The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, July 07, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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    July 7, 1898.
A Bloody Battle Between Americans
and the Spanish.
Enwement Commenced Friday Morning at 8 O'clock and
Lasted All Day-Nieht Stops Conflict Which Leaves
Shatter and His Men at the Gates of Santiago-Battle
to Be Resumed Saturday Morning.
WAimmtTOir, July a. The war de
partment baa received the following1
from General ShafUr, dated at Blbonjr:
"Had a verv heavy engagement to
day, which lasted from i a. m. till
sundown. We have carried their out
work and are now in possession of
than. There is now about three
quarters of a in 11 o of ojtcn between iny
line and the city, liy morning troops
will be entrr nclied and considerable
augmentation of forces will ba there.
"General Law ton' division and
General Dates' brigade, which have
been engaged all day la carrying IC1
Canny, which was accomplished at 4
p. in., will be in line and in front of
Santiago during the night.
I regret to say that our casualties
will be above four hundred. Of these
not many killed. (Signed)
The president and others are pleased
at fthafter's news. The buttle estab
lished pretty conclusively that the
Spaniards are no match for the en
thusiastic and aggressive American
.troops. They were driven from their
strong entrenchments in front of
Bentiego back into the city, and the
Americans are now occupying the en
trenchment and awaiting only the
dawn to resuino the greater battle
which will result in the fall of Hantia
go before Sunday night and perhaps
before nightfall today,
Turk Dx Kite, July 2, With Bhaf
ter's Army, A general assault on tae
eHy ef Santiago da Cuba by tae land
' and sea forces ef the United States be
gan as 7 o'clock this taernlng.
' General Lawtua advanced and took
, fjoesesslon of Cabona, a suburb ef Baa-
Uerre castle and the other ferU at
Use eatranoe of the harbor were bom
barded by our fleet. The Vesuvine
used her dynamite guns with good of
fset. The Spanish feet in the harbor Ired
en the American troops who ware very
alee te the eity,
ard f gatteg all along the American
line was la progress at 11 o'clock.
Eight woundsd Americans aad nine
wounded Cubans havs been brought in.
At 1 o'clock Uils afternoon after four
hours terrific fighting, the Bpanlsli
Vegan to leave their entrenchments
aad began a retreat into the city.
Many Americans were wounded and
are being brought in. One man had
two arms shot off and was also wound
ed la the hip, but was laughing
Evening The fighting continued
atll dark. Our forces carried the
enemy's outer works and have accnpled
tfcetnthls evening. The battle will
robably be resumed at daybreak.
The American loss is heavy. Home
estimates place It at five hundred
killed and wounded.
WAssuseToa, July 3. The WrU
be begun. This was the news con
vey1 In a dispatch received frern
General Shatter at 10 o'eleck thin
tnarala;. The dispatch read:
' "aWseUry of War, Weehtnften
Cease near HerlUa, Cabs. Asllen now
Igefcag on. The firing only light and
4senltary. Beg ua on the right, near
Ctaey, UwWs drvtslan. He will
nasrs on Us nerta part of the tewa of
Baatlefe, Will keep yea centlnaally
ktdrised ef pregrvea. Shatter, issjer
, Brief an the nteNMure was, it told the
-whale story teat tae tret shots ef the
aaaf lfmrinA aleak of arma, prebably
'be tret giiaial lead engagement of
tae war. waa nn Vr way,
Aeeevatag to gaaeral Shatter's re
port tae atiaek on Santiago was !
ansa by tae rWond division of the
paftb arsay cr, eomroeueVd lv
bjinjeOer Oeaaral U W. Ulm, Thia
KBrUioa eoaslsts uf three brigades,
baaa af as fellows: lirst hrlfsde,
eatbmaaded by Udoael J. J. Van Hern,
Shta halted Males lataatry, Twen
ty-eeeead Catted Plates Infeutry and
akW f
MM tat It,
Taavara, OetetWy July I -A U.
