May 26, 1898 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. Nedkahka Independent. Omaba, May 20, 1808. About Catalogues. Perhaps you are one ol those folks whotie name ha sllppod Into the "Agent' Album" or the "Sucker Seokor'a Bitfnal'g and a a comioquoneo you are pestered to f death with all Horts o! priuted matter-Including Cutaloguo-ln your mall. We loci orryforyou. You don't think much about cataloguo, and we don't blame you. We don't think much about some cata logue ourselves. There are torothat send out catalogues with the solo object of catching "uekor," and the more cata logue thoy Mend out the more likely thoy are to find the kind of motile tlioy want. Our catalogue! are nr ont out ex cept to our own oustomor or to people who ask for tlmm, We never una any list of names except our own. You might lire to be a old a Methuzaleh und never get a copy of the Ne bruMka Catalogue unless you askod for It or uuloyou were a regular oustomor of our store. Tbo Nebraska Catalogue aro ton valuable to ond out Indiscriminately, and If you aro sit ting 011 your door stop waiting for one to come by chance, don't wait any longer. It won't come. The only way you can get it In by unking for it. In that cane it I Ireu. Two volunteer have been killed and two train wrecked the piifc week In moving soldier to the front. There in no luch organization of railroad service for Hudden military ueod In thl country a in Germany, where the railroad aro mostly owned by the government nd jsjrfoct system cliuriuitorUo every detail. In thb country the outlirn road, -which are generally the poorest In oqul p iwmtaud organisation, have been sud denly called upon for the houvlet or vlce. The wonder i that there have not boon more dlsnstor. HARDY'S COLUMN, All rjuli.t Tim big War Hhlp-Why hunt I'ojih mid Thieving How Tliey (Jroan nnd Kick Hngllsh Paupers Don't Kick any More John Hlierman Honatelhjbatoi'nld Liars Kopiibll can and I lie Pen. (J rent thing are exported and will be expuoted for time and hulf time to come. t The Omgou ha arrived at Key Wet after the long voyage around Cape Horn from Kan r'rniicico, Hlie U loading coal and niniwitloii making ready to start out on the war path. What I the line in hunting for the 8pnnlsh limit? They can II 11 d Cuba any day. i'llxby begin to be afraid that the pop Hill go to stealing. Ha Moore und Hartley turned pop? It do an honest oul good to hear the ri'pulieaii groan over the et'ite ap pointment of a few pop. We will offset that against the one hundred seventy nine government appointmout secured by Thurston for hi party friends. The republicans are kicking like big horned steers because their mt'ii did not get nil of the military appoint nient in tlio NebraHka regiments. Tor thirty year tin y had thorn all ami all the stato eivil appointment too, now thoy will have to get along without any for thirty years. We aro going to wean them all the name il tlmy do howl. Neither llol comh or Itryau will ask them for advice or direction. 