The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, June 02, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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    V t
June 2, 1898.
v s4
M 7 it-
' Tba peat week hat fcaari warm Mid wt
Willi mi Wmn tha tiurnial attiuuiit of
Th avarice dully tempera'ure '
raued from 4 Oefrree In Ilia e'utheei-i-b
portion ta I derrree in tha ti'rn.
(The tnaalmum tempera! urea nMily
raxf from IZ drra to 7 dutraea, m;1
tha Minimum from 40 Jifa tu ill da-
Tba ralnall waa riarlly above nor
mal, tioapt lir a few oeniral cimnlliw,
Where tha (otaJ weekly amount w l
lhAU a quarter of an Inch, The rnJnnU
eiceeaM an Inch In it lam portion of
lh elate, nd n'wJ(l two Incline In aev
ertl email areae,
Tba peet week tint bcfti favorahla for
Ilia (rnwOi of amall rtri ajut ra, mil
aomewhat lee favorable fr corn, liy
la crir.J)y headed out and I In b 1 00 in
in eoutbern ooiiiitlna; winter wheat It
iieadlnn out; both have thick i m nd and
ttave mud a very rank grow th. In u few
caeea, wlnlr whefct ta h'tlnnlng t'i lodge
In amitheaafern eounflee Maedowe and
paaturaa, Including tba rauirea In tha
Weeiarn countlaa, a 11 in eaeeptloruuly
food otidtlton. afuet of ilia corn la
planted, but In nearly nil euutitiee a (
fialdi are yet unplantad, The early,
planted corn la cumin up, with a fill
t good alaad, And cultivation baa eum
meered, Tba heavy ahwera of lb wwk
weahd out aoma corn, and rplutlif
WIU ta neceinary,
fy.', laatbeaelern teuton
' Butler spring wbiMt and nam tmiklntf
rjd growth and dangar of damage by
k"Uln; rya heading; aoma corn up aid
)aai rail wheat U heading out at
eighteen Inrboa to two f-l Ulgli, tba corn
that la up la air aland.
Clay-Rya !! ml; whaaf beginning la
im4, corn haa ootaa up and ganarally a
gtiod aland; aata and paaturaa mni.
Uluuira -Wliat beginning ta had and
lodging In plaoi; oorn la growing fill,
loo wet to vultivata; aotna corn wuahud
Om0(i and wbaat In good cnndl
II on; oorn planld and ciimlng up nlcnly,
loo wat far cultivating corn,
llajnllton Wbtat julntltig; oorn doing
wall; earn planting roturded by wrt
waathar; uiaU (rain and gardrna nnrJ
laut, JarTaraon TWiaat headln and prnprt
la for laga crop; oata doing wHI; orn
luoatly plan tad; aouia corn waahrd out
by hvy rain.
Johaapn Waaa.l tiaadliig, a"in blown
dowa; rya In full bUm; corn coining up
ajid If t road aland; aoma potato bug
LnoMtar6roall grain dfiln well; rorn
plntd, but aoma CaJda not up; corn l
no I earning wall.
KamaiMWinlar whant moat Ino rtink
and It Jodflnf aoma on low ground,
oorn to plant; fruit proapt'da fce?m,
Nuckolla Rain haa lntarfrd wltli
farm work; aoma corn, waubcl 01 1; niuv.
torn alill to plant; graaa a.;id graJn grow
ing wall.-
Otoa-ViTioat and oata atcllanl; enrn
bout all planttd, murh up and good
land; aoma corn oullivtd tba flrit
PawnaaOooa' wnk for amall grain
aoma oorn to plant; aorna corn waatiad
out by rain, making raplanttng tmr
ary, ,
folk Small grain making vary rank
growth, aoma ailing down; atand vt oorn
ganarally good; corn flalaa galling vary
Rlchardann Whaat and oat growing
vary rank; torn field of whrat lodging
omawbat; corn not ail plantad, aoitir
rapianMng ncaaaary,
HaHna Winter whfat hmdlng, oaia and
taring whaat a foot high and growing
faal; early corn up and a good aland
Saundtra-Rya and fall wbi'at heading
cnaldvra.b!" crn waatind out uy Iwivy
tuiM :iiop tnui'lKj tiuina 'uirj
promlaa good crop,
flaward-Kami work rotardfd by wol
wrfhnr; all VcifcUtU-n muklnw 14 vary
rank growth, mm a fair aland.
