May 16, 1898. 8. THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. The Farmers and the Editor By Jamw I'Mraon. (Continued from page 2.) consequently had to run on part time or but down entirely, iou know ns.weii aa I do that there wan no real good market. Then with factory warehouses. wholesale and retail house all stocked up, bow in the name of common sense win tarin boip uby Editor: "tariff Increases the price to a certain extent and the price being In creased will give the manufacturer 1 better chanco to make hie goods profit able and consequently can pay more woEOg to bis helpers and they can buy mora eatables for their urn and this strengthens the market of the farmers and when their markets are strwiirth ened they can get more money and when they got more money they can Hinind mors money and that will make trade better all around." 1: "Yes that is theoretically very nice but now the prices of things have been high enough what do you want the prices blither for; and the warehouses ore full of all kinds of things from tooth picks to threshing Machines, what do you want to make more for? You are getting at this affair backwards." Kdltor: "Well I have thought of that too but I am a republican and of course had to adhere to their principles." Join: "Now hit me try another wav, Let the tariff bi, a reasonable tariff is well enough; a heavy tariff is robbery. Hut suppose we adopt the true bimetal lism and go to work to coin both gold and silver at the ratio of sixteen to one until we have plenty of money and do noi need to issue bonds or national bank notes, but plenty of good legal tender money direct to the people. It will leave the government mints the same us ail money does, and will get into use among tn people. When, us it will soon become more plenty, and when plenty it takes less to get a dollar. In other words it will get cheaper. As it is now it takes five bushels of corn to got $1.00, while if money was more plenty three or four would get a dollar, and that dollar would pay debts as well as the one we have been giving five or six bushels for. Now hero, give us money to handle the products of agricultural America as it should be handled, and you and your party will agree with me that the prices of products will bo con siderable higher. Consequently if corn brings 80 cents instead of 20 cents it will bring one-half more money into the direct commerce. (Jive the farmers half as much again monoy for their products and you will see that they buy goods of your retuil merchants, and they will buy of the wholesale houses, and then the orders will go to the factories and the great stocks of goods will bo reduced and the manufacturer can start the ll to rolling, hire help, and soon we will all be happy. In any event com mence at the farmers. They are the foundation of Commerei. ami imAn Their nroduct nil., the mi.i..u ... -ii I f- ... VMV itilRrjnU,- 0,11' others. Your idea Is like the fellow who built a house by commencing with the roof and building downward. Be bouost with mn ia it nnt, trim?" Editor: "Well yes, Jones, I know the farmers are the independent class and the foundation of livelihood, liut sup pose your farm prices do advance won t tne prices 01 oiner miugs miruuwnm Jones; "Yes, sir. All things will ad vanin." Editor: "Well, suppose everything advances 50 per cent, what good will it do you to receive J10 cents for corn and pay 15 for a flO suit of clothes, and f 3i lor a f uu seeder, etc. 1 Jones: "Well, now I have 2,000 bush els of corn in the srib. It is now worth 20 cents, which if advanced CO jr cent would