The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, July 14, 1898, Image 5

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    July 14, 1898
Nebraska Independent.
Oar Catalogue lor this season ars all gone. We have sent
out eventy-flv thousand ol them altogether and nor one
baa been sent to a man who did't auk (or it or who name
wfin'ton our book. We don't sell good to everybody we
Ind a catalogue to. but we should. Tbe reasons wby we
dou't are becaoss some people are no Judges of goods and
tbey think our prloee are too cheap. Other want to get
trusted or want a dlwount and we don't either glre discount
or trust. Others again hare got "bit" by ordering good
from tbe catalogue ol eotne crooked concern (there are etlll a
few hilt) and they think that all boune that send out catalog
ue are alike. We ain't worrying. W will get all thee people
after n while. When we started to do a tnall order business
six year ago we didn't have a elngle customer. Now we hare
avriv thoii.and and we will gain seventy thouaaud more in
the next eiz year. Square dealing, low price and honest
wearing good rre the sure magnet to build up a trade,
Continued from Flrat page.
which he would allow no one to Han
dle. . . ,
Admiral Carjientcr hit perfected
tint arrangement to lund the prlMOii
er at their quarters on Heavey's 11
11 rid tomorrow afternoon.
On the way up from Hiintlugo, a
number of the Hpanlau seamen wild
that they hod enough of lighting, at
leant with the Yankee.
It In undcrtood that Admiral Ccr
vera ha accepted an invitation to
stay at a hotel in Newcuatiu, about
four miles from the navy yard.
Admiral Ccrvcra stay at tbe hotel
will, however, be abort, a the Ht.
Loul will eoal a noon a the Hpitnlsb
sailor are landed, and will than leave
for Annupoll with the Hpinileh offi
cer. It I understood that the steamer,
afUr she discharges her prisoners,
will coal at Newport New and then
take a large number of troop to Cu
ba. Admiral Ccrvcra came on deck late
thl afternoon and consented to talk
with representative of this pre,who
went out to the Ht. Loul on a tug.
"You unk me," he wild, "how I like
America, and I answer that I have al
way liked, and I may any, loved your
people, but thl war ha been a duty
with me and the men under me. I
knew that the American fleet dear
ly outclassed us, but it won a queiitlon
of fighting either Inside or outside the
harbor. I have many friend In Am
erica, Bnd hove only the kindliest feel
i...n lor mem, out every man no a
Voanlnnls tried to erfonn thai duty.
There ba been much feeling in Hpufu
and I want all Hpaln to know the
truth; that every hlp of my und
ron fought until the lust and when we
could do no more we surrendered.
1 "I have much Interest to know the
exact situation in Hpaln. Captain
( Goodrich hn treated u all a well a
any one could poslbly bo treated, My
officers nave occupied quarter in tlie
squadron and we cannot complain."
(Copyright, Associated Pros, 1H0S.)
Off Aguuilore, July 12. In regard
to the Ineffective bombardment of
Santiago Sunday evening by the Tcx
iim, Indiana and Ilrooklyn, under Com
modore Kchley, which wa ordered to
ci-oae on account of shells falling
wide, of this mark, Commodore Hchley
"General Shnfter signalled to me to
begin the bombardment a mooii a I
could get Into position. I doubted
from the start whether I could hit the
City. 1 had to guess at it location
and bo very careful not to Injure our
own army. If I lomtard tomorrow
I Khali have range mark 011 shore to
guide men, and I shall take the ships
closer to the shore than today. The
water off Aguadorc I no smooth
that our marksmen will not be af
fected by the swaying of the ship, In
tiring today I gave the turret the
greatest kihhI1Ii elevation by listing
the ships, Hut I knew I would fall
Mhvrt. The gnus will carry more than
five mile, but to throw shot over the
"lilt a great elevation Is rrnuircd."
When the bombard me nt heirs 11 a
peaty rnlnstorin was In progress.with
thunder and lightning, but artillery
tire could be heard mi shore, Indicat
ing that General Shatter had resumed
I iwtiilties Immediately on the ending
of the armistice.
following the roar of Commodore
Schley' guns could Im heard the
nhrleklug of the shell a Ihey sied
on their way to the dimmed elty,
Ihen came a long echo from the hill
hack of Hsu I In (fo, ami kniiietlmea a
n-sl of Ihundrr proloiiifetl the retrr
Iw-ratlmi and gae the linpreaalon
thai the city was iMimhardfil front
i.e sav, se ami land, The situation
miiat nave been apalllng to th
Spaniard, ami If tlt-mrsl Hliafter
inrt.le the ilentonlratiiiii for the mere
,!? which it would bate on the
erlng enemy, he rttdv attain.
