The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, July 28, 1898, Image 3

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    July 28 1898
f In thia department ws will publish coramunicatioue of a worthy and auitablo
character, received from aubaeribera to tbia Mpcr. No oonmunioation mould
contain moiik than 800 woiittH. Miiutiacript will uot bo returned.
Editor Independent!
V Tim aoineraiiulta of tlie u vertigo re
publican gold bug, in regard to the
window of KukIIhIi etttteameu upon lineal
matter, huvo never been equaled by tint
acrobat of uny clrcua 011 eiirlu. You
' know they tell uh now ml ay the policy
of "tho moat enlitfhtoiiml nation on
earth" in thn policy for ua to pureue
Did you uvtir hour of a republican gen
t Ionian named Hobt. 1'. Porter? Ho wiw
once aupcrintoudoiit of our coiiwiim bu
reau, und "a grout authority on aliitlH
tica," trying to hIiow wliat nut of Idiom
mid auotiiidrel Kugllali alatoauioii wore,
and the "Jtofonder," a republican tiliiiinp
lut publlMliod in tlio lutoroat of " Protec
tion," printod tlm following lint of (juh
t Ion from the pen ol Mr. Porter, and
the Defender auya that 110 one Iimm ever
been uhlu to nnawcr them.
Why 1111 ofllciul report recently pub
halted by tlm Iondoii Daily Telegraph,
ahowa 1 luit Jit) per cent, of Him children
of Hrlliah workmen I11 London go to
to Hrliiiol every morning without, u
moutliful of food?
Why halfpenny (out! cent) dinner for
achool cliiMfiMi failed In lliriiiiiighaui
mid otliiir IniliiMlriiil centre, hccuiian
the children could not procure money to
pay for tlioin?
, W hy thouaiiiiiw 01 tiionuro eoiiHiiiuiiy
walking Hi" alronta of the great, Indua
trial coiilna without food or work?
Why inori) tli111 1,000,000 in a popu
lation of oTi.000,000 urn out of work?
Why (loan .John Itrlghtndiiiltlhnt the
Kugliah fnniiar hu loat in meant your,
Why iIoiim .loaoph Arch admit that In
fifteen your 800,000 porMon hnvo given
up tlia cultivation of thu aoll','
Why huvo tha nuinliar of itcraona on
K'iM'i In tha gainful occupation in Kng
laml di'craiiHiid In fifteen yuura from
U,7Md,H70 to ll,187,oH?
Why docH Mr. Ilo.yla May that tlio
forly-aoeonil report of tlm lt)gltrat-fioii-cral
mIiowh that. "011a out of about every
acven of our population end their day
ua pauper?" And, 1 u I'll iiibc to Ireland,
why did one in every four of tlm Inhabit
unia olConiin ugh I, (population, NIMI.OOO)
apply in I HMO (or I'oor Daw ItollolV
VVhydocaiho report of tlm llritlnh
I'ont inaHler-fieiieral hIiow that in 1H75
nrtiMon and luhorcra cmiHtit uted Tl
4M-100 per cent, of the dopnaitor in
I'oHial Having-llunka, and in JNH2
only 17 H.0 percent?
Why do women work lair at tlm forgo
and anvil the whole week making iiiiiIh
onlv earn ! !?
Why doeH tlm current, rale of vvnga
for tha coininoii laborer rarely exceed
fill chiiIm per day?
Why docM Mr. t'liumbcrlaiiiany: "Nev
er belore wan tlm miMcry of the very
poor morn inteiiMa, or t ha couditioiia of
Vtheir daily life mora hopeluHH or mora
' Why Iiiih the coHt of puuperiaiu and
crime incrciiMcd from .'10,000,000 in
lN0tolN2,000.00()ln 1HH1?
Of i-oiirn Air. I'orter wiih ongngod in
laying all thoao ill at tha door of free
trada, but a Met, of etutoHinon who were
ignorant or virion enough to ulllict,
their country iu thin manner by any
M.VMtem or ant of lawn are not good mod
oia for tha American people lo follow.
Did you notice, Mr. Hditor, that during
the lata preNidantal campalKU wo never
henrifa word about tlm iiaupcriNiii of
I'litfland, but were Miirh lt(l with liarrow
ii.K taleM of th Mexican poor. Tlm
lion. Hobt. 1'. did not turn the light
of Iiim Mtatixticitl knowledge upon the
miHcricH of Ijigland during the litMt
campaign, lie wan too buny recount
ing tha bank of lOnglaud under a gold
Mtaudard and the miHcry of tlm Mexican
poor under a Milver Mtaudard. How
striking the coutniHt aipeared.
