The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, May 26, 1898, Image 6

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May 26, 1898
The National Guard.
It In rvlrfeiit thnt there l a gretit
ltnl of rtinfuHloii in the public mlml
rexprcting the ri-lullou of the natlotuil
guurrl to tlie fi-ilcrul government; a
iorifiiHiou which (rtalnly 'xtiil to
the dully nii and npimrently to mnno
OlillllUH Of IliWll IKJHIMOIW mini
i.f ami In tlm National (loveninwut.
Our objrot In thl article in t ch-ar up
tbU confiittlon find Ktnte thnt relation
dimply io iMHwlble for the benefit of
our rctuWrn.
ij.nif heforo thr Ut. In the Hebrew
,....iiu..h1Mi. 11 militia wu orgaa
izeil fn. the, vnrlouM trilwN. Tlm
1.11. 1 Mtandlnir army, In
it earlier hlU.ry, but If any trlbu wim
attai kwl, the militia of any on or all
of the other trllM-n might be, eallwl I
1 wrvU-e for their common defend.
Whether Alfred thu (Ireat, who wiw a
ciireful lilblu htiulent. borrowed Mm
mlllUiry lde from the old 'Jejitametit
or not, It I certain thnt from thl? ti.rm
the Jlebrew twxli-l wn i m
m!L ,.'... iiiiu'li fun f the Knir
W but In the civil W,r they
jii I'M u ,! loyount of themwlvew,
rvi.inwell oroved them
II III! IIHHi'l I . .,,,,,,1
u..v,.m mini for mnn more than wjmu
Ut thu force of Charlc I.
l-'rom HiigliHMl "r father, borrowed
11,1 mlllthi Iden, oh not morobi.bly
the KiiglMi I""' 1rrowMl It from the
Hebrew. I ii hihkitm i ""
..i4 fit 11 1 if till, I confront the
mime problem whhh jH'ipiexeo ji
Ktatemiien of Jlebrew mm 01 j-wigimn
lilnlory, On the one bund, the nation
muHt hiive tin clllclent mllUnry organ
l.ntlon for purpoMe of imtiooal de
fenwi on the other hand, Mutiny and
phlloHiphy coiubliMil to dcmoiiMtrate
thnt a Kbindlng army of liny connld
emble l U iiIwii.vh a Mundiiig men
new to free limtltiitionM. Kwh UiU
liiid It volunteer militia force. J 11 It
wen enrolled, with certain defined ex
emption, all Mbl ladled citizen of
certain defined nge, 'J'o titillw thl
force for common defemte without
giving to the fedeml government
ilangerou mllltiiry power, the fram
rr of the United HfaU Count itutlon
ngreed iiou the following provlMlon:
The Congre hIiiiII hiive power!
To provide for calling forth the mil
itia to execute the luw of the Union,
imppre lumirrcetlon, und rejM-,1
viwlon. , , ,
To provide for orgiinllng, arming
and dVlpllnlng the iniliUii, and for
governing xuch purt of them 11 mey
bo employed In the ervlee of the
IJnitvd Htate, reervlng to the Male
reiH'etlvely the iiopolnl merit of olll
cer and the iitilhoiity of training the
liillltlnuceordlng to the dlHclplliiu pre-crllM-l
by Congre.
Th render will olwerve three I111
portflnt element in thewe provllon:
1. Unity of organ Iwitlon ami uni
formity of luetic are nceiircd by nu
llioii.rng ('oiigre to deteiiuine the
miture of the orgatil.ntlon.urmlng and
. 1'erll of centriill.ed HUpreinuey I
avoided by reervlng to the Htate the
right to appoint the ollleei and the
authority to train the militia.
3. And b.V giving to the federal gov
ernment authority to call out the mil
itia thu offered only for purioHc of
Another provllon nuthorie cong
re "to mine and uport iirmle,"
but only by appropriation hinting for
two year. It can therefore carry on
an aggrcMHive war only by volunteer
or by Mohller Jibed for the purpose.
