The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, May 26, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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    May 26, 1898
American Plutocracy In Sympathy With
European Ilondholitan The War Haa
Taught Our People Some Truthi Why
Reformer Upholds the War.
1 It is fitting that the first righteous
war fought between two great nations
in more than a century should be bit
terly opposed by wealth. It is consist
ent that those who own four-fifths of
the property in this country should
sneer at a war having as i'ts object the
freeing "a few mulattoes" and exacting
vengeance for tho murder of 200 sailors
"most of whom wero Irish or foreign
ers. "
Ueforo tho smoke of battle obscures
our vision and the thunder of urtillery
drowns the voice of reason let us jot
down a few foots which will bo consid
ered when the future historian treats
of tho IliBpano-American war. It will
be tho province of The New Time to
treat the war, its events, incidents and
developments from a sociolwgical stand
point We believe tho war to be a just
ono. This view is strongly opposed in
many reform quarters, but the future
will justify the position of Tho New
Time in declaring that this war is right
eous and that its success will advance
tho causes for which this magazine is
so earnestly striving
Wealth ever has opposed armed re
sistance to tyranny or forceful revolu
tion for liberty. When wealth goes to
war, it is for markets and territory.
Almost without an exception tho rich
men of the American colonies sided with
the English crown and raised Tory reg
iments to fight the farmers and work
men who attained our American inde
pendence They wined and dined the
British officers in New York. They con
tributed money to import Hessian sol
diers In tho war of 1813 tho conduct)
of the wealthy was even more infamous.
They were guilty of treason. At the
dictation of the bankers, merchants
and traders Massachusetts and other
New England colonics met in conven
tion at Hartford and practically seceded.
They opened negotiations with the
British and invited tho occupation of
Boston and other seaports. They refused
to pay war taxes or to send their quota
of men. As a result the United States
was disgracefully whipped in tho war
of 1812, in spite of what tho school
books say to tho contrary. We did not
win a land battlo until after the war
was over. England did not concede u
point at issue. Her troops burned our
national capital and laid wasto to our
territory. It was a shameful record, and
the rich men of tho day wero to blamo
for our national disgrace. They wel
comed defeat as tho price of peaco and
profits. Head any standard history and
see if this statement is not correct.
The wealthy opposed tho freeing of
the slaves or any curtailment of the
"rights of slave owners. " They mobbed
and hanged abolitionists. When the
southern states seceded, they begged the
president to let them go in peace. They
raved against tho income tax. They
urged other countries to interfere. When
they found that the war was a reality,
they set about plundering tho treasury
and tho people with a success which is
a matter of history.
In tho present troublo they instinc
tively allied themselves with tho Span
ish monarchy. They declared that Cuba
and tho Cuban people "belonged" to
Spain. They excused Do Lome when ho
insulted McKinley. They insisted that
the destruction of tho Maine was an ac
cident When it was shown to bo an
external explosion, they said the Cu
bans did it They argued that the most
to bo expected from Spain was a money
indemnity. Their papers, college pro
fessors and preachers sounded a note of
American cowardice more depraved
than that of the Toryism of 1770 or tho
poltroonery of 1812-4. Tho weak Mc
Kinley cringed before them. The White
House became a braueh office of Wall
street United States seuators, with
their pockets bulging with stocks,
whiued for iuieo and denounced the
hoiust loyalty of the jsmplu as the
"jingoism of tramps and pnujHin. " In
tho meantime they were unloading
stock The vmks dragged along, wita
American dead rotting in Havana har
bor and 1,000 t'uUms ktarved each
wctk. The nation was ablaze with in
dignation. McKinley was U-uig forced
into war, but lie waited until those
stocks were unload"! and tho thr aten
mI Wall street slump iu ''insecurities"
ii averted.
And tie did not nvognUe the Hide
jiriukiicw f the Cuban republic, Ifci
you know why? The ar h.ivo 110I
aid ttiut h about that Thiy have ut
darvd. Here was win ru tho agent of
Ilia Lurvpeau UilulU ts th Interim
tiftuil wntn4t ra, n lu ttuu uv
To hundred i f ra (man. II. d I r
!U lei ax y power ridiculed the tail
ed t'uUu rrpuMle," Tin t Mid I tn
was uniting l rveiVtiUn. The elan
tl I r tutvrvwuiMi without r .tnii..n.