Nvriltitl I.I'kIhImIIoii,
Kditor NlCIIKAHKA Imikck.npkm:
I have uot exhaiiHUtd tlm Miibjact o
enacting populiHt prinnipleM into law,
but far from it. One purpose has been
to call attention ol all reforiiiern to the
tin-ting ueccKNity of doing nomothing
along tlieHH I i lien if uny genuine, ierma
nelit reform in to lie Hccomplmlmd. lie
form hgiHlatioa rank (1th t iu import
ace now, at thin lima in our Mule, and
Bonn but tiialouM ailvoeatm of our n lll
Clple oilKht to I hi eli I ml to lie! h'glol li
te re, rim oitii'e 01 law-maKer im iivmy
of mortt impiirtauiv to reformer-) than
the utile"! of law executor. 1 1 oliutit Hot
to Ih uivkii a a compliment to any
man. lima legmlator ouht to Ihi
tho u Imi iiu"" ol hiii ability and U loy.
ftty tn the Moieit IlltenwU.
.m m i'Iomi to ihifM uriii liM I ihnirtt now
to mention briefly a number of imauua
UKfdid. not a M'lally populintle, but
being lor the general good, mid t In-re
T many oiher.
Criminal complaint and the tatule
I brait-itiou. Aaour iiui t inter
irUd by our uprm court (itlllotuath
trroiemu-il v in my opinion,, rvriitia
ftiaiiiirtl vttenw outlaw in to y ram
Uhlr tlo- luloruintuiu Ik flhtl In tour l
In th at tium. 1 ) m oiitili) In w an
tfent tit binding id thw lUa-tel int iivm
Wf trlttl tnl I nitty th nUluli-, but III
111 Uig of Dm ililufliirtlliMi,
w-miiii at. ?ur itiv purpiuw of ob
ttiuiittt uniform un-t tbrough-
Mt III lul Ol Hll luj-fly II Mi '
Itlitl tu a tl la r"iun-, an ai l
iniifht ! t uvwt rvuirinrf rvptw-MMtu
lic t t ---im im nU i iiualu In
it to I im il huiii In Im umll
rnlta ! t upp mh4 loUud iu
iHiUUlt, ruU- In mulof m In xll.
n-f tktaiiil lai Mud lb riHlrw-
HWI I.I III M-I pHHl l'Utl fof lh I4IU
tMlKiM Mi MMU. lbM bll -rIIix
ovidHt til ( llltHM4 UHtt
tf w bit bml4 liduMy rtuw to nUjr
1md.-U U l'ii J n m
III ttt Hla I bit And tW'U b N-H
t4 r (Jom-hI Ut$ lb li lb
fMMtuUlrxl U Wtl-ljr Will HT,
tiUI U bi'lhm-i lrM ibm. I b
rn Mf Mr Ibut wl Ibin-t mi Ii int
j.krU In lb ritUtit lb mm
ut In i dU ! tb ituii (Hiwatlv-a
Ibv-aa Ut arittl Ium Anil
thev will bring In tha market.
Inheritance tax. Many UiU already
haru lawa iiniioMlng a uraduatait tax
upon lulieritauucM above a Mtated
aiuoiiut. TheMi) la no good raaaoii why
Nebraska ahould not enact mucIi ii law,
taxing all inlieritaucwM alio vo f 10,000,
hinbciizlciuoiit. In tlm MooracaMii wo
have a celebrated iiiKluucaof the PomhI
bilil ieM of inilii'lal couHtrueliou, Mooru
pocketed 2.'l,0()0 that Im received na
agent of the state; but licoaiiMii tlio law
did not nut,liori.a him to receivu tlm
inonev. tlm NUpream court Maid that ho
wiih not un embezzler, ao Im wiw per
luitlei) to go free mid keep tlm money ho
liad collected Illegally. Ilenca our Mtat-
uto on eiiilie.r.lnmoiit ought to bo mo
amended that no public olllclal can ever
again escape on a like lecimlcallty.
1'uiiltlvu diuiingcM. It U tlio law of
t ins stale that damagea known na puiil
live, Intended as a punishment,, cannot
lei recovered In any case, j m, lor In
stance, no mutter how gross tlm ncglb
genco ol a railway company uiay .hu
which causes the Injury to an eiupioyea
or a passenger or other person, there
can bo no recovery by tlm Injured person
of a cii in over ami above tlm damage
actually sustained, for tlm purpose of
punishing tlm grosa negllgeucii of tlm
railway company, Iu many atat-ia llila
la not tlio rulo audit ought not to bo
hilling to ring ball ut crossing, It
ought lo bo made prima facie negligence
for a railroad company to fall to ring a
bull or cause a whistle to Im Mown at u
highway crossing, in suits for Injurlaa
occuring at tlio crossing, Then tlio bur
den of proof would bo cast upon tlm
railway company to show that muuIi
failure did not directly cause thu acci
dent. J his in the rule in many stales,
I in peach meat of municipal olllocra,
Wo need a confine and comprehensive
Mtiilutc providing a simple method
whereby any municipal olllcer maybe
Miiiiiiniirily impeached and removed from
olllce; subject, of course, to tlm right of
appeal to the courts.
