' - I J1' II -I, Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY JUNK 2, 1898. NO. 3. VOL. X. jinni Spanish Torpedo Boats Tried to At tack Ecbley's Ships But ' 4 Tailed STOPPED IN NICK OF TIME Discovered by the Texas, the Little Craft Tied Under the Fire of Two Battleships. try Misrp Lookout on Our Ships. Tour Antosio, .Ih.uiu.u-h., June 't. J'lie first engagement between Commo dore Schley's squudron ami the Spanish ships of Ccrvcra took I1"'4- Sunday iilht about midnight. -Two torpedo bouts made it desperate effort to de stroy the American ships. They were stopped in the nU'k of time, owing to the vigilance of the men under Captain Philip of the. Texas. Tin! torpedo boats bad cleared the harbor and were creeping along in tin shadow of the castle Morro am! the mountain at tin entrant" of the har bor. They liatl traveled two miles to the westward when the oillcer of tlu? deck on tlie Texas sighted tin-in through hi night glasses.. Two of tin- searchlights of the Texas were turned on tlii'in and the next in stant the men who had been sleeping at the loaded guns wi re aroused and at work. The flashing of the lights told the Spaniard that they were discovered, and they made a quick rush with all speed on toward the Brooklyn and the Texan. Ilefore their liows had swung around the erewH of the port butteries were pumping steel at them. The rapid fire guns were used. The din of tin: guns of the Texas rilaiincd the whole fleet. The rnuchine guns of the Brooklyn were at work a few seconds after the Texas started in. The other ships were lying farther off shore. The eftll to general quarters was sounded on each of them in the belief that all of Cervera's fleet wus coming out in a desjierate effort to es cape. Searchlights were played ou the waters by all the ships. The Ttxus and the Brooklyn poured . such a furious shower of small shells at the torM-.do Units that the latter were foreed to turn about and seek safety in the harlior. What damage they sustained is unknown..- They took shelter under the forts and no at tempt to pursue them wr.s mule. Harly Sunday morning the Marble bead ventured within two miles of the harbor and positively recognized the cruiser Cristobol Colon and two cruis ers of the Vi.ciya type and the dis mantled eruiser Iteina Mercedes, upon which guns bave been mounted, mak ing her a floating fort. This leaves only two of the ships of theCape Verde squadron unaccounted for, but Commo dore Schley is sure they are further up the bay. All the ships were originally in such a osition in the bartsir that tlicy could not In seen from the outside, but ou the appearance of American war ships they iH'trnyed their presence, moving across the entrance to sweep it with broadsides. THE STORY PROM HAVANA, Spaniard I liitui That No Haulage Has linen ltn, Havana, .lime The following Spanish account of the reported en gagement off Santiago k Culm has lieen issued luxe: The American licet, eous'stinu of the Iowa, Massachusetts, Brooklyn, Texus, MiirbU'bead, Mimic ais. II and another cruiser, In addition to si simill vessels, tisik Up a position yesterday on the wvtiru side of the lentil It id Sautiago de Cubit channel, the tlrsl tiv' i wU opening lire. 'I lie Spanish cruiser Cristnll Cnl.ni was ii' lirei loMMrd I'uiitattoriU, and could h seen from the ttpeu sea. Thatlrcot the A un t il an flct't iit atisitt-ml b M.irru, S p,k au, '.i,in tiortU batteries and I'V the iiuimi ( rlst ii-al I oUmi. The AiihtIchii lU-et fired M Veiity sbols. "Willi pinj-. t tit rf 11," illli.ul causing Hit U-mt Um Tba I ."lilirt r.lnu lit Issted lilllvtj iiiiiiiil an. I llo Aim riisu t1 I iv llrtil WilU l4HMtiaiili0 tl r laut.Ui t itulwrl du4tfi ! . siw .' r 11 r-ltl eii U.c m( 'rti, Sii t tl.v w Hi mi lwid ll,( r b..lU stip Siitii prujri-V .i s ( ii UuW tl. ItnlU-f ttvf ttiv s 1 hi., b m r t.'c Ul f U J ff al l tttli'WIaslit III Sm,l( ft 40 ) I 1. 1 tfl tv THE SHITS 14 SCHUVS FLEET. ImhIi SatM4 l II Vlilkj lit later I w..I MA nll(Ha tiii v J"ii i N, i.t.