THE NEBRASKA INDEPEDENT Jily at, 1898 THE OPINIONS I. this department ws will public communication of a worthy and sultabl chared Xd fl subscriber to thl pa.ier .No uo o dowTAiM mouk tiu 800 woni. Manuscript will not be returned. Editor Independent! (IOVKKMMCNT BY 1HJDKOTIOH. It Id wiser to guard against an evil da j tt. an to bo compelled to extricate ourelvwbeii theevll condition corn upon at A yet strike have been few In Nebraska, A manufacturing ! creiises they may become more frequent, Now I the time to guard against en croachmentn by the court, upon the tin natural right of striking l" peoeeolily assemble IImmih their k-ri. vaneee; l'b federal eonrf and the atnte courte ol JVi.imjrr have much too far lu limiting the right of free apeeeh and the public assembly of law . abiding cltixcns. Those court have In truth established "government by In jiiDOtion" tn cue "f W'Mlifit between employer and employed. And In every neae, etrnnge n It may eeem, the Inyo Ion by the courte of the natural fight of the cltlwn ba been In the Intereet of the wealthy employer and lor the pro. taction of hi property. The court are leaning too much to Ihe Idea that m r eonal right are nothing, property rig lite very thin. The legitimate fruit of thl idea, w the shooting of ft score or mora of peaceable, law-abiding striker In l'enneylvanitt and the subsequent no qnittal ol their murderer. Under our Indue! rial ym the men who own tb machinery factorle own the men who oralfh machinery. The toller I bound to the machine by tile necessities The fetter of d.aftel lave were never harder to break. 1 be machine owner I th f'r. Hence In conflict between employer and em. ployed In the factorle, and on the ral road too,-tle etrnggle l unequal. All the Advantage I with the waster aud employer. , Yet the court etep In, on the request of the master, and help him to rivet the chain of hi elave more firmly. The hand of the courts mtiet be stayed by legislation that will protect a far n poMibl the tolling wage-enrner. Jtgy THULIK OOHTICMI'T :K. Bo long the property owner and em ployer Inelet upon Invoking the Injunc tion agalnet the etrlkerlt I Imperatively necessary to provide for trial by Jury of all contempt caee where the contempt I charged to have been committed not Ih U. ..miumno fit i liatumrL A On in COH nectlon with tbeee matter it become necessary to define "oonplrncy," "poy. eott,"tc.,oo account of which Injijnc tlonaare obtained, giving rhatto eon. tempt caee, end then to prescribe the procedure, Inetead of b arlng the whole matter In the handaof the courte. Hpaoe lorblde me to elaborate, but Plan may andehould bedevieed whereby equal utlcehould be administered U em ployer and employed In caee of etrikea. KLKt.TION KXPRNKH. The free ue of money In election tend to corrupt the voter. To dlmlnieli the freedom of the ballot, either by the im proper, corrupt uee of money, or by op preeelng the voter Industrially or other wine, undermine and will ultimately de stroy, self government and American liberty. Hence, ae a check and af-guard, every candidate lor county, tat, leglelatlve or judicial (above jostle of the peace) office ough to make and file in torn public olllee, an Itemised account of hi receipt and dlbure menU In the campaign, with date and amount and nnme of perou from whom received and to whom puld. In the above I Intend to Include candidate forcongreeaand for the United Htate aenate. In addition, every political campaign committee, through It proper officers, ouuhttob required to make out a worn account ol ite