Why? Iksftaau linthatlu'tdi-rtUrvd IhiMi
Tu resemKb i t it Culau r j -u
tU ahiuwt el law o tumiy
l.f IMItM f Ahm-HuMI attb, Witlld
kev rm U.Uy titlll-t!td mil liiu
tail Ul U t'utMt rvtvnut lit
tail i(i y tvwdt f t at ahrvtsd m.uU
fci know tkt Cab W 1I ti iiu, tttl
Ihty Ht Hue In kt U It4vii 4
PlMuW tdt at tWe nlbi i.UU
tut, TUajr or iw IUm4 hm hi
UiUi4 aut ttkta ?iuiAtd iu
it.vtMtual au4 )t4iiutk Kii,
?K faiUre la lb tVUu t
ttl Imm4 lul'.Ht tvilha ltvikUkl
tkelf tat
TU t'fcUai r"UtM o,iJ sai
fctttWt MMt tkitt WiiwHt f
loium!! liktHJ toMk NX U-u 11
tYtlw,UU emfcdrA tint lUltukj Imk)
tuwi r U thu cm
try Hpu (uu kd eKixn , , Ct
m& tnw tl Sse-4 fU,Wa Ait
tM4 IftWjrftU t UU hllkW Ut
von concede the belligerency of the
brave men under Gomez I Glance at
those figures and then read McKinley's
alleged reasons for withholding recog
nition. Some friends urge that we should not
go to war for tho reason that tho un
scrupulous rich of tho country will rob
it of millions by bond issues, contract
steals and other schemes for plunder.
That is not good logic. The question is,
Should Cuba bo free and is it our duty
to help her? It is entirely possible to
rob a relief Expedition or to steal chari
ty funds. If the McKinley administra
tion issues bonds, tho peoplo can elect
one which can justly repudiate tlmtn.
If more money is needed, tho govern
ment can issue it Any bonds issued
under these circumstances should bo re
pudiated, and The New Time servos no
tice in advance that it will urgo such
repudiation. Tho greenback was good
enough in 1801-6, and it is good enough
to whip Spain with.
Millions of men have had their eyes
opened since hostilities with Spain bo
came possible. They never bollovod tho
charges made against (hose in places of
high responsibility. They did not be
lieve there was such a thing as the mon
ey power. They had faith in what tho
big papers told them. Many idols have
been shattered Things which were ob
scure now stand in a strong, clear light
We have a better understanding of
Atnorican plutocracy. Wo can soo it as
it really is, a cowardly, cringing Tory
ism, clutching at its dollars and fondly
hoping that some combination of Euro
pean monarchies will intorveno. Anoth
er and a bolder branch of it is plotting
for a gold bond issue and attempting
under cover of the war excitement to
put through such a plan of currency re
form as will take tho "government out
of tho banking business." Another is
working to secure tho issuance of bonds
with which to buy Cuba, which was
McKinley's plan until tho Maino was
destroyed and war made imperative.
With these people tho dollar is the only
consideration. If war can bo averted,
they aro for peace and profits ; if war
is inevitable, they are for bonds and
coupons. They will gaugo a victory by
its effect on wheat or a defeat by its
effect on stock
It is impossible to forecast or estimate
forroaching results which may come
from this war. It is safe to predict the
downfall of tho Spanish monarchy and
the establishment of a republic. If Gor
many interferes, history will bo made.
Tho plain, common, liberty loving peo
plo of America aro fighting a war for
human liberty and human progress, and
unless tho signs of tho times aro wrong
it is well for American Tories and Eu
ropcan monarchies to keep quiet. If
Austria or Germany raises a hand to
help Spain, tho closo of tho war will
find a Europe with but ono mouarcny
Spain should be dispossessed of her
American possession Cuba should be
a free republic. This war will accom
plish these result It is a forward step.
It hastens the dawning of tho new time.
New Time.
They Are In Lack.
The national banking interest is in
great luck. Not many years since it
was feared that tho rapid extinguish
ment of the public debt would force tho
banks out of business by taking away
tho basis of their circulation. Tho issue
of $202,000,000 of bonds by tho last ad
ministration was a godsend to them.
