The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, May 26, 1898, Image 4

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May 26, 1898
Bf Nebraska 3nicptntent
Ctnielidatlon if
IndEpeidBijt Publishing Go.
At 1120 K Itrwt,
$1.00 per Yeah in Advance,
Addrra ill uuiiuanliilMiif uikf ll
Jt. niowy ril. le., parll to
War in not an unmlxedevll, The eropof
prio if poetry ) very short this year.
Kvery time a thunder shower come
up the New York paper hear bmry can
nonading off the New Knglaud coast.
According to the dally paper Hpanish
war vessels are thicker along the Atlan
tic coast than sea serpcnls worn last
Th board of Hlrategy at Washington
ha been aptly described a a board of
Legurthy and the last name seem to
state the case without prejudice.
The pre censorship In very lux. Jtu
mors of awful battles which never oc
curred, continue to gut through the line
and k''p tho people awuko at night.
Admiral iJewey ha been nominated
or president by (ho Iowa Htate Ibtglster,
HumpMon and Hchlcy are hoilely out
of the race unless they do something
Where is that new battleship, the
O'HIgglns? The name is all right but
the crew I surely not Irish or it
would havo been cracking Hpaiilsb btad
before thi.
(Jrave fear are entertained in some
quarters that the supply of majors and
colonel will soon be exhausted. Thorn
are still a large number of citizen who
are willing to go a private.
Kvery time one of our war veel doe
little practice shoot ing the newspaper
correspondent announce that a big
battle has owurred and about a dozen
Hpanish ship have lxm sunk.
How would ft do for omo of the re
publican editor In thht elate to raise a
volunteer company or join Mr, liryan'e
regiment a privates? That would m a
good way to practice what they preach.
The manager of eaide summer re
HorU will have to come out to the Kx po
rtion to make a living tlii year. The
fear of Hpunish gunboat overcome the
deniro to watch for sea serpent just
The report eamoycsterdny that Hump
Hou'e and Hehluy' fleet hud met I tin
enemy ami that our entire Mipiudron
wan loet. The report i true except that
they did not find the Spanish fleet.
Hum 1 mo 11 In evidently loet in the Kea of
Doubt while Schley i wandering about
in the Ocean of Uncertainty.
When the rumor came a lew day ago
of a terrible battle near Cuba in which
Hpain' entire fleet hud been sunk, a
number of Nebraska town had wild
demouetratiouii. Itonflrv were kimlliHl,
band played, cannon were fired ami the
people ehouted theiiiNelvtw bourne, Their
Fourth of July celebration w neatritle
t arly but we'll let it go at that,
Rtireeeutative wright. d NuekoilN
county, a a visitor In thie city Wed
Uiwduy, lie wae one of the modi!, yet
nfftH'tive lliemlere of the huit hotle. He
report the people of hi county w ithout
regard to previou Milile al nililiiitlun,
a well pliaed with th eliunu in ad
lululefering vlnte affair and will give
' gtNid mnjority for the puu!it (jiket
thi fall.
Ilr. ItriaiiU being loirMy irititUil
by ii'publii'aue lor flit-lug lo rii a
ri'KlllieUt id Voluuleer. M iur he
wtpet te Id go Ha ri'liiltel, liliiat tin u do
htl raUHi rnuto uU. til bit t tit ileeire
to l M robot! I not wu.iiu'd to auy
on ptiliteal prlj, It eviiiatu lt ipiiiw
prevalent put at prtwiit, ronniohj
the iiMal n I r l cIhmm (or Aral ltu,
It aiay hne ! pra l by the ret
ramy . in N.l.nk
Atututiig thiuit tm'pa ntim In
ani td pi. Turlty lw.
rpti t o. A, I bird NlrV ol.
