The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, June 16, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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la thto dpartmut wl11 PoMlih ommunloatloDi o! a worth aoAreltabto
fttoMter, reoalvad from uberlbr to thia paper. No ookmcsicatio mocu
KMTAUi MOM thaji 800 woBDf. Manuwrlpt will not b returned.
War and tatamanlilp.
Editor IiMlfpenlnt
It huM often becm tatod that war hue
advonood civilisation, and unqunstion
ttbly thorn liav been ware that have
bono productive o! Improvod social con
ditions, In the prnssnt stage of civiliza
tion throughout the world, no nation
can dlapnuso with thl terribiu wonpon If
ltdelrc to maintain It own Integrity
and enforce tt idea of Jiietice upon other
tntmibor of the fundi of nation. War
1 alway due to one, or both, of two
cause, vin: stnU'smatishlp or the lack of
tatamanshlp sotnotlmo a colncidencH
of both. The present war between the
United Hlate and Hpaln i to a largo
ex bm t the prod not of the Inst mimed
causa. The Hpaniard'a failure to appre
hend the uocossity (d an wilightiind and
humane policy in tho government f the
iHland of Cuba may bo said to be the
primary cause, while the statesmanship
of A morion, recognising both the nitons
Mity and expediency ol a liberal and en
llghtomid government for tlio people of
Cuba, may bo said to be a ouuso oolnci
dent with the Hpnnlsh lack of statesman
nil I n In bringing on the cuufllctt.
To begin a war hi the dignity of
statesmanship and to finance and con
duct it in that manner Im by no im'utis a
common nucurreiMw In human history.
War begun In the very (grandeur of the
genius of stntewmunshlp have frequent
ly hei'ii robbed of much ol the bencllt
that should acerue from them by falsa
orlncHpnbleor diehoneNt mumignmont
of affair far removed Irom the oMtrrt
tlon of the arinie at the front; but still
bearing a vital relation to the Influence
of the war upon the nodal conditio)! of
the people concerned.
The great Konornl of modern warfare
are thoso who have to deal with the
financial affair of a country during War
time, To win a victory on the battle
field and to rob the victor of it fruit
Id any manner whutsoovorl riot wisdom
or atatosmaiisbin. To free a million
tieople by force of arm and to unslavo
ten million by financial trickery or the
bungling of incapable financier, 1 the
height of folly, not to ay criminality.
War I made the excuee for the most
absurd and Injurious financial opora
tloiiH, Patriotism i made the vehicle
upon which jobbery ride in Ntate
through the hall of legislative bodie.
Instead of war being looked upon a a
time for the inoet thorough and careful
exerelee of statecraft, it appears, If one
listens to the clamor from eastern quar
ter, that it I the time to throw states
tnnnship'to the wind and pass every
iitfii.ti,ilt.ti,,fi itifit.B Cit.tfimnl urilifitiwi
M.ui'Mi. vii'tj ...... ...... ni
honest and dishonest that I present
ed for consideration. (Statesmanship
can prosecute the present war without
Issuing n single Interost-lstaring omlga
tion, W hat don it take to prosecute a
war? Men, feed, horses, guns, ammuni
tion, etc, Where can we get these? Hor
row them from the year 1050, or any
other future date? No, we cannot bor
row a siugle grain of wheat from next
year' crop, We must light this war, as
well a every other war with the mater
ial we have at present. Then why issue
iutnrcst-ls'nrliig obligations that will
compel the people of 1050 to pay for
something no uind? There Is not a
loyal soldier or citizen in the United
States that will not accept a iion-intercst
bearing legal tender not) ot the govern
ment for his service a a soldier or any
thing that he may possetta that tin- gov
eminent wants to buy. There is before
, the American eongrens an opportunity
for the display of atntusmuiiship, not a
time to scat ter it to the winds. There is
before it an opportunity to make war
an instrument of advancing civilization,
and alHo the alternative opportunity to
make it the agency of rctnigreKsinii.
Which will the eongrtsa cIhionc? Will
the people allow their al riotinin to be
trodden upon by tlume who profit by
the government's extremity, or will
they demand of their repivnciitativca the
exereine id sncli HtatemiiniiHhip as the
occasion demands?
An Imiki'KNUknt.
MEN AUnjllKlKH by what they do.
Sols Iliiod's SarHiipai'illa, and its great
curt have given it a gund name every
where. It is the One Tflla I'dood Puri
fier and (Ireat Nerve Tonic.
Il I'S 1'II.US areeuH.v to tale, en-v
to operate. Cure iiutiKi'tlin, biliou-
lli'M. 2.H".
W hjf l We Mm l:iiti Our ott u xuUlci.?
Ill Tmk Ihm i m i r of June Oth .von
say the Illotnluitl ton ol t he Third rem
lueiit will proh ihl.v not m ordered until
undone and quipiieiit have Imu
lltrujahed, ttllj lio uli,-it 1 1 kll'iH when
t hut will !. Now why khotihl we wait
lliitd our tio.U'i a hrvliir- a lotto liiuelo
inauufacturo the qutpiaent lor our hoy
lim bv plenty of -o.le la N who tould ko at t ritiht away?
