CHAMP CLARK'S LETTER Republican Hypocrisy To- ward Old Soldiers. BRAVE DEEDS FORGOTTEN. Humorist of the House Makes a Telling Point. GOOD ADVIOE FOE FATBI0T& 'tome onthara Htmlxri Who Ar Ont of ,, t P1m In ths lUpoblloan Part, Which ' Is Always Saetlooal, Vnjtut Mid Osualljr tlnpstriotlo IfcvorltUm In rsMSf af i Private CUIius. ' Special Wiihlniton LetUr. la a recent letter I quoted in extonso , from a speech of Jamea M. Robinson of Indiana on the ponaion question lu gen ral, but m Robinson is a Democrat ito pnblicnni might b disposed to claim that ; oil loathing arraignment o the Kopubli can administration and ltepublloan con gress as to pensions was not baaed on facta and was f or politioal effect. Suoh doubt , , Ing Thomases will certainly believe the evidence of Major Charles K. l'oaroe of SI. Louis, who ia not only a Republican congressman, but waa for four year a joldior in the Union army, Ilia word not only ahow that Robinson waa right in what be said about Republican hypocrisy aa to the old aoldiur in iron- rul, but that tbore ia a settled purpoaa among the Republicans now runuing tba machine to discriminate agaluat the Missouri Union soldiers, than whom uoua bettor or braver ever wore a lfed ral uniform. Mow, buck of the word I ahull quote from Major Foarco and rankling in hia heart waa the fact that in apite of all tbo Missourian congressmen, both Re publicans and Democrats .for we all helped biiii could do the huuse out the euuto bill giving Airs. Htopheuson, wid ow of Major General John I). Htophou aou, from f 50 pur month to 30. Hona tor Vest, u Confederate aoldiur and son ator, bud passed it through the aonute with the aid of Senator Uookroll, who fought his way from a captaincy to a major gonuraloy in tho Confederate ar my. All Missourlans Democrat and Republican, Confederate and Union take prido in the career of General rite phensou and revoru hia memory, for, wbila he waa a aploudid aoldiur, he warrud against armed men in tho fluid and not against old men, woinuu and children. Ho wua tbo only inun in the Missouri legislature in 1801 who hud the norvo to object to the two houses of tbut body listening to the commissioner from Mississippi in trying to persuade Missouri to aecedo. After the war begun be hupimud to be in command at Doon vllle while Mra. Vest gave birth to ono of her children, her husband being then fighting in 1'ricu'a army. Observing the humanities, General Htcpbeuson placed a guard about the houae where Mra, Vest waa confined to ahield her uud her new born babe from dlHturbanrse and bur in. That waa u knightly deed, atill treaaurod by Bcuator Vent and all who knew of it. rJtill when the poor and aged widow of thia brave Cbriatiau aoldier, a hero of two wara, who abared tbo hardships of army life with him, appliua to con gress for a pittuueo whereby to live com fortably the little remuuut of her duya a Itepublicuu houao cuta it down from f 50 to per mouth uotwltbHtaudiug the fuct tbut the widowa of scorns of other geuerula who never rendered hulf tbo aervioe tbut General Stephenson did have rocoivod $50 and $100 pur month and in several coses $2, 000 per milium. Missouri aoldiera should remember thin treatment; ao should all true aoldiera everywhere. Remembering it, they will not marvel tbut Major l'oaroe waa wruthy. Cuttiug Ifciwu I'nualuu. Now, Major IVurce hud introduced a bill to pay a pension of $100 ptr mouth to the widow of Major Oenurnl A. J. Smith of Missouri, the man who at Muusflcld and 1'lcasaut Hill aaved (leu eral lluuka" entire army from destruc tion uud capture when that redoubtable old it waa advancing into tbo otiemy'a country with hia wagon train lu front and when Dick Taylor, the sou of old Zauhary, poutioed dowu upon hint uuex puotmlly. The invalid peiminn couimittett of the house reported the bill, but cut the amount from $uo to $J0 per mouth Major IVurcti, having run up anuml tb lfpubliou Iioum) lu tbeeaw tf titui oral Hrpbt'UftUi'a widow, ladtxl bit would Ui loodnat and iiuxtorata lu