hMmm, it tmwuee ! feat
th rvaiite U tmly a polUU al eUwa
nfiaere4 by t'obiael W, J. Iirjaw. II
nlbatly iibMk4 tkal mIh ka k
111 batbii( b. tke taptalavy, but a
to rjf ouii aahwtity gradnaU
Imi UI pfwl'ibly lonn kougl ta l4
nut Itu UuW atttatioa k attract, 4
MrBMl l"" Wlal tall ii "' """'
uta,W ntdaalwr II UklnVd kalt"'l, t 4aeaii MmI ad part.l
th iimi t k ar ttitwiv ! al iat
tklag ta da Hk kit tudibai 4ir hi
if. kill Hniiiiiarde. Ho
tar we have killed perlmim 400 of them
To do thi bo coet 150.000,(100 epeelal
nrnMt vntaA hv coiiure ufUir milking
the Maine-all of which ha been epent
IJeelde thm there I a general deficiency
of 135,000,000 and a naval deficiency of
123,000,000 both of which arlee iroin
the war oxneime. Thi mnke a total of
1107,000,000 njicnt and only 400
Hnanieh mother, eieter, or wive made
1 M Al.llf
deeolate. Thi I at the rnwoi o,
GOO per Spaniard which certainly I a
very cotly figure to pay ami one at
which rnoet American In their right
mind would not care to keep on tran-
acting biieinee.
It may beeald Uiatthee figure are
unfair and th ipiotatlon of tle cur.
rent price for Hpanieh corpee onreaeoi
able biKiamw we have pent thi amount
of money In getting our plant eetab.
liehedand In operation and that from
now on we ehall l able to neuure real
barKaln in dead Coetillan an d.'fu ruled
grief and wo at cut rate for th home
of the common iieople of Hpain whoee
on are fighting in th Hpanieh ervlce.
Noteo, We hare not got our killing
machine Into oiieration a yet. We have
only gathered aomeof our material to
gether, and for xpene we have only
Jut entered upon It. The war I already
otlng u one million dollar a day.
Heuator Allmon, chairman of thoeenate
flnanii wxnmlttee announced on the
floor of the enaU chamUr Monday of
loet week that thecommlt tee hayl injured
careful rmtlrnate from both the army
and navy department and that It would
require a total of at leuet f')7'J(l W.000
to pay the cxpeiiee of the war from the
prent time until the f)rt of July, J ',
not faking Into account any emergency
exjmee that might ariee at any mo
ment. The total amount, Mr, Allmon
though f, would be rather above than
below the um be hud indicated.
The eetlmnte of the war department
I baaed upon the call for 125,000 vol
unteer now being filled. Ami already
the wire from Waehington are freighted
with new that preident McKinley I
wriouely coneldering another call for
troop. If fhl I done the exeno ol
the war will be enormouely Increased.
And all thi for the purpoee of adding
to the Importanije of military chief who
have had no o.;cupation In the I'nited
Htate for the laet thirty year, for the
purpoee of fuMtening great military
and naval imf abliehmcnt upon the peo
ple of thi country, the purpoee of mak
ing a bonded debt to match the military
and Incidentally making a few tliouaud
widow and orphan among the poor
people of Hpain who are already emaeh-
Ing window to get bread which they
are unable to buy,
Thi I written in no unpatriotic Npirit.
Uod grant It be written and received in
the trueet epirit of American palriotlm
the epirit that believe America ha
a better dentlny than running nn Inter
national daughter Iioumc or eeltiug her
feet in the foot print ol Rome and liaby-
Ion, There I ; danger In the time, in
the glory of loreign coii(iit, in the
opening uo of colonial empire, in the
meaeurrd tramp of men away from the
walk of production to the tented camp
id idlenee and ilcHt ructiou, in t he crea
tion of new national Ideal which like the
picture of the decrt have beckoned na
tion on and on from one field of fume
to another until their bone were left.
blenching on the Hand. Already the
word i trougly prenHw that we muet
take not only the Philippine, but
Hawaii and the Caroline group a a
war iiienmiru for ''couling Nlullon."