-UI list f l Ua iilt K 1,1 f bs 4H (livM Mill. A f aH t U-rfc)d til) 1 t s..u up a flio list oUS lU!e !k iit h.t ) SHARP MIDNIGHT FIGHT Texas, first class cruiser Brotklyn. second class cruiser Marblehead, the converted yacht Vixen and torpedo boat IJupoiit. TO RUN DOWN SPIES. Navy )enrtmiit 1 fits Suuiiiioiifii W. A. Plnkarton to M'snliliiutuii. Wa8Hintok, June fi. William A. l'inkcrtoa, oo of the famous detective and government py, Allan I'iukerton. has been called Into the government secret eerviee to hunt for Spanish spies. Mr. Pbikertoo was called to Washington in muoli the same way that Allan PinVei too wu iiniuonei by President Iinaoln thirty-seven yeam ago. Hostitel on almost the ttrsl train after lecaiving tlie message. SPAIN'S RESERVE FLEET. Illlutrli 'III ut Came Vlu Iluyonun lilvo lis ( oiiiiokII Iiid, foNi)o!(, June 2, The Madrid eorre spondeitt of the Standard, telegraph ing Sunday by way of llayonne, says: "The reserve squadron now under going speed trials and gun trials out side Cadi, is composed of the battle ship Pelayo, with S'.'l men; tlie armored eruiser Kiuperador Carlos V., with 417 men; the eruiser Alfonso XII., with 3(51 men; the auxiliary cruisers i'atriota and Itapldo, each with 17f men, and four torpedo boat destroyers, each with '.'.0 men. When these vessels are ready to start, Admiral Camara hopes to take with them seven trans-Atlantie steamers now preparing ut Caili,. They are armed with Krupp guns "id quick tiring guns, and carry 250 men each. They will serve at the same time as carriers of coal and war stores for the squadron, which will also carry a strong force of marines, and provisions for six months." SPANIARDS SUE FOR PEACE. Mail rid Journal Msy Tl.rr ! No Hup f Hiirera for Tlifi.i. Makkiii, June v. The Kpoca says: There are two parties in Spain. One is seeking for jM?aee, the ot.her for war, and both are inspired by the same idea, which is benefit of Spain. The former saya the only palliative of our ills is peace. In prolonging the war there is no possibility of a favor able issue for us. Iet us be practical and give up ideals. Let us look at the reality and not attempt impossibili ties, for it is impossible that we can break a mathematical and logical law which demonstrates, without romance, that one is less than ten. RESERVE FLEET IS DELAYED. Spanish Torpedo Hunts Found to llo In Need of Kepnlrs. (ijHKAl.TAK. June 2. Advices re ceived here from Cadiz say that all the jruns of laith the batteries and the forts are being replaced by heavier (Tuns. It is reajrtcd that the depart ure of Admiral Camnra's licet has been delayed by defects discovered in the. torpedo taints. Saint llrlgl.Miu Young's Life. Clill.I.irorilK, Mo., June 2. - Kolicrt IVunislon, a pioneer settler, died last evening in Sampscl township in the s.'ith year of his age. The deceased was born in Jessamine county, Ken tucky, and had lived in Missouri sixty eight years, and was a soldier in the Itlaek ilawk and Missouri Mormm wars, and in a riot at (lallatin in 173 ls-tween Mormons and citizens, he saved the life of Itrlgham Young by wresting a butcher knife from the hands of an enraged Mlssouriun in the set of plunging It into the heart of the yrent Mormon Histlc. Nsm after that ivellt he enlisted ill the slate triaipn ami helM-d drive the Saints out of Missouri, but he often ssiil be never re jMettnl suilug triflisiii Young's life. I'a)lnf AruiUs of Invasion, V milMiloi, Juita S -l'sy master leiierel Stanton, of the army, ha dt-'ccli-d that H.IHMt.lMMi U plaie.1 to the credit of the representative nf ,ls office i st Ssn I'rauvlsett to pay the iiflleers and 'men who si In jr.. In Manila onu i tin ii tli HSifis In sdiaiiee 'i hi alsi applies to the soldirtsilestilied for I mIhi i mid IWlo Uliii ' uil r ti lu-ia 1 I Malilun "tli'l Ui a spet lal iteliUl of the rr).rlid Mr go I il ii.us fir the av I iiititiltwii of m Isiire iiuuUa r if M. uu idUrs for the tue ii t of ln Vu l j . tit to I b riippiMt'. t Sfaiaiafe A l !! I Nl i'S Jiii.dT A il nl, d fr.uii j I I b sM,lita. art- m u.l ! ii.rf lrq f'i'iii all lle Mtit tu i I adit ! A!g i ii a I be iit til , i I katd In ls Im it. mIi l I bra s..'