And now they are in ecstasies over tho
prospect of addition to tho bonded in
debtedness of tho country, and by this
means they hope to prolong their exist
ence and their power to fleece tho peo
ple for at least another half century.
Could they havo their way about it the
debt would be made iM-rmanent, anil
there would bo no pretense whatever of
paying it off. The greenbacks must all
bo called in and canceled, tho govern
ment divorced from the banking busi
ness and full control to issue and manip
ulate tho paper currency given to tho
banking corporations. Conditions are
uot favorable just at present for any
financial legislation, but the philanthro
pists of the national banks see in each
succeeding Itond issue something certain
to inure to their advantage and aid ma
terially in periH tuatiug their lease of
life. Journal of the Knights of Ijibor.
An AltMilhln( Atlmlaalon.
On a uttitfledny Ut wnk vltiitt wcr
foil ml larvlnii e id. nth In New York, ewlthry
wrre no -lUnuli lhw,
I it powtible? And Uiugh y prtwerlty
sweeping over the laud like a March
norther I Surely there i muite mUtako
about this. The idea tint run
eiUt in thUd.iy nf iMugUy ptnoperity
and ritfht in the heart of Urn wvUun
wla-ru national luamr and national in
tegrity were upheld mi gUirioUklv I Kiuht
plu In Nmw York city aianlug ta
death Ih u pMajm rlty U fairly iwamp
lug t luiu I rurviy our itmuijtry 1
Joking. It cit(iul t Ttou in iimktiiit UlUtlit 4 Uiii!t;t W'tld Ib t lM
War a al tluatU
Th dtiTervHi Ul" 11 4 l d aitd a
grtt liSuM k U !lg lit lu u II ti 111. a ! lit.'
i(tK H u of t ttgrai tiiif. 'Miiliii( mid lliu
etttriif that'l Uttiii.l t. U. Hut
(h. it 1 ft. r I i )(tl w ) i . u iviin
In 11 U r, I tilt tetter I r "!
r ll that It mutiMii 'i liu a'""
I, 111 uUi' e tin ! i U . 1 1 iia
J an-1 up 1. ll,. w Vtli
in.; iu el, liw!,l, H
(iii ia ikt tu l Uti and tk r Uiu
Htf it tlti r Htm Ultdiirtw
Una xtly Mi tie" nulla i ( U.4l Itil ts
lU., 4tt and M , and tlr dw
tltti Hi, a 14 lltHli ! I tlltaw hit'
it .dttty - lai r h l
ti taiwN
t r. t Hi li.ilt Om MtHte
l. e4tir I IUu V ait t tiual a
met HU. at .i!V Ij ll mklly
t-i'l .Ut wt. tkiti t ! M tlte itHHMtS
VI ltiif Atui , iM,lal iat N
U utt titi'i Iim ir i ffa tki
I ! lb I rw IM lMtf f ItHf htt
tU-Mt "I ut 4 tttrw. I UUm4 llU-
1118-1126 N St., 1113-1117 0 St.
Office and Entrance 1122 N Street, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Bargains in
No. COO. Our best miller-G (net J high,
48 inches long, French beveled mirror
10x80, throe center drawers.
Holld polished antique ouk, FQ
V r, 11 A,,fi,,in null yllliilillt nl. Will'
HU 1,,.. iivii,w ......
finished, with 1424 Oerinuii plate glass
mirror. Hholt umlor mirror, urn 1
be beat at our price VF
. ,1. liryiui hiis been aiil-horlwd to
form a regiment of volunteers. A
private will be respected in that, regi
ment. There will be no shoulder strap
t.vrnny that is so eonniioii hi unity
life. Miinleii Courier.
The Nelinihku stale teli!!ent iary Is
now self sustaining, the lirst time in
the history of the stivte. The reform
administration has accomplished in
one veur what the repulilicnns failed
to do in thirty years. All this in thu
result of honest business management
of a prison. This is the whole secret
of success. F.xeter Knterprise.
