The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, June 09, 1898, Image 1

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    7 ' :.
Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated.
NO. 4.
Spanish Fortifications Demol
I ishsdby the American
Iloroic Doed of Lioutonant Ilobson
and His Crow Blocked
the Channel.
Huiiiimnii llnily fur I. soil Forces,
Rantjauo. J)i Cida, Tuesday, Judo 7.
Tlio American II e this morning en
gaged tlio Spanish butteries surround
lug tho entrance of tho harbor of Hauti
ugo de Cuba, and after a tliroo hours'
bombardiiiuiit, silenced all tlio forts, de
stroying all theenrthworks and run (lured
Ustrella and Cayo, tho principal fortifl-
UtiOIIH, UHlileSS.
Tho fleet formed in double column hIx
uiiloH off Morro cnstlo, at 0 o'clock In
tho morning and steamed slowly throe
thousand yartln off Htiore, tho Brooklyn
leading, followed by tho Murblehoud,
Texan and Massachusetts, and turuod
Tho second lino, tho Now York loading,
with tho Now OHouiih, Yanki-o, iowa and
Oregon following, turuod eastward.
Tlio Vixen and Huwanon were out on
tint left Monk, Tho lino, hoadod by the
Now York, attacked tho now oarthworkH
iioar Morro castle. Tho Brooklyn took
up a station opposite tho Kh troll ti and
Catalina batteries and the now earth
works along tho Hhoro.
Tho Spanish butteries romainod silent.
It iM doubtful whether tho Spaniards
were ablo to determine tho character of
tho movement, owing to tho dense fog
and tinuvy rain which woro tho weathor
Huddonly tho Iowa fl rod u hoavy Hholl
which struck the baHu of Kstrolla bat
tory and tore up tho works.
fnHtantly firing began from both Hoar
Adinirul Sampson's nnd Commodore
Schley's columiiM, and a torrent of shells
from'the ships fell upon tho Spanish
Tho Spaniard ' replied promptly, but
thoir artillery work wmm of a very poor
quality and moHt of their shots wont
wide. Mnoke bottled around uio snips
" d"."f,? t;luU r,'ndl,r"l a"1" ""
intr difficult. There was no maneuvering
of tho fleet, tho ships remaining at their
original stations and firing steadily.
Previous to tho bombardment orders
woro issued to prevent firing on Morro
castle, as the American admiral had
been informed that Lieutenant llobson
and tho other prisoners of tho Morriinae
are confined there. In spite of this, how
ever, several stray shots damaged Mor
ro soinowhut.
Tho Brooklyn closed to MOO yards and
then tho doHtruction cuused by her guns
nnd those of the Marblououd and Texas
was really awful. Ia a few minutes tho
wood work of Kstrella fort was burning
and tho bat tery wrs silenced, firing no
more during tho engagement. Kastward
the New York and New Orleans silenced
tho Cnyo battery in quick order and
then shollod the earthworks higher up.
Later the practice was not so accur
ate, owing to tho elevation of the (runs.
Many of the shells, however, lauded and
theSpuuixh guauers retired.
Shortly after 9 the firing ceased, tho
warships turning in order to permit tho
use of tho port battories. The firing
theu lieeaiiiH u long reverberating crah
of thunder and the shells raked the Spau
ish batteries with terrible effect, l ire
broke out in Cutalino fort and silenced
the Spaninh guns.
The tiring ol the ft. et continued until
10 o't 'iM'k, wbeu the Spaninh tire noosed
entirely, uud Admiral Siniipnun hointvd
tllrt "C0U flHlig" Hlglllll.
tltuierally the lire of the lleet was very
destructive. Many of the earthworks
er kiusked to pie- and the Ltitrella
and Ciileliui fortillcatiou were so diim
atfitl that it i iiuentioiiabU whtliir
they will ever be utile te rnuew auy of
(eniv work during ths war.
Alter tho llwt rtirvd ths Spaulnrds
iMtiirned to some other guus and siit
ttlv nln'IU alior lh ll t, but no one
was ItijiiWHl.