Aoa sabU ta tae Xew tvk Ivtalef
Telegfas eayai laa pretest vf taa
laetaa. eaiee4M agaUst the pat
t Wf vHev el tae parte at Ike I'aitl
Mats dtaWa Va! tweekeia la
CaaaJlee water baa elMt4 a rp!y
tre la trlltea rWeige eaVe te the
naSss that tt I art ewawdeted a Vr b
af laa MattalVty Una
e tataa, a a
WaOtlroeaa, af l-TU tWdaal
af a4ae4 nyaaw I. UraaktUrd
sib9rar eaXt a West 4aT
the Second Massachusetts Infantry,
Second brigade, commanding oTMoer
unknown, but supposed to be Colonel
Hates, First United States infantry,
Fourth United States infantry and
Twenty-fifth United States infantry
Third brigade, commanded by Brig
adier General A. It. Chaffee, Seventh
United Status infsntry, Twelfth
United States infantry and Seven
teenth United States infantry.
It thus appears that the entire di
vision which opened the hostilities of
the dsy Is composed entirely of regu
lar troops, seasoned and experienced in
battle, with the exception of the Sec
ond Massachusetts volunteer infantry,
which is regarded as one of the best
volunteer organisations in the army,
A dispatch was received in the cabi
net meeting from Colonel Alien, in
charge of the signal station at Playa
del Kate. He said that the fight was
growing furious in all directions. At
the time he sent the telegram eight
Americans and nine Cubans had been
The Spaniards wsrs shelllbg the ad.
vanclng Americans and Admiral Samp-
eon's fleet was betly engaging the forts
at the harbor entrance.
At noon yesterday the Amerlcaa
army occupied a position in a long lini
fomr miles east of Santiago de Cuba,
bnt no forward movement had been
made in twenty-four hours owing to
the difficulties in forwarding sufficient
supplies from the bsse at Juragua, as
well as to the fact that it was impossi
ble to send light artillery and aiege
guns to the front from Daiquiri.
Mater General Mliafter was at thl
front and conducted the recennois-
anoe in person.
The American troops had made no
attack then upon Am adores er upon
the coast near tbs left wing of the in
vading army.
The town of El Oauey, or Coney,
which commands the land entrance
Into Santiago de Cuba, was close to
the American's right wing aad was
expected to be taken without difficulty,
an it was held by only a small guard
of Spanish troops. American scouting
parties went within 1,000 yards of
Caney without being attacked.
i lie roads la that vicinity were re
paired and Improved by our troops in
order that artillery might be moved in
that direction. It is believed that the
investment of Santiago de Cuba will
fallow the capture of El Oauey.
There are about 5,000 Cubans oper
ating with the American army at the
front and the Spanish force defending
Santiago de Cuba Is estimated at from
Is, 000 to 0,eoo. In addition, as
already cabled, Oeneral ran do, the
Spanish military oommander-ia-tke-field,
is marching from Manzanlllo,
name lf7 miles west, with 6,000 men,
aad unless chocked by the small force
of Cubans holding the mountain
aaeaes he 00 aid reach Santiago la his
efforts te support Oeneral Linares In a
erw days.
With telegraphic communication es
tabliaksd near Santiago and a wire
from Ueneral Shafter's headquarf ers to
the cable oatee in Co ha, the Preaideat
and Oeaeral Miles feel as If Washing
tun was praetioaUy as near to the field
of eperatlema as to Tampa, and the
government asaared ef hearing ef op
erations as aeon as they take platw.
From several sources the War de
partment learaa that General Shatter
baa takea the measure of the fee In
num Iters and Igettng ability. lid un
doubtedly eenaidero that the ability of
the Spanish arnsy to if hi, ia the sense
a! vat the United Steles soldiers regard
fighting, has been dreadfully ovorestl
wasted by the Spaaiarda, The brush
at La Quaalaa served to Increase thia
Idea oa Oeaeral Shatter a part aad the
later flight frees Bl Casey, oloee to the
border of the city Itself, te beneved te
have Impressed him with the Idea that
they have not much fight left In them,
Still it leeoaeidered net Improbable
that the Speaiab eoeuaaader may have
eotne plan ef destruction for the
failed btelee feroee net yet euspeeted
The talk of aaiaed roads doee aot e,ulle
eiMVuut for the refuaal to nM
4 .J fe Bam 7
' ....
ika mm AUlMt
KeaCssua. N U, Ja'.y I. The
aaaaa) baaaeetwf the America a Imb
NaiUaalawU(y was bU at taevat
istt last alf ki Msatbets frwat all
tae eetfy were ivaW
taiaete was eet4 pleaUag sgalatt
the MMt4 Atsl AutUH aU,eaee
Maaa ta t eriiae
Utarraast, Jali 1-1 be Mtwtrea'
filar says iaat iarraata bee ebarterad
a asluaaat aad aee Ut laspavt wtlk
bet the defeat af the AUaatV
m . eft
Baerct of Rowland'! Friendship.