hit doomed, ao, liutuad of muvlug to t iri tliu $100 r moiitU a waa pro vldfd I y hi bill originally, bo only ak 1 (or f 30 aud did tel gvl that. Auiuiig vtlx r tbliiga bo Midi "Uutlia Hill dr of Jniur, i7, rotigrt i 4 n Uw grttniiug a jk-u lni t $luo a iio iiia t'i tliu widow of tiamral Jubu I', UUiU u. Til ir U Join, lu I bo uiotiih t( April, fotitffv Im4 a Uw gifiug in tiiwilwif (i iuil Alio U'Ul.Uy a puM f liovi a niouiU. Utt tli km i.f Janu ary, lta, 4irv Md a l.iw aiioa . Ilia wldviW til iiUvll N I'. lUtikt $ou tuMiiih, .yii, ,( iut j.. a Uw tf'nurf a itii4i of f tog a IwlU t lit wllw if Ualit'tat J -Uu M. t 'nl M. Il W I-V4HWI if till lBl Ii I. Hut I linrlid lUu till attd aka i f vi4igt la iv 1 1 IU wl b.w I I gll4Ml !!( ) gvtt.f) l.f b I'miwl ut aiutjr aaauiv-ri'ttit4tii4 ta that wkua ba-l Ut giMll If gr4 k tk wldawa i t HuiU 4 aiut tial futs. "l ar U Ih I aa iuUit la Mi u f tba tUUliuti i'f f4tara wIhmi taa 4a (4 a tHajwf gtl t4 tha t'alw4 aiaita afMf rt a iMi i4 m Ma )4 a iwiMia. Uwfal MiMtta m ta taa ai wla a ta tvaaliy M Ulf awauit. Hit career began away back In 1838, In the following year be waa ordered out upon the western frontier, to what afterward became the territory of Kan aaa. For more than !43 auocoaHive yeara hia aervioe waa in that portion of the country, fighting Indiana, pioneering new roada of oiviliaatiou down through tho Mexican war, np through Mew Mer loo and on through California, away np to Oregon and back aguiu over the mountains, over the plaiua, until he readied Jefferaon Uarracka again in 1800. Then he waa ordered out to San Franoiaoo, where ho waa located at tbo time of the outbreak of the war for the Union, "He waa very early oommiaaoned brigadier general of the United titatea army and aurved during the entire war, I regret to find it atated in thia report of the oommittee on Invalid ponaioua that the record of Major Oonoral Bmith waa not a brilliant one, I tell you that there waa no more brilliant record of any general of the United titatea army from tbo beginning to tho end of the war. Ho waa the right hand of Hhurman these question. I do not charge that any man ia influenced by improper motives in those matters, but I do want to call the attention of the houae to the fact that every once in awhile, whenever we oome to diaooas theae mat ters, my distinguinhod friend from Maine Mr. Diugleyj, whom lam proud to call my friend, haa paraded before ua a phantom oamel and haa represented the animal aa about to go to the treas ury of the United Htutes and put In bia noao, and my friend baa manifested great fear that the oamel, if ho got hia bead lu, might got hia whole body lu also. "That, I say, waa a phantom oamel, but a few daya ago I saw the roal arti cle approach the treasury of the United States, and upon hia head waa marked in plain Iettora the word 'Maine.' Ap plause, 1 That oamel waa undor the guid ance of my distinguished frloud from Miunoaota Mr. Tuwuuy, but I thought that I saw near by tho features of tba diatinguiabod gentleman from Maine bimaelf ready to help, and when tbo Grant oluim for that ia the olaim to SAME OLD GAME. The festive "lightning- rod man" is in this neck of the woods, lie has found the usual number of victims. One of these has aaked the Journal to say unit a Mr. Webb, who pretends to represent the N. A. Coimmiiv. l n. llnr and a swindler. Knowing our inform ant to lm truthful, we suggest to the iworesniu iveD i tlint tin " av hm " There, are honest lightning wxl men, mi. vv jut cenr, or rue craft tire In hell. And that Is the place for them. They can't "lave there' If our farm friends would show them the the beautiful anii intricate mechanism of a modern shot gun there would be less rods.and i.,u., ....j.... .li "nr. uuir, una ies proiunity and a U'Her sale of prayer lKKiks. While it is a met that as a rule those whn ar swindled pan afford to be. It is no ar. gument that they nhould be.Llberty ' "HI IlUlt t REMEMBER IE lit'' I I lace to buy Buggies, Harness and Saddles is at