Ous larg bell (ell t'liMM to the collier
rUrouuliout ths en I ire euKSgetucut u
Atneiicait uliip was hit mid no Aiiu-ru u
A wouiidotl
It the SpAttlitrd Ktuek l'i thwtr g4us,
ad ell wi.Ub' m In ths eoutrary,
1 lu il U jtieuvjr.
itihmi h t sets in H ke.
in the nioreiu of l'ri..v Juu .1
iibim 1 1 ia. in tlis 1 ollwr siuAiuwr Mr
riUIW, IiihUiukI l' I ley I. us ht IIi.Ihuiu,
lo tk w irro mlitiii.K 1 4 hauli.tso
end susk le lk i hssusi tt r. nt
lh sk id ids Svm.uh it um.I. r
rtr ul sI.ium Tb .iiiHir U vtiui
!(, I ,ll.ii. I hI t, rue mta ths k.r (
Wt ee4 Iftwl ( sua t j aw si ! , hiw mi .m tteuls. k.w the usr
t,.w . umi. tut II Is ksow tUl II Mri id D.e liisl is .U
4hWlv Jesd b A leoreJ hmui th pal ki t Mia kwrd epoH, st.ip tits
o ud lUt ivrjUii.rf ol (! e pi,4 u 4rj, k mu kof, us. Ihs t
iwti.i4 trow tt.e i im I U lore eke , ..kM u,,.. lu. b oft Us loriMI.M st. 1
lid on W dMwrle tuiesitm. lUr
, ise ttt.M In es. la ih! Ihi j
4 1 Iwf tin lee Si' vt slaliutllke ttiip t.e j
.. . I .. I .i, .. .i. ... I il. !
vr.( ljrl t k srsfe(erde. "Is
ti k i 1 1 tVe .UIU n.Mlsklurf
Uif Ublf eolt ksoew Hslit U
t r t r iw m tx- ksmvd lllstiw
pis wl tul it le n i ll ikwt Ike U
wiiUMssliel nil kee-' 4 est lt
the HpaniHh fleet Is cut off. Tho Merri
mac waH purchased by the gOTornmont
from the Lone Star Steamship company.
i'lie tranHfor was made at llaltimore
oarly In April. It wan formerly the Nor
wogian steamer Solvelg and wan nearly
doHtroyod by fire at Newport New, In
louu. It wan built at Newcastle, I'.ng
land, in 1HU1. wan 330 feet long, forty-
four foot boatn and had a net resistor of
2,103 tons. The Merrimao loft Norfolk,
wuerelt wan flttod for government pur
poses, about a month airo.
I'obt Antonio, Jamaica, June a. A
inglo doed of maicnifldont American
daring ban lont to the kingdom of Hpalo
tho powerful fleet of Admiral Uorvera,
Just bororedawn today seveu gallant
mm men took the collier Merrtmac under
tho blazlns Morro batteries and anchored
and mink ber beneath a spiteful Are of
rnuHkotry and heavy cannonading from
the ehore and the wrcckod bull of the
sunken vessel effectually closes the en
trance to tho harbor within which tho
Spanish squadron is helplessly and hope
losslv locked.
This splendid stroke, wlilcli loaves the
Kovernmnnt at Washington free to act
without further fear of the Mpanlsu noot.
was planned by Lieutenant Richmond
P. Jfobson. who commnndod the expo
dition. Ho is a naval constructor, at
tached to Annapolis and bis borne is In
Brooklyn. With bim went Daniel Mon
tague, George Charette. J. H. Murphy
Oscar Doltrnnn. John P. Phillips ant
John Kelly, all noncommissioned officers
orenliHted men.
A steam launch from tho flagship New
York, commanded by Cadet J. VV. Powell
followed tho Merrimao to the mouth of
the harbor, nnd despite the Are from the
forts cruised In the vicinity for an hour
and a half after the coillnr was sunk, but
no sltrn of tho bravo Americans was
seen and Cadet Powell was finally com
pelled to rejoin the flagship.
Substantial promotion is in store for
tho gallant inon who took the Merrimao
In, according to the statement of one of
the officials competent to speak on this
subject, and to pledge tho navy depart
ment. lion iney gui ((in, m uiiur npwi-
sh prisons thoy will profit by this In the
hIimjmj of advance in numbers and in
rating, which means money, now soon
that will be. cannot be told at present.