London, July 7. At the Angle
American reception given yesterday
by Sir Francis and Lady Cook at
Doughty house, Richmond, a high of
ficer of the British navy addressed the
guests upon the "necessity of an
Anglo-American alliance," because, as
he said, "we are dependent upon
America for our food supplies,"
A 1'atrlnt Mlnunriflrntoofl.
"When I think of the wrongs our
country has suffered," said the orator
who knew he was too old to be drafted,
"my bosom swells with Indignation."
"Oh, is that it?" squeaked the man who
didn't like him, "I thought it was your
shirt wasn't a fit."
Kvlnolng Interact.
Chicago Paper: "Darling, do you
think your father Is reconciled to our
engagement" "Yes, Arthur; be asked
me last night what your name was."
Had amsll Made Afreeeble.
Oil on the farm of Widow Blake tor
mented her sensitive nose to such an
extent that she was on the point of
leaving in disgust. When she was told
that her share from a new well would
be $30 a day, she opened all the win
dows in the house and now says crude
petroleum smells sweeter than attar of
Icy ladlfferanoe.
"I am afraid that after being friends
for so many years those two girls have
quarreled beyond reconciliation."
"They have, beyond a doubt," re
plied Miss Cayenne. "I told one that I
bad just seen the other and she didn't
even ask me what she bad on."
Washington Star,
l'hllnott the harness maker No. 227
North 10th, Lincoln, Neb., will give low
rices on harness (roods tnroiigu July,
KIiikIo harness as low as 4.60. Farm
harness as low as f 20. Felt puds 40
cents each.
ditor Indki'Kndent!
"Something must be done to stop the
freo pass evil, or our party may go out
ol business thia year, and not even har
mony and unity will be able to hold it
together. Let us get members 01 tne
Klslaturs committed before tuey are
elected. That Is the best way to begin,
(or if oar law makers have no passes,
they will not so likely be Influenced by
railroads. We should enact a law mak
ing It a felony to give or receive a pass.
I think that would put a stop to the
evil in a short time." Buiihciiiiikk.
Ilartlett, Neb., June 17.
Farmers' Mutual Insurance Asso
ciation of Fairfield, Neb.
forrwipondiino SollolUd bf J. M, Sanlord, gu
ral manaKor.
I must cull J. Y. M. Hwlgurt to a
through your paper and demand
no more misrepresentations ana
statements be made by bun for some
one will be criminally libellous if it con
tinues. First, onr statement has been
published and is absolutely correct und
bis is absolutely wrong. While J. Y. M
Bwigart did not tell the truth on general
tirincioles be did tell t'ue truth in a few
things, and one of thorn was that J. M
ftunford was elected by a clear vote.
Ittitaa to the secretarv s renort It wus
read the first tbintr. as in all other meet
inns. Now, while Hwigart says I and the
secretary received f 1.21 per policy each
he forgot, and that intentionally, to say
that we had worked six duys iu the week,
from ten to twenty hours jier day for
fifty two weeks lor it. 1 put in two duys
Inst week of twenty hours each and one
dav of twentv-two hours and none less
than fourteen hours.
Swigart did not say in his bluster that
he received three times as mucn money
for the sumo amount of work performed
as an v ofllcer in the company.
Our books s iow tins lact. 1 uat ne
was aMUeuut Keueral munuger and I
sued 37U itolicie. His first credit is
dated May 1, 1MU7, nud his lust July Uo,
1MD7. lor which he. the cheap Jolia, re
eelved f 443.UO. lie kept no books and
made no collections. 1 his Is all tue la
bor ho performed which our books will
show. This makes about ?1..'U r
policy and he did no other work except
to disannrove one loss, while his own
handwriting shows that there was a loss
and heattuiutt! to opeu it lor a new
adiuatnient alter all lonee were paid.
1 he reuaon Pwitiart startinl the om
sitton hail eomiMuv. we lwlitve, was lie-
eaUM the annual ineetlnir turned hi in
down aud utdivld me. as he shoes by
bis own ariliug. When he was downed
by the annual meeting be wanted a !-
eial aiienrv from itie. but I would liot
give it to him. All routrart U'tween J,
V. M. Hwlgart aud the Farmers Mutua
Hail leeurauee aMMieiatiou were 'u
e..ll lv a clear tuteol Its nismbere.
