The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, August 04, 1898, Image 3

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    Angust 4, 1898
In tbia department we will publish communication of a worthy and suitable
character, received from subscriber to tbi paper. No cosmunioatiok hocld
coKTiiw mobb tuan 800 woiiDH. Manuscript will not be returned.
What tht Majority Think.
Editor Independent:
Nearly all the talk wehavenow-u-duvs
ii about "war", and it would pleuse any
patriotic citized to hour the sentimeut
expressed relative to the keeoiuir pos
session of all land we may take during
the present strife. A vast iriujority think
we should bold every foot of territory
acquired by conquest, except Cuba. My
entinient is so deeply seated thut I do
not wish to act with any party thut fa
vors giving back any land where one of
our dead soldiers or sailors is buried
We buy the land with blood and let our
dead boys rest under the old Dug, shaded
by the palm or rungs tree, where no
foreigner can pull down old glory urn!
trouble the sacred dust. This maybe
called u mere sentiment not worth a
omenta thought, but we are the only
nation on earth that has fought the
good fight for "huciauity" then those
who fight u, or tire In sympathy with
our foes, are inhuman. If our fight is to
better inunkiud, then let us keep our
boys safe from any vandal baud, and
when we decorate the graves of the boys
of 18fll.5 let us have it possible that
friends muy plant the ruse and old glory
where it will remain unmolested over
those who die for the grandest cause
men die for.
As this may be culled deviation from
our "truditioiiHl policy" us it is called or
termed, we might say thut for over
eighty years our policy was to rob the
black man of his liberty. Was that
Luinuuily7 W e are climbing the dome
of civilization with ropid feet, and shall
we step one toot backward and give to
human devils ull we tuke from them lor
their crimes?
liut my mind wanders buck to a period
ol two years, when we were in the midst
of a politicui campaign, and we were
called "fools, anarchists, repudiators
and a vfist number of other pet names,
because we wished to control our own
money. 1 said then that If a war cume
to us wo would find ull, or nearly all the
nations we were to associate with in an
international conference unfriendly.
Jlowmuny patriotic men of any party
would ish to have Germany. France,
Spuin or Austria dictate to us bow much
silver we should put iu a dollur, or how
thick steel to put on our buttle ships, or
iiowmuuy men we should call out to
lick any nation that tread on Uncle
Nam's coat.
We cun build just as good dollars, or
battleships as any nation on earth and
there is just us much souse for us to go
it alone in one case as the other.
Not one men iu a hundred wishes an
alliance with L'ngtund to assist us in our
fight for humanity, flow many wuut
any nution to help us make a dollur.
Suppose we make a silver dollar wit h
theeugle on one side uud a starving
Cuban child engraved on the other,
would you like to bundle it? How muny
would pay such money out for a square
meal, und sit down und eut their food
with relish? Huppose we change the
stamp and put on one side the Goddess
of Liberty and on the other a medalliwu
of a poor Kuseian peasant going to
Siberia with a ball and chain dragging
along to make bun happy, for saying a
word lor "liberty". We might picture
on one side on emblem of French love of
the poor Arabs.
"If u tribe of Arubs wont surrender,
Hake them alive in caves to make them
I give you those few thoughts on the
wing, and hope thut ull the citizens of
the United States will be patriotic
enough to use the last dollur wecuu
coin.uo mutter of what mat trial made, be
fore we ask aid of Irieud or foe of foreign
land, to iiMHist us in anything we can do
ourselves. Uncle Hum run cruck any bug
thut he can find on the head of old moth
er eurth, and he can hold any lund he
muy wish to cover one of his dead boys.
He is by fur the biggest turtle iu the
M. M. Uaixeck.
Central City, Neb. July 28, 1H08.
Ho I 111 For Mutlirlnl.
Therelorm parties of Nuckolls county
held harmonious conventions last Hut
urdtiy uud nominated for commissioner,
A. J. Henderson; county attorney, II. II.
Mauk; representative, J. II, Wright;
coroner, J. It. Ilulllngtou.
The populist convention passed reso
lutions condemning bond issues aud
wur fur ticqtiiMitioii of territory, reaffirm
iuic beliel of fne silver, eoiiimeuding our
representatives Iu congress, Seuator
Allen and the stats admiiiistratiou.