OuUiil id Mriii and ainiiitiulihai in
Nvbraok ptaild iiiauuliit turi-every thiiit:
krotMury i qmp nar llnrd uuuwnl
aud put il la iuar hing rd r in a iy
tur lltim. lu Mutivf luuil ct"jf wliitn
r-juifS ll oi nittlitltk. IU t'h ii'ir
rruiiivut turuuhlurf ,tuipU Mild p.l
lent. f'or lintitiuv, tor utnktug uaU
htt ui ll atutw ar d-virtni-til
Ik mutry wtmU-u nwk.U ivordng
to mi.. I Um laruethni b th l-h t4l mt
1 ui r h prtnt b it owa
ruU.'ta) wNu ml U; lli.'M) gHitU Sut.f.
tug l ttUurwl putt. ru. Alwr U,u lt
niftl aiul to i(MUtUou l.iilnia,
(UI HOI Ivl votllfav III OU'oll si a
lti4 t- In it aai.v lt tti.lM rt
4HKt win). 'fun u I ti Uumri g I ml
pay ktr without ktiut to
hj litt.m .i uUM'.r. II ,im,
? a4tMt lu iltl HaajMUMa Ikoitt In
lkuttvtttlr. II, ltr tatIHi, thai UtliST
MutaN muUI 8 ittl 4 kot
I 4 wmi iMMtrd lr k
tuik id ttHMVum tk gt.Mi.ta IrvM ll
! tk rtMa and wtlmrf il k) as
Wd Mtf la KtUMk fl4l, kf
VI4 U d.kka tnt nuttititf h
UkMir lk d.ttwl dwtfkt tv i
Utj la k stti)f nt luH.tvl Mhm. 1 h
iwtMtwtta4 ut Wr4 oktotM ! Hi4 ky
Ik futvtftHwiil, a4 lk prk t.r wik -iM
Ik 4 B-tti g-Mswau tkuul 4 tpe
I t tikUtk UtHXv la r
watt, km Ik TkirJ riiueal
4 lu fc l4 tktr atilurwt.
Would this uot be wiser than to wait
until we roceive the uniform from the
wont shop of the east which are infest
ed with small bugs and all Kinds oi
disease, and on which contractor line
Waunmakur make millions of profit and
the laborer who do the work are
starved to death. In the same way all
such equipment a tents, knnp sacks,
ammunition Isilt, saddles, harness, etc.,
could bo furnlaihed. Not only this, but
we could feed our own hoys, too, we
huve more cattle, hogs, wheat, rye, corn
and food stuffs than they have In New
York. Is It not foolish to send out cattle
away across the continent to the east,
where they slauKhter them, cut them up
and boil them together with cowhide,
and old out-worn shoe soles ami then
end them back to Kau Francisco as
Uudahy canned beef for our soldiers
Would it not be wiser to grind our wheat
and rye here in Nebraska and make our
soldier boy pure bread, cracker ami
hard-tuck than to send our grain to ine
far a wav east to be ground up with
gypsum, lime, etc, and sent back across
the nation at an enormous expense ioi
the benefit of the railroads? The gentle-
... . , nr.. ii ...
men oi wastiington ami nan mwi
never forget us western hayseeds when
la need of the blood tax soldiers and
they remember us when levying tax to
meet war expense ana interest on goiu
bonds, Why t hen should we not have
ou full ami just share of the benefit
which acerue from such taxes? If every
state would lurnlsli all supplies for lis
own soldiers they would be better fed,
idol, ted ami cared for In general. Mien
state would seek to effect a Isttbtr equip
ment for It soldiers than her sister, ami
then If an v of the boy should be neg
lected or cheated they would know ex
actly who was to blame. Hut such a
course would uo oeciaroo uucousriui-
tlonal as It would encroach on the well
established privilege of such contractors
asilanna, Wannamaker, Armour, Mor
gan and Carnegie, who should bo al
lowed to hog everything In return for
their liberal contribution to tno repub
lican campaign corruption fund.
Woodlawn, June in, law.
Fllfcll Nciiwkizkh.
l.etflitlutlou Nee.leil llelenu
Work to ha
Kdilor Independent!
Whatever else shall be done by the
populists of Nebraska, an imperative
duty rests upon them to enact some
law embodying the principles ot tne
the populist tiarty. Tliey have already
accomplished an important part of the
work which the party was organized to
do, by cleaning out the Augean stables
of corruption and wholesale plundering
at the state house and in the state Insti
tution. This work has been done and
well done. More than this the corrupt
aud extravagant system off which the
republicans fatted lias lieen replaced by
an honest and economical system under
w hich the state revenues are faithfully
collected and liontwtly ami economically
devoted to their legitimate and lawful
purposes, (ii e us ten years ol the popu
list rule and the savings to the people
will amount to more than th $1,500,.
