July 14, 1898 THE NERBASKA INDEPENDENT Insurance. By J. 1. M. 1 Swlfart. I Owing to a lack of time (having to be t of the city for a few days), l give readen a few extract from letter ncelvnd at the office of mr company. Mr. Suuford's letter will be answered My Friend J. Y. M. Inclosed you And annoul tatemeut of Fairfield oouipuuy, whluhl want returuod. 1 Mieve the Statemeut In full of deception or in other words, to my mind itfe a lie. The statement nay, receired from assess ments, 40. I want to say that one MeMHiiient of one mill, like the last four, on present risks la force would ainouut toDltt.a&8. Ihave been Insured Jut one year. I've had four aasesBiueuM, three regular and one In advance. 1 am insured for five years; five year at four assessments peryeur make 20 assess ment or 20 mill, ltcot mill lor membership and eurvey fees, which make a total of 2!1 mills. One year ago 1 Insured In an old line company for Ui mills. Notice the year' losses, f 0 45.77. 1 feel like hunting for another company. 1 fuel like taking a dig at Fairfield. ,1. Y. M. Swioabt.-I am afraid I am IomIuk faith in these "mutual" soma what, but will give you a trial, a 1 am anxiou to help the mutual along. 1 do not mm that 1 owe anything on that as sessment and have sent nothing. Hop ing our buslucs relation may prove more satisfactory, I remain your truly, ', Mil. J. V. M. Swniaht. A per request please find enclosed Fairfield policy and order for cancellation of Name, and also 1 notice of assessment with amount, 4 .'J cent. 1 ui;i glad to got out of that compuiiv. 1 made a kick to Mr. Hanford for luting assessed to tuy losses upon kiinl ol insurance with which my policy bad, or should have had, no connection whatever. 1 asked ome pertinent ques tloiiNin regard to the same. All the HatiHrucliou J got wa an abUHlve letter with a demand that I get out of the company. Ho you see that 1 an. glad to get out whole, and I thank yon for the opportunity. TO WHOM IT MAY OONOBgN. CZJ lllne Hill. Neb., At the annual not ing of the 1' airfield Hall ANHoclatlon, I wa elected director, uitnougu 1 wax not present ot the meeting. Iu looking over the Ion report of the company, I cannot make out that the losses for the year 1807 amounted to more than 1200. 1 alxo find that the members were paid a dividend of about f'2000 total, 10200. The report nIjowi, asset of over f 20,. 000, all of which wa assessed. The amount collected hex never been report ed to the memlair. The company eem to be run In the intereet of one man. Knowing all thin, I concluded to assist ' Iu organizing another hail company. Jaoob Doll. TO THIC I'UIIMO OWCKTINO. I wa in attendance at the annual meetin of the Farmer Mutual Hail Association of Fairflold, laxt January, eli-cteil one of the Auditing Committee. The Hecretary' report allowed that over 912,000 had been collected, about f 1000 of which wa on hand; that $57 00. had been paid for Iohhom, 11500, of which wa for Inswes that oocured in year prior to 1807, and for which the member of 1807 were not liable because tbey wore not member during the year in which the lo occiirod. The secre tary reported that there wa yet due, 10000 from member. About April flret the mombor were paid about 92000. I then concluded that I would help to organize a comp any that would bo run in the intereet of the members. H. T. Wh.mamh. lllue Hill, Neb. On Kl Bone Kent for a Church Hit. A unique celebration occur in June of every year at Manhelra, Pennaylva nla, according to the Ladles' Horn Journal. It I known a the feast of rofleH, and Is held to commemorate the benevolence of Damn Stlegcl.wbo more than a century end a quarter ago leaned a tract of land at Manhelm to a con gregation for a church alte at an an nual rental of one red roae to be paid In June of each year. After Huron Stlegel'n death the rent waa never de manded