Tlmyar Itya hitded, fall what rwBd
Ing, imall grain vary rank growth: mr
rorn damagrd by heavy tain, ibarrira
(Mtk, turning rad. g
TorkWhaat. oata and fZty rnnk
and fr fruni wad, nm plantrd, innii'
corn up and cuUI4trJ, corn gniviully
harthraaiara Mrrllua
Antalop. Oata and wht ihilng Wrll,
Oorn planting Hourly flnUhail
Uo) 4'orti aom'.ng up wall, amill grnln
growing racalVntljr
Burt-Wheat and oata grnwlng mt
rank, rye hradd out, aprlng wheat j..ini
lug corn about all planted. e-u up ami
aland eitailtt.t, Q
t'adar-Kinall grain tit aenatlally g.ioil
emadlUuii, orn nearly all plaiitrj, euiiu
rorn up and looking well.
viral eimail gram iooka weu, n.rn U4
and eotne cultivated,
("untlng Whrat, aata, and gra doing
wan. e.'u tu weay fain, aatii corn
had t" he ti Un d a a.xaa rn rulllvaial
I'ikuia -Mat tow wat !r wiiaat; lu.i
rutd for irn
inton vlut eata and f'un going
wU, iiit ai.e4'ialt wl,
torn nmkiir a'l I'latiled
Iadga eVxte winter wheat leitgina
aiaail giain and Wt grwwlng ln, eu
tia weady. 1e wet far ruiiikatuoi
laugiaa wl gialo frow'i.g tj f.t
orn eaily . iwatilad. niu li k-m it u
and geud atand and euU.r.
Iealt' ei wet waaa, Uw grutiid un ler
tier part et tiiaa, aH cuMtm y nite
ly and bM.ig tuittte
Kaal gal grata and tm
fait t m a rnvaily all aiawle4 aad m n
aa ana dige Ik vet ki tun
alad tvM' AH aell g'tia aeti
ttt iawl I twin u and at euetlewt
flatta II grata wa lank 'a
tea " u wail, iHe a time Ue
aeugh U Mltl Mrta helda e4
- ft ia ttvw and paM a
j tt, a eat waeal la aait 1
a gawd u4 hl wht4 la4li !
ataataagma)! grata aku.g
gtaath, a"t at ait alaad tad
iel. ai' la awa r a !
taa4 t kir
1kiie e afH ' well leu
(eea W aata la e daia4 a4
W4 at readr la a eMW
V aiea w keal 4ig U. al ait I
waii W a,.a
f4aa f k ttd4 l aik
at eg wa
. let! araia ini ra, ea
e.i ag aw .tf
t a n ami ! a d'ig agi
aa au'a la ke a.'aete4
f 'Ht e' a a
Uw4 aai'a aaatiy t r
twa aed mIi U f ide.-e
a'a- Met aa. t !
uitiiii tit 1 n( aaaat axtug tatea
a i f, m a-i'i, 1 flawed
1.1 a ett aat aaiia , em.
a.klKg a I
t ai wd kit t4 H
Ing; oorn planted and ouming up rin-aiyi
graaa ahundant; prcapecla for fruit good.
LoupOatt, wliral ana graea una; ewne
corn waabnd out.
ldarr!ckorii haa up wan, nui ia
getting weedy; priet for a hay nroji,
Nanca-MmaJl grain rom wn, n
akeut all planted.
barman Small grmn Kmging wen, uin
will aoun ned rain; torn coming up vary
Vallay-amall (train doing wan; corn
00 a ting up nicely.
Wlieelai-JrBe anil email grain grow-
Ing finely; oorn aixul all piemen aim
coming up nloaly; paaturra good; caltii
doing waU,
goalberrelrrii ecllan .'
Adatni-C'orn coming
up ami
Hand; pajtturea good.
