May 19, 1898 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. 5 Nebraska Independent. You Don't Have To. A deaf man wroto to us a while ngo and Haiti that he heard about how ehenp wo wore milling goods. A blind man who did some trading with uh wrote that hit could sen wo were do ing a straight business and giving good valuta, Ho Maid ho wus first told ubout uh by a man who watt dumb and bad never spoken a word in hip lifo. Thin I a groat etorr , this Nebrueka. Tim blind und the deuf and the dumb and the old and the young and sharp trader and simple trudor all got the Maine treatment exactly and all agroe that we are the groatoHt houHo la the world (or milling Htuff cheap. Do you know it? Haven't we told you ubout It often enough? How noon are you going to And out? We publish a little catalogue with wimple of the goods we mcII und the way we sell 'em, and we mind them out Into the cold world to be criticised and tulked ubout and picked to pieces by everybody who gets hold of it, dealer rind all. You don't hn ve to send for thin catalogue, You can worry along without it. All we want to say is thut we have Uioho catalogues and we aren't afraid to send 'em out. 8fe6Wca WONATIONSCOMPAK'I (Continued from page 1.) and write and 147 per cent of the popula tion of Spain. And to clinch the whole question the average height of the American nmi Ih 0H.1 inches while thut of the Kpanlard In 65.5 inches. The full story of Spain's downfall from the proudest and most powerful empire in the world to her present estate would form one of the moHt impressive and In structive histories of modern times. No historian ha written It. I'reecott in bin I'hlllip tbtHecond, Motley in hie Rise of the Dutch Republic. Washington Ir ving In Lie (Iranuda have each told a chapter, but the complete account of Spain's decline and degradation U a theme that Mt III await the careful and scientific pen of some Motley or Tree cott of today. Three hundred and fifty yearn ago the King of Hpain ruled over Spain, Austria, Italy, Holland, Helglum, (Jormuny, part of France, all of South America except Brazil, a large part of the Kaet Indies, and nearly all of North America including this very Nebraska which hns thin week eent one regiment to the I'hlllipplnes to take away the last Hpanieh possession in the Kast Indies and another to Cuba to flnieh taking away the last land hold by Hpain in the woMtern world. The ruler of that spleii did Hpanieh Ktnpire matched himself against a monk named 'XafUn Luther. The ruler had armlee, navies, the wealth of the world and the land of two hem isphsrss. Tb monk bad ft fearless spirit, a new truth and a printing press. Today the religions descendant of that monk are stripping the Kingdom of, the It took seven hundred years of con tinuous lighting to establieh the modorn Spanish nation. The period ends with the marriage of Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella, of Caetile iirl409 and the new period of Hpanieh glory begins with the discovery of America in 1492. The grandson of Ferdinand and Ieabolla was Charles the Fifth who ruled over the great world Ktnpire already referred to. After him came Philip the Second who raised the greatest fleet and army of that age to conquer England and make it a Hpuuieh province. The pluck of tjuoai Klicuboth and our English tore, fathers together with the stormy seas of their inland home prevented 1'hilip from doing the Job. 1'hilip the Second tried to prevent the people of Hollund and llelgium from thinking for themHelveeon religious sub jecte. When the people there pereieted in thinking for themeelves just the same 1'hilip tried to ram the orthodox way of thinking down their' throats with Are and steel. This made the long-suffering Hutch rebel and dually wiu their inde- itendouee after a forty years war. After 'hilip the Second died in 1S'J7 his son 1'hilip the Third was made King. This king was au Imbecile or in plain 1-n-glish a natural boru fool and bis gov