And no congre I'au eoiumit the -o-plu
of the I'nited State to the main
tenance of a Htiindiug army for inure
Ilia 11 two year.
I'nder thl provision of the Coiititii
tiou, coiigreNN enueted in 17-. a mili
tary law providing money for the pur
cluiHe of eiiilpmeiitH for the militia;
thu appropriation Iiiim ninee been In
ereated, but we beliee is lit thin dale
only $iiiio,onii 11 vear for the entire mil
itia force of the htate. It Im iiImi 1111..1
orled the go rinnii iit to cull the mil
itia Into netUe wrvli-e In eue of exi
gency for ii term not exceeding nine
mouth. Il wiih under t li it law that
Abraham Lincoln innued hi llrnl cull
for iI.ihhi oluntecrn. tine other hl
torie fact should lx mentioned. In
l'.M on the Wxlt of laifavette to thi
(oiintiv. ceitiiiu of the militia of the
fctnte of New York orgauied theiu-
A Young Qirl at a Critical Ferial of
la tint HprluK nl 1 Hti5 inr iiuliter
took li thro nun a cold, t imt h had
m u nip anil neuralgia. Inter It nt into
rratiii hi her ioiuU. Mi eouUI not
iim her arm
or leneould
not wnik or
rn M! Uttr
It. Stun bltl
HO pltlt.
MM rr b'ltt
nd tulillo ul
urine, pro tit
trvuiMtttii la IK
tu ik tA. k tit IS rvnuiM ol tk ki.lif
it ki tlm k ih wriil4 I
troU li ton Ih rtfrl to kr n. tm
lrwtilw IVrv m. mhwk I ( a ta
mt kf at otti. Attrrf-l I Hi Ur
I I t tH IVU lk I !
I at Vr vuiM lit IrvMlNMiMl .U
tu trw .tiks ' l-M tbxl,
Kttt tkk ur huhLcih ti kf r
Mtr, Vl k i t Hl4l.. m w iut4 M U k
trri k iv trav H k
J I Ik iLm to I M o4t ! ki-r
I'w r k U. I Ikotk 11 ml I kik
W, Ihm k m4 on lk tl lk
11 n I f n mm l
W.ttk k tl vlvt Irw fur
wt tkmuH krf liit4. W
( it grwt w.i.U, XII
! Ml itkWl ak k kk
Mt U kr4it iMtMiki V ak
aiki ivotf wliaa ttttknkwM
aa4 lkM hf ail Ummi aitk
m. t aaaaot ttnuHt ft ta a
liiklj aak. tkk I mh aia
Jvkalikliita. u ma. n,
1k IVraaa llatattiiiiai
tvumutu. iki.. U tJttf r. tt
Mi l latrnl k.H.k antUa iHfltf k
tkaW'4 kt Mtitknl "U-ailk
Mid4kMt4 ka hUa
fta a4iwa.
Kclve Into a regiment and took the
naimf of the national guard, a name
Mince adopted by imllar military or
ganization in other tnte of the un
ion, but itenuMtcntly refuwd by Mao
ehuwtte, which call It trained mil
ita"Maiu huM tU- Volunteer Militia."
Tim word "national" hould not be un
derwood a cxprcliig any control
by the national government over me
tate militia.
The present military force in the
United HtatcM then are: First, a
tnnding army, ald, organized and
officered by (lie federal
now number (11,000 Uien. Hecond, the
organized militia purely volunteer or
ganization, a mucn o 11 a ciuii or
a church; couponed of men who are
part of the malitia, and who have uni
ted In regiment, partly for woelal,
i,n for mi tarv nuriK)e, under
ollieer of their own Hclectlon. Third,
the militia, an organized Imdy conlt
Intf of all men capable, of bearing
arm In the cvcral Ui,te, except, cer
tula clanne exemot by law. I hi
dude fully four time Die Ktrengta
of the organized militia In men who
have, received a training rind M'en dl-
I'hawed from militia reifimenf . Thl
militia which include ttio naiiomii
u-uard. beloin to the ntate, not to t he
nation, and under our precnt law,
can be en led nto crvice oy me na
tion only for a nine month term, only
for ilefeimlve warfare, and only under
their own tute ollieer.