Chaaa-flaiaii grain noing
ootijng up; alfalfa raady to cut,
landyiraa on range excellent;
falfa maklug lilg growth.
rranklln'om uianling druwltig to a
cloae; aoma alfalfa being out,
Frontier- All imall grain In eireiiern
condition; corn coining up alowly,
rurnaa-Winter wheal heeding init: al
falfa good and nearly ready lo cul; grain
vary tlUik on the giound, coru cojiiIhk
farlan- Wheat growing ' rapidly, hul
corn rather alow, airaira a neavy crop
and about ready lo nil; rya iieeoen out,
Ifayae-orn coming aiowiy, grain,
graaa, and weed doing nnaiy.
Hltinico' noon mii ror ainau grauij
father ixiul for corn,
Krny" AlfaJfa moat fetigy fa ntti
winlar wheat heading, mm "ni yet id
plant; wnrn corn up and looking wen,
I'arkJnaJad growuig week, wllh
planiy of intilalur,
Bad Willow-A illlle loo wet for llvl-
Ing norn,
W abater-Wat week; enrn about all
lilanted and moat of It up,
ad Narlbwaalarn
Hanner -Torn atout
all lilanted
aoma coming up,
itrown-maH grain doing wli; corn
aJ.ut planted; paalurea fine,
Charry-'orn aiwut an tieiiiri and
moat of It owning tip; grnaa on raiii
Una and etoc-k doing welt,
l)aualltv headtng U , wheat doing
rJoelyi oorn all ttliiiiied ami emiiu four
loohet b'fh.
Kalth-enall grain limiting good growth
but rtol Vary fond corn weather; corn
nearly all flanted, fume will have fo be
fcaya f'aha Klne growing wthr:
rom nearly all planted, aoma early
plantad up and Iooka flint, liuge acreage
of corn feeing planted,
Idmioln-'X'orn piantlng t-clng piiahed;
oma com oomtn up anil a g'toil aland;
graaa making wonderful growth,
McPnerfon ' I'nUtoea coming tip finely
and oorn elowly, good growing waek,
ftookToo murh rain for lowUmla, hut
Upland atnt looking fine; early jKifatnew
balitg oulllvaied.
Huott't Bluff -enm atlll being plitnled;
wheat looking well, eiecla.lly winter
wheat, which la growing tall Hint rank;
core atlll being t'anfad,
i n. A. l,OVKlANI,
J riecfion liirwior, Uncoin, Nh,
DciiMla lliiiee Ilia Mutter In Mvrtvi
McmIoii Mil More Open llciiliin,
WdaiiiNiiToM, June K. TJin Ncnitle
ri'llllllllCll III Wl'I'Ct CKI'Clll I vo m'niiii
for tlircM litittia ychlcnlny, Tim entire
I line wtia ifivcii l a rut licr fret ilUcu
kIiiii of llii! Hit witiiiiti iiiicmI Ioii, litim'tl
on 11 mot ion ilcclnrliiK It loin I lie cni'
of Mm Scnilc Unit thn ijttcnl Ion of tin
iiexntliiii hlionld not on dlaeiiaMtil In
otii'tt at'NHlott, At tlie eiineltialoti of t he
(Jelmte, thn Heinitn votcil, viva voiw
not to ptii'htitt tin Midjttct fut'tlit!' c x
cpt liclilnil c.Iohim! iloora, Heiintor
l.oilre aliil not (ireetH tin Mllijcet, of Ilia
Hpeeelt hfter tint nlillij vn exelinli'il,
lint oilier Scimlnii. ili-clui'i'il I Iiciiim'Ivch
In favor of ji niipt ttellon,
( onilltlou of Mleaonrl Wheat.
Coi l 1IUA, Mo., June The wenthut
roi lililli'lill of I lie Missouri cetloii ol
lint I'lilted Stittca ileuti't iiieltt of lt)i'l
nil tiro M atcH I hul vv lii'ttl on low lutnU
line lici'ii eonnidcnilily ilitiniiL'eii l.y wet
went her, hul. in uniend eoiiliunek
r mi it nl i , nil liuiif li ihiumifo in threiit
tied In niiiie coiinllc from I lie chinch
Imrila'i Army In Una Hhaiw,
Ktv Wear, I'ht., Jnnn ?,- otirleti
from I'nlut ychlerilny ironu;ht hluhl
eiicoiniiiliiL' retiortH from tietierttl
I'ullxlo tinreia'a nriiiv. tiarvia iiloiic
it ia Kit Ul, Iota lo, imi men, Ixtti-r
mittlpMtl tlittn rver he force fceept In Iho
nml ler frU'
111111, and they ure in
cell. tit aplrlla.
alew Mia I olir I auilly.