For months the Htiite Journal has
lieeii telling us that the ilemiMiatie
papers of the east say that Itryun Is n
dead duck that a whole Job lot. of
silier iiimth Hint have luul llryiin's
mime at the head of the t'oluiiiii us
their caiiilidute for president III ISMMl
have taken his name out. Last Fri
day's Usee of the Journal says: "The
eastern tleiiHM tatie press In Its milety
for the political welfare of Mr. Hryaii
lias been publishing j;immI deal iilsiut
his anlet,v to go doii and light for
Culm." tf the eastern papers have cut
Mr. I'.rvan and hi free silver views 11
the Journal has so often ald they had
what interest could thev lime bad In
Ms political welfare ' Would It make
liny difference to the "cimlcrii tlemii
eratie press" whether lie "went down
It tiithl for t'ltlsi" or slaved at home
and thereby furnish the Journal with,
uiHticittti , tin hitcrcsttutr subject for
a diiilv write up, 'I lie Journal l al
wa Mimisin Vork Ih liim liil,
v i.tit 11 vi tiviii mi sun .
I t i n ! hpntll U it etihl .laild tld
etMiiitrs, l it Mot.' Iild sit stalit
111 k. the Ml"l. t.f all Ivilteil 11
It, ,u.. Hint w.ii.le Hot ( nthrr iruld
I 111. In. I litildh Hot lift
liirnttiMi, ut Vet ln-l' Isunl are Imp
lttf UhIikI sUmi! ..itf tied ttUnir
A ,.. ion- I lit tin liiillioit ,tl.n III
tt.i V ut i ttl'i ' Sold
I l i.... i (
t t.iiM y ut n h 14 1 it 11 i
I . - s 1 . II, (Ml il I tti ait t I m 4 1
I Id, ,i.i. il.iliMKtf llttl (he !.
1 Inn ..I 1 1.. 1 1 l lot till
jlttitl . -. U it ,. 1 l ttivt
Us HilU I he 'i t it il I t i l i tt
I iitl I 1 .t ! i,tinlr
J itl U Kial l.n I lli-t. wild 1
! i iHit Ht hi.l set e.itiK
I eli.e.v t, u t,ii It .illt il Hlltliy lie
I t't toll .1 1 li t .i,llll la ti it h
! iti4 1 Ih tt i't. ivtl tv a 11 1 ! vittl ttr
I ii i 1, mi a ii K H lot k a pitl.lte 11411I
will t .t v Ut tit t I it;Ii.ti I Iihi ,
liu in un t niutt titi
!. ikttitf ttttt M til t4r ttAs fatt
ttrHiitiliail, sttwittl t ft M
teg in th tuiuM irm (alhi, ait IHat
U Ihsl lh ifalf lit et.tarr I ft tit"
free ale ph t stt al1 1 !) w ku wir
tM'fkl Util Itt ft! (km k I H (He tub ds
Visit our carimt department whim you
are In the city, It will pay you to spend
a lew minutes time in looking at im
handsome patterns In Axmlnsters Vel
vets, Mo(Uutts, Tapestries and Hody
Itrussels, even If you aro in ready to
buy. Our Imported Kgyptinn, Turkish
and Persian Kugs are well worth swing.
Much 11 collection Is not often brought
Into the wust, We are showing some
beautiful patterns In Japanese Mattings,
Dainty designs uud modimfe colors are
now In stylo and our stock is slrlrlly up
to date. The prices are right. No war
tariff in this dciiartrmmt. Kend for
samples and prices of carpets and mat
No. r07. Antique ash Kldelioard, Iwau.
tlfully curved and finished, 17x''lii l-'reuch
mirror, stands 0 font high,
guaranteed to please at our j J g jjQ
CDCC ur ncw ustratec Catalogue, and if you
r 1A CC can't find what you want in it; write to us.
Visit our store when in the city. We take pleasure in show
ing our stock. Remember, we pay the freight 100 miles on our
out-of-town orders over $5, and we employ a city buyer who
will buy anything in other lines for you and ship with any
goods you may order. We solicit a trial mail order.
or a good cigar, (i rand Island Demo
The llaniiiierats of the administra
tion hope to use the war for a double
First, they will force a bond issue at
liny cost. No matter how long It is
necessary to protract the war in order
to force bonds, bonds will be forced.
lu the second place, they will use
the war to keep the currency question,
the Diuulcy bill, the trusts, the utilises
and infamies of a government of , for
and by f fit ut 1 11 If 11 1 millionaires in the
back ground this fall when the people
are voting on the next, congress.
