THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT June 23, 1898 51 Nebraska Mqjcn&mt THB WEALTH MAKSKS LINCOLN IND&r&NDSNT, PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY V TKI Indsifsidaijt Publtehiijg Go. At 1120 M Itraet, LINCOLN, - NEBRASKA. TELEPHONE 638. $1.00 per Year in Advance. AddrsM ll iwflHiuiiliniln to, end msk All ertfti, SJOuy ordsrs. psysbls ti TliK IXbKI'KHIiKNT I'UK, CO., l,)ul,, NS, Tbos writer who ar wondering what ftl tlio soldier will do fur a living when tbl cruel war I over, have overlook tti0 probability that they will each nnd erery one, run lor an olilco a soon a they get homo, Ksrxni" 1 1 rssssgsi It I reported that Colonel Bryan and bi regiment will aorva under (ionerul l In Cuba. It In now in order for our nervou brethren to become alarmed last Mr. Brypn be sent into danger for political reason. HtnU Treasurer Mi-mrvu called In tb 1Mt of tli old outstanding warrant Issued by the republican administration this week. Thl top Interest on thalast of the republican ring debt, but leave that big bole In the state school fund till yawning. Over f 200,000 general fond warrant have been culled iu this month. Tlio exposition ground am ojien on Sunday but most of th building are not opened nrttll 1 o'clock, The govern Went building remain closed all da, Concert nr usually given in the afUrr ooon and evening, and at night th ground and building are brilliant! II. lumiuated. No liquor of any kind are old on Hunda. Tlio Stat Journal talk about a "forced loon" th greenbacks. Why not a "forced enlistment" th volun teers? A tbough tlntr were not mor people in this country willing to accept the government greenback in exchange for their property and their lubor noco ar to curry on tha war than there are volunteer to go to the front. The dynaailto cruiser Vesuvius wa tested a few da ago at Santiago by having tier fir tbre charge of gun cot ton. On hot struck the land and tore lip a lot of duet and a the other charge Mimed to fall in the lay and no report wasueard, ths war correspondent at once concluded that the dumnge tnut Lava been enormous, Thl vessel wo to one dynamite and revolutionise modern warfare but up to date It ha been about a effuctiv a a pop gun. The bombardment of cilie and fort i a good thing for the powder and pro. joctile manufacturer. Nobody else got anything out of it. except wbnt Inciden tal beiiell t it i to the gunner on board whip a target practice. Take the cam of Charleston, Kouth Carolina during the late war. For four oar we had hfp and batteries of heavy gun blazing away at the defence of that city. All they did wa to burn up several million dollar of Uncle Ham' money. When the city wa taken it wa by Sherman' army In the rear. Bombardment have grown a great deal more expensive since then and are nt a useless, but a the bond homo i in ado and the government baa money to burn we inn fxixwt them with regularity to the end of the war, The report that Omaha hotel mid re, taurant ineii were robbing visitor to tit exposition, prove to be unfounded, (lood room and clean, wholesome uteuls ran be secured at acora of plneee In Omaha a cheap) a In other eilie. It will not coet nu more to vUlt the big how than It usually dm to visit a stat fair, and nearly ever Uidy lu N.hrnska know what that mean. The reduced railroad rate will enable Hiple to route from an pari of lha tU and vUlt the aipwiliua aaverol daa for a lew duller; In loci ll will not roe I to id J.f.o r da lor U eron whit la Omaha, 0 tourw if people waal la apend money luniuhl there will U pleat of tportunltW, I lUM M MtKAIklt Tha aetotiMding proola i aorporte forrnplloa la .'lrak jxdtUia NfeaWI la Ua IVifla t.tprwM riiinaay t al Omaha oufhl Ui ia Ih i thuue aad id huneet rvpublu a uWra la lha lhaalalet Tha nak ah a aoet4lha tf atloea al lha ivpublWaaa nia'hia la Ihia aUU la lillta ! tilthj M lilted thai lha ioJ ma lha w hlM rp. uWhra Uweain. Tha IWM aa4 tnaNudlHHuih rvl. Uimaafaoatalaeianlahal wanaai pawl hea ha euttf la Idled rUr al oi hauw lha antif Hot y u airportha oiilhMUiMebraeha, lllhal'aaina K. e aioaa p ihavaaada l dollar la toalrolllim lha mlltlt U lha tU with the comparatively mall Intereet it bod, what may we expect to bear when we know the bletor of the itock yard corjwration, the atreet car corporation, the telephone and telegraph corpora tion, tha banking corporation and Anally the railroad corporation la the politic of thl Ntate. We now clearly the corporation method of control. When the railroad cornponle and whlek truet wanted governor of Nobraeka they dictated the nomination of Clor. Uoyd'ond then fur niehod the money to elect-No to count him In. When the etocknrd corpora tion wanted a man in the N'ebraekr n- ate it dictate d the nomination of Kena tor 1'addock and furniehed the money to put kirn there. When the J'ncillc V.X ire comimuy wanted It man on th Omaha city council It dictated the nom Inadon of Hudborough and furnlehwl the money to eend himand nothing but the revolt of Omaha worklng-m; who rieked their job In order to caet a vote for government b the Mople two year ago prevented their eending hi 10 there. An the republican part wa th domi nant part In tha atate the corporation generally worked through It organiza tion and furnlelied the fund for iU cam paign, f!utit wa alway apart of their program to hova friend on both aide and th record of Nebrueko leg! laturefor the liet twenty ear will how that there wa never a time when the did not have friend on the demo crotio ld', Th corporation are In politm for therneelv. The aim to bar friend in all partly, but to control the ruling part. Their control of the republican part in thl elate wo no abeolut that the were al way able to prevent anti-corporation legiwlation no long a that part wa in power and inc it ho gone out of power the have nlwuyaboen able to cat nearly ever republican vote In the legislature In favor of themeelve, Th revelation of their method and their control of the republican machine In thitate ought to open the eye of all honeet voter to th true nature of that machine, TOl'OVKUJN MMlOf.W. Kailroad of the Kouth Matte country bav decide to allow topover privl lge at Lincoln to all visitor to the Tran-MiMNlHippl Kxpoeition at Omaha, Thi U;p-over ehoiild be utilized to vleit thecapifdof theetate. Outldeof the exposition, Lincoln offer more of Inter eet to Ncbraekan than Omaha, The Capitol building, the rtat official, the Iuane Aylum, th I'enltentinry, the Htate I'niverelty, Iiurlingtm I'eiwih and many other piuce are well worth a vUit. Keveral convention of more than pnefnglnteret will bo held in Lincoln thl Niimrner Umiim the L'pworth aeeem bly, the etate reunion and other event, lint over and above theee attraction the buine men of the city will offer ex tra Inducement In the way of special ftalee in all line of nierchandie, It will pay to trad in the capital city thl sum mer. Omaha ton- will be crowded and price will probably be high enough but tl.Mi condition will not prevail In Lin coin. Hoe the exposition by all mean and then stop In the most beautiful city in Nebraska, visit her citizen and your friends, m her dace of in tercet, her park and pleasure resorts, her cool drives, her shady walks; go through the big store for bargain, and then go home reeted, refreehed uud satisfied. Am.HTIIK WAK, When the lust war ended a million men were turned bock from the cump and battlefield to the walk of eoeo. They overflowed every industry, but there wa Oil outlet for the overflow. The great prairie state of Nebraska, Kansas, North and Houth I'ukota were a buffalo rauge; the mountain slate beyond were a wilderness; Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri and Tex as were