IiimhiI, June J WrctletleU Hull.
iitciii.iUer, llvliiif at lUii slcin, I hit
priiiilpivl ii in the illMrlct ciJleil
Ulie 1'oHei it ," in MulToi dshlie, hi
hum liliih iiiiirderid tils wife uliillUi
clill.llrll llll II l.liilus.U on. I thi lietiili
united Kiilclile ! i iitlinj his throut
It Is siisscd the lii.lll huil slel
ill til) tHt .iineiiis.iiie
t anraaler t areuere tilth
1 he I nti.ust.r I onuly rnrmeta I liih
held a plcnauul and prt'dtahl incHing
on May ll at I ha noma of Mr. nu.l Mra
VUhuii, wh.i lle )ue uorlk til Malcolm
tt ul wae rmil tipoH the Uwumi l
u. aa a iliutag rMui a. al lor lht
I ha etakiliil an I dlM Uealotl nf iar iu
ll.lertaliag tl. lUvtlatmu, ItiUeli'
laterealtag pai-ta aud lalka and a g a
rnl iiM Uaia ol Ittnwly t.'fica timde U
ha roar a hi id a i J ta) ahlv tt.ea ttag
ll attoaUl al t torgolt.a thai a leki
ihuuil aaa acrwtl aUkk a l ! J ataUrial
I jr l.i the eMie'M'tta. id lie gurata.
ava.lxt oIhI Mia a Wk a tin ,li ual
iI.-m 1 1 a anna Ifcaa i-aea.aii iubtHia
an. a a Ua U'k u om r Mr I'wh
-a ll'tUiintd Ihal Wa avr aa ird
pal U. aa ilikkiwa aa l a aiaai aU
a I' la kial aa la lbir ! wad kaa
il aaa laeha eaaru.e (mm whuk k
la l,'0i Hiad d k.n a it lilt,
.Ua l riiiJa Hl t alttratia h
lri kkaa lMlt.. h rk,
at ka voaali lur attaH a li I
I ke ikotia autnf trail atwlea Ike aaa
ethth't aKn M-l J I ti
-d ( thia taaelkveat tt UWtltr
Ih.mi Me i a.ep -l I wty, aku ta au r
laiea.kal ttl la riMtatt adth alUia!
tHNtjf. I pMimtl kaa lw a( al
a-l tu'it trutl Kr a Li .. alike
vUHly a, Ika lel antle lltke
elnli a ill lv k.hl mI Ida aoeia l Mr, I ia
a .!.. Ian luiaa a( ul V K'4 w ,ia
Another event of the greatest importance to economy lovers, an affair that is bound to
saving money. ,
We mention only a tew items here merely to show you what a sale of this kind means where " The 1 Store "
hind it.
Sale begins Monday, June 6th, and continues for one Week.
Wash Dress Goods-June Sale
.Ihwnt'lle, 40.n'ha wlrto, rcgulitr Kir. vtiliifa, UiIm nolo, mv yntu 5C
Aiiimltihii llmili', mill l'hKthN, i'lty viilm--, nr yunl
l.nwiJH nml Jiiciiiintte, Imntjaomn coIui Iiikh timl (loeiunn,
Cotton ('rcfii In iM'wimt volura, (nil llnool
attlM pur yunl
(,'tilloi TiiffntttH nml Motrw Hilka, iiHNortnd eolora, former priceg '2' nod loc
tliia aitltt inr yunJ
New lot of rviwlnx Hillte, lltt k und nil colon, (Hynnl Hpooln, -cr epool
Iinici'litl nml Itnpid Hooka tuid Kyi-, per cntd
Wld't Woratml Hklrt Urald, .1 yurd holla, worth irc, p;-r holt
Hilimitt, In N klindca, rcifuliir l.'cifooilM, .'Hi iin licn wide, UiIm miIii per yurd
Knit Underwear
,idlea' Win to or Kern I'lilon
Huila, cloied front a, all oil rihbed
arm, Milk taped, low neck, knee
ImiKlli, our n'Kulur TiOu, ualily,QQ n
etieli 001
.adiea' flint HhIu I fnloii Hul ta, open
down trout, hltfh neck, lonu;
elimvea, kiiim li'tilli, our ri'K'i
lar 1,00 Krude, uueli,
.adina' iiiuli neck, lonu aleevn
VchIh, wIiiIh or urn, regular
y.'c ooiIn, eai'li ,.