Thi I a good tun to miuimon people
who have eober eiie Ihk k to their
t ill A I
eemei. llie purpinei oi mi war, ine
only purpose, I the treeing id the
Cubiiii from intolerable oiiirii nml
tarvatlon. It I a mouth Hlnee we
Lurted on thimilou. Cuba U eevuuty-
five Jin ile from our lior. While we
are pbiiiniug eiedltiou to the I'lilll-
pluee the Cuban ret'ouceiitradiMNi, the
very Miopl for whoee live we are to
kIhmI our own blood mid ud our own
mean, are ntarving. Itellable (nielli,
gene) Irmn llnviiiin i that inot ol
thine ltierible red I " ai'oiiud that
city are already dad, Havana i
blockaded and t liretilenml with laiiiiue.
ThHMiuk army hn naturally Inken
poM"Rlnli of U loud. The t II I. ii in., the
women and ehiMrvti to whom Nbruka
h given a train load of u il"ii, are tn ii ih I hUwar ouuht not to
lat uly (bit longer, Wehiui- niough
triHip uiobr arm no to drive th
Hoaiiiard out of Culm in llnrty dav.
I ht ho le vir Imu a time In two loin
ir't ) wr wloHMiMier ot the Viigln-
moM ru' b ' not lirimt nuldier id
ll. rw ith I'.l'Wiit lior ut
the Utter Ih lh M V li wwr we liiet
the nine tin td UifU n I do ttieiu
mil id ltfi in'Ml to r lh) out
HiiiiiUivl u 10(001111, Wwntudtltt
fVWf hOHhlrtid out ! Ctiba btdr III
till id Jul! Ihwtlt wliwl w aait
thi wwr lur hd wh-a Vat dew il
ought In U r1y t jmi, eoitt
kviwie and gn In farttilng, 1 k Mtra ko
probity tt.le war n4 pH p b bt wad
firiH jMrtoH lur'tHHfua nr
tioteg taia Ihm k AmrWa i
plw weal ta
in auhtlM mhMm a4
mmmn 4tioiftftiM pra
nl frvaii tinnUaa amiaal ul ktilal
hlp of France for Hpain. The women
are not only reluelng to buy good bear
ing a French brand but they are notify
ing merchant that they cannot expect
their trade If the etore continue to Im
port ntuff from France. The French
manufacturer will be given ft practical
leon In thi way which will hav morn
effect f ban any (amount of long-winded
While the buy wire are bringing new
of deirut battle on the ea, and o
famine and bread riot In other land
about the world, let u epnre an hour at
leat and look for t hat abort time upon
the waving field of grain, the orchard
decked In bloom, the meadow rich with
emerald green, th fattening herd upon
atboiiMaud hill, the pence and plenty
everywhere In fair Nebraka. A in the
olden time all road led to Rome o now
all road lead to Nebraska, eave only
thowhh!h erve to carry hur tremen
dou crop to all th needy nation of
the earth, Nebraka farmer are not
going back f o vlwit her folk in thi year
of grace; the whlta topped prairie
ehoouer are no longer headed for fhe
hunt, ller folk now come toleuraka
and fenet upon the fatne of a land
who Hmlllng Ihm I crowned with
nature' beet endeavor, Emigration I
coming wet otm more and I Mtoppiug
ehort of Colorado, The dnaerteij farm
are tilled again and bounteou crop re
ward the careful hnbandmun, Fven
away out on the high prairie laud the
one lonely houe how igu of life and
hope and love, Merry children play
about the door yard and the Muuhinv
Mtrcam through cheery window and
plnhiM wall and floor with ruddy
gold. The field give promie of abund
ant harvHt and the plowman wing at
hi tok from out the fullne of hi
heart. The prodigal have all returned
and eaten of the fatted calve and
adorned themelve with new rug.
They have girded up their loin and
started once more to build anew their
ehalterod fortune In aland where na
ture' laviNU hand can blot out with one
grand weep the memory of failure and
mlefortuiie. Where I the tnte whoee
un-kiNcd hill and valley ofltimc
yield a crop that pay In one eeaeou for
the land on which It I grown? For
thee thing come to pa In fair Ne
braska. MMVAHU JIM, 1. 1 Ml,
The dentil hmt Hnidny in hi Man-
hi himel t home of Kdwud liclhuny in
hi -tiilh yeur I an event that claim
the attention and sincere grief of
every true popullitt and leciul reform.