. . r l..i I lb I ess.) rii " a Ii' qi4tl ! It te.ta lo v. iim, 1 1 ( littl 11 i spjs ais IH a) , kj ia.liiti . u I. il j pat.Cl t a rk if ii"'i- ait 1'.. I MtMiS ai l."l I i I .,.,. mi, ill,.., i I S . ig Hi ill bv S.'l mil l,.ii.l.l vt ) a Is-al U I n , M .lm, i V N Yolk l li I . a, ti i I'ihi Ii I IS VI. k ImU y i, an. I ll- S, I ,) al, I .".',, t 4 I , . I l.w I -i lu. I, u la I rlrtlit'.. 1 w a'liUlriai.i4 IS ll.O.UlO, ( ta.K con The United States Senate Refuses to Tax Corporations for War Expenses. BATTLE FOR BONDS NOW ON Republican Senatora Oppose Issu ing of Greenbacks as "Dangerous." tact for the I'elipU to Note. A coLllict is dow being (ought on the Hoor of the United States setinto of more importance to tbo people of the nation than the evolutions.ol Hampsou anil Schley or the battle In Muuila harbor. The conflict is that of tho corpora tions vs. the common people. Two things are iieeeseury to curry on war men and money. The first has been culled for by volunteering and from the great patriotic masses has come a re sponse spontaneous and unanimous, The first cull for 12.",0()0 volunteers bus already been filled and already thou sands uro crowding forward to offer their services for the second call of 75, 000. There is no lack of mea willing to face bullets and fever, willing to leave good jobs and comfortable homes for the pay of a orivute and a bluuket on the bosom of Mother Karth. Thousands nod thousands of men have made sacri fices of lejuniary prospects and other sacrifices that cannot bo measured in money to go to the front in this war. Most of these men are in moderate cir cumstances. Many of them are'poor. Yet with glad hearts they freely offer all they have at their country's call. So much for flesh and blood, liow is it with dollars? There are two ways of paving lor a war running in debt for it and taxing for it. When men, living men, are giving up homes and friends and prospects and lives (or war it would appear as though capital might give up dollars. It would seem that corpora tions might be willing to pay war taxes. Yet from the moment the proposition (or war taxes has been pending before congress the clamor haa gone up trom nearly every corporation in the country against paying their share. Jn the senate of the i'nitnd States Inst week the first vote was reached on the questions raised by tho proposed taxa tion ol corporations. Mr. Aldrich of Rhode Island, one of the republican members oi the finance committee, en tered a motion to toy the corporation tax amendment proposed by the major ity of the finance committee on the tuble. It wns realized that this was the first test of the strength of the opposing elements in the senate, and the roll call wus followed with deep iuterest. The result was decisive. The amendment! wus laid on the table 41 to '21. The following jfives the vote in detail: Yeas Aldrich, Allison, liacon, Cuff'-ry. Carter, Cullom, Ibivis, Deboo, Klkiii'V Fairbunks, Frye, Gullitwr, dear, (ior mun. Hale, Iliinua, llatisboroiiuh, K.vl-, Lindsay, McBride, McKuer.v, McMillan, Mason, Mitchell. Morrill, Murphy, Xel son, Penrose, Perkins, Piatt of Connect icut, Pritchard, Proctor, Quay, Sewell, Shoup, Spooner, Warren, Wellington, Wetmoro and Wolcott 41. NaysAllen, Hate, Perry, Ilutler, Can non, Chilton, Clay, Cockrell, Daniel Falsiier, Harris, HeilMdt, Jones of Ar kansas, Jones of Nevada, M'.'l.nurin, Mallory, Mantle, Money, Morgan.Pasco, . i'cttigrew, Huwlins, Stewart, 'nlliuun, Turley, Turpie aud White 7. Thefollowiiig democrat voted with the republicans to lay on the tuble: Sen ators Huron, Cattery, tJorinan, Lindsay, MeLnery, Mitchell aud Murphy 7. Due populist suuator, Kyle of Smtli Ihtkotu, voted to lay on the table, s did Senator Shoup, ot Idaho, Senator Wolcott and tarter, all repub'ieans claiming tu favor the tree roiuiiK" silver. If ttiesH men or eveu the seven di uiocntta niid mi xipuliat hud voted for the corporation lax It nould have prrvafhsl t'hl list Vole elliphiisutis t lis fact thai cororutioiia wm k in ti l parti- that voir ia what tln-y