The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, June 09, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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    June 9, 1898.
Aro Not Necessary-Treasury
Notes Should bo
To Issue More Bonds Means Iteduc
tion of the People to a Con
dition of slavery.
' A lloucl li Alwaya llurilnn
Tlio Houho him panned ttio war revenue
bill. Tlio rniuiMUie provide lor IhhuIiik
1500,000,000 of bond. The rcpubli
eana voted solidly in it favor. Tli (bun
ocrata and populiHl, with Hlx execp.
tlorm, voted ngalnnt It. Of tlio li dom
ocrat. wlio voted lor tlio lull, throe fire
from Now York, oua from Maenadm
ottM, rnnnnyl vanln, and Alabama, ro-
Bpnctlvely, The main fight wan oviir the
bond clniiMti. The democrat and popu
lint favored the Ihmiio of treaeury noteH,
inetettd of burdening the Miopia with
more dobts. They alno advocated an
Income tax wherein the rioli Hhould be
made to contribute from their abun
dance for the experiHOH of the war, Kver
elnce the ndvent of tlio primont ml m In In
t ration grcnt nfforts have beeti made
looking to a bond Ihmiki. It would
hardly be thought that the prcnent itIhU
would lie iimihI ror neeompliHhliig mercen
ary purponeH, ictwnrliuH iilway fur
jiImIhhI the conditione for Hectirlng legln
latlon In tho Intcri-nt of the few and
again! tho Interi-nt of Mm ninny.
An income tax Hhould bo iiimoHed.
says Mr. Huthcrliind, of NebraHka, to tho
nd that tho man of million um well um
tho laboring man Hhould pay a fair pro
portion of tho expeiieee, If ore than
110,000,000 can bo made immediately
available by an act authorising thecoln
ngc of the nelgnorugc, anticipating the
Motiio by tho iHMiiauco of Hllvcr nrl I li
eu ton. If Hiiflldont revenue Ik not pro
vided by thi'HO meniiH, 1 favor a rcuHon
ablo iiiLTcriHo of the legal tender noten or
greenback. When tho country woh di
vided aguliiHt Hhi'II mid win panning
through a four year' Htrtiggle, tho
greenback naved uh and will do ho now,
1 will support any or all thene propo
sition, but will not now Hiipport a prop.
OHition that moaim u mortgage on our
poHteritr. There Im no ocoiiHion for thn
Ihhuo of bondM. If wo need money to pay
iroopx ana HnuirioH. tiny gurw and am-
munition, equip anil maintain nbipn, let
undo an our fat hern did thirty yen
ago Ihhiio a nondiitorKHt-bonrliiK obli
gation, and. with thenwourceH of our
country back of it, conduct tho war to a
nuccohhIuI conelunion. Lxpert OHtimale
that our people are bearing a burden ol
IndobtediieHH of more than f .'11,000,000,.
000. Tho people of today and theehlldren
yet unborn miiMt pay tliln enormotiH in
debtodnen and thointereHtehurgeHou it.
1 plond with you, gentlemen to not at
thin time udd to the peoplo'H burden
by providing for the Ihhiio of f ,100,000,
00(! of IntcreHt-benring bondM,
Tho following Hpnccb of Hon. V. I..
Greene, wu dulivored In tho IIoumii of
ItcpreHcnttttivoH, April 27, 1 80S, 1 o de
clares that au Ihhuo of bomU Ih unnceeH
sary. lie voices tho ponition of tho
American Miopia in concino and unini.
taknble language:
1 do not Intend at thin time to enter
into an elaborate dicuHHion of tho bill
before the Houho. There Ih no gentle
man upon th Ih floor In proportion to hi
ability to bo patriotic that I will admit
in more sanguine in bin diwircH for tho huc.
rowdut pronccution of the.war with Spain
than I am,
I am not only for war at thin time, but
! have Immui for war ever Hinco tho Span
lard blow up our Hhip in the harbor of
Havana, I am in favor of doing any
thing and nil thlngn that areetumutial to
the jiroeocution of the trouble now on, 1
real lie the fact that we taunt have tho
money with which to carry on the war.