Ten year it go thf eprlng the Ury,
f,iediiig liiickwitrd," appeared from
nn cfmU'i it publlhiiig bonne i'crlup
ft I too much to ay the book created
nu era in our uatiouul life. It wo (tart
of an era and part of the advance guard.
Ten year ago thi spring the republican
party wa firmly en I reached In Nebraska,
KaiiNii, Colorado and all the Traue
Mmeourl states, That very spring Juy
Harrow founded 1 ha Farmer Alliance
newspajier, prmleifessor ol the Imiiki'KMi That year John II. Cowers and
the early pioneer of the Alliance move- ,
liiei.t were busy etublishing its IikIk'
in t he school district of Nebraska, lint
th Alliance had not gone into politic.
Most of it memU'i' were st ill republi
cans, a strong social unrest si irren not
depth of the American heart east and
west and from the abyss issued the farm
er alliance la the west and "Looking
Hack w ard" in the east the one an idea
equipped lor buttle, the other an army
organised to flu lit for the idea. For it
must olwn.vs he remembered that the
underlying idea In the farmer alliance
movement its not the free coinage of
silver, nor t goverumeiit bank and
paper money. Thesu were mere d. 'lulls,
The fundamental principle wa indu
trial eipiality th very thing set forth
lit llttllamy ' book. It I one of the re
markable evidence of the unit) ul a
grout popular nioveiniit that without
any pre-iu ritiineiiii iit or plan the book
should appear iu Hostouund the ortfttui
iittloa on the plain of Kaiisa and Ne
braska at the Mitme time,
Th sinre of "Looking Hni kwitrd"
a intmi titiintiii and t'otupletti. It
old oir hall n million copes in I nulinh
and wa IruiiMUt'd tutu nearly ad lite
htiiguiiije of Cttro, Sim Hint (line
tlum have Imvh si'ore mid hlllolled of
llldllt Hill) Itlllphh U tlpllll t ll M MH'lal
i I u it 1 1 ' mi in. In. vd in thi iiitiiilrt -IIUIIlV
Id tin HI riiloi'li iioii tor ulillity
and hr Yt ll may h liutliLillt tl I
that nous ol tin in hate tlipei lh
lit 1 1 Hilton of I Uttrd II. IUun,
Hrl H Ol.) n till Idea Th .
ttit tin abolition id oilt iin l ioliiu-
IllltUt Hilt lh.' 11 it I it nt i ol ltlillltv III
limit Kl i'.Uillt o , t i ; 1 1 1 t h wtll lodi.j It I lh loUM.IrtMolt
lllOUrtht If Hl rl tlHtlll til It Ml
thnt 'it i-ti-H liiiia lit limriva bit
lh itllte pollte itl iht rr nlhif
lnii n he lioiil.l hat lli miii wmli-r-Ul
pttMMiitii at prit il-'", lhl all
ihtitthl work Itif lb umiiiihih gotHl la
lf4 td vwfh lor kiutavlf. Tu mhhi IhU
till aptM)ira tlrwiM, Imi "Ik dfmti
Ikwl aaibikt tlrvata hiii IruV and tha
two b man ali j pa! Iruai kt tarta
id rm a4 46kit la I Kuaday
varrM lu kl Im run. Ioh lb
tf taiel at kil4 I Ik grwaUal
U lr U ttwlal rvvuhlltta huw itdng
Wage iu Kansa school have been
going down for a number of year. In
the country district which ten year
ago paid 40 to $50 per month the
range i now from $20 to $35, with a
few only paying $40, Hevaral cause are
assigned for thi decline, The really
potent cause I the law of competition
acting in hard time. The operation of
competition a a wage-reducing force i
very easily observed iu a country school
district. Most of our reader are entire
ly familiar with it proccc. Here I a
district with twenty-five or thirty schol
ar. A capable, experienced teachor will
require $40 or $50 per month to take
hold of it. Rut a young man who need
money to carry him through college or
a law course will teach it for $30 and a
girl wbone borne I near by ami will not
have to pay for her board I willing to
lake It for $26, With bard tlmo pres
sing th district, a ha been the case in
most western tnte the pat ton year,
the result uniformly I that whoever
get that school doe no by scaling
wag down toward the bottom figure.