Billmeyer & Sadler's. ROAD WAGONS TOP BUGGIES one of the great division and oorpa which I allude waa provided for, when commanders. lie aaved the command of tho oamel had poked hia iioao into the General Uanka, to wboae widow you treaaury and had been supplied with gave 1 100 a month only two yeara ago., $78,000, although the claim in that A nro f th War, ca, bad ouu rejected by tho oourt of 'Thrnnoh .11 M.i. ri f 01 claims and that rejection had been ap- nut ntm i r,iin th proved by the auproiue oourt of the nmmh nf iiM,n,m h.tttini. ih Uultod Htatea applauae, and the ani the Indiana and building np thia great f1 turnod J taka b I ogbt empire of tho west, the widow of thia w my distinguished friend from old hero was wlthblm. She camped V1tiL Mr. palaollj twd ng With him. bivouaokiSrl with him. suffer, f.0" byflaunhtar and poaalbly winking od all the hardabiua of bis Ufa with e other eye at the distinguished ohalr- him. Her health ia now broken, and she la atauding upon the verge of tho grave. She haa, in tho providunoe of tho Al mighty, but a year or two more to live. "Who ia very nearly 80 years of ago. General Bmith died a year or two ago, at the age of 89, and can we not eaao the pillow of thia good old woman a little and do by her whut this oougruaa baa done by the widow of every major general alnce tho close of the war? "General lilunt'a widow got $100. Mow, it ia only a week or two ago since you voted a pension of $00 a mouth to the widow of Commander Gushing, that splendid hero of the navy, whoae record atauda for gallantry and for heroiam bealdo that of Mulsou and Farragut and Tortor. Mo bruvur man over trod a alilp than Gushing. "Hut, gentlemen, bia widow, to whom you voted $50 a mouth a woclc ago, did not marry him until 1870, and he died in 1874." From the foregoing it will bo obacrV' ed that tho widow of General Duuka of Massuohuautta, who led that magnificent army into a trap, ia rewarded with $100 per mouth, while the widow of General Bmith of Missouri, who snatched it from the jawa of death, geta $150 To cap the climux at the aamo sitting of oongresa a bill was passed granting a pension to John A. Ulngham of Ohio, which the committee reported at $50 per month, but which the house out to $25. Let It never be forgotten thut IJIukIiiiiu never served u duy in tho army, but, while a member of oongresa, acted for seven months us judge advo oate general with rank of major a dungeroua position truly I "Gonsistouoy, thou urt a Jewell" Wlulitm of an Old Haying. "You can't tell from his looks how far a toad cun bop" is an old suying full of wisdom. If there is any muu in the bouse that looks less like tbo ideal humorist than all the othera, thut man la Hon. Walter Kvana of Kentucky. He looks very much like ex-Heuator Ed munds of Vermont, and us ho is said to greutly resemble Bt. Jerome it follows thut Kvuns looks like a saint iuktead of a humorist, hut notwithstanding hia appouraucu he belongs to the triboof Artemua Ward, Mark Twain and Bill Nye. Moro than once I bavo alluded to tho fuct thut while on the surfuoo hurmouy prevuilod among tholiepublioans down in tho bottom of their hearts are many jealousius which occasionally crop out in dt bate. Mow, the Kentuekian is a couragoous auimul. Indeed he is foolhardy ou that subject. The Kentucky Hepublioau isuo exception to that rule, lie may be "short" on intelligence, but he's "long" nu pluck. Ho does not propose to let othirs "hou" his share of the uoud things of this life. Bo it bapjieued that Hrotber Evans wantod "part of the banon" for amue of his constituents not long since lu the shnpo of war claims. llngley, having already gobbled $:i50,00v) for soma for gotti ii harbor up lu Maine, ooiiulDded suddenly thut "the looting of ths treas ury" khould t'tawi, Uinglcy doemi'l bo llsvo In "lootlug" uiiIuns it is for the solu Ix'iiulU and ImhiMif of .tw England in K'iiral slid bis owu dutrit I lit par ticuUr. Kvoii llo'ii, ntH'ordluii to I'lide Jtxi l'nim..u aud "lioviruor" William A. Bliaia, tlny