receipt and expen dlture In each enmpnigu and file it in aome peclfled public office. In order to eneurean homed eom pi lance with the law, heavy penaltlM ought to t Im pend. Including forfeiture of theoflloe aouKht and punishment for perjury lu making a lalee affidavit SAVK TUB IIOMK, Governor Itoger of Washington, hu undertaken to have their cnuNtitutlou am. nded o aa to permit the complete eiemptlon of ft home from all debt ami from all lien to eecur debt. The plnn contemplate the eavlng of the home to the lmdy o it can never ! alienated and paaeed into the baud of similiter for debt unless by complete abandon ment. No mortgage may be given upon It uor any lien ol any kind may be created agalnet it whereby It may be taken Iron, the family. Thle, of coitrmi, look like an attempt to Infringe upon the Ireetlomol contract; and I wuiipoee that, teoliuienlly, it le. Hut il Ilia tmtilld itiiihI. Itila inartd technical obJf tloii ought to l dlare- gnrilMl, 'J'he'etabillty, proewrlty and happb iimu .il m ll.unru!iiK IwiiIiU trmi uihiii three-cornered fouudittlon; character, lllierty, iMime. iwwtroy eiiner ot uieaw, the loundHlion will rtumble nuu the ua tlon will fell. Oeimmlilp ol the home leMMential to Ite iterniNiieuc ftitd It ll gruwlh in rnduriug rhararier. la all tlm, owner of the mill have the 'UtH.-. . til prti ire aud cu.lmllou. Ilvade nl lamh Ilea (iiiuht, lr the public good, to uwa b hniit they oceiii', fur forty ' the common epU of (.uronunlrr hev b and now rtr-, loetug thir hotn.. If govrraor UHr' Ua ill tier thevvil, thle rruuiblieg ol the louadalioH, let t ha H. I know ( an remedy bet tr eulud tti t pur W, LlltM. Kearney, NIh haiUatl letif 1 IMIkir ladrpeudeatl It ha takeu 11 long tint t rli Ike prveeat eoaeai'tioa A th laadaaieatal Hiaclple ol ft Ut. atiol "J ha evolved througk BH raw UrM of blua Url.ig, I now d. tarmie. lag foree la the developwaat ol th laodrra tHtlttlal urgaalew, Thn rMava.UI aoihiwii it rqirH trial la prove whet wa wmeatlal. Vpi aed iikd lka aaw their m elakea, Ul May OF THE PEOPLE theW;umul.ilof. from n" oire a con: on will to follow t ie " Wt piin' We muet ntlllw what hi- V"l&tT!inA a a fundamental lbt the people of a ataUi houid have a isommou p rlt, jm-y ehould bl ""''T' . .. . . V other, and muet underatand their li tl f utiona. If hey do not. the political or gttulmtfion will retft'd their dvelopment and cane dieeeneloii. The very purpea of a M, which I to aid and ndvanw. the public weal, would be thwarted. A mingling me of anlagonlel datroy nniiy of net Ion, and the wledom o eome would be over balanced by the folly and elupidlty of other, You cannot form a uweee(ul etat out of ev.rl e-op e who have nothing in common, and who difb-r In language, In literature, In fheir tradition and bielory, and In cutoma and conaciouanee of right and wrong. Keieclally i thl true under a form of govern meat like our own where the peo pie miiet agree upon political ineaei.ree, ' 'i' iiiuin.Hiiiftiie have develoed government and inetitutlone. aean outgrowth of their nature and gniilu, Ut which other tieoplea are not adapted; and Itl unpolitical to allow ft lee aitwieaeful race toantagonleeand do troy what they have ncompllhed, ' II I At aw it,. ... U llltM Plot ail are qnanneir ior m aum" i.". Home have no political eouclounee at all aud are entirely unfit to inform il ill lee under democratic Inet.tutlon. Coneeijuently, In the lormalon of a new elate, or in the development and epau- : . . . ,.i ,1.1 ,.f m miou in an onion, turn iiuii" unity of the twiople ehould l obeerved. The