It I plain that good ability cannot bo
had In the school teacher's chair at $U5
orevfn $.')5 pur month hardly as good
pay it a farm hand receives with all
the additional expense of book, cloth
ing, etc, that the teacher must moot.
The best teacher punli out of the conn
try school district to the town where
they can get $50 to $100 per month, or
into other culling.
Numerou remedie are proposed for
bettering the condition of the country
schools. One way Is to abolish the com
petitive system under which one man
bid for the privilege of taking away
another man Job, A good many rend
er of the Iniiki'KNIiicnt are enlisted iu
that movement. It fulfillment ccm
sometimes like a star of hope ufar off
and sometime almost at hand. A yet,
however, It I not here. One present
way of securing better country schools
1 by consolidating three or four districts
into on and providing for the expense
of transporting scholar from the dis
til lit parts of the new district. A law
passed by the last Nebraska legislature
provide for thi plan when adopted by
the district in tenmted. Thi give the
district enough money to maintain a
good school with strong teacher for
eight or nine month lu the yeur.
The Kuiisa statistics show that the
average number of month taught lu
country districts is five and that, it coet
$1.. '10 per mouth for each scholar to
maintain the school. In town the aver
age number of month school I eight
and the cost per month for each pupil Is
f I. Ho that in spite of the lower wuges
paid in country school it costs more
money to run the country schools than
the town school.
The country school are tlie sheet
anchor of the republic. The condition
surrounding the life of the child there
are more natural, more attractive, more
helpful than those in town. The most
noted scholars, statesmen, mechanics
and soldier of America have received
their early t raining iu the country school
house. It i plain to any observing
man of today, however, that the country
school must progress with the ugn or it
will lose it power. Thi is a sieiiliflc
uk. Applied science make the difference
lictwccn the civilized man and the sav
ane, The country school must be made
the nursery of scientific scholars. The
great world of natural science camps all
ubontit, HotMiiy spread her carpet ia
the front yard, chemistry doe her duily
work in the adjoining fields. Kcl"gy
(ism her record iu the rock of the hill
ide and in the revelation of the spade
and well-auger, the beet In and the butter
lly tempt the child-mind to fathom th
mystery ol their creation, Mother Nature
in usters her inliiu te-ineii at the doorway
ami invite the child to enlist. Hut the
drill master must be there iu the rson
of the trained teacher and equipment
mut be present in the form of labora
tories, microcoH and tool or the
young soldier will never be dincipllniid.
The country school inuxt be eijuip'd
with these mid that reipitre mure money
than the evernue country dit net can
afford. Ther iuut !' a eouolidation
of school district, ieriiiaueut toucher
by the year nlld tntlinort!loli of the
children to school Iroin ibtainv too
great to li lritni'd on lout. One thin
inure the country vuler of Nebraska
run wnllK I ir their m honU ut ll sunn
u tin t mil mud tlm rl,ht ini'ii to the
. ULlaturn Mid noiitf h ot Iheiit thai I
an ipial tlit iloa ot Ho' line, Iicfm
itud railroad h! tttte of I'm Ii iHiilItt V
anioUrf th" t'oiiiitr wlim l diatrnl.
lite pri'lil ein id lurioiiit over llil
he laud lil lh town Slid it If lot
Innate diatrit ( itUm th ludioad ttutk
I at letl) oppo! I'terjr popttii!
pt I III' I pi It It I In pHtli Mild l'olilllllt
n llm pri ill Nid'rttkn i'oiililit
lout ptetlili I'm wll Hi mid Iknmiih
tmlt an In Ik tin-ii itUu lh futility
wlo rv Iki jr riM. ll d mil prow-It-jtlml
tin t hall i f no lttiily to lh
low, N.t wilk Hi iwilrtiwl !
