The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, July 14, 1898, Image 6

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Has come to be just what we predicted, A RAPID DISTRIBUTION of Desirable Clothing, Hats, and Furn
ishing Goods, and is giving this Always Husy Store a Uusy-ness that mid-summer seldom sees. Day after day is
doing its share in reducing our stock preparatory to the reorganization of our firm, made necessary by the death
of our special partner, Mr, Henry W. King.
That moves desirable goods, and HIG VALUES the incentive for people to attend this sale. Hut low as the
prices have been, and rare as our offerings, we have still better in store for you.
men a iaunaerca negligee oiuns, wnn
raQ collars attached, pretty patterns,
Opportunities come to all of us
Men's Sack Suits.
7 Hid dlabe added to our monater
Uml of bnrgalue at MH
Lot 2142, Men' Caealmer Huit In
umit aalt and pepper effect, worth
0,60, gont,,. UN
IM Men' Worated Huit In
block and blu block, all , elejmutly
eawed hikI made, real value 5.00, all
tbatlabrft will go at $1.0S
M'i'iU, Men' Union Ceaalmer in
neat plaid effect o( dark ami milium
brown. Thee nulla were old at 15.00.
all wa have Ml will go at.... ll.OM
a I -t- .... li. ... .... I
a Jot 'JJt)J, Men aci aun, iubhtiui
I J hountt Union Caaelmer (00 jmr cent
9 ... I II .... h ...
wooij atrongiy mau w j
cheap at our regular price of $5 00.
To clean up aud tattle with the King
etat,only $LW
Ut a.'ioa, Men' Hock Huit, material
Cneelmere, color tel gray, our regular
(trie 5.00. You have th chance to
Kt one at the rldlculou price of... LOW
Iot UM41, Men' Hack Bult, very
atrong ami durable, regular price 05,
All that ! 11 1 we will micrinc at,..$108
A Winner at $2.25.
t) Lot 1808, K0 Meu'a Hack Bultn, In
JZ broken olald of dark aud medium
bron, material Uuiort Canaiiuere. lhi'e
uulti auld at 1 1.U5. You bava a chauca
along with other to gut one of then
uita for $J.25
U0 M.m'a HiKk HulU In Cheviot and
faiiiiei. Trua value $5.00 to 7.00.
The Ara thrown In a bunch at f 'J.Ott
75 lleu'a Hull, eut either round or
ti (uara, actUNl valua almoat doulile, All
V go, In order that wa may aettla up our
ftV, affaira,at I1105
VV 100 Man'aHulta, actual valua 17.50 to
. . li ...I .1 . ai nr.
AttdOH. vour cbotrw 15 atylea of
round or qunra cut anck auita which
hava aold at H,60, IO.00, and tlLBO.
.a Von I miaa iiikui, tiy ara iwauui.
At 17 4". your choioa of any of our
regular 1 10, fit, and tl'i aulta.
At U W5, your choioa ol any of our
V Atlll 7H. vour rhotoaof any of our
regular 9 M 15, and IU SO au.ta,
AI 114 75, vour choir of any id our
raaular IT( II a, and I'JO auita.
t0 Hrlng your boya to our atora thla
. wM.k.11 tll nav fou. You will aava
,11 mora money lu buying boya Kiiniia thnv
H. . .1 .... I . I . .l .
tliium to our litwral aad dtatruetiva
tliMiiual of UO wr eeni on avrry Ihma la
iWiya' I'tothing, odd iaat and abtrl
Mta, wa glva thia k a
Ta folio in g gooda at auvh rid vulou
low Wa taal you raanot afford waiter
any irfUHMlaa la m our dMr.
fV Onr
k Our
jk is
fy cut
ry pay
during life. The prudent take advantage of them as they arc presented. We ask you therefore, not to,
sale pass by without making a strong effort to share in the benefits. Bring this advertisement with you.
At 50c on
ana loss.
the Dollar
At 25oM-r Huit. Clilld'a wuhIi blou-o
auit, ageaSto 8 ynara, a rexular 0O0
value. Huita hava dieo auilor collar
and ara oiiuly mado. We will hunt our
cunf omora to two of theea auita. Five
doten in tha lot, when koiih there will
be no mora in tha world at that price.
Special Offering in High
Grade Wash Suits.
200 Child' weah blouaa auita In Craeh,
Duck, aud other materlala. All neut
and refrenhlriK'y cool in appearance.
They aold at 75c, O80, $1 00, and 1.25.
Your abaolutacboiua thla aek, only 40c
Special Assortment of
Itoya' double brenated Reehr Huita,
age it to 8 year, UiikIh of tine Tweeda
and Cbevlota, a I ho u Hue of wool crah.