W timet have money ho that it can be
uncd wh"u occasion require it.
I would not by any word. If 1 could, or
by my vote, lay oueobHtacio iu'the path
way of the government in reaching out
lu whatever direction the emergency re
nulrc to grimp all the hIiiowh of war.
frio the ponition I take with regard to the
I "end lug bill le only a difference between
gentlemen on that Hide of thn ChamtMr
and inyaetf touching the method to be
employe! in rniHing revenue with which
to tight our battle.
1 am nppoHwl to the Umie of bondM,
iPkmk to them becuuMo 1 do not be
lieve It le iieccwMury to Umuo boioU in
order to light the war in which we are
now riigiigetl,
Ther U a lielixf, nay Mr. Murk, of Ne
braska, that there may tx mnmier
motive tu the proixwititm to Imum o
large an amount of lutcreat-beariug ob
ligation at tltl time; that when itcgo
tmtt d the war may suddenly be brought
to a eliwo nud the romaitHb-r ol the IhiioI
liwue utilised to retire tht ( rvut b-gal
leader Bote, eulMtltutiini lutert litr
ng obligdtitui aow m ciMuuiinii. So
party cu be rirly vli.ire. wiid u It
nhi.ui, but tlte miwrh nl Mi Uh It
van It li)t,'d upou to J hie
will. II thie Im true uf I- by
triwr trii within m well n U from
without. Itkaot putting th rww too
tregly to y that la Ihia event w
will kwv to flgM MpwaiAfd lu front wad
gJdit In the rwr, ( that UU
will fwovt nioM artlul wn l dftt
ImH twidg ktunatly with u i two
M k kxuu-y k twkvu out ol th bu
wmi nu t put l'K lV(f
liiwu tMt, ol t lir.s t lM'rtw Ik
wutkieg pitkmi(oul Ikewiuu
try, Hi'i lud . prwM Ulmr, w4
f Im a gwrwl Udnutiw lb
lwv(w ft a w4 twwMiel 'tl
trt NimM ol kifvlieg wkkawtlt
vwttwu uutd .fj I toll. U i Si;. I lordn oatv la tk
tttvat ol thtbuwJ J I. It oi4 be Wl
t44, tut Ike Hltbt ar that
truut lke totir4IUrll t kor-.
r r r bo I l m inrt ul I l
Ittf b U ad wuwt'l i robwMy tt
tut MiMini Ike m. It w wU Mtwb
114 Mtt.lwM 4MH'tti hl f I
it tmm la le ol wotktitii v4tl
UWr ilftMM tk fHe 4 UUf ua
tk uari4 Uw ! u 1 1 au4 k
A bond Ih alwavs a burden, says Mr.
Lanham, of Texan, and it in doubly ho
when tho means and InHtrumentalities
through which it can be dinchurged are
rendered limited and made h-na avail
able bv Interprotatioii. While money
iiuiv ho obtained through tiieeale of
bondn it is iievertheleHH a etern and righ
fact that Hiich bondn muet b ultimately
miid. with their accumulated Interest,
day of reckoning, however postponed
miiHtoomo atbiMt. In sound economy
tho iHHimnco of bonds in tlio very laet re
sort, and Hhould never bo invoked if any
other reasonable and available methodn
of tiroeiirlmr money can be found, Have
we no other resources to meet t he do
mauds of the situation? And conceding
forthoenke of tho argument, that
bond Ihhuo is nocosHary, in it the part ol
wisdom or economy to authorize it, to
the vast extent of ii0O,0O0,0)0.-Hilvor
Knight Watchman.
TlieTliIrd Heliiinl.
