The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, May 19, 1898, Image 4

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f !1
May 19, 1898
Si Nebraska 3n&cpenbtnt
' J, - Cemolidniion
iy mi
Indspeidsijt Publishing Go.
At 1120 M Strsst,
AddrxM nil comrnuuli allitrii to, and mule all
dralt. taunu) ordvn. its.. jisystilr to
, l.OKOI.H, Ms.
About 170,000 pounds of rod-hot or
gutuoot will bo shipped toftowoy from
tha Mare Inland navy yard at onoo.
Scrlbner News.
The Shelby Hun cling to the good old
way and continues to publish Talmuge's
sermons, top of column, nest to pure
reading matter.
Judge Tarpenlng of Saunders county
was In tbs ' city this Week. Uo says
that J. N. Oafllu Is the unanlmouscholee
of ths reform forces in that county for
, The Kcrlbner News still stands by its
guns and has nailed to , the - masthead
the following declaration of principles
"For president in 1000, William
J. Bryan of Nebraska. Platform
10 to 1 without any more delay
or dampbolitfbnoss."
The populist party is growing in the
oath. Bays the last issue of the peo
ples' Tarty Paper:
"Do you know that 7 of the most act
Its Senators In the Georgia Heuate in
1897 were populists; that 27 of the
House Representatives wore populists;
that of the 131 counties in Georgia,
more than one third have all populist
county officials and another third sev
eral populist officials.
It is stated on reliable authority that
the non-combatants in Cuba, known as
reconcentrados, consisting of women,
children and old men, will nearly all
starve to death belore aid can i ronoh
them. About 7B.000 of these jsiopla arfrTa,onB wl" I"r" 'or anothro month's
opposed to be ty 0r noafrpUvana ahB
the Spanish soldiers imve soizmf all sup.
plies for their own use. If this Is .true,
one object of the war, that of saving the
starving Cubans, will never be accom
plished. It seems that only those who
are in the field under arms will live to
see the (reepm , of Cuba fotfiWhloh so
many haw suffered and died.
Last week. we gave a statement of our
trade with Spain. There never was
enough of It to brag about, add it lias
been growing less with every year. The
latest figures of our Cuban trade possess
more interest. In 1893 our total trade
with Cuba amounted to 102,OO0,0OO.
For the present fiscal year it is lets than
120,000,000. In 181)4 we imported two
billion pounds of sugar from Cuba. The
past year it is less than one-fourth that
amount. In 1800 we sold 15,000,000
worth of lard in Cuba the present year
none. We neut 0,000,000 pounds of
hnra and 4,000,000 of bacon to Cuba
every year until the present. In pota
toes, was, beans, and other vegetables
our shipments formerly reached near
12,000,000. Now, hat we send Is
charity, Aud this Is the product of
European rule ou American soil.
The editor of ths I5Hi:i-bm.kst, Cap
tola Frank I. Eager, Co. II, Pint N.
braska Voluutesrs, in ou his way to the
far off Philippine to assist in uphold
ing ths arms and ths honor of his coun
try. Mr. Eager hnUn a member of
the Nebraska National iiuurd for many
years and held the rank of captain lor
mostol thstitti. At the U ginning ol
the prwMMit troubU he u nt u,,q.
tenant and s promoted py (iovcrnor
llolcolllb tO fill ft VHi'Aliry UCmN
ol his long fttidrMVirtt sens-, iu the
state militia, ThuMwhoiu h k k it
Uhisd a ill spare aa effort to krp th.
lmmiM, Bp ta ths eUK-Ura ol the
past and ta Matt tk good .l tt,
tswat ul its aissy frU a.U. V tamtlj
kow that tb NftriMk4 Uijr. ou u4
all, wtd smi a short aud glorious
Mkiga as.! tkat II they atnt Skt, the
tuay U able la emulate the rwdoshubl
Ky U trkis grvftl tWtorfe witk
. t,.l l. , . . . . ... i. ... t .