,. hi end.
When thi" AmwM'iatv.l I'rraa, reoter
Mriit aUtard the Itrokltn, l'imHinr
-. Met ssl'l he h lennraat of the
,irMe nf the liiHtr!inenl, 1 he
.,.,.1ilr. Vtrt rr.ftrr rai to hllH
,, . m-elied al Jurafiia fntiw
,t i.,..!i(ir.l inurler aatlnir thai the
ji.ii(iM. ws vHittl am) thai huetili
It. hid tre muinf'l.
flr thlrtt e shot had lwH
Mrrd fn.m the eljfhl leih gun. Cnni.
M.i.we Hih'et mhh rotti Imi'inI
ll tl the Iteookltn' Are waa falling
t u I ae.l nr.lere.1 a eewtlUi l, .
hi 11 1 1 H 0e HaltWhla t eenlmi
t,,r iH Ihelr tgrt vin hls
k,ugv reage. The tiMa wer rei
Omaha, July 7, 1898.
apparently with great deliberation
ami at Interval of two minute, At
dusk the squadron cee4 firing and
Commodore, Hchley sent a launch U
ll,a l,.ro nab II on urn I Kliftflr If liM
desired firing to continue during the
W'aslilmrtoii. July 12,-l'encn talk
emanate almost wholly from the
Honnlsh caplfol. W hile rumor are con
trndlctorv. there J nbuiidimt reon
for believing that the queetlon of
peace I agltwtlng the government at
Madrid to an ctent large enough to
give rise ut ihe rumor.
Ho far hh tin ffovenrnient i vrit-
eerned, no proioHul for peace will
likely be fortncomlng. While Ameri
ca, desire HMu-e, that desire Is traca
aille to the peace-loving qualities of
the American people. With Hja)u thi
sltimtlou 1 diametrically tii contrary
Dlsoetcr, sure, epeedy and isotnidete,
I all that now uwnits npanisii oimiin
ucy and Hnunish pride,
Whatever truth there may be to the
rumor that Hpain Im or is preparing
to make overtures for peace, onieiai
Information 011 the subject at the cap
I Ui I Is a mtnu quantity,
Hecretary of Htate On
ihvy thl morning
authorled the Assoclatel 1'ree to
make the statement that 00 wie
overture of any kliwl had been miuli!
C11 to noon tixlay, ulvice Ut the
state department from the field near
Hantlago were of an indefinite mature
One (llsjiuUdi from fleneral Hhaftr
lieiulquartiTs, not oaten, out, proisimy
written yesterday afternoon, stated
that everything alsmt the city wh
quiet. The flag or truce wa et ni up,
while the enemy nau under eonsmrr
atlon the orooosltlon to surn-nder.
(ieneral Hhafti-r reported that he
had Hantlniro completely surrounded
The line Is thin, but it woukl tie
strengthened In the morning,
fConvrlirht. Associated Press, !,)
Manila July 0,, via Hong Kong,
July J2. Tli insurgent on
July (i rcMrtcd to Admiral Dewey
that this (icrman gunboat Irene, sta
tioned in Huble bay, refused to permit
the Insurgent to prosecute a contem
plated uttaCk upon the Hpimlurd
stationed upon (irand Island. The re
ported obstruction oncred by the tier
man gunboat caused Admiral Dewey
to Immediately llHpatli the Italelgh
and the Concord to make an Invent)
gat ion.
On entering Hubio bay the Ital
eigli ojicncd (Ire upon the fort at
once. Ihe Herman gunboat Irene
tlicrciiiMin MiiiMX'd her cable and
steamed out of tin; bay by the other
The result of the firing by the Am
erican warship upon the forts at
(irand Island was tiiat the garrison of
Kpanliirds numbering over r00, made
a complete and unconditional surren
dcr of ctcrything.
Later on the (iermaii gunboat en
tcrcd Manila liarUir, The officers on
board the Irene undertook to explain
that (hey Interferred between the In
stti'Kftit and the Spaniards at Hubslc
Isiy, declaring that they did so In
the caue of humanity."
The Irene offered to hand over to
the Americans the refugees she hud
on board. Admiral Dewey, however,
ili'cllncil to accept them.
WiiHhliik'ton, D. ('.. July 1 1. A in
blcgrum has been recelM-d at the mi
W ilpsi'tmeiit from Admiral Dewey
n't Mniiila.( It dealt wholly with the
suhect of supplies, ami no reference
was mad" to the reported Interfer
ence of Oermiiu ships in the uffair at
the Philippine.
