The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, June 23, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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June 23, 1898.
Omaha Markets.
Market llayl.w of tho Week.
Cattla, 1Iok. Utiwp.
n wevk aao .M
On & " .'j
Two ago ,.M I'M"
Total ro"lp l"r tb ae.k with aoroparbraii:
CUln. Hok. Hlnwp.
Wart n4ln June 1 M l
WNkwciiaaJaaall IWW
Wwk umlliiK June 4 ...ViW Hn.lll 1 J 1.41,11
Wwk inline Vie al !, tUWO HI.HMI
inm::::.;.::.,. m
Gotinral Today' rwwlpta wnroaorne
what Mow the avwage for the tout day
of tlw wook ami tho total for tho wbola
work waa way fttrmtlur than for the pr
Tloue wei'k. In rattle there was onlf a
mull focrwM, hut the rowdpte of bona
howed large Iobb n cornparod with
fruvloue week of the jmt month or
CaltliH-CbfonffO rnportod about 100
baud ol cattlo DMMilvod till) morning and
Kftiiha City about the mime number, bo
that all the rattle that were on Male were
at Omaha. Tbe rwmlpta at this point
wert coiwulorubly IlKbtor than ft wk
iiko, but It woe a fnlr aveniKo run for
tholo-lnirdiy of the weik,
Klilppere wore very mudi In evidence
thle morning end were an element of
efreiiR'b in the market no that the trade
wae oo live and the moot of the cattle
chanjH lunula early In apll of the fact
of Mm being the butt day of tho week.
The price paid were fully ateody on nil
kind with doHirablu klmla on which
there wae more competition a little
xtroiiK'T. Home prel l v good black cut
tie brought f 1.80 wlili'li were out of the
aame lot that wild u week ago at f 1.70
but were a little lighter weight,
Cow and heilera were in light aupply
aud the market wo without change,
The aame wa true of hullo, ntug. culvee
No atock cattle of any Importance
were offered and there wae nothing to
make a text of the market. Had there
been anything bore it would doubt lw
have brought good firm priw.
The week tine wltiioaaixj a falling off in
cattle receipt M compared with tho
week before, atill arrival have been well
VP to the average of the liiat four or five
week. Taking tho week a ft wbolo fut
cattle have ehown aoina little improve
ment, that la handy, light and medium
weight atuff. The market hua had He
up and downe but the down of the
early part of the week were made up- by
the gain toward the clone.
The total gain for the week, however,
baa not been audlclontly large to cauae
any very noticeable change and perhnp
the situation would be beet described by
aaying that the market on an averugo In
Juat a little atronger than a week ago
end in extreme coaoe B and 10a higher.
One fact worthy of notice 1m that heavy
cattle are better aellera than they were a
week ngo. Receiver do not meet with
ah much difficulty in disponing of their
heavy cattle a they did and pricce If
anything area llttlo atronger. Handy
cattle are atill the beat aellera, but buy.
ore aeorn to have more uae for the heavy
cattle than they did a week or two ago.
liutcber' atock hue aold in about the
aame notchea nil the week and there are
no Important developments in that de
partment of the cattle trade to which at
tention can be called, Htock cattle have
been In very light aupply all the week
and prloea have continued firm.
flog llecelpu of hoga were conaidor
ably entailer than a week ngo but about
on a par with two week ngo, Yeater
day 'a break and tho fear that btiyora
.would take advautnge of tho lent day of
',Tuaweik'to' poulid. prion probably con
tributed to keep the receipt down.
Advioc from Chicago tula morning in
dicatod a decline of Co and tho market
bore oicnod a ehade to 5 cei.te lower,
flight on tho oHnlng aome boga aold
cloae to eteudy aud other very little
lower, but there were plenty of loud
that aold fully 5 cent lower.
Light atuff aold largely at f3.7W
$3.77& the big etrlng of mixed hoga
wout at f.l.HO and tho beat heavy
touched 93.85. Yeatcrday the boga aold
at f 3.800f 3.H5 principally.
The market waa fairly active at the
decline, the ehlpitor helping to clear the
pen and everything wo aold and
weighed up at nu early hour.