in ry in iwwwtN, IS,
tkoasaad NUskkowt om and sure
ml tvvl hl lki.l, ars slraiiwd ta
tUk Iks Irsl UUHitfvM lro our
Ufet kvjs ta Mm, aha are r-iutsij-w
I'm kilts asd vaihty, U rr aad
aoaataias, asd Ik loihsg ot
Ktkty tw?wa ta aet kr kt asd
fwt Iks a(tatMa, U hd K nk
Uttv. tSiy Im ska Us ttr
re tall aUt k" a v tk Wt
rwai Ikat rW ttwi trvMhits h
J ask tag karU drvm tkoi M
aa,v. ttu4ttat that tt nvaii
mm lsatfkik kta ewa attk lk J4
M. kte aa-t ki m4 lktf kste
MNkt a4 tm te ka tkv hi4
avi4 kye aa t4 tktf kMt t tk
iHtaat alt
TWOSVSTK.M8 comfakkd
Chairman Wolfe aud Secretary Portor
of the State Hoard of public lands and
hniMino-a i.n liiut returned from in-
spebting improvements at Hastings and
Kearney at the state institutions, w w
stand-pipes have been erected at both
places this summer and a comparison ot
iiennfc And nffteinnnv ol the old tdaiits
and the new will be of interest to the
tax-buyers of the state.
The old tnnd-nlDoat the Kearney
boys' industrial school was erected In
1889 bv the renubllran state board. It
was a wood tank holding 1000 barrels
of water, was set at nn elevation of DO
feet, lasted nine years and cost 4,000.
It has been so rotton as to be positively
t,uiin,rmia tnr two trnarH neut. The new
stnnd-blne iust oompleted is 12 feet In
diameter, 110 feet high, holds fl.OOO
bnrmls. hint wiua the water uressu re for
fire protective ourtioses of the old one
and will luMt flftv voars. It cost In round
numbers 8 700.
At the Hastings insane asylum the old
' . - L
wood tank that looked like a pigeon
house on a role: held lust C00 barrels at
aa eldvutlon of BO feet and was expected
to supply the water for the largest state
Institution in Nubraska. It lasted nine
years nnd cost f 2100. Tho new steel
standplpo, 12 feet in diameter and 1 10
feet hlirh holds 1)000. barrels and cost
the state 13,400. " '
These two Instances are typical ones
of two systems of conducting stato bus-
iness. Voters which do you prefer?
semi-annual appropriation of
school money was mado up this week by
Treasurer Meserveand reported to State
Superintendent Jackson. The amount
Is 4a0,005.98. It la the largostlntho
history ol the state. The amount ; to
each scholar is tl.Utt
The averaice seml-aunual apportion-
ment ot sehool monevs from 1800 to
1800 was 1280,102.04. The largest ap-
Dortloument durinir all that period was
$352,184.00, in June, 1803, nearly one buds are more likely to remain dormant are the absolute prohibitionists who
hundred thousand dollars loss thnn the through the wlntor, and under the would have the sale , forbidden every
apportionment for this June. The changed mothod of planting and hand, where, thero aro the , jilgh-iicense voters
averaire annortloument since the, new
administration came in Is 1300,000,09 1
or 1110,000 in round numbers moreOTeBOl",a"in,,ouin na" OI natf
than the averaire annortlonmont from
1800 to 1890, The last Jane appor-
tlonment under republican rule was
1200.410.12 or 73 cents for each school
child, The present apportionment is
11.21 or 48 cents more for eaoh child.
inascnooi uisinci 01 uuny scnoiars
. I . I lt . ( A. it 11-. l I . I
tne increase in state apportionment
hciiooi during tha year.
The promised reform In administering
tne school children's money has come
and every district school in Nobraska
from the imposing high school edifice to
the little sod school house away out on
the frontier Is grateful for the difference.
ruciTUKOWiNU IN Nebraska. I
The man who plants a fruit tree Inland brings his boyhood days to mind
Nebraska thhr'sprlng is at .touch a
patriot as the man who shoots a Span-
iard. Making war even in so righteous
a cause as freeing Cuba is after all not
the chief duty of a Nebraska citizen, bluo, the waving flags and haudkor
Planting fruit trees and hardwood forest chiefs, the small boys pressing closo
trees tor the children who are to come
after us ought to be the first spring
thought of every man and woman of
Nebraska who is old enough to have
children or think of having them. ,
Thirty years ago when settlement on
Nebraska prairies was just pushiug out
from the fringe along the Missouri river
the common claim of the croakers of that
time was that "you couldn't ever raise
fruit, the wind would blow it off the
trees." Thirty years of prehistent ex-
periment tmVprovsd tbs falsity of their
prophecies. There have been year of
hard study and hard work for the prac-
tical Iruit grower and nursery man. The
people who pick Nebraska apples, clier-
ries nnd Maehea from Nehritka trts to-
day ows a debt that till always remain
unpaid to iiieu lik (iov. Furnas, K. P,
Stephens, Younger Itrothers, Marshall
Itrothers aud many wht mimes are
not o liimiliar, but who ha rudertl
squally good .me iu proving what
things went goot aud tru lur Nebraska
fruit raimrw and holdiug them last.