Ml 8T r'AI.I. IIY HWOltD,
(Coptllghl, AMH'lated Prraa, I'lli )
Off Jiirsgiia, July 13, (1 p. 111 ) via
KiiigNtoii, Jamaica, July II, -hantlago
uiukt full by aword ami lire. This
ninth hu Iweu setllcd. AH iie(iilla'
tlmiift fit tl.M lM,ui'ful mil rvtk.l.f ,.f
Ihe iliMimid HMtnUU stroiiKhiild. which
have Item in pro(rea liclwreii the
U lliirriiU iluilng Ihe irnMluii of
lire l.alay (IiumUv.) Ihe illy iniial
hnlilill, lrrniliialel in utter fall
(.ill by attord.
It U, litiWrvrr, a )tl Iiiim.IiIi' lo
Ule ill tlull, l when I hit nl lack i.hiii
KmIIiiU.i will li niude, the MiimI iIi.
il.Ue stlnik will m mule a umn as
lienernl Itrfmhitpli inn yet ,l h,Htt
ballrrira In Ihv (rout. , now
ibfliiltrlt kitlhil, llm foiward MMHi"
Hiriil will 1,., I Im-kIii until lha army a
fullj Inn krd up liy the bttf guna jl
wa iu Ihe atuM-iiie i.( I low Mnilin
menu ( wrtir In .ii whlih .
iHel In Ihe ! of maiy Uvea ,i
the Auieiiiaa limn during pieihiu
ei einuonu.
While Iheae littMitlawt m aialin
ara U Nin and tl, heavy UlUr
lea are Wle m ia idaie, II la Mirt.
krra thai ftllf Iwvali fnar iura
III rle, Then hf gafal, ftij
and deeisive engagement will com
Tbe situation within tbe beleagured
city ha remained unchanged. Kef
ugee esi-Bping from tbe city and find
ing their way into the American
camp Continue to report condition
within the Hpanlsh fctronirhoh! u
constantly growing mora desperate.
ihe Mpaniaru are poorly eoulppeu
to make a defense and the surrender
of the city will not occupy a long
time after the Hpanlard are convinc
ed that the attack I serlou,
THK UIIKA'I KU include the les,
Hood' Hiirsaparllla cure hip d)e
and scrofula sore, and It tony be de
pended upon to cure boll and pitnp
e and humor of all kinds,
HOOD'Hl'IMJar purely vegetable!
and do not purge, pnfn or grlpw, All
druggist, .te,
Oommeitirife Hetilay Hiinirtit,
FhkI'KMIcs, Md,, July It An enth
ilttstlu demonstration In honor of
tnodore Wlnfleld bcott Hchley and hi
brilliant victory at Man lingo wa held
in thl city last bight. The wtnmut
dore wa born here in 1140, and many
of those who participated in tbe cele
bration were life long friend of IW
naval hero,
2 r per cent discount on all shoes at
Webtr A Kodger,
I'hllpott tli harness maker No, U'il
North Kith, Miieoln, ,N..b., will give low
price on harness goods through July,
Hmule harness as low as $1 f),
Drnmrnottd Axis Oreise, 7 boxes for Wm,
4 book swent'pAd, UHiipiwU,
and vVsaf her Keort,
The Inst week lias been cool, with
about Ihe normal amount i4 sunshiii
and generuily a delicieiioy In rainfall,
The average dally temper ttrs deflni-
ency was about U degrees, The dally
maximum temperftir wure about (f(f
degree on one or teo flnys, and nnrinit
the remainder of the week were about f
Tfa rainfall was Mow normal, exnept
in some west mi and slew southern
cooties, where heavy hwal showers oc
curred 1 he heaviest showers occurred
i 1 1ftiicater, Cass And Dowlas count l S.
whit ihe rlilill ranged from three to
s'l Inches, Inmost of the remainder of
tb astern portion of the state l b ralc
bill was h's than half an Inch and g"
erally exieed half an Inch la the western
The harvest of wilier wheat and rye
has made rspid progress and I well ad.
vanced, Mincking and threshing hays
commenced In t he soul hern counties,
Wheat will yield lee than was exs:d
a few week ngo, butts a good crop,
The oat harvest has commeticed in
southern counties and repot Is seemfo
Indicate about an average crop.