ernment being in the hands of priests and plunderers who iiiade haste to fin ish the job of destroy lug the kingdom. The causes which forced Spaiu's do. cline and full were in operation long be fore 1'hilip 111 weut to the throne. They dated buck to the days of Ferdinand and IsaU'lla. Columbus' discovery, In deed d America ill 1 19'J gave the new world to thosu uitinnrt-hs' untion but Spurn's moral and intellectual obliqui ties and defects ruilf red the gilt vulu less. The must promilieitt of these fttum were t lis Inquisition nnd Hi re litcious persecution and atroel ties which It incited, I lis litiiorniico, iiulMS'ility and barbarity of most o( Spain's nil, and the hubit which many 0) them had to beatow power oil Wortiileos and trrts sHinsibl favorites, th cruelty, lno kme and lucpli,lnj of moat ul her nl nVial in ths eoloiiiws, and Ui vApulsion id til J? Irolll HHIH, Ths luqulsitioit ts plucl first on Ih liat Imh'hus It wa th lat'iltug eaua of lima! l ths uthrf that til tits S4UUtl ehsrat'ivr whuh h ls titan In, A dieovry, or prlud4 diMtvry, ol M plot iU'Hl J" sul Jll vstl la iMsrtbro lit gtttrnmtl 11 r 'rdmaud asd UnU-tl ta ask I'ui Sit' la IV to rsvta and Ins ln iiUitoM la PpM, wad, lb apt! twiitat grtd. II wool Ist't itfaiHia la !i' la 1 11, l hough it U- ant a wutirljr r.nuil flhr iknu a istl lrilmi, ths rtil rrosH i ptisld II i'Hl ia!, s Wtsd IU work as I r-nUiiu: ii roUft. I tt hr th tiitwii ivars adntluitrst'U t rr(4 tu,,i, la Kiuiiall'tt, t,ssi m,r S'i4 lu Hi rtstusa, as I i4, kis sue ?, riutlud b it. lt at Iks rssr) ol ltorl, lb MitUa i( lis .ukitMw, as lkuM wt ri ,tir ! ai i4'fi(i(4, II is if a last U ntlrw an- id lit (S4t4 litta in Ppala, la lh Nvlkt !h U dsnntf Iks K(mimms rs asd la Cp,i' rwlai) iit aifss lt'sl as t'Hii lt iwitaiwl tf any tth Uv Ity I uf ! aatta. t Ur J ul Ik mum kr atua4 Omaha, May 19, 1898. Potfdta6a for Spain's downfall the expulsion ol the Moors Is often overlooked by writ ers in citing the reasons of thut nation's ruin. The Moors were the sciontlets, the literateurs and the skilled mechanics und agriculturalists of Spain. The tealots f erdinanu, isuueiwt. me i nuipsauu uln ars who bad freed Spain from the pres ence of the Infidel, robbed it of the ele-1 moot which had developed and diversifi ed its intellectual aud industrial activi which hod friren it a olaoe among the great nations. Wben the Moors wore mrcea out a gap wa mwn la Spain's social and Industrial system which hits remained unto this day. This Is why there are only two classes the rich, retrogressive and indolent, who constitute Spain's aristocracy, direct its politics and furnish officers for its ar- roles, ana tne ignorauc ami miuuns peasants who do the country's menial unrb ihn nnit.ivntd the soil with the Im plements of a dozen centuries ago. and who constitute tne ratiK ana nie 01 Spain's soldiers. Except in a few cities and industrial conters there is an absence of that middle class comprising the arti sans, the skilled workers in tbe various handicrafts, tbe skilled agriculturalists and the merchants who constitute the element of stability, conservatism and balance in great states. '' ; When all these defects and delinquen cies. In Spanish character and society bftvelboen intelligently grasped the rea son why Spain's magnificent physical heritage cosnted for nothing, and tbe causes of ber swift and continuous fall among the nations became plain. y a bill ol I'ope Alexander VI, In 1493, Spain was granted all tbe land In the new world west of the Azores and the Cape Verde Islands. Spain eventually ?ot all the rest of South America, except Irazil, all of Central America and the West Indies, with Mexico, Fiorina and (by the French cession of 1708) nearly all of tbe United Stages which Is west of the Mississippi river. ,.,,' The effects of the lollies and vices of the Spanish character begau to reveal themselves in the beighth of ber power aud under tbe greatest of her rulers, lteverses came to tbe great