Thia baa been the low week of the
month to date and prliva have
jumped about oonaiderably. Huy
er who have operated oa the market for
a good many yuara are commenting up
on the fact that the market during tho
I mat month or more boa been very un
even for the autnmer packing eeaou. It
la up one day and down the next and
the rleo aud fall at time are quite large
while aa a rule the market changvabut
alowlv during the aummer. The pre,
ent week omohI with a abarp break
which waa followed br a rally of
5 wuta ou Tueaday. On Weduoaday the
market waa a atinde lower, but on
Thuraday there waa a reactiou amount
ing to r.'V but value dropwd back
again on Friday and Saturday. At the
cloae of the week the luarkat waa no
higher than on the owning day which
waa the low day ol the month to date,
but It waa hardly a atroug aa on the
laat day of the previoua wwk and 40c
lower thaa on the lrl ol the mouth.
Average price paid lor hoi; a lor the
laat aeveral day with eotupariaoaa;
I. 7
tl. 1 l
jMii... r t
II .,, .,., !( IN
JkM k. ... )'l lit
jM i..... , in
J II ...... ..... H II
J.M ....,,.,.,... ,..! It
Hher Tberv waa only on load ol
weetera laaiba, rather oa tlie (HumuonUh
urdvr, u that there waa nothing lit
fctak a trial el the market. The demand,
however, waa khM, aad tlute an
doubt but what every thing durable
would have ol all riafct,
t hit the receipt ol aheep have bee
alightly largvr thaa laat k. the pal
Ity ha kut aver4tl very mhI, and
It eaa h Iratklully aul that tHiha ha
hot had a reJ it ime load i4 wutioai oa
aab duriag tke Wt en day a.
haviag to do with aa IttWior quality ot
luH tirkwa el Ikie lutlel keaa Kn an
fully a wail m atkee aeltiag toiat. A
enii ajed alia a we aa-, the tuaiktt
a ep taiaat t ot It ligaer,
will laiat are ahoat aueratkey aera,
f ea4e 'a Mattel UeeUlkee.
Okatttk, Jaaa It.-llwga, Iterelpta,
iVwat active, ihid altSeri Ifht.
tlToail at ale0, Iteoqti.MUl
t 1 04 itetdy,
WevtK t ttocatrt aad
Chicago carloiul receipt!
Today, Tucadny.
Wbent 1" ,i
Corn M 880
Out 8i 3
JJoga ., 26,000 32,000
Total northweatcrn receipt! Today,
02, yeur ngo today 3"t.
'I'lin i,nut. ivi,-k line been trcticrnllv
cool and dry, with aoinewhat more
then the normal ainoiinr, or aunaniiie,
The temperature wn about normal
In eiiuihcrn end wcatern countlc
and l)clow nonniil in the iiorthcaalrn
countlca, where tho avcrngn dally de
ficiency wna uooui a (le.ricca. me
mnxliuum temperature for the week
were generally allghtly above f0 de
gree, and the minimum were about
60 degree,
'J im rain ran un necn oeiow nw jf. i.tif In a few coiintlea where
heavy ahowcr rweurred with a rain
fall rnnglng from one to nearly iwo
luetic, Generally, the rainfall ba
been about bnlf an Incli,
Tim ilrv weather and annh no Of
Iha tiiiHi week have been vcrv favor
able for all crop, Winter wheat and
rye are beginning to ripen in the
Boutheni countlca, Kye i filling well
and promlaea a large crop, Jlut 1
appearing aomo on wlient anil oat.
At. flm Tt'iHi-Ti t, Hfaire ol ndvaiu'emciit
of the crop, lenf ruat will do little or
no nnmnget ruat on wn bibik ) more
InjurloiiBS probably only alight dom
ii go tiua reaultcd a yet, Com baa
grown well, but la atill amall and
backward, and many field are very
weedy. The puat week boa been favor
able for the cultl tlon of corn, and
moat com bn now been cnltlvatd
once, aome a aecond time and a Utile
a third time. Cherric are ripening,
and are a large crop, Apple are fall
ing badly In aome countlca.,
Short War Stories.
feedera, 3.804.85, ,
Khecp Itecclpta, 10,000 aicaay vo
Lincoln. Neb.. June 21. Axtater &
Co, report the Chicajjo market range
aa follow!