Corn has grown well in all parts of (he
state and Is generally laid by clear of
weed and in good condition. It is
smaller than tisunl at this season of the
year and Is Jusf ts-glunlng U tassel,
(tain would be le'neflefnl in Mint in near
ly all counties, but It has not suffered
trom drouth,
4mf UweM it ttmm4,
im, tm,
sf UttnM tiHMA,"
A 'one t S wir turn siMe el,
A'rHM Sfflirsak plain, lb tHtkt
ton l'ftvrSiw le 0srtalei-"
Ami Ida vf aaln 4iw
(Xdl.kloa IS tisllaOS
Yelit Ma in ll anitrrM e
ff(m fsiclr' t,sy lOf'a -"Jar
oi;Nif is
"iay Ooslit Ia4s4-"
1 ba in-ary ef,ralr rala sla
A Mtid in Oionalilltl wit ,
lth aa nil al la', i a'xi'l lift inf,"
titm ahorl alah l l alwt si laar
nil,l bla jr nl riaa sail f i
and if is W, II, wonul 'ft nwftsaiM
Tli laiant i( a sins alios' kla a.
Hue ihalisr Ouslil esa taad.
"im Owstil la tl
On f,l, , N sst hnallliia Ih'ifiiiKti Inraa
I'riKiaim tn-fau m mm 11 milil'tsalraai
M old Sjwr il((, ,Ma aliln II l,1
l o 'h Hon ll, aSml us rtll'l-'la
As l ijithor . mill laaaise s Ma ai,vl -
"lee many nillllvn ', Itinl. tivli Jut ba
And irnaaalsv al tha nnmlira absva ll-ai h4,
"II )al aa wall, ,arbaM it Oimid ia Omut,"
"Jar Oi.nM la,"
I N lf mf la lila Sl1
llfli alili fl'.wlfitf on lb barraal aylalit.
Anil nhalbor hn lb alianfn -iiii In abwk
II inn-t pay dlMla im walarril al.ii-k,
or ba ran a lc d-liia ami l alianil,
Sliira "old Jmf Onsid" I dk'l
"J. Ilmaia lail.1,1 "
Stinll k ona abad a If7
On 111 in rnarond nin, ib flanr ai nia iimi, in xint,
A'l mm k blm abila ba l Ilia dual ar i
"av iioam ia anaa, ia ar, au
1'bnra'k Iwilar sia Iba lillil Is ball,"
th ninn ol rnaalar nil ml
HniM ai bia ill ii,a, l ai linaul muni lad -and
mankind alrnaaUns Inf lia ilai'r braad
lUnra kllb sobaaflaib Ibal Jar liosld lilml,
- A, f ,
! iNilaml, l.unl.
tbafa la a aiaa lnkllii IS Iba bllila hh Ik
Ibal ttHiaid l-if uur kitilnr ar a (
Intra OHiacifi
ml kkrk ha baa an old infant ami lilna slid
liiMkt Ibninab M.
Ilaaoakir ba'd lu Sill, l.ufd II aiiybla
ham lu Hn 11 l'fcil I imI,
I'li i aon qiiole I ha Chicago luaikel
rsii aa fulluwai
Hi pi
I. TV,
(',, si(
Its I , !,,.,
I 'urn '
U t.
I , I
iu, id-,
li li in li
! I
S mi
ht pi
Hi I t
Ml pi
1 1111 Mid 1 in 1; huh k
Ihiiagu, July li ll"ff ilS,ISMI; ki-
lliri averaging in t.l(hefi Ptflil.
1 1 J '.n I HI' a 1 lulled, I i'i I ut ,ra
V. II ll II
laltle II vm l klmesl
'wen a, II I f 1 1 i , kliHbrit ami fnd-
Ik, U lisiilll,
Hhrrp . lu.isnl, aili ng In ia lilffker,
Mot 10 BUtoCoDTtntloo at Spring-
field aod Adopt ning
log IUiolutioni,
MrKinlov and Ilanna rroipirlty
U Hold up to Bid
loula, 4s Kalbualeatia Ualherlng,
Hprluglield, 111,, July M'J'ha state
ouvenlioii of ihs Illinois democracy
yesterday uomlualed th following
Htate treasurer, William V, DunJop,
Htefe suoeriuludeut of nubliu in-
atrnction, Perry O, hllver of Kreejeirt,
'1'ruaU'ea of the university of Jllimus,
Jacob K, Mellcr of Mt, 0rme, VVnlxmli
county, ,ajMdeon J, Morrison of Odin,
Marion county. lr, Jul a Jioime
Hmllb, Chhnigo,
Jus exposition bul ding at the slate
fair grounds was filled with a uiiiltl
tml of eulhusiiiatiii deuMNTttts who
cheered the mime of William, J, llry
so ami shouted for oriociple of true
democracy us enunciated In the plst
form of Js'WJ,
William Prentis of I'bicsgo w
temjwosry ml permanent chairmsM
ami A, I.', lientley of I'iKsfleld was sec
re lery.