until a few year ago, and now It la formally paid to one of the baron' descendants. The occasion I knowa a "the feaat of roses," and the quaint ceremony attract tie greeteat latea. eat. A WELL DRESSED HORSE Hat it appearance im proved a luimlrrtl foM, at writ at itt tire ami spirit. Yuur hnrte tcemt to (eel tluwncatt when he look aluMiy, There U nu no cecity of lipriin with u haiuUninr, vrell littintf ami ityliih llarnrit, when we will tell t)uu one at tuch a cut prke. Cook i It mow. t 915 So. nth St., Lincoln. NeU IK ! . e4k West ttrai ! bae-llea kmi a4 dree, W dUe Ml, TRUST THE PEOPLE. Tbey Ha to Do the riahtlnnd Pay th Bill They Ought to liar a Say. Four hundred milliou of interest bearing bond, with more to follow, and a tax upon nearly everything but air and water, with the administration moving with the velocity of a snail in the prosecution of tho war, the metro politan papers advocating au alliance with Great Britain, the money power is indeed happy, lounging in the oool re treat of seashore resorts while tho boys our boys are trudging under heavy inarching order in tho tropica. When they are through whipping the Spaniards, they will return homo xoine of them and spend the balunce 01 their live toiling to pay their own wages, with iutorcst thereon, and Shylook by that time will liuvo doubled the debt and reduced tho debt paying power of the people by some sleight of hand per formauoo or another under tho pleu of "national honor." Hob IngcrHoll and ho'a a good lie publican said, "Tho government thut will not protect Us protectors Is a dis grace to tho uutious of the earth." ' Now the rmcHtioii is, How doe Mack propose to protect tho protectors of tho flag from tho inliniiiuii greed of tho ru pacions Wall street Hhylocks? Perhaps ho will n:fur tho mutter to tho board of stral ff y I If ho would ri ii r tho matter to tho people, they would say: "(Jive us some Abu Lincoln money that liku tho first 60,000,000 of demand notes without Bhylock's trcuMoiiublo exception cluuxe, We'll accept it at pur without inturcNt and suve our children from loud and bondiigo." That is whut thl American people would suy if they had any "nay" in tho matter. liut thoy haven't! Thut is a rupubllo all right, but it Isn't run by the people. It is run by their enemies! We wunt tho people to run it! Therefore wo demand legislation by tho people direct through tho initiative and referendum. Wo want suoh questions as this little bond issue referred to tho people. Wo would sooner trust them thun tho band of bloodsucking vainpircH whoxe owing time is war and whoso reaping time is always! Wouldn't you' Advanco Ouard. Wanatnakor I Itlglit. "In order for u to havo good time the people must not only inako money, but they iiiuxt also spend it freely. Tho two things are reciprocal. It is the market that keeps the factories and tho stores going und puys the wage." This is what John Wanamuker said recently, Mr. Wanamaker is one of tho few rich men in this country with a glimmer of eccnomic sense. The aver ago editorial idiot is advising the people to savo their money. They must bo sav ing it. They certainly are not spending much of it. Nothing will so quickly breed hard times as an epidemic of economy. There is a circulating medium of but W-i per capita, and probably $15 of this is iu the banks or otherwise idle. If tho people savo the remaining f 8 which is not much to savo what be come of our circulating medium? And yet tho people are urged to suvo their mouey. You might a well ask a man to save his breath or dam up tho circu lation of his blood. Under our present laughublo system of society tho spend thrift is a benefactor and tho prudent man is au enemy to tho public welfare. New Time. Motor llutlfir' Hrolc Vlf. Mrs. Hutler's life is another iustunco in history of a woman' heroic support of her husband though serious