(KM) ittolen by republicans la less than
ten years. That U, we shall escape the
Ions id another 81 ,. 500,000 ly theft aud
save that much more by reductions in
ordinary cxpeiiHes through our mort
economical management. .
1 1 -ii cat the populiHtM have already done
much for NubraHka. The redemption ol
the stale Irom mirirule alone justiflcH t ie
existence of the tioiiulUt part t ami fur
nishes u sufficient ground lor its conliu-
lianee iu power.
Hut the populist party wilm orguui.'i
to do more than this. It is a reloriu
party. It came into existence m ausnei
to the il iiiiiuiIh ot many toilers who ur.
suffering clnelly because ot unequal up
portiiiiiti.'ft under the law end existing
conditions. Their dciiiaud was lor
"Kqual rinht to all, special privileges tn
Tiny believed, ami justly, that legisla
tion favoralilv to Hin t ial classes ami in
terests had great ly assisted the few to ae property at dicexpeiiM
o! the multitude ol toilers. They be
lieved, and justlv, that legislative and
governmental affairs had largely fallen
into the ItaU'ls ..I the clusncn
and pose.s im id shcial privileges who
Wi'le Usim; their power III K' V "-l lllell I to
accumulate more millions and, as a
natural result, . stalihsliuin greater mo
nopolies and creating more indus
trial slati .
The evils thesia reformer complained
ol could liot be rclitedu-d thmurih the ex
ecutive tl part ini'iit ot go vera meal alone,
Here ahlle linlil ls r lol'llled and rt -
ciiui-s faithfully ctillet'ted aud honestly
Slid tiilioiiiei,ly cm u..h), lajl radical
hntiMa ill taw Ulida I' wtili I. I lie favored
few pro.p.-rtd imiaotlrratclv ami fur
itl.otfl their fellows, while that multitudes
uiteraid, eould uot,' ts' I'flwted ee-pt
Ihroutfli the leKtslature, iolt-l by the
II. a. e It It that th.e llrt ililty retitit
u . on the popali.t party in Pus state !.
tlajr is to ret.. rai our coiutitutt.a, mi I
Imw. ilhoitl atueh r eirm lh rval wad
iuiHtttntit il- et.tu.U ol lha i.opla lor rt
llel, eailliol b iia-ttd. I rue II Is Putt
III nut ill lbs returiuat ilea, sn led iiih t.e
ttblMlMml .lly With the lt of lHtlii(r-M.
hut ll.fvra Kth. ro ol Vu I IlllpairlnlUr
III tax naiil(li and (d'tallivd Ihrotlh the
wtql ol tl.i nt.tte nUatewt the ballot
inn u4 iu lh. KuUiurem.d that oourt
II tal 1,1 Ik.-aa lhl I .. sire I, I dlTvt lal
II Ihe akrmahktd Ml Uf ln-pl f f
sr ittlvd .f m c..iilituiii. kl
hit at kt that waf , nutxl tlltlnl (. Ills,
I trail d ail Us tet kiiS iil ra..inrtia. iilt
.' J I hortlSa I UvMt id U grantll
kladur Wttd laWtaa praj aiSIIJT avlt
t'k4aatf) ilHf lll, Wild, WMTaiad't,
kau hhtfaM M mU I he f raj .tM
kei4 atttlliMtlttt.lllxi tf ItaSfoUfU ttf .
t'HWtaj td Wat Si 1. 1 a.lit..r lltlt J It! tttef
Im kltl prttlUli ill tk OtiMaillUlioti.
tl I t k MVVt wtlMatl Ial Ml Ikatl
! r ra id kaiollV fm I III tt 1 4
M k'14 tVll Itif Iheaw rMaiax I ia
tuUatS ttksa aw aMwdiitiry e tii
III IpPeauJr rot,) k tUIlM KHIaa4-4
l U ttteJ. Ik HM4Mt faaias ttU tlttl i
N Ikal ikHarditiry ! tkoald or
lMatrpMl l lk aa awad4 an
t a Ik uart a.nttL alikniitfk
a itraM a r4 wl rval at iatai.t
in the amendatorr act. Merely tecunl
cal requirement in the constitution
ought to be eliminated or declared to be
only directory. A constitution ought to
assist the growth and development ol
the commonwealth, not retaid them a
doe our.
In future article I propose to discus
change In the constitution and law of
our state, which need to be made In the
Interest of all the people.
Kearney. Neb.
W. L. Hano.
To Kill Miuah llatla.
Mr. L. H. Colson, of Lyons, Nebraska,
write that he would use Pari green,
one tablespoon full dissolved in a pail
of water, and sprlokled over the vines,
lust the atne as on potato vines, lie
has found this method very successful:
firupe Vina 1 rnliihi,
E. 0. Iodoman, In Department ol
Agriculture Heport; Tho "llroftton
high renewal" ytctn 1 plainly dif
ferent from the llrooton horizontal.