Wheat I
Upen ingunnCow Cloae
73 V, 74 71', 14'A V
i8 9' M 69 ;
08 60 60 C7V4 08
32 32 32 32
33 33 32 33
24 24 23 24
21 21 20 21
9 70 9 77 0 65 9 05
10 00 10 00 0 82 9 86
5 75 77 5 80 8 75 6 i5
5 82 5 02 5 85 5 85
6 62 6 62 5 47 6 47
6 02 5 62 6 65 5 66
General Kd K, Ilryuutof Madion told
a etory that fit la at the preent time
very nicely. Thoro wn a pfoti man In
the crew of an Iron-cliid. lie had been
told one evening that In nil iirobnbllity
the next day would witucHH a great buttle
When ho pra.veij that night he put apeclal
afro upon the plea that tho voel upon
which liiuiHiill and comradcN were aurv
lug might eacape diaMtcr, aaylngamoug
other tiling: "Oh, Lord, ahleld u from
theahella and other projectile of the
enemy, but if any ahella mid anlld ahot
do oomo to our veel 1 pray Thee that
they may be diHtrlbiited u prize money
la diHtributed, moatly among theolll
eera." "That makea me think of (iovernor
Urough'a organization of the ngiuieiit
at the time .lobn Morgan m ade hi rade
through the atate. The governor kept
cIono track of the great confederate
raider. He found that Moriran, with
hia large force, would pu a given point
at a certain hour the next day. Ho he
had a train load of arm, equipment
and ammunition made ready, and lilm
aelf, hi adjutant general ami other meiii
here of the atuff prepared to make an ex
tcnalve trio. He telegraphed to vnrloii
etatioua along the lino to have com
pnnlea raiwd, ready to get onto hi
train, and to go to u point for regimen
tal organization.
"When ten compauica were ready the
train lopcd and the vnriou com
panic elected their otllcera, the governor
irouiiing that their eomuiiaaioiiw would
be forwarded a little later. That done
heaald: 'Who will you have for colonel
of thia regiment?'
''Homebody called out that 'John Far
mer would l the beat man to command
the regiment.' The governor had John
Farmer brought to him, and aald: 'Mr.
Farmer 1 want you to take command id
thia regiment and tend It dowu to a place
where Morgan will appear, and help to
head oft the geiitlcninu.'
" 'Hut, governor, I don't know any
thing aUiut thia military buliie.'
"Well, your Irleiid Bay you are the
beet man to lie eolouel, and I aunt you
to take the poeitiou. There la uo time
tV baa).'
" 'All right; if they thiuk 1 will atiawer
I'll do the beet I cau.'
"Tlie governor pMlulatnl to et ud Ida
coiiiiiiImiob the follow lug wet k.
" 'Now, Colonel Farmer, gt your
troi togfther aud wawill laeue arm
aad ammuaitioa.'aat-l th governor,
"When that wa dona Colonel Farmer
ptoeeed.-d to get hi Uliettt lUtO
aiotioa la IhU uiaauer:
h 'tlrt Into tau alrlitga la the road
here, all looking the a me way, and wba
atart out I aaat yoa to walk right
vlu tmiether, aad atuk to yn gait until
wgl where we're mig to, aad when
the battle txtfiu aaat oa to mint
right Hp ia a ba aad etav Una, ad
lMd aad fir autli old Joha llorgaa
tare aad rue.'
"At thi ailat atojMtUidy talM lor
"Ikrv hit t'oloael I armef I hf
wet gtwa, and thea th rolo4 v
I be vviawaad, 'tirah guee, poader, ehol
aad lh othet lie, and we'll g attf
Mitrgaa (
"Culoael Faratev waia'l taaeh ol a
a Hilary aaa, aad to rtp wt ot
4mm rad eoldiera, sat tkey got lata
a lw la tiw to gii Joka lJoraaa
oeaettraajabiag Volley that did hiai
aad kt erwad a heap d karat. They
aatataM the taiaat aa, aa4 ti
a a weed aat aooa alwr eloraaa taut
ara artaitr4 ft drivea tt4th
(tnnn1 W. .T. Flniirtinv. A St. 1'anl rail
road man, met Colonel W. A. Wyae of
ney aorved In the Firat or Becond Virginlu
infantry and Wyae in Uo diflerent regi
ment, but in the Firat Wlaconaln hia
flrat term. That regiment participated
In the bnttle of Falling Water, July 'i,
IHrtl I'lniirtK.r'e VirirlnliL reiri merit
fought opioite the Wlaconaln boya; in
oilier worn, tney rougnt eucu oiuer lace
to face. "Wa you ut hat battle,"
akd Flourney, "I wo, air; 1 wa well
to the right, near that clump of tree,
and 1 tried to bit ome of you fellow."