United Htate I now patng through ft crlm a great n any that bn ever confronted our people, We are called upon tochooee our future policy. We muet decide whether w lavor terri torial aggrandisement and colonial im perlallani. We inuat dcld whether we hall break away from ourpuet ur and enter the complication of the world. It I for u to eay if we are ready to de nounce the Monro Doctrine and enter tb trouble of Murope. Tb opportun ity will b given forUMto make the ..l..i. i...Mlti.a f Mnaln a. nart of oumiAU TU9 war foiwt u to mt th i territory; w mn wn to wtBRfn I.iit a.iAh tiuaaaataiailiaia MP 11 tl lIJr mi Will tVH a WVlf )-e.. . - dewlrabl both from tb etandpoint of noMltlon and the character of It people, To take thee point doe not mean that W n.Ut annex inem; w hum uiyvw of them otberwia In order to maintain th geographic ethnle unity of our atata. ui.. it.. i..wa i.l Ilia mirlA ha fr 11 curaw nia iiiw - admitting through territorial eipnn ion maea of uncultured and degraded people? Buebftcouree would prevent them from perfecting our own tat I I.iu.11 uiilikml Alt1 inivn aiiiTinai t.ur iHinvni ,i..iw..-, - from giving to all tb nation the beet sample. Now I tb tlm to act. We mnt not Allow oureelve to tak a ft permanent poMeioo tuia terrnorj L m n mt n., Mim ltial.ll nttnna W lll'OTT nV'l ltl,R M , I. WW. ,wwvw.-.- aud have not tb character to appre- .1 , . 1 uiaiv 1 nam. IIRNRV AUU. MKIKf.. ItlaacMag Mudln. Th mldummer dry good eat In our large cltle are the beet opportunities! th year to lay In ftaiipply of unbleached muNlln. A good quality can be bought for three or four cent per yard, and ul mot any family can uee a bolt, which coutaln from fifty to eilty yard. It very little trouble to bleach It, and It iathena pretty a any. Itl prefer able to the bleuched mueJin for many purpowe, co I leee, wear longer aud I eaeier to wneb. When rou are ready to blacb your muhn, cut it in any length that I oon veuieutto handle, aud boil ft bull an hour, lu a euil made of soft water aud erliue. Ulnae hi clear water and hang on the line in the hot euuablii to dry. If it I not whit euouuh after boiling onue, reieat the proceae when dry. Home houeewivee prefer to make tb garment rlrt and lilench tnem alterwurd. nnen thl 1 don It i well to allow a little for aWan. L f ta nui tn 1 1 M I . rt eiltaualVM alliFilllca W 119 1 II m Ml) I l M TV Ml wen ie ewi r wtj w wmiwww eome In bleaching. I.. J. t. Tb Mast Naailed Hatorm, Th moat needed reform in thl state I a total change of th adminletrntiou of all publlo money, Our tax eystein mid administration of public fund 1 nothing else than legalised robbery. This state wa ruled for over thirty year by ring of boodler, nod every dollar that came Into their hand wn brat, luthelaat lew rear several mil lion ol public money were etolmi by the ring and loat lorever; a th robber protect aach other. Auditor Moore has iileadiHl blmaelf guilty ol embeiilmg Pub lic money, but our court did not believe him they knew better atd declared that Im did not emiieiii pulilin inoiirv Whernita aui li itiitorloiialy corrupt men, who never did n bou-wt day 'a work in all their live, least at the public irih and live la eitrNVHgant luxury, the tax paving iwHipt have to latuju them- lve to aerii a miserable living and l. till lb buttouileaaabya of our treasury Thl robU r syitein must be clisimml Il I not aulttclant tu ebel ho neat rea Uiera. Th whole atslent must ba I'lomgml an that all publie limit ate inaiinjml and coiitrolli"! In ft liulita lika lliiililier, s i Hint II U lilipoeelbl