TheroiiurtMiiiunl delegation is com
posed of thirty old soldiers all solid for
tie reiiominatiou of MutherUnd. The
county is only entitled to fllteeu dels
gutes, but others ruetd that they
might be put on as honorary members
that they might go and work for the
inita who had worked for their llttere-t.
ruiitirwiMHtiMU Hut her Uud addrMd
th eouvfuiion during tin afternoon in
a asll Uuml and patriotic spueih. '!!
silver dsitiiafalie fouviutio.i m and
ratified lh nomination of the populist
convention and sleeted dl-gate lu the
rsiBif rHMioul eoiivvntiou,
t alg Mum la HwhI.
Urn Upon a time (hers M It
Um who usu woe tuliiiubua,
toi wss lirnl id vsgrnm-y and
lrv ul of vast Nairn Iwjfoti I the
isbabiud by ledum whom It would I
(Miitt,twtUljr) W Iu Hiurder J rub
td ibsir pfMlnu lutal, Hating goitre.
k bitu t sM id os NslwiU, aba
litrn'sltvd the (Mudiln lr In oiiBi uf
tliHmii k duHHviml t ub, aud Ik
Vmrkt a, I'UuiwI His mate uptia tMr
,hnfva, Ih'U draw l seofd wad .
luVed a rtWtttl) war d ttrwiittHi
anaiaat the natlt, Tfe rn'ied trails
d lk iKiaa la a td li"f i k ..
t).liand In bull tUhta aad at
d staWlf. It hatied that Ik aot ia
ra Hr iioa id la duwuatwa slluaud
la ai a, was iM traMta
koaastr ws,Ni I an'", h Woila
Uid liberty 4 J". N t lk ba
eiukua tbroughoat tk world tU
the best people who hated oppression
and hud pluck, push and sund,eitiigrated
10 me &agie s domain where tney re
ceived homes and multiplied in wealth
and numbers 70 millions strong. The
Eagle rub his country by chlels. The
high chief being chosen every four years
oy general election, lie also bus great
war chiefs such as Washington, Jackson,
Lincoln, Grant, Dewey .Sampson, Hchloy,
Shatter, Thomas, Garcia, and a host of
o to Mrs. Jim warriors areall like Hob'
sou und it came to pass when William
whose sur nume is McKinloy was high
chief, thst the Dons were at wur with
the patriots of Cuba the Eagle sent the
Maine to Havana on a friendly visit
the Dons (just like a hyena) blew up the
Maine with a torpedo killing, zzu Mob-
sons, then every feather of the Fugle be.
came rampant. He lit into the Dons at
Manila, killed 1,000 of them and He
s troy ml six million dollars worth of
property, cuptured and destroyed all
their ships, pounced onto Guuntnmino
aud (lopped over onto Nuutiugo like a
J he hugle is of magnificent physique
aud wonderful spread of wings when on
the winir as now, headed south, J lie
right wing overshadows Japan, Hawaii,
Uracil and the Philippine. The left
wing Canada, L'nglund, Cuba and Por
to Uico, The bill has the Dons by the
neck, the right eye watching Gerinuny
the left eye observing I ruuee.
A. Ii. Fi.ack.
Auburn, Neb.
Net a niMcntlng- Vol.
The congressional convention of the
peoples Independent and silver republi
can parties met at York, Nebraska, on
Wednesday of this week and without an
objectirg voice made choice of W. L.
Htark for their congressional nominee
and after the most harmonious and en
thusiastic convention thut it ha ever
been the writer' fortune to attend.
(tossed the resolutions below and ad
ourned. JJoth conventions were largely
attended, n surprising number of the
populist being present, and the other
bavins an admirable organization in
every county of the district except Folk,
an actual attendance of 07 delegates,
and making choice of a strong and ener
getic central committee for the district
that will contribute In a large degree to
the success of the campaign.
"The people indetieudwit party of the
4tb congressional district of Nebraska
desire to voice their appreciation of the
fact that the time hus come tor them to
"point with pride" to a satisfactory uud
successful administration of county and
state government, und for their republi
can opponents to "view with alarm,"
aud make fruitless attempts to turn
back the bunds upon the dial ol progress.