have ut b (iuYi-ninr iHiigley, throw him dowu and by lualu stuugth Ihrunl the aMag Inlubis jncki'l. Now, Evan may ! a rrolulous m of rwui, but wh'i b now iiugly an l4ti4iuing bis owu i ftirl to blank tit t i lliu inasury and uUncI Inusiliv's o krlt buttling with Im, Waliir's tUu iKr artwu t-i Hid tUiiaif l'Uil. and be lu llvrml ,l tt upWMlh pattUlly a f-dluws, thvivby llluttiatlurf llm "uily skin dt-fp haruiny" skUung aiiKttgih U 1 ul-ht ua "Mr. I balriuau," I V4tta, Ilia KvMlUtkiaU, "I thouM lm tiiliugly kU4 if llw i l Iko bt'Mw Wtia aW kllcWU Hi l."t lu- loi o )al.u ,i ii,i bill b l Wi 11-a.m itii f a wd lii tr a i i(Ui I if a iiil tliu ouly la I lis 1.11.1 uiv duiiiig U,a war." tAiaH. H- aa m4i.(. Now, as l.4u sm a "ldt.r, a Ka tinky al-lir ai thai, att t t bmiui a u t dJui, ibai a tht at iut tUa tauga al iMbjUy, tuWU aut otkat tulltolswha lid lUwIl Babllus WIIU lbif M. lka lUtlbg IMS-la Sa aa eilUat Vmlaaiaav WalHr t4awi l It a a Mkwsi 1 itf NMh fw. Mr. i'Ukrutaa. lbs iki ( Vst a v )iaral WJa dls u fsallai ta tk ttvtuit al man. "He aoomed tome to say, 'Mr. Chair' man, now that that la over, watoh me, and under the operation of those ruloa that I have helped to muke or not to make for thia house, aa the oaao may be laughter, watoh me keep those south ern Itopublloaus from looting tho troua nry,' It would not do, you see, to let the southern Ilepubllouns ,'lout' the treasury, in the language of tho gontlo man, although the Grant claim was the least def enaiblo ever passed since I have been here, and I am glad I voted aguiuat it. "The Grant claim waa rejected by the oourta and waa paid, These cluima were austalned by the courts, but are mot by tho aturdy opposition of those who put through the Grant claim. " And much more in the auino humor oua and oaustlo atraln did Jirothor Kvana utter. Mow, a man of hia good sense, with his habitat, bus no business in tho Iiopubliuun party, for it la al ways sectional, unjust, selllHh and gen crally uupatrlotio. He and all like unto bliu should iuuvo it at unco. Eil ward Hohb of Missouri, To demonstrate conclusively that Urotbor Kvana waa within tho shadow of i great truth when bo ohargod favor itlsm in tho passage of urlvuto claim bills it ia only necessary to state that on luosday, April 5, u bill grunting nearly one-third of a million dollars to the heirs of John Itoach of Pennsylvania passed the house, and, wonderful to tell, tho very men who hamstrung Ur'or Evans stood unswervingly by John Itouoh. Clearly they are oloso studenta of geography. Hut to the honor of hu man nature bo it aald that the John Jtoacb job did not go through without a atubboru light, which waa led by Ed ward Kobb, a new member from Mia aouri, in which ho demonstrated that though modest and cue of the youngest men on the floor he ia a logician and debater of great promise. Hia closiug remurka ure full of truth und auuso, but tuey loll on what IJailey aptly terms tho leadeu eura and bardeuod con sciences of the majority." Here they are: It is an easy matter for this bouse to appropriuto money, but tbo house should hesitatoa lung time before it ap propriates mouoy upou any such evi dence us thut upon which wo uro now culled to act. The power to appropriate too money ol tho people is one to which should uttueh the highest sense of in dividuul responsibility. It is a power for which each and every one, whenever and wherever exercising it, should be held to the strictest accountability. It is a power which no one should assume to exercise except for publio purposes and in discharge of legitimate, well founded and well established claims agaiust the government. 