brimr t00 instead of 1400. I have 60 bushels of wheat worth 70 ceuts. or $42: at $1. $00 in round num berg. There is 100 bushels of oats at 20 cents, amounting to $!I2: at 0 cents, $48; 20 hogs weighing about 2.'10 pounds each, at f-'UJO ir cwt. amounts to 9101) in even numbers; 11 aovaocen 50 per cent, $225. There is $12 worth of poultry If advanced 50 tier cent, f 18. Now, Mr. Editor, these are the articles I have to sell, not counting my horses, implements, cows, etc. Hut one year with another I sell about that much off of my quarter section farm besides what we cut. Now, my expenses are about as follows: Groceries, $40, besides what common produce we sell intrude. Dry goods, $20; hardware, $20; clothing, $10; machinery, $100; taxes, f.iU; In terest on $1,200 at 7 per cent, $M4. Other expenses such ns medicine, doctor lulls, etc., etc., about f V). Ton see now I spend about $434, or $.'(50 outside of interest. Every year I have to hire a man awhile, and there is nlso a thresh ing bill and acorn shelling bill which an nually amounts to about $00, and then I plant out a few trees or buy some grass seed, etc., and it takes more or less fencing lumber, paints, and such things to keep up the farm. Harness is to be repaired, and a dozen other things, till that last $00 will roach over a hun dred. Well, suppose I spend $150 be sides $84 Interest, You know the Inter est will not grow, as It is high anyway. 1 sell f hitH worth each year and pay out $5.')4, which leaves $104 profit each year, that is considering it on an aver age. Now then, suppose everything ad vances the 50 jMr cent, what will the profit look like? I sell $'J54 worth, nud spend $7.'I9, leaving a profit of $I5!, besides you know the expense would not be increased anywheres near the 50 per cent, because most articles bought are priced at their full value anvwav. Hence you see the profits would reach nearly f.'lOO instead of $104. I could soon pay the mortgage and be clear. Do you see that?" (We all moved back from the dinner table nnd the well-filled editor took a chair close by the side of Mr. Jones.) Editor: "Yes, I see that, 1 never fig- red it out before. It is surprising. I must admit, liut what goodwill it do the laborers?" Jones: "The more machinery, cloth ing, etc., us farmers buy the more will have to be made, and thus give them employment at bettor prices. What more do you wnnt7 ' Kdilor:-"Tuat is all right. You farm ers, corn raisers, are looking out for yourselves, How about the wool grow era and lumbermen who produce the articles you need? Jones: "Tbey will be blessed also with better prices and more trade." Editor: "J nen, according to your plan you are going to benefit everybody, areyouV" Jones: "No, there is just one class we will not benefit, and that is the Wall street money sharks, lbey have been living fat at our expense long enough. They are the ones that worked this gov ernment into thin single standard busi ness and they made a pull whilo we were pulled." Editor: "How did it come that wheat advanced in price this last year and we bad gold standard in for? Jones: "isecause of the extreme short ago in India and other foreign fields. If that shortage hud occurred before the demonetization of silver In '0.'J we would have received $1.25 for our wheat easily." Editor: "You men are Demo-I'ops, how does it come that you blame the Democrat rresidont(('levelund) for hard times. I would suppose you hud got enough of such Democrat ad in In is t ra tion?" Jones: "We have got all we want of it, and don't you think for a moment that we are Cleveland gold