Tho number of cane put up Is gener
ally from four to eight, arid these are
cut sufficiently Jong to reach Just above
the top wire, Thena cunus ere taken
from as near tho center of tho head
of tho vine ns possible, u 1 dono in
the ordinary high renewal system, and
tho number of short arm and spur
la reduced even to a greater extent
than In the hitter system, The cane
may spring from wissl that Is fro-m
two to several year of age. Tho prin
cipal tent a to the desirability of a
can Is not no much whether It origi
nates from thl or thut kind of wood,
hut rather If It be strong, healthy and
properly matured throughout It avail
able portion,
Many vine may be found In the
Chautauqua vineyard In which these
two yt')niH appear to approach each
other. Some vine have rather uhort
arm, which are nevertheless perma
nent, and other have been reduced
nearly to the dimension of branohe.
Th short arm ore very often found
upon thi lighter rll. or whore the
plant hi- e been too closely wd. The
gradation form are treated practically
tha Minio as the type In regard to
method of renewing, pran'ng, tying,
etc In pruning, or "bilking." the
viae trained upon either of tho Hroc
ton systems, the process is practically
the aani a described elsewhere. The
number of buds which the vine Is to
carry 1 first estimated, t nen me
number of canes necessary to supply
the buds Is determined; and the next.
stp Is the selection of desirable canes
and their pruning at tho proper point.
After the vineyard ha been "Mrlpia'd"
the vines are seen to consist of stems,
arms, branches, and spurs, and of loose
eunes. The canes must now be tied
to the wires. I'ormerly this was done
by moans of willow twigs, but since
1894 the ine of wlro for this purpose
has steadily Increased. The wlro is
applied as follows, The top of the c.iitie
Is pronged away from the operator
against, the top wire of the ln Vn: the
tyiiiK wlir, which nhould be a piece of
annealed No. 18, ab-nit four liuh'-s
long. In nw placed with lt.n center
against the enne In a direct Ion parallel
with the tr1lis wire, bat. a trille above
It; with tln two thumbs, one on ea''h
side of the cane, the tying wire ! bent
forward and downward; the l"i lin
gers of l;,ei balnl IIM .V prec.s It I.' ill
further down, an. I ipeu brim: it b.icU
ward. ho that the thumbs mav iumiii
press It upward and over the wire.
This tie Is extretindy firm, and, as
there ale no k l" vt 1 1 1 l', p,ir!-i beyond it,
there In no ibitiK' I' of rinltnu; the r itie.
This method It to be m .-.i mended for
chc.umi :,s. r.t id.llt v i i v ; nr
the wires present any -et lou ..!, :.i(ie
to htiipplug the vines. If other I'irtH
of the via piire ili,". b.-fmi the
growiiiK M'iihOii. '.it! I iue or ."il!ow
IU4)- be iwetl ; Sll. !l t io le.tllil, llovK'V
tr. be made l-m ,e. .1-, the free lb)W
of sup may he ohstl'io d.
I hr Itliitf liii.uei.t 1 il-. ,. , -The
Link id d siil In.; fai..;.ild dirt
e Ne in a one, ,ih I tl;. te.,:. 1 Willi
every .b lay, piot- Kn.r in ihe e 'Bl
tnmle so Hie , t to h ,u u if !ui.e. t . ,ill
rartv dlteane fnuti eiie di-. i-. l .'int
to mutt her, lie put "ine po! it. i lull
onto a potato vine ilie.t ttp'i the
rot, The I'll Wint then tali. II t i ether
mid i ferity healit.t v tin in. I went
to rattii Iheia a-v Infi-.-ted the li w
tlllett Hh the lot W in II We tuk
Into 1 llll.lii I 4l lell the tot (lilt IllettS
feed Usa si of oui fiult tin an I la
lilllK tD ll'.lsl'V Ujiul I'; III
Ik gie-il dlfil- u;ijf . i-. i'iitrl
Ik irrall td lest dt. M't hU
prohakly uur tie us with ln..t
thl fa-rd tu the U'.tt thtii of ny
othef I he i'li! l. niet, j m i.tjf
tdir Itee l elote ' i ll al !t. ked If
S Itlifit ! ll'U to tied llptill
ihrlil by if ll.. poltoit In the
t"'l e4tertl lv.r t v 1 1 A t It ! y i4ll
sot lefatt l Ih tr with .H te
troaikl fttiat Jiauni l,Hliii i,
thai t, .f trim m eigy heee m.!? to BM I I f il. .1 I ,t4et
it lint at feint niter t (hit ttl ill
at tat. . tif i4 lelt
W tit ui thrf ihny hat tra
in Ik ort M foiiuie renUtlr,
t rl kav an Uta aM la tsllivly
fi'iKH war plant. Thla khutilj ta
Htitat it la u tk 4Hiua tkal
web da la ear kai U Ik prf
''alvia lt V ttaiad la I iar
at.xi yvluhl ally la Ik ral fa,
f" - " - -
U k blUltia P KVUvaVat CaUWraj
ewdy taikarlsti far araalaJ, 10
Why John Hall I Ho rrleudly J out at
Thl Time A Wanting to Tliene Who
Are Allowlnf TlieinelTr to II "Car
riad Away" bf Ilia War JtxclUunaiit.