Nvhraska is dtiud to loaismjrt
fruit region. Not only th Iruit belt ol
pasters Nebraska that already produtv
huu lrwl ol car loads lor shipment, hut
ths prairivs of mitral Nebraska aud the
vast irrigaUt) country Iks wwitera
plaias i ptt opkltig up as Iruit
lth Krog pruuiMM, . bv (
ossul the grt Nebraska ludastrNs.
ts irtiMi. tmt misu wtsAva tk r
da ttua Ikat lh e.'uutrj IroM Us l'Utt
vatWysoatk to tks Kassasstata llu
aill ia tsa yara W Iks ,rwt pa k
diatrwt ol Ik tt4 litk. ( M all
kaasa Ikat ail trait aa4 aa rt, a
Iks' ktgkwil psrtvla aud rod4 ti
Kts ta Us kikl UM.U aHsta u
taaWaia.Wlo w. Tkta mii i
MS, k4 ttala, ol, ot tlalwa, It
ta aku lra iJ ho t. U k arlf )at
l ak troi4 ta U stats tin tram
44 U taw wt tkra fmt ad U.
ma ts satU lalr lk trw ta
aaaj asa teWr k..lta tVra m.
Ills 4'Mailjr ka 0ttt Iks pak !
itswil Ul VvWaaka, Ikv d inall oal W
tkv Ika lra wriksily 4rak Jars4
Ika !, as I Ika kail bat trAat
trlt4 astit Ika r-r Data ta U
1km prMt4 t N t iral d.f taaa
I in tne behavior of many oi tne varieties
I of peaches under the peculiar conditions.
Some varieties of peaches seem to remain
more perfectly dormant during the win
ter than others, with the result that
tneir buds cau withstand a lower range
pt cold than others, roriustance, wnere
the rums or the uriiwiorus anu oiner
varieties of that class usually perish
the thermometer runs below lit or iu
below zero, it is found thnt other varie-
ties may ordinarily stand !iO below, and
sometimes degrees below zero.
Among the varieties which an expe-
rionce of sixteen years demonstrated to
be among the more reliable are Alexan-
der, Early ill vere, Hale's Early, Coolodge
favorito, wager, mils uiiiu, w right
neain uing. ineso varieues give
WKter iveruge crops, tuat is, more
buHhol in ten yoars by far than the
Craw fords.
Many years ngo It was the custom of
a" Manters to plant the peach In the
sunniest and oest snoitered places they
I 1 . i II 1111
aatl on 1118 ouin ia OI buildings,
soutn siues oi wiuaoreass or groves, or
or "uuny, sheltered hillsides, or in pro-
tected valleys. Under .such conditions
",e I"""' 'ton proved to be a allure,
returning in mucn uisappointment to
I inonoir, wuo imc vun.u iveurnHKii cer-
tnlnly wns not a safe country for the
Pacu, ami regreieo imica inai conoi-
tlouH woro not M 'avorablo as in states
,ro"1 wm(;" t umi removcu. ine ex-
Pu"eiice oi many piaiuers nas now
ueiiionsiraiou uiai wnat we need in
Nebraska above all other things is to
rijien the peach tree iu the fall, aud keep
it dormant through tho winter. If this
i" tbo W& 'nay rulmi with as
much profit in Nobraska as in other
states in the union.
Instead of planting In sunny sheltered
positions, choose, the ( bleakest,,, open
places. That is, on the tops of breezy
ri,,8,, 00 1,16 DOrtn Mo' of windbreuks,
00 tll north . nidoa of bouses. Under
,ucn conditions the tree ripens wood
earlier and more certainly In the fall, the
"n 1,18 Iwh, we now find that we may
hnv tblM cnolt'9 ,rult ln rottt abundance
ttDd ,D a limited way In some fuvorable
portions In the northern part. The trees
ro rapidly, boar quickly, usually
tne lulru or ,ourtn yap n(i J"8"
X1IK -AMIII nr fiitk. amii dus
Under the now army rotrulations the
ohl t.nn nf uml Hnm. pp,. i.u tu.n
relegated to the realm of all things ob
solete. and the reirimental brass bunds
amj buglers will furnish the muslofor
battle and for dress parade.- Why this
,ould be no one seems to know. To
tUe old soldier, the veteran who has won
the title on hard founlit battle fields.