'Ti hard 'ti true but neverlhele just. Tim Knylmh pauMr labor manufact urer begin to talk about a high protec tive tariff to protect theinselve agnlimt tho cheap liiliorof America. When every body Is protected agaiuNt everybody oIn we are going to have grand time. Hut bow are the leu million of American farmer to h protected? There I no ui of talking, those who will work th hard eat uud product' the clieaet are going to iiiil,v tlie world, nnd if the dinner aut to work half the time (or the rich Unbolt 11I Dm ct lie must Vote the straight republteutt ticket. Sow don't kick nuy nmrw iiguiiml a i high prtilvctita land, in-. a tew wvwlthv iiici!,itmlliuiiliitititiiW I toy r J h.lUlj to null out IhiiuU, to lunoali 1 iluli ) to ri r f, wHflMlly lh I rlit iiM ol I.. S- ii,it,n uiti pni,. lit, I ! u it tU a iittt ol mouvv to livhgih' ii Hi' wwk hmtt ol tnurfrtw. , nu n. Now rj! tHhljr Vim that; wtullti im 11 ln an I tro in Ui ii ru ) !, nr iudivUMu t'i Nc t.uv Inn I h J Vow ra, but thi do u.i Krow 'l without Mit rtt tia, t .r luiu.' w tk our !( iiih, It., rv win) xli it ! Iliviw I r Um ew! w , t.uahfl t " ltt4H WW Cs.uM w tllt titf ttk ti ll III in iM.uki'la 1.1 I ur..), tli u : itwlm 4 tm. il vl.-lU il lUm w tie ii M NU fu ivul Mini t'twti mh! I in I iir.i, ut (i, 4 I l l-.l I...'. I IW U I l. W4iiUw- hiivw il w r U .,f wkwt ! ( iotlt la I MtOfH I4U.I HHi,J (.ting t b .lou j fiw, kl Wuid IkiWi til III ltiH,.u j irw. No ww4r J'Kw Mtw kw ,Mt ki now I til Ut.iw- w.ilt ,t In HOW'I h W4k k I WW Wll4 l t Wniway W WtfWlw! Ik WuiHWtww wils 1 nwlf ww4v M Ul k tM w,.t m In miwj 113 Mw4aUl4t bt 11 bttU Uw IkwlttMiwii uwi4 kf xmrn W.1 ! Uttwf Kir k w,i rww i t ! rwMw la Uk d tlWW l MlttW lk Im t 4M M l twkcUl Uwjr, The debate In the enate on the bond iue I growing warm und i likely to continue two or three week longer. It I taxe, Mllver and greenback, a pro poed by rieuator Tunile of Indiana ngalnet bond. Tax all corporation according to tliolr gro Income, Of oourmi the wealth of the eat will fight that, for it mean money out of the rich. Next he propoee an inheritance tax ac cording to the amount Inherited. That too will bo fought by the rich for It moan irreat fortune Inherited muet pay the irroaleet amount of tax, Who more than the pi wo 11 who inherit property I able to nay taxorr 1 m line uairou re. .. ..I. IE.,i .I1..I fliiu tJ tilfitf ly tiiT nnv- body or any thing only don't make tho milllnnaaire pay any moro t han tne in iliiwtrloii farmer and poor day laborer. Then to bridge over the preent need, the mm 11 tor favor coining the nilvcr. lying Idle in the treawury and paying if out. And to further increase tnoeupply of money. If necdud. lue more green back. All of which wo hope will be adopted. It li really laughable to read the repub Head taffy handed out to the rank and (He of the party, to convince them that tuere I hih'Ii an art icle a gain nug pro iierily. 'J'he Waehington paid liar have JiiHt given it out that tho money, in cir culation, in tlii country ha iucreaeed tl40.0OO.O0O, during tho butt year. Of Connie all the pap euckiug republican editor reproduce the Htatemont with a llonriNli tliat AicKiuiey iiki it. limy Ntato gold ha increawid 1100,000,000, while at the name time all the gold dug In the United Htate, including AlaHka, fall Hhortof l0,000,000. Then they report that ilver certificate have in cmaMod 128,000,000. Kyery body know that eilvor certitlcnte connot In creano without depoeiting silver dollar, and how can that increae the circula tion? Evory oft pated republican will ewear that retiring eilvor dollar and ixHiiing certificate increae tho circula tion and that I McKiuleyimn, pure and Himple. Why, ay they, if I have a thotiMand eilvor dollar, hand them over to Uncle Ham und he print a thouand dollar in certificate for me, doeen't that iucreaMe the money? 