Tho department, so far us is known, uow
holds no ispanmn prisoners oi war oi
rank. Colonel Cortijo and the Spanish
surgeon, who was captured with him,
having boon surrendered in exchange lor
a couple of newspaper men, there now
remain of prisoners of war only two or
three private soldiers at tort aicrnerson,
and It cannot lie expected that these can
be exchanged lor tho American ouioers
who were on the Morrimoe. 1 ho cap
tives. therefore, are likely to remain
prisoners in Hantiago until the place
Miirrondors or Sampson manages to ca-
tare some Spanish ofllcers of erpial rank
and enlisted men to the same number
us tho Merrimuc's little crew.
All tho members of tho Morrlmac expe
ditions aro safe. Only two of them were
slightly injured and their namos aro not
known. Lieutenant liobson was not
hurt. All of tho Merriniae's men are
held as prisoners of war. Tho news of
their wonderful escapo was sont to Hoar
Admiral Cervera, the Spanish admiral
being so struck with tho courage of tho
Merrinmc's crow that be thought
Admiral Sampson should know thoy bad
not lost their lives.
Admiral Cervora's chief of staff, Cap
tain Oviodo, boarded tho New York un
der a flag of truce bearing tho announce
ment of tho safety of Wie Merri mac's men
and returning with a supply of provis
ions and money for tho prisoners.
Ono of the reasons that form tho basis
of tboconvictiou that the Morruuao was
purposely sunk in the channel is the fact
that the ship was of little villus an a
naval veseol. It had broken down In its
machinery and was kept at work only
with diff unity. Some of Crunks letters
are at once laughable and pathetic iu
their recital of the trials and tribula
tions the young officer suffered (he Is
atiout -'f years old) In his efforts to
make the muchiuor.v work at all. This
was just tho kind of craft that would I
selected to block up the chnilliel. It is
of Iron atld therefore not likely to be
easily removed by the Siiuuiurds, Thou
it was empty ami so ol no lurtlmr nn
inedlate value, to the lleel.
tut: not or a nuiiMi ih.
Stimui) tK Cl IU, June 4 While the
tilKht men who preformed the t of br-
nlKlll miller tlielhlllllllMIld ol I.lslltellHIlt
llobson, iu sinking th Mjgltuue across
the channel leudni litlit tfF burbor huu
tiago dt Cuba, still reiuaiu prisoners ol
war iu the hpanish prisou, and until
their vvrliMimuiit, nothing dettiille will
probably be known as lo whst iuluiilir
oeeurvd utter the Merriuise pssmh into
ths i Imuiiyl. on t ail judgs what del lu
tu trolii what l.U'Utfiinut HhImmii ni I
list U tore leiivliirf tln Itag slilp,
lull' ' in 1-n.n.n ivi.
Niltlllrf Itt tils v.itilH, liU l flM-d
Willi 11)0 t utulS SUII, his lt.Mh;i,
with tuitiMviit, Iih r'iiiuis.
"I sliwil " !! lulo I h l4i.or, unlil
nl. ... 1 1 tHt l'l tU- f.irw." t' t'
l.-H , tll. Il Is IhI1UI VI.Hif.i t'Msllu. I it. i
iuot tlowk thvy ism sius in- Isforol
rw k si i in- w iin that iumt. M
.rii.isul. 7,1'iMt lousloieeitr end 1 1
,ll - tt ,. mu,
uvi. M-fiimey eie k Ijnee- wtkewrl t
k)!HIIIu( uwk m M Ufmed esh .
y.,,,14-u Ion. 1 l.rrs sn l.u ,uk i
. . . . . . I
M iW Ike Uttins e ofl si ts.
, trf mtM kuf B,.U eewiesl Iks
i LuUka, U wed sH't. .
Utllnek otkr b wile in.t. Ibe
I ..,, --.-, -. -
I (t tiat ee uk I kflk te.
The Umtod States Bonate Votes
$300,000,000 of Bonds Upon
Common Feoplo'e Tea Can Fay Tax
But the Corporations
A Chapter of infamy.