difficul ties. KI10 is a beauty und a Indie and was well known throughout tho state from the coaxt to tho moiintuiuu of North Carolina, having married Mr. Butler in 1MI!J, whom sho had known from cliildliiHid. When Mr. liutler left tho Di'iiiiMTiitiu party and took a stand for the people, ho ami hi wife suffered social oxt racism. The change for them was a social as well a a political up heaval. Tho young jair wus thrown en tirely ujK)ii each other' society for so lace und consolation. Tho circumstance made them both domestic. Mr. Hutler ha devoted herself to making the home plcaxaut for her family. During all that cruel period site fuerted herself to sus tain her husband iu the poMtioii he hud taken. Mary Minuet Haleutiue iu Woman's Home dimiutuioii. Banatur HyU Nul fopall.t. The Axiuk iatt-d I'tv lit it report of the actum of the senate in Issuing bond, said lltal out IVpulUt, Mr. Kyle, voted fur the iMie tif Im'IhU Heiit Hutler (nrrH til thl statement on th (lour of the M'tiale, saylitg thai Mr. Kyle was m a 1'opullxi, and that every IVpulUt tolwl again! the iwmnof bond. He Mid thai he truntrd that th As iateil Ihrv would not aUnthr th lipla'a I'Mlj by claMiug Mr. Kyi a a 1VU lut. Hiitr IVtllgrew thun t4 th fl.ar and iawll to hw that Mr. Kyi wa nit lil la the m uatw by Ih l(t'Ub lieaii tiudvt a rgiln )y w hh h hy iH'ur't hi Vol aiel thai bl gav lb lUpuldicau nutji'itiy tn th mu al lkl h wa Ut fa I, a lt ullUaa l'NMttiiMUy 4 UI4 tMliwte Th U mm-4 f th hgUlalar (4 Wa4iagltM Ow ti lag Ihat a wtr4 t t la kM t4u h.l4 al tw ! ifUally nfin4 y ih in uri. Ul lb debt iiil U "'l la au4 tally mU 4 wild any t4 vf lawful iay 14 un4tt y t Dm l'mtl uim" Ua lr4 u-t4t.ilatiul y la 4ui euil wl iat UU. Th uit al44 Ihal It a aiwutfl Kt Ui Ui tat a wtw tgtiM( ik laHly to Ik fwWral ywtMMal aa4 11 "a MlaUiut la a t H4U4 thai th WM UU a wily U r4 Mta al la t al UMUMt ia a4 Ihal la 4mi aa4 )4iHMal taatfust aaaH M Jl4 U valil" NOT UP IN HISTORY. Colonel Norton Give WrIUr, Who Kt( domtljr Maetl Them, m Few Folntci'a. A correspondent for a so called mid dle of tho road paper, going back 80 years in political history, thinking probably that he will flud few peoplo well enough posted in evonta of those days to dispute his statements, aaya: "Look at the succession Seymour, Greeley, Tilden, Ilunoock, Clovoland, all of Wall atreet." Any man who ranks Horatio Sey mour, Horace Oroeley and General Hancock as " Wall street" men is either ignorant himself or imaginea that hi listeners aro. Horatio Beymonr fought Wall stroot tooth and too nail. Ho mado one of tho bravest and most gallant fight in the history of the country for tho payment of tho bonds in greenback and denounc ed iu all hi publio speecho tho infa mous publia credit act (pigeonholed by Andrew Johnson and afterward pussed In 1800) which mado tho bond payable in coin instead of greenback. The plat form that he stood upon declared thut "tho dollar that wa good enough for a muskot holder and tho plow holder was good enough for a bondholder." Horatio Beymonr was a victim and not an ally of Wall street. Ho was be trayed and sold out by August Hulinont, tho American ugeut of the Rothschilds and chairman of tho national commit tee, and by Man ton Marble, tho pub lisher of tho New York World, tho leading organ of tho Democratic party, which throw consternation into the ranks of tho Democratic party by do muudhig Heymour's withdrawal on tho ovo of tho election. Wo voted for Grant In 1808, bnt wo havo como to belie vo that siuco Lin coln's timo there has not been an occu pant of tho Whito House who wa or is tho poor of Horatio Heymour as a patriot and a statesman. And, as for Horace Grooloy, there wa not u drop of blood in the old tnun's veins thut hud a particle of sympathy with Wall street. Had ho boon elected tho financial policy of tho government would have