Revision ol MliitiilcM, ijuratatuiaa are
in a hopeless lauglo and sadly need re-
vising, hvun tlio liest lawyers linn u im
possible to nsroiiaiu the legislative will
on many questions, because of li aginea-
tury eaacl meals seat lereil tlirougii mi
feroiit chapters mid because of decisions
of the supreme court holding various
statutes invalid, It ia almost useless for
a layman to try to find tlio law upon
liny ipH'slioii. 'I'h Is ought not mo to be.
I he statutes may li so coilllleil, aim-
pllllcd and arranged by a thorough re
vision that justices of tlm pence, public
ofllccra and laymen generally can Had,
without tlm aid of lawyers, tlm statute
law upon many everyday qucstiona.
And above all things, tlm slalules, after
a careful revision is made, need a good
index. I think 1 never saw a more strik
ing Instance of poor indexing than wo
have in tlm index to our compiled
statutes and It stands hs a perpetual
aiiiioyauoo to over? lawyer.
W. I,. II AMI.
Koarney, Neb.
could not bn ao groat, but ao imperial
policy oiimi Ix'gun baa no definite end
ing. It will not ha long until you ahull
hoar that the Cubans wwd our govern
meat, that tbo rtiillppines maid our no
litical organ ixation. and that 1'orto
Itioo must be under our lawa. If we
yield to thl course, what will become of
tlio doctrine which which wo wrote
tlm declaration of Independence, when
weaald that tlio power of government
lire iter I veil Irom tlia consent ol tlio gov
erned. 'lhia principle la contrary
Imperialism, and he who advocate a
colonial policy la working in opposition
to our paat history, and to tha principle
of our lather.
The state represent thu highest good
If wo perfect our political organization
wo shall give much more to the worli
than If we should at tempt to Incorpor
uto all territory under our authority
and rule. '1 hey May that wo owe to
these unfortunate people the political
genius which wo posse. Ilciuemher
that we cannot be asked to siiitHIcm our
achievement mid endanger our exist
ence to satisfy a les accompliahmi peo.
pie. it Is our duty to instruct them
through our example mid not by Inter
ha HiirroiiiK luir Mtnall countries are
holding out, their arms to bo admit led
to our territory. There la no question
but that they would bo benelllted If wo
would take them, but where would In
our reward, and where would bo our ad
vaimeinentV Wo must remain na wo
have been, a leading star for III the
world: and an ad v oca to of human lib
erty mid popular government, Let u
take all IheHpanish territory and give
these people an opportunity to pattern
after us,
IIjcniiy A mi, Mkikii,
la wl
IbtftVM M4 tbWI
I il lbIM Mf Mbai
Ki.k Ciikkk, Nkh., July 1H, 1H0H.
Fxlltor ludependcnti
The Initiative and referendum aeom to
be au important part of populist faith
these days, and the arguments iu favor
of direct legislation accm unanswerable,
Hut if direct legislation ia good for tlio
siople aa a whole ,why ia it uot good for
a political party? If we cannot trust the
representatives chosen by the people to
make laws for the tsiople, why ahould
populists be obliged to depend upon del
c gales chosen by caucuses to determine
candidates and policy for the party.
The liidcHiidcnt ha been doing good
sit vice in collecting and publishing opin
ions as to party policy, but if auch mien-
tiona could be determined by a vote of
all the members of the party, there
would be no chance to claim that our
leadera misrepresented tha party. It
would be comparatively easy todisMnse
with nominating convention entirely,
ami let all candidatea be nominated and
platlorm adopted by a vote of all
ineinlM.r of the party who cIiomo to take
the trouble to exercise the privilege.
Instead of calling a convention, let a
ballot ho actit to each voter iu the state
who act with the eoplc lades inleu t
party, giving the name of each candi
date proposed lor each olllce, ami each
plank proposed for tin platform. Where
there aroaevcral ralidldiltea foe one ol
llce let t hem be voted for on the prefer
ential plan, tlrt, second, third choice,
that no one may Im nominated whole
not the clioieti of n majority. If
adopt aoiiie kihIi plan n tin, we can
ciuiisteiitly demand direct legislation
for the M-ople, but if allow our party
to be ruled by delegate, ' cuuuot IU
rcMsou ak any change lur the people ol
the late,
V. I llowi
Ivrili.lUI AriiUlliu.