When tho senate of tlio United States
lest week refused to levy tuxes- upon
the corporations of the country tut
means to curry on the present war, It
was plain t hat the cause of the com
mon people wis lost In congress.
This week the infamy was complct
fd. The same senate which refused to
levy a tax of ona-quartcr of one per
cent upon Die, earnings or corpora
tions laid a tax of ten cents tier pound
tiiHM the tea that goes upon the farm-
... 1 1, ,,.1,1.. 'I I... ,.,... i.e..
il umi jui171 n t.i-ii-.( bi,i..; tig,
gregatlon of staU'ineiits timt denial
the Issue of 150,000,00(1 logal tender
t'timuey t curry on tho war cheer
fully voted twice that amount of
IkiiiiU for tlie benefit and at the spec
ial rerpiest of the same corporate inter
ests which had been excused from puy
lug a little fax of one-quarter of one
per cent toward war expenses.
There may be darker chapters In the
infamy of the American congress
there was a time when an overwhelm
ing mnlorlty of lslh bouse and senate
denied the right of petition Uton the
subject of slavery to citizens or the
I'nited States- there was another time
when the fugitive slave act was passed
- and still another when the contract
with the bondholder was changed in
r i i '
The eatrauoe to Santiago harbor is m narrow ud sinuous as a woodland
k and il ktiDtsMtsl to be mitiAd Prom thu ititrjm .i to tint lnta1 rif (.kit I.hv
cd le sitnaUxL la about six
nt tM iWw the depth in fathoms.
lii mini long uIUt the loan hud ts-en
made vet it may U) doubted whether
when the record Is made up a darker
slain on the American congress run
)c found tli. in its refusal to tax cor
Hiiaiiniis for llulr ii(.'Mfiil hhare of
I In iiioui-j heeiled li carry on war,
.lll.l U lute to ilie ImiiiiU for I lit'
in liellt nf the Maine corporation.
I!lcl Aliierielia Vntif should keep J
I'eeoiil of (lie lule on llier u..j...,
liolm, lleie U line on the propo.l I imi
In strike out the piiriiraph for iu
inif AMi,issi,isiu of erei-iiliicks and to
ulmtitllte one f'ir liMillg I toO.OiMI.Oiiit
of ImiIiiU.
.a. ldllell, AIIUuii, linker. H'U
rows, CitTipi, t .nl. r, I him. Her. I Ink,
.in.. iii., ii. rikiit", imi
ImiiWh, r.iulLiii v, I'mMki't, I'n.', ti ll
Iihki r, tit nr, too in. hi, lira) , Idle, II. m
i. i. Ilitiiatironk'li, II Jit hi, Hoar, K 1
I l.i.l. il,
, Melti idt-e, .1,
M.UI.. II, M .ntll. Mnri-lii. N I
-oi, IVtklln, I'Uii it .Mill ), i l HI ( S.
1 "lewi ll. Si,iiii, SH,ii. r, Warrni,
W.iini.iv, WiNoii, W..I. I.
Ml I lie ill.. .ii- in ti'tll i . t 'l
-. i. ii .i I itti o , 1 1 . i in. ui, l,i ti , I.i I.
n lu ll in t Vl uptiv, id nt'x'i i' ..
I., I i, i, ii.. K I le, ....nh.l
.l lllfii, ll.iiuii, Hile, Hi ill,
I. . I. I I lllllOl, I I, id Ml, (III, ... I,
" " ' ' Mints, tlnlM.!, .