Hpeclal CorrtispondiinRe.
Tho Now York Tribune 011 May 14,
1S0H, published an extract from asp(SK:h
of Kngland's colonial secretary headed
"Chamberlain For Union,"
Hero i part of what Mr. ChamlHir-
lain said:
"The time tin arrived wtmn (treat liritula
may be eoifniileil ,y a ei,inliiiiitliri of fmw
em, and ear (lrt, duly Iherefiati in to li
all purtNiif tlin empire Info detail unity, iiml
our next to tniiiliflilll the hoieU of pnraiNllelit
unity with isir kliiKiuea aeruaa tint Athinllti,
Iiiul client. J
"Tlietti I a powerful nml Kennroa nntliai,"
milil Mr. Cluiuilierhila, "nenUliu oar liiiKiittKf,
breil of our nice tiii'l Imtliiu inieretn iiliaiiletil
With out. 1 would u wi fur tea to amy thai,
terrible, us wnr intiy be, even wtir Ptn-lf wuhl
tst tdiciiply piiriiiiiKi i) if la n t'i' ut mid nohlti
cmiHe tlin Hlum toul tr)n niel lie. unleii Jin k
thmilil wuve ti.Knllici' ever mi .Anulo Muxoa
allliiace," l'rileni(eil cht't rti, )
Mr. Clititniiiiiiiln iraee(ied to drsw 11
Klnemy pletiire of Ihe flliaillea In t'hlati,
"where we Iwivii to Nceoiint, with Itumlu, sat la
fKhiinlHtioi, except tlitit. we itu net, poiwess
an iirmy or n ileii iimivh fi nailer In Chlnii ntel
ciitmot, llurefnre Injure llwiin wllh'itit na
ally. The fa In of the whole (iiliiiwi cmple in
Involved, find otir Inli are mi cnoi
Unit no more vllel (ie -.tlei win) ever pretaenl
eil fnr (litiHlna to the llitUli iialloo mel 11
lirltlHh iivi rniiii-nt, b'nle-. Hie fno. if l lilna
In to be (It etili (I without I'aiKlionl' Vli we
imift lint It Jei't tin. Idea of na nlllmieo with
tln.w. ini wh'iiae oilnri !n lott dlnUiir to
Wliut tltcro is in this for tho United
Mate dts'S not appear, Nor can it bo
found In Tint Tribune's editorial com
menting favorably thereon, as follows:
Them amy never he such n alliance fa for at
al, written timet, find there may be, lint
wlmt l tinifilKlriknhle, not nuly Inevitable in
future, hut annul In the pfi'?fnt, art mi nrel
potent, Ih tht..; 'Iml. the two irent brain he
of the AiikIo Krmoa taet are flriiwlns iiearer
and nearer toii-lhi r for co operation la peace
and la logical rniia nce- in war as well,
Kverv word that, profuob a that iiiovemwil Ik
to ho welciini'l and fipphuclcil,
How any American who hnow tlai
outline of Kugllsli bist'try can web-'omit
and iipjilaml an nlliumtn with her pass;s
my coiiiprelieiisiou, I have nothing but
cordial feeling toward those subjeUs of
Cueeii Viiitfiia with whom I am per
sonally fu'tjiiuiutcd ami count among
them soma warm friend. 1 have often
wondered how them people camo to Isj
no (lHTercnt from their government.
Head f l:ngla;al in India, Kgypt,
Ireland, anyvbero that she im jsiwer,
and what Is sln'i' A grasping, bbssly,
brutal tyrant. Hnghnt'l is decent, when
slie must 1st, Were she aide now and
would it bo for her advantage, to do It
she would incite the Indians to burn
ami sculp us just, us complacently as she
ever did.
if tho 'puliation from Mr. ('bamls-r-laln's
speech and Tlio 'Jiilaino's com
ments fin it on have any doubt as to the
reason of Knglaud' atlVctioiiato over
ture to the United htates, tluj Jmdih
newspapers make it iiverplaln. Tho
Times tt lis Its render that
Jiff Omuiherhilti tt ina riKntired 1. 1 forehand of
the iiiproval of the whole body of the fnloli
IhIh when eoiiternllrirf that we tiiiutt draw
chier the tn hliebliK 1m to the colon ten. Jt
wait iiIiiiohi a much a too yonc coin lunlori
that the oj (.ortniiit)' i-hoiili U m-leil of tKlab
HhIiIiik pel iihuh nt ii liitlor.M i,f iimlty ni i
none tlmu riioie'Allh the I iilti l Htalen, tt how
mieecK in i lii- i per nf e,iM ihut have lali ly
taken phe e i4 no ii vt i h i.iueil here a not
only pMt bl 'I l.vllie of h r mm -,
hut, in ii 1 1 ilriile o, h ,rniicn cnpaeiiy ,,f
the Arn'io !i ,ori re o In Ih" l,,i on a r,f ttar,
even Vshtu o imitie pri nioiilina for the
atrumde I. el i.e. n i!t..-.