been changed. Men like John Hhermun and Hugh McGulloch would have been kicked out and kicked down stairs after they wore out. He wus too good and great a man to be ranked a a " Wall street man." And who does not know that General Hancock sacrificed his only chance of being elected by writing a letter of con gratulation to Harris M. I'lulstod, a Greeubocker, on his election as governor of Maine in September, 1880, prior to tho presidential election in November? That letter "cooked his goose" with Wall street, and ho was defeated. Hud bo not shown his esteem for tho Maine Grooubockcr and manifested his friend ship for tho oauso which he stood for tho chances are more than even that Hancock would havo defeated Garfield. As to Tilden, nobody over knew ex actly whut he did believe, but it is pos sible thut ho would have enjoyed a tilt with Wall street as bo did with tho cor rupt rings in New York when he was elected governor. Still we never had much faith in Tilden. Hut ho cannot be properly ranked as a Wall street man. Up to Cleveland's time the Demo cratic party was not a Wall street party. Under Cleveland, however, it haulod down tho banner of tho peoplo and sub stituted tho piratical flag of Wall street. We do not believe in fusion with the Democrutlo party nor with any other purty, but wo see no good to como from misrepresenting men who happen to bo Democrat or ltepublicuns. There aro just as good men in the ranks of tho two old parties a thero are in tho People's Party, and wo want to see them all rounded up under a banner of reform, forgetting old animosities and quarrels, just us the blue and tho gruy, burying the dead past, aro toduy marching side by sido under tho old star und stripes. Norton's Monthly. Wa Work For Them. Now it is rumored that not only will un English syndicate obtain posses sion of many of the lurgest breweries of Cleveland and Sandusky, but some of tho plants iu Cincinnati and Chicago will be secured by the combine. The Otis Steel company, the Walker com puny ami a number of other manufac turing concerns of this city aro now owned by Uritixh capitalists, and thus Cleveland wealth producer play no small part iu creating dividend and providing sumptuously for the "best" jHMiple of tdd .J-.ngluiid. Th Auglo Americuu alliance is 110 dream. Homo work Inn iim u believe it is already au au Coiiiplihcd fact. Why Monti Wr m4 Th I'utted State government U b lug urn! a a fU al agiucy In supply a safe tuu'iinviil for th million i f dol lar eilortml au4 to li vitorte4 from loll by tuury and tiuhridh4 gmsi Th KjHMuir of thl wealth have an over r lit4 UivaiM-lve In their grasping lof gain Ihal ordinary luVtwtiuwiU ar 110 otigr Mtfe, and II la now tlelvrtuiiut Ihal lh L'utt4 rHt turn rvul cd hntor, lutfrvtl tamer, divtdeu4 malvr i4 uii'Ur th form of gowrntuMl au4 by Hn'n ( f the Ultlig Wtf fttfttWh IU lil.i 1 Ultra an luciaa tnau lb swvat iot toil f U 1 loan but it da tu 1 1." Ni lot ttUI, awM atif ri. UimkU' 'li f ft bltttilH lb rwtu4 mM i4 lb u.'ir .rlWf na Ut uiUav t u i tu I kho a la taltr iiti n4t iha la ll t4Mlra U4 wf la grl trailitaa railway, A jr iu iui. uiii l Ugaa al aa ratty U4U U ksI i f. t la mla ia I'ral 4tuv with Tat, la Tairu. lata da ll glt Ik htxil h-al frota Ha) taM alf AK IroMi whit a HaM diawa tu Stval a ( U i4 Mill grow r4i. A U'I iM-tal lla I 4l frtM Uauw Nkg Um ta 'i4 4ktfUtl kr a aawtlwf 4 l4f t ia M Ua IU m UI. FUN OP THE WEEK. CURRENT IMPIETKS OF AN IM PERSONAL CHARACTER. rh Serpentina Dane Crte Strike the O Hoot If en Family with SurprUIng Keiulti A Fair Kichnge Torn About Fair l'lr- Tw Lawyer. First Lawyer (angrily) I've a good ii I nd to sue you. Second Lawyer I shouldn't Ilka tnythlog better. There'a only one trouble about two lawyera going to law. A lawyer can never do himself (uatlca when he plead hla own case. Flrt lawyer That's easily