I I'M. I O. Vii I. M. I mi , M
l,iii.1( Mtiilli, M.itli.i i , i, vim
l, l'i,-,., f, Ul.-1 I'. II. I. Iltrtll,,.,
Ii I. lill, Ittl.l, toilet, I HI
n . l Itlte II
ltl Ii4t 11 l-os AIU'U, li!l
It or ll.Hil. II sih .iii,h ate , ..
titltl. lion I s ill' H, M.lllllv. I'll
' su l 111 t 4'i Ii . ll-l- .tn ati I
Si(, ll.H l I 'll' 11 ( l 41 t lit So I
tl I, IH4V H.ll I... i l,.,,. n g. lute
l 11 til ilte en il. la ,e Mi.
till lilt I.i IMU l Sil- ileiiMKi .l
Ii mil Is pi Ii el ii'lt ixtii'. hi
.-i.iMk 4i. tint ii, ulir hi loll
t all it.i on lite tote liii(i tol dnwii
tlio lax on corporations did Senator
loli ii M, Thurston cost a vote. What
ever may bo the motive there is lit
tle doubt that bis dodu-ing was inten
tioiml for lie 1ms been n Washington
ell the lima and voted "oye" on the
proposition to coin the solgnorsge sil
ter which was taken on the same day
us the vote on the bond question.
Along with the bonds the senate
voted to coin the selguonige silver
or rather l,000,ooo of it at tho rate
of ft. 000.000 per month. This was an
amendment proiiosed by Senator Wol
cott of Colorado, Tlio objoet of it was
of course to enable western republ
cans who had voted against tho cor
porn t Ion tax and for the Ismd issue
to throw out a sop in the way of "si I
ver legislation" for their constituents
1 lie following is the Woleott amend
iiient In full;
"The secretary of tlio treasury will
immediately cause to lie coined as fast
us possible, into standard dollars, an
amount or not less than 4,ouu,ouo pe
month, which shall Ihi of JIM weight
and Oneness and like legal tendt
duality as those provided for undi
existing law, all the silver bullion now
held in the treasury.
"That the secretary of tho Ireas
urv Is authorized and directed to Is
sue as said silver Is coined silver rer
Unvotes of similar design and deuom
imilions and of the same quality, pay
able and redeemable In like mauiier
us those authorized by law to the
amount of the gain or seigniorage
rallied from the purchase of silver but
lion bv the treasury by the act of
July M, in'ji, uniH the sum of ti'.!,HX),
000 shall have Is-en issued.
"That all sold money shall t coined
included amounts of gains or selg
iiionigo shall be used lsth for the re
demption of treasury notes heretofore
issued by, and value of the net of July
II, js'jo, and for the redemption or mo
cerUlleotes Issued under this act,"
The vote by which It wo adopted:
Yeas 4S,
Allen, liiieou, Hate, Merry, lintler,
Cannon,, Carter, Chandler, Chilton,
lark, Coekrell, Daniel, Faulkner,
milue, affording a spacious anvboruKo
Jones (Ark,), .lones (Nev,), Kyle,
l.inilxav, MeKm-ry, Mcl.aurlu. Mal
lory, Mantle, Mart in, Mills. Mitchell,
Moiiey, Store ii n, I'aseo, I'erkln.s, Pel
tiyreiv, I'eltus, i'rllehnril. IdlivlitiM,
Itoat h, Shoup, Sicii art, Teller, Tli n rs
t'llt, 'I 1 1 1 in nsi . Tin lev, Turpie, X'est,
Will ten. While, Woieolt,
Alilriih, Allixon, llaker, Iturrow,
talfetv, (, H.iiU, lleli'ie, I'.iii
lainks, roruker, t' illltifer, (iisr,
I .. ii in, in, Hale, II inn. i. Hum let , Hoar,
l-odtfe, Melti l.le, Me M lll.lli, Mason,
Mo, till, Murphv, Nelmin, I'lall
t .in ii , I'latl ( V , 'rMMtr, Hew
it, hsioiier, Wrtiniire,
I lioiijfli ii I lien n and deiiiiMt at e
t. ii, lint iliitii'ei) llielr vnlns fnmi the
! .i ili..n .i . lo i m i l Itll fi .il.ii.