the hrill squeal of the fife and the rattle
and roll of the drums is like an Inspira
tiou. It sots his foot to marking time
"gain. As the strident notes of "The
Uirl I Left Ilchlnd Mo," ring out on the
still air he sees again the dusty
village street, the company of boys in
About the drums and crowding back
their elders. He sees tbo tear-drop glis-
ten iuhissweetheart's eyes like dew upon
tho meadow grass; he hears once more
the trembling sobs of his dear old
mother as horarms cling close about his
avck and she whispers a broken prayer
or his safe return. And then comos the
rU of the drums, stronger, clearer more
insistent, the hoarse command, the last
good byes, and tbo boys are marching
down the street. Those were stirring
days. How the boys stepmd out to the
strains of the Inspiring music. How its
riuging notes Ment them Hying In the
dtsKTate charge or cheered their droop-
ing spirits 011 the long forced march,
There's uo music to the old aoldler
lik ths Ills and drum. No brans baud
or bugler's corps can stir bis blood like
the ptsreing iiot of the llle andtherut
tie aud crash and roll of the drums.
Hut they ur koiis from the army and
will U heard no more upou the Hi-Ul ol
battle. The old soldiers say they would
uot voluntit r ugaiu uuhws their old drum
corps itiuld go along, aud they are right.
That music rheeml our fathers at Hun
ker Hill, at Vorktoau and at Valley
Porge, ilraug out t-Uaraud strong
alo tb raar ol J a koa's gun at
W drleabs, it Utl,s ,oy at Mutilrrey
aad CWrubuMti, it mhiikU.I sharp and
tru uhu a kuudivd battta fteids Irota
'i'. to .', Iroiu k kslurg o Atlanta,
tad aow 'tis but a nmuory. Its pUta
ti Htushf or lis trahlsg, IhrtlUug blara
will oulj stiusd aUiut tbs tststaa's
vaaip ttra ka Iks solvlwrstfathsr maud
to vUhm up th tli UHiKj raaks aud Ml
aaia Iks tala ol Ik.ww ol4 day t, ahils
Uy aal k Ik soo.aUlorisg tatWr la ta
aaav os ia.t- aaai Us roaira hs ta y
iroa ol ! Iuy aai tow.
Vt ar Mas ta suawtiuMa iy aasalta
tat-ivoy. V ksa taata taikarJv4
Kaa Jsaa oa dtalt k alatsU Ikal Ika
kttaaJ Iowa euapli d atwl
tskN, a Utt rp..iu say tka ka
loaa ast kata taf-ra aiikoagk It
a rAii 14 ky kiak kdu aa4 Ikal ao
laa 4 Ika,Ui.oaM, x,4 ha
oa U . tipl tiaaU Ir.a, akwa
am tawiatl lo.aM, t u,,
utotM, tvatsa 4trw I trwat aataia
as I h trssts Wal ait koa Ika
t4fal soavta.a U U tks Uoatard
al was a
ahuiweh m,ihj.
The work of the Englewood Chicago
Bureau of Charities should be an object
- lenson to every city and town in the
country. Acting upon the theory that
inoseara bent Helped who help themselves
and that the waste places about the
city count ne utilized as a garden by tne
ill poor, it bus secured the uho oi a va-
cant 40 acre tract oi lund inside the city
liinitejund has encouraged the neighbor
Ing poor to cultivate smull plots. I he
experiment has been an unquaimna sue
cess. The land is donated rent free and
most of the garden seeds are also given
lue womeu do a large part of the work
when their husbonds are employed but
the men have ulso been Interested and
in their leisure hours put In the time
pleasantly and profitably. Potatoes,
cubbuges, onions and In fact nearly all
the garden vegetables are raised and
many poor families have materially as-
sisted themselves to live through the
winter without aid from the charity or
I .. .... . . ...
ganizations. The plan should be en
courngea in Nebraska. J-;very city and
town has its poor. Every city and town
has vacant lots and blocks coverod with
rank weeds. The remedy for both con
anions conironts us. Hcoros ol men
ana boys hang about our street corners,
tulking politics, drinking, quarreling,
loafing, through tho summer. Iu the
wlnt.T they must be cared for by others.
why not utilize the waste places, assist
and encourage these people to belnde.
poudent and self-supporting and at the
same time beautify ourcities and towns?
uycfm on kx i-onit on ouounuh
It is a matter of profoitud regret that
the directory of the Trans-MlsHisslppI
Exposition at Omaha have thorn
selves applied for a saloon license and
propose to soli liquor on the grounds
this summer - for what there is to be
mado out of jt.