Charles often in the closing years of bis reign, and in despair be threw down the crown in 1550, retired to a monastery and died two years later, , All of Philip's successors, except Char les III and Alfonso XII, bad most of these vices, with cowardice, licentious ness and Incapability in addition, and nearly all of tbem put unworthy per sons in charge of affairs and kept compe tent persons out. Philip bad great war riors, Don Juan of Austria, Alba and others, and had capable statesmen. Under Philip IPs Imbecile son, tbe third Philip, (1598-1 021), the expulsion ol the Moriscoes and the thirty years' war, which started during that mon arch's lust davs antl ended in the reign of Philip IX (lOaMUtto), further weakened Spain. During the latter king's rule the Netherlands were lost to Spain forever; Portugal, which was sub jugated in Philip IPs time (In 15M1), re guiuiHl its inteHindeiio (1010); Naples a nd Sicily rose in rcbelllion and Spain lost three fleets in war and was defeat ed suiivissiviily by Hutch ami French. The ill luck continued during the days of Charles 11 (10i;.V170). Spain was dis astrously beaten again bv France ami her armies almost annihilated. The rule of the house of lliiturg in Spuiu, which bi'Kuii with Charles I iu K.i'.l. sail ed with Charles II in l?i, and the sway ol Hi lWnntioii monarch U'gau iu that year, and has coiituniwl with two hort interruption -from Ihuh tu lull, when Joseph tonimrt whs 011 Ih SpwnUh throus, and from IMOH to 7.1, hii I hers was a smtviuiou of military dicta torship, th brief rule ol Amadeu of Savoy and Margall's and CnsMar's shurl-llved republic. In Ihs war of the Spanish suwessioa (I Hi-lTU, which rulld Ulur the rival claimant to Hi throw were ts al u or had hit ih tMd.wud in which t ug laud, tlefuiftuy, Holland and otlif Irx-, as wU as Spata aud r ram, par kiMU.I, a4 la Ih thirty io Jar 'i tfllutt 1'hilip us l titl rUa ahU b h.n Hltta sufturwl It usual rua l dwaaisf, I'urum this ton. H('ii lost tiii rsitsr ( 1 7 li, Ih portion d Ih Stf lnu.U nhk h ruiaiul lo her atur I-'- prvvHiu rvvtilulioi., al hr lUlt-ta tMWMNMiu and HardiMta, lliiuma and I las k r. Philip V Kwlil son, I Umstt l I (ITH-1-). td an aiMVoslit I ri-u as I , va.UI ty Itt trils r. I hatt. III lU'tt-"', ha U on y rvHl lit nH( smosat Spin' Parbtia mtm ar tt. ttvpt IUoMt Ml, Ih talk? id lbs prwal U )tr ul l kiss: IfcarUa psa.t sowm otwM nl Iimhm a4 m Ik rknhv tsl sorfaad n ths id l I tm i ti aslil I slaad and npain asd k allv wsr JiMitril 4 t atwl. In Ih lr o ts. (U i lUl, th I'riieia lxr4 llstaaa. V I sornl IHtitk Was Ih t HMh vttuttHdf a t Ih Ksftur !. pi.' on Augwsl U, IJiiJ. mivr a lo n.'ih w, la lamrkaa alitsl In han lr4 'tsiu, a Mtt ol ti I r. k and ln disa war U'yrw that ttat and ths ro lution afterward, was among the Hritieh forces which captured Cuba's capital. The Hritieh gave Havana back to Spain at the end of the war in 1703. In tbe treaty of the name year, in which France liave up ull her territory in North America. France gave Canada and her territory between the Alhghenies and tho Mississippi to England and ceiled all her domain west of the MiesiHslppi to Spain, la Spain's other war against England and in alliance with France (1770-S3), Spain and France endeav ored to take Gibraltar from Kngluud, which England had wrested from Spuin in 1704, but the allies were defeated, This conflict took place in the closing years of the war iu which tbe American colonies secured their Independence from England. Excepting us It thus indirect ly aided the Americans during the clos ing part of their war for freedom, Spain was neutral through that struggle, 'al though Hpaln's ully, France, assisted the Americans from the beginning of 1778 to tho end of tho war for indiqtend ence at Cornwullis' capture on October 17, 17W1, Hpain, even under tha com pari lively enlightened Charles 111, forsuw a peril to Hpauish rule in the new world through the rise of a great free nation to tbe east of the Mississippi