of lH.i al ll sleul publlK tliolier, I elllahuw how publb iiuiiay Is lnau ailed lu Hotii.rUn.l, and it may be lhat r en learn a bills I row II. I Hiiirlnd they do not pit so inueh pu i on hand a we tin here. I hey divide I lis mer and Ihu illVblo lha r-p'Hibility, tint. In Haili.rUu l lk hilt tuauaiiii iiffauititlioii, airfl Many People Cannot Drink el tlhi. It eiHiil thir elarii Yua raw driat tirawll when vim p Ira aai iei in a lp. ur iiiih.ii a or IDttllitmlala an 1 Ultra, thear aad ha-de, Yet II looks wad lsl Ilk la baal fottn, fur asrvoa om, yullHf Cipka a4 M'lr Uriatl at lha tr Itlriah, Mad Iimmi para aralaa, lt letskag free lf rHN today, III It w im M luQea. l aeil HO. townehlp managing It own buelnw.. For thl purpoe they elect ft board of fire member for managing all the bowl oeee and public money, for which they are together reponible. one for all and all for one. Thl board elect It own treaeurer, who ha o keep trlct ac count of income and eipenee, Heveral time during the year, without a before hand warning, the board examine the ocnounte. which muet ngree with the cael. money. Thi money muet be ei- ftcf. neither more nor leee, ami no cneK or bank account are fweiepted. If there I more money In the freaeury than I rwill needed for exoeneee. the board de cide how it muet be Invented. Much money ) moefly loaned on real negate, entailer eum being locked up In tlie public aafe. The county commteeloner. too. have Mi examine the boook and a:ount of the townabip at leaet once a year, In thl way treaenri'r are tilway under control, o tnai tnejr cannot ejac ulate will, public money, rind n the memieir of the board are together re- ponelhle for euch publlo money, they eee that all bille are paid ae eoon pre enled, and only ae much money In rained by taxation . I really needed to pay all exeneee. Kvery year tn treae urer ha to make a eiwciul nwouut over Income and aspen, which I flrtes amlued and approved by the board, then the ncoount, with the report 01 the board, ie eent to an extra committee of clilfne for examination and after their approval account and accompanying reporte are open lor publlo Inepmtlou. nnnliy they nave 10 oe npproveo in ex tra meeting of all citizen, and from there they are eent to the county com mleefoner, and not until they have ftp- uroved the account I the boaru re eaeed from reeooneibility, In a elmllnr way fund of all elate Institution are controlled. Adminietrntor of orphan, too, are under etrict control, Kvery year the guardian hae lo make an accounting of income and expciiec. and a report over education, occupation, etc, of the ward with propoeal for tha future. The account and report are flret examined and approved In a meeting of the town board, in the prete nce of th guardian and ward, and then eent for furthei ftp nroval to the county comrmeeionere, l'hee account and report, and all val uable, euch a jewel, deed and other document of the ward are kept in the town eafe, which I locked with three different lock, the key being kept by three member of the board, no that the eafe can only be opened lu the presence of at leaet three member of the board. In thl wav when an orphan become of age be And correct account of all In come and expeiiee and all hi property perfectly eafe. In tbl country if a father with minor children die, in a few year all their property 1 gone witnout anyuouy knowing where It went. A long a we do not put our trene ureMftnd administrator under etrict control and make all officer together re poneible for all their act and for the public money nnder their supervision, just o long will boodllng and ateallng public money continue. 