When, war wa declared ngalimt
Hpaln, congre uthorlzel the crea
tion of a volunteer federal army or
m,000 men, under federal ollieer, for
a federal campaign. The. prcldcnt 1
uel a call for volunteer for thl
army, for a two year term of ervlie,
lie had no coimtituf lonal right to re
quire the ervlce of the national guard
nor or any particular individual or tiic
militia of which t hee guard are Com
loed; no more right than to reijuire
the Mcrvice of the militia In the mern
berhlp of the vnriou union league
lub. Mir did he do o. Jle recom
mended that member of the national
guard who wanted to cnllt be given
Iho preference; that I, If more volun
teer reponded than were wanted, the
fact that, a volunteer wa a mcmiicr or
the national guard wa to count In
hi favor. That wa right and wle;
for uch volunteer hould have tlm
nd vii ri Inge of military dlHcipline and
training, and could help to Impart
that iliHclpliuc and training toother.
Hut member of the mUlonul guard
were under no other obligation, legal
or moral, to volunteer than uch a
might Im deduced from the fact that
they KiNNCHed Home moderate mili
tary qualification. The fact that a
man ha pledged hlmelf to nerve ,or
nine month under Mate ollieer in a
defeiinive war, put him under no color
of obligation to ei ve for t wo year
under federal ollieer In an ggrclvc
war. I lie national guard are 1 rumen
Male militia oflieered by wtate appoint
ec, and organized for the defeime of
the Male, though they may In- called
on hv the prcHlileut. to go to tne ue
or of other Htate, or under certain
limitation, the. nation In time of per.i,
I he attempt by certain critic, to con
vert them by tlie Ktroke of a pen Into
a federal army, under federal ollieer,
for federal ervlee, In an nirgrelve
aiupalgn of inviinion, can be attribut
il unlv to lirnoriiiice of coiimI itut ionnl
)i(ivlhion or to Impatience of the liin-
tutioiiM which thoHC provmlon tin-
poe. I lie attempt to coerce any man
to enliHt In the federal army for 1 g-
greHsive warfare niuiply liecaiiKe he
Iiiim cnliHted in the Mute guard for de
fciihive warfare in both irrational and
immoral. Tliey who have Ik-cii clear-
Kighted enough to hcc thi mid brave
noiigh to rcHiHt the attempt are en-
illed to the tliank of the American
W ild her our present military k.Vk-
em ih tlie iii'Ht tor our future nixiorv
qiii-htion not here dixcUMHcd. It
Certainly ' not to be changed bv mi-
iiiNtrueted poiiuliir clamor, x it limit
sciihMiin ; and eoiihidcriiig the long
llihldl ImeU of it 'm H'4 to lie cllilllged
on the 1111 1 u !-f of the moment, for the
hlcin which Iiiim nuide l)uroK an
armed ciiliip. The Outlook.
The Italian Crisis
lit' MII'tH
from Italy tire w frigidly
by the ceiiMir Hint the wr-
HIIIH-I'I ll l
oiixiiehH or the recent iliMorder ha
not U'en fairly indicated by them. The
lit of ilead ami woiiiidid in Milan
rt-ud like the rooter after 11 bloody
buttle, The kiliiiitlou Iiiim gltii the
U'oici iiuicnl the LMeutcM iiliil'lii; the
liming of the 1111 ii 11 nil , m, the proe-
iiiiinl urn nf nun 1 ml l,n, tin. iii.tnhiiig
f triMipx, the killing of hiindriHl of
M-iiple, imliciiie that (lie country i
fine tu f.ii'c viilh it n nut eliKin, Mini
not vi illi a i l ien of In 1. id Out.