There are. al kinds of vlewe on the
question of liquor.selling held by the
people of the state of Nebraska. There
who believe that liquor will be sold any
way and the best way Is to secure, iW-
P"8 irom us snie and some measure ol
regulation to prevent In part the evils
that arise from the use of liquor' and
there are those who would take the
baiter off and leave Its sale as free as
that of sugar or kerosone.
liut when it comes to the sale of liquor
on the grounds of either state or county
fairs, the great mujority of the people
of Nebraska are practically of one opin
ion, that it is no place for it and they
have put their opinion on record in the
statutes of Nebraska (section 18, chap
ter 2, Art. 1, compiled statutes of 1807)
as follows:
"No person shall be permitted to sell
Intoxicating liquors, wine or beer of any
kind, dr be engaged ln any gambling, or
other game of chance or horse racing,
enuer tnsiue the euciosure where any
state, district, or county agricultural
society fair is being held, or within forty
rods thereof, during the times of holding
such fair; and any person found guilty
of any of the offenses herein enumerated,
shall be fined in a sum not less than five
nor moro than fifty dollars for every
suchffense. That upon filing
proof witn the State Treasurer of a vio
lation of this section inside the inclosure
of any such fair, the amount of money
appropriated shall be withheld for the
current year, except if paid, then ft shall
be withheld from any money appropri
ated for the ensuing year."
Now ths state fair of Nebraska for the
year 1808 has been given up and con
solidated with the Trnns-MiseiHeippi
Kx position. So have many county fairs,
If there is any good reason why liquor
selling shouldbe kept)off the grounds at
state fairs and at county fairs on no
count of the disorder and drunkenness
that arise, there is certaiuly just asgood
reasou why it should be kept off the
Trans-Mississippi Imposition. Ths vast
majority of Nebraska people both for
elgu und native born, of all religions nnd
all parlies, are perfectly sutistled alt'i
the vii'IuhIoii of liquor from state fair
grouuds. They know there is gmtd
reasou lor keeping-it oft the grouuds of
0. A. It. encampments aud all great
gatherings. And they sea no good
reason why tha rijHisiMon should not
Inks ths sums aetiou. Tha Traus-Mi.
aiM.ppI eoriHiration was chartsrvd by
ths stale l Nebraska lo maintain an
vducattonat aud Industrial show aud
Kti to go iuto lh liquor busiioaa. It
should I'olirtus Itsetl lo Iks purpoac ol
itjvliurtsr and leavs the saloons ol
Omaha who hav paol (r tha pmiUgw
ths rtakl of selling tha haky, alas auJ
br Ikat ara ra4 lor.
V skall ba tiltid la rvtvis from our
readers brul Mwr oa this quvalto as
wwil as oikr quosluia ol publw latsrval.
Ths laik ol siattteg a war iu Wuiuliy
front fipaia ia looliak kunaiw. Hpam
vaa'tMs,U start with, asd l skadid
II would ba by gnudisg kr r isto
still 4 ototty aa l U.ra, Tins
la oaf war, Wa dida'l go lata 11 t a
aa kad t. bat t ausa as wast4 to,
ara a be la pay lor II ouriva, asd
wa vuakl to do II. If ataa saU a
ail t4 tlolksa ki u4 kia ksta-kK. pat
ttatalraow kia raiwaa ks MptvU o
g trwlit Im a as klHrty at audi
a ht Iks btka k!wtKll,
a -
tiU4ws U k-a4
II & 'bak tki tttorsiatf Uilhaai
f:asr t U Ut.H., " I Wa Ur tki. U a '
,. aa thg'uh aioa, tl aar.
li s hiss n1 wl S'J )ai kas twa Bii4
li wMt.Matuj aitfe woik asi ktaor.
