June 30, 1898. 8. COND AND LAST W 2 Fine light weight Casfmnerc Ten and Twelve Dollar Suita for $7.50. "Don't miss it" Arrange your plans to come and do your buying this week, for when we tell you that you will not have such a money-saving chance again it is TRUE, for our statements are never extravagant and never misleading. Boys' and Children's Gents' Furnishing Actually Flung Out This Week Department for this week. THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. EEK OF OUR Linen Wash Pants, Good Crash, Worth 25c a pair, at 16 cents Nolly, Stylish Knee I'ant Suit, made with double scat and knccH Lot 1: Your pick.. $i,48 Lot 2: 1 $2.48 (Mo) ASK TO SEE The "DEWEY PANTS." They Make Swell Looking Littlc.Sailoru at 45 Cents a FAIR Negligee Shirts, all the new styles, nobby effects that will please, cool and comfortable for hot weather: 48, 78, and 98 cents. Fine Underwear for Men, comfort .giving and cool, at 16c each, worth fully 35 cents Men's Tale Iilue, Gray and Tan Balbriggan Uuderwear At 25c Each S 1 t Men's Crash Suits, Lot 519, our rcg. $4 Suit, this week $2.95 Men's Crash Pants, regular $1 value, this week 50 cents Hot Weather Shoes at money saying prices. 1200 pairs of Ladies' Dongola But ton and Lace Shoes, in three col ors, Chocolate, Tan and Mack, $4 Shoes, at $2.98. 1500 pairs Ladies' Oxfords, in black and chocolate, hand turned and well made, $2.50 goods at $1.78 Ladies' all-leather, solid Ox fords and Slippers, $1.50 goods $1.19 Gent's Vesting: Top Chocolate and Black Vid Kid, $4.00 goods at $2 98 Gent's Vid, Dongola Kid and Satin Calf in Tans and Blacks, all the different toes, $3.00 goods, at $1 98 500 Bottles of Whittmore Dress ing, Tan, Black, and Chocolate, on Friday and Saturday only, at C CENTS. A BOTTLE No Matter What Size Your Purse, You Can Always be Suited at AW NEBRA3KA N0TE8. 0orgle watermelon hftv bar lv RWUd Nebraska. A tommer oornpan ba bn or' )trisd at Venango, urrj rerkiua, colored, of Humboldt kn bo erreted fur bootlegging. Orawford'a Fourth of July cclebrft leas promliMii to be ft warm article, mall boy meU'h-A. Nelaon't lm la freinout. t'irit. Loe, 1X00. W lt Maon any It it ac-andelou tb time flls lo 1U burr to get ua oil La. earth. The New Itepubllo bold. tUiadfaatly tb Idea that lit-eiiae lawe ara a aaetltutional. Worker lu lha celery ilalda oaa Uaraey dauiand fl.ftft par da, It It hi or nothing. A baar timber fell on Iba lnd afar of Jalea Zbltidea of Bweetwftbat, sUjbtag It flat aa a ablngla. Lnorel haa organised ft baabil Sanaa, aeet fur ft pitcher with ft good ftft, tad will "pla ball rlghlH lorrlt M kit ay of OmU wm an i ran operated on lor appanawiHa, 14 la gtttliig alting apleudtdly. TVa Otab pre Meoolallon baa attend aratuitiitU to alUud tba ts 1U la bod about tba lulddU ! A UtUa daut I.Ur of II. H. Ill awe IMJaar stumbled while ruuelug ft van Ua awttah trache aud fractured tarlf. Vbt buy 4 eounty normal laatltnt ft IM will b bald at Hutu, lgia Im Jalr II end continuing t veaL., ft laWraUU eherinV ftuUtlot t their recent meeting la (Vie noil til a fa, bxt4 Jubn J. Trump., abac T of Uaaaatar wwuaty. Nab.. M tU eraatdeat. a flatbMoiiutb meceheaW preete4 Iweipaa II of tba Third ragliwaal teUM ilia lag. A fur tba present tUo tba 111 men of tbaatuopaa wan ete4 4awb kttMMar died at Ptlaa rw taftllf, ag4 aliVra yaaia, laala I wUt ftoj fHtf atnall ablldraft la auw4 ttraMtaMta Ha a I Dm at HUaj watr it tar agi 4 awatw f twaa tH lm aaUw al IM VrWb abltoaaf U a taaat rat laow of loiliuitoii aa4 atnrtaJ U baaftaf baa. A. i, llagbta of itgallatft waa VUbat MtbaalUaby aa agt kataa. lb llaioaaUtMi ta om tbat will lit ft fem ft at lit. 9m wa4ar, tbadran