only half Nettled. Then began the great (migration, the greatest In bletory, I 'or fifteen years the tramp ol ex-soldiers westward wo a coutlii. uoua and unbroken a their previous march iu the south,. l'uroNan writer and statesmen have declared that tha greatest wonder of the American civil war wa not tha tnttgiiltuds of th ninirhu, th diMratcoiirageexhibltd on both sld In the battle, ths military genius evolved from th averday cltiieu but the nijvIu rtileril with whivh over a million men were mustered out of tha rank d war and diapar4 In lt vo cations ol civil lila, Tha vIiim ol avr other great modern war has Un marked by diairwas, aglta tloa aad rlui, Ths rlura ol thousand ol Utea u waiful oeeuatloia haabeea atvompausHl by any Ihiug but wm. The onu4 0m worktbwa HIM and lha sett h pr-ioptl. la I'ligUud at tna ! ol tha NaohNinia war, lha ra lura id ih eoldista and I la aoalraIUin ol lha turra7 (mmbiued to rodwiv a dislrtMaao apalliag a to IhraUa lha vary atla ol lha gavvramvnl, W ha lha fweat war and and Jfihi,. (hmj ur mora Mine wian Msg hoeta wa ahall lad a Mura aaliuua iUHilioa than lha govetaataat ol Cuba or lha I'hilito piaaa askia aa asawv, Wild tha available lia huNMlaad Iaa4 lesarl guaeand what rawaioa la aiaa naatailabla without grwal Irfigatita urki lha ralaalaliMNsal id thai lurva la lha aalllMa ol atvll Ilk la anaalr; ahera lha laal la taken ap, where Indue U; hi KtoopuUit4, and nw aiaehlawi daily turning men out of their job will not be accomplished without dixtrees, agitation and social unrest. The old Roman bad a solution of the trouble that followed war. Their plan wo to kill off and enslave the people in the conquered territory and devlde the loud among the oldlers. No won der f he uroohet and leader who are travelling in the track of Rome want to annex I'orto Rico, Hawaii, the Philip, pine and Caroline island a a result of thi wur, The Missouri World, one of thestrong est and most aggressive populist paper In the south, clip the article In thl pa per two week ago regarding the Oregon ehe;tion with approval and says: Notice th conclusion of the Ixokckn- likM't'n arthde! "There is one valuable lesson in the Oregon returns the need of uniting in ONK political party all Americans oooowtd to thl un-American policy," . Jliat I lust wnot we nave favored all along. That waJust what wa beinir ratIdly arjcomollshed when In "Ji tha iftr,i'fc'W-'r, Ot hatdiug oooulist t'aisr in Nebraska, lolnea with other la calling a halt to the uniting of ri-former in one party, ana prociw'ojiy told democrat not to com to the peo- pie party practically told reformer not U unite In one party, we nope ine iitiiKt'KtthKH f and all other jopulst pa per andfoll I'opulist will fi om now an endeavor to unit all reformer in one part in the People party. The statement made by the Isii'KX tiKnr it stand by the need of "uniting la one political party all American op- tosed to the un-Amerhjan policy" of bonded debt and corporation rule Is the greatest msid of the hour. Th World say unite them In th peo ple's part. We say unit them in ay t.artv and that the kernel of our comment upon the result of th Oregon election, It is plain to any student of politic that the reform voter cannot be united in either of th old parties. It has been the hope of th founder of the people party that they might la united In ft organization. In that direction the populist of Nebraska and Kansas mode greater progress than those of any other states In the union, leaving the free silver republican and free silver democrat out of the count a larger per emit of the voters in those state are members of the peoples party than any where else. In that respect our brethren iu Missouri or anywhere have no ad van tuge over us. Ho far a principle go there is no rea son why real reformers should not all unite in the peoples part, Rut suppose