We congratulate the people on capa
ble and bonest management of local af
fairs, upon increased comfort aud de
creased expense in all state institutions
since they passed from republican con
trol; upon added resources and facilities
for educating their children; upon les
sened interest at horueand higher stand
ing abroad: in short, upon the fulfill
ment of pledges made by the reform
forces aud a complete refutation of all
the trloomy predictions that caused
some voters to hesitate about placing
me power oi auminisirauou in our
We promise our best effort for the
election of a legislature favorable to the
return of Hon. W. V. Allen for United
States senator, being more t hurt satis-
fled with bis ability, his achievements
for Nebraska and his position upon the
greut questions which are before the
American jicoplc tor solution.
We leei uu esiei:iul pride and gratiflcu
tiot in the record of our friend und rep
resentative in congress, W. L. Stark.
We realize that his faithful systematic
work for constituents is being appre
ciated by the member of ull parties,
and we ask thut he remain at Ins post
ol duty, transacting the business en
trusted to him, until his military us well
us congressional duties are mrformed,
and when finished in the comiHffceut, un
ostentatious manner which has always
characterized his public career, we will
gladly welcome him home. During his
necessary absence we pledge ourselves
to labor for bis interests and la the in
terests of the cause he loves, with the
same zeal und vigor that resulted in the
glorious victories ol lHUO uud 11)7."
We are In cordial sympathy wit u the
wur uow being WHged with Spain for the
purpose avowed by our president and
representatives iu congress uud are iu
favor of furnishiug means to energet
ically prwt-ut the stime, but we believe
the In Ui boa bum to have lsn uii-
uecesHury and wrongful, aud commend
each uud every member id th Nebraska
delegtltlou Who Voted. MgUMiet It.
General IMevan Hates as representa
tive from the silver republican cooveu.
tiou then announced that their conven
tion MHitfuiting In W. I.. Hark the man
of the hourati'l believing him lo b able
to lead tha allied armies of silver In vie.
lory, bad unanimously rhuaea bun a
Iheir nouimea for eougrssa In lbs lib
dUtriel ol Nebraska.
tk .aHMt f'aaali Vara' t'laa
Waa very ttuapitably rsvwivt-4 by Mrs,
Con vera at hr tin bom hr and ttu
hall in i lea al id WiHidUwn, July l,
I sun. Tb il. Ih.M ttA(l,
as rld sloaa Iu the I(ium, ki iu Iu
ktar Ik ma, Iiaar waa ol rvaiarka-
bl n!wuo. Two g I Win a, wktl
trolling ur lb grouaU lu ladu'g la
a sinoks, luaad a Ml nitbllt klag fct
Tk kof ka l r Sally fr4 ltl
Irutw Is bugiiy wilkoul 4ui4 nay tlam
aa. Farllnr tn tky Ina4 ua Itia
(loan Ma Ik shall, aku ii www broiwa.
l a arii sailed lu f d by
'r(Jat W, I'ully, and Ua tutanls
r fa l m'va wnasuag will ptaau
IUtvr Trt Moyat gav a rwitaih a,
Th ibr biassi by kl4 llird.
wbunt ikafiMtid lb awiiMg air
lHid tk dnk lu arlf an kuar. IUr
skill lawl n kigk utd?, n4 i 1 tnnl,
kirk Many d.i u twa. Mr,
1 koui(oat pltk km flia olea a4u
"More Than a Thonsand Years," the
chorus led by Mis Mahan. Mrs. M. 11.
Wescott read a piece called Fax ton and
the Grog seller. War Sacrifice was re
cited by Mrs. Hahn. The Southner
clnb was given permission to use the
tent for their meeting, but must be re-
! turned in time for the meeting of Au
gust 18. Mr. D. Howard was welcomed
a a new member. Mr. Washburn wa
uiude an houary member. He wa
urged to read a letter written In Span
ish, which be did, and translating it in
English. Summer plowing wa then
discussed in which Messrs. Quackenbush,
liurd, La tour, Duncan, Mann, Acker
man participated, aome favoring It,
while other did not. It wa thought
that plowing rye field would be bene
flciul, as the seed will come up, covering
the ground, which will keep it from
washing. While talking of back-set
(which mean prairie sod plowed for the
second time) one said he set It back so
be did not raise anything that season.
Another, an old Pennsylvania farmer,
set it back till the soil was all down In
the hollow.
With grateful thank to Mr. Converse
for her splendid entertainment, the club
adjourned to meet with Mr. Michael
Densberger, one mile west and one mile
north of Woodluwn, August 18. Fro
grum for said meeting;
Select reudlng, Mrs. Drain.