Oofitlnui'd from Flmt I'or
have 100, the maximum allowed by law
with olllccre. The company at mouiok
wan not full when laet heard from, but
it Ih eald that more than enough could
be had from ludianaiiola and other
Major MtoUenliiirv Writ,
Major John M. KtotHouburg. appointed
from tho regular army a major in the
l imt ioiraHua volunteer rogimetit, has
written um follow to 1'rlvate Hecrotary
Mn rot;
Cami' Mhiiiiitt, Ran Fiiancihco, Cal
May aH, N0H.-My Dear Maret:
would like to nave you exiireHH to tho
governor tho atiiireclatiou of all tho off)
cor and men of my baltalliou, at leant,
(though I know that tho Name fooling
oxIhIm throughout tho regiment), for tho
prompt and favoraolo roHpouhe to my
telegram for funds to pay the regiment.
I am glad to nay that uh far uh I know
tlio iijikIm were iironorly uho, l never
hiiw a man under tho inlluoiico of llipior
hIiico wo left Nobraeka, a or him tho re
ceipt of their pay had any bad effect on
the itlHclplino ol tho regiment.
tVo had u glorious reception all along
tho route and cHiiocially after croHHiug
the California line, and tho boy enjoyed
It thoroughly. More tho latch Hiring Ih
always out for any olllcor or Holdier, and
mkcH, pie mid cor)kien are alwaye on
tail, much to tho diHtrcHH of tho HoldiorM'
Wo nro in u very sandy, disagreeable
camp, and tho Hand and dirt Ih ipntoa
coiilraet to our Lincoln camp, and rain
and cold weather Mtill pureueH uh. HI ill
do not think there Ih a man in oamii
who Ih liomoelck. Wo will Hail la about
ten days from tho look of thingH now.
J ho .Ncltraeka regiment hIiowh up in
great Hhnpo in compariHoii toolhere in
porHoiiuci and equipment, and I think
the Hlatu liiiiv wnll dm urninl of hur hoiih
111 the I'irHt Nebrinka. Thin in no place
to write let tor and 1 have not indulged
it at all before today, (iivo my hIii-
eio regard to tho urovornor. (ieneral
Harry and tho boys in your olllco.
l oiire Hiiicorely,
armers' Mutual Insurance Asbo
ciation of Fairfield, Nob.
('orronpoiiilnnn NollclUiil by
f, M, Kunfonl, (run-
nil iiiiiimm'r,
Know ye that thin U the oldcnl and
only mutual hail InHurnnco conipiuiy
that ha ever proved a perfect hiiccohh in
thin MtaUi?
LAY('.,NEI1. It him runtwo yearn and
ha paid all Iohhuh in full uh ier adjiiHt
ment, and lnm remitted over 12,000 nur-
u h liaek to the policy holder. He
over .'181 ageiitH in tho Held with oertill
caO'H from the auditor of public ac
ouiite, and wo have ugente contract
witli over 100 more agent who are not
et teady to order auditor h certificate.
'hone agentH are well Hcattcred over 71
countieH in the ntate. Thin will jiroteet
U h from both local und general hail
Htornm that HumctimoH run for 100 mile
and from live to ten inilox wide. In fact
if a whole county ehould bo hailed out
we can pay the name, tour only nafety
in in a company that doen n btmineHH
in all the cultivated count ie in thoMtate.
We are doing a good hail iiiHuranco Iuih-
InoHH at preMent, notwithtandiiig it i
the I ant week of May, we have added an
average of 100 policic ht day thin
week. We have now more iiiNuram-e in
force than we had lat venr. Wu are
proud of our annual Htnteuumt, and
have placed over half a million of the
name in the hand of farmer thin year,
See our annual Htateuieiit More you in
Him.. WitlTK TO I'M Ft HI A I.lSTtF
We waut a good agent in every town-
hip in Ni'tiriotka where the noil l gener
ally well farmed, for which we will pay
thn hot commiloii.