Th itii-W td all Ik ttiuttii tir ut
ttppttil lh radrowd. Vkaur
nu boy py lor w ktttd pari him!4
rvUra a svarly a HtMtM li alHU
nt(ilK II r ar lo iMiptniAttl iimam
td latprovti rut. Iff kiml for Ik
it Wgylur, Mkail iy U art?
tlll!Mim l. HIIMWU
CHti AM Pu.Jr mi dhri4, Tk
iUalf kit aikhtkH atajr a4 i
Ivttra Mln uprvata aknra lk
bugle's musio and the rattle of sabre
and musket rang out upon the air. The
tent are gone; no more the sentry's
challenge breaks the stillne; no more
the flag unfurls it fold to greet the ris
ing sun, or floats upon the gentle breeze.
The sparrow bop about the beaton
ground and sassy blue jays lend the
only bit of color to the ceue. And yet
the place is not so lonely as it seems.
The aslio of the camp fire, the piles of
straw where stood the tents, are mute
reminders of the boys so lately there,
and seem to beckon silently and check
our listless foosteps while memory
bring back the moving flguro and
aguln we hear their laughter undjlight-
huarted jest. Who knows how long
'twill bo before we clasp their bunds
again and bid them welcome home.
'Twos so in '01. The old veteran who
went out to see thern march away did
not smile at jest and gay good bye, The
scone brought back too vividly the mem
ories of other days when other Jcom
panic were marched away with cheer
and music ringing in their oar and
promise of quick return uponjf their
laughing lip, How like thi sceno to
that of other days, The hope that
cheered the boys of 'C I faded away be
fore the grim front of battle and wua
lost In cloud of fire and smoke upon a
hundred bloody fields, Home of
them did come back but not In day or
week or month. Four long ycnrft
them with a tattered remnant of the
companies that started for the front, the
missing scattered over hill and valley
fur away lu that long sleep that know
no waking till the judgment day. I Thou
sand of them lie in unknown graves
from Vlcksburg to Mew Orleans, from
Gettysburg to Appomattox, from At
lanta to the sea. For such is war and
when once the gnge of battle Is accepted
who cun tell what the end may be. The
boy who heard their couutry' calljlu
'01 were not more bravo than those who
answered to their name lu '1)H, Now
us then they gathered from the hillside
and the plain, the counting lu use and
farm, the factory and the plantation,
from east and west, from north ami
south. They have answered from the
mansion iu the city and from the old
logcutnu iu the clearing, and I mother's
prayer or sweetheart's tear will alike
be unavailing to cull them hack until
the wur is over and it shrill alarm are
"'I'teni blow Mi horn t. llm uhl liitcli dour
Tel I hp wi'hoii nil IiiiIIiio,
Ami llm ilillilrii KiHlmm Iioiii mi't nuirn,
,i.t it lliny il ft, (In:
lllow dtr Tap tl lm Ih.hi mill i iiiiibii,
With Toiiip unit Kill!, tor,,
A miin hln' homo, with thu Urn mid drum
And tliv nld Kml, Wliltiiuiid ill mi."
Red ('loud is in the throe of a new
pujtor war. Kditor Walsh of the Nation
fisilingly refer to abated rival as follow:
"The patent medicine gimlet down the
street milled by that stood-oii-cnd tape
worm who ha never written nu editorial
since he came in possession of the plant
seems to be terribly elated over the mum-
pension of tlm publication of the Morn
lug Nation."
Mr. Walsh further depone and say
that his con temporary is a "poor pusil-
luuimout pup" mid a "sneak eyed liz
r.urd." If the rival editor can beat this he is a
genius. .Meuutiuiu tun people ol the
state are waiting with ill-concealed anx
iety for the outcome of this bloodies
battle on the hunks of the Republican.
l'ostage stump for the I'uitod States
will ! printed at the bureau ol engrav
ing and printing of the treasury depart
ment Instead ol by private contract
during the next twelve months. The
government can and doe print them
clieitHir uud better thmi thu contractor.