Used ('11 plead your case, and you plead nine. A Fair Kiohan, pliw51 i C23 Haffrrty Tliey don't fit. Ol want th' nlxt larger li. Mark 1 t, oaschanga d so drouaers, meln filoiitj t'ey vo tornt mlt der kne. Kafferty-Torn? Will, wllljaodthey arc I Nlver molnd; Ul want to do dih fair thing. Just tear th' pair Vx give me in exchange. When They llrrln, Wbolssala Merchant No use atop ping oft at Lawnvlllo. That town ha been burned to tho ground. Not a tore left. Drummer You don't uy7 I hadn't heard about it. Merchant "for I; but it must be so. I aaw an item in tho pap r to-day r y Ing that the citizens of Lawnvlllo were talking about organizing a Are depart ment HI Fan III Fortnu. Mr. Ilichmann It aenin to me that your charges are very high. Poor Artist I do not charge for painting your daughter' portrait, air. That was a pleasure, and you sr wel come to the picture a a free gift. "Good graciousl Then what do yon charge for?" "For not eloping with hor. The old man pnid, Her Ture Ftplalued. He If you did not love me, why did you encourage me? She I? Encourage you? He For two aeasona you have ac cepted every one of my invitation to the theater, eta She That waa not because I loved you; it waa because 1 loved the theaUr. MIftht He Worn, Practical Father (angrily) I am told that that young man who cornea ta see you write poetry. Daughter Y-e-, father, he does. "Huh! Publishes it, too, I suppose?" "Nu No one will print it." "Then there' ome hope for him." Oot Thin Mliml. Mr. Suburb Well, how are you get ting along with my arteaian well? Contractor (despondently) We are down 500 feet and haven't struck rock yet Mr. Suburb Rock! (iood lords! You've got things mixed. 1 told you to bore for water, man water. I don't want a stone quarry. Honed? fare. Jim Honesty ia ther best policy arter all Hill. How? "Remember that dog I stole?" Yep." "Well 1 tried two hull day to sell 'tin, u' no one offered mor'n dollar. Ho I went like a houest man, an' guv him to th' ol lady what owned 'I111, and kh guv me flv dollar. I'retMeMUI. Tachr-Now, I have plln4 whal "providautlai" mean, aud 1 waul sttuie of you to give in an Ulua I ration, Hrlghl Hoy l'le, ma'am, I ran. 'Vary welt Whal la It?" "1 h hole la a porou platr." lluiul Why?" "WUa you pull th' plaster off th hulee dou'l hurt" tat abaal I Fale tt "4k," rewarse I Ik tea. I Ua r4 saaay lati Val ry 4f kea kn aj, 4 aaw II U ssy U a U fa Ike rwla.' A ike tail Mr Mtkeaie Hla'kl; - e ye are Ukia' ta akla' fta, lira Mrva4Ml Mr Mrv4 Iaaa4 Ul i' fr--- ja "INDEPENDENT THE A Perfect Machine at a $19.50 K WITH ALL ATTACHMENTS. Why pay three times a much In order to sscur a popular oameT Wbea yoj boy some machines you pay 76 per ent for the nam and 25 per esat for the ma th In. We ll yon a Sawing Machine that will sew. and charge yon nothing Urn th name. If yon do not like the name "Independent," paint red over it and aal tb machine what you will. W are doing the advertising, and It does not eoet as much. We boy the machines direct from on of the largest manufacturers la IM world at rAcrronr cost, and we offer them to our subscribers at aa icptlonaUf low price, and all we want in addition is One Subscriber. Oar "Iodpndwt" Machine is a thoroughly flrst-claas Family Sewing Machine, and is retailed uade IU original nam at $06.00. Our arrangement with tb manufacturer will Ml allow us to use tbeir name, but Instead we call it "Independent" HIGH ARM, HIGH GRADE, NOISELESS, LIGHT RUNNING. SELF-THREADING. SEWING MACHINE. Awarded the Kedal Premfora at the World's Colombia! Eijoiltloi a , Chicago la 18118, EVEBY MACHINE WARRANTED. A written warranty aeeompanleji each Machine. All part are Interchangeable, and we can supply dupli cates at any time. Kaon part of the Machine is fitted with such esaefc neas that no trouble can arise wltb any part, as new pleees eaa be upplled with the