Illrwa4 ajoVft, k ftttawatlag U gataaft tialft, l,fMa fto4 fall nadaf tba taift. Ill bftorw MM U4lr lfa4 Harry Unga. tba lAmsolti oartooulat impload by tbt Kreuing Kawa, baa Iftpartw! for K Wont to armw wa icturaa. Wllllaw llarwood, ft brakainn it Itlaiug City bad bl foot bftdl aroabad b allpidog from tba piloi of tba angina. TLa raarulta irMUcrnl In Nabraakft k till out tba two rrgimanta ftlraad u Uia flald, bava bi eu aaat to Utau loatiuatiou. A prominent butter and egg ablppor rf Nabraj.Ua aaya tUu product of tba bana of tba UUt ally rcault 13,000,- Night watfhiuitn John lUrratt laat rharaday night nvtrUl Uia daatruo Hon of tba Nabraaka building on tba lipoaltUw grounda. Hometlina aftar etldnlfbtha noticed ft blaa In tba luitndlan'a rKm, and upon going ln Ida found tbat It prMedad from tba iwltch boa nou trolling tba elnotrU jlrculta. Ha abut off the current an put out tba Are, Otto and Albert IllU'hrook and Jot Rata of Prfmoat bare been ftrraatad for Uallng ft naif from K. L. Tblt- tomb. They iHiufoaaed to Ua theft and will bare tbalr trial laUr. In rlaw of tba fact tbat tba aaaaa 01 lha big lira In Mm-uln which daatroad tba Rlabarda block and two other Ilea bu laid at tba d.mr of Inadequate kydranU, alg bt new big onaa ara I lag elecrd along Oalmat Tbe bbiycle aaaaun U on In earaeet n llrtb and new bcglnura ara a ilatatlng wltb the bard. "Tba leaa Ull. and ao do I," Wbeet and rye era nrerly rlw and tba yield of IhiIi proiuWa to be wrkar, ( rata wba euthuUu b organ Im. ft bl ytte i lub, ItoMi nitbuown aiMn altauipta! to P.Imh tba fmlly of J, r. IIUI at Heat flra by aprtaklUtg rl graen oer Um rlaklng rbritUa wpa tba Irvaft A ballet from an utla.lit. raolrai In tba band of Tarry Mature at A aarn la raaMiHibl fvr little tHWi Matt aelag nilau needy al) of hi honf taetb Tbe bram b ataurla of tba Daab ! I rtMM rot-M will take ear f tba rreaa until the reaUal balld ng at Uetfla It raballt, wbUdt will a auMn. At Maaoln, Nebraska, Uta Wgaal tlagla itaorlitl u tb naw gaw atnwieatwar laa waa mta by U IH-I Mat Uanbaia Life, aHoMattwf aa tA,l04, TVaavaa tlrobtabyt Waantat Won Italer, drotn aatenty te of akjbtj bxt laM tiwn aa4 fat tbent In tb iWwb yard wttbmt ka4i aw ajfttan. Nearly tba wbola lot tanba4 la bba aaat, In ball game at Ilarriaon the other In the aoore at th end of the eigh tb inning stood 30 to 30. At there wm ao room to out more notobea In tht itlck tba game waa called. Thar lunu to bo ft rood demand for labor from erery amotion of tba lountr, aaa tba North Platta Tele, graph, and the man who la out of work, tramping through tbe country and putting up bard-luck atorlea to gat naautanco, may be put down aa an Impoetar, crook, or at beat ft wortb leaa fallow. The merchant of Alnuworth recent ly want aftur n gang of grocer faklrt, b an npprored fithhlon. The got hold ef llat of prlcoa umiJ by the faklrt and drew np ft Hat of their own pricea to compare with them. The oomparb ion raaultad In favor of the home mer lhanU b n balance of IU.04 aarad to Um farmer who patron I m homo Inatb tntiona. Tba bant of Wednnada of laat weak tapnndad ft rail on the atreet railway al IJnooln ao that It bowed up nearly a foot. The rail waa cooled with water antU It re u road ita normal poaltloa. ea Hhe It Hiuh. Inailna yaurtalf a foreigner atrtv lag to matter tba rormirm tlou of the BoglUb language. IVrbaim you may b gaalng at a number of veeaela on tb water, and enlalnt, "Hih what a flock ef ablpr!" Yon art at tune told thai ft fleck of tbll' Ik railed a fleet, nd that ft fleet of ahrep It railed a floel. It mlgbl alao be addd for your future guldanr that a flock of glrlt It tailed ft bery, arbtle a bevy of wolvea bl tailed ft pack, yet a la k of thlevea la tailed a gang, and a game of ameta bj tailed ft boat; but a b.wt of porpoliet la railed ft skoal, and a thoal of buf faloea la tailed ft h'rd. HUH. ft bard of tblldren la ralM a trtMtp, but a troop i)f (arlrldiva te called a ri, and ao on ad laflnltum. "Mtott, atop!" noHhlnkt I btar yu rry raaaot remember balf it It."