bugs. We are Democrats favoring William Jen nings Itryun first, lust, and all the time. Yon know the llepublican party at the Ht. Louis convention adopted a financial platform in meaning just like the policy that was put in force in '1)3, to down us, and we are down. You cull that policy Republican now, and when Cleveland was president it was Democratic, but in any event it was single gold standard, public robbery uud financial dcvilisb ness." Editor: "How does it come that prices are some higher now than when the last cum puigu was in order?" Jones: "I'ecause course of events and political settlement for four years al ways has its tempory effect lis a stimu lant for commerce. Did you ever know a time when things Improved so slow, and especially so when they hud no much chance for improvement us they did after this last presidential election?" Editor: "No, to toll the truth I never did, but I can't tell just why either. Hut gentlemen I must go, ft is now near three o'clock, I have enjoyed the visit very much. (Put on his hut and starts for the door), Goodbye Mr. Jones uud Mr. Ho and Ho and also Mrs. Ho and Ho. Would be glad to have you all come and see us." ' Jones: "flood bye, Editor. Come and visit rue some day." 1 went out with the editor and helped him with his horses, and saw him off while Jones sut in the house, but thut wus the lust I ever saw of the editor, Respectfully dedicated fabulisticly, Jamku 1'kakson, Author. Hkwaihi Co., Neb., April 15, 1MD8. The recent advance of wheat has not changed the prices of flour and groceries at the Farmers' Exchange, 2'!1 No 10th street, but ure liable to any day. It is a good time to buy while getting first class goods at lowest prices. Mr, Hurt- ley, munuger, is always at his post to greet his many friends. n How much we appreciate your patronage and good will. A pleased customer is the best advertisement: Sun Umbrellas. 00 20-inch cotton Serge, fust black, wood stick crook handles, assorted; reg. price 50c; each.. 4 doen 20-inch cotton Gloria, nsNortod handles, regular 00c, this week, each 4 dojen 20-inch cotton Gloria, fast blin k, nice line of fancy handles, reg. price Hoc, this week 2 dox. 20-in. twilled Hilk K..rg Gloria, steel rod nud Paragon frames, Congo handles, itHsort ed. regular $1, this week, each letter grades, $1.1 a, $, $1.57. fl.Nii, $j, $y, ftotl' r"K'll"r l-f, 43c 49c 69c 89c 2.i ud 50 mid Percales. 2 pl.c Himwou'e Percale, a J in widn, good C patterns, a tiHrgitlu 7c, this ouly, yd ..0 A small lot IVrcaWs, reg. liv ud jjy, to rloae out this wwk, vt yard 12 8 1-3 Hosiory Bargains. (NJ t!oin it.vy wmiUnm Hocks, rheap at .V, J this a, a pr. for or r jir 100 doten heavy I (hrt-n l sucks, rvg, ay, this Hum, tu ! wwfc 4 mir for '.W, r pnir Q jo il..u liof.e Hum, to t'ltw at per pair IUI ttiK'U VI ....' r lull's How, double aiiw, A ,VU, cheap at kh; tttta a. , , r Q 00 Hois' ,tMilMM, ril, itr httr, A f th'i si .V, IUi , ir Mir I Q I 1-2 1-4 5c 1-3 2c Straw Hats. A Utjiv aiWly of CliiMm' MUwV, IU" ami Mru' al rcaMinal.ti pru-t . Children's Spring and Summer Underwear. A larc variety of muslin and embroidery Caps, mull and silk Hats, at the lowest prices. Shoes, Shoes. STYLIC, COMFORT. FCONOMY. These ure the three 1110M important ctinsidoratious. Men's low HhiMM, chonolats and black, r'gulur (p i Orj fl.5.,thlS neek Jpl.Ol Mhii's low HhiH-s, black kid plain toe, rfgular 0 i EA 1.7.'.. th.s ,,.k ' i.oy $1.99 $1.35 $1.79 $2.20 Men's low Mom, vici kid, coin too, regular J.2., this mk, Men's Hh inns liffriil styh, gular $1.50 this mk , Men's Shora. dfteriu t U-m, h-guUr $ J, this n k , n cult hhiiHS, chooliits nnd blii k, r k-tl(4r fJ.fiO, tills Wnk Men's M kil itud rtdt .km, a comtorubls flJA A HIhw, r-rfuUr H, this k , ...... 