Ily the casting vote of Senator Jones
of Nevada, the 500,000,000 bond tail
to the war revenue bill was cut off in the
senate finance committee room and the
bill reported to the senute Monday of
this week.
It is a war revenue bill. Its provis
ions will remind many a veteran who
went to the front iu 1801 of the war rev
enue bills of 1H01 and 1802 with one
notable excretion there is no provision
for an income tax such its produce over
1300,000,000 of the money that put
down tho greut rebellion. No income
tax since Judgo Shims of tho supreme
court saw the sooth sayers und changed
his mind over night. This bill then
skips over the big untaxed incomes of
the mlllionnires.but It goes after theatre
tickets, bowling alleys, bnuk checks
chewing gum aud paregoric with an
unrelenting hand. It exiiects to raise
1101,407,000 extra revenue in the next
twelve mouths aud this is tho schedule
of articles which are to pay the war
Kurmttiited lliiiorn :,H,u(W.lao
Tubiiuco ami miuff 48,M0,f,0O
Clgnr and clKiott in,02,4AC
Toliaooo umiiuliicturtri noil dvnlem... 107,102
JJauImm 3,Hu4,iioo
KlcliiuiKx broktri nn,, iiawonroloo-t.. 1,1,00,400
Cuiuniarclul brokmn ,,,,, aiil.dlil
Tlnmtru, clrcium and ollir uhllil-
tlons 1,MO,447
llowllUK ulliiin nnd lillllnrd taljlun,... 100,007
8toukii,1Mii1i,murclittii(lliie tc 10,1X10,000
Bunk chok..... 6,000,000
Inland bllli ul etchangt 1,500,000
Vomlxn bill 11I Dti hanH 600,000
KipriMi aud friilnlit, Including all
bill of ladliiK 10,000,000
Lll Imuraniw... , ,.',, 1.S77.000
MorsK 2,011,608
All otlmr arllulM Iu chvdulu A, la
oiunitiK inttai on rvcslpt. SH,000,000
J'ropflotiirjr propurstlMui aud tier
Chowlnit gnm .,.., 1,000,000
IKOcle and iUc4iiilous. , 0,1176,476
Total W
iiu to inn ins rtrtuos to bs dtrlrsd from ar
iiaiiisaiic liiclndsd In ths pundlng hill ou tbs
basis of ths rsislpU of Pb7-I3I4,046.M2:
8P,r"s N2,(KW,6
tiruwsri (special Ui ,. lno,W7
Ketall duslurs In mtlt lltiors 1111,071
Wboletuls dsnlvri In niltllyuorlu..., J7S.K01
uisoiasrgsrins , , I.OIM.OSK
soisacnceia 18,002
Mln-ullBDooui rscslpu.... , 7R,4flH
. Total cutlniatod rerun ut W,llfl,ew
1 Deducting th revsnacs for 1W7, which wow
fjUfl,()fl,6U3, ths rTnu provided bjr ths inst
bill 1161,4114,0116.
It will be observed that these are all
entirely revenue taxes, and the bill prac
tically doubles the amount paid last
year in that way to the federal govern
ment. '
A godd mifiiny of the'so'i(axe8 like those
on bank chocks, bills of 'exchange and
legacies will come directly home to the
people of and remind them every day
that they have a war on their hands and
are paying for it out of their earnings.
This Is as it should be. No nation has
the right to mortgage Its children un
born to pay for tho extravagance, job
bery and destruction of its wars. . The
worklngruen of England today are pay.
ing for the wars of the Spanish succes
sion and the idiocy of George Third's at
tempt to con'quor America.
Constitutional Amendment Homo for
the Frieudless Commiesioner Irvine
Swedish Puper Cheap or Ieur
Money, Which Senate Discussion
Spain and Reform Reur or Front
Don't Stop toQucation Why Forget
Cnba?-What the War Will Do
A constitutional amendment hill
has passed the lower house of eong
ress providing for the election of I'ni
ted States senators by direct vote of
the petqile. Now we wilt sea what th
senate will do. Of t'ourso thev will
kill it for they know by expSriciiee
that they can buy their re-eleitlon of
a state legislature much cliciiier than
tliey can or the people dlreet. Ihev
proiMtniy win neer gH time to con
sider 1he bill. M't us see what 0I1-
Jeetiiin they raise ami reuiemU-r how
they te.