Thi cumpauv ha no uluried olllivr
nt preaefit lor all Nalaric ar net after
oueyour ort i ilouo, liy tn lumriletl
lire tor, nt what tiny think i reasona
ble for the Mork done,
Thi 4H'iatton lat year had a branch
oRlce nt l.ineolii, Netrnkn,rouduetl by
1, M. Swigart, but aid branch otlliv
proved uuatifai'tory and therefore
iliMtintiuum) by th iiu iiiImt nt the au-
uual mo ling ul nu hatuoiMU
na tion iiU nr lueuram-v coiitpnnieei
mig tiuiiio tu l.tmole. Atfon W nut-
nliu erery tonlop thnt hit not now
na Bgi ul nnl a gotel roiiiiuiiou will !
tin en all work Iom, For ng iit-lv
writ to J. M. HroMo.
thtt'l Mgr., Fnirfleld, N.b,
IU4 IkU ri IHm1 h u
Kansas Lump
Rock Salt
For Stoi'k.
Nl 4wt f lj Nw Mil t , 4 Mwral M'i
Haw iHr tkiM vt MJt t tH TrwUwM'H' Ubt.oiJ I iitH
(Hunk, .Nvtk, lUia I'wtlJoj
Clou ToKOir,
W'r pnrty clout toother
Nortb, at, n' miuth no' wodl;
It took th nturtny weathar
Tu Ijrlug on to our tjtl
On Hug In rlilln' omr
'I he uu land an' no;
Tlio in nii who mitrchod with Hhormau
Standa with tb unto ut Uiul
W'r inirtr clout toifothur
Thitr uln t on klud n' iluulH;
H took the Htoniiy wiiithar
To lot the rainbow on Ll
On 11 n In rlpiilln' over
Thli brlKht In ml of tbw trm:
Theuiun wbn iniircliml wlih tlhormaa
Htntidi with the man of Lee I
Yi, pnrty clout tognthsr;
An f It'i dtorin or tide,
We'll thank Uod forth waalbor
That rtrnlH an ld by nldel
For on Hmk rlpplln' over,
I'bat thrown tier rlbbona frim
Wbtir men who marched with Shermnn
Miirch now with nmu of Uie.
Let Illtn (in, llulila.
Aye rant to flu, bay yluxo
V o Imt yare bota ny do
And If nine vlfn ll lat ui ko
Wwoyump rll tak nietroiiii'b.
Ay "kill no Ink to be ao alow,
Von Unci Ham rile.
ICf iliildaaya"Uo, OIh.koI"
Yo ouajbt to awe maa file,
Vou day ny vlpped uu Irlahuan,
And una bane puorty vail.
El aye can do Wk I'Iiik lak die,
Ay vould vIp Hpnlu Ink ball
0f ma ma" won an ulkahal
About von nniiri, aye (nub
And volcli HHite Ole iiiakn yump
Tol.tiba'a blooily bank,
i:f niir tmiK luft of Hpaln
Vn ny haf plaiiiy tile,
I, at ilulda ko and do t'e mat
Aye tank (laa bane all rlln,
- Denver Tliiw.
Nw From tlie War I'rodlKnl.
John' writ a lnttnr Ihhuo to nay
Anotbiir Idk'" ahot olf today!
An' thai innkea twol (l.oitono lu Muyl,-
liiil. ain't It funny,
Kwdi time litany ilmr'a bill to pay;
"I'lxaae aiiemy draft without (Iwliiy ;
Wlii'ii fulka la woiiiidad thatnway
They nmid miiru niouiiy I"
Whim Iih'iJ bn koihi ti weiik b aalil
Tlny'il parllully ahot off hla heail
An' left lil in on the fluid for duadl
ilut nl n't It funny,
All of the papara what I rad
Not mm Mama word o' llnlitln' anld,
An' John a l.vln' tlnir half dead,
An' iieedln' oiijiik !
Kf till" li"r rnidl war keniw on.
And all tin, KUiia lire almiiif ut John,
My bank nwuinit 'll ahore be koiic,
And that nin't funny I
1 can t ami why -on ana and aliorn
't hn li ii' n Mint, mnkii Him ciinnona ronr
lion'l uin'rallte tlio HkIiIIii' more!