I he ipielioli l often lul-iil of bile
year 11 to Die luileoine of n emit imiitl
heaping up of public 111.I1 . dm In
likely tu U' Mnir. In Italy, it It I
iniyy lM-iiig iiiixiu o il in himin. I lie
country in luiiikrui'l In money, In in-
lllti u etiaiMitrr, Hint III public 1011
Itdi liie. the lion of Itiiuiu opprcn-
oil Im hli ivl lulu the Mint of th
Ix t'iile, 11 nd il l 110 r- xngk'cral Ion to
ay llnil Hoy wiitlilug In UMohy
l,i la the I'liir wli lid llnly ! pat
In;, uiiinii' oiIki tliiiit,', for her imiti
lni.H, i.f tin 1 1 iiili' Mlunur I tiw
hiiii miiIi u!iiii in l'i.i md liii
miii iii.iii', but ittt laid i,rilM
it ua m tmul, 11 Italy llit lut lit tl U v'.mi I.' il lil.tlilt lll
Ike pi xtt hi lit p..i l of Itiw (.,i.,
I le Im Ii in if Hit lllile Vlli.mtt'
lill l,lill Italy kit tlilllnl I'Hnilil
ttillt It Mil Ot.llii Mm luilimt III II
j rii liliut tot imt li t "ii(-e. I h
4IKII 411. 1 114 1 I gllW 9OHI'i !.!
liny (ivy Hi" liii U it 1 I miiiit tiHf
I Si Ml vu 11 I i 1. I l. t ii.tilurt
nut i-l nil 1 iiijfl Imti In 1 1, if H
t iiii to (we 1 i.i nil y mu In tit plti"
.In Inr (irtrl, an. I lit .l.uli. l,t y
I lull ! lhi tu.ltior
hiimW tit Inert lkrii kat l'Mid It h
mi tfitoittl im tu aM Ii4lftltl tti thru
t y pi u iu IK, m tti ttt n.t t la.
III ttitt tiHUt I t !H. IlltH t t4HtlM tl
IkoMtit tl t.elHi4t trlt urn tkrre
f.iwllk ii thin Hl.iiiUl Ixiiit.H rvi
uima Ik U-. I h i t Ik
oh rrt ir t llv, lUa ail
h aud arti l ol fl
I ktlklurf a Mil lk talrlull ll ik.lunlrf
km Kat I tmrdM. tt kvitetvr attf
rtitl artr. Iryttit tt pU,
it Mm utlt ta m M" l. an
ftuWt of tkii iilkik Will rvMtcnitff
Ikft tmlblMk !( ttttlvai kh tl lk
wiri4 t4n Mral traia a,
tka t(l lrUts UW Ut fk r ttAHil,
have leeii eonpicuouly exempt from
taxation; for all hough there 1 a
heavy Income tax, the rich Hulian doeg
not hemtate to avail hlmaeir or tlie cor
ruption of the revenue collector and
evado hi Jut hare or the puolle re
iinlbillty. With criiHhing burdern
on their own houlder, the agrieul
tural lalHirer. the poor farmer, and
the noor clae generally, are marl
dened by tho exemption of the rich
from a hure In the burden. The
lurid 1 In a few hand, and although
purt of the country are m rich by na
ture that three crop a year are the
natural vleld. a large proportion of the
population live 011 the implet fruit
anil Jndian corn. J heir rood 1 o niwi
ami they are able to obtain It In Much
limuflieieut quant if ie that a new di-
cne ha been priKluccd ly thems con
dltlon. Coiifideiiee In the governing
chie ha diMiippeared. I he jM'eu!a-
I vu fever, which Mr. Marlon t riiW'
ford ha o admlrubly dcMcrllH-d in one
of hi bet known novel bn ciiU-n li
to the heart of commercial lionet,y.
Header of the Outlraik have pot for
gotten It recent report of the rcult
of the proecutlon of Klgnor (lpl for
corrupt relation with a well Known
bank. The cx-premler, the, ablet man
In Italian public life, wa compelled
to plead that he had ued the money
for public, purpoNe.