1 etill have a thoiiMaud and Haiuuel ha an increaHe of a tliouaud. The bnlauce of tin) in rreano i in eilvr and treiiHury note. Tho reaeon wtiy Moore and Hartley don't want to go to our jienitettiary in bccnutfii tliny now make the priNoucr own tlieir own living and no cliauce to haudle public money. Hi a long Htep from republicnu management that priN oucr are made to earu their own living. They can do that eay enough but they can't earn onouwrh on top of that to at iefy republican thieve. They have alwny earned their own living but the tealing were too great. The nt and chief object of filial law i to protect Hociaty from criminal. The criminal line committed one or more crime and i likely to continue hi count". Wo nliut him up not a a puuiMhment but a a Preventive, Wo tie up the ox that ha brokml into the corn, not a a pnitlnli 11111 1 but to protect the corn. So we uli ut up the criminal to protect ociet.r lieu ail OX vtlilailger life we Nlmigllter liiin. 1 1 iii for Hie nine retuioii tliat w hung Hi uiurdeor. A neeondnrv object iu tlii rentraitit i gamed tiy ilet. rrum other from committing crime. Mur tlniii hnlf ol thi U u. lli i lout, by uol making coiiiniitiiieiit more cerlam. t'oiiHiiiliiieut nhoiilil Ihi more cwrtttiu und more in projuirtioti lo tli criut isiliiiiiltlml, VN ilu lint t'Uev lliwt II i Iwtler that lU gUllly peraou nlmuld kfti ln rather lliwu cuiiuuil one what lUlllxinl, It U Ix'tler lliwl the luuiHfbl luuil-l nuii luiit-w ifirr ruilur thwu tHtit .Mieiy hotii' iHHiiiuully nnifi-r, In II We filler MHIfly w UWIMKI wll ll tinliilitiw. 1 1. thirvl ut.jti't u iwairwiitl U tti r icrni wild w.u th rriutunl Irmu hi I. ii.ti iter to trtiuo ii.t..!li.-vuiv mi. nlmniKiH ir kgtSrit il. riiwr to Wtltwlt li Ui.ill..ll I) lli liibur ii wvwh thj pi i.'t 1 1 r i in--W U lt. in miittrw I lwir lUi tv i Mirii. '1114 witN It., 'i hiu i't I.U Uu.ii) !t it r.iiu ,t (..,,. i,. 'i. .l(t I lit Will IU In, v tl 1 HI III .1 I It l IH lll.htt,.. I, (ul H.. n4l I .- t mHt fi.i j . f vu hi u Iiim uuUi. U th 1 ' wwll Many Tcoclc Dnnot Drink wltw willl. II twwti tt timm. I t HI lea. I'wf tlrwiw tl 4H WmiwIH l frwwiMi, lmr 4 llUvk ktilM. I vl IMtl IWM4U C! ( UftUw'O It IM Iwrtwl. Uwtewtm frwi IM ikw Irvwj wt iiuw li7, ttf Unrwl I'wiwl iwl td wtilhwf al Virw. A Prophetic Ode to Dewey, On Commodore Dewey' departure lor Hongkong laet November a dinner waa given for him at the Metropolitan club iu Waahlngton, at which the following veree then scarcely appreciated per haps at their true nropuctio worth wore rend by Colonel Archibald Hopkins: Fill nil your kIimiim lull tonhfbt. Tbn wind I off th ihor, Anil, b It luiuit or bo It Unlit, Wt pluitK tint voiniiioilor, Through day ol turm, through dui ol culm, On brond I'nolflu hiu. At Biioliiir off tht) Ulna of palm Or with the JapwiimHi; Aahoni, nlloiit, on deck, btlow Or when our bulldog roar, To back a Irlmid or lirmmt a fo, Wt pladg