) lit i mi I mi rk mi r " 1 ii polit y id
iiiim riuluiii, aliii li ha b n biigun ty
Hi., priwet MiliiiumtrMlioa Ml aliing
Imi, I tllUil Willi I lie nr-nlit ditnger 'o
our rvpublie, Mililary ksvmii di
iiiamU that Uk alt ( liriHmy
ibat w imii Irmii ripMiii. l or u in
wit till Irrrilorjf dm Mot IHNtH tbitl
ll llll"t h'IMII j KM l OUr lMjt, Mild
ili-irm our ginmrMptiie anil vtbtiie umiy,
111 net f im I ou nl iirAl
llml a Halloa will t l-d A)t lioin Hi
ulrl il,tw id liliiM aud dwVvb.p
Minl. ( Mitur i'aiiu diwuMioM and di
p.iii.iiii roiii.b r,iiiiu ri'i'i ld lb
AMHUIAtlllM id llll. MH. IirAl,
bhli aomUI bA Iwwm lb Uial hiu
ol Bi.uig Iba I'tm.ifr, aa bol
rAtiAl. t b AdiMiawlrAtii'M, buvr,
hl 4iUlrAiHw Iu dialfA I Hi
Hum td lb tpi Irniu luUruAl irol
Wiw, and bfoutfbt Iba ihmihm ol aa
miaiioa kf Mat tA4alitiM. ll r
HAirA-l a At viriUiMMiAl la whn I la !.
Ir A 4tM4 Iaa, Abhb Itl'Mt A
lHl tlAM-tlHMAl eildi( 1aI Mtjf
a war Kffiiof r, IUaaiI a d-lrd a
Arl id tiur l a, 1 baa, la f
ilKAlW IMAAAA, A Ad ld lMat li
pi lATta aauitwra vd I biAawa amI vlbaf
AA Ml bk tlAa
II IIaaa4 AAfAlbA Ul Imiloty bab
a Aial4 iai-orjuHAiA lb nti(iiiA
Ooramondations of tlio First Edition
OompoBod of Seven I'arta.
The liudiinga of Money Chart if (ol
lowed out wUI blesa the nation and de
atroy tlm power of traitora of our conn
try and Initiate tun iiroliiaruooii ol
man. N. K. Dresbnch, Carroll Co,, ill
Money Chart knock the wind all out
a . . 1,. .1 I I'll I.' -I
oi I lie coin reoemption iiri iis. i .n i .in i
It cli li I. Mo.
"Warren'M Money Chart , ia tlm moat
prolouud, forclblu and convincing work
that thia great reform movement lias
produced. It ia ainiuing to moo the
number of unanswerable facts that the
aut hor ha aucceeded In crowding into
so small a compass. To the advanced
atudent of political reform it la indispeu
sable; while lis simple form and atylo
make It equally vuiinililo lo tlm begin
imr, ! (', Itateiiiiin, Auliiiru, Mo,
Warren a Money I hart ia t he best, vole
maker in tlio market. American .Vtu
I think Money Chart the liest book of
tlio kind I ever read and I hope to aeo
the day ii hea ita Miiggeatioua will be in
full force, (loo. Montgomery, Deuatur
Co. I ml.
Money Chiirt Is I he best book Oil tlm
money question. It 1 mo clear that any
reader can lia convinced of ita truth. It
aiutaina Populist doctrine purely and
only thai .lame Mcllriilo, Hue,
Michigan Ntato ( omnnt Ice
Warren's Money ( hart should bo the
text book nl tlio nation. The three olh
era of thn club join ma iu Maying that it
is the grandest work ever published in
the Interest of our much depressed conn
try. Jom. Mclloverii, (ileiidalc, Col.
Money Chart la the beat exposition ol
our financial dllllciiHio aa a nation, and
provide the best remedies for our nil;
tional ills, published in the Knglish
speaking world. D. M. lirowder, twice
a nominee for Congress, (ireensburg,
I ml.
In African slavery times two books
precipitated the struggle that brought
ireedom, The Irrepressible Conflict, and
I'nclc Tom's Cabin. Two books can do
it again, Money Chart and Money of Ac
count. J. M. Snyder, l.oup City. Neb.
If wo could get tha plan advocated in
Money Chart into operation wo would
aisi all kind id business lieu in now. We
would see prosperity iu reality. I). A.
I'ew, St. Joseph, Mo.
Money Chart ia the very best reform
book yet published. Jeflcisoiiiaa, Fari
bault, Mum.
I have carefully studied Money Chart
and uliiat say that a more convincing
work ha never been issued. r. .
Itiehic, Viper, Ky., Nov. ao, 1HU7.