and hence Charles resisted Louis A VPs persua sions in 1777 78 to assist the colonies In In their war ugainst (Irout Hrituiu. Not that Charles hated England less, but the Americans more. In 1800 Spuin ceded book to France tbs torrltory of Louisiana, which she ob tained from France in 1703. and France, through Uonaparte, sold Louisiana to the United States in 1803, to the lasting anger and grief of Spain, which had es peciul reasons for keeping the Uultod States from incrnusing Its power. In 1808 Napoleon Hoiinparte's brother Joseph was put on the Spanish throne and held it until fate turned agulust the great Corslcan in 1814. Then Ferdinand was restored and through tuony vicissi tudes of fortune was titular king uiilil 1833. It was during Joseph Hono r.artit'a imtirnatiou that the risings be! gan (in 1810) in all that was left if R . . . i , mi.,.,,,. npain s territory in Ainanui, uno were' continued when Ferdinand got buck to power, and by 18'J5, when Peru's freedom was made secure, Spain bad lost all ber once imperial domain in tbe New World except Cuba, Porto Itlco and a few othtr Islands. Ferdinand's daughter, Isabella II (1883-08), wbo was defective mentally and morally as Ferdinand or Ferdinand's father, sent Spuin to a still lower depth in weakness and degradation, but that country made a short rally In the reign of Isa bella's son Alfonso XII (1875-85), He tween tbe beginning of this century and the end of the third and latest Carlist war in 1870, Spain had thirty-nine re volts, rebellions or revolutions, usually incited by the mental and moral degra dation of ber monarcbs. AT THE SIGNAL OF WAR. (From the Chlcugo Evening Post,) It wns 2 by the town clock which drowsed above the public square, Around the court house was arranged a mob of wugons, gigs, buggies and vehicles of various kinds. Hie soft spring wind fanned the dust of the little Illinois town, un tne -common a group of boys were playing "mum-blciM-g. The dingy walls of the court bouse loomed up among the toll, bare trees, which had us yet put forth no npprccluble evidences 01 ttie season. The scdiool house, a building of con siderable pretensions, with a spacious yard for the play ground for its schol ars, stxMxl on the corner of an adjoin ing street of the public square and from the open windows fame some times the sound of childish voices. In the. court house a case of great lo cal celebrity was being tried, and the furmers from the country around were there in full force to listen to it The streets were more than usually quiet, the interest of the town loafers licing foctiKsed In. the law suit and their lack luster faees thereby transferred to the court house benches. At the stores little business was apparent, two old Indies pricing calico und a lank rustle buying a plug of chewing tobacco comprising' the quota of purchasers. "Hill" Jepson was shoeing a horse in his bliu ksmith shop and the Rcroggnn loys were getting a box of nierchi.n disc Into their drug store. Vet 110 one could help being Impressed with the fact Hint it was a lazy day in town. "Doc" Strode looked out of his ofllce mill rioted Unit Uncle Tommy Needles l ed fallen asleep on the hotel Mrch niitl the Iiiih was just being driven up from the livery stable preparatory to sterling for the train to catch sSHible transients. A solitary drummer res plendent ns to iipsirel, dignified the lintel olllt'e nmi yuwiiingly looked at n ycktei'tlnv's paper. "Doe" musingly picked up Mime simts lying on his ilefck ami looked tlieiu over. They Mere ciilUtiiic nt Hunks which htuUtccu lillttl out from time to time .hire 1 In- lit vhicrs of war hntl been heard ill the town. None of the iiaiiiro re rcM ntcd men over UO years of line. Most of them were young fel low not mul e I tin 11 23 ami '.' I. They were all familiar mtniea to him. He flicked the iodic from his lenk with 1111 empty 1 1 k ti t ulccve nmi shifted his left littiul Into a tinner xltloii. War? Yes, wr, would lw a mighty ti-iiflt I hlng If It titttii', but Illinois u.ihM fi.icr l.i tin front With her me II I he aiii lte did In 'rtl, II hud !m- It pit. ml of tin- trt I he boy lirtd to -led. It wn I lie. runU-Bt thing lit Ih oi 1.1 to ft I llit-m In rulUI. llu I nd i-plitlitt-d thill wur km I he iiomI trf Inn thini; tin rittth, Sltil that it often iiiiiinl ilinllt am) I.Iumi tluMi r- tnlv lory li'tt the lt hii I aimply nal.l I hilt if nr i. i l i.l Ihry tr lint 011K iltitiif hut irhul lii Kit. Hit ,.v hii.l ( ilired l.