thtooiuoiodur. W know oar hotior'll b antalud Where'or ti 1 pniiniiiit tllnn; Our rlKlit ronpucUd and uialntaluiid, Wbatovtr powvr dillui. Colonel Hopkiu recently addod thl poMtHorlpt to hi toiutt: Along tlm far I'lilllpplne ooMt, WliurnDnw th II of Hpalu, Our (loiiiiiioiloro today snn boant " 'Twill niivvr fly wkuId." And up froia nil our bill and valM, Krom ell j. town and hor, A tiilKbty ihout, tlinwnlklu ball; Wwll iiou bravo tiouiiuodor! "Now lt your admiral pennant fly, You'ru won It Ilk a man, Whiir hero lnvn to flu lit and die, JtlKlit In lb battle ran." New York Trlbnu. THE EBR1QHT CA8B. Republican County Attorney in Ot County Refuge lo Proiocute. Tho cue of tha State of Nebraska ngaliiMt cx-Supt. Ebrlght, of tho No braeka City blind iuHtltute, I net for iirt'llmlnary bearing at Nebraska City tlie dny wo go to pre thl week, it having lai'ii continued at requewt of (Irfcililllllt. Senator Mutz, of tha Investigating committee, arrlvisd In Llimoln yester day, on bl way to the- hearing, lie learned for the flrt time while here that l'uul Jcssen, county attorney of Otoe country, hud ciiIIhIciI ami gona to tlio war in thu nccoinl Nebmln regiment and that Judge II ay ward of Nebt'ONka Clly hod been tiplntcd to fill the vacancy. Senator Mutz culled up tho new county attorney by telephone and In quired about, what preparation had been made for tlio Khright hearing, lie wuh curtly Informed that tho pres ent county at torney would have noth. lug to do with thu case, A i well known Judge Ifnyward 1 a prominent republican politician and proHpectlve candidate for governor. What rciiMoiiM ho may bn willing to give for hi course in thi ciiho 1 not known. The evidence ugainat Kbrlgbt a gathered by the Investigating com mittee, nn abalract of which wn pub lished lu the Iiiilcieinlciit some, week ago, I very strong. Tlio people of the Mute of JNePrasKa are entitled to a trial of thi ciimc. Supt. Ebright him self I entitled to a complete vindica tion in tlie ciiui'Ut or be I 011 tilled to the piuilHhmcnt provided by law. War ami war rumor mimt not, prevent the administration of justice at homo. I. S. KNTHHTA1NMI2NT. The. girl of tlie indutrial Hchool gave an entertainment at the opera holme Tuesday night, May 17. Owing to the rain during the day and the fact there win indication of a severe storm in the evening, the bouse wa only about half filled. Mr. Weber wa complimented by many of our citi zen on the manner in which the girl acquitted themeselve. There was not a dull number on the program nnd tlie scarf drill was cucoml, but Mr. Weber asked tliat on account of the approaching storm they lie allowed to complete the program tn us short a time us possible. Tlie entire proceeds of the entertainment was $111.80, and tliat amount was sent, Ity draft to ("apt. William ut San Francisco Wed. uesday morning. Mr. Weber lias lecu requested by a number of our citizens to riqieat the concert and will prob ably do ho iu a few days, when be will be. iiNHiircd a full bouse. (ieueva tia- Ztltf. UKYAN RAISING A IIEG1MENT. Governor llolcomb of Nebraska La issued a eommlsaion rmjowering Wil liam J, Itryau of Lincoln to raise a volunteer regiment of 1,000 men to be tendered to the war department for actual service at