'Jiu; f t.'iu!aiil, applauding .Mr. (.'lati.i
bt-jiain't 1 f . i I
We no :..i !- 1 1 1
I'll I..' ii :
l. 'II. i.ii,-
m i .;. , i :. n.
Htm ion-; , i...
Th" I '.I 1 1 N
.11,. lit t'l 1'C I
!l ll.e I. HO .
. Hot b: .
.a .
!ll l.e
h I !iini;-i I lio
It I
and b l
.1 -Ian
i "lim im
ii vv i-t All int. '
. -. m l. ii n tla
v. i i u i m 1 1 1 1 m
i' !u i d to i on
i 1 1
ol ta!', .1.
eye-, oil'.
Hot l..i.. .;,
firm an ;.il
1,1 Hani, ' i,. '
ljij-'i.u. ! v..
that vt m iv
I.'i' Hoi i. 1 )
I .i I'.MI .
I I rat I' at I ri
' inn -t I . I.
. i V Willi (in ,i
p- 1. .-ly I. Iue!
ill I ! ! a mien wit ll
la lp i! i In r Inditing. 1'ti
laml II'.' I'l
Mie ua'l .
ov m- 1 1.. . ,
Mv I. u.
n! 1 Hot lie I .li.-!.ile.
I iie In annihilated m
n v. a liaxMonati 1 v fnlni
ot ,.n; t
a li. .
i ! t . 1 1
III ill! I
cut . .1.
m.- , i-ttord, a t-'im.
ii ot a, a milii-iit baud, a
i .-. -tat, wn.. nil ih lulil
I i alii Ii a i .-.I Im t ..ui. I Im. a
f, b.
ni i
JO' V I I , but lie i-
i nr. d, and 1 li'i.i n .'
I I nl mi" ilnl H
i II at I half ihr.Miyu
i,. b ; ' tloo't 1 1 1 1 it li I
.. t inoie It 'n in tine ;
! liiirf m im l , ..I v all ti
tiiii.r i
Att.rl, I,.,,
be ?.u.i w i
Vtan I I . ,
Ii. ai
0 a
ii .
t !.i
a I .
bat -1
1 lot . '
1 .11 lih hi..r.v.
III. .. III. Ill .K 11 III.' I
i l ,
i M i
. . it ( it 1- , "M.iii Until
li ) ,:u. I v inf
li . t ,u I nlll ti. I
of H . ah t r. iiij.l -in,
...1 It I vtn " It I In
.. le t ui r hi In lii .ti
f dt t -ii r, it at, a.
i n ihk i In i. u inn
. f ant ibal tin
b ii 4 a lii .It .til i i
tllfat lo i t I I
"i bf I i il i ... .
l.-l.n' t i o,. I i
kt I Ilia I . i I i I
III t III t . .. I ' 1
Vt llll I In .l
-tllin. all il.)
tan I .on t,'o.l
W l- oi a.i 1 ll u
available In tt .i.l i it ii.,i.t. r "
I K.liillil let I'.v t ,ii hl . il.llllg f II ll
alllete I .tiit i tit I.-1 full In li I i.i,,i. I . .i.i. a I i ttaallv- Mi.
I be tin., t,. i ii . ! ttbiiitnu milt, n
li4tl ln lot Hie tiH i f l.,i ,-ne mI..
l lt. n mt. i itii. in ib ir loipuitt)
alt l Wle fa il.M l a I H if la llilillirf I
V tat it ti l i.i-l t. f f a i'l-i.jl ). t.i.
arm l- hen a It t til t mI iUi I
a It we art mi ! U trtll d i n iti I., li
l-llijl'tlid jf a'hi r ll llti 'Mlnti t f tb a!
I.tflnrrlill alt U Hi lot I Ilia a,.,,
nl .ibui' ii and "ltim i f all ia
Uualii.4 aiiUittt. "
I itu U Winn aK
1taa talat4t
(loM U a liMni In lima 1 1 nt and
iiwM In lUotatf jtr O..H m it.
did ta il a a I Irt aUtlitg imtliaiii u
I im iftsaf nt l tir will N
Ibattal 1.1.
When you see a mnn In wop,
Walk right up an' say 'Hullo!'
Kay 'liidlo' and 'How d'ye do?'
'How's the world a-usln you?'
Hlap thi! fellow on bis luiek,
Jlrlng your llan' down with a whack;
Waltz right tip, nn' don't fro" slow,
Orin tin' shako nn' say 'Hullo!'