-.i th hi ulnnler t ni. mil unlit I he in.inlr lifel (-i.. n I,. ,. f m ) Mini t ill the bhtiika u In lutf tUl out from 1I11 ! it. n I il l "lii " m -iiiiili. t at h tphiitt ami rir itia on hi bt .lii.nrf a 11, 1 nt tor h ird It It Ih air I hrt tm ) mill f ( l of the lnn er ililitutaT id Iu .l .l-ii.i( Iu khini l-Ul, Sot alln. lt r hn ilhrr n at iiie of lb iniiuii' iui'iiiilii tlnf th I -at. jt. , !. H I- J III k' hi liata'Sleii out t-ln, ati't It lolhl twit. tit miim', lrttli htia.lrti.j k i lUiiifi lout ltiiti, sad whitt Toinitii 1 vaii Itiminl.d th litrt t f i). iar- tU and iirr H'-il U-vi II. a wttula h,iHnih fmeea tf t m top f him Ut a in Utile At-1 It, stlatklitf itmi Ittnrt; klllel ml ttf th ibms whw Tommy hollered thut his leg was broken. The doctor rose and went t the door. Down 1 lie street the lire com pany men were seated leisurely about the 'entrance to t he engine house, reiuling, smoking mid talking about the war. To the north mid nearly to the other side, of town tho steam flour ing mill scut 1 1 1 a steady stream ol in 1 11 ii- from a tall smokestack The big ls'll fa the near by tower hung l .1 . ,1. A-..M listless 111 ine ipru air. All nt once the bell on the ilourlnff mill moved, rocked and began Ut ring. It, was one of the usual slirnuls of Are In the slceov little town, and immedi ately the public square exhibited signs of excitement. Horses lifted their drooping ears and watched with mild furiosi tv the various evidences of a country town conflagration. Tho Are company with commendable alacrity (nine ilusli nir bv. and the small boys left, their inline and rushed after the engine with wild whoops of joy. Dogs burked nnd everylKsly on the. streets anxiously asked where the fire was. Then the bell in the lluptlst church steeple rung out so strongly and sud denly that everybody paused and looked at his neighbor qiiestlonlngly.' Then the bell In the Methodist church iinswcdeil sonorously, und finally all the bells in that ouiet hamlet ranir a stentorian, message of Iron significance Unit swept through tne air vocireratr ng 111 strident chorus, "war, war, war." The Are engine hurried lswk to tho engine bouse nnd put up their horses and ran the hose cart Into it place. "Doe" Strode shut up shop and rushed down street toward the drug store. The judge adjourned court and the entire audience, witnesses, litigants nnd spectators jioured exclknlly into the streets. The gray haired judge mounted the steps of the eourt nouse and began U harrangua the crowd. Ami from the ground and from the country roads came the volunteers. It seemed as if the sound of the bells had otMMied the gntes ut patriotism and that a million men went inarching past. The volunteers gathered fast under the trees where the old judges fiery words were echoing and there were tears on many checks as the boys lined up to listen to the eloquence or a man whose services on many a bloody field entitled him to respect In that hour. , "Doc" Strode was everywhere. He had the comnanlea form in military precision and stand at attention, In the midst of the oration that came from he court house steps there came a sound of music. Away down the slret, faintly at first, but growing clearer and clearer, came the shriil squeal of fife and challenging roll of drums. Then the blare of tho brass Instrument added to the volume and the strains of "The Star Spangled Han tier" rolled gludly along the streets, and a hundred flags blossomed from windows nnd roofs. On