the front, with the distinguished free silver champion a commander, Mr, Itryau already ha lieguu the work of recruiting, and be lit'trs that he can have lib regimental rank Hilled within two wek. II I quite probable that ahurt alch t- cil Hiitlcal opponent will charge that llii action upon the imrt of Mr. Itry au lin txu-u uiiilertakrii aolwlv for pi'Miv-ul itTcct ami will. out iti.tle inoklie; but fact are much nmrw urn- ilmiinf thiin iihid luiimi and ur- mUi. and the fad that he bna under lukrn in rlw a full regiment of lur- niliif NilnuiLwii n,l kit. .,e. r-.t In bttil I hem jerwinallv ,f TiultUd lo do mi Itiiut li i t tbiMii a ditHH't- liely In hi clntil.- ( hlfitini I Iiiii-- llemtl. ilVKS VNY l.iMMt KKStlNM. Ui I'tri.t ,.f I'lm I""-? fidw V II. d... ml. fr if..rr- 11. t f..r Um third trim. an. I it. I't- I"! ifiir a iff4t innjr ifiHI rai h li ? M H lt'tltlttlp. Ul flat tu, ltiiiiM 1 l" Ht.l-"Wt Ul I ttr-d , hut .at tl b! l tM ( ill at, lrtii,. r lintd, I i. I n 1II1 nwl, 1 th hiilixr l i.l'U 1' H..'. thu W -I..B I" it'nl : I. I i lw unit. I WkI t. pott iiuid l.n . i,g.i an .h Kii. ih .1NHarll w thw K. w Itml w.i i-h wla 1 W tiHI I'VMlWt i'tui. w lt. Uk h i wn'w till Sit Juwm wHirvl l n t iw wow twklmw; It a.nti m t.n l)Ww I. ka tHif lew lri.rrMi t, )wast tw J, awe lktt l.t Id I t-w fatwfiUr V evfiwa 'WW wrw' eLwtw.K Awwrw-ww ! wi t wnlaoww, W mp,Mid witw lUbWia l. Nn f titr rwr4 l4 kto ttrw wr m fel uttwiaaU. In Camp at Chlokamaugw. The Second Regiment Nebraska Vol unteers, under command of Colonel Bill left Lincoln lust Thursday iu three di vision and are now in camp at Chicka mauga. The boy were tired of camp life in Lincoln, so far from tho enemy, and welcomed the chance to move nearer to the eeno of attual hostilities und greeted the order to go with cheer. A largo crowd of friends were at the camp to ee them start and bid them goodbye and God speed. They arrived iu the southern camp In good spirit and health and will probably put in some time drilling before being ordered nearer lo the front 8treiii(tli of Hewuy'e lfo Tlie census of Spanish troop In the riiilippine, just made public by Span ish ofllclalM, show 7,000 in Manila, 000 in fuba, 1.500 lu lloilo, 1.000 In Miuandaro and 800 in Lnytu. There I no artillery outside of Manila und th fort. The presence of American ships ha practically put an end to Spanish activ ity in Manila. The Spanish political and war center 1 for thu time being here. Sple are everywhere. They are buy circulating report of disaster to Ameri can force in the West Indie and else where, Today they started a rumor that Dewey had been assassinated, and fol lowing thi came the unfounded report that the Insurgent chief, Arlnold, had gone over to the Spaulh, and had been given command of the Spanish military forces. Huitlliig Help to Dewey Mow. Admiral Dewey' squadron will be re inforced by live warship. Tho Charlo ton and the Monterey, a monitor, are already under order, aud today order were telegraphed to the Philadelphia, now at Mare Island refitting, to hasteu repair work on that vessel. Tho Charles ton will pick up the liouulngtou ut Hon olulu, and the York town of tho umo class and armumeut u the llonnfngtou will be gotten ready at the Mare island yard a quickly