It I not urpriing that, In thee
condition anarchlm and detructlve
oclalim find a ripe oil and have
grown rank rind iivnge. Milan, which
ha been the principal cem; of the re
cent if niggle 1 one of the rlchet clt
le In Jlaly; It 1m been the ea,t at the
ame time of oiTe of the blftcrcMt rigl
fntlon whii'h the niiarcbl! have yet
cnrrlod on in Kurof1, Uie tiewaper
which have conducted till iigltAllon,
have at lucked the wealthier cluc
with a violence nlinoHt without a par
allel. Hand in hand with the anarch-
lt now appear the prlet. for there
I 110 doubt that the unnatural coali
tion between the extreme conerva
tlvc and the extreme radical in Italy
ha for It object, not, a reform of. the
condition of political and oelal life
in Italy, out the det ruction of the
precnt order. The hatred of united
Italy by a certain party In the I toman
church ha been tlrcle in H en
deavor, by intrigue, ehrme, and al
liance, to overthrow the kingdom, Thl
party ha taken advantage of the pre-
ent dlorder to rtrlke hand with an-
archiM ami oclalif. und to et in
motion a violent agitation In all part
of the country. Many meeting have
been held, at, which npccclicH denounc
ing the upjx'r eliiMe were made; new
paper flamed with tirade ugnlnM, the
exIMIng oclal order; prlent In many
place made their pulpit platform
for harangue agaiiml, the rich; and
there have been many Indication of a
concerted effort fo overthrow the gov-
It, will be ecn, therefore, that the
Mtuution lit Italy I a very nerloim one,
What make It, more Hcriou 1 the
fact that, there doc not ecm to be
any power of moral recuiH-ration left.
The hlMory of many ccnturie mIiowm
what Italy might expect If he went
back again under the rule of the Ilom-
11 11 Cutlutlic hlcruchy; Ccitiiinly Mie
oiild hope for nothing In the hand of
the iinarchit. Vet it. i hard to be
lieve that a Mute which ha fiiriiinhcd
Cavour and a Garibaldi within the
half century I111 not In It, Intent, hoiiic
power of recuiierntiori. The Outlook.
Nebraska state Insurance
Por Firo, Lightning, Cyclones,Tor-
nadoos. and Wind Storms, Lo
catod at Fairfiold, Clay County.
'orrMMiinlniir iiiliilllelnil
by J. M. Hanlonl,
IIHimrttl .MniuiHiT,
TIih uIiovh iiiiiiiimI comtuiny in one of
the tnoMt uccMful mutual iiiHuranca
ouipnaie In thu tnte. On liiHi'inher
llt, 1H1MI, wa numbered T.I from the
top 11 to the amount of InHiiraiice in
force, and on Iktumhcr III, 1807, we
vi ith 11 umber I', having pnHed twenty
other iiiiirnmn coin pit 11 ie in the year
a to tint amount ol iiiuriiiie in loree.
lu other word there were only three
other mutual eouipaiiie in tlm Htate
thnt wrote morn laurauc than thi
co u 1 puny did hint year, and them ! only
thrc mutual eouipaiium 111 tlm tittt
wide our own company thnt wrote more
limuruui In thu whole jtmr ol t7 tnnit
w littY written lu tlm ttmt lour uioiith
ol 'Uft, umi lut week we wrote 17 uew
Uielllber Hint till Itlliollllt ol llm Hint
yelout liiMurituiK U I'i.J'J'J.
Thi coniiiiiaj U tli i lirHi t and hint
coiupauy hi thw tiiln for flr, liKlitiiuig,
rvi'lotic, wlmUtoriii iiad loruitdiw,
llilarotiipnuy glfi n rtual tuniii-
Urliip lew ami Hume a wrpetuil policy.
UrflT eliatK lor tliakllltl Mil T
idlWIIKe III rtiil iKitiey provtdn.l the ill-
urauea U uot 1111 retK, w uwr
rharga lor cautvlUtloii.
