THE NERBASKA INDEPENDENT CAIZATO SAL fl" AN AVALANCHE OF ECONOMICAL PURCHASERS. Our Store Crowded and Jammed to Overflowing From Morning Until Night Since the Commence ment of This Reduction Sale. June 33, 1898 Every day we receive fresh evidence that the people are with us and that they fully appreciate our liberal discounts. Hundreds and thousands come and go to spread the good news that it is an assured fact that the Armstrong Clothing Company are doing just as they advertise; that an absolute 20 per cent discount is given on all furnish ing goods; that a discount of 20 per cent is given on all soft, stiff, crash or straw hats; that a discount of 20 per cent is given on all Hoys' and Children's Clothing; that a bona fide discount of 20 per cent is given on all Mackintoshes and Odd Pants; that our Men's Suits are sold at most astonishingly deep cut prices. CAUSE OF SALE: The death of our special partner, Mr. Henry W. King of Chicago, whose interest must be settled as quickly as possible, in accordance with our partnership agreements, OHJICCT OF SALE: To settle with the King estate and reorganize our firm in as short time as such a vast undertaking could be brought about. MOUNTAINS OF FINE MERCHANDISE To be moved; mountains of Fine Suits, mountains of Hoys' and Children's Clothing, mountains of Furnishing Goods (the best in America), mountains of Hats of the best makes. YOUR INTEREST IS OURS. Every man who walks over our threshold is put in a position to save many, many dollars. We ask you to act promptly that you may get the best assortment jg- Reorganization Prices on... .JEN'S SUITS Prices which tell a true story of economy. Do not neglect this wonderful opportunity. 50 300 500 150 Men's Suits in honest material go at the Ridiculously low price of J Men's Suits in fancy union Cassimere, all sizes, worth up wards of $6.00, go at Men's Suits in Cheviots and Cassimeres, true value from 4.75 to $7.00, go at j $1.98 2.25 2.98 Men's Suits, round or square cut, come in Cheviots and Cassimeres, great est values ever, offered in the world, only J 4 ui, come 111 3.95 200 sale at Men's Suits, cut either round or square, ac tual value 7.50 and $8.00; go without reserve in this great fct ,S jS r square, at- 4.95 rtPA Men's Suits in black, plain grey and fancy plaid AJv Cheviots, Cassimeres, and Tweeds, cut either round or square. These Suits silk sewed, beautifully tailored and fully guaranted, they are good fl?C 7C $9.00 suits, in this sale w vpj J A f C7 A Q our cloice over sty'cs inc A I 4 rO Cheviot, Cassimere and Worsted suils, the equal of which cannot be duplicated for $10, $11 and $12. They come in all styles, colors and designs, and are tailored throughout the best. Ifk All our regular $12.50, 13. 13.50 and CQ QC ALL It dol r suits go in this sale at vO All our rfJu,ar A ALL go in this nv tale at . . our regular $11.50, 15 and 16.50 dollar Suits monster sacrifice (Til 7W ,4 4 k4 vpiliU A I 1 our finest Suits which sold at $17.00, 18.00, ALL 20.00 and upward will go in 7C this sale at the uniform price of . . vjilr D Boys' and Children's ..CLOTHING .. You now have the opportunity to make your sclec tion of Hoys' and Children's Clothing from our com plete stock at a Discount of 20 Per Cent. EXTRA SPECIAL We have in our stock about 50 Reefer Suits, made double-breasted with deep sailor collars, some are light weight, some medium, some heavy, sizes 3 to 7 years. These suits sold at $4, $5 and $6, your choice next week for $2.50. This extra special offer has no reference to any other part of our stock. Boys' Odd Pants Go at a discount of 20 per cent. EXTRA SPECIAL 25 dozen boys' Knee Pants at 9 cents. Boys' Shirt Waists Go at a discount of 20 per cent. EXTRA SPECIAL-50 dozen Hoys' Shirt Waists in neat designs, will go at the extra special price of 9c. Men's Odd Pants Go at a discount of 20 per cent. HATS! HATS! 20 per cent discount On any and all Stiff Hats, Soft Hats, Crash Hats or Straw Hats. FURNISHING GOODS... Everything Goes at a discount of ... 20 PER CENT No such opportunity has ever come co you just at the opening of the season to buy from a stock like ours, strictly up to date Furnishing Goods at such a wonderful discount. We have everything which goes to make a man's wardrobe complete, You save exactly 20 cents on ev ery dollar's worth of goods bought in our Furnishing Goods Department. Extra Special! 50 dozen fine Linen Collars in all styles, collars that sold at 15c, collars that sold at 20c, collars that sold at 25c, all put in a bunch. They are slightly soiled but will be cheap at our extra special price of 5c. each. Other collars at 20 percent discount from former prices. Extra Special! Men's or Hoys' Laundered Colored Shirts with col lars attached, handsome patterns and designs; extra special price 19c each others at 31c, 40c, 60c and Soc, All our Manhattan Shirts that to sold at 81.50 go at S1.20. i 1 rixs-Stron Clotlxin Co 1013 to 1019 0 Street, Lincoln. Nebraska. 5