I am pleased to add my mile to the
words of praise given Money Chart by
many thousand. Judge .Marvin ar
reii is a resident of my home town. No
mora hard working paiiiHtuking, con
scientious man live than Judge iir-
ren. ('. (J. DeFraucii, F.xccutlve Cham
ber, Lincoln, Neb., Nov. ao, I m'.7.
Money ( hurt i u thorough trentie of
the mouey ouetlou, it concise it ml ac
curate logic carries with it a foiee ol It
own. It should be in I he hand of every
producer of wealth. I loi. I., Ilesmi,
.NtctiitsT ol Stale Committee Silver Ite-
publicau, Hamlet, Ohio,
II II were possible to get l.-u l'r cent
of the voter to r-ad Money Chart a
greiit ccouoitiie change would follow the
Urt election. M. II, ImII, Mihlll, H,,
lllg, tl, N1I.
I have read a grvul many work on
tin aiiec, hut I think Uarrni Momy
Chart tlie beat Vole milker ol I lit- III all.
II. M, I uiniiou, I tituriiiAii I, Miliar Coun
ty I omniittii', exi.
I Mill plntg lo dilributs I oil
otM-.n. Y I liArl during Hie ruin-
eg year,.l A.
Kv. I hi 7.
VlleM, Dade comity Mu.,
i mail ! any addrvaa
I ISM'I.S. M il
I hi 1 1 atut b
t Ii rlHiblll'iU 'l lit aim At lb
t IMIC MiaulMll pi t I1hiIi..h Alii ls
b4d IfnlM tt.lMlwr I 'Mb In IVItdwf
Jo 1 1, AAd '! Ibibg iul III A ltra
4plAi, J II iiuiuiir,', HiuiaiiMiiihr
lit aim b, alAiva thai Iba innsipiiad
am rvtvitd Ittiwi latoMdibai aibitotitra
I Ia Uar Im a !' ut lb 4aIa lor
lb ffioAiatf III AMW IbAA II AAA Al b
I lumtt.A I lHiuteiA At (bH l tl
VJ r . iAAir ullti lallvoi ai lulBlt4
lb t ibilalo.A d iikb At OiiiAbA
Aiil aa we nl Iba fleaat rf tf1 lb
ILoveir DdDs
I.Ike tillloiuiii'iei, l) spepsln, hcailuclia, conci
liation, mar HtunneHi, liiillKeKtleli are ireniitly
cured dy lloml'a 1'IIU. They do their work
raiilly ami llioriaiKlily, "11
Dent after dinner lll. fr I I I C
3A pent. All iIiiikkI"!". U II I W
Prcpuri'il liy (', I. Ilaeil k Co,, I.owfll, Maa
Tlm only Pill to tuhu wllli llaeil'i Hiirwtiarlllu.
Tha Following Circular Letter I'll I Out lijr
MlHlo Nu pi, .iMchaen Will II of Inlerral
In 411 Who Am lntirlil lit Nelirniik
Lincoln, Nob., July ao, IH)H,
To Nebraska School I'eople:
Many havw experienced difllciilty in lo
rating tlm Nebraska I'diicatioual I'.x
dibit at the Traua-Mississippi ICxpoai
tlon; hence thia circular.
Jhl exhibit ia to be louud in the
IIAI.I.KIIY Of tllO MANI'I AI TI lll'.H blllldillg.
Homo visit our kimu ationai, ii i:a fxji; a u-
ticiin In the Nebraska building and fail
to find tlm exhibit, not knowing that it
ia put up in another building,
Tlio exhibit occupies some fifteen thou
aaud mi pi are fmit of floor apace, am
comprise all grade of school work from
tho kindergarten up through the Slate
University, and la pronounced by loud
Ing educators of other stale a one of
tho finest educational exhibit they have
ever aeon. 'I ho New Iwigland Journal of
J.ducatlon, published at lloston ami
Chicago, in ita Issue of July 11, make
tho following comment; "Tho educa
tional exhibit of Nebraska at tho J'raiia
Mississippi i;x position, Omaha, la one of
thn best, if not literally tha best, ever
nimbi In tlio United Stale." (Jreut
credit la due lo the thousand of educu
lora and pupils of tlm Nebraska schools
who ao faithfully co-operaled with ua In
making thu exhibit a miicccmm.