and on the band came, while cheers followed and almost drowned the music. Men with empty sleeves stood side by side with men whose first baptism of war was yet to be. Women mingled with the crowds, and the words of the venerable-judge rose higher and higher and nior vehemently as the enthusiasm waxed greater. It seemed ns If the entire country side nod been sleeping on IU arms, for from, every road that led into town etimo the volunteers hurylng to Join their comrades. Headed by the band the boys marched up nnd down tne public square to the cheers of men ami women ami the waving of flags, The 'firemen marched with them, the citizens after the fire company and evca the women and children, enthus iastic Ut the cull to arms, followed the rest. All stores nail Keen closed ana flags were flying from every corner. On the liberty iiole, where every 4th of July the "big" flag flew, a greater spread of stars and stripes than ever before seen was- slowly being pulled upward, t he cull lor troops had been made and the question asked of the iK-opie, and gludly hail the call been answered, and ' answer of the peo ple was Yes. And more than all else, deeper than the clang of iron bells aud keener than the sound of piercing fife or re sounding drum, wns the voice of eter nal Americanism speaking from the past; "1 sin ttbe spirit of your lathers thut walked with them at Val ley Forge mid fought with them at t om-oril mid Hunker Hill. I saw the field ut ClicruhuKco ami San Jacinto. My presence graced the Alnmo, and bule or grey 1 wns known of men nt liettvsburg mid In the Wilderness. I kIimmI with Custer on the knoll of the l.illie Hig Horn, and my blood was cite with lieotur mitl John I'ltul .liiiies to dye the salt sens. And with me will come the farmer 11ml the artl Kan, the clerk and the scholar. And I ttill keep the heritage given me of old ami with right ami iiilKht hohl fast the banner of Utterly so loftilv that nil 'he win Ul limy see. h. M ti. Swollen Neck Alio Had Great Difficulty With Her Heart - How Cured. My ituhir hail s awullru nrk and klu hsnrt irouhl. Alur lit lt rtloa th would Lrraln u haul ah rotdd l hrafd all uwr li riHiut. bh riiuld Bitl l Ih flor or veu. ni v lui trtu without sft'stiu Iter hatt. Hit HinU wr U.lljr Moid, lUr fthr luUt4 (liat tb Htual l IImsI rrrUla, kllj W ga U't sUtuttU UAItvWi WvU tU wa ucil, sad ! ha Ua au r vt kr silmaula." Ms, tww twsiwt, Null h W lia, I'Ui.i, MOOCl'S Emilia ,H ht I la I UkISi In I'uflUt. S i-l If ail J! li si M H i a. it ii M " t U lllHXl H rill ! rs tul Sal t aaay hat oa kaal lkr VI hit Niir- SthlM kep of a III h -t!. al nmv. I vrgiatiw Ute l it, 1 1 M I) stmt. K..I.IS lt. l St ksstins: SfotlS I kf fioUiii al a lt its, l ain Jl MarM k ltH.ld S"ol it w, atoil ar rvbat'l. 1 mm mmim wwm at a r4iii "INDEPENDENT THE k Perfect Machine at a $19.50 K WITH ALL ATTACHMENTS. 5afrsgQpfi iQ t 9 0 II I 0 0 0 0 1 I C fl 0 0 C Qn3 Wbj pay thrs timet as much la order to eears popular name? Wbra jam boy aows machines you pay 75 per cent for ths nam and US per cent for tb ma shine. W sail you a Sawing Machine that will saw, and cbargt yon nothing lor tb nam. If yoo do not like ths nam "Independent," paint rtd over it aadoafl IDS macnin wna JOU Will. v?aruuiun mnch. Wa bar th machines direct from world at factory cost, and w offer thtm to our subscribsrs at an icsptlosallf low pries, and all wa want In addition is On Subscriber. Our "Indspsadntr Machine Is a thoroughly flrst-class Family Sewing Machine, and Is retailed nadar IU original nam at 105.00. Our arrangements with tb manufacturers will sat allow us to us tbsir nam, but Instead w call it "Indepsndsnt." HIGH ARM: HIGH GRADE. SELF-THREADING." Iwtrdsd the Medal rremlnm at VPiivwgY awrw- w .... EVERY MA0HINE wiHEAWTBD.