Imitation, Miss Mattie Jackson.
Select reading, Sylvia Drnry.
Recitation, Nora Paswater.
Recitation, Mr. Syford.
Subject for discussion: Is it advisable
to huve rural delivery of mail; led by
Mr. Syford and Dr, Duncan.
11. Poixiev, President.
F. L. Bowman, Secretary, P. O. 13ox
8oU, Lincoln, Neb.
While you sing of Schley and Hobson,
And of gallant Dewey, too:
While with thoughts of them your heart
ure ull aglow
I would sing yon of another
Just us brave and iust as true
Of the man who doe the stoking down
For his borne i In the hell,
Down below,
And he doesn't hear the yell,
Down below,
That goes up when firing' done,
When the ship he' with ha won
He must keep u shoveling on,
Down below.
Though hi name I never mentioned,
Though we see or know birn not,
Though hi deed may never bring birn
worldly fame,
lie' a man above the others
Aud the bravest of the lot
And the hero of the battle, just the same,
He' the mei who doe the work,
Down below,
From the labor doe not shirk,
Down below,
lie is shoveling day and night,
Feeding name a-bluzmg bright,
Keeping up a killing fight,
Down below.
In the awful host and tortue.
Of the fire that leap and dunce
In and out the furnace door that never
On In silence be must work,
On bis brow to feci the outer breeze that
For tbej 've locked him in a room,
Down below,
In a burning, bluzing tomb,
Down below,
Where he cannot see the sky,
Cannot learn in time to fly,
When destruction stalketh nigh,
Down below.
While the fighting fierce I waging,
And the caution overhead
With their sizzing shells the enemy sur
round, To the stoker down below,
Not a word is ever said
To his eur is borne no echo of the sound,
When they open wide bis door,
s'Mi ''; i;W
t I ZZZf. Uifj.
asy to Take
asy to Operate
Are features peculiar to Hood's rill. Bros la
size, tasteless, efficient, tnorougb. As mm man
tald : You never know you
have taken pill till It is all
over." 20c. C. I. Hood & Co.,
Proprietors, Lowell, Mass.
The only pill to take Willi Hood's Rarsspsrllla.
Down below,
And they cry, "Your work I o'er,
Down below!"
There they find him weakly lying
On a pile of coal and crying
Out In madness, for he' dying
Down below.
Chicago Tlmos-Heruld.
The Central Commit toe of the People'
Independent Party of Lancaster county,
will meet at the Grand hotel, in Lincoln,
on l'riduy the 6tb day ol August, at i
o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing
a Chairman and Secretary, and trans
acting such other business as may come
before the committee at that time. All
members of the committee and all nom
inees ure earnestly requested to be pres
Ho n k it t WiikkIKii, Chairman.
ComcreMlonal Cvaysntlon,
The people independent party of the
Fifth congressional district ol Nebraska
will mis-tin delegate convention at Hoi
(Irene, Phelps county, Nebraska, on the
23rd day of August, JWM at 10 o'clock
a. m. for the purpose of placing in nom
ination a candidate for congress for said
district aud to transact such other bus!
ness as may come before said conven
tion. The basis of representation In
said convention Is a follows: one dale
gate at largo from each county and one
delegate for each ooe hundred votes und
major (rac ton thereof cast for
D. Sutherland for congress iu the year
Under this apportionment the several
counties of suid district are entitled to
the following number of delegate towit:
Adams '21 Hayes 4
Chase .,. 4 Hitchcock 0
Clay 18 Kearney l'J
Dundy. 4 Nuckolls 16
Franklin 11 Perkin 8
Frontier 11 Phelps 13
Furnas 15 lied Willow 10
Gosper 8 Webster 14
Hall 19
Harlan 12 Total 2f0
It it recommended that delegute pres
ent cast full vote of delegation, lly
order of congressional central committee
of the Filth district of Nebraska.
C. 11. Poi.iibmun. W. A Oabikt,
Secretary. Chairman.
Just try a lOo x of Caacorcta, tb
finest liver and wowel regulator ever
Nebraska and Wyoming- Ilornaasekars'
Arirnat In A fin A lth. Sentemlsir 6th
and 20th, October 4th and 18tb, the
FJkborn line (Northwestern), will sell
ticket at one fare plus f 2. for the ronnd
trio lo niiiit nn its Hues In Nebraska
wumt unit north and in Wvominir west
of and including Orin junction. The
minimum round trip rate to be 9.