Now I attlrm that J. , u. rieigarl bas
r ...... - 1
prtiwa a irM t Ullur in the way i
mulsal iucuramw, Ftrat, kt urn say
that several vvara nno be Mt Uii th
Nabraaka Mittual tjtlous to,, end
ttet lis itianilwrs more uiouy thaa It
would ta lnure in an old hue eouipauy
Ami Uat year that etuiev loat ovf
ia,(HHi ! iuurea alradf la loii-Mt
rin that was a lailurm II has alvr
tt Mr. litfhtelttM'. and cvrUiae teattr
auee thrnuall th m uutua l this iuif
hif uf f le year, aad the lat le are b
avr bad a Are aad Ughtkiu rtuipay
at all br we have Ui rarrtiuita
tkouaaad la lkta Uf bia abiWbesls
kM vmiHni slartt. tteraagite mis
way d, all be baaaritlvala )'
aad at b aHt have tttauranee la
brr tbaa we bad la tbe aiMH.
Il sterlet) a bad vtUMpaaf aad ralWJ
II "Jtltta." bat tbe alUaaee ba4 aa ta
tormi la II aad It aval 4ea.
Nu I ab tbe wiJe ta tterUle as tu
aba lby abb ta be iae'M' ! lbr
iaaeraa,a baaiaaaa, J. , tt. ftateart f
it ore tbaa eitlMHi ti vae bate
4at4e4 la atv Uvor. .Ve, air. Met
sat 1. 1 am furevee Wave thte la tbs
beads at tbe auSIl l4ie aa4 I
eayaaaiwre. I await lb tbwteMa tl the
vM, J, U, ariam
tieaeral leeaff
is marked by the constantly increasing value of business, each clay being greater than the
previous one, and as the sale grows older the interest becomes greater.
Think of the money-saving a sale of this Mnd means, think of the values offered and of
the opportunity to secure the very best and most seasonable merchandise at less than
wholesale. During this sale we offer:
at a discount of
1-4 Off.
19 fff Ml Dress Trimmings, Braids, Garnitures, Ornaments, etc. Then the price
J V1 1 reductions that prevail throughout every other department in the house rep
resent discounts from to
SOUVENIRS FREE To every customer purchasing goods to the amount of $1.00 or
more we give a beautiful portfolio of photographic reproductions of the war with Spain.
This is something that should be in every home, why not have it when it costs you abso
lutely nothing.
nor Hafaata Officially Aanoaness The
Csrvera's Vlaot Ua Rn trayoS.
MiDKiD, July 7. Henor Saffasta, the
premier, has announce officially that
Aumiral Cervera's squadron has been
defeated, that the Almirante Oqneado
was burned and the Infanta Maria
Teresa sunk, and that Admiral Corven
himself is a prisoner of war.
The Jtaee lor Oovernor,
Mr. Deuver is a resident of Douglas
county and has been prominently men
tioned by the press of this state and
urged by numberless friends to make the
race. Hois the steward at the Nebrneka
school for the deaf, and is highly spoken
of by all who know him. At a meeting
of the Douglas county People's Indeitn
dent club, held February 4, 1Hi)H, the
following resolution was carried unani
Whereas, It has come to the notice of
the many friends of Hon. D, Clem Denver
of Douglas county that bis nnmo has
been prominently mentioned throughout
the state, tl'iough the press and other
wise, nf a -.11 1 table enndidute for the
olllce o! goernor of this state, and
Wherta, ne, his neighbors, believ
ing in hii honeely of purpose nud up
riithtneHM of character, his qualifications
for the position aud his long aud faith
ful servico to the tiopuiiHt party of jc-
brosku and the nation; therefore, be it
Unsolved, That it is the sense of this
meeting that we heartily endorse his
candidacy for the olllce of governor of
the state of Nebraska, and that we
pledue ourselves to use ull honorable
meHiis to secure his nomination at the
bauds of the coming popullxt state con
vention. 1'lutte Couuty Democrat,
Sl'UINO HUMOUS, bolls, pimples,
sores and all eruptions are promptly
cured by Hood's Harsuparllla, which
thoroughly purifies the blood, eradicat
ing every trace ol scrofula.
HOOD'S 1'U.LH cure nauecn. sick
headache, biliouniiees aud all liver Ills.
l'rit lij cent.