0" M.i himI ralf, Un n. l.lik, rg- (A AA iihir 1 1. Alt, this .k .... $0,Cj I lli Hun inlilr iI Uu .Ii.mhi tl,. 11 H II 0 f p i009 Ui nti of t kiUrvn's Mimm.' hh I l. r. tufor.U M. Mi r. in M til .Ut .t)U. Si h HOm, II OH fi.a il.r.u, fi.iAi j. . . 921 0 Street, Opposite P. 0., Lincoln, Neb. 0)0) loiiij ummer erchandisingo Another list of those unmatchable, unapproachable values, offered only by "THE DIG STORE." Those desirable lines of Summer Merchandise offered at almost special sale prices right now when you most need the goods. Next Week's Special Values. Cloak and SnitDfint. A now lino of Crash Buits, bht- zer jockets.etc, all siws,32 flfO An to 44, at tpQ.jl Crash Hkirts at 75c, 07c, and $1.25 8 different styles of Crash tf in Kkirts, $2.00 values, at $ I , I Wblto l'iue Hkirts at 07c, f i.xo, and upward to.. $2.75 $2.97 White l'ique Hkirts at.... Wbita Linen Hhirt Waists, tucked (nn 911 Other styles and oualitios up front I oualitios uo- dn nc ward from $1.47 to tyuil V Laundered Hhirt Waists up ward from ll'Jo to $2.00 49c Knit Underwear. Ladies' low neck, sleeveless gauze vests, -ach 5C Ladies' low neck, sleeveless vests, tajmd neck and arms, white and cream, OR a iiwli i)c, or !J for... .,.. , uQj Ladhis' fine riblstd Oauwj Vests, loco trimmed nock and arms, each 1 'Jc, or JQq Ladies' riblwd Huibrigtfan L'nion Hults, taped neck and arms, closed front, OR A ucu , , UVV ImVwh' high neck, lou sleeve, ribbed Oauzo Vests, each 17c Children's ribbed Gauze Union Huits, ribbed arms, closed fronts, white and OK A ecru, sizes 2 to H years, euch uQv Lawn Wrappers...... Turkey red and navy blue Wrap pers, :i yds wide, worth $1, 25 different styles in Wrappers, all colors, percule and lawn, A 17 A $1,25 values, each alls Hosiery. Children's lxl rib black Cotton Jlose,double knee, spliced heel OR a .-. m ,.. v ....,,...,,,. , mm w Misses' fine imported ('otton Hose, lxl rib, Jlermsdorf dye, spliced heel, double sole and OR A too, double knee, per pair bVU Ladies' linjiorted ('otton Hose, llermsdorf dye, high Mplfisod heel, double sole and toe, .'1 Rfln pairs for QUO Mens' black and tui ('otton Hocks, seamless, double heel ORa and too, 2 pairs for tdvv Sole Lincoln agents forHutter ick Tattenis and Publications. GROCERY DEPARTNENT. I 'ail Hyrup, full weight., I'ail Jelly, full weight... Urick Cod Fish, per lb.. 1 gel jug Mustard 1 gal jug Catsup 37c 37c 7c 50c 65c Golden Hio coffee lb , Mocha and Java coffee, lb.. Granulated sugar, 19 lbs.. 15C 29c $1.00 NOTICE I'rices on sugar subject to change without notice. Mention this pujicr when ordering. Domestics Indigo Ulue l'rints, mill lengths, i A a yd 40 Good Hummer Chiviot, light Q O colors, a yd O I '0 Hummer Huitings, a yd 6C Good Dress Htyle Ginghams a yd 5C Lincoln. Nebraska. THE MARKETS, Kadms City Grain and Lin Stock. nard WheatNo. I, ll.M; No. t, 11.84; No. I, 1.81; Mo. 4, ll.llVdl.aj; rejects, H. 141.10; no gride, I1.1S. Soft Wheat-No. I, II. 2S; No. , ll.24H;No. t. I1.2UM; No. 4, tl.18) rejeeted, LIS. SprhiK Whoat-No. , 11.21; Nd. 1, 11.17(2 1.18 rejected, 11.121.19. Mixed Corn No. 2, KHo; No. I, 82oi No. i, M.oj so grsde, o. White Com No. , tto; No, I, Sio; No. 4, lV,o, Cattls-Kecclpts, 8,21 cattle; 78 calves; hipped, 1,100 cattle; no oalvei. Tb market was slow asd lower except otbent irradei. Sblpplrnr and drct,l tx-ef ateeri, 14.004.70; native helfera, M.liuc4.0t; native oows, I2.8&3 4.1; native feedert, H-SitHM; native