Incidentally, lu connection with
these two schemes, they are preparing
lo carry out the sugar trust's plans of
annexing Cuba and Hawaii so as to
pack congress and the electoral col
lege with sugar trust carpet buggers,
chosen to represent the annexed dis
tricts on the old South Carolina plan,
The leopard has not ('hanged his
spots, nor the F.lhiopiuii bis skin. The
thieves and scoundrels behind this
scheme of bloodshed and plundering
are the thieves and scoundrels of the
Credit Moliiler, of the guano frauds, of
the whiskey ring, of the star route
ring, of the cai's t bagging, Isnid deal
ing days at the south.
A race of more at ns iotis v lllians never
1 11 1 ed the earth; and every iniin who
retains his common sense must simil
iter us he witnesses the luxtllie lusti
leiiee with which they lire rhallcli(.'lig
the jilxtice of beuveii iiiflillist their
iriiiies, Mississippi Istnoclut,
"liotl liM.ksoii the t in lb uud It t It-Ill-tiles:
he torn hi s the hill and the)
Ills ears In aid the Ihuii of the
illicitly ; hi thunder ciuhi loud us
he spoke;
I, I mil the titsl of the widow, til the
I,!, the humble, the Unci.;
lilt too Wli.l trust III tit tlf,i,lllr,
your sin IN It-It veiis't am shall
w rt t k
S mi have w rested tht Iim for lour
pitttltj ytnt huts it. I.U.I the htl'U
.( tMft.l
n I tu- tt loud st lli itti u and It M
Ilits oii tlut III the tdisst ytm mil
itit tl
h il t.tiii 1.111 atotll l.iv.n (mid tip. 11 ton,
II stittll lliltitlh tn lit yoiti ioe
Ike slit l.lll lit I he pllitr thill U Ut
tlUt, Ml" .tltlljjtlt .( t ll'l'l"tI.V
I , tltlti jf
I ll'IH the t, 1. 1.1. It It ,.! )
I he I'll Ml til ttt tl Itttl III. . Ill k
111 I Ii ) t iniHl 1 hat. slttiiktl (Km
M4tiitl ttf tint tkl Mill hi I tttt lap -Li f
w ll' W kit It f iittiw tt(fiMiM'tt ft Hat V
1.1I iel ait a I mi kaa Iwttt tsiit
. )'utld Im Ik kuiiif t -f auf katitiM.
I klet Hti"tilk MI iMir H4t I 11 aa Itill.
ilt vt aiuatl a it. I Im III. Iwitt, ih ituf
SilUt ttHlllr tif lull It In tlt a !
it it tl i ( -l 1 mat ta t tth Im tint
.ilki r ) ilav w Hat Mltttal t
that i Mm Jtthl aed ttn,Ur nf tka
MaiittH, and aiila trtait nur r-guUr
atd-llvt Ituttt IkaH ft tkHtlrdtW.ttui
Sirs fw U It-li t ft'KVa ftit rdv Itl IWt
wltik Itatf tn.UiuM lien t tUmtr
No, 80H, Large solid comfort arm Hoo
ker, made of best rattan and braced so
It will not get squeaky lasts 0i CA
a lifetime ...spYtvU
No. 20.-llomnn I'arlor Tlece, cane
sent, ornamental and useful, a
very attractive plwee of par- dj Q Rfl
lor furniture , l?)iJU
lug for 1111 ojijKirt unity to enlist. All
this money needed bus la-en unani
mously voted, nod congress and the
Mople ure a unit In support of the ad
ministration. No wonder the, people
of the. old world are dazzled ut tills
wonderful display of the patriotism
and resources of the American ptoplc,
Hlair i'ilot.
W. J. liryan will Is- colonel of the
Third Nebraska, regiment. He has
been authorized to organize the Third
Nebraska. You don't hear anyone
asking now why Krynn don't, go to the
front. I.ryan s application for any
position was tiled with the president
as soon as war was declared. Now
trot out Mark Haniia. Vork 'Teller.