The July New Time contains a scatli
ing aud sensational arrulgnment of the
democratic tenders la rougrwn ami ei.
where aud nseerts that their "rrimlnu
stupidity" will wreck the party aniens
. . ' .. . li. ...I 'L u II
lOeir aciitina are ruumiu, i n
torioJ Is attriu'timi iieoeral attention
Fditor Adams of I he Nsw 1 line has bis
tlghtiug clolhi-a on,
loll HALF. One aMHindhand, lull top, ruller tire, tulumtius
i.hrt.i.iu. iu uwtiine year, flaa, oaeeut
imdr tieiia too tarnage, pit'd
ovr, iu u two yeans Bok repair.ttHiks
lite new, U three mil sami-r ip
i.hiHoh, t aintr.l uwr, a In sm4 re
pair, I n U and Mvwib,4 lull Watbvr
tiinliuifgM panum vr, an ia nri
riaiMrtunbiion, , l i t. " aui f i.t,
one at VIA, n pba-loa at f 13, oa He.
lttrjf wagN I Ji el 1". Kala-
ittai.t.1 Iran IliHL cm! iiu, uu
loa V P ft en-varfajte,aiati mw,
. , . a
Wsbsve ll esiwktl eeoat
t ar id t ta Mitiiuarraa,pbatoas
.uw, had IWOM, tuatief
bh l tiaadiaii wa mr nia, in tirKi
t.ab letbesUK 4 ite Htar vie-
alr, ai lrslle t sba gmMa, am
ira.k aae varrlua. baloa aad bugs
ah M M at iW taab Value, we
kav e a rloa4 4 rwbt t.a erraas
tul'bor lire t ussxe, wt.l tre pbavtaae
u Vt u.,it y.tuae. A ara.W aad war
tested, will Itada b "S4 has I alv
ttra at tbvtt aaab Value, we bale alett a
lull LiS.f tun bussv b IM aad war-
taated. webeie a ta beaf M i
aad IrvatbtakMbbiea sitvaattsiy ad
Itawu'brey lra. Ilarjeare Cw., CV
ttk aad O etfoetai lJae!n, sb.
The Progress of the
July clearing sale....
All Table Linens
at a discount of
1-4 Off,
Kansas Lump
Rock Salt
For Stock.
Purest, Healthiest, Best.
Holt Jgeuts Ar Lyona Book Suit Co., nud Boy ml Salt Co.
See our exhibit of stock salt at the Trans-MlssisslppI International Exposition
Omaha. Neb.. Main Building.
ji i " " jy? f i
aaerT- -
you want one of our "Three S'es":jjt j
QH A W America' Greatest' Piano, the
OH A TT greatest in the world.
A FFFB Vtry f, good tone qua
iJbnArrCn lity, beautiful case designs.
QII I FR A good Piano at a price that
UlllliwIlA will come within your reach
Sold on easy terms
at cash prices by the
,. , n, ,V
c J
ap-lMlate la
f ll
.-lmrr .-x
tii. a. f ' ik
tilt Msatt
AOtl llll.ti UmI
WtMite a4 b4W4
kwImiu tans
uxHI k MSalt ,
bia a'
tM t lMbea
Lining Cambrics,
2c, and all other linings at
a discount of
1-4 Off.
Use Rook Salt
Hides, Pickles,
Meats, Ice Cream,
len Haitian
Fertilizing, to., to.
Mines and Works,
Lyons and Kanopolls, Kan.
To purchase
piano and wish
to get the best val
ue for your monev
Lincoln Steel Range
and please your dear wife and family Warranted the
Mul lH I atHiklug aluve Utada, We u the wry Ul
eold rolM patent lvld ii, aud hue evrv lUns
wilb Mbele ami sll, which make It luiimeaibbj to
eat Ore lit your diutr, Tbvare h.i.,t.M- I........'
alt-fa aad .Ulg?, B(, ui irimnl
burn aay klsd id lL will la.l a ,b,.
!' Ma.U tm bo.r. .ld ..a iu,,t ti.i.
II your d-akr d.e si ,M$w u fc
Miakrea rat ntiatak, Wnte tit ua aad
UocbUll llroi. Mfg.Co.,
i.ix.i.n,m:iv makVu,
I alrofciw borne ledaat,,-. y, ,.)r.
aad Lt;iasilW,,v,u j
tbi,uads Mur llasws. mmiZu
teata im H-fl aad UetasfaM t ?tttie