stockun, Hurt - Huc! yu, l,SaCj (hipped 1,BS& The markat was ( to 10 o4iU lower au tlow. frlttei ranged Uum t4.OU0U,4S. ENGLAND'S FRIENDSHIP AGAIN, The Government Warned of Mpatn'a 1'lani to Coal In Canada. WAniJiOTO, May 20. The governor grncrnl of Canada has informed the state department that he bad reason to believe that Spanish war vessels have Hindu arrangements for obtaining and taking on coul lit certain obscure coal lug ports of N'rwfoundlnnd. If a Span ish ship should appear, notlco will at once lie glvcu to the Navy department at Washington in time for one of Ad inlral Howell's f'tst cruisers to reach the point In time ti prevent ctaliiig. The I'reaideut asil to hi-irvtary Dny and Sir .lulliin rnuuerfote tltat these evldi'iKH's of England's gutid will were xtremuly ifratifying. Brief War News. Hince the ritn big fire In Lincoln, Mrs, (iimix-r hits had an iiiiuiiiis trade, aim 1ly Im HUM sh orderd nxw guids ant! Ssrlling thi'lll SO cheap at l'Jl I) Ht, ! II a ltHf Ttai umi, N.b May i.M, t4. Mar i ii iit ptirrait m tins pimw aMva: i iwi it to Im a duty to Ml bal lliMid s Har siarilla has duns fur ni. I an af tlietsd aith t hills and fever, but all r I tsgau the um of lliMfal's rlarsapanila I Hin Ml Iwii-.f. and it m sut iui( I fore I was sound and sxll. rrtifntMir IUta tsllH his tdiml dm and otty Ih mad a vsry rrlilildia- plat is tl alrtn I irl t MtrUr alter- hiaia asd at ths rut-tlaisaiai lit nighl al htstaavsM im hav mtl iitars, the show aid tomata tu I in Ma mh til Kalurday n'tffal. (tl HUH-- )var ..Id sav. iHt if.'l puns. U I'riew f t M. ind t.sW asd duitble driver. ( ad al J "V Nufth tuihslrwl, I is !, Vfhrak. I Has Ms4 Pa tewalaa. I'au ti(ra4, May N ( harUs It. ( amp, head id the W tlllaia l lama A a.mslili ami ling tne Dutlalaf aav il Ihts vtlr, tkulv4 that tbara It ay Irulti In ll riHttktMiidalUp, .f the t ramp etnai aay a4 VUksrt aa A Miia ul Itarrvw la l arasea, I tiflaud, Into vtt hta ValUUa; tot, ettk. Advices received late yesterday Indi cated the arrival at Key West of the battleship Oregon. It ia now believed the monitor Mon terey will : towed clear across the PaoiHc, on account of her limited coal capacity. A report was current yesterday ho London financial circles of a forth ooDilsjr aiinounccmeut of a Franco Spanish alliance. Spain is very road over the fact that Aufttl(Hii ships sometimes fly ths Hpatish flag for purposes of deception. 'JtTiey call it "cowardly and iniquitous.' Company A, Third regiment, N, X. Q., eTfttiuMi last night by electing II. l. WUittnore, a univiTnitv crraduatA. oaptaln, V. F. Si-hwarz tirst lieutenant and K. K. Morrison second lieutenant. Ottizeas of Newport, It. I., are sub eribinf enough monry to build a tor- ret boat to tic named the Olivet araxd Terry, the Ihto of Ute battle of Lake Erie, who was born in Newport. A di. John, N. V.. dikpittch ssya the oaptaln of uu Kng-lish arhip hai urfed Hlr Herls-i-t Murray, s;ovrraor, t advise the I'nitod Mutus to send on of lU fasti.t crtiiM-rs to patrol tba grand tsvuki for a week or more, tltat the eralarr, on aiuhtiu Spaniards taiftit warn United BUtesj The Ural ref liaoul of Califoraia vui nntae auibarbed Ca the tat v ef 1'oltln atSaa Fraaetseoyeatairday. The8mtid Oregon and e iattallun ef the r'our teeatk lufsaUy I'aited mates reeaiart wlil embark Wnlav uu Ute City of Wdaey. n.rfJt koats will Upar fiar Manila aa aeon aa supplies are taken aa board. Tke soldier kora de not appear t I hi la vary feci odor with Ute reeliUtau ef i katUu4ra deeerat rowitlaa kava dswraaad UteaieaJvea by InwulUnf la- a hm eu Ute ttreets and tat ha aawvad tka