The total value ol those to be printed
the coining year i $it'J,5oOll)()t. The or
dinary postage stamp will be furninhed
nt . cent a thouHiind, potage-due
stump at 11.1 cent a thouaud, new-
pitH.r uud Hiriodicitl stamp at tl.03
cent it thoiiHitud and hh'UI deliviry
Mtitinp at 1 1. 1 cent a Mmuaud. The
contract contemplate a totul of "I,-iHl.''I.M-i.l
ordinary tanii. I,.'I4V
.Tin special delivery taiiiMt, Vtll.'J'.'U
newpitHr ti!iiit uud I l,.'i "ll, 1 pot-
St;dle tultlMt,
The largiHit uuuibur of any ou do
liolllllllltloll lo lm printed will U llt-
rent ittuii, th toiitl Miiri'j,7uit,iiul.
ut III otie-eent titlnp, 1,'tll,'
I'i'.''ill will be printed. 1 1 lli,llel
iiiuiiU r ol any ton vnrtvty will be 1,1'Jo
I'll) ljtu which are tid bir ls
upon iiw)iitir in. iile l in bulk. Th
ioiiiiU r ul lo t iiip lnl piinltid
will U I J CI '.
till .'HI ittfii lh" iUliitl trtlil III,ji cljlii prllileil ttJ'.M,
III it III Ihr eul . lu.irx Ih.ttt bow,
I tin lm i .iiitiuu I i ll Ih4l lb
fowl tun. lit intuitu! fun r Hilm l or do
Imsoti) iiiai In tW a not ul lh ki-
,1,11 llt4p Iillll,
4.oul tin' liiti r btnit ttul t Inntit
em l i--rwl fotl In wUfti I sill
lii nt i t lumue In lutt li h, wivritl
htlltiwl il'llMrM. Th tlttiy WM
I.iuIiIuhI al Ik lint, aw l lh MUtwl,j
from Ik Ton ll,l-l "ut In tttfy
Ik duttbl. il mwiu a) at Hal lrdbkj
Ihwl ritf 'tiaUlMM Ik wllli a4 l
111 gu lu fctaa I la I ktu kttuli
kai al Ik k4 i4 tMRwttmtal vwta
ntiliM ia lk ttly il Juka I'wwtsr.
Iimi hr tot i w l-l n Ikrww ikars
id ataislmlaat aaatbli'! 4vw a4
saiWf Iwdwlmtal lot kia a iaiabhi4
The annual production for American
labor is $230 for each man, woman and
child according to Mulball's statbtics
ascpiotedin this pojier last week com
paring the United States and Hpain.
Heckoning the average family at Are
person this i $1150 per family produced
each year. Who got it? Certainly not
the producer.
lt us try the proposition exporlmon
tally. Nlue-teuths and more of the In
dki'kndknt readers are producers, most
of them producing material things that
are eaten and worn, tho necessaries of
lire. IM thoo who are deeply Interested
(a most of our readers are) In tostlng
the Justice or Injustice of our presont
system of distribution take an Invon-.
tory of their income the past year or the
present year and write us the result.
Names will not 'bo ued if the request is
made not to use them. What we desire
is facts free from bias and gathered at
first sourons regardlug tho actuul in
comes of tho wealth -producer in the
western Uultod Htate. Let thoso who
desire to aid in the Investigation make a
statement of their family, the number
who are producers and who ure not.
Let them credit themselves, If living up
on a farm, with the farm product eaten
upon the family table and produced by
the family, Letu find out in short
whether Mulhull toll the truth when he
say the American people produce $1 150
per family each year uud if it i the truth
who get It.