they won't, Huppose antagonism and prcjudie have arisen that preveut the joining of all progresive element under our banner. What then? The need of union, of accomplishing our purpose, is stronger than the need of any party. If no party is in the field that can unite all reformer it is the immed iate duty of all reformers to take step toward the organization of one, Thi paer doe not say that such is the case but It doe say that circumstance point strongly In that direction. The result in Oregon point in that direction, I-ct populist in Missouri and elsewhere take notice. The great body of popu list in Nebraska will never again be come democrats or republicans. They wilt try to accomplish result in their own Ntate, to finish the work of redeem ing Nebraeka from the ring of robber wnom they found la power two year ago, to restore the school children their money and the people their rights. They will stand true to the action of theoople' party nationally, so long as it stands by its prcMcut principle. Rut le-yond the claim of any and every party organization they hold the attain ment of their principle and if It shall be found that the people's party cannot unite the forces tieceesury for victory they stand ready to join with honest men of all parties in securing the great est need of the political hour "a union in one political party of all Americans oppoeud to the present un-American IKjIlcy." The war department announce Itself a well pleiuMid with the progress ol th war so far and pat itself on the back for the tremendous results m-coin-pluhed. Th fact remnius, however, that outside of I in Key's victory, nothing ha Ihii done, Volunteer have b n inobiliiitd and alter a long delay relU f ha been started to lewy, other troops have atarted to Cuba and it la re ported that a lew Hpoulsh vessel ara eori; up in Hautiagu harbor, but Ih blookad ol other Cuban porta ha Un a howling (arm, Cuba la being belter lortiiled every day and th HpauUh ar ao Mug drtvaaoul, I vwey 'a splendid victory was a eoiuplrle eurprUa to lha war department and lha balls of Ma nila bay wss lough I aad wow na hia own udgUMat and without ordere from an on, Th lbM-iKtkr ha no tteair la rritwls h dspartntvnt id windy war at Washington but It laila Id mm way good mum lor all Ihia al r wia and personal laudation, i ... ... ., . . ..... .j tsmf1 . lha populist aoutiutltea baa la m4 a lata pamphUl gltlng a detailed report of lha rlpla aud aipena vl lha organUatlwa lha past ivar, In soma aite Ihia la taulrct If b. Ih Nvbta.hs tna law d al taqulia lt but ( hairmaa )Muitea aad Mar Urjr llviwa haa dona a otaiuaaUbla al j lusktKg tha taaaaU) buslaasa of lha pstly put lie, Where tharv U MMthtug U vut intra la cm iaa sou why the people should have just such a report. Where there Is some thing to conceal the people are still more entitled to ft. The report show receipt of $4,' C73.C2, and expenditures of $4,394, leaving a balance on band of $279.02 Of the entire amount $3,984.88 was con tributed by different person holding ollice under the state administration 479.33 wa paid by counties under the county assessments, and the balance contributed by Individual. liy far the larger part of the money was paid out for speakers' expenses, literature, and postage coming next, Tha report of J. C. Dahlmau, chair man of the silver democratic state committee, Is annexed, showing $715 receipts and $8;j7,6!) paid out. The publication of this open report is a challenge to the republican state committee to do likewise. Let that committee publish a statement of its receipt and expenses the last two campaigns in Nebraska, or admit that it dare not do so, It lias been charged for year that corporation furnished republican campaign expense Jn this state, The corporations themselves ore giving proof of the fact now, Let the republican campaign committee make