I.adlita' low neck, aleevnleMM Veata
taMd neck and tirma, wliitu or
TU, aai li,,.,., ,
The Pneumatic Tube Cash System
Wtt cordially invite you lo nail and litMpeet UiIm wonderful Myatem. The great-
eat invention of tint uk. Thu k rent est time niivIiiu; deviet) known to niodern incr
t'antiht clrclcM, Oura ia the luruimt und iiiomI uoinpleto plant went of ('bicfigo.
the. Kaiih'e l'iiiulutloii to tin I mi nier-
aleit In w lay.
Nkw Vohk, June - The Loudon
Muil piililisheH the Jolhni Inir: The
iioriiions diltleitlty orTuklnu: the eett-
ms of (he world' liiliuhtUuts, whU'h
it is pi'oMM,c tu piihllsli nt r.erno in
I'.nll, hceoiiies iippiil'eiit when one eoti-
aiileiH that at leiist oihirda, and
pctliHps three iiui tets, of the llililil'i
t nuts of our pin iit-t dwell in liuiiU none
of w hieh lutve vel lieeli c'ullir.ed nml
many of which yet renmiii lit a condi
tion of MVUifciy. Yet thi pui'' ia
As fur its isissihle to include In the
ciiiintf t'Htioit everv hiiniun helnrf on
whom thu sun tU.s on a partUirtur
hiy In I lit year I'.aai, Cxidorer ntid
census tiikera me to W sent lo rvcry
attainable point "i Iho jflnU for the
.in ise.
iii lui Ida tour in r.ttropo, I t ttg
t hainf U'laino iutci ld tn th ri
s.ed iviiiiii of the world, and It I as
-i ted iromietl his it i .h ration and
iitmi In the woik I liiita forms
tin icrentisl fitloro( lout t Uinty In
. si linsl luf l,o SipaUtloil of tlicjjh'Uv
,., t, h, Africa r'Miila an iiioruions.
Iti l.t f uii,trii and .liTI. nil n s.
Weal tif Iti.tia are the V41 )tiid tht
VI. lander exit. ttl III til i.i.iMel -AfitiaiiUlau,
t'riek and Turkey In
Aia. IUw 111111 . . ..f mt'.Ui'ii t
nil nt million mi ttwv
t.. toMtaiiit
Sk ' knot hv'W l.ll V Js'. (-'. Vl J
bia itni4iii Nil i ku.oi t.-
maim I viiii4t 1 1. i. V e In I v !''!
ifvt.iu! l.wthil riokitli Uttf N -S
f4l , HI4H vfhv Um,U of lit
I'a. UW aim wat, lu!..liit lii i.J
u ll.ii es, m U ttr f VkI.iiv,
fi' at. 1 i-il U s lifv U ( ttiat.d Ih
l'U4 tt4tton ef l.hlj vuUarttt a
ttk le'Ull I !! - tol, a'l V Hi H
tka n !. la ui't Iwl. If 11 lr''t
i a 11. alia, til 11 s nHo
tha lit -, - iti m . f IH. ajU.l Isi 1
lliviv .. t.i U iitere at.-!. "
lr Ik. J4f ihwi i'imt..u.
v (Arim r i tiw iii( fct
l.iiil l iii a. s.iit i Umv au-l h
atf.ul ail
I'j iliaa IU aslitvf w( thU J-
limiutifiil evening nUmim, thia 11a
Liulles' fine litiported real Mtico
Cotton IIoho, llerinsdorf dye,
vulvet flliisli, liltfh uplioitd heel,
do u hie aolu uud toe, per pulr
J .adieu' flan iiiiportod IImIo t hread
hoan, llerttiHilorf dye, extra
liiKh fiplieed heel, doulile aolu
uud toe, per pair
Children' heavy School Hone,
)l2 rib, hi'IHiiIcnh, (loiil)lc heel
and toe, per pair
MinHCs-' flnn lniiorled real Mnco
Cotton Hose, Ixl rib, Hplieed
heel and toe, double, knee, per
pair ,.
pat'luiciit you will pel full purl iculars.