as possible. The lion niugtou and tho York town, although third-rate gunboats, are equal to tlie Spanish gunboat blown up by Dewey at Manila. It Is expected that before the new Spanish fleet arrive at Manila, Dewey will have received the Charleston uud Bennington and at least 8,000 troops. Mtiimtor Allnn Hpewk. Wasiiinoton, D. ft, May !i5. Senator A Hen delivered hi promised speech in the senate today upon the war reveuuo bill and in opposition to the Issuance of bonds. The speech was characteristic of the senator s previous utterance on the subject. The supremo court, the Iioiimo and the senate, said tho senator were all In the dutches of the heartless financier, iio made thi confession with humiliation, but he said no one could but admit the truth. An Issue of bonds he said would bo u great blanket mort gage upon the property and Industries ol the country, and the only way to pay the Interest on the same In gold would be by other issue of bond. It would be an endless chain and would place the poonlo In the grasp of the monopolist of tlie bonds. The senator referred to the issue of bond under the administra tion of Cleveland and estimated that the issue of bond in t ime of peace wa about on a par with tho proposed Issue for the purpose of currying on a war that is costing the government a mil lion dollars a day to prosecute. i Nh run liw Crop lleport, The mean temperature ha averaged about threo degree ubove the normal in tho eastern counties and about one degree below the normal in the western. The weekly minimum tumiioraturoa wore gonerully slightly below 50 depress, and the maximum slightly ubove 80 degrees. The rainfall in tho past week was gen erally heavy; it exceeded two inche in tlie northern and eastern couutio and exceeded one inch iu all except a fow cen tral and HouthwcHtcru counties. Tho past week has been very favorable for the growth of small grain and gras. Hyo is heading out; winter wheat is jointing; both have made a very rank growtli of straw, and iu a few instances complaint is made that wheat is lodged nlightly. Grass in pasture aud ou the ranges in western counties is exception ally good. The wet weather retarded corn planting aud there is still consider able ol tho crop to bo plauted. The early planted corn is coming up, and a few field have been cultivated lor the first time; there is hhiiih complaint that the stand is not good. Com has been damaged slightly by wushing during the heavy ruins of the pat week. (WetHir eik. Ml ol Hk wl at Trwww VI .!, 4 laHrwatMiawl wiltw, O , Sfc, klwia liwild.. Vermont You're a -Id rlutl atwta, Old Wrwinnl ; And (our Mil at ui.Hilii rl. O d Vrmout; Hut tM Mink Ihaeouairf ikr.miih. N.iuMat lb liuat ul Or, un.l III uu. I.Vr II .irtuU And mum tru I'mi your, ormiuil. Yii'r Iirliului ul h.ijMiiiiii air. old Vfuioitl. Anil fur lir-'(i lire win IMa Imr. Hul Vvf 1 fun do wit, ao an llwe, I'la li.r brntklul, mf h t km, I hm t m.i iMiilwr hnwil lit mu titan ) ui t trutwel . "Iluiurr ttntl Uaxll," la nl. Vartu.itil ; Siii kuuur ililnli r I 'HI rui..l i k'riiMt a im k ntl lue a.iln l.i kru artied mu, I , ..ut hul l Mk Alt du, I will lflui.l, (.. (k r tlm Un.l, HI I W(m..l, t utki a iifwj.i4 k4 ikan rwf. r- Hull liwt iitii .lfn. I iki ru, 1 Ml