want and they are w illing to gu any here to t t t brill. A hi I debate preceded (his vote. N'le ator Trlh r said tbat lie did sol 1 ths war auulil im t.l lung durwiion, and su an last ai proi riittioin aniiid tw ll.iiaaary III it HUilUl t, ll said Ini'ir a sol uii'lor Itis I'iiruiiisiaiH'rs I be ui of tstiuii future kvuhuI to paf tor law war, a tt ana hoi, a a lh mil war tor Sell prrarr vat Hill. U axrrted thai Ike Imsd WatuietJ Iks bill a la an im iirwanniril i I a fll,t.H IlLimurr, aud atl, it i.l.'f Maibrd lor lk puro III lasll Hi aiilsga i.lll. iaar eti,t.ai in iir aiilSi'll! Il l a IhiikI laaua, 1 h pfu iiMiiliSg iltlnill rrtbsl in tt!. I. lainf ot uuf imiirr tr ftlb-r i.k up Isa ann l i"sl. tor "HLta. l iiMka ol ts "'in j I b em itIi,.i aii I u 1 m rt'd ISH al a. i Mm It-lilll. it ka ibj Mol l'iviw lli' f. Simi! b a l a diaaa i-l a,., t ' as. I eatinasi laialxia. Ii llo li. v ibss Ik !' M..a't hM II i4mi mUI lit f na tm t aitst mmi, lot Siisawlf, ka ' I bid l.il t .ii ISMia, ka aiiatl a'i m.lutw t,,'"'"i' is In )as ll.a. ul l ai ut a t aia is -k. (. ami I I Ii i. ia ft. h ll a.nr-1 put a tai in i4iiir, a '! u ta 'm ut aaair a up tu ni kr. Htha'Mf Vkitt m( t al lofw a, sltfd CORPORATION VICTORY upon a long discussion of tho proposed corporation tax which he earnestly sup ported. He maintained that the cor porations owed something to the coun try not only (or their creutlon, but also lor the privileges other than the partner ship in business and before the law. If it were not so corporations would not be formed, He regretted that there was ri manifest disposition among the republican sena tors to oppose tho pluu of nny tux upon tiny corporation. . In conclusion Mr. White declared that it would bo the plain people who would not only offer op their lives In defense of the national honor, but would also pay the bulk of the taxes (or tho conduct of the war. Senator Wolcott, of Colorado, be trnyed his position utid tils people in the same breath when ho said: "Mr, President, I am shocked and sur prised now ut men. who 1 know, are not of that popullslia element that simply wants the coinage ol silver, tin or any thing else lor the sake of having more money; men of the rock-ribbed demo cratic party, a party that has always been a hard money party, ami con tin nously declared itself desirous of only gold and silver, us th money of the coi -stittition, voting now to put out $1 "), 000,1)00 of greenbacks without u dollar of gold or silver to back it up," Concluding his sMech, Mr, Wolcott supported the minority bond provision providing (or a bond issue in tho nature of a popular loan, which could bo taken by the people generally, lie contended such a loan would be readily taken by popular subscription. Senator Knute Nelson, of Minnesota, denounced au issue of greenbacks (or war expenses practically repudiating the republican policy and doctrine of Abraham Lincoln, Salmon V; Chase, Oliver P. Morton, Thadeus Stevens and Pigiron Kelley. Among other things he suld: "The greenback issues o( the war weie non-iiiterest-bcaring forced loans, not payable on demand. The government iti effect said: we cau not redeem these notes till the war is over and we have recuperated (rom Its effects, but In tho meantime we will accept ,them as pay ment (or all government dues except customs. This loan arose from and was justified by the necessities of the war, but there is no doubt of it that the burden of it, prior to the resumption of speclo pay ment, resulting from its depreciation in value, was (ar greater than the interest saved by its circulation. Of all our war loans, from first to last, it wus no doubt the most expensive. Its justification was that for the time boingit filled a gap that could not have been easily supplied by a tin e loan. Put this war issue furnishes us no pre cedent for the issue proposed by the ma jority of the committee. The war green back wus an indefinite time loan,'atid it did not at that time and juncture in volve the maintenance of the purity of our money, (or at that time we were on a pure paper