Is he rdofhed In rags 0, alio!
Walk right up an' say 'jfullo!'
lliig Is but a cotton roll
Just for wrappiu' up a soul;
An' a soul Is worth a triia
Hale and hearty 'How d'ye do7
Jton't wait frr the crowl to go
Walk right up an' say 'Hullo!'
Kay 'Hullo' an' 'How d'ye do'"
Other folks are good as you.
W'en ye leave this world of clay,
Wamlerln' In fhe l-'ar-Away,
W'en you travel through the strange
Country Collier able Ihe range,
Then the souls you've Hiecrcd will
Who yon be, nn' say, 'Hullo!'
( 'nrVexpondf lit lu A, O, V. W, Iteeord.
Many People Cannot Drink
off at night. It spoil thrdr lt
Ynn eji n rlrlnk (lrala-0 whan rod Dlaaaa
and lp Ilk a tip. Vor Oraln-0 do
not timuiiiV'; 11 iiounsnes, ouaara nu
fis.d. Yt it looks and taata Ilk th
fl.tfe. Kor roirvou oarsori. rounc
fs;pl and hlldran (Jraln-0 I th par
fact drink. Mad from pur grain. Oat
a piMtkug from your grocar today, it?
't lu plar: of Coffu. 1ft and oc.
If you nen'l Ilea Hives.
Haid ions, Comb Foun
datloii, Kmokers, or
anything else frr the
Apiary, send tha prica
to us; will ship I mine,
dialitly. J,argM Hl'
traleil CMiAlogim Frea
-i,i;Aiiy m i tj, co.,
n.'ioKouth J.'lthHt.,
Omaha, Nebraslta,
I - '
You can't beat him! You
can't beat our fine oak harness,
either, for style, beauty or qual
ity. We handle nothing but
the best made, and can recom
mend it for durability and re
liability. It recommends itself
in ligntness, beauty of trim
ming and general attractivensss
Cook Barlow,
225 So, 1 1 th St., Lincoln, Nch.
30 r fttnt 01TI0 ('allfornl and Othtar I'ft-
rlfln f.'OMUt 1 rttvalaar.
Th nbov reduction nppliea to th
tim anrouta. Ity tha North waatcrn
Uuion I'lieifle; rr m tha tirno iaonanight,
trl.'J hours, leu than by other lim.
Thin aavea money, ts-rth rat, and thir
teen hours of wearisome car riding. At
Fremont connection arn direct with
tbrotijh touriat and Pullman leeners,
chair cars to Denver, Ofderi, Halt Laka
city, Portbnnl ami Kan Franr.laen. fan
lag car throtnrh to the count, (Jet tick
ats and berth reservation of A. H, Field
ing, city ticket agent, 117 south 1 0th
at., Lincoln, Neb.
NO DUST . . .
All Comforts
VU the
...att.i -
Miaaai ..i''j.agX.,-J
I hair t'liM, I'.iitdit, l ibrary mid Hiaok
ingt'arx, I'lillinaii Palace and Toarlnt
t am, ulatii tluiMi 1,1. Kant I lining t ur
with meal on On. Liiiopeau pluii.
All by the
ti, V. Ilnssai i ,
t . P. A T. A.
Dr Kctchum.
lp, Yat, Now, Throat
an. I Catarrh, i i i
Bp tlAcld Carefully I'ittrHl,
All Ym UwmwhU
226 South Itth
Offattpit Newijitpr la Nbnuki.
hi Omaha
la v
kM w Mta) liva,
$4 per year In advanco .)! U Hm4w4 lii iaV ta, lit l-a) Ht
t 4nv
Like bllloun, Jyiil, bcadache, eonitl
patlon, four itomaeti. ludlifeitlon ar promptly
cured by HooU'i I'llI. They da Mwlr work
ciiKlly nail thoroughly. fff 'II.
licit after dinner pills. III C
ZfiitniiU, All ilniKKlttS- H
'rcmred by I. Maotl & Co., Iwi-lf.MaM,
Tli only PHI to Liiku with Hoed' Hariaparllla,
llurllt"n Houl Cciirfoiii fur Huuimar
ot I HUM.
Denver tUihh, and roturn lH.2r, for
meeting of American msdlcal aasocla
tlon, 'J'lckefs on al Juna 5 and ). He
turn limit July '5. For sama mwdlng
ticket will be sold on same date and
limits, to Colorado Hprlng at IH,H.r
and Pueblo at fl ..
Denver, ('ol., and relurn f 18.2." for
biennial mealing general federation of
Women' clubs. Mule dates, Juno D), 17
and IH, llelurnto July 17, Forsama
meet ing tickets will b sold on same dates
and limits to Colorado Kpriug at
flH.Hr, and Pueblo utt liV"
Omaha national elect i metllcal aaso
ciatlon, f V.U round trio. ItaUis of sale.