1 woui'J mum what la poeeibl In Hwitcerland I possible in thi country Keith HatwKizKK. Woodlawn, July ir, iua, Just try loo x of Caaoftrtt, tb flnet liver and uowel regulator var Upr4 the Kugllsb Tung ee. From the St. Loul Republic: Whll thr art 128,000,000 people at th pres ent tlm who everyday language Is Englhrti, there are only 90,000,000 who peak Ruaalan, 76,000,000 who epeak Oerman, 66,000,000 who spcuk French, 46,000,000 who speak Hpsnlsh and 35,- 000,000 who speak Italian. Thl mar- vlou growth of tb English tongu I directly due to th rapid development of the United Stat, aided, of course, by tb Aoglo-Baxon'a natural coloniz ing spirit In thl country there are Ie than 80,000,000 people, and greatly less tbsn that number In the whole of the United Kingdom. Thl estimate indicate the spread of the language In to all parts of the world. NHaan Varaa Natagarf. A feat accomplished by Mr. Mac- pheraon, who wa attached to the forco lad agslnat King Mwanga In th lust Uganda campaign, 1 entitled to honor able recognition, Mwania's follower used poisoned arrow, and the men, though only slightly wounded by such, Inevitably died, Macpbemon set him self to discover an antidote to th poison In which the arrows hud been dipped, and was led to try Injections of strychnine, Thle treatment wa at tended with entire amies, not a man being thereafter lost from mere poison ing. Dr. Nfscphron, It Is sld, In variably succeed In bringing th wounded men around In about a coupla of hour. ' J I'aal flog fast In Uermaay, It I proposed to us th peat bogs of Germany aa source of energy on on of lha canal of th country and tn th manufacture of tsliium rarbbl. fha boss of the valley of (he Kin rov er eome 13,000 square mile, and tb proposition lis been IiiniI to erect a lO.Ooti horse power electric pUnt lu the llstrlcl, which would consume annually some ion, (mk) ton of peal, equivalent lo (he emioiiu yielded by "00 acre. One Sere of bos averaln ten feet tn thick Bet roiiialu about 1. 000 Ions of dried peal, and th amount produced by 410 iquare iitllss wounl afford a tniicli bsating poevr a lbs 10,000,000 Ions uf utal mined annually In Oermany, Matlias HatMlaa. la !. lb fit st Mllroed III Has.lru tpeiivd In v4, and h nnmHy lu tow, In prtipottloM lo II popuUtlon, ho Mil) Ihea any ulhsr rountry ,n Kurop. Thy areoaned patlly by :h stat and paiily by private cotpor Itbins Has leu lis th nuly rellwsy 11 Ihe m Id whbh pa the polar ilri l- I , th aiaia line from l.uls 9 t)lllvr, la th UpUnd dlatilct. AIM Willie, Mettle-' What vuld yeg 4a It niunt urn s ta kits yog itat four will!" Illc-(h, rhaw Mufe thief, woull t IsnpoMthl," cowit ma IsXCf WPtlte AMEPICAN SOLDIER PEPAIPING CUBAN'S GUN, Ottr Jiibni. nlll' S fit HiuiMngo Imvobwn ttmch diwiussnd, irnuw army oiricer dwbirliin flint (ley went vulu:tblo uld and otborusiirtligtbut tlm only tilings they went really willing lo attack with vim nod (lctorniiimUon wcro Ujii provi sions of tint AiiktI' ioi army, Tbo C'u bun worm bulf etarviidand practical Jy m clothed wbeu HliafVr Huiitiago, Tha alio.) given tbiun tbey worn tb d ground lln lr neck by tin. NlrlngN, b cause shoe wort. tx; vuluitblu to bo worn on tlm feet, Tito nocompiiiyliig iUhU'Ii, tnudo by a Huw York Herald artist in tho field, show uit Ami'iic,..) soldier repairing tbo gun of a Cuban, 1 er t rei roe eMIknn,f HOLE IN THE TEXAS MADE BY A SHELL Bo lit tin damage ba been don by the Hpanish gun that wa are almost tempted to believe