II you bava luurm vour proiwrty
iy fir In uiua liHk rouipauv, ou
mvtiiiut id a tiiurlgaa! will iuur
ol Myiaiimt flutt, aiiul lorui and
toruadiwa a 1 lnp, or y tioawr tloyit any
otNr tau rompMuy. iwtura you lu
ur ak atiuia ol our agvala wa mm lia
iMw tba nlil. lu v4 llor lain.
a ol our 1 ) rwir lility aril lor
a avtiry fur )uurM'll or rmviiuiuivu
oNt good lit t Until. UblrtM
J. M. roun,
luiiitrnl Maua4tr.
I lt livid, Nvh,
ranuiri Mutuvl InturAiu Ako
ko of rirf!J, Nob.
I V.IM.. vlllal k J tl. t.4,
Wl kt.MM
Katiw ) laal lki la la tu4t aa4
aa' ktatual ialt laavraae ua.aay
Ikal f l'w4 wtltl um
Iki iu
it i n'iTri t rimiuiK
1 1. U IU. I It, Il a rua I an iar. aa I
k Mitl all Iom la UH a alpMt
liHtl. a. lMtNUllnl of IJ IHHI,.,
.u W lii iHtiiry kniUi-ra. Me
wNVM m Im IMt) ailk ifitt
mi4 IroM I aaihlt ! IIm at
ftiaaK! Mle ttialiacla
ilt.itff iM MoragaU uantot
yet ready to order audltor'a certificate.
Thee agent are well scattered over 74
countiB In the tate, Thi will protect
u Ironi both local and general bail
Mtorm that otnotlmo run for 100 mile
and from five to ten mile wldn. In fact
II a whole county hould be hailed out
we can pay the Name. Your ouly afoty
I In a company that doe a btilne
In all the cultivated couutie In thetate.
We are doing a good hail Irmurauce bit-
Hum at preent. notwithstanding It 1
only the middle of May, we write from
70 to lit) Dollcle ner da v.
We want a good agent In every town-
hip in niihraka where the oil I gen or
any won larrnoa, for which we will pay
ine oei cornrniior,
Thi cornpauy ha no Mulariod ofdeor
at preMunt for all ealarie are et after
one year' work I done, by the boarded
director, at what they think i renonu-
uih for the work dona,
Thl aoclatlon lat year had 11 branch
ofllce at Lincoln, Nehrrwka, conducted by
J. i, M. Hwignrt, but aid brunch ofllce
proved unatlfiM!tory and wu thurofore
dmcontinuud by the imuubur at the an
dijuI tnmitlng und we now have no con
nactlon with any fourance coiiiianie
doing biiNinoH in iwu;oii, Agent want
ed in every townhir that have not now
an agent and a good commlion will ba
given on ull work done, For agenda
write to J. M. Ranvoud,
(iuueral manager,
Falrdeld, Neb.
CoMcaret ntlmulata liver, kidneys
and bowel: never ftlcken, weaken or
gripe, 10o.
1 3 13 & 1317 FafnamSt OMAHA
the wonderful MAONlHCOl'E, howing
70 of thu largeMt moving picture and
diuter ol the
U. H. H. Mnlno, before the ezplolon; ('rew
of the V. n, H, Maine; tapt, nlgbmi In
Hi Cabin; (hiuorul view of thu Wreck;
Near View. Hhowlng Force of the K
ploMiou: C'loMu View ol Mat and Itig
glng; The "Fern," near Wreck; Uow of
Maine After Kxploion; Capt. KIbo
Ktepplngon Hoard the "Fern;" Diver
)ecending; Capt. Higbee and Conul
(ienerul lice Viiting Wrwk; liodle
Floating in Harbor: I'lacing llodie In
Coflln; Coffin on Wharf; Wounded In
lioNpital; (,'oumuI Oenorul f-ee.
Winomo Hinging awl Dancing Houbretto
in her f uhan-Aiuericau Dunce und
Contortion Htrip.
Thfl World' farnou Herpentine Dancer,
in her refined Herpcntimi Dunce, which
require a dre of 120 yard of flk.