I I'm abort o' mmii'y !)
Uanaaa ( lly Oriiln ami l.lra Htmik.
Hard Wheat No, I, Wk;; No. 'I Wo; No.
t'o ; No, 4, M.'i.': riliKitcil. Win, Soft
Wliont No. I.UWMMSr; No. 2, lift; No. il.Dle,; No.
4, NV?llilo; rejei'leil, H(tHi!, Sprlnu Wlinat
No, I!, I'Hc ; No. 8, HWI1I1!; reicuUtd, HOWMHn.
Mixed (.'oni- No. V, Vo: No. 8. No, 4.
no fc-riido, WL'Sn, WblU) Corn No. S, OiHei
No. 8, Oto; No. 4, 2?',e.
CaUIo Kncnlpu, 5,250 nittluj !,' culvna;
Hlilppcil, 1,414 outtln; no calvo. Tho mar'
lo t wun Htt'iidy to atronir.
HblppliiK mid driiMHwl liiiiif atnor. f3.IXK4.nO:
nullvo iKdfci'N, nMnMu, mill v cow, tl.WM
4 -f; imtlvu feiiiiura, l al.tid; tiutlvo (toukor.
Jlo IIitbIjiU, 15.7;; hhlppeil 4.WM. The
market wun wi'nk nt the npi'iiliiK, hut clovd
tronil to 6 i iniu lilidmr. 1'rloe ruiufcd from
Um to UM.
The Iibipbhobmt 1 ear 1 1.00.
Nebraska state Insurance
For Fire, Lightning, Oyclooos,Tor
nadoos. and Wind Storms. Lo
catod at Fairfield, Clay Oounty,
Correapoiiitmiee romlnelvd bjf J. M. Hnnford,
(iunuritl MniiiiniT.
The above named company Ih one of
the moHt HiiecoHHful mutual iitHurance
comiauieH iu the Mtute, On December
.'lint, 1 0(1, wo numbered 20 from tho
top an to the nmount of inniirance in
force, and on lecouiber HI, 18U7, we
were number 0, having pawned twenty
other iiiHiirance compauioH in the year
an to the amount of iumirunce in force.
In other worde there were only threo
other mutual companieH in the Htuto
that wrote more lumirance than thin
company did laet year, and there In only
three mutual companiiie in the ntate le
niilee our own company that wrot more
iiiHiirance in the whole year ol '07 than
we have written in the lrt four month
of 'OH, and biHt wiHk we rote 00 nw
metnlr and thi amount o( fire and
cyclone iiiMurutice i 74,lt'iO.
Tin company i the chrntt and btwt
compauy iu the etata (or fire, lightning,
cyclone, windxtoriii mid tornado.
Thi company give it perHtual iie'tn
lM Thip lee nud iNMiie a ptm mil policy.
We iicxer chatg lor mitking nay
change in Haul mliry provided theln
uraiuv i not inrmtHed. Wej ner
charge for cancellation.
Thi AwtMintiou I parlu-ultirly tidup
t.s to i-Hrr liitf cvrloim itieiirmiiv Foil
It you lotv iiwunil vou property
by fJr in t'H'k rtunpMiuy, uu
anouiit til -a morlgitg, will Inaur
)otl atcaiuet rvrlonm, wind atorin mid
titfnador ev rhfiip. (r i Ii. ii,t than nay
oner tit vtiiiipaur, IW'lor you !
ur ak eon. nt our ;tit n w ha
loo ni the nUI. In i (lor U no
ngv of our in your hx-nlity ritlr
an nw hk j lor yourl or muuHiwd
tn gotnl l(V HiK. ddrv4
J. M. rMMi'Mi,
(it nt-rnl l ;'
Fa t 114.1, Nt.
10ft I0t.
1.. Rx 11
K'JM fuAt,
Mfl. K-f (rttn,
tc Mkm,
lrMi4iu, 41 , 4.