Wbll'i we all are proud that Nebraska
baa the lowest, per cent of illiteracy, wo
feel that lhia exhibit la right ill keeping
wild tlm liigli Mtundlng our state lias attained,
The work la neatly arrargod and taste
fully decorated. Visitor can find seats
where, they can rest mid examine the
work. Von can "Stand up for Ne
braska" iiorhap in no bettor way than
by taking your friends with you to aeo
lhia exhibit, which no doubt is aa flue aa
educational exhitilt aa was ever put up
oy any Htato, w. ll. .iai kmon,
Supt. Nebraska Kducalional J.xhibit,
Our Term For I'tmm,
Spain has been talking about peace
over aince Dowey destroyed tho Spanish
fleet ut Maullia but alio doe not mean
ft. There will bo no peace until Spain ia
driven out of every Island alio ever po
aessod in the Pacific and banished from
Cuba and 1'orio Itlco, Jf thia work la
not done and thoroughly done tha fruit
of the war will bo loat. The poison In
fused into tho body politic by tho pre.
once of Spaniards in any of these Islands
would make tlm war a lailure. we want
no negotiatlona for peace. Tho admin
istration ahould tell Spain what alio
must do and make her do it und not
consult her ua to what she would like to
do. We know very well aim would like
to keep everything she haa got and a
great deal more. Her press ia constant
ly Informing the iHiople of Spain that
she has captured all our principal cities
and that we urn suing for poAco. Tho
people of the United Statea are not pay
ing taxes to support thia war for the
purpose of "negotiating". What they
want ia victory, absolute und certain,
and the terms they want are the term
winch wo demand and are resolved to
fight until we obtain them. All that
Spain has to do when aim lias had
uougli la to quit and get away, and
if oui satisfaction ia complete we will let
her go and any no more about it. If it
Is not, we will pursue her until we have
accomplished the purpose for which thn
war wa inaugurated and obtained
aulllcieiit indemnity to nay ua for our
trouble. Silver Knight Wutcumau.
Just try a loo
finest liver and
mad a.
x of CucAi eU, tha
. .vel regulator evor
Nvlirsak ami VWouiln lluiiiaawbi a'
Ai gust and and lt'.l h, HoptomlNir (Uh
and ai'th, tictobi-r 4th nud iMh. the
Klkhorn Hue (NortliMeetern), will mill
ticket at one fare plu f J, for the roand
trip to point on it hie- Iu Nebrnka
est und north mel iu Wyomiug
ol and including Onu Junction. The
minimum round trip rat to I mi f'.i.
Slop over granted ni going trip be
yond Mianlou nud Crtwtou. Neb. For
lurilor iiiforiiiAliiiu cmII on A. S, lield
iu, I 1. A , 1 17 H Imti Si.
Nebraska state Insurance
For Fire, Lightning, Oyolono8,Tor
nadooa. and Wind Storms. Lo
cated at Fairfield, Clay Ooanty.
rorrMiiiailnia i-uniiimmd by J. M. Hanford,
llvuvrttl Huiiinr,
lhu above named company la one of
the moat auceosaful mutual luauranne
eoinpanii! In tho atate. On Diaaimber
Slat, IHiKI, we numbered SI) from tho
lop aa to Ilia amount of iasnninnn In
force, and on December HI, 1807, m
were UH III Per . Iiavlllir liassed Iwenl.v
other inatiraiice compaulea In tho year
aa vo uie amount oi iiisuriuico In force.
Ill other word there were onlv thrm.
other muttiul companies in the atate
mat wrotfl more Insurance than ihi
company did laat year, ami there In onlv
three mutual companies Iu tho atate be
aldea our own company that wrote more
iimuraiice in the whole year of '07 than
we nave written In the first four month
of 'UH, and laat week wo wrote 71 new
member aiid this amount of fire nud
cyclone Insurance i f 7'J,H 10.
1 lila company la the clieapeat and beat
company In tho atate for fire, lightning,
cyclone, windstorm und tornadoea.
'I hia company glvea a perpetual mem
bership fi-e and leauea a perpetual policy,
We never charire for maklnu nnv
change in Hiild policy provided the In
surance la not increased. We never
charge for cancellation.
1 hla Association ia tinrtlciilnrlv udan-
ted to carrvlmr cvcIoiih Iiibiii-ilii.u t'nll
If you have insured vonr tirooorl v
by lire in some Mtock company, on
iy:count of a mortgage, we will lnaure
you iigalnatcyclouea, wind atorma end
toruaiKMia ua cliono. ore leaner than unv
other state company. Jieforo vou ln
aure ask aome of our agent a na we have
ovoriuu in tlie Held. In cttao there la no
ugonMif ouraln your locality write for
an agency for youraelf or roccomimmd
aomo good livo man. Address
J. M. HaNkoud,
(Jeiierd Manager,
ulrflold, Neb,
Head postal card to Conservator? nl
Music, j and 13th atnaita, IJncoln, Neb,,
or neauiiiuiiy iiiuatraUu aouvenir cata-
oguo. Complete musical education nt
half tho expense of any other achool in
the west.