( Hie I.tll,
seo.itul' ll o ulTeieil sn Hiiieiidiiu nt
.i .it lilinif Unit n..i.e of ie l-iii.U t
mil limit. r III.' pioilsloiis o Ho- bill
UninM Is t is.-. I m l.iis of n.ii l .n.t I
I. iiiU i it. ui il inn I his H is l'e)eeleit
r io u
Hi tin ii .ilt. ii . I an. ill. er s,iitf inltiiriit
-i..i .,ntf lli.U l.eie.ifi.r I lie ..eiiltii
l.( Hll' Ill Ullll k,M. I, n Ml. ,
tl. itllt In liue l.i..U rii'i .l tli. Me ilti
' ll t't Mils Mil (Ills ,i
...I.. I
v lial.. Site. i II.. .i nlleitwl .iii.ati. I
ii i. it ii, Inn 1. 1 l ii-1 1 in 1 1 1, ,( tl.a ,. i.l.iii
i I I l.e lit el lo plis i I'd I t i .!li i I
lie hi.-fito- M i .Itli luj I lie I dt tlie
i of I'l'i IL h i I.. I
-' i 4 1 itlhi r nine ii.tineut pr'(S'S .t
i't t- H ili. ll 'ii lout tile s tme (slv.
t ll..tllt ie ..rf.ll.l ll eiltt lldateltl pr.t
lliti lli il I ti UitnU stemKl t pal
Me I. ilf hi k.. su l lull' In r
ni.l I lull Hie Int. rt siombt I I. I
il In. m Ih lev lo tit iKf vfltl. I to
t It ! .11 lit' 1 4 l I. t i.tli nf !
lit i' I, 'Mil h,. , t, M, n of Ne.e
it, i ! 'Hi Li plot II lliettt Wi 4 it in
i untinn 4 tit i iiiii 'ei 2 j
War Will Have a Tendency to Edu
cate the Feoplo on tho
Money Question.
Moro Than 70 For Cent of The Sol
dleri are Advocate of
DlmotallUm. '
Olijseted to the llrlllsli
I'miplee I'rsss llsrssu, SI, !uls, Mu Ju I.
Hon, I). 0, Jones, lata populist can
didate for governor la Missouri and
now one of the curators of the state
university, ciTatod quite a ripple of
excitement at the commencement of
that Institution recently by demand
ing that a Jiritish Hug, which woe a
conspicuous feature of the slae deco
rations, should be removed. Many
people condemn Jude Jones for ob
jecting to this demonstration at a
Ulna when it is the style to profuse
the greatest good fellowship with
Mniland, As a conscientious popu
list he is acquitted of all blame. The
flag was removed silently and jirompt-
'Die Kansas miners have scored an
other triumph in the higher court,
confirming the decision of the low.
er, lu declaring tin: script ami screen
laws interpreted and acted wpoa by
tho mine owners to oe uninsUtuuon
ui. Much credit is duo those state of
flclals who have so vigorously prose
cuted these cases,
The war with Hoain Is teaclilng the
people many lessons, snowing tlie ao
vantages of "paternalism" and unless
they are wilfully Idiim tney may in
future refuse to be scared by that
hoary bugaboo, Urn Jo Ham has found
It fiecessnry V) innit ami control tne
transmission of r news, such news
being transmitted entirely by te.le-
trraoh. This step will naturally lead
to iroverumeiit ownership of such
lines. I lie owners or sihim suiuitue
nnl available for f ransoorting the
United Htates t.rooria to tlie various
scenes Of action, ueneving inni iney
?ould ffirce the government to pay
set a most exorbitant price on the t se
of their vessels. Tney were promptly
notified that Uncle Ham did not intend
to accede to their unreasonable de
mands and in ense they refused to
come to terms tneir snips would m
taken isissesslou of and a reasonable
fee paid for their use. The French
able line which had delivered a mes-
sngo at tlie war department ft iter
what seemed to all concerned a most
unreasonable delay, was notified that
if an acceptable explanation was not
forthcoming within twenty-four honrs
the franchise granted the said cable
oinpnnv would be revoked and they
would lie debarred in future from
trnnsaeting business in this country.
This is a very startling step in view
of the many supreme court decisions
ns to the sincerity of franchises. If
this war Is going to set aside any of
the decisions of our hlirhesfc courts it
will Indeed lie revolutionary.
I he disgraceful delay In furnishing
supplies for the soldiers is openly as-
fl 1 . . 1 J . A 11 . I I ... . . ...