that the dons bava boon firing blunk cartridge at our ship. But bore I ocular evidence that tb Hpanish gnna and ammuuitioti are all right, Tbis picture shows tbe bole which a chance nb(A made In the bow plato of the Texas. Tbe battleship wa shelling tho shore butteries to tbo west of Santiago, making on of thosa aeries of feints under cover of which Hhaftcr Janded bis troop at Iklqoiri. The shell was big one, and it tor through tlm steel walls Just forward of th armor belt as if it bad boon piercing cardboard Instead of bsrvcyized metal. In its coarse, you will rommnlmr, it klllwl ono man and wounded several other not very deadly or damaging mlssllo lu oomparisrm with some wbiob American gunners have thrown into Hpanish war ships. Th photograph from which this picture was mad for the New York Iferald was taken from the 'tween decks of tho Texas, The ship seen through the bole is tho Vesuvius, and tbe distant shore I tbe shore of Cuba. BEAR IN MIND Write u for price. Call and see us I when you come to the Exposition. I NEBRASKA HAY CO., OMAHA. -. Cy iP m Don't Ship P' l until you tw ourrp.dit with us. W ihlnk we cea demonstrst fVJ to ymittwt thl course will If to yuMeat, We are In a pie r!i slilon lo ysue pvtuot dlnot Im lh mmnufmalurmr tifl IwaiiM we era Ul lrKwt namueni or wm imim w, hava a sunioenii aum w imm Wi Miki Llbiril Advinoit on Contlcnminti and ctiHtse only ftf oiPf OMtl. Inlft ier annum i tliasMiua. Wa furnW. sack fm U our cusUsimr. Oim Ortsfir l)ffM Ansi ymu sMwIwef mi Iff mmrM, 3 rCiml WrlU fur It ami other polnUir en 'Llrf SILDERIMH BROS. ANDY 1W A-f CURtCOIISTIPATIOII W -aftw -w I0 34 4 10 ISO. At tltrf f ffllRIHTFPrt lsa lOdVLUlbbl vUi(iir.r-u n , .ik-iuha. la. atauu at aiei WEAK UEM CU.1E0 MJSSOUUal lOriS.lll If iitioi til HsMtsi lsssrssssst Vajaj rV SB ! ki MH"vMi I h U-, ll 1 I '. lwri M ! m a a i ai1 4MtnlM,-M-lil WH. a-ita ( -M a i i' -1 n'i n'iNi'iiiiii ...That we are prepared to supply.., IiEST BALE TIES AT LOWEST PRICES QUICK. Hay, drain, ond Mill Feed bought nd sold lu all part of the ataU. Your Wool tna wiuaiem. 1 1' CHICAGO. ILL riLi; CATHARTIC DDUCGL5TJ ialeaOMl ! lk4l li M ti,i , M !! in, .it,. 1 aii. (aa.. ai tk, SYPHILIS 0.1 DAO D100D. twi.M.4 ' ' ,fi, U . rli Mitl alia kit m m MSMN'ft WMaJaVi ,, ,. .l'l) . tkei wriUag to tar aJv.ttU.fa. 1 Biliousness Il caused ly pirpld liver, which prevent dlKi. tlon and permit fund to ferment and putrlfy la tli tomiu'li, Then follow dlzlurss, lieadiMdis, IMloocB's liisouiliis, nervoimue, and, , If not relieved, bilious fever or blood poltouliia. Hood's Pills I'llls stlimimle th stoniMch, 1 run ue tli liver, cure heiufiiclia, divine, coii- tliiatlou, etc, w ccnis, hoiu iiy eii (iriiKKima, only I'm w les wiui iiuou em uwui 11 w. liurlliitftun Honl Kieura.uii tor Meinmsr of 10. Denver Colo,, and return lH,af5. for meeting of American medical nssitfdtt tlon. Ticket on sale June fi aud 0, Hie turn limit July 0, For earn meeting tickets will h sold on earn date and limit, lo Colorado Horlug at llM.Hfi und 1'ueblo at 1 10,00, lienver. Colo., and return l.2IJfor biennial meeting general fuderatlon of li;. ...!.. I - U.A.. A,.i..m Im.a IA IT TF t;ilf'll m I IUIJK, IHII,T -,,H-f, V wnwt IV, mt and 1H. Iteturn to July 17, Foraame meeting ticket will be sold on same date and limits to Colnrndo Hprlugs aft HMw I'ueblo at 110.00. Omaha national elcctlo medical asso ciation, I'J 20 round trip, Date of nle, June 19, 20 und 21, Iteturn limit, CO days. Omaha Tran-M 111 1 tl teachers' a. social Ion, 2.20 round trip, Date of ale, June 24 to 00. Iteturn limit IJO days. Hon Francisco. Gal,, and return, ICO,. r.O, North American Tanner's union. Dateof sale, June 28 and Vt. Iteturn. limit, August 81. Halt Lake City, Utah and return, f 32-, 00, International mining congres, Date of sate, July 8. Iteturn limit, July 23. 