Aighttoee thi little lady coiling
and rolling her mounter dm around
her, producing in any novel deMign
and Introducing all color ol thu ltiiin
Acrobatic Comedian.
10c admits to all 10c
('hair Tic and 10c.
Hourly Performance, oieu dally Irom
I to 10 p. m.
I'l'lUC l(K
Prompt Service. Phone 255
Gcndron and Reliance
TU. I ru t iiuiii limrlim uw H
rthur Bctz,,;,r;r:hMi
th..i l it i .ii ii4. anil rruM,
A. II. WkilH, AniT.
: Comer H inJ 8th Sts.. LINCOLN. i
faoMiS. ... , :
fU AMortmMf. Bei Gffj, t
loiHrrkti, X
" vti 4 w i ) . V
!" a . y
, M H , Werf) "tl VmI ' i-a V.;
llarnft, Saililli', Whijx,
Collar, llhnkrti, KuIh?,
Nrl. clc,
LUnTlilmcss A sTccfilty
1218 0 Street, Lln.uln. Neb
Kansas Lump
Rock Salt
For Stock.
Purest, Healthiest, Best.
Hot AjatitM tor 1,yan ltook Suit Co., uml Kovnl X '" r"
&gdg. hwtK" cwiilt
i !f' '' MCrrty
. i no uut nownnoroimihuofvr
Omhnmmm naaamKI il . 0 MM m mm m. .
IIOlllill(.H,HBI,lJl,rilllll.urth4lllllilliil Itlnail ln.ll..,i mr'
Minima, in. ih!.....,... . - - - a ..
i i.,T, i.. r. ;j ": i':m"i:. '.r-
Hiuwii m Ei use
Ohlomgo, Mm.
The Frank P. Lawrence Co.,
II Cuba Alaska Nebraska
Three fine colored pocket maps giving the Gold
Fields of the KLONDIKE, Province of CUM with
enlarged map, HAVANA Province and Bay, showing
where BATTLESHIP "MAINE" was blown up. Rail
road map of NEBRASKA, up-to-date. Retail price of
these maps are 25c each; all 3 for 20c in stamps by mail
Buckstaff Bros. Mfg. Co;
T 1 f
V. Vll V-y XAJ VVAf VVfl J
254 50
ADOULUlEibl UUftllAIULrjU u. r
la and bw.kl.t fraa. id. ST KR 1,1 Ml KKHKIIY
Wholesale and Retail Dealers.
for building and cemetery work. Several hundred finished
Monuments of modern design always on hand.
Write for cuts and prices. A personal call preferred. Address,
Cor. i jtb and O Sts..
Corncr 11th and P Sts., Lincoln, Neb.$$
ServelitiUHouri. s s i MRS. TIKBITT frotrletor.
A SPECIAL invitation U extended to the Urmeri
ol Lancaster County and vicinity (since spring
U approaching) to call at our place ol business
and get prlcei lor your iprlng Painting. Our
quotations will surprise you. Why buy in
ferior goods, when the best can be purchased
lor the same money? Wi have it, and give
you a guarantee with every article.
Our past experience has taught ui that the (armer
uses ai good an article as anybody, and why
not give them the worth ol their money? We
guarantee that you wilt receive the best ul
treatment and satisfaction. Respectfully,
Lincoln, Nobrntkn.
Use Rock Salt
Hides, Pickles,
Meats, Ice Cream,
Ice Making,
Fertilizing, &c, &c.
Mines and Works,
Lyons and Kanopollo, Kan.
Una of furm uuu bliivrjr iininufactureij
tnaMni fully warranted nAtiii!mt at
Agts., 934 P St, Lincoln, Neb
KT.l 1--
erlpor trip.,hul Sam.
I II.. ( hlrairo, Hiintraal, t'.p., or New Turk. til.
r.i ii
lll III VIU K, ()! S WSW" 1
.rkliiir r X f ZMXZfy o, W If
tlljr Ursa f rf JStT fi5 rJlt II
".jf&m yr ?f ii