11 neu to I lie niri Mini an DYei imirnv
ontracts are Is-ing given out to those
men wliose names stood opposite
handsome sums on the financial sheet
of Mark llnima during the last cam
tireiit concern Is Heing leir among
the silver men because a (Mill of the
recent ly enlisted troops from the west
nnd south develop the fact that more
than 70 per cent of tint men recently
sent to the field are supporters of the
white metal. Iowa with her 70,000 re
piiblli'iiu majority bits been one of
the slowest to supply her fpiota of
Republican Illinois, bus so arranged
her llt of officers that the nddltlonal
expense to the I'nited Stfltes yovorn
ineiil. unless the number of well paid
phii'fs Is greatly rrdileed. will eiceed
JH.iMMt more ihsn Is necessary, or
insi.itnary in military HfTnlrs. Hove
rtmr Tinnier hss not stinted himself
In spsilnllng favorites to odlelsl jm
klllons with fat sslsrles attached.
Seinitor Stew ni t of Nevada on May
iiiinle a speech favoring the coin
li ye of silver to su Iv money for war Unit fairly lir!tled willi mi
iiiiswi lelile ar'iiiiienl end convincing
f I. Is
pit U" I'.l llid sees III the Wr i lotld
n ihrr llnlutf fer the fuluie He lie
lit vrs that the wopl Will be (slitcaU
id on the sublet t of finance bv wsteh
Int. th" msii'ier of falsing nioney for
I l.e war s no mo. nint o( tiio.piil!hliif
int Mlllllirf of Isuiks could b
j I tie i.ose. lilt mi em poisliotis
nas tlefealed In the Ionise lal week
I t n Uitfe liiiijonlv, ' t'ne.iiislifutlon. ir Wtdioll of Ititrriiitloiial hi
oieUlllon faliie. f.ieiitlv bed lo
l. nl ellaik of the ll i'. ell h rWr
of the sel.sle I .snilr, ot'f wliel lie
lei on il Ibe "liuriibat k rr4e," He ef
if !' I llin inosl Jsilsjlmnl tflbf Hist
linn wl.i should lutl "Ui spnbt"
tlit.tiM iHil slln ll.eui.tflirs with
n it vnt'i tons a d w lrtne s itnM dt HI
side linOn t
Ht intl r Atlrii enlti-d lh Wolid.
er ! shnltsiloit of sll n n uiilrv
i t iiti'siiittf Uiiverimr llol.tonli nt
I 1 kU Sort .l Sit nfWCfr's
H .n in the Millt'U. He epies. a
Inf Hi! met It alone li.iull win l
It ris't Islhr Ihsn hfrtit lVi
t'thr inf slap ("f e't tl the
"sons of fathers" recently promoted
to exalted military positions when
they are grossly ignorant of the rudi
ments of military tactics.
it is now definitely known that W.
J. Jiryau was among the first who of
fered their services to President Mo
Kinley, when the present war began.
So response has yet been received by,
Mr. lirvan and his efforts to identify
himself with tlie militia from hie own
state have been somewhat hampered.
It is, however, about definitely settled
that he will go as a colonel with a
Nebraska company that will be sent
to Manila. If not he will probably
accept tlie colonelcy of a Missouri
regiment offered him by Governor
fcitcoherm, A , IL
Evidences are , accumulating that
Hpalu is ready to sue for peace if eh
can get some power to act for her with, ,
the United Htutes.
JJistlngulshed German military cu
thorlties declare it an act of folly to '
scud an army of invasion Into Cuba
at this time. The- say autum is the
season of the year in which to vend
ujiiu.cllmat.ed men. to the Islands,
Complete instruct'ms for the pre
servation of the health of the Ameri
can soldiers who will invade Cuba
have been prepared by the surgeon of
the Fifth army corps.
The ripanish spies are to be expelled
from Canada by tlie authorities of
that country, now that positive proof
is at hand to make a case against
Madrid has received a dispatch from
Havana that a (Spanish gunboat and
a steamship with 800 head of cattle
have arrived there.
bitty-four Invalided men from war
ships operating in the blockade of Cu
lm, some suffering from wounds and
others from disease, were conveyed to
New Vork by the ambulance ship So
lace and sent to the marine hospital.