atliaeaa. Neadleea to say thai neae ts Ute NeW asksaa have dtme aeiy thkaff like UU. All eke Uys areas va vaitMi Utet reintUtiniu aad tltat ef the tete wkWtk tbey reareaanl and CiUMtel HUJs plaeea Ml Iraal la their aaUisae to saeh an Miaat that try waal to kei-p II l ain t ssakliif ativaattat eiTwrla Ui wta lit tstsrrema ovaa, $laia Hwp ! a f eaaral war. k)M IhlaS In steal ake wntiid kev lean; aiUea. A (rata i a the t htlaami I. The boys of the Second reflment, Nebraska volnnters, arrived la Caaap Chlckaniauga Sunday. They were pretty tired but otherwlae were e. k. On approaching Chattanooga the flrai section bearing the first battalion nar rowly missed being run into by a pas senger train. The two trains stopped within 100 feet of each other. Ths first battel ion arrived in hintorio Mur freeaboroat 7:15 a. in. Saturday. A few nuHes north it passed the cemetery where the bodies of the veterans wh fell at the battle of Stonn river lie. The sight quieted the boy Immediate ly. A few minuu-s 1h(4t they were singing ' On the Kanksof the Wabaah," '"Way Down Upon the Snaum River" and 'Diic.,, The tirst carried thmn baok to their homes where it haa ln so popular. The latu-r songs aroud in Uiein a purer, more friendly feeling for the luud Into which thoy were Jonraeylng. At Murfi ecsboro the tram tcoppeu ror a few minutes and the boys in the coat-lies availed them selves of the opportunity to lave their faces In the cool waters of SUute river Foreiga subject in Manila fear riot ing and will be transferred to Cavita and housed by order of Me way. ArUtur Sewall of Hath, Me., candi date for vice president on the dene ore tie ticket lu l!Mi, lV., offered to Urn government Uie ship Hoauolte, new al Na Francisco, for truiiN,rt purposes. It is of B,o4W tons reeUu-r aud has a eaisacity of 5,000 tout. A dlspati h from Manila says tha Oertasn consul at thm ,tnt attempted to land provisions, tieriuau ship but that Admiral Itewey n.(ue.l to iKsrailt it. Tli would fon the iroteetlou of (lie (,,( 'oiikiiI declared L uu.iiu, under Use prvteeuoH oi u,e nt ( ,K l uiU cruUara, ' "utitirat M'wci' llirritU'liad te Ira Um the eruisi-ra and the atw-mpl u lead prvivisloiu at,sud..ed. A special toth. Allsatar. itatltutlou MouttfoiMt rv av; .1 ft Kmui4 trer, aeoreiary ,.f Alabama preaa Mtadaluni, v.) JU., rr,ed Irota .. . w!""' "" l"-'te lis that Major t.ener.i l,,,r Ai an-dnt Wliliau..!. iraf S,9tL u a kih Huti -it ..I, bt ! The Msdita toitr.-ta,!,.,, tl y Mould tftrl. ....... ' . . . r l-v.-. i,, ,ll. a aesuai ti,4, ...u,. (r-,ri, '""""'; ""ai II vvu!4 ha (saaiatd h kr-aiit l f . ' priJe, aad that H An,.,!., a..,," -laaitl W-a m.,,-,!U h.ull,tu, ! titers ! aM.l a t,ihi , ., . " w Ike Ul id lii ,, . , .. . ej.a a estisia a u. I toHta.d i l -..t i . i , . . . - wtUtraiaW.ti..tthslr.t ,k Al sl.l.' I . ' " evav.l au,e,a tarred ; rKl T . " Yesurdays ei. eeatiae4 avare i treMhl . aa letn.u,lt ' , T Iteatteef a ketile Ulaee. m4 1 Hr.aV- Is aa.4 i" L J?' W vara, la . huh II as eeij twelve j it.a, af s-eck.. w,.i VI t apaalsfc lte e,e .,sS ..4 (. 1 4mm, edil !. U, , 4 V AaietWaa ksml were 4tet!e4. It U Ihe fe..f flu ajtljli . " eeietalijr denied Uts antra. a, ,4 ..aeral iete.M.,s T., u il'T eaalf lweaa. all el PreeUaeal aeli.,u, a.W..f, xtLM . . " 7 l the areeU Pa, dtaMpet, ma, fata 11 tea, met aad a4n)a4 eeuU !). u aalWtev key a wsae f veaeli Ma4a ytttata, aad Is) 4l wara,e Ike taervhaete wkess) Uey ralreatea frae kaadllaf f raatOt pew tie. tw.i. - I - I rsa, IWlUr, d HoUhv, kae Mara., . M.rylaad, ak. V. . "v it a or i ttteada. 1 1 ate nk f ae 14 "III ttail Walives s. 1