The address ot Mr, I'renfiss, which
I given la-low, crested Ihs wildest cu
fbuslasm and rvtvrvMv to llryiiii lit
"n cuplin unNurpessed n irieoml
woeth, dauntless courage ami JeflVr
Modun tU'iwH m'y, pure ud undented"
was I'heered lo (lie echo,
Willi reference it the beimsratie
leader the pisiform eaysf
"We reeognle Wiliam Jeuuliig
Krysn as the leading exponent of the
foregoing principle enunciated as a
decoration of fuMi by Ihe deim
ocraOe nstiomil convention of fH
which acknowledged leailersbip he has
Ju( ly earned and I universally s
corded by reason of his great ability,
matchless cloipieuce and zealous de
vil ion Ut the welfare of Ihs whole
huiiv, and we confidently look for
ward Ut a glorious victory for demoe
rtwy In IWi under hi superb ieuilcr
shin," There is s reaffirmation of the Mon
roe doctrine, and a pledge to abide by
tbe advice of Washington "to keen
ourselves free from entangling alli
ances with Utrin nations,''
The obit form declares for free, and
unlimited coinage of ledh silver and
gold at Ui orei-nt established ratio
of I4 lo t by independent action of
tbe 1'njfed mate without waiting for
the consent or permission of other
notions; Ihe reduction of tariff duties
lo a point which will provide only suf
ficlent revenue for the need of the
IlirtiprhiM'fri. without levying extra
(as upon mis consumer for the our
pose of enriching the already weullhyi
Ihe adoption of a fair ami cnjiltable
las 00 Income ami an amendment to
the constitution of the United Hint,
If necessary to acomol)sb (his our
teisej (he enactment of apiroprial
Icglslalhn fo more clearly define the
nuiies and powers of courts lu the is
suing of wrll real raining citizen of
their right without trial by Jury; the
sdoolfou of national and slide, law
that will abolish hhU Hint trust.
I'lOv MW HPKrXlf,
"(ienllemen of the Convention! I
most sincerely thank you and the gen
tlemen of Ihe cent ml !ommlt(ee for
(hi very great honor, (ouncjou of
my own Imperfection I shall rely up
on your kind aid and indulgence while
presiding temporarily over your delib.
era I ions,
"This is (he lirs( coming together In
convention of representative demo
crats of Illinois since the great con
tent of 'W, Tbe lot I tie was fought and
lost. And yet, a I Umk over I hie as
sembly and into the faces of these
democrats I see no cloud 01 gloom; 1
In hold no downcast look; I hear no
nan of discontent; I see men wiMi
bend creel, eyes aglow with earnest
iurxmf, faces radiant with hope and
conildenee, They neeni to siwitlt in
chorun; the battle tit 'H'J was loat, but
(he 111 ime lives more viaoroue Ihuu
ever before and Ihe warfare in 11 len
ds If U only just le-ifiin. How marked
the dl (Terence lu the condition of the
democracy today and ft a condition
tour yeure ago, 1 nen a national ad
mlulnf ration nominally dcmisrHtlc
after klxteen inoiiiha at the helm hud
left (he parly that bad given it place
ami (miter a illsoririiuled, dinheiirten
ed boat without leadership, iiliuonl
Mithoul 11 caiine. 'Ihe democrutli
Uilinni ever iliriicnl, fiilldfiil, lliilicful.
Mere Miimtertlig ill the wilderuenn,
cliugriniii-il, humiliated, and verirlui
on dliiiir. I hey saw the nominal and
oltirlul head of Ihe gnavt ili'inncriillc
parly, an rieculive of the nut Ion, vlo
lalliiH In Ihe name of democracy al'
llionl rii'i'V tenet of the ili'liimriitlo
faith, 'I hey In held blm a io Mother
with .lidiii Hhermau III Ihe Intereet
of the luniiey kiiitfs of the world,
Hheriiiiiu, the tinnier of Iba repiibllian
Mirit, iiiui iMiMiiiie the I'litinileiillul ad
vlwr of the ilr mi n r 11 lie preanlenl and
hla pl,illn M-cretMry of the IrrnauiV,
,,l l"l. ,, ,..' ...... a .....