MlMt 14
l)Mt M ktejo, tin.
New Goods Constantly Arriving to Fill the Gaps
Made by Lively Summer Merchandising.
Every day something new, something never seen here before, is placed on safe at this store.
Being in constant touch with the world's leading markets we are always and ever in a K
Chock Duck Hkirt.
White Duck KkirtH..
White riquo KklrtH
White ritineWalHtHto match, dn C A
upward from fl.7" to ...IpUtvXJ
Fine UHHortmeut of Linen
Cranh Kklrte, fancy Htripo,
lawn onect, ut
Criieh and I'hjue Huitn, at....
Jleautiful line of noveltien lu (P 1 A A A
CriiMh und l'ique, f;i.7S to ip 1 U.UU
LadieH black and tan cotton hone, houiii-
leH high epliced heel, double
Hole ami toe ier
12 1-2C
Hoy heavy bicycle Iiohi, fant
black, 1'xl rib, eeamlcHH
double Iiih'I rind toe, a pair,
MiHHc line liimorted real Maco
cotton hoe,black and tan Ixl
rib, double heel and toe and
double km1, a pair
Moiih HcnmleHH cotton nockn black
and tan doublo heel and toert
jmlr for u)j
Sole Lincoln Agents for
Jtittcrick Patterns and Publi
Greatest Mail
Order 1 louse.
Highest market ptice
for produce,
Half Block, N ind 12th Sis.
I.lliert for milniatr.
New Yoiik, Juno !(. Iudictmenti
charging the following pfrson with
engaging in a lllibunUriiig expedition
to Cuba were diHininttcd to-day In the
United BtatcH circuit, court: John G.
Hart, Captain John O llrin, Cnptala
Oeorgo W. I'.crric, Dr. Frank Aggra
tnoute, Joiiquiit Kofiillo, J aim' Mc
Allltcr, C'harlcN II. IMckinau, Enrlua
Truflllo, Juiiic J. Luin, Kdward Mu
phy and Kmilio Num-z.
FAiiiriF.1,11, Neb., May 31, 1H!)S.
Thin in to certify that my niiine wan
need ae a director .in the NebraHka Hail
IiiHurance Company of Lincoln, wit hout
my know lodge and coiment, and further
more that my crop i iiiHiired airaiiiHt
hail in the Farmer' Mutual Hail IiiHur
unce AHHociation of Fairlleld, Neb., and
that I am entirely nt wiled with the
Haid Fairfield company, and fully recom
mend the Hume to all iiartiee deiriiur
bail iiiMurauce. I wtt a membvr of the
Fairlleld comiiuiv- lat year and am en
tirely HatiIUd with the treatment I re
ceived. M. H. Woolm.
Tny your ubcrlptl.
1315 1 1317 rirnamSt OMAHA
WM H. TNootr, Man,
(treat S ttt rick Iwimtly Hand.
M V.,(.L iinii Iroin ,ur.
I'tiiue KarK I tilo,
I'iriHeainii l ri '. Minor,
i rj t f Gravr,
"M.tlwl Hot,
Mil.- Ollin-ur.
HutllilU li J t.
l.i.rtr'- in. trt
In the Th'ioroiu,
1.1 I 111. IU.1 11,
UmiIi J I' i,f ,' f. tt
lb r i t e. Ik ,H l''"
Vi f b,H' I t IttMllatKa.