- Inidret't Uagailntk Plata Tratb from Mo My goodneat, what'a bowl would ba made by tba lorde of creation If tba women-folki abould spend money juit Ilka men I What would we nay If a woman abould spend a dollar ever onca and a while to wet the whittles of her feminine friends, or a balf for four cigars, or ten cents to have her shoes blacked, or fifty cents a week for chewing, tobacco, or for lotting four timet as much In a friendly game of draw, or twenty times as much for a wlna dinner for four, or a dollar a night for billiards and lots of other things which I shan't tell of. Where you find one spendthrift woman you will find ten thousand men. Generally speak ing, our better halvea count the cost of every penny expended, and I'll ba blessed If It doesn't tickle me dread fully every time I learn of a woman squandering a dollar mont foolishly. It Is so like the men to do so. One thing I do know for a dead moral certainty, and It Is this: there are many men to day In this broad land who are rich because of the fruaallty and careful economy of their wive In days long goat by. Anoka (Minn.) I'nlon. 43 A. Old Satlaaa far IeoralU. Tb very latest fad Is button dec oration. Instead of now hunting for postage stamps the enthuUnta aeareb very old corner for queer and quaint buttona to decorate tbe furniture, house, garden, and every mortal thing, saya tbe Rambler. The bent decora tion on record la at a prltate hnuea la Norwood, or. rather, a private tardea, lac all tba decoration l In tbe gar den. The garden U let out In plots, and rack plot la bordered by a narrow rldia of re mm l, run along tbe edge of tba path. Mttllona of buttons of a v. ary hue and make ara aet in tbe remeot In all manner of deetgne. One plot Is decorated by glatt button from ladle' drtaaea aaly, aaother -and tbla tb prttltatby pearl buttoitt of all abapaa. Tba garden are studded by Una brata buttont r preamtlng ev. try rglml In lb liruuh army. CK0UKO ROCK HIT fun i toe . tltt ftavh Salt far N.dfs fktlet. Mal, l. t Crt), be aUtiaa, I trMuiag, 4f , At. Kansas Lamp H o c? A. fait It for Stock. Airfaf, itfAlthlftt AMr W'HSTUKX KOCK H.UT CO., LOWS, Hi aJe 44! yw Ijaa f J t, 4 ntt I1, fV vat tibtbll 4 tt.k salt ftt tba Traaa W mdmi laUraalioaaJ t,po.tioft Owaka, h.b., blaia Neddta HIm aad Wart. I yea tad aae!., left, IF YOU WISH its To purchase a piano and wish to get the best val ue for your money you want one of our 'Three S'es":jt CHAW America's Greatest Piano, the 0 1 1 A T T greatest in the world. Sf H A FFFR Yt fine ton Iitv. beautiful case Aor, SHII I FR good Piano at a price that will come within your reach r.n . x joia on easy Terms at cash prices by the $ MATTHEWS PIANO CO.. WLV'i?. Iar - ' a ww D I- o. ).,D 5 7 t A ur y TV rU X 1 E GOOD TO YOUR HOME. BUY A New Lincoln Steel Range nnd plea your dertf nad lamilr Werreatad tbe f mMt iwrleut eoukioti etxve mad. We uwt h Vrr. M eld rolled patent WvM ateel, aud line evrry Umt nub aabtoa ad ateel, akieh niak it ImiHieaibt ? net flra t.i your fl,Mr. Th.y ar b.ada,.., ,raciiv, . nnii iii aa aal am proviO, ay K.r yi.a to buy on a r-.aabt ter Uucksuff Bros. Mfg. Co., I.INt tll..N, S'jsa MtkfUt l alr.ja't koo.a I.. , Nri ' aad t .H- t o.,H, I .X .'d teatioft git IK.UJ M4 IWlaaraat ttgia tM ak '