1 11 1 in 1 infill mr.ii,
PIuIih em y In the name of iti ims ra-
cy mm III lull Control, lliuiiL'h nick
al Inn 1 1 l-ecauae of the imlitlcal erlilioa
llf ll ,l,ll l, lllli lIl'MMH ihIih iiuianea
Mould i". I could iml, aliembiu Ihe nld
piiliV Mil I, mil klriffl lliiv rr
li ii'd the ii.iini' of .li'rtriw.ii Ami J,m k'
wuii il.i-i n un imIm rixl mid hiimui'd
l linniiuii mid lli-iidrli kal they luted
the .1. nun mllr kil ami llm loved
Ihe lull) mime i,e ln 114111a pmki'
ble f-ir a pally of the iniiiiuiiiii mi, i,
I In t 1I1 In mini', I hi miv ei iru'tie
ll,i Milr and the p.iiiy imme fmiu
lli,.' ho hal laen (sine In bulli In
Oils yloriima work Ihe deuint iivi y i.f
IllirnU hi! Ihe way. In Ihe iimtilh of
June, ktnik ntfo, U Ihlt iwinlal
lll of thl kt.ile thi' if epnii)ilUv a
anetllilei, I hey ri-piullMle.! ht
Diiani U (ndii li k nf John HheriliSIl
Slid i.l limit r I leirlaml llmuylt ,u.
sued In the name of Ihe it. una. raile
oartt, I hey ilrinainlrd ihe rrklra
linn nf Ihe gidd ami allirr iniiiage nf
Hi tuiisliliilPiii m Inii.iit ileihifftj
for It free and U tl ted coinage at
Uie ratio of lfl to 1. The clarion voice
of the heroic democrac" of Illinois re
sounded throughoat the land. It
gave new hope and courage to our
brethren of the wvat and south, and
from that hour I'levchtndlem wa
doomed. The nion'" changers, bond
syndicates, rotected cormorants, tno
uopolles of every kind from every
where went to m, I xii 1 a 111 June, un,
to catdure nial make their own the
once great republican lairty. They
did not full. They nuule its platform
and mimed ita ciimlldiites and the par
ty of Humner. of Hewiird ami of Lin
coln 'became- the jxwty of Marcus A,
"lu July, 'tai, the agents of the same
Interests 11 ml etaaae in the cloak of
dciiKM'rui'y came to Chicugo to make
captive the great democratic jsirty
whiste first prenldint created it and
whoso hist liiiiuglit it to tbe verge of
ruin, 'I lia regents of mouoisdy and
greed came to t.hiciigo to conquer,
lUMM-uled successes under the guise of
compromise made them confident, but
urirfsl, astonishment awaited them.
Defeated, driven from the field tney
returned to their own. Nowhere lu
the history of ditlcu jmrtles I to tie
found a uirallel to Ihe democratic na
tional convention of JH'.M, With their
istily chief and many of their honor
ed leader of (lis party in open or se
cret league with the enemy; with
trimmers and timid friends all atsmt,
the whole national udinlnlst ratio, 1
thrown utrulnst them, the true demo
crats were able to control the conven
tion from start to finish, , They com
adle a rl urn to the ancient faith,
proclaimed anew the gosis-l or true
ilcnnxTuey and placed in command 11
captain unsurpasseil In iiersoual
worth, daunt lees courugs and jetTer
sunlau deuia'ray pure and undid) led.
When the work of that convention was
completed new life came to Uie ills
hearlemvl deimeTai'y, 1 be gretit Isidy
of them eame lo their feet with a
Ixmnd, The taiiiy hud la-en Isiru
ugiiiu, Jielolclng at its deliverance
they ouickly took piuces in Its runk
to tight if Isittles, Ib-publleams by
thousand seeing their hist hov for
Ihe comiuir of u iieller day through
IhHr own purly forever vanish heroic
ally took pi iicc In the laima-rutlc
rank. Ami a million populists proved
beyond cavil thai Hiey loved tneir
country la-tter than (heir party wlien
foey made Jtryan their camiiiiaLe ror
pl'enldent, not as a isuiuliat, but (is a
democrat, No more patriotic men
ever fought a mditicul Imttle than
were the silver reoubllcnns and jmpu
list who joined the regenerated dem
ocracy in "jii, Thu the army of the
common people cm me upon t he field o,'
battle, Jt raced a Um equipped with
every implement of politico.) warfare
that cunning could devise or money
provide. Without money or patron
age, armed with nothing but an uner
ring shaft of trul'h It attacked the o -horls
of greed at every jailnt. It met
every counter-aasoult with the hero
ism of MM'ii fighting for principle and
for the good of the human kind. It
did not succeed In drlviiwz the foe
from its rumpurta, Hmall Is the won
der, Hupplied with all that wealth
and power could trive, the enemy yet
was compelled lo resort to deception,
Inomidation. coercion, rruuu ami
promises by wboleaale to avert defeat,
And even (hen victor- might have
come to u but for the heavy load of
odium cast upon the democratic party
through the error and misdeed of
a national administration that was
democratic in name, but In name only,
Its unholy alliance with the enemy
wa bad enough, but the Mow that
killed was it political crimes In the
name of democracy. The battle wu
lost, but. a million more vote were
gained for llryan than were ever cast
for any man la-fore. We lost the
friendship of deified money. We lost
the friendship of Ihe trusts and other
agencies that thrive at the expense of
others and cut bread Ihey do not earn.