its financial transactions public or ad mit that it dare not, HARDY'SJOLUMN, Where the Writer Will Be Tbe Length of Days ft, K, Comnaia slon Nebraska Roy's Grit Two Colonels for Governor Not Mc Klulcy or TariffGovernment Bonds Reposition lU-fonu Nom inee Criminal Go Free Cuba and Hpanisu Mcanncs. While thl column will be read the writer will be tramping over tLe country where be was born. He ex occt V) visit the very spot where tha Jog t'abin stood iu which bo first op ened his eyes. Jfe expects to fish for trout In the same brook where he )ihe,d sixty year ago, shoot wood- chucks in the same clover 11 elds and black squirrel In the same woods, Be expels to visit the old school house where for more i. an a dozen years he attended school winters, and where he taught ids nrst scliool, ine hillsides down which we coasted, the ixmd on which we skated, the wild cherry tree on which we swung, the tamarack swamp wucre we gathered gum, the wintergreitn swamp, the shag lark hickory and chestnut trees, Hquire Price's sweet apple trees will all pass in review. Jn fact we expect to do almost everything we did when a boy, except, perhaps, going home with the girls from spelling school. We are now getting the longest days of the wholo year, and they are splendid for corn ami wheat. The sua docs not set on Uncle Ham's farms these days. The gold diggers have to sleep daytimes or not at all on the Klondike, At the same time the Tex as day i much shorter than our in Nebraska. A few more days, sucli aa the week commenced wltn una one ol the best croi of wheat will be ma tured that the west ever saw, The ruilroad commission is anoth er foolish, republican state machine, costing many thousand dollars of the taxpayers money, without effecting very much good to anyoody. It is a republican invention without the least constitutional warrant. They can simply look the ground over, take evi dence and advine. One man could hear uil tliu complaints, take all the evidcni'u offered, with a quill pen, give all the needed advice and save the expense of two commlKsion a type writer uud all other frills. www It Is reported that a Nebraska sol ller boy at Chattanooga was repre- maiided for not blacking the heels of his shoes as thoroughly us the toes. The Hpuniards ere not going to see my heels, was the excuse. www Colonel Bills and Colonel Bryan, the two nominees nor governor. But Bills won't tit the republican party. Be Is a pvohh and would allow no "lie" room under tlio dome. No, the republicans must havo a different man or their party will go to pieces. The oni machine, must have "lie" or ll won't run. a The Journal last week admitted edi torially 1 lint it wss Belter and not Mo Klulry, Blngley terff or republican proeerity that raised the price) wheat to a dollar. It wn a corner, slid no supply or demand, even. www The 3 per cent government and no taxes to pay or bunk to break Is a medicine not bail to take. They will always bring their face and undoubtedly a premium. They will be nlntost Interest Ifnrlng green looks. They can't t reentered; then neither thief or lire tun get thrill aw ay trout )ou. tio in. The tiinnhit r xlllun Is mil a howling sucerss, but rslhrr a back iuhiiUt. Ami yet Br, Yyman Abbott told 11 th nlhrf day that mora drunk Mine could I sreit III London or I'silt In ona dny than In Nw York or Kosiioi in month. Hut a Urge nuiit tier of Nrbrsska ihii do not like drunkenness ami will not supmrl tha Miioiy Mist turn out drunkards. h huii Id (inr reform iioiiilaatluiie It 1 Bid all rtiagt at lha slat h"Oie our vainpaiira would I if !, The tew apiHiiulnianta made by I lis gov rrwur would add test, m ara wt a rlill settle utM'fcsMgrr, but Wlla naw Idisol should I rati! In at t awry four ye,. Tha rvpuhtuaaa ara going to flg-M for an tnllra vtauir ml a thousand of Ihslr number will whI aa apptdMnivnt and will