Mrs. Slaughter, the lirM suitrrlii
telidelit of the Home for Ihe I'llcud-
esu, U iiIhiuI to start out mi a cnllivt
nif iiiixKiuo uiiii iii-iii 111 lull jo, ne
lid iu fill I il.i. It will not If auv
rent credit to the piety in 'ou-r tluit
Nllt'll a llll'IIHHl MIOIIM h lli i'i ill V Ul
iilic a llu'ie i it stale aporopi iut ton
Uing Iu the treason. On top of that
the district court decided that tl
women him the law ou their side.
t OlllllliKkiollcr It'VllIC, IMI'OIIiI li, hi I,.
to the st.ttK suiucliie Court, one of the
no-u hIi.i L'hrs uiit'oustitottouul noi-ic
i like nil the ret of th. republican
tlu e holder, tukes hi little eight dot-
.r it d.t, whither k woik orool,
I Io n if he doc lli Wolk he Wrtlit
Imiil iHit f r tl'.it. Il, k ll.'o
tor t.ilkua' to the lle linUi-Uv
h klii.lcul. I h olHrr l'-ljr' Mill
let Ul he IiukI Ik hi. . ciiik-.
M .to V t( our NkcIlIi .iiln 111 1
in. I Kl.ort Unit Hom I litter I'lllil'
,1 id their l.mtfiingw In the ol ol I to
.lil M h t h IMt tlt III tlrt coiu-
t f iler sud o In r i.fotm in. .
uim In tt.M Int. (it ul t vtuiuit
. I ti li t 1 im of th (-ijnr in
t lie it, or iu I It-!.! the ,Vll' iOoe
t mr I to . V. I Imivll su. h Mill
vitd th ir.
I l.e t iMii.l .sm M. K olr 1 iiv
liono e In 10 uiU l itir tni'p
mo Key torn, U (nl Hteo'i
t M r li t hi ll tluitirf iM tNf ui.xiei
U on kt ti) th ptt Hmim ka U
in iK t'l nnd lh o4hV Kvl- th rieH
si who o II IMt4r.t Slot
liitititfv. Iks ifjmWwM mrw oil
the ink hiih'i sl tvr liti, 'III
Mill do U ! u I ln of th
ir't. th-iur sifot J a -'ii
.i ! h' i.. i ilt mi aMlinS, v
Ul tk tootle) s'i'li,
A four weeks' discussion has com
monced in the senate upon the qtu-s-tion
how to raise the revenue and not
tax tho rich.
Now Sruin 1m ready to give her de
pendencies 11 reform govern mitift. It
was not ho with our rebellion. Wo
guve the south the hiiiiih government
they hud with the liono they bud con-teii'ih-d
for knocked out, that was
slavery. Everybody now Is glad of it.
Why call him Itear Admiral Dewey?
UHler cull him head admiral. He is
ahead now and we doubt whether he
ever will fall behind.
Why quest Ion taking ohurgo of
Culm, Porto Klco and Hie Philippine
Islands until the bona tide residents
can urninge a government of their
own and start a republic? Of course
we iimst fill the olllce of protectorate
until I lie new government Is tinder
way. If we thought best we oould give
theiii such a government us England
give Cuiiudu. There Is no hunkering
for a change of government over
Why do not McKlnley end Hiuiipwm
direct nil their guns toward Cuba and
the Philippines, hold Unit territory
feed the starving nnd wait for the
(Spanish fleet to show up? Jf they
can do no more they can sail along
the const of Culm In an iron clod and
throw oil' a few Isigs of eniekers to
the sturviug women tiiul children.
Why waste any more coal or steam in
trying to Und the 8sinlurds? Why
not go about Ihe Job freeing Cuba,
which we sturlcd out to do?
The wnr with rqsiln will not only
settle the Ciibnii question, but it will
settle the feeling of unrest among
our own people anil It will ulso blot
out the remaining sectional feeling
Is'twceii the north and south," said ait
old high tori If iiiiM-lucoinc tax man
who enjoys clipping coupons from
untaxed government lioiids, It may
settle the first and last matter but the
general feeling of, unrest among the
AiMcricii.n people cini not be settled
In limit way. There is an underlying
cause or unrest uiiii mat cause must
be removed before our people will ever
settle down in quiet. J lie grout doct
rine or all good for all must take tho
place of the prevailing (hsftrlne of to
day which is the greatest gixsl for the
millionaire and let tho common scrubs
go to grass. Money rules this fHfrplu
in every department. Our elections
are carried by money, Why did Ifon
tia use millions In the central western
stafi-s while hardly a dollar wus used
east of the Alleghany ran go 7 Our
law makers make laws for those who
will pay them the most money, In
whose interest was silver stricken
down and who paid John Sherman
for bossing the. Job?! In whose inter
est were Ihe bonds changed front
"siynhle in lawful money" to "paya
ble in coin?" Why supisirt the hiiiid.
feds of lobby Workers in .con ureas?