K. M. ( line and 1'earl L. llrown,
both of Hutchinson, executed a very
romantic elopement last week. 'They
started out 011 foot ami made a bridal
tour to Sterling and other tsiiiits in
that diii-clion and made another south
of lliirtou, where Constable Dick
llislge closed the tour by bringing the
happy Couple buck to Hutchinson
where I hey were iiiarneu a ilav or two
afterward. 'The girl was only sixteen
years of age. II utchiiisoii tiaette.
'The men who have been lsiking
cheap fun nt inventor Leedy for Ids
itllegetl tardiness hi pit-pa ring the
Kansas volunteer for service will lie
astounded to leant that Kansas la the
Itrst stale la the union to have It fud
ipiiila of toluuteeri III the hands of the
I nitcd Mates govt-miiiHtt, I he result,
of l tot ei nor Lwtl.y's work In orgiuiU-
Iutf a vnluiiteer army Is very uiouitls
f.teioi v to 11 publican isiIiUmh. 'I bey
me mad at him fur the mistake be
has not made - kniisit City 1lun.
i ll V I TlliFIl rt.'rXIMl U due la
liiiHitiUhtt bliHsl, ihm' Hiirsnpti
ritl.k. enrii he Hint tilrtlUia th bhssl
mud gir trt ii'ih, riwrgy and iir.
IH aulti to g IIihsI a,
III M ill S I'M I.H ar purely vrge table
snd do not purge, mMt or gilj-o. All
IrollUta. i!v.
ta faait StMiaa aa4 Alatka ralaia.
Tk. S.lkalaru t'ntoft I'aelfl U Ike
4 rt rwwt ta Ike I'ttgvt Kuwad Ml
Ii msI. Mtifm4 e,nainiBj
it.,i sitka JlfMl atiaaavtMift ftt l're
Muat ik tkruuk tftt ilwfWM
Ira rwlialk sfcaif ( ta I'ortlftad.
ir enrfwt liirttrwftttua fii mm m. i.
rMdiBtf. flj It mim 111 fci
Utk St., MBOUtO, cSt
aa 10
3 U
TURKISH rCMAll Til fififl'
k HaMaalla ki Wk WHV
if mmm mi hmm i, e
MeWv.Vima IsMNkMif ie
P.... t?rHii l"awiiiSr
1 "Ns -M
m s
Reed and
Rattan Rockers
No. fl02.-Fancy ' Reed Rocker, Lilies '
size, rood top and arms, cane sent, 00
neat and comfortable, only... If V
No. 803,-Fancy rattan Ladles' Rocker,
carved back and strong arms. Well
mads and can't be boat for AO RA
tbs money, only... ..IVivv
No. a07,-Ladiesf Reed Rocker, with
heavy roll and ornamental back, strong
and nandsorne, flnUhed in 00 OR
shellac, only If Ot All
Weliraska and Wyoinlnf Iomaukr
Jane 7th and 21st the Elkborn
Northwestern line will sell tickets at one
fare plus f 2.00 for round trip to points
on its line in northwestern Nebraska
and in Wyoming west of and including
Orin Junction. Minimum rate f'J.00.
Ktopovcr privileges going. Final limit
two days.
City oillee 117 South 10th street, Lin.
coin, Neb.
Private Diseases
WMkawi saa IWSt ml
80 Var Eiparlanoa.
1U Vaara In Omaha.
bok Krna, I'tuimilta.
14th and rartaat Bts.
). H. Trenholm. A. Vanciu'
New 2d Hand Store
330 V Btrwt, north of rostofHe.
New goods etchftiigad for old,
Illgbtet eaab prlee paid for all
kinds at Hlovre and r arniturt
Give us
a Trial
Trenholm & Vancil
w ' ' m
Waaklf I'srsuaallf Caaa4 vUtaraia
la rstUMa, Ure, f ! tUata
On l'brury 17, 4 ever Teiredoi
tkansaltar at k Hllnaa tuttrkil
Iwtwre, is ekartie ol tar o unrtlsi
etiaJaatora, are euhaduled til fcve tb
enht (or 'trSad vie. Waver. tdvilK
Mftit Uael1t;,lkiW w4 the Utmuu
Marl U paaainii Ikruea the iraad
et aweary t4 Ike !.. aj kiisej
eattfeJ kiiare in at lalt lie Hit la
In iai a Ike t4J eik e4 letareat
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