Ik. m kill It,., UM,rll M'mii!, it it.ii, mil ..iii 1 ,1 .ullt H. HI. IIBI ll.l Feod Caused Pain CtttMh wt the) ttamenh Cwrwtl by Hwvtl'a tai(HI. "I wi 1 . it . k nt 4 I 'la IWUfia 1 I I l.a ...!. Ii VI I .. I Wiiwl-I lii 1 U I l-l l III lt t iijut t ...tit,. t'i , - 4 1 ut tl.u.iiln t i I ui.uti 4 iIjwi u ! I Ii I I ! . . M f WmJ u'li'd il1 . ! .1 fvii.l. I U u4 a H tf lt t Kl WU, t B4) itutkl ttitviu wl Ui. (f4 wwi,)' wl ( 4 Hvetl aW'l a rtwrM4. I vwa It wti Ij Ukw4 R ! Uiu IU I. tiwwtsiMk, Noli lrx. 8M, ). IWfcwewiW Hoodo Snronpnrllla li ta . t tfce Itww ksj! fii l mi r j !. i M v ai ti I kill llw U ! W lUMKl IMIli U ! W wewawM, SCHOOL FUND APPORTIONMENT. The following table compiled by W. It. Jackson, Superlntendtnt o! Public In struction for Nebraska, show the semi-annual apportionment of school fund for the year indicated. County. June '00. Dee. '1)0. June '07. Deo. '97. Jane '08. Adam Antelope Hanner lllaine Boone llox Hutte.. Doyd Drown liuffalo Hurt , Iiutlor Cass Cedar Chase Cherry Cheyenne ... Clay Colfax dimming... Custer Dakota Da wo Dawson, Douel Dixon Dodge Dougln. Dundy ... Fillmore Franklin Frontier !( It Furnas dago Garfield Gosper ..... Grant Greeley Hall Hamilton ........ Harlan Hayes Hitchcock Holt Hooker Howard Jefferson Johnson Kearney Keith Key a i'nha Kimball Knox Lancaster Lincoln Logan Loup Madison Mcl'herson Merrick Nance Nemaha... Nuckolls Otoo Pawnee I'erkina l'hnlpe Pierce Platte Polk Ited Willow Uichardson I lock Saline Sarpy Saunders Scott Bluff Seward Sheridan Sherman Sioux Stanton Thayer Thoma Thurston Valley Washington Wayne Webster, Wheeler York S 4,1100.40 2,004.27 487.89 143.48 2,719.47 1.255.H2 1,208.49 1,025.07 5,170.fl8 8,218.09 4,180.10 6,008.81 2,729.08 707.27 1,104.05 1,212.19 4,509.02 8,802.27 8,709.78 4,831.00 1,024.14 2,048.00 8,089.71 780.72 2,524.90 5,500.07 20,884.80 047.88 4,240.72 2,898.49 2,204.02 2,978.15 7,820,42 877.19 1,407.44 120.47 1,385.00 8,070.12 8,770.84 2,417,72 001.19 1,837.92 2,004.27 47.83 2,808.22 4,240.00 2,044.81 2,035.10 610.07 877.15 158,83 8,205.20 15,152.70 2,008.02 275.89 81.1.70 4,050.05 00.62 2,102.60 1,740.17 8,050.01 8,073.78 6,431.64 8,01415 050.02 2,548.02 1,900.11 4,025.30 2,050.00 2,430.05 5,187.48 710.00 G.4 10.83 1,985.80 5,077.80 425.27 4,270.89 2,032.80 1,710.17 403.82 1,735.82 8,007.00 183.13 588.71 1,842.82 3,510.75 2.133.72 3,084.83 805.45 4,550.09 f 4,224.10 2,687.01 290.10 118.47 2,010.40 1,048.89 1,099.47 703.82 4,729.07 2,880.44 8,840.16 6,470.70 2,572.80 581.08 851.89 003.80 8,854.18 8,002.24 3,404.22 4,558.03 1,458.80 1,778.00 2.737,85 480.52 2,290.78 4,987.63 23,971.31 002,81 8,557.30 2,153.01 2,031.22 2,781.28 0,570.84 827.44 1,237.23 103.10 1,270.51 8,830.83 8,828.36 2,150.85 018.00 1 ,232.58 2,017.60 88.00 2,603.05 8,077.70 2,005.40 2,419.89 470.54 057.65 100.81 8,017.65 12,880.64 2,551.00 208.31 200,22 3,841.48 20.03 1,050.00 1,530.74 8,378.27 2,072.13 4,877.72 2,080.78 458.00 2,802,00 1,833.55 4,000.04 2,508.02 2,175.04 4,700.54 812.00 4,008.52 1,820.00 5,412.70 850.74 8,700.00 1,540.05 1,084,47 422,02 1,004.01 8,203.23 85.85 000.07 1,830.23 8,131.85 2,058.51 2,008.75 252.00 3,008.00 jf 0,500.20 4,(MO.0O 402.48 184.00 8,929.49 1,037.89 1,710.88 1,238.81 7,880.11 4,508.80 5,000.00 8,552.18 4,010.79 