-Aj written warranty accompatkii " 1 each Machine. All parte art interchangeable, and w can supply dnpkV cats at any time. Each part of tb Machine is fitted with such axaoV ns that no trouble ean arise with any part, as new pieoe eaa b supplied with th assurance ol a perfect fit. Our "Indepsndsnt" I a strlotlr hlgh-grad Sewing Macbin. and finish throughout In th best possibl manner. It posswise all modern ImproT men ta, and its mechanioal construction is such that in It are combined simplicity with great trsngth, thus Insuring ease of running, durability, and making H impossible for the Machine to ns put out of order. It sew fast and make perfect stitch with all kinds of thread and all classes ol material. Always ready, for us and unrivaled for speed, durability and quality ol work. Notic tha following points of superiority. Tbe II kid swings on patent socket hinges, and is firmly neld down by a thumb screw. It is strong, substantial, neat and handsome la design, and beautifully ornamented in gold. Tb bed plat baa rounded corners and is Inlaid or countersunk, making it flush witb th top of tha table. Hioiikbt Ann The spac under the arm kt 5& Inches high and 9 inches long. This will admit tb largest skirt, ven quilts. It is Hblf-Thiikabino There ar absolutely no hole to put th thread through except tb eys of tb needle. Tbi Shut TLB is cylinder, open on ths end, entirely self-threading, easy to put In or take out; bobbin holds a large amount of thread. Tbi Stitcb Heodlatoii is on the bed of tbs Machine, beneath th bobbin winder, and has a seals showing ths number of stitches to th inch, can b chauged from 8 to 3'J stitches to tb inch. Thk Feed is double and xtends on both sides of th need lo; never fails to take tb good through; never stops at seams; movement is positive; no springs tw break and get out of order; ean be raised and lowered at will. Automatic Itonui Windkb An arrangement for filling th bobbla atitoniatlcal'y and perfectly smooth without holding ths thread. The Mahiu does not run whils winding th bobbin. Liubt Hus pixoThe Maehin is easy to run, d not fatigu th orator, makes little noiss and sews rapidly. Tin Stitch I a double-lock stitch, the same on both sides, will not ravel, and ean b changed without stopping ths Marhine. Tiik Tension Is a flat spring tension and will admit thread from 8 to 150 Voolcottonwilhoutchanglng, Never gets out of order. The Nkkulk is a straight, self-sat ting needle, flat on on side, and raunot b put lu wrong. Nrsui.i Ilia is rouutl, mads ol rass hardened steel, with oil eup al bottom to prevent oil from getting on ths good. Aiuistablb Hbaminos All bearing are ea-hardud stmt) and eaa b vastly adjusted with a screwdriver. All lost motion eaa b takn up, and tbs Machine will last a Id time. Attaciimksts Kach Machine I furulabsd with th billowing stot btstsl attachment rase; On Fool Hammer Kllr, ou I'arkag of Ndla, ail llohhln. on VY reach, ons Here Irtvr, on Hhnttl8erw Hrlver, ons l'resr Pool, on 1U-H and llmtk, on tul t'aa filled with oil, on Uauga, one Uaug Screw, oa tjuitter, and on luatruotion Hook. J. UO.OO MAOUIND FOIl $10.00. OUR OFFERS milTOa "ladaimadsaf wlg Mavhla a iaHB4 aail Ntrka ladMdai eaa ar Ai $( B0k CX)NtVOaf -a.liailal" Hswlaf Maokla gtvast a a sataw abaHilataly fra fl fu attaweftU Malssortaafw al I ou vuk, Tllllirwtla HUdadt, fwla Msetala a.f $tt.OO aatj aU at lsberiSMatirbal l im vb. fRllOUT r Alls-All maekia4skle4 die! fmat fatt.tey al OWaja, rrelgft ekarg trai4 Kt as p"lsl la i I'ait! Hlatee oa a railway, ! la rut sis la w'aMua-.a, lalitoraia, Nl. Iwvwna. ldiira4H .Nw Msa lakes I'Uh, Mnalaaa. Antusa asd M jruatiu,, la wktea UI w wdl V9t all frik krts M i iHl a44iliat. rrsuae prdtaf Masklaaa atli lv tlal pli!j Irs y,v la wklra Ik BtUhar) kt la U tfcipt-vJ, a t as Ik snai.iitt.w k Mt l ta t Iu. Uit stilp )! Mial a it a HMiulhV addi, ss4 tntta Maskta a4 wU) M fMS4 11 St. MTIfestM tit. 0ataa oa Arm lreairKe m INDEPENDENT PUBLISHING CO.t Lincoln, Nobraska. EWING . . . '. MACHINE Popular Price. FREIGHT PREPAID. mi aunt wuuii 11 wi wn ai one ol ths largest manufacturers la tka . . Mr,, , .1 ci n in u iuavuiit u aaaMaaBaMaaBBaaBBaBBaaaal th World's Clumblm Eliltloa at