basis. No reasonable man now wants such a greenback. We waut a greenback payable on demand In our standard money. Our post custom and exfierience show that uu additional issue of f 150,1100,000 ol treasury notes would involve and require an additional per manent gold redemption fuud ol fCI, 000,000, so that the net amount ol cir culation derived from this issu o( notes would not be over 1 107,000,000 at any time." This debate and this vote murks a political era in the United Stales, it proves that the republican party of to day hue repudiated the flniiuciul policy ol its republican forefathers and it shows that the democratic party has enough traitors to the peoples' interests in its ranks to curry out the cot partitions will. It (oreshaddows the adoption ol the bond policy and the saidiiug of the exjiense of this wur upon the shoulders of the common people, ' THE CADIZ FLEET A JOKE. llalf of Ilia SpanMi Itearrva rrlt Are t nlliualrd aud llrokrn Down Tuba, W'AsiiiKiiToN, June 3. The fceijiient re)Mirts from Spain, through other countries, to the effect that a formid able licet Is being prepared at Cadi to sail for the West Indies in aid of 1 1 I' vera causes little apprehension here. Nil ml officers, through private uieuiis of intiiiiiiiiilriilluii. have pretty well Mitlnticd t bemsrUe that the it'll lin t Isa pMs-r tliet. Ill other words, Its offensive p.iwi-r is altogether Illusory. More Until half of the vt-asels w boe tirtiius aps'ar o (n '(in'iit ly in Ibe press ilUpati lies ss f.iruiiiliiblii war craft sie of set liptstrd I pe and in a slate of disorder The old N iiiii.un la la an ample. Mic is rated as s Kit llciup i'f the first i'l.i In In r day site was a ball U Mi. but she lias lu-l a Intro nor a spmisitn and wuubl U lit lc more than pii br a ui i.li ru iron III add Hull ! I ' Hi f ailt Upitlud U.i -I nf Ibemi rrwli ar br.k.u . ii turn Min asud t iUi In ll.i .i- inUiit l 'l i t l?l. Sllllp.l Ut :l tllt .l Ibe p.r rtatUiti ! tHe nuuiiii i iii.t. In ut 1 1 .( a p. I S,. ii. i a .) rv'(Ud .f riti 4..pir. end It U i il k ! u lbl llnpv lie liu I' -I I i lil'u .i il i s' ru, in . I 1. 1 nil. II,. r ii. ii. w l In I vr I In . tlid . i i. I'iii ait aumi' I, li lttvni,h a or, . iv t I .l i. ii,. 1, i ., I , ,.r I nl 11. ! I-.. til) lilt !. I.f i.t.lfut , ti. iii S .. 1 1 tv i tr u ty s i U'Ui nt i it I aaaata taitli, Pl t.i U' il Ik. i I h.. l m hrl. 4Ut ! Vi, it t t ta' - 9t a t tiitrt tk' U,tr Isi.l II ltk Aa k. 4 d atttail 1? i'at '1st paskil wi.vC. iU IS Wall Street Minions are Quietly Working Toward That End. REFORM PARTY ORGANIZED Monetary Reform may be Consid ered at the Trans Mississippi Exposition. War llevtuiia lleliata, I'piiiIi. I'ruM lltirnuu, St. bonis, Mu., May ilil. The minority parties ol Ohio met at Columbus recently and formed a com bination to defeat tho Infamous ballot law ol that state, shlch practically shuts out every small party. The pop ulists, Inw silver republicans, socialists, the liberty purty aud the negro protec tive party were all represented in the meeting aud organised under the name union reform party. A state ticket was nominated and the initiative and refer endum adopted as a platform. The state hoard of equalization ol Missouri has read tho riot act to tbo ruilroud, telegraph and express com panies, (or not reporting their earning as required by law. The companies will be forced to comply with the statutes. Suiutor Joseph Keusou Foruker, ol Ohio, declares that It Is now time (or the government to return the rebel lings captured during the civil wur. lie euye the stars and atripea lloat over a united nation and wo should wieout the murks ol war. Tho national convention of labor com missloners ol the various states will meet at Detroit, Mich,, on June 15. All the southern pipe and foundry companion have consolidated their in terests. Tho trusts are giving the country an object lesson In fusion that should open the eyos of all political re formers. ' General Joe Wheeler of Alabama, hat offered W. J. Pryon a position ou Lis staff. It is believed that the offer will