Constructor Jfobson'e bravery has
put Admiral Hampson in a position
where he con awolt the arrival of u '
invading army. Troops are concen
trating at Tampa as fast ss they can
reach that city. Jt Is estimated that
nearly 35,000 volunteers and regular
win o poured into Cuba io take Ban
tlngo from the rear, while Bamnson
attends to the armaria.
The government has taken posses
sion of tlie Chlckaruauga park hotel
as a hospital for the troops at camp
Captain Charles Vernon Grldler.
formerly commander ft th ertilser
Olympla, Admiral Dewey's flagship,
died at sea nenr Kocbe, Japan, as a
direct result of a wound received at
fhe battle of Manila,
Victories by I'hlllpplnf Insurgents,
Admiral Dewey reports that flft r Knn.
Ish officers and I, HI Hi Kpnnlsh soldiers
have bum Icapturod bv the I'hillniilne
insurgent in several victorious battles
near Cavite. Tlie admiral also sends
word that he is preparing the captured
arsenal at Cavite for occupation by the
United Htutes troops on the way to
Manila liay.JITlie navr department do-.
dined to give out the cable messaee. hot
furnished the following statement of a
part of Its contents;
"Admiral Dewey reports that the In
surgents have been actlvelv eniraired
within theirovine of Cavite during the
lost week. They have won several ylc
tories, taken prisoners 'about 1.800 men
and fifty officers of the Hpanish troops,
not natives. The arsenal of Cavite has
Issm prepared for occupation bv United
State troops on the arrival of trans
The Third lteKlniem.
W. J. Hryun and Vktor Vifouain were.
ou last Saturday, appointed colonel and
lieutenant colonel, reflectively, of the
Third regiment, Nebraska National
Guards. lr. S. 1). Mercer, of Omaha.
mus appointed- regimental surgeon with
the rank of major. These appointment
were made by Governor llolcorub as
soon as it was definitely settled that the
Third Nebraska regimeut was to be ne
eepted by the war depart men t. The
mobllidttiou of the riKliuelit will prob
sbly not U ordered until uniforms and
equipments are ready, and no one
knows yet when that will be. There is
a probability that the Third will Imi
ordered to lollow the First to the I'hil.
I'eutpeslvs Nssrl 'tt,
John Ii. Iirosn, captain ol company
G, Third regluwul, henihpisrU'rs at I, has received ilislruetiolis to
enroll ltnj men and to bave the uteu la
simp iu move on short uotive, lis
has rsirted to Govereor lluleumh thai
he has enrolled inea and has an et
iralist ! abinit thirty from whk h to
el- t nisti to take the places (l( thou
sho do not ( ass the diyleal imtiitia.
tlon, He hoe forty hh-ii from 1'iion
eouety, U.irlv-lso Iroiit Wat se tHiuly,
Slue trout I'hnu rtiuntr, til leva Iroiit
linrl louaty, four trnui liaknia rounty
and sit Irom ImUr rouuty, , irHe
j,iii-nrtiou nt Ih prot isiointl men are
froiii t edsr eouniy, ,Nn ttpplumlioiis
hate ivitte fi mil tkursloit eouitty, tf
ii. imi intii ,j Mrs um isini-sil al
tt nVn,. nu t are drilling three tnntw a
d.ty. tHptrtia liiosa temrt ids.! k
ish ke tli eouipsar asswmhi, u
lour sours' notk uiilew iks onk r rvinise
Iii- al mskl,
H l iitiHtla rtiinpny m 110 t
eartilteil, Mng noult asd 1,1 .(,ttr, H
iomi eoiue are dro j.. . ttiiure o pes
Ike nsuonsliOs, Twn riHiptitl el
ituishe d nes I'lallsutuma ate r
porl. lull lo ttrvitoiitti. ti t-i oil
jitssto.ii Iroat Ike loiupshk at llUlf,
n."ii l vwt. )S (ISIS ttf tt r4
etilltiNtMi t tsliss k. likl NtelH
ber silk lh (roams id Sisiif none
If iiat Mmd ss-l mksr tnees, k
Miroiutburii ii I reiantai rwitpsks.