aaeuranoe ot a perfect fit. Our "Independent" is a strictly high-grade Sewing Machine, and flnisbai throughout In the beat posslbl manner. It poeseases all modern improve ments, and Ite mechanioal construction isuch that in It areeomblned simplicity . with great strength, tho insuring ase of running, durability, and making impossible for the Machine to oe put out of order. It eews fast and makes a perfect atitch with all klnda ol thread and all claaaee of material. Always ready for use and unrivaled for epeed, durability and quality ol work. Notice the following point of superiority. Tbi Hkao swings on patent socket hinges, and Is firmly held down by a thumb crw. It I strong, subtantial, neat and handsome la design, and beautifully ornamented in gold. Tb bed (date bas rounded corner and i inlaid or countersunk, making it flush with th top of the table. Hioiikst Arm Tb space under the arm k f Inches high and 9 inche long. Thl will admit th largest aklrte, ven quilt. It is Hsxf-Tihiicadiko Thers ar absolutely no boles to put the thread through einept the eye of tbe needle. Tub Huut TL ie cylinder, open on th nd, entirely eelf-threading, easy to put In or tak out; bobbin holds a large amount of thread. Tub Stitci Keooxatob Is on tb bed of tbe Machine, beneath the bobbin winder, and baa a acale allowing the number of atltnhee to the Inch, eaa be changed from 8 to 82 atitchse to th inch. Thk Fko I doubl and eitend on both aide of tb needle; nsverfaileto take tbe goods through; never atop at seams; movement la poeitive; no springs t break and gst out of order, can be raised and lowered at will. Automatic ltonnii Winnna An arrangement lor filling tb bobbin automatically and perftwtly smooth without holding tb thread. Tb Machine doe not run while winding tb bobbin. Lioht Hon-siNO-The Machine ie ey to run, doe not fatigue tbe operator, make little aole and ew rapidly. Thb Htitch Is a double-lock stltcb, the same on both side, will not ravel, and ean b changed without stopping the Machine. Thk Tension Ie a flat eprinc teesloa and will admit thread from 8 to 160 spool cot ton without changing, Mevsr gu out ol order. Tun Nkkpli is a straight. U-eai 1 in aaedle, flat on on aide, and cannot b put la wrong. Nbrdli IWa la round, made ol ease bardt oad aleel, with oil cup at bottom to prevent oil from getting oa the good. Amvstabi.1 lBAaisoe-AU bearing are ea hardened etew! and eaa be easily adjusted with a arrvwdriver. All lot motloa eaa be takea up, aad the Maculae will last a life Urn. ATTACBmsT-Eeh Machine Ie luralbed with ta lollowinc t of baeletaal attachmeote rasa: Oae oot Hammer Kellr, one IWIiage of Needlaa, sli llubblna, oae Wreath, oae Screw Ir1tr. one HhutH Screw Uritae, oae Treaeer rot, oae Ml aad Hook, oae OU tea tiled with oil, oae Uaugft oae tiauge Sorew, aaa gakllar, aad oae inetractioa Hook. jk. 00.00 sadLavoxxxxja rort 0x0.00. OUR OFFERS TtUITOaf Mle4aaa4ear tewlaf Maoblaa a aaewa itO4 aad Kebtaeka laeaaeleal ae fa IW fit COHI)ae Mla4eaa4af ! MaoBilaa given aa aula abawlaiely free efpl fwe a 11 ah ef to lilegiUen ailiooeaeb, TUIHO-i l4s4at Mwlag Maeblaa u lit 0J an a4 a I lea ef 1 abeerlbeee al $ I 00 eeva, riKtanT r AltW.AU masklaee aklened 4ara mi,i4 I aat twilal la the KiaUl Waakista, t'aUlarai, N4a, lwJa. tVlaebi hew Mukea, aha, I'taa, Mataaa, Aniia aad Wiewihi, ta tkieb lUU we wUl aM Iratgkl i kargaa M 4 oo a4ltlaa fjeasll eeeV. tCT A asa ata Oatsist Arrtt INDEPENDENT Lincoln, M wkbji rw a; w Hi".m ftreeaa a4etia Maeklae will Wee elale lalaly Ie la be ehie4, as wU ae le vel.m u f pieg awi a I a w4 ae aekitbj addreea, 14 bt raw EWING . . MACHINE Popular Price. FREIGHT PREPAID. dirwt km faatury atHileaJej. IVatftl iael U t'aiW4 HI a We aa a rail! ay, aieeet I elale rial sly te natel t wklab U MM asm f MMMaMII. UIV aaiM ttn ateekiae aad mm ul la) laraiwtftM PUDLISHINQ CO., Nebraika.