008.82 1,330.27 1,411.83 0,018.48 4.088.10 6,816.88 7,110.02 2,278.09 2,700.00 4,274.68 750.35 8,577.18 7,788.31 87,432.52 040.64 6,654.91 8,802,05 8,171.8(1 4,843.12 10,270.09 611.82 1,032.01 101.09 1,083,97 5,082.06 6,1 97.40 8,357.89 1,018.20 1,024.78 4,087.40 00.28 4,003.28 5,743.02 4,1 02.29 8,778.80 734.77 1,020.80 171.48 4,712.00 20,049.05 3,083.53 826.29 415.71 5,098.08 82.22 3,040.11 2,390.33 5,275.85 4,172.08 7,010.83 4,180.19 708.78 8,080.42 2,803.20 0,400.88 4,058.80 3,307.38 7,180.00 057.17 7,188.05 2,852.80 8,109.17 647.70 5,019.70 2,404.88 2,030.40 059.94 2,505.09 6,002.02 134.07 947.82 1,858.00 4,880.78 8,214.47 4,214.25 304.92 0,197.18 I 0,913.02 4,110.00 420.64 157.80 4,219.90 1,535.28 1,780.89 1,218.46 7,978.87 4.710.04 0,281.48 8,939.51 4,289,01 808.42 1,472.55 1,432.15 (5,287.88 4,772.77 6.483.00 7,478.00 2,818.50 2,005.04 4,521.86 770,16 8,781.80 7,001.12 40,702.00 854.8S 6,851.04 8,440.04 8,343.81 4,450.02 10.578.99 600.09 2,022.24 228.59 2,079.05 0,287.85 6,827.77 8,031,04 072.84 1,077.75 4,181,03 68.48 4,252.80 6,014.07 4,185.88 4,001.04 585.83 080.00 100.82 4,071.69 20,575.34 4,100.74 840.23 448.08 0,137.04 00.08 8,071.03 2,702.00 6,589.85 4,477.20 7,003,48 4,385.70 011.85 3.8OO.09 8,031.23 0,709.49 4,100.13 8,440.50 7,070.03 887.70 7,452.07 2,084.45 8,010.8(1 070.89 0,143.20 2.224.2S 2,078.24 004.07 2,001.23 6,808.03 104.80 1,160.78 2,874.03 4,080.10 8,508.01 4,300.39 3H8.07 0,011.91 I 7,880.09 ; 4,702,20 400,25 170.00 4,810.27 1,752.25 2,032.67 1,390.04 9,105.88 5,875.68 7,109.18 10,202.80 4,895.14 1.025.39 1,080.00 1,084.65 7,119,48 6,447.27 0,257.87 8,535.51 2,040.51 2,974.2a 6,100.80 885.84 4,813.32 0,1 20.44 40,454.0(1 975.03 0,078.94 3,034.07 8,810.37 6,070.51) 12,074.08 577.J 2,308.02 200.00 2,373.65 7,170.40 0,080.70 4,145.22 1,110.83 1,01 4.80 4,772.68 00.74 4,853,88 0,750.54 4,777.48 4,507.50 008.03 1,120.10 217.21 6,074.19 28,483.07 4,755.59 888.81 612.09 7,005.37 70.45 8,505.72 8,084.04 0,322.18 5,109.03 9,088,89 6,005,57 007.75 4,838.10 8,450.01 7,720.17 4.782.20 8,920.79 8,763.08 1,013.25 8,605.21 8,400.21 9,833.00 705.70 7,011.43 2,538.58 3,050.78 090.47 8,037.82 0,058.86 188.09 1,820.20 8,281.23 6,082.83 4,004.45 6,017.70 442.02 7,580.55 Total for State. Children Apportionment Unto per Child.. 352,101 1200,410.12 .74 348,52 1231,058.80 .07 318,528 1302,220.08 1.041 . 854,929 854.920 $377,805.00 430,005.08 1.00 1.21 It-' 1 rwi 1 IF YOU WISH 1 O t t o t ikJkTrt To purchase a piano and wish to get the best vai- - ue for your money you want one of our "Three S'es":?MwkSM CU A U America's Greatest Piano, the O II A T T greatest in the world. QPHAPPPR VcrV inc' tone qua OV 1 1 W r IL. 1 lity, beautiful case designs. CpUII I CD A good Piano at a price that O j 1 1 1 L I L, i will come within your reach Soli on easy terms at cash prices ty the MATTHEWS PIANO CO.. ,JtiN.,,tV, instil W VI It 1 15.000.000 LBS. WOOL ?' y tf)i U4 as t kmmktm) mt tmN a"4 ) tV aell dtl Mil. ..h..f. liii I i d. a4 J-d IW fvittr 4 iu tu tiW) 1I1IU Me) mJ Ml tvl aatt kU an.1 1 bat ml 94 10 tmt pt wm tvmmm kummt u.. i 1 ' "' l,,,'ti tkl Ur4- rMH ieai. 9 aeel l4e)l'l kt Jim thl. fi. m M . uWi -I ll fcaiki'l, HtlM Ufi r jwa vli your w4, w 9m makm mm tnm ci:i3ico, lit. sucERuin cr.os. !