Jane !t, 20 mid 21, Iteturu limit, -'JO
Omaha '1 rans-Misslsslpfrl teachers' us
sociatiou, 2.2't round trip. Data of
sale, Julia 20 to W). Itaturn limit W
Htm I'ranclseo, Cal,, ami return, f'50,
TtO, Norlh American Tanner' union.
Data of sale, June 2i and U'f. I laturn
limit, August t'il.
Halt Lake City, f lah and return, f .'J2-,
00, international mining congress. Data
of sale, July ,'l, Imtnrii limit, July 2.'L
Portland, Ore,, ami return, f'lO.JVi,
national coumdi of ComregaHonal
I'hurehea, Data of sale, Juna 'I0 and July
1, lb turn limit, Aug. 'il.
Washington, D, ('., and rat urn, f.'i.l.JJO,
national educational fissoclatlon. Data
of sale, July 'A, 4 and f, Iteturn July
If. Limit fifia Isi exUnded to August
!il on payment of 60 cent.
P.uffalo, S. Y., 27.HO round trip, Pap
list young w'Oiiht' union convention.
Data of sale, July 11 and 12. Iteturu
limit, July If. Ftenion toHeptamber
1 on payment of depoalt fee.
Omaha, Neb., and raturn, f 2.20, na
tional republican leaitia, Data of Male,
July 10 to 20. ileturn, .'!0 day.
Hock Island, III, and return, 13.4 5,
national encampment union veterans'
union, Data of sale, August Hand ',
Ileturn limit, August 20.
Indiana polia, hid., Hupremo lodga
Pnlform rank K. of P. Data of niwiting,
August 22. Limit. Keptembar 10. (lata
to be unnoiiuwd later,
Omaha and return, 12,20, national
congress r'd ail liipjor dealers. Data of
sale, August 20 to 27. Itnturn limit, .'10
Omaha, N'-b arid return, f2.20, na
tional convention I'ohemian turners,
jtata of ala, August lotoiO, lUturn,
30 day.
Cincinnati, ()., and return, f 22..r0, 0.
A, It. national encampment, faialadatea
ami limit to be announced later,
Okoiioi', io,xi;i,f
(i. P, it T, A,, Lincoln, Neb,
itfcJJircr.o HATK
To tha (iraiid Kncaiiiinnant Mining Bia
trial, Wjoinliitf,
Tha Union Pfyaflo will sell ticket at
one far for th round t rip, plu $5, from
all point In Human. .Nebraska, Colora
do and Utah to Ilawlin, Wyo. Dwta
on which ticket will be sold ur lt and
3d Tuesday in May, Juris, July, August,
Hept., Oct., and Nov. Ktaga lino dally
except Huinlay eu;h way betwaaa Ilaw
lins and Grand Fmcnmpmcnt
For full information call on or address
E. U, Hlosaon, Oou'l Agt., Lincoln, Nub.
raKlghl nouta UUIeaallka.
Whthar you lact tb all-w a tar root
by way of St. Michaels, or tb ovarlaud
rout via Dyan, Hkngwuj, Coopar rivar,
Takn or Rtiklno, you must first reach a
PanlO port f ambarkation.
Taa Kio OniNia Wkstkr Raii-wat,
la coooactloa with th 1). k It. ()., or
Colorado Wtdla-d fly., I tha abort, di
rect aad popular rout to Han Franoioo,
Portlaad, Taooaia or Hattttl. Tbrougk
alaeplag chari and fra reclining cbalr
car from Duvr to Hao Franolaco aod
Dnvr to Portland. Ckolna of thraa
rout thro' th ltockka and tb raoit
macoltloant aoanary to th world. Writ
ta V. L. Wam-i, O. P. A.. HJt Lak
Clly for copy ot Kloadlk foldar.
Tho Now.
Union .
I Sua? iti'ia,
It rum on Van Huron St,. Directlj
in front of tho
Rock Island
and Pacific
I'awaawaifur art iviitrf Ih CkiHrfu ta, If
Ih aw I aiua Ltftnatwd 4int, rahay
pari td tha tit); t. r a, liaoatla
I tha lutuiMtiaUly i May ul lh
tarn ilr la th d.i ! diiic.
Ad laat. Tfaia till slop allta
''It. 1 1 taad" Main.. Trala vff
ftiiaai, lhafMiliiaaa ialr k
r ! "OrMt lUk fcnu.M
II J on ill gaa Uiair.f
(oUi aill aiad yiot at nae M
Wifd id t fcteagu, JtMt Imw4 t
Mdora ltt ) alitt tun )v ahal
lutl ml I laa aUm! a4
Ih tat Un.p aallUtaoa lfiaa,
1kaa.aiit.hum4 ha, ahth ;a
avtul lhiiy aad M pawl Id tia
talt, a ahihria Ui la lata
itiitiaf twr trtoad attaWaaplala a tup, AdJia) Jua (Hi
?!,. ft ! (lUtiftl,