra-
a have been inallgnsd collectively aud
iudtvidua'ly a no on !,
Tb republican parly ha mad a rot
n record iu state administration. Two
of ih IngheNt oftlclul and a score of
leaser ones bnva betrayed their (runt.
Hut every bouet mm know that a
very litrg part of (he republicau party
In thiaUlcouipowd of earns!, In
telligent, boueat itieu. Wn ball win
their reapw t nnd ultimately il,ir 1uit
not by aseooUting h,r ,,sMy Mm
aith raeenleaiid boodl.ra, but by ,iror.
ing lo I hem llml both in theory and
pranlk-a a bnva Improved mrtkodol
And dually m a uirana ol winning In
I kia campaign, ! U4 in4r-MMI(
pnign, w mu.i praa nnd ag.ii. it, a
rnds nl, a.M-ial and Industrial mforitta,
Waiim.t n.vsrl-Mha ,,,,a aa.t-K
ol Ika ho-t thai Ika popnli.1 i( t, tklk
Ika aula mi, rn lr It ia mora
konral, and ..onoion-a
-va Ikan war e..r,H,ralotn annii
Mill.r konr Hi4 a n im 'Vi.ntroll.4"-.
I tkal wa mil ,.u ikal Mi into rM.
ha no. , i moving Ikal way,
Wntknll win by k-,.,Mg m ,rw( J
niK M. ItiKir raw., n,,k ,w,WV.
U'; . lltMM'a rttra,,,))
rne4 tir rowoia by linpnr vr iu,,
IKHIli'H I'll litM.k. i .i.. ... i
.Malknr,. aay ia , f
llwd Ik hmi Miitti t r,lfrt.