1'atriotically, promptly and without complaint the puople respoud to every draft upon their resource that the utt- tioiiul honor may be luuiutained' and that the institutions founded by the fa thers of the republio may endure for ever. llllngly ays flhwrfully they give for the tiialuti'iiaiu'ttot goverumuiit ecoiioiiiloally adiiiluiUrul. it not of this tin y ooiuplaiu. It Is aitaliM Urn iwkl.'M watravaguuee and uubluhliig prottigmy by wbteh lhitr suUuiic is itlMipalod that tiny f right protest and in J ut loo hould U beard. Tin ru I no one who has had tho huior of a st-al In this bouMt fur any tiiuv, how- evir long or bowm.r short, who should ttol. lu giving i t wltbhtd.ltug bis sup poll .i lutwuuiva appropriating puMui ui ii. It gowrumt by h ng. rubs t,I '. .iiu'iur, "Will l'U WX4K.IIII40 l pul'llJ t I pvudttuitt. 1 a-ldlvM titywlf tn tUo lia j ul h, 4i 1 1 ilia iimo.l.r. 1( , ! giuu.w, 'll 'W ii4 ball yn Utwu two it'iiil44:' Ttoi 1 1 u iu Ua i U , 1 1 lliti iu boal l f .tiling at,IUv ! ati-l swttiily fiviui a.4im gubllviuii i u tbo otii. r i.U a tt w.. 'iHi-it,.! ! I44 a !-4t K Mil i I I U j- lll MS IH 1 14 II. il.g II Mttvit l4tt.Ul0g Ilia utlw urwl II oil bttftu a.-w I f4 U. tl lb.v i f )..s aliti b ait kv.tit ibu i I4 iltrwIl-.M ai U ti.U Wuf, IIWI.4U Kullll , U 1,14 a-ly ativH imUa Mbwiug hus. 1 t .. fch . n 4 I j I 4 I w U 4 il kL Nil a I kava . u kia " WILL 1AV HIS WAV. This wi'k we received a oosliil rm-il from Mr. Itowwnter sa.vlmr that hit is closing up nis list of Nebraska new. jiijn-n wiiii-u nuve iimri'i un txpo slllon with free advertlslnu-. He also suys that he linds nothlnir to our i-ivd- ii nun requests us to mail our jMipcrs reguuiriy o 11 1 in, so, we siijnsise, lm enn see whether we are entilled to a j i. i t j ji jrre iickci, iino ine expoMiiion or not, Well, wo shall do our slums to ward advertising the exposition. Ih- eiuise It Is a Nebraska cnternrlsi', but we snail send no iiuimt to Mr. Hose- water unless he pays for the same utl ine regular rate. Jf we happen to want, io gxj in ami see uie show, wliieli we fully intend to do, we shall pay our way like other people, if some kliid-beai'teil Oiniihau don't furnish us Willi a ticket, Hut one thlnir can be piiI, down oh settled, wo slml not ask .Mr. Host-water for t he inrfvileire of iro- ing in "five." jrenlon HegisU-r. AN AHLK MAN. Notwithstanding the Nation hn not yet expressed a Choice for irovemor. iiiiu ikm's not now, yet wo feel It a du t.y inroiigh courtesy to observe tho candidacy of Hon. John 0 Yelser of iiiiinlia, who being tin old Hed ( loi:d boy, and having the Interests of Jils part of tho state at benrt, Is rewlvlntr some Tuvorabic ment ion. Nor does this men ii that the Nation's support Is pledged to any one, nor that it may km piHirc jwr. yelser tlnit- John O. Yelser i oroiis eiiinpnlgn, and 1 his firm skimd ngalnsfc plutocracy and eorporalo i-oinbinalloiis of the soiii- less eliiinicter lie lias established him self liiinly as a clean, able man. Mr. 1 riser bus hosts of friends throughout the stale, and prominent amonir them is the Nation. Ifco ( loud Nation SPRING WAGONS SURREYS BICYCLES 430 445 440 485 425 Only place In the city where you can buy a first-class, high grade Vehicle. o ninirn Hum & MNirn. 202-4-6 South 11th St., Lincoln. dii Mrvrn UILU Robinson Thermal Bath Company, Free Trial to Any Reliable Man. Weak Men Restored, or No Expense for Treatment, A Course of Remedies the mar vel of medical science and Appar atus indorsed by physicians will be sent ON TRIAL, WITHOUT AD- VANCE PAYMENT. If not all we claim, return them at our expense, SCIENCE TWMMIHd LAMP Or; LIFE. OF TOLEDO. OHIO., have citaM.firf branch store at 1439 O St.,LINCOLN,NEB. Where iHin liusera eun see what thev cut- u.iw Ug before paying their money. Every (y we get otters from peo blnson i Cabinet Is tho only ono j.lo who ask "Wbafa tba difference be ir lumily use, with a door to co t n, "nil Is just as represented in every save answering ouestlons w o-lv ih piirlleiiiur. Hend for pamphlet, followlnir illustrations which v.air lleallh and Heauty," ami deeldo for louder Mum word. 4 yourself. It Is not to bo classed with CAUTION. lw,'f i,Mi...