(Vita inly 4 ha westeniarincrs have no ,
loony workers, tliee., , ibrn Jooa.av
the influence ijf,,auoMey.,' .upon ' tmr
courts, , '4.'hq IJu'dHwU discussion
wns given in the.,, interest of the
wealthy slave Interest without regurd
to the Inviiluable rights , doetrlua ot
the declaration of IndeoeiMleiMU!.
riien the Ineorue tux decision was it
made in, the Jjiterefoj of 1he sor man
who hiuT jiitle Jncontu r In the inter
rut, of thciUlionalro whowe. iiK-amo -
n, ninny eases ainotintva1 10 miutons) .
Very year. The question in should
the wwilthy siipMirt our general gov-
rnment or should the liner tmv most
of llie taxes for that itiii'ixwie? Htrict
iiKtice to all elasMes Is the only thing
that will aettle the unrest manifest in
the American people.
The thing for the common ix-oplo to
fight now is the Issue of Isolds. A
lillion of Isinds will stir up the unrest
of the American people as 'It was never
stirred Is-fore. There Is no need for
any more IhuiiIm for the millionaires
to speculate on. Issue greenbacks,
and coin silver is the thing to do. Our
hope is In the senate alone. If tho
senators fail us now we may n well
give the whole thing 1o the plutocrat
und Is1 done with it. .
Th OrKn U Sf.
The long trip of the battleship Oregon
from San Francisco to Key West,
"around the Horn," Is ended, and it is
now with Sampson's fleet.
The Mit week has Is-cn one of con
tinuously clooily weather, there U-ing
only a small percentage of sunshine.
The toiiijH'i ul ore for the Mate (is a
"hole has tncriigeil iilmut th normal,
Im'Iiijj iilmul one decree lllmvc Ihe lliir
111. il in Ihe northern northwestern
nml Miuthfitt MccUouN nnd iilmul om
it. c ice Islow the noruiiil In the ecu
tiul and wcxlern t.ectiuiii, The uiavi
noun leUiH-iilureii lone iHiliiKiit
iiImiiiI M dcKieeii, U ing geiicntlly be
low To ilciec during the hitter hall
of Ihe week, and the minima hate
rnnged from ;ii degrt-ca to ,Vt degnvs
l.lclil fl'ohl. weic holed in a few section-
ou the l.'lh nnd tnh, but t! v
were uot n-M-ie lyinugh to eaue
Vf to ii'kelii'iou or fruit.
'Ihe i.iUifiiil hit been ci u. riilh In-,
low the, the u lilnil uiul wrt-
ern i-uHous I1.1t intr only light h.. .
i-l; giHul riu fell Iu the oiilli,-,ii-rrn,
noilloiKii in mtil noiilii in
Ihe (hHIrr l-irtioii of the week li.
Ueii ery fiubl for lui 01 work un.l
Uo. .,mI l.itf in r. rll. ut lol lllioti
for Molkintr, t. Milling ,,, Ueli
.uhid M.l.ll. I'lllll llHtl stt, l.lloil
ln lu to ioim .,,o,(1 IH .,
'. I p'Hion fh j,,,
l p"t li dut'log Itiiweek, ic 11
nl ii il U it.g. I,,,,,. , i i,
to llu.e-f ...ill., ,.f td. i,,,, (, ,tllU,
in mi iii inj liiMul.i,, 1 .,
Yh vi.-rttl, ,f miiiII iuioi i.. r.
Whviit It . l ,, (Vi
iit, ,.Uu.l,. eoh-r, ;i 1, ,,,a,,J
nut til tlft I'lte Ii4iv. l,,w.. 1. -
tu. rOd Iftowtft ,,iM1j
Kl Wit, m Mt U-Tk tttk
alsi tresr rr sasw t tt
Mrw stU .klht U.t m f
h ttUM III) k tilkJu W
11 irsl ikt th hm