Flourney extended hi bund and aald:
'MlwiLi, .lil fullnw I wilh nn nne luft.
but you dideu't hit me," and then thoe
two vetrana, one who wore the gray
and the other the blue, had about a
happy a reunion a a couple of old aold
lera ever bad. .1. A. Watrou ia Chica
go Time Herald.
Are Northern MlliiiUirn Vanltea New,
,kt KM)HUA.v,, Fla,, .June 10, The un
veiling of the f '2 0,000 confederate monu
ment here today marked a chapter in
hiatory atrunge In coincidence and re
in ark a Me In eurrouiidlng.
Eighteen year ago and on the piazza
of one of the hotel of thia city aat aol-
dler ex-l'reaident, while the citizen of
,ackaonviiiu paae(i and rcpuaacu mark
ing the prcMoncM of a atateamun who hud
made the laurel of a victory unfading
forever by proclaiming over a ecu of bit
terne: "iot tin have peace,"
Today hi grnudaon ua a member id
the at all of Oeneral m, atood within a
few feet of the aume apot, reviewing an
army of aoldler In blue, veternna who
hnd opjioMed each other on t he battle
Held, and f houMund of Florldiana
marching to do honor to a confederate
aoldier In bronze who viewed with the
cold eye of the puat a living chapter of
our current hiatory,
A regimental baud from the land of
the old yankeea atepped proudly to the
strain of a march and "Old Olory"
waved In the southern breeze, The new
yankoe from North Carolina and Vir
ginia, clad in blue too, took up tho
ochoc with tho apirit'Btirrlng refrain of
"Hixln," Jluhlnd trooped the old federal
vutcruu, aad then cuuio the old confed
erate under tho tar and bur floating
peacefully bealdu the alar and Mtripea,
A federal army In Jackaonvlllomarched
amid the plaudit of the people of an ex
treme aouthern atate puat the reviewing
laml occupied by al,eand ttOrunt,
under the eye of a llarrlaon, whoae
lather wa a federal general and a repub
lican prealdent, and of a nephew of the
vlcc-proeldont, to unveil u monument
dedicated by ex-confederaka to the con
federate who la dea d, except on the page
of hiMtory,
Through the afreet of q aouthern city
trumM)d an army in blue, led by l o, In
wbone name and fame i concentrated
aouthern hitory from the leglnning,
and at the foot of a iiedcatal that lift
up the typical aouthern aoldier to the
reverence of the age atood a Hurtori,
who ia u Grant to u now, arid a Harri
son, at homo with the people from whom
hi ancestor sprung. The south and
the went aud the north marched through
the at reef tho boya in blue from Illi
nois, New Jeraey, Iowa, Wlacouain, Vir
ginia and North Carolina brother all
save ua they are rival lor the firat place
In the elm rue and the laat In retreat,
when they face the enemies of their
native land.
For v 1
Etc. Etc.
We are in the midst of hot weather, and we are selling
hot weather merchandise. Those who have visited
our new store know what a large, convenient and
well-lighted building we have, and what an im- t'lvtj
mense stock of dry goods we arc showing.
Those who are not acquainted with our store are in
vited to come, whether they are ready to buy or
V 'ad
just now we are pushing merchandise suitable for hot
utrtUttf inI
attractive assortments, but great bargains as well,
In printed wash dress goods, an assortment that excels
twice over any that we have ever before shown. W7r
sr. ' J
Choice styles at 5c, 7c, 10c, 1 2'c and 1 5c a yard.
In white dress goods we have greater bargains than for
any previous season. India linens, lawns, stripes, &HcV
uwiuiiea rtfi'inrVit.a n r A,, n nil .....
Ladies ready-to-wear shirt waists are selling as freely
as last season, but at lower prices. The most pop
ular styles sell at 50c, 69c, 89c, and $1 each.