Hut we won Ihe lieiirU of the common
N-oplc, We lost tin- art of making
party platforms that can be construed
to menu anything or nothing; but we
gained the urt of saying wiiat we
meant and of meaning what we say.
We lost some men who wear the coat
of democracy for their own selfish
purtHiM-s nii'l who enter the democrat
ic held only 10 lailson the waters or
the fountain of pure denna-raey. This
Ioms were a mighty gain If we eouhl
only know Unit Ihey had la-en lost to
lis forevif. We lost other men wlio
at heart were democrats, out deceived
and misled for (he time wandered
away for the democratic fold, These
have returned or will return la-ttcr
le-l ler democrats for thHr unhiiiitiy
i-kiM-ricnce among the nettles ami (Ilia-
Ilea In Mark llanmi'a lainture. Their
ala-tiee was a loss, their return ia gain
and none Mill soy Ihem nay, Hut most
of nil wc giiiueii In Oils; there ha
been brought together in doner union
IIiomc men who ask no favors, but
equal rights desire, no prlv lichen lull
junlice, cupect mi reward other than
the MitUfiicMoti of kmiMing thai they
are ntritinir and luuklng progresa to
wu id securing and niaiutnluiug Ihe
equal rights of men. Hedged about
aa they Mere Ihe foe wua not dlshHlgcif
al the first onset 1 but Ihia heroic tinny
of the people still renin I lis 011 the Imi
lie Held, larger, stronger than ever lie.
I.liii'oiii, ,Nrh July II. Axlater A
fore, ri-iidy In renew the conrtld again
ami aiialii unlit victory ahull In- woo,
iiopm 1. ttr 'i in: n n iiK
" the ilcmociacv of llliiiola. iiminl
nf it riioid lu ihe laint, ha ever r ca
non iii lie ho-(u of Ihe future,
'I houyli our ainle was Uie center of
aaaiiuli in 'tin bv Ihe hiMta of mmmiH
olv, Vet Ihe vole fur llrvau Mas nearly
lO.lxn'lMi .iter I hmi the Vole for ( leve
l.unl in 'ui when tut carried I lie stale
I.l more ihuu I'ViMNi, Ihe rttiwordl-
iiiut ot. lur Mi'Kluley In llbnuik ean-
Iml intiunli be aiiiiiiiitt'd for e
ii, I mi 1 hi ground of aiiipvmliiui,
IriMi'l I''" fcilldhatliii In llliiml
In 011 Ihe ih't line and ilemiM-eai'V ad
Viiiiiiiig a in i' r In (ure, Ihe iiiIkIiIv
emilriial lnlinu ihe adiiiiiiUlraliuiia
ol tiiitiiiior lamur and r liiitrruor
Mlg. hi al " I l.iiiitfiue tmiiiul i
timii at, IhiiKtflilfiit i liuiilli aim lull
the 1I1 hum ra lie fuM
1'hklabkl Irotii I'urMirra I irhaia-f.
or ilsl i1oir pr k , l
ert las alrsiakl lualral I U
trino" a mvl (lnur hif ad , I j fai
noo.l lw.l'f nmir ...... Jl
H II N-.Mk I (Hk alrvel, J, W. llsrUvf
ar, I
Daekftk Aathorltla al St. Thoaaas tkay
V OS From Owr Sapply Thara,
New York, Jnly 13. A speolal oabl
gram from St. Thomas, D. W. I., to
tbe Journal reports that the Danish
authorities have informed United
State Consul Van Horns that coal, of
which the United Htate ha 8,000 tons
in ths harbor of Ht. Thomas, is contra
band of war, and its removal by ths
United Htates, so long a thl govern
ment I at war with Hpaln, will not
b permitted, Oovernor Ledorman In
formed the consul, according to ths
dispatch, that any attempt to remove
ths eoal in question would be resisted
by tbs German, French and Italian
warship in the harbor and watori
near by. Conul Van Horns is said te
have referred ths subject to ths are
thorltle at Washington.