be refused and that Mr. ilryau will lead a new reglmeut of Nebraska troops, to the Held, Senator Allen of N'ebsuska made a tellinic speech in the senate last weok against the bond proposition. The Sen ator always distinguishes himself when lighting the minions of plutocracy. Senator Stewart of Nevada has Intro duced a bill in the senate providing (or the construction ol a canal across the isthmus ol Darien, by the United States iro vera men t. Congressman Jerry Simpson of Kansus has teudered his services to the govern ment and oilers to raise a regiment ol 1,000 men among the populists o( his state, to tight against Spain. ttJM From all the indications there will be no hurried invasion of Cuba by the United States army. General Miles says: "No nflicer is tit to command troops, who, irom nnv motive whatever, would needlessly risk his lile or that of a single soldier, either (rom jiseuse or the bullets of the enemy. "TlZZTT'Z Statistics recently compiled, place the bonded indebtedness of the United States at HOO,000,00(). The increase in 17 years haa been about 15 per cent. Congress has been having a warm time lately over the question ol raising revenue (or carrying on war with Spalu. It is generally conceded that the Wull Street party will sueceod in forcing an issue ol at least f 500,000,000 ol gold bonds. The death ol L'dward llellamy removes one ol the most conspscuous reform writers ol tho reutury, ills books is his hct and most lasting monument. The debate ou the war revenue bill promisee to be spun out indefinitely, liepublicun leaders in the house and sen ate are Involved In a quarrel over the question ot lliiwaitun animation. More than hall a' million spindles are idle in Fall itiver, Mass., and the Dudley law is still iu lull blast. .1. Sterling .Morton ol Nebraska, who la ehnirmaii ot the monetary rongr has s Ami I ted a plan lor the holding ol i three days' financial roiitcrrnce to lw held At III Omaha r position during September, Tltephtii iurMjeee that the Orst day bs i-nllrd Silver day aud that siieli l-lHvra in lbs white metal as Hr.iaii, I'usiir, Maud and (libera t iu vitid to as during th day aud sven Ititf 'I lie aetnod da la In t reeled Until d i and soma id the mora doiuiigulshrd adbirriits lit the aiinU standard H then ta tfiwit au o poriumij in m lurth lhnr Horace tt kite, ot lbs N l.iraiug I'oat aud Fdaard Alklastia ol Pi-ioM ai im a tinned as tao iin) orlast aprakrr. Th tbinl J.tv is In t s'"S tu lirw sbai Vsia aud lb Vatioaal I Ut. lifts, b ttiritwr liansg Ibe imirailig and lb" laltvr tka attrtiiuiia. I bla gitlMi, ut tin uinl.r.l pari id lbs lima n Ikal Uii.it kS iil patlt (lina-N baikersr akitti la d ti'l gniaiM1 la asd wHia M tm ailin rl'Slf d.uuiwal.' Ibehrtl ribt,tutl ianit,s tln' asiilh.r 1 1 tu pi- id ikai r miti.ili .b t.sHl I prm Una ti f al. i b it, ll.m J . HUll.ag and It's likr Hlaso aula I A It attHIUHT Tt'NNkll t.UO!K. P.. I ms Umnaltsl NtWttk iif- lbs miss ids Cta Wnk'm TiMkt VI ll Wi ana aeait Inks ft lb a 1'is k J m P irll. s rrl, I bfitl sad Leva )la.i ar at lb fy Alt Uat k la it tr hurt ley loose and hang up a sign at the penitentlury "no room for republican rascals." The way in which the thing was done was an aggravation of the offense, Tho hearing in the case was twlco postponed at the request of ftbright's attorneys. During this time Puul Jessen, county attorney, enlisted In tbo volunteers and resigned hi office. Judge M. L. Hay ward was appointed In his stoad. The judge is a bitter republican partisan aud oundldute (or governor. lie refused to prosecute tho cuso. The county judg before whom tbo hearing was held It also a strong republican. ' Senator Mutu, ol tho investigating committee, appeared with witnesses for the state ami detnunded tho county attorney prosecute. Finally Haywurd appointed a "substitute" in tho person ol Mr. Sloan. Tbo counsel for the defence filed a motion to dismiss the case on the fol lowing grounds: First That the coinplaiut does not chargo any offense. Second That the section of thostatuto nuder which the coinplaiut is made is