Pro I. MruU,
k trtt n4 tk tHtot-fwIlv,
IIUniMii. I M)ial,
10c admits to all 10c
t fcwir ft 4 1"
llrfwt' I'wtorntAwnHk 4l'f tnmi
Now lino of Shirt WnlntN in
patriotic colore, red, white
and blue etripo, very pret tf QC
ty, at tpl,b3
New lino of Jlliiek WaintH, n C
white HtripoH. at ipiiuu
fimall Chock Waletn, very flue A7a
cloth, pink and blue, at a I j
WniHtJ an low hh 49c
Tho (argent UHnortmcnt of Wrapper in
ICnilleHH vnrlotioH in all the mont popu
lar maken and Htyhw In ready-to-wear
I.udieH HleevolcHH vent taped neck
and aruiH, each
Ladle hIiiovoIohh vet.Hecru cotton,
low neck, each
I-adicH tlno ribbed white cotton
vi-HtH, wide lace trimmed neck
hIoovcIohh, each ,
IiidicH line ritibed gau.o vdhIn
Hijuarolow neck, ehoi't ribbed
arm, white, ecru, extra goodQCrt
valueeach lOuor for uvj
Iridic union Huitn, extra good
quality, low neck, ehort ribbed
urm, knee length, white or'
ecru reirular Tide grade, each..
Ladle low ni'ck, hIomvcIomm
hiiI 1m, taped neck and
knee Icngtli each
ChildreiiH union Huitn, low neck.
ehort ribbed arm, knee length
HiBCHlrom .1 lo H yearn, whitci
or ecru, encli
When ordering jjlease men
tif)n this paper.
livery pcron who i n nufTercr 'rom
nervous diHeiiHC hhould tvriUi the Von
Mohl I'oiniHiny, Ciiii'iiniuti, Ohio, at
nail', mid aei'cpt their olTer of a live
!' trial treatment free of chiirge.
ThU li no t , (l ' ,.r UI'I'OSIT
hrlii'liit', hut ll IiUthI pl'oHiMitloi tuitde
to iiiitui I uiuiU- HUlTci rla lis Una long
i'",i.tlili-lii',l I'oiit rrn, mIih'Ii ii I lit- hirg
ci iniooiiar f (-n.'iil fnf iti-itoii
und i ,li nm- in tin- woihl.
I lie oi.. Mohl I n. Int.. tli. ihiIm Am--1
it-it it iik'hl fur 1'iof. IIm, tltt't
l i. n, li pii pitrntimi of "t'nllhoa," the
uilv kluiuu tu mhtturcl mid
li ,ll , Irlii, Mi ll It H.ltni lv cut
io i ton .1. I.tlitj I hi rviiKilt li.i f ir
t v i i tuv.i u l n it p citlf la th
l l und livtliiaii fttiiil, , Rii, hIiuc
ii. n,.n,l,i, n.M, Int., tiit, t i,it., M a l
hna I O. I luillll lltilllt,tlld of urTtlf-
ui, uiul th.' ii i,i.ikat,li nut 4 iif th III I ., ). Ihh II t i lt
1,1 thi i .i ui t
In ,,i,.) i,. j,j it,,, i (u
4tin,iil in llr t4i,,t. , f ,trft pv f
!... u'!ti, tlir l., l,',,l ah. plij
.U,l lll" lli i f Ml,.l! I
,. vt,,, ,. , . ., ,i,, ..i,. i i M 1,4 a
III, I ' I i , I . . .1 ,, 1, 1 lo .til M ll.t I 1 1 V
f thi Hit, t. It I, ., it .t
t til'1' ! t,(, nl tlnlv I no
M 14 1 ll
in t m 1 1 li it or ilt I ii tl
. .. j it , i ii..'.i, in, i h i v I
t ill imii i, i .ltn t ii-.'u i,'m for
t'Mt til t.l ! Ih IllM
tilrlt Willi llt nfttt. an I ft atiri
.ll S I 1 1 I ll I
I i HI V i . U.ii tinH tu.-
Hill hl ll. I .1. .Still to4ttl Of t
.'ut tj U i,.M,ii,i tl,iU tt.14 arw twlt,
iliv .. i)oh t, thm I ,,l.t i, hi
N, tiwtiu wht t, i.i.i rtf
I, tlilRir rrl ft t,u -. timt r !
r, i , Im , thn rru
r th Mitt prviti(tliir .v tf
ttVWtlt I WKIMOfV, tlV4iti(J ftll4
fa Ptjrf oeil UaiiiitoiiiNyl ;
All Wool MackintOHhoH, tan,
Inverted pleat iu back, 4
button box front, length flJO CA
from VI to G'J iuchoH ipO.UU
All Wool double texture Mack
double cajio, navy bluo,
Karno an abovo, in einglo capo, tt i iA
box front, nary blue ipiil j
Katin Flour, full patent,..,
1'uil Hyrup, full weight..