TlieMM auita have dep auilor collura and
are beuutitully trimmed. The auita Hold
over ourcouuU-ra at II, 4.50, 5.00, and
0.00, While they lut your
only 12.50
Hero is A nother Bargain
Hoya' Knee Pant Huit, ae 4 to 14
yearn, material Union Cnwilmere (00 per
cent wool), color ateel k ray. In thialot
there a about CO auita, your chooe,
only 00c
Put this Down on Your
Lot 750H, Itoya' Knea Pant Huit, age
8 to 15 yeara, material flue all wool
Cheviot, color milium of durk and me
dium brown with a alualagtwu thread,
which brluga about a pluid effect, Thewu
auita aold at tiOO. Thie week only
Two Gems.
Lot 75.17 and 7S3H, Itoya' Knee Tant
Huit,ag7to 15 yeern, material lria
Taeinl, one a bghl brown plaid, tha
other a elexl grey, ahowing plaid 1 fire I,
TheMeuita were vry eheMp i our old
prlt-a of I J 00, Thla mk only I87
Irfil 75051 iHinaiata of a numbrr of ei
Ira Una autte thut aold al $1 SJ5 and
l. Mi. aud 11.75, All mut U clod
out thia week ai VUa
Doys Odd Pants.
X few larae alia knea paata lo rloa
tkia dwk al.. Ue
IIS dta weak able kaea paala in da'k
eidora gu at. Itfe
50 dofa reauUr SVi ark ka paeia
lor leiya go at. IU
90 prf v dkMoaal oa all ulhvf wd4
Our Clothing Stock today aggregates -
Furnifihinc Gooda stock nflarltr - -
Hats and Caps practically - - -
Not one item of this vast stock but
I fc f . .
actually on sale. iot one item that
in price. Not one single item but
can buy for less than most merchants
ior 11.
Boys' Long Pant Suit.
Uvular price $2 45, :i 50. .1.05,
$4 05, 0 CO, 7 Co, flO.Oi), $12 CO and
115.00, all aubject to u discount olliO
Boys' Shirt Waists.
50 dozen Itoya' Hhlrt Wuleta In uent
cffi-cta, agea 4 to 14 yeu re, ante price
only 0c
Hplendid quality' Hhirt WHiata in
light, dark, and medium ahaduM.ouly Clo
An unuMuaMy attractive line of Ko.vm'
Blurt WaiHta in benvy material, only 10c
Mother' Friend Hhirt Waieta, unlaun
dered, HO patterna to select from,
only 28c
AH our 50c 75o aud f 1.00 waieta are
eutijoct to a dlecouut of 20 per cent.
He prudent, Inv in a upil,v.
Extra Sp cial.
25 Docen Bova' Apron Overalla, age 3
to 14 yearg. They are what you pny
25c for the world over. Attend thia ante
aud i;et thuni for 10c
Men's Overalls.
Two Extra Hpecial Lot. One in pluin
blue, thH other in neat atripe. All !.
Tliia week 25o
Men's Odd Pants.
All dree pante, all bueineaa panta, all
work panta, all Corduroy pant, every
thlu goee, 00 matter how low the tor
mr price waa, at a ohtcouut of 20 wr
Mackintoshes and Um
brellas. All go at a unifotm diacount of 20 per
Flannel Blouse Suits.
A email lot to cIom nl 74o, worth
twice the Pionev.
Furnnhing Goods.
Hyiiil driva that will wakeup eopla,
aiieriHl drive lhat will dxmomitrate to
the hmiiIh the lotwl wbaurdily of auy
Rorl oa tha part of eoiuwtltore to imi
tat our prtw.
Look! Look! Look!
Look la car wiadowa, t.Mk la our
atora. rW tha gooda, He I ha prii'aa,
K I ha people butiiiK.
All Adlef'a leaaa Ulovea .i al 11.90
Olae )faa (llovra at 40, 80 and Hi to.
All Kigiamr'a and Work (llovra go al
80 or eiat itemual.
AH go at a dUeouat ol HO per tet.
is not
Wonderful Bargains in
Men's Shirts
25 dozen Meii'a laundered Negligee
Hhlrt, with collar attached, while they
lat, only ,. 15o
200 dozen Negligie Khirta, aome have
collar attached, other with white baud
to be worn with white collar. Thialot
i very attractive. Among them are
ahirta that were aold at 40c, 50c and 75c
all iro, to nettle with the eatate, at. ..lie
150 dozen Negligee Hhirt, with or
without collar, beautiful patter, hun
dred to Nelect from, ahirta that aome
merchant call bargain at S1.00, all go
in tbia devtructive ule at SOo
Ex'ra Special.