Stop-over granted en going trip be
yond Stanton and Croeton, Neb. For
further Information cull on A, S, Field
ing, C. T. A., 117 S. 10th St.
Philpott the harness maker No. 227
North 10th, Lincoln, Neb., will give low
prices on harness goods through July.
Single harness a low us 14.50.
Diamond Axle Grease, 7 boxes for 25c.
4-hook sweut-pads, 20c ouch.
Nebraska state Insurance
For Fire, Lightning, Oyclonea,Tor
nadoes. and Wind Storms, Lo
cated at Fairfield, Clay County,
Corrtapondrae rondueUd by J, M. Baaford,
(Jcoaral Manaser,
The above named company I one of
me most successful mutual Insurunoe
oompaniiwi In the state. On December
81t, 1H00, w numbered 21) from the
top a to the amount of insurance in
force, and on December 111, 1807, we
were number 0, havlnu Passed twontv
other Insurance companies In the yeur
as to the amount of insurance iu force,
in other word there were only three
other mutual companies in the stute
that wrote more Insurance than this
company did last your, and there I only
three mutual companies In the stabs be
sides our own company that wrote more
lusuruuee in the whole year of '07 than
ws have written in the first four mouth
of 'US, and last week we wrote 71 new
members and this amount of Are aud
cyclone insurance is 72,810.
1 his company is the cheapest and best
company in the state for fire, lightning,
cyclone, windstorm and tornadoes.
This company give a jsirpetuul mem
bership lee and issues a persitual policy.
We never charge for making any
change in said policy provided the In
surance I not increased. We never
charge for cancellation.
1 bis Association I particularly adap
ted to cnrryinir cyclone insurance FOE
If you have Insured vour nronertv
by Ore in some stock company, on
account of a mortgage, we will insure
you against cyclones, wind storm aud
tornudoes a cheap, or cheaper than any
other state company, llefore you In
sure ask some of our agent us we have
over 150 in the field, lu case there is no
agent of our In your locality writ for
an agency for yourself or recconimend
ome good live man. Address
J. H. San roup,
General Manager,
Fuirfleld, Neb.
Send postal card to Conservatory of
Mllsle. Land at nut l.liwuitn
for beautifully illustrated souvenir cats
logue. Complete musical education at
half the expense of any other school In
the west.
Loan Tour naner to vour nelo-hhor.
I'erbap he wifi subscribe.
tv l'ual awuuil and Alaaha VuXui.
The Northwestern Fnlon Pacific is the
direct route to the Puget Hound and
Alaska points. Mornim and alternonri
trains uiuke dlnct connection at Fre
mont with throuvh tourist sleepers and
free reclining chair curs to Portland,
I' or correct Information cull on A. n.
Fielding, city ticket uireut. 117 south
10th sl., Lincoln, Neb.
1090 BICYCLE $3,00
Taa.lli.aO tokas ar a. t aaa, gsarsasM MT.t a
aas anal mrallT Cr. las So a llul ama la
roar .par UM. Writ nea. OOOK CVOI-K 00
uaiaa, si fta avv4 ratHrr, -m riaaana aw tsnwaa,
If you need Beellive.
Sections, Comb Foun
dation, Smoker, or
anything else for tb
Apiary, send tb price
to us: will snip imme
diately. Large Illus
trated Catalogue Free
LBAI1Y M Ft). CO.,
1785 South 18th St.,
Omaha, Nebraska.
pmt seat O'ta Oallforala aad Other Fa-
III Coast Ira velar.
Tb above reduction anpllea to tb
tiro en route. By the North weetern
Unlon Pacific rout the time la on night,
or 18 hours, less than by other line.
Thi save money, berth rate, and thir
teen hour of wearisome ear riding. At
Vt .1 Ml I.L
r rnmont connections sirs uirac who i
through tourist and Pullman sleeper, t
chair ear to uenvar, Uirden, Salt Lak
city, Portland and San Francisco. Din
ing car through to th coast Qet tlok
at and berth reservation of A. H. Field
ing, city ticket agent, 117 couth 10th
t, Lincoln, Neb.
it is always
9 C00lr
and there Is where you should
go for a good rest.