1 11 1
Have Defeated tb Inkperlal Trooi ka4
Are In I'oMaaaloa of Mue Towaa
Ci mow, July 14. Ths rebels havt
bow captured nine towns and bar de
feated the imperial troops west of
Woo Chow. lTacards have been posted
at Woo Chow declaring war against
ths ofllclal and warning th inhabi
tant to depart before the rebels at
tack th town. Ths authorities bars
have purchased 5,000 rifles and ars
negotiating for a number of machine
SulHMirlptlon to tbe War I' out lata
tb Treasury Ipartioat.
Wasiiiwotos, July 14. Ths subscrip
tion to ths war loan will close to
morrow at 3 p. m.
Application for bond in sums of
ifOdorless have reached Ofl.OOO.OOO,
and subscriptions for 110,000,000 mors
ars expected. Jt is believed that sub
scriptions for larger sums by to-morrow
will havs reached 1418,000,000,
making ths grand total, Including ths
large blanket bid, over 11,250,000,000.
JrUpaUh from UlbrmJUr Say Us I K
paetatf a Taaglers Alwial Friday,
Lo do, July 14. A dispatch to tbs
Daily Telegraph from Gibraltar says
ths American squadron is expected at
Tangiers about Friday,
Ths United Htates consuls at Oibral
tar and Tangiers havs enormous qaan
title of coal and the American colliers
ars reported between Cape Hperteli, on
the northwest coast of Morocco, and
Ut. Vincent.
Cathodal to Olv Thaafca,
Baltjmokk, Md., July 14, Cardinal
Gibbons has prepared a circular to be
read in the Boman Catholic churches
tiunday morning which Is Intended to
carry out the suggestion mads by I "res
ident McKlnley that tbs people of tbe
land unite la giving thanks for tbe
victory of ths American fleet off Ban
Oaf Araay TnUti.
Waihisotos, July 14, Major D
Orandprey, military attache of the
French embassy, has just returned
from the American headquarters near
Hantlago, where he bas been observing
for bis government ths progress of
military operations. He paid a glow
ing tribute to the ability of our sob
diers, '
Letter Still Haass Cash.
Ciiicaoo, July 14. Levi Z. Letter
has Mild to Marshal Fcld, hi former
partner in ths firm of Field, Letter A
Co., the southeast corner of Htate and
Madison atreeta, st a price understood
to ba tS. 100,000.
Carrying Ammunition to th fleet.
New Yotia, July 14. The auxiliary
erulacr Yankee sailed from Tompkin
rills yesterday, bound south. Hhe is
loaded with powder, ammunition and
Tbe Uraaabacb.
Tbs greenback dollar was tb soldier's
dollar. During tbs late war many and
many a blue-coated husbaud and father
bae, In tbs camp, or on tbe eve ol battls,
folded up on of these "greenbacks"
tallied with tear a he thought of th
loved onus at home, and sent It to tbe
mail. Itut who ever beard of a soldier
getting a gold dollar and sending it to
hla wife, his children, or bis needy
mother? Why, the gold dollars, like
most of the goldhug advocates ol today,
wire skulking arouud bonis, playing ths
coward. Had it not been lor those
"greenback" dollars th old soldiers
might hnv been hsinmetitiuaway at ths
gales of Hichmotid tdl this time, l!e
cauaM it paid lbs soldier lor I heir serv
ices, becnue it supported th loved one
at home, lae-auae it saved Ihe union, be
en una it destroyed slavery, bee bum It
perpetuated th government, lb pa
triotic iwtipl uf America lovs ths green
back. Three cheers for th greenback
ilollnrl It saved ths old flng oiioe, and
it I a burning ham that It la not al
lowed to do th asm thing again!
Norton' Monthly,
Food Caused Pain
, u i
Catarrh of trie liomath Cured by
Hood's larssparilla.
! ass taken lk soma ay ego will.
talarrh uf tha stomach, At limn 1 14
havs ravvtiwut tils ami st tthr
lluiva nmld lii'l ml. My fuml reused lue
tirui'illn iu, I a at tunning duwa
M 11 had Im sUip wtitk. Mr frtesd
rg4 us lu laka II.mmI haiakpartlla. 1
did -j k4 u Utfta lu ttl iur. The
d)grnalU iii tua. tit ttlwaae grsd
aaily vmh ay n4 flesli sad lretli
reUrewt, I e II sll la HimhI I lak.
Iilia." Maav U llMiuisiva, HHk
1ruikflrll, Maa. lUmnaihar
Hood'o Soroaporllln
It lb Nt -Ut hllh IS Tf4 Hkn4 fW'lat
S..M tf kU r.nii. l,iilv
It it ikitl Wie llt ay
IIOiHl 1111 US. Mf W leyeiaM.
ll I tour etui.leif to aututrilMK