- f hos t hat go over tbo head which cost Inet till you know how it l ontr,i,i- tho same im ours, and where the wash- ed. ng-, rubbing nnd drying are all done Jle sure and ask If the cabinet HAS Inside the Cabinet where It Is warm A DOOIt. lCVKHY DAY wo receive und no danger of getting (billed. You letters from disgusted people, who have will sec In the puinphlet the difference been deceived by cut and mlsrepre between ours, ami those that go on Mentation sta-tlng that they aent their over I be head, and cost no more. No $5.00 und exoected to rret . pph! .bi. person ran be healthy with the pores net but Instead they got about three of the skin closed and jieoplo am fast yards of good with a hoop at the top uuiiing out, Mint ineso imtns are all the ami bottom. medicine one needs, to a irreat extent. Our cabinet Can be Imntnil and by having a Cabinet in the house taring and top curtain opened one at a a cold or grippe or fever can bo cured time to cool off gradually. Pullinff a in thirty minutes by taking one. of cabinet over tho head after the bath these butbs when It first makes it op- make the change very sudden and js'iiriiiiec. Jo one nm'da them more daugerou. than the farmer who exiMises himself FOLDS IXTO RIX TXCTf RPAffl to all kinds of wenther. Valuable live Our cabinet fold lik n. trrwn tnY ore saveil; a long lit of sickness evaded six inches of space. Made of best nib- "fay MEN WHO ARE WEAK, BROKEN DOWN. DISCOUR AGED. Men who suffer from the effects of disease, over-work, worry, from the follies of youth or the ex cesses of manhood, from unnatural drains, weakness or lack of develop ment of any organ, failure of vital forces, unfitness for marriage all such men should "come to the fountain head" for a scientific method of marvelous power to vital ize, develop, restore and sustain. On request we will send description and particulars, with testimonials, in plain sealed envelope. (No C. O. D. imposition or other decep tion.) Cut out this oiler or mention paper. Address ERIE rtLDICAL CO., buffalo, N. T. NOT OUKS NO D()OJ Method of susinar the NO door Cabinet Kit (low and lift tho entire Cabinet un over the head. IIAUIIAKIA.V I'JtOCKKS. TV ,. I ft J Mi : 41 x. OUR CAIIINET AVITII DOOR. Method of using our Cabinet, door, step in ami sit down. A CIVILIZED METHOD. Open i . by taking it in time. Every healthy 1st drill finished on both sldea so that person should take one bath at least a no cloth is exposed outside or in. We week, lis It keeps the blood nuro and are the onlv oermln thnt nut prevents disease and prolongs life. It gissls, lis It is imitossiblw to use such cures told, I.a (Irinpe, Rheumatism, heavy goods In the CRUSHING! cabinet Catarrh, Dropsy. Piles. Miliaria. Neu- that lift f fh l,n.l riilgia. Ols-sity, Ft n.ale Complaints, Send for lswklet, -Health and Beau Headache, .Nerve and Kidney Disease .... ... ' . . ami redii.'e the tlesh. ,v lreP' iTices or cabinet, M.00, The difference Is tweeu our Cabinet 7-50 "d 112.30. ShlpixMl by order to land other will explain itself by the any address. C. DAVENPORT, Gen'l Agt., i.Vdtf. iggJu MMMMt nn lini r r-r-r - . . ror uaraen KLLIAHI L And Field lht adtiN lor th wmtr elimato. I'rivs R.anaabl. Hsadaaat tore lor Altalbi, Hovsr, Timothy and In us irM Ksd, Hwd Vbt, rWd Oau and all uthr Kd tirui; rWl Cora, t ds, Kattlr tori and otbor rwrage riant rW.U; Wirttabl mini Vomw rWU oar seislk. A lull lis ! Poultry SJCtlle in J ItcmcilCI. Catalogue uiail4 (roa anpucatlea. H fits lor apw utl r!m. THE NEBRASKA SEED CO. rNSCl STHBIT, UK 411 a. k,,:;: Spring Shoe Sale. l or iu iluy w itttcntl to i lr.ttt liiia lot of ihUU am m jShorv Hij (liiuimti on all trokrn uH cf ohU. V cm ititcrrtt cni ami s.tsc yon money, THE WELLS SHOE STORE. 101 Nrtl Iutlltrtii,luoU, tt n NEBRASKA HAY CO. WHOUSAlf Hay. Grain and Mill Foods. Dalo-TIca aa4 KicholuB'-a, . - OMAEA. m Jv try a tm l Catoai Us mmi ur a4 tu4 rJwr H4a, UU UEI1 CUftEO j Jwl iDrioul si ja naw mm mm mmm i.-. lm. I . M SYPHILIS ca DID CLCCX mm mt fsil4 t i f mmm tmmm uuriics. rnacioas, murreys, irar. Harness r-i MIMwltMiaWlMWarMn MhhIn1 ,v. t-tWll.44'(IH.P. S IIWIMMM 1 HI S4 kIM, kHH.lMW firMWW I I AllUar ( arrUf i ti . I air! it, C1ctaaaU, U. t.. i-T i