In underwear for men, women and children, we have
all styles, shapes and qualities. Ladies vests at 5c,
.a. . ,.nU C,.,.:l ..t : . 1'
iww, Kjw uiiu jv K.a,ii, ojtiai vaiuus ill men S J. -
.t.:.. 1.1 t..t. ...t'... ...... , . QmQlfoi
sinris ami urawcr, in uoin wimc anu colored, at VfJVl:
25c each.
In iit" Anmttet'if Unirtmnnt tun 'r,, e,.W.,,, 'ikimi.
i uui Mviiivjiiv v.v.j1. 1.111 vi.v , K uii, nvillll i.alJCUn, V. V V.
. .
gingliams, muslins, sJitrtmgs, sheetings, etc., of good tyfjftfj
quality, at the lowest prices in the history of the 5y
business. K'ffiXgjj
Vrvii nrr invJtfd tn enmn. nnrl sr iar tnnrcr-lf" viJviJ
- " --- j
jtjij'Yo better carriage buying and
selling. Our methods have won a big business
for us and satisfaction for our customers. wM
We handle strictly high grade
goods, which we can and do
warrant. 1 he material which
is used in our buggies, road
wagons and carriages is spec
ially prepared stock and guar
anteed to be the best; that is
what we mean by quality.
The following prices speak for
Road Wagons as low as $30
Top Uuggies,goodones,for$45
Spring Wagons, worth having,
Surreys, well made, stylish,$35
Hicycles, 1898 models, good
wheels, $25.
A big line of harness and sad
dles at prices you can afford
to pay.
Come in and look over our
utock; get prices and ask ques
tions. We want your busi
ness and we are offering
special inducements to get it.
ir tinii v
If IUU . . .
It 1 1 I .a mmtm
9 t"! vnmmitmM-rvrsiri $tLr
Only place In the city where you can get a
high-grade vehicle at a reasonable prlce.M
. 202-4-6 South Eleventh St., Lincoln, Neb.
TM UM it Uk.
M Ml'
rill, utkii,
Aftii iIU,tUi
UtMtta a a4lva4
I'Wa, a.a.
a. 4
To purchase
a piano and wish
to get the best val
ue for your money
you want one of our "Three S'es":
CU AW America's Greatest Piano, the
Oil A TT greatest in the world.
PH A FFFB Yefy fine, good tone qua
OnArrJCn aty,beautifui case designs.
CUII I CD A good Piano at a price that
Ullllll will come within your reach
Sold on easy terms
at cash prices by the
ikinvviii, rib, i
New Lincoln Steel Range
ami ilwn your ilarwlf aoj laimly Warrantat) I ha
ml (mrfai'l tXHiklna Uiv uiaU. v u tli mv lw
filil rnllaJ patent lvM tx, aal lin ivty Itann
with aatMMto au4 aliluh maJnw It luiHMlbl tu
iartii your flour. "Ihjiar bamlMim, attrautiv,
u-UMlatln tiattMra aud tllirn, lull &1 M triiiiniKl,
. will fcura any kirnl ul lul, will laal a lit
mil maua i unuur, MMU UB lUartt. I Ul
I ahy tall tli.iu tlia "na.r un aaru."
It your dnJir t1i nut haaJl Ibaiii b
iuka graal inUlali, Writ to ua au4
w will rut itl a aajr lor you w buy ua at
a raaMiall 'rk
Uuckstaff Bros. Mfg. Co.,
I.tNl'dLN, .Nfcll, UAKtUlH
I'alroalM aunt In4utry-niala la M.ra
ka. Urlryna ti tt tmwr. Itauk
aa4 t ir t'uiuani t.l l.lnu.,1, a4
tauuaaaJ our Itaa;, rwalal t
Uattoa ia II..I.1 aa4 ltlarut omnia
CfrTi BuKics, Phaetons, Surrcys.Trars, Harness ri
y7'tivli.i. tt . Wii(.w4a . tawiliif int J J
liiiitiliM4lnMiaiiaf4 II flint 4.ta t at f 1
SJlv Ajt . U kr.'ti,, aa U.tHMnaiai ftawiowa I i J
r.uTiMSr1 Alllaar (arrlata I ti 1, lairt U llarlaaatl, 0, r.iT
Hi MiMiiii iii MMwaMiii in 1 .inn .mil' nuiawJinn iiiiiiiiiiiiwiiiiiiii ikiii 1 itnai m. , n .. t nmjiwn It"