Give the Children a Drink
called (Jrln-0. It la a dellcloua, atpe
tizlug, nourlahlng food drink to take
the place of ooffee. Sold by all grocer
and liked by all who have usd It, be
cause, when properly prepared it taatea
like the flneat coffee but la free from all
It Injurious proportlo. Qraln-0 aid
digestion and atreimthene the tiervea, It
la not a atlmiilant, but it health builder,
find chHdrun, aa well aa ndulta, can drink
It with great benefit. Cost4 about a
much aa coffee. 15 and '2Zo.
I.oau your paper to your neighbor.
i liiipa he will aubscribe,
To I'iik1 Hon nil m AlMaka I'ollil.
The Northweatern Union I'nclflo la the
Inert route to the 1'uget Sound und
Alaeka point, Morning and afternoon
train make Olnet connection at Fre.
uioiit with through tourist sleeper and
free reclining chair care to Portland.
For correct Information call on A. H,
'ieldiug, city ticket, nui'iit. 117 aouth
loth si,, Lincoln, Neb.
- V
Thrftwlna i
Ilt.m in. am
. MVln. Hulkt I' I
lia iMiullHr. I
r fjNi-Htr
T" I,
n&M. a
if if. litvfitfit.lftnlftMifh
fltf.MirtfVf WIIIM'HfHlnf AMI I,
'If MP,
I ha Jaat(h ull n. aa,u.
im,tm. ii. in. a. ii, i'i...., tt.
:hi I ai r n.. ...... tin,
miiwMm, . Hiniii ixifi I'lew, ;in, n l
iiHrniw, im. l(ihM,
jMnrriww, nfmilts mM-Mle
Ifiltftt.iil IISSl.ilhMl. Il.l.,u ml
Clillitloieia frmt. Mivrnml rlmm
ko-IH 1 bH id, will KMr Bull)
W 1, '! Harrow, ill.
I'lmM. filn, lWIMM
II . Wnon, lliimiim,
imrel M,lr Mlll, llr
l on linlf lUtiilA.H' iirlmM.
Il.. lb, a , klum. III,
It, 'N,
Aa4 Wyomlna;
June 7th and 21t the Elk born
North woatern line will wdl tlokaU al on
fare ploa $3.00 for round trip to point
on IU Una In Dorthweetern Nebroaka
and In Wyoming weat of and luolndlnc
Orln Jauctlon. Minimum rate 0.0(i.
Htopovcr privilege going, Final limit
two daye.
City ofnoe 117 Bouth 10th afreet, IJo-
coln, Nub,
W 5 1
ia ma oaxr
Private Dlseaiet
Wataaaa Mwrlil tl
9) ymrt KftHtrims.
IU yMri ia (leialia.
WiN'A frm. CiaiellA
turn trim, lintvn,m
14 th aol Faniaia 8t.
Wyatt-Bullard Lumber Company,
' WHOl,Eaal,R iffO BTiU
Offloe 20th and hard 8U. Jbob 47S
Writ, lor 1'rioM.
OMAHA, till NEB.
When bllllona or oatlreeal CfuaMrtw
candy cathartlo, eure gaarantaiMl, 10.
IB98 BICYCLE 53.00 1
Yaa, W 00 takaa Mr Bp44ta, aaraDta4 tlrt OA
oar grant aoaparatlT oOar, Vea o a llitl work Ia
rmar ir Miua. Writ anna. OOOK OVOT.B (X),
Otto. ! Mb 4r. 'aotorr. It-M Fraaklla Hiv Oblaaco,
If you need I tee I II vea,
Heotiona, i;oiiiD roun
datlon, Hmokera, or
anything elae for the
Apiary, aend the price
to us: will alilp I in me.
dlately. Large Illua-
trated Catalogue Free
1735Honth 18th 8t,
Omaha, Nebroaka.
10 par eat off to CAllroralA aa4 Other fA
elfle CoaaI Iravalar.
The above reduction appllee to the
time enroute. Ky the Northweatern
Dnlon Pacifle route the time la one night,
or 18 honra, leaa than by other 11 nea.
Thia a vea money, berth rate, and thir
teen houra or weariaome ear riding. At
Fremont connections are direct with
through ton r let and Pullman eleepera.
ebalr rare to Denver, Oirden, Rait Lake
city, Portland and Ran Pranoiaco. Pin
ing car through to the oooat Oat tick
ate and berth reeervatlone nl A. H. Field
ing, city ticket agent, 117 aouth 10th
at., Lincoln, Neb,
k. U. WK1K, AaiffT.
I Corner n ml 8th SU., LIMCOLN.
f PBon 09. . . .
f Full AMortinent, Beit QTU$,
X Lowed Price.
Dr. Ketchum
Eye, Ear, Noso, Throat
and Catarrh, x z x
Spectacles Oarofully Fitted.