Moth eoinpllliieh are MtlMtlp. well senl
tci'eil it ih 1 not hleedinp miK'hincN. If
you write your iiu.uniuee with either
you will be treatiil kindly and liiinof
lildy when you linxe a Imsn.
We nisrd iitenls jteal now during the
sUlt'lll SINIHI'll,
ailver .Markrt Intrrrst.
l.oMiuN, Juni 2. There Is itiuch in
terest lu tha ellvcr tnurket ow Uxg tu
tlie run on the. Hunk of Spain, where a
semi puttie la ettld lo prevail, Ijnua
ordora are rxpaotod, aa the mint is re
ported to m turnUit out half a million
pcst-Us dully.
a ul
I'riiHV, tU
tvr, aMiolel
InhI of a
, June U ittium M. i't
n. an of tiettda fpriinr,
shot Ida w ife and laby near hero
lasl rvvuliiir and then shot him
M-lf thive tiiiie in the head. Ail willj
dir. j
ktalu) VUtklse M airlkes
Sl ill III. Hi', Itul, Jiti .' frif
thousand vitipioyr i'f lh iaTcr J
I ii 4 uiaeliiiin oik. till city, atrm k
l.isUy fvr return l Iha wafc'v el.
t .i S j
Aatrea lekl Wilt . Ua W.
Hi MMt.a, loa Jana Warra
IWkwith, Iha U. t 'l 'ir. titl
l.tsy, with Iha .U..,M.r el lioUrl T
l.ln.dti haa iilitl with !'. ."a
NIUial yward, 'Ui Uw pui"i
sina Ut O' tt
4ta ! . I I.W
Vie vkt Ji.aa t Iha .M4wiat
Nall.m! W tiii( at.i iml ia
tha ti.da.4 hotel . ti.Uc klHl
rWi Mra, I lvMe ttraal. a.tttiaa
Ida ef pt. U i.l Ihsrjas4
I toll. -l
HM awi iea
tt , , JMa I U 1.. .!
IUatio.1 h fa! SiKf. aw d'. aw
kMUHi Hif Ua aid el h ef Ih
tlt dai.1 IJ.ival of U tutitfcte l
I hUt vf .ia l'li. it hi haiwaa
tlarlau lta tadtit4 Ij IW ri
. Iha I . a- Mata. i IVa gh 4
Iht iifKU In litiaaa haiUf.
Oxfords and Low
An thn neuHon liaa heen eottiewhitt huclt wnrd and our annortniiiiilii of Oxl"r''"
nro ho itniiioiiMc, we urn uuxioua to cIomh tjii'tkly. Muny of lliu very bant vitl""
aliown In linuolii tlila homhou.
All of our f .TOO koo!m, alrltrtly now and iip-to-tlittn in every piirti:uliir, tf O Af
HO duritiK tlila aulu pur pulr , 1
All low Hhoea houjtlit to Hell (it 92.5 and !", nil hIzoh find widths, CtJjW
liriiti new uooda, up-to-tlio-mluutH tttylea, tliia eitle per pulr,. B 1 ay I
. . ..a i . ..f .ur i.. I.. I. ...i
Cuh of Hhirttnu IVinta, thU rt A a
en Ih per yard U i"uv
Caae of Fancy 1'rinta, t It in l 1
enlit per yard u 1 'uv
DroNN And Apron OinKhnuiH, worth A
Oc and Hi;, tlila wile per yurd it
(lood.Moff, .'Jfl-liiuh lilnached Muslin J
Hiryard iv
5-4 ltlcMchcd I'illow CiinIh, worth C
Oc, I IiIh aalo per yard vv
Overdat Wttavo Madran, per C
yurd lUU
All lietnnatila in remnant box ' off.