30 DAYS...
Will save a doctor's bill equal
to twice the cost, Information
and tickets at ll, & M. dtpot.
or city office, cortwr 10th and
O Streets.
A sWaa, ki na Vsassa.
Ma att aiti iiJsj
r'laWsSWJ ww VafekaMavVt) w0 AMWMNfll
Sjaaala, lrw as
M) iMtiaSA Issartssaav tke
w.aia rak
Wava . S. aa1 tU4 CM
Give the Children a Drink
called Graln-O. It I a delicious, appe
tizing, nourishing food drink to take
the place of coffee. Sold by all grooer
and liked by all who bare used it, be
cause, when properly prepared it taste ,
like the finest coffee but is free from all
it injurious properties. Graln-0 aid
digestion and strengthen the nerves, It
is not a stimulant, lint a Iniulth hnllt
and children, a well a adult, can drink .
iv wiiu great oonenc. uost about J4 a
much as coffee. 15und25o. ,
T one-half
Kw PIm TUrmw. nln Drill
luitl llnuulaaal M,.Im..
Thmwlns tb Mfth all nn war. (tmiilu
EaOwxl of ainlliii.aatlwlwlnaljlnilrillil I
lauaOW In, amly In. apart.. HmtA f..r tilr
Inn Aiullnr, kilrs Il.tO. M i, Ir llu
Minrara, t'M.W, UlilTiis Oanii J'luw.,
Mfth all nn rjr, (Uviilutlnnlmm tha
ii.r inn tiiaiiarraat.
ri'ti lur. ,
na, Roll,
arrow, wi n).
i. l-miiiM
inrniw, fin. . jia llnHaa, an.iw,
arnm, ll. Jla lliikaa, in., Wsinma. llnsslaa,
ariiaaa.Hawlnii Maclilnaa, ('ana anil (Hilar Mil la.llar
ikiUkihI lissiuUinr Hilnj( lnaliilf rtl.r' prliwa.
wiius-Hli ad, will siieaat aulM. As. 11, 'M,
Private Dlieasei
Waakatai aas SOarAtr tt
BO Yaar Csparianse.
IU Vaara la Omaha.
lfook fro. Ciitiaultaa
tloslfr. JJoi 70S, OS
14th ud ramam St.
omaua, men.
Wyatt-Bullard Lumber Company,
Offlc 20tb and hard Bt. Pbon 471
WriU for PrioM,
OMAHA, fill MEB.
When billlou or eostlveeat a Caaeanrl
esndy cathartic, cart guaranteed, 10c,
" A. H. WttJH, AOIMT. '
: : Corwf H iDd 8tt 8t., LINCOLN. '
' ' toon 6S. ... ; ;
Full AAAortmcnt, Best OnU,
lowcii pnets.
Dr. Ketchum
Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat
and Catarrh, z x z
Spectacles Carefully Fitted.
All Feos Reasonable
226 South 11th
Weekly Persaaelly floadeetad Bsearsloa
to Portland, Or., via VarUaatoa
On February 17, and every Thnrsday,
thereafter at 0:10 p. m.. Pullman tourist
sleepers, In chargs of our own excursion
conductors, are scheduled to leave Lin
coln for Portland via Denver. Leudville.
Salt Lake City, Ogden and the Oregon
Short Line, passing through the grand
est scenery of the Unckie and stopping
several hour in at Salt Lake City to al
low a visit to the many points of Interest
there. Uirths, ticket and full Informa
tion may be obtained at Ii. A M. depot
or city ticket oliiue, corusrof O and lOtb
streets. duo. W. lioNsri.u,
C. P. A T. A.
The Mekal Plat Road.
I the short route between Chicago
and Huffalo, aud no better service will
be tendered the liuptist Young People'
Union via any other line, lly deposit
ing ticket with joint event, si tension ol
return limit from HuBhIo to and includ
ing September 1st may 1st secured and
also stopover at Chautauqua Lake with
in final limit of ticket. Passeugsr may
have choice of water or rail route be
tween Cleveland and Iluffiilo, within
dual limit of ticket. IUte 912.00 lor
the round trio. Van Paran Hi. Paaasn
ger station, Chicago ou the loop. Tele
phono Main !l.')!i0.
Remember the name
when you buy
Par yuur svilriptlo.
trttkaj to tw frdr
FARMER wpf r
sr saw Kaa.'ss'jit' '' (3Tt B-U
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