40 dozen Hoft Hhirt with two de
tached laydown collar and detuched
cuff, former price f 1.00, go at 75c
All other Dree or Nettliiree Hhirt go
at a uniform diacount of 20 per cent.
Work Shirts.
20 per cent discount on all work shirt.
Extra Special.
40 dozen heavy drill ahirt, In black,
with narrow white etripe. Extra cheap
at our old price of 25o will o at 15o
You will he limited to 0 ahirta on thia
lot. No Peddler or Merchant will he
old any good mentioned in thia adver.
Other work ahirta at 10c, 28c, 31c,
and 40c, at which prioea they areoheaper
than the actual coat of cloth.
Men's White Shirts.
250 Dozen Meu'a Unlauudered Whit
Hhirt, all aiiea, all length of aleerea,
made of exoelleut material, cut full aiiea,
ahirta auch a are advertizud at 35e, in
tbia aale only , lto
Ib quality Unlaundenel Hhlrta, long
or ahort hoeom, omn back or opn back
and front, all mvm, all alwve length from
30 to 30 incite, full cut, beat made, aale
price 3 Do
Meu'a dreaa luuuderd white ahirta iro
at 30o
ItMl loiMn Man'a Hock ford Hot k go at
r doin , ,.4Hu
Mou'a IHack or Taa lloaM,apludid val
U", aeainleaa and faat aolor, $ o, t a eatt la
with aetata, at M M
Any and all our ruUrl3 How, la
ltlek, Tan, or fancy t'uloriafg'i al lOe
.1 ll Ilea of 60 l-a l.ula Tdva I
lltMi, worth aawly 35, go to altl wild
tK at IN
5dta-t liaaa ol aa'a la I'aary
IIihm regular rca 60 r pair, ail a
wiihoal rw.rv al , ..I?
U-e e 11.50 8.1a IIom,! Hw. k a I
Taaa, ga at. Mtl
All our Short Lots in Men's Fedora, Railroad, Crush,
and Full Shape SOFT HATS are placed on cne
table. These Hats sold at $1.75, $2.00, $2.50,
$3.00, and $3.50. Your choice this week,
....Adler's $1.50
Dress Kid and Mocha Gloves
under any circumstances, let this
Collars and Cuffs.
2 Style Waterproof Collar, all mIzam,
In thi huIu only ,2c
Other at , , 4o
Another apecial line of pure linen col
lar, all cluttii and freed, 20 dozen in the
lot, to clone only 5o
Regular 15o4ply linen collar, all
tyle go at , ., 10c
Pure linen cu'f 10 j
Het linen cuff only 10c
Neck Wear.
00 Dozen Madra String Tie, elegant
pattern. True value 10c, tocloae quick
they go at ,2o
Men' hield bow In black silk and
fancie go at........ ., Co
Bilk trlnir tie go at ,10c
All our 2 So bow aud etring tie go
at lOo
All our COo and 75o Tuff, Teck. four-en-handa,
and atring tie go at 40o
Hats! Hats!
H.e what one of Uncle Ham' dollar
will do in our Mat department thi week.
Our bat aolling here of late bo been
omething wonderful which would necua
Naeily Inave u with quite a number of
oii'N and end. We have gathered thee
together aud put them on a table by
themHelvaa, Tbev are Fredora Hate,
(uh hat, Rail Road Hat, Full Hliape
Hat that old ovwonr counter during
the Heaaon at $1.75. $2.00, $2.50, f.'l.OO
and 83.50. Thi weuk your abtolute
choice only $1.00
All other hat in atraw, craeb, or felt,
go at a discount of 20 wr cent.
A gloriouichanoe toavbig money.
A email lot of mea'a light weight
ribbed Underwear, to cloae out quick,
only 0o
Here la auother:
Men'a Underwear, light weight, all
eiie, tocloae out at 1 5c
5 II g lim men' light weight l'nder
wear, all aii, only lUo
Other at .He aud 4(H)
M.a'a White lUndkerchleU U
Mhb1 IUI HandkarvhMa M
Moa'a Kauev Horder llendkarchhfe 4
M-a'a I'laia White and Fancy llm-
atitchad Haadkerehief, go t mo
Maa'a I'ara I.iuB lUadkarvkief, real
Value aoo, go II lor '..a.Vi
HO per mat dhNHiuMi oa all other
Haadkrvhlta awl Heliind kera,
5 d-a Mea'a Ku(wBirl ialy..,..,.,.R
ik ft .
o a a agi kuaptiadara, oely ..
A aood Huapaadar... , $
Oihev r)4aW at 3i, a, a I aad id,