work MM for i Uf fin don a wall aa afur. 9 should rwstert lha ihr lale nrtWre aa thsv have done tan la lwn tsar tMra ikvlr t t1Ua should l rlirvtl from loii In tMttlom shrtf, a a a Kugvna n rlvar with kla Iwahtr Ihrv Ihuitwand dollarw and lat iiionay Ihsra a nuthaa? Ilka pleading guilty if you want to get clear now days. Joe Bartley has not seen the pen yet. and he will go clear after a little. The lawyers of the court will find an I that was not dotted or a T that was not crossed, and he will be told to go in peace and keep on stealing. Don't it beat all how much republican can do for each other. Bemembcr F.ugene Moore and Joe will be the republican war cry this fail, A few more such court and jury decisions and Judge Lynch will take the bench and hold it during life. We are more ami more convinced that ft would be better to wipe out all written law and every court decision that has ever been made nnd estab lish courts of justice in place of court of law. Justice and law are very dif ferent things today, Cuba is the largest of the West In dia islands and lies about J00 miles south of Florida. The Curribbean sea washes the south shore and the Oulf of Mexico the north. The island Is over 700 miles lonir and from no to 100 wide, In form it resembles a sleeping infant, lying upon his left side, head to the east. In area it is about the size of rennsylvnnia with one-third the population. Its' capital city is Havana, located on the north shore about J50 miles from the wet end nnd Is southwest of Florida, The whole island lies within the torrid zone and abounds in tronleal fruits nnd vegetation. Much of the native timber i valuable, cedar, mahotmnv nnd rosewood. The island hns been under Ppanfsh rule ever since it dls covery, and It has linen ruled in cruel ty and injustice. The abolishment of slavery was commenced in 1871 and completed in lHHfJ, In 1840 Cuban slaves numbered a half million. Crc oles from the Philippine islands to the number of forty thousand have also been added to her population. One of ner most infamous act of covern rncnt cruelty wn the punishment of bcr university students L. 1871. Some pointed statements hal been written on the tomb of a Spanish nabob. For tv-three students were arrested for the mischief, eight were shot, the bal nnee were confined In prison or ban iwhed. The Vlrglnlus. salllnir under he stars nnd strloes. was arrested nt wnntingo, tried nnd condemned os outlaws. Fifty-three of thn 155 men were shot. A British ma . of war Imp- iwniiiK w o in me nnroor stopppt; further execution, final n rmld 80, 000 indemnity to our government for rue families of the executed fro.n 1 hese cases are fair samples of finan isn cruei ry. jier nile must be wiped from the face of th s heinlsidiere If U ,1 . 1, it iukcs 1111 summer. A Loyal Cowgirl. ljt can't toll how ln I'm Ml Slues llrmiflio hilly wont To 11V 'JViliiy Itoiny flt And his wild fKlmtttit. Hwiiis Ilk ths any In six weeks limn, Tim nlhu mors lonxir ylt. An' wlii'ii I try U, nim tlioii ll tollk, wliy.U. Jiwt IuiIwih In my tbroat, Aa' won't ring oat s hIjikIs nolo, 'j br' lots 0' Ixjys town shyin' 'round Slue Ilrnnr In, wont away, Hut limy all iioeo pronto louod 'Clint. I nm bis to stiiy. I tol' hi ill wlisn ha nnlif irood -ltr 11 nmj inw riiii lor KHPffM, An' lis could but hli lrtKln 1 Would wait s I lion. nnd Iiii Kur bis rxtarn suit tbu I'd ( Ills miKi'lmn for utornliy. Ills Ttxns Tom wss hr lt night, And mild now Ifromli was sons It noruir klndor 'lowd limllit Suci,'d In kwtrbln' on, 11 nsld thsr' ws'n't s ksI on earth Wss ball ss slick mo, An' f in mo' than donbln worth My wl)fht In irold, n' h Would trust ins siiunrw and right If I Would l bis bucklolwrry pis. Humid hs'd wnlt"d patiently A ysr to Kt s throw, It ut llroncho stnvk so rIohs to inn lis nrr bsd no nbow; lliitsmin' now llronk woan't nlxli Iln'd