Sole Lincoln Agents for Hut
terick I'atterns and I'ubli
cations. Nebraska's greatest mail or
der house.
W. S. Morgan for (loverjlnr.
I.lTTi.K Kut'K, Ark., Juno 2. The
miihlle-of-the jroud Populist convention
nominated V. 8. Moru;nn for governor
and dexised John II. Sovereign aa tin
tioual commit tcemtin.
frliilrra Ar on a Ntrlka.
ii I nitiK, Ok., .lime i'. Thu union
pi inters of this city to the nutulu r of
Hfty men are out on a trike. They
tidopted n new Tatile of pricva. whicil
the employ its ileelim to accept.
I'eai-e I'tiloa le FJnleil.
I'll 1 1 A l a t ill I a , June 2 J he ml
versal jH'tice union wtis to-dny loreihly
i jecled ft'otu It free heudipiurtcrt In
Imli jH teleiuv hull.
AOOUl i,ioo puirn oi 'iurun in uirnni iuih, onicn, ua-oiooii iiiiij inn,
nniiillo, coin nnd nnrrow M(iiiir toim, well uiude hIiooh, hiicIi aei you flj j QQ
iixuully pay ?X0O for, tlila muIh per pair ip 1 ,00
0t) paira MieKCM1 OxfonlH, ninm 1 1 to tuonMy hlnuk, a few ox-LIooiIm in 17 4 a
thu lot , worth f 1. 00 and 1 .1'5, jiiMt the tliinu; lor kIiIm, thia huIh per pair I T:C
I Cuba Alaska Nebraska i
Thrte fine lolorcd )otktt mapn klivinu the GoM
FteUU of the Kl.ONDIKK. Province o( CUMA with
enbrtcd map, HAVANA Province ami Hay, showin.
where U AT! l-KSl HI "MAIN K" wa blown up. Rail,
road map of NL UK ASK A. up toilac Retail price of
thete inapt are 35c each; all j fur jix in Mampt by mail
t ajs ,. aa
Buckstaff Bros; Mfg. Co;
I a
w xxx
Corner llth an! r
Nntiititm.irv t
interest everybody desirous
Shoes-June Sale
i..t 1.1....1. i.ia..i i a
Jumbo Sainton, per can ... 10c
Columbia river Soltiion, fltitrniia,
blood red, 'i for fiuC
Shredded Wheat lliMttiiit IOC
tlohl Dust Wustiiiiu; I'ow- J g J 2q
Tuble I'euclteH pnr can 1 Ul
Table Apricot i jwr etiu.. 8 l-3c
Table 1'Iuiuh, per can,., 81-3C
Table I'eiirs, per ean... 8 l-3c
Aiideraon'a or Curtla Kroa,' Q 0
IjaitiM fl 1 1R
Imported Snrdinna with key 7
Hrnnulatot Sugar, IN I In, fur $1.0
Old I'otatoaa, per bu 90C.
fi Iba. aack Salt DC
Corn, 'I cntiM for 25c
.'I lb. cana Tomatoea, per can.., 9c
A u;ood Tatitnt Flour, jior gjj
N. HT 'iirri'Hiiiiiilint r. rtn s.
M. Tiiomah, West Indies,
luiie The (icrmiilt liewspiipcr cor
respondent, Mr. Mmcrssohn, who was
arrested lit Porto Kieo, who sulise
micnlly escaped tuid wlio w as declared
it spy by tla' aleadi of Chuus. who
plai'eil u price on his heiul, is resirtel
tu huve reuidted Sitnta Cru., the IhuiiMi
ishitid near lu re, in safety.
Hunk Itolilwr Krtstka .lull.
Soi iii l'.KNii, hul., June 2. Ueoiye
W est, alius ( hui les Ri vers, hxs auwid
out of jail here and esveil. West
wits convicted of rohliliiir tha tst.ulll
llcnd Niitioinil lunik f 915,110(1. t
Take tha Itptrt ndkmt 1 Jar, $1.00.
,. .
Till 1U1
St$.. Lincoln, NctO
I MM, UMUI hortldsf.