All Fees Roasonablo
226 South 11th
all l
t A-Aria alliHutat llier, hMAeyt
Atl AwaelAi eAt AlekeA, weakeei wf
ff'pA, t.
It." I'wiidna lud. iwadaul Partv id the
'iri tiiiitfmiaioiiAt diatricl id V hraia
will iiim-t III di-l, ha1 cnii v ratio ii At
riall-nuiutll, t'Aaa Hi'Ullljf, NrbrnakA 'ill
lhlttk dav 4 AuA-uat, au4, Alii
n't l. k p. m. lur th iarmai id pbti lug
IA UIXIIltlAtlUA a FAUdldAt for IHllgrM
tor al dialrii I, AAil to trAUait am h
turlli.-r buaiiiNM a at. all eouia Iwfur tha
Ik bMnauf rrialAluM la thievoA
tiliii IA the VitlA eaal lor J-ftr'A II
Plu If Ia Ik t if! vtiarvMiuHAl iba
Ir I im Ahd aa h wiuatv it Iwta
llla Iu Kb UwegAWi fuf f A. h Ita kA,
dt liilwKt AiAJi'f If Ac I Iu A IkerMt.'
lhA Aat. I'a lr Iki ApMirtioAuit
h ! niA At tA id Ik dialfMl An
aalil'-! rAtl4y t Ik KilttiWieg
AAHilwf III ltl4t lit-All
I'tMA ... .....14 Jokaa-IA. A
I ' tr , ,.. HI N.uiakA
til. . . . .... ...... .Id I'awa) t)
ItuliarvlauA 11
It M rottiiAAAd tbat AiWf AAlaA
W Kif All tMajAW-A At4 IkAt the 44'
Al wAt At Ike (all vole ul kir
renjti Aal'A,
ra "at ratals
t AAiraaAA.
it is always
And there Is where you should
ro for a gooj rest.
30 DAYS-
Will save a doctor' bill equal
to twice the cost, Information
and tickets at H. & M. depot,
or city oilice, corner 10th and
O Streets.
G. W. BUNNELL, CP. 4 T. A.
Weekly I'amonally CuodaoUd KiooraloA
ta I'urtland, llr.,rli BurlluartoA
On February 17, and every Tnoreday
thereafter at (I; 10 p. in., Pullman touriat
ahera, Iu charge of our own exouralon
conductor, are echeduM to leave Lin
coln for Portland via Denver, Ieudville,
Halt Lake City, Oitden and the Oregon
Hhort line, iuhIui through the grand
eat acenery of the llocklee and atopplng
aeveral houra in at Halt Lake City to al
low a vlelt to the many point of latere I
them, liirtha, ticket and full Informa
tion may be obtained at II. A M. depot
or city ticket oflive, comer of 0 and lOtti
atreeta. Uko. W, Honnkm
C. P.4 T.A.
If TAiir Tlakale I Ha Bale.
For the II. Y. P. V. metliig, rd
Nu ke) I'IaIa HoaJ you have iiriviletre ef
a boAt ride b tw.u ( lvelaud and Hub
falo, or UiHivr at Chautauqua, Lake
a ll hin final limit of ti ket. Alan Mura
limit to leave Huffulo In and lucludiog
H.ili-uilr I At.tiy depoaitiiig link eta with
Joiut AgiHit. ItAtafU.lHMor round trip.
I lly Ticket Otflii Ut Adaiua Kt. Tea
Him'iiKl. PoaAxugar Mation, ('blega,
on the Loop,
la InUa.l I lai Mm.,
Ulhaahorl rout Im-( ChicAgn
aii I UurtAlo, And no Iwlir arrvhai will
w lelidultnl '.ha Iblpllat Young I'tNipla'e
I nloa via Any other line. ly di'ia-aH-leg
te ket With "l a i(ul, tlAUalott a
reiura limit I rum liuRaln la and Im
ing MfpivmUr lt niAjr li AnurA4aa4
aIwi eiuiHiVKr Alt Iiauuu iia l ake ilh
Ih DuaI IiiiiiI ol I kt. l'AaAwgr atoy
ha thoioa ul AAtwrorrAtl rav
I A v a lllaad A Mil IllltUltl, wlikia
HuaI limil l liik. It ate tU.lKj ur
Oifuuad tup Van I'araA Hi. I'aa-a
ft iAii", I ttWugti ua Ih Iimiu, tl
Iiiiu Vlat a .111U,
rAT.f taf au em a mm
Wm "lie IVaaaWaA aawaJ
Mla. .ia AM aTaaoa I
aa i nt Ai4aeaaaraaTaaaf
Itvxiish TIII1
Weaktaa rfaataMk laaariiaaaf wtaa vvttaaal la) aJmhleara