wIiik ths rops iik'Iii, And It I'd stand snd wouldn't shy ll'd try to ysnk m In, An' II I d w,-nr bis brsud I might Find blm sfullur out o sit(bt, lint nil his i IikwIii' of the r Wan but, a wniits of tnlk, Fur llronk s lollerlii' lb lluif Jm ilk s flKhtlu' cock, ' Au' I told Tut lm ntmdu't coins uround th rniii'h no mo' And l ulled blm rowiird atny-itt-boms, ToocuniK'd kwri.d lo o. An' whiin b bit I hwr.J blm sny: "OnlilHiiif tbm spsnlsrdu, any way !" J union Uurtou Adnms In iimirsr I'osi. EDITORS' IDEAS, lSt lLBIXO EI' BUSINESS. A Pennsylvania rope factory is to be removed to Kentucky. We liav all idong been coulldt'iit that the lynching iniHiuess in tnat state would sooner or later attract outside enterprise and cup- itai. Alien ,ews. A NEW I'ANOLKD ItKMKUY. tol. I. S. Welch haslelt at this olilce the lollowiug reuieily for a sunke bite. the formula being prepared by Br. Cor nell: hike ou tublesiHioMlul ol gun powder and salt, the yellow of an egg, and mU so a to make a pluster, plnee on a cloth and apply to the wound, let ting it extend an im b on all sides of the wouud. As the pulson I drawn th plaster will lose la sticking qualitli and when full will lull off, Applyauew plaster until It sticks, which I nsureev liiem tbwt Ilia mison is all out. This will cure a snake bite on human being or beast, t 'it this out and aava it.l'a pillion Tim. luUltBOK TIUBE r'AltUKK.H, Tha Imsrd ol trade larwera ara just ba lliiuiug to put la their wheat trot. Hon ol lha plow and rwr may think lastr an lnsi irthru won I raia a rnip tis ar. Uul tbsy artttilakn, Iba w ad alrwvt Urmsra dua l iw ad ilaut-thjr us rasp. In wwordanea wild their tliua boor rusl.uu, wha is I- inula" lo drop. AUiut thattwa kwrtsat lata full bUs (,.. i mii u away down. 1 k rsilroa U ni aUul uw raiaalka ralaa ua whsat, 1h Ih milliosa id larmsra, ah'i hat lo atll to pay lha la, lalav.! uf rl, put Ifcair Ulim lha market. tba aiosl ol thecropiam lha aJsvalor. wksa srw (iwasd U a low man, lha railr.U luwsr Iharals. asd wImms! (huis .i adrsuia tor lha Iwwsfli id lha iwaauatsra. lha nlai.s. aush Ihiaaaas y Rvr r, THy l lhaprtoa ihr will it lha rulwtr waltl lha rrop la in Uir hasits, aad ihsa nates th prfc (hsrua auntet Moat my, lUilh lha prtJuf asd attasaasw asvwi (a bka tha at aleea. UatoaiiBg .NaMoa. TWO EXTREMES. Pingree, governor of Michigan, own a shoe factory and equipped the Michigan troops with new shoes, free, just before they went away to the war. Mark Banna, senator for cash in advance, from Ohio, own coal mine and fur nishes the government with forty thou sand ton at ten dollar per ton and a contract for more. You can't lose Mar cus. York Democrat. HAS MADE MISTAKES, What ail Torn Watson. Hi editorial on the war hwt hurt the people party in this country very much. Tom Is a good populist but he ha made soino bad mis takes. Tom feels sore over the past; we all feel sore and bad. IM ns not slop over. We have a war and that I enough for any American. Humboldt (Mo.) Calif. AEOEIl AND BHYAN. Secretary of War Alger ha woakenod on hi scheme to keep William J, Bryan out of the army. Clever hecretury ol Wur AJgor. It wa stupid politics and worse patriotism for him to persecute too man wuo received 5,fi00,000 votes for president of the United States. Mckinley, with a nar rowness characteristic of the man, ig nored Bryan's offer of services, and when Ifryun begun to raise a regiment of sol diers Alger thought it would be smart to prevent the acceptance of that regi ment. All the anti-democratic newspapers were filled with spiteful gloo'over Alger's shrewd trick. But, It seems, a new light has dawned on the secretary of wur. Jlo ha discovered thut he had made a monumental mistake when Missouri of fered Bryan a regiment, and so he ha changed his plan, Now bo proposes to accept Bryan' regiment and to send it "to guard out frig Islands at the