1'ortland, Ore., and return, I00.B0. national council of Conirregational eburchea. Pat of sale, June 80 and July 1, Iteturn limit, Aug, m. Washington. I. C. and return. 1315.80. national educnf lonal aeeocletion. Dal of eale, July 8, 4 and 6, Ueturn July 10, Wmlt can oe extenoeij 10 augusi 81 on payment of 60 cents, Iluffalo. N. T 27.80 round trip, Hap. tlet young ieople's union convention. Dateof eale, Jul r 11 and 12. Return limit, July 10, Ki tension to Meptemher 1 on payment or oepoeit lee, Omaha, Neb., ftnd return, 12 30, na- tlonal retmblican league, Daieofeal. July 10 to 20, Iteturn, 80 days. Itock Island, III. ftnd return, f 18.45. national encampment salon veteranr nnion. Date of sale, August 8ftod 9. Iteturn limit, August 20. Indianapolis. Ind., fiuprem lodge Dolform rank K. of V, Date of meetlog, August 22. Limit. HepUmUr 10. Bat to be annouaoed later. Omahft and retsrn. 12 20, national eongreas retftll liquor dealrs. Date of sale, August 20 to 27. Iletura limit, 80 das. Omabft, Neb and return, 13.30, Ba tloaaj eonventloB llohemian tamers. Date of sale, August 16 to 80. Be tan. 80 days, Cincinnati, v., ftna mum, vn w, A. It, national encamotnent. Hals date snd limits to be announced later. UROR0SJ IJOMSai,! G.r.AT, A,,Muools, Neb. HtOVCKU It ATM To th OranS Knaampmaat Mlalag tlla trlat, Wyemleg. The Union roclflo will sell tickets at one fare lor th round trip, plu $5, from all point in Kansn, Nebraska, Colora do and Utah to Kit wlln, Wyo, Date on which ticket will b sold are let and Jtd Tuesday In Mar, June, July. August,, Oct., and Nov. Htage line daily except Hunday each way between ttaw lln and Oraud Encampment For full Information call on or ftddrea K. II, Hloon, Oen'l Airt., Lincoln, Neb. fA BlgM Bwws t Kkewftlfce, Wketkev yon select tke ftlb water rott 7 wxy of 81 Miekaels, or the ovrlft4 row as rift Dyea, fskagway. Cooper river, TaJt a tlklae, you must trat wash s Paaifts port al ewjoarxatloa, Tn Rm Ouni Wssrsajt Railwat, la eoaaeetloa ltb tb I). A ft. O., or Colorado IfldUud fly., la tb abort, o root ftftd popalor route to Boa Frftaoisoo Porilftad, Tftoossft or fteattle. Tarottg slaewtftg abftrt ftad free reellilag shale eon from Denver to He Frsioo aad beam to Portland. Chole ol tkroo rostes tkro' tho ftoekleo ad U roost agalAoMt seesery In tb world. Wrtta; So f A. WiSLBies, 0, P, A., Bolt LoJur Ctty eopy of Klosdlk lot dev. Tho Now. Union . ELEVATED LOOP Chicago 'i'l'A'Vk, w now orts, It rant on Van Duron Ct.. Dirootlf in front of tbi Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific STATION. aenr arriving in Chleago a, by Ik aw l atow Klavatad lmis rkaay part ol Ihe eliyjiir. for a Bveoaat farts eaa be taken iMimediataly to any ol the lerg tura la tna dnaa ! dialriet, AH l lavalad Train will stop at the "H.Mfk Maud" Htatioa Trat every mlaate, Hm taatliik aa talyUel rl by th. "Uraat Hark lil.kJ ReU.M II yo will Mud a jjMHt stamp los fuMiMg w will mail yn at owee a bird e y view id t hlcgo, u mmih la Ivseoinre.whk'kahow yu lu what fog oaat to kauw abnut tliha:oaa4 Ike a.w IMip aad t lavftlad HiUm, Thl map Vim obnvtdj have, whether iu live oil of Ihe eii; aad ipt In auwe to It, or kslhar yn aaw live la hMMgo aadyoBOr yoar Irlaads eoateaiplaU naklag trip, Adlre Jmbs rsS4S Tias, t, r. At CklMogn,