Illegal and void. Third That the information Is Im proMrly laid. Fourth No offense was committed in this county. Filth That no crime Is charged aud that 18 months passed prior to the date of thf filing ol the complaint. Alter argument, County Judge Joyce sustained the motion and the cues was at un end. It will be noticed that none of these grounds reach to tbo merits ol the case that they are mure technicalities such as Kugeuo Moore was sut free upon. Tbe young attorney who drew tbo complaint was hundreds of miles away wearing a blue uniform and uuuble to defend the document. The new counsol knew coin ing about the case and tbe court and publlu prosecutor wore political friend of the accused. The people of this state are entitled to a trial of tbo case against Superinten dent F.brlgbt, lie Is charged with ona of the most flagrant offenses known robbing tho blind. Tbe expert who ex amined bis accounts is J. W. Wise, of I'lattaraoutb, who examined tbe ac counts ol Kx-treasurer Hollou,ol Omaha, now In tbe penitentiary and largoly sent there b.v Mr. Wise's testimony. Tbo documentary endenoo against Kbrlght Is complete. There hue been no explanation of It by the accused pahla friends. Among other things Woowa that be took money Irom bis I 5i4 pu pils to buy bibles for tbem and Snout a year afterwards, state officials received statements from tbo New York firm front wuom tho bibles were purchased, asking pay lor tbem. Fred Jlolllngsworth, a pupil of the Institution, was employed as bell ringer at a salary of 5 per month and drew pay quarterly, but vouchers each calling for f 18. These vouchers were signed by Mr. Ebright, and rahod by some one to f 75. Ilol liugswortb swears that be received only f 10. Vouchers on file signed by Mr. Kbrightsbow that Miss Leua Truotdell drew pay as matron. Miss Truesdelt swears she never acted as matron aud never drew pay as such. Tbe investiga cion disclosed many other cunning de vices resorted to by this man to replen ish his purse, and the aggregate of bis shortage is about ft, 800 none of which has been paid back into the treasury. It' was with the view of protecting the tax payers, and more securely obstructing possible future raids upon tho state treasury that the committee preferred criminal charges against Mr. Kbrkjat. Suuator Muts baa tbo evidence tbat will convict beyond adoubt, and only awaits an opportunity to produce it when called on by the proper authorities. OMAHA EXPOSITION OPENS. rraalilaut MrKlulef Started kba Marhlu ry 1 00,000 1 tailors I'rmaat. OaAii.t, Neb., June 9. Amid the music of a hundred bunds, the cheers of a hundred thonswrid people, the bbtstsof many whistles and the wav ing of innumerable flags, The Trans mississlppi and Intranational Exposi tion naa dedicated thia morning. At half past 9 o'clock the great civic parade started ou ita march from the center of the city to the grow ml. Tho national Marine band led tbe rra; and a hundred musical organisations from the various states of tlto middle Wra contributed to lhevinitasiou. The pa radii was tbrea miles long. lUrly the sNial trains had brgutt to uiiUnmI their rrowila until the railroad men estimated that atdee luO.Ots pestpla had arrived. Tbesa a in (fled with the eltlneii n( Omaha and funned one atdt plmUitt slung the roateuf tho (strait for Irll liilti a, The lie. b Nit-huts of M. U'uis uprtu.l the vaervlsoa al the guxwnila with an appeal la "Hint ho ikvlN a1) things wU " In shower Ilia ttlrsaia vtt tbe riiterprisa ami tha psrU t the l r iiii Mina.snippl rvgUui, espvt UUy, pn si.leul tt. W, WsliU-s. Jtikn U Wrt n r . ( Omaha and Jfha K. luldxia t i vitiivil IIUui tlrltlvtrd ad4isra lisaidi'ut MvUluhy a-hl i nss.t tba viiibUsi muilitade if I1M14 tt slau t . phuiis, loin hr4 (ho tbxlri 1 11M0M 11. 1 (ha ,, s, tltiN waa JtfJUlit Tb w.atluf ii uld toot Ha Is, a "o I"" paiotts an t Ibrra u Sst a paitl W vf thial. lM.rkiy BUH taa ! 1art,!a, Jaaa I.Tha vs-eai-r slop hrrl,f wiU W Slr'trl tt,ri4. I be eiirMj m tt f vta-aiW Ut ptlisia itUaiaus a! vipkt kit. is HI U ftlieaed uitdvi say tir t must sect .