Full jolly, uny flavor
No. 1. Mackerel, or pull.
No. 1. Herring per mil
80c ,
15c 4
Herring Kf) in box, per box
IH lb Culiloi'iiia grunulated
eugar for
KaiMiiiH, per lb,,
OrupoH, per lb,,
I'eucheH, per fiound.
Dried applcH, per lb.
Kice, per lb.
Iiima JieaiiM per lb.
iirii: r ii i
('Off C, fier lb 6C j
I'otutocH per bunhcl .....90C
Prot Jules Laborde's Marvelous
French Preparation for
Lost Manhood.
varlciMfle. Thi upecidc remedy will
cure you nt any etage before epilljfsy
i-i'Hiiiia, ttilli viiMiiiii ('iiiiHiiiiiitiuii and
iiiHiinity. "CallboH," u,h' directly to
the neat of the trouble, uu IliutU-r of
how Jong founding, nud the paUcn:;
levin thn biiullt ol the Hrl day',
tli illiiilil. In lit i ilit.ts the llietlicili
m iiI ftin v. ill iii.iUi t on fil l like u lie w J
ihi Nun Mi. hi I
I'o of leu icveltc the v u,t.ioinhliig i.'iiiiionmU from J
'. iim, ttiio lotto tu l,i-it only lite day
trrittiuviit. Ihiy bate tl,oiiamU of
li, frolii llnwi ttho bt
hvvli i i iii.iiivnilt t'tiriil after hitting
li li litrn up tiy .loi'toiH, lmliu, ttii.1
HHlu-d In l,i.illt .t ,)irvMill.U
i to uu r. iiii.I v hrit I tit In,,! gitru
up tloii hil i..,o .r lii-ullli mi. I lup
piui, o it,itiU ii,ii fill pr-
toil hi li.i ll. v lii 1 4. li .i .l for .U
llloliltll 110 nil itilliiUoioli llutt hi! liud
iit i f th. ,li i.- (..r h I, iili tlm prv
i n ii of "i .thin' i it i in.'
tan rmtiiv 11 it i,i,ii,ll4 MittiHW
i ll ait 11 n 1. N "iii.i, I, ij." ti t imoii ltl.
I'll I., 01, Mol.i to I ,t,ui, It il'
4 III, 4 III ll. IV '.,r( tl" It,ll!l i f
1411 J t , 11 i in 4, ,,( (, , I .l :i 1,1 thl
t. I I 44 l I HI4 ll I' 'III llO "
I 144 l' l.,.ol 4 1.4! ,Ull''l
In 1 14, 1 I-ii,.U t, ,.f , , ( it 11, 1 ten
i. nl 11. till ,rki .( I 11 t on it
1.1 . i., f,.i 11 t,.taiii lii Ut Win
!' Wild uiu l t.oil n l Ins, II U
1,1. MlUMII (Wl (li I Hil-ril4!,f il
Uil el )ur tl lolu I htl tun., fti
ii.i.ivn.i tnf itt Hi , ' lrtiil
WH ten). ! tutt III I Ih liivilu In
Im (liii itd I til tour., ,.-,
lull h II iN .I . ll li'rf
u r Hiivit It tu 1 ti! )ii4 jtt
H. l t.t bl Iht, iit t t Writ-
.in t i t.. Hit: t lnitl, t tt.
?M H, I l S t I. Ulttift. t'l-
AawtkatH jfal Win! t
Udiii -i4rIUt(jift)
fift Vi m
au w
5c Kf
5C (.