Lies are said by a student of the sub
ject to be divided into three classes, lies,
lie and statitic. Kvery man who
ha had an occasion to make original
investigation himself lu tho field of poli
tic and social science ha discovered
doctored statistics. The figure of the
circulation of currency in tho United
Htate gravely handed down from tho
treasury department at Washington
year after year a though they were the
tablet of stone from the summit of
Mount Kinal ure known to be utterly
false lu certain particulars and ure iu
fact admitted to on by those responsible
for them. It may be that the figure on
the product! ve capacity of America a
figured by Mulhull have been tampered
with by u real estate agent. There I
certainly room for analyzing uud Inven-
tlgutlng them. Tho Inihoi-knuknt prom
!)!( readers an early investigation
uud account of the sources ol Mulhull's
figure and ask it reader lu turn to
make imlividuul investigations uud send
iu the result.
One thing is certain. The income of
the uverage family within our knowledge
is u great deal lest than $ 1 1 50 per year.
It Is a great deul less than $1000 per
yeur. If Mr. Mulhull is lying ton wo
oiiKht to expose him. If he is telling u
the truth if we actually do produce
$1150 jsr family each year who
get it?
In the mldrt of war' aturm it should
not be forgotten that the TranHMissis-
sippi exposition opens June 1st. Oov-
eruor Ilolcomb has requested that thi
day be made a holiday for the stuto and
that the exposition be given such a send
off by our people as tonHsure its success.
It i generally conceded that it will be
second only to the world's liiir at Chi
cago and the exhibit uml people from
nil parts of the world will lie eiiuul in
educational value to two or three years
ol travel. As the various rail ronds have
announced a rule of one cent isir mile
for the opening day the Imu 1'I.nhknt
would be glad to see an Immense crowd
take advantage of the favorable condi
tions. An elaborate program has been
prepared which includes siieeches by
(iovernor llolcoiuhuud other prominent; a monster parade; n grand il
lumination and decoration of Omuliu
and the exposition ground and build
ing; uud a telephone niiissuKc from Mo-
Mu ley formally uuuouuciug the
owning and congratulating the peo
ple of tho West upon their euterpriu uud
The preent war should have no effi-ct
uiou the Iran-Xliiiiii i;poition,
lt U unite to ll i it U it u plelidld lic
Homo ul Mr. Hrvitu fn,. .,nt uu-
irvhmiu et hi ri-nnueut will I... im-
llledlittnly Citld tt lh Iroitl nud terv
much vtNfd to tflloit tvwt uud Spun.
IU Ullllel. lll.'V vn lti ),, tlittib .U
would ! an olulinu ol H,M ,r,..,.
dBtiil problem III lliotl, ,
alttritMil, brvthrvii, l'r..., i . Mit!,.
ill tint itcriil,-,., . .tu.,,,. t polilHHi mtnlooi l,.t, Hryau
will tuko In ihWi., uj.,o. h iilUiw
lr wUmg iiu iu. ,i,.r s.i,.
Ut., I. n,r t,,, ,.Hri,rt io vl,
b witv wuy, i,,r !,im,(' hullei.
wl. prvd ihi ( , ,,m, ) mM
g.KMl .i,lol hll.i , u,,
RI4 t.l tutUl, m I Ibnl h ,; t.,,,,1
..t Wtvr i i, ui.iti,,, ti,.. ...
tt, II- at it j si. i u a i.ohu,, (W(1)
w,in sol k IM4 Hoiitwri ,
HI, f.lUr. V um-i plvttl, iu ti
lkouk bt tk aortti wh I .m. .. -I
kopl.t,ljr ol u ..n. old t,.,wm
Mtt.t.Ua4 t,, iwi, tlWl,tt(lll
aia, Tk ti,, .,uli ...
4 ! wa IkaMMiawig tj -, M y
i, I'r,. dt4 t.wM Imj t,
atilllary 11 a4 Mtully wg,f
aa rat,, A h. Wb H-mmi U
rMa Ki lk Irwal u uM km
lakf IkwtuttslitMv,! 4 KiKiK 'Viim
i. . bttya." k
III Hat,