rhillpplncs." Tha Ludroues or Marina Island have been suggested. Thi banishment or Bryan to the other side of the world Is really a brilliant idea. The only wonder Is that It did not occur to Alger and McKlnloy sooner. How anxious Alger und Ifunna and McKlnley aro to bo fair with th late democratic candidate for president Chicago Dispatch. BASSES. jjkj you notice we are growing up an aristocracy of frank and passes? Tlio man who gut hi messages or packages through with a rush, ha a frank, The mun who ha the finest seat in the opera house, the man who occupies the state room in the tialiico car and the man who rides on tlio hurricane deck of a steamer, is ine man witn a pus. Homo olllclals who have tried It say they do not feel ut homo when they pay their way. They don't seem to bo treated with that con sideration by conductors, policemen. ushers and chief officials, us they wore when they accepted passe. The ncwspuimr man is an exception. for though he ha un abundance of passes us a rule ho pays a good round price for thorn und fool it. The governor of Wisconsin Just now heads the list. Ho belongs to tlio very first families of the pass uristocrucy. Ha sends milch cows and bis family pota toes by ex ores on a frank, and It is with our United State Express company too. At first the governor in his modesty de nied the honor. But his friends raked up the way bill showing that Oovernor Scolleldhasa perfect right to that dis tinction. Then his enemies circulated the story that other members of the family really bud those aristocratic trait and that, iu truth the frank had been returned, but in a few day an other supply of provisions went through on pass 2,1 GO, uud tha governor when confronted with evidence of his blue blood, uctuully blushed. --Jollet, (111.) News. WOltTII A HUNDRED OF THEM. It appear that Mr. Bryan may irot hi regiment after all. We hope he will. Jlohascomo forward at his country's call, anxious to servo it in any useful way. and has devoted himself to the cre ation uud organization of a Nubroeku regiment. He has not vaunted hi mself. He hits displayed no spirit of vanity or ostentation. While hord of popinjay favorite sous, proteges of great men, curled darlings of society clamored for staff positions or big commands, Wil liam J. Bryan, with more ability than uuy hundred of them put together, has gone to work modestly and without self-seeking. Ho recruited a force uud it was taken from him. He persisted und got another force. The nowspapera have mud fun of him. his euemioa lmva sought to cover bun with ridicule uud derision. He bo token no notice and bus pursued his purpose. Now there is uuother Nebraska regimeut uud both tlie aolillera and the governor want Bryau to command it. We trust it nmv be so. Mr. Hryau is young, h is patri otic, ha ha courage, imrve, brains, Initi ative, equilibrium. There is Uothlnu- die. credible iu his ambition to bind n reiri. meat ol hi fellow citueus in this emer gency, s do not know where Bourk CtH-krau, Billy Hynum, and the rest of ins siuuiioriiiir herova who diw..rtM,l th. deuioeratio pry twu years ago, ara at preaeut exhibiting their pro a was. Wa do kuow, however thai Mr, Hryan la try. lug to do hi purl, and w Iwlmv that ha is worth inure lu ths country and d aervea more al ita hands than auv ol Ibsin.-Washing; tou l ost (lUp.) Was New Voll ut Hae)'a taraapanlla Ma divan Nor Parmanenl Health, l wa a pK pmiy, ti.hly woman. Wrltfkllif w Hull fci ,MHtl. I MM nVf Wtll. ,. iulwtfttttl.lea hi 04 thfv WowM. . , J. tsHissmsul ut limits narsstsiiUia ssJ k4 Ullh Is Ih m4U Ina at I Uaaa It aa4 . M Uittf, k4 wa walil wit twr4. I sua t.idk ina f"-4. Mvaa hata any shhusa IhtMt a Haraaiarllia 1U hu4 sutw. u tilutHl la ara, tti,.sWM v,s4 t4 tnst tr MU.(.,a,o Mm, l,i ras nt a, hn 1 1, iuiuim,,, m,. f Hood'o Ooroaporllla ll IM haatota tat! U Uka t kij