Miy 19, 1898 THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. 8 THE SLAVE POWER. THE WORLD IN THE GRIP OF THI ROTHSCHILD SYNDICATE. OlffaotU Bahama, Past, FruMnl m4 Wm tar; ot tba Ambitious Moo? Lord. Tbe PopU of tba I'elUd SUtM to LmI Bffe f 7rdra. Following it the concluding portion ot an able article by Bouator William M. Btewart in Tbe Arena for Ma. Senator Btewart trace tbe working of (be great syndicate from the time of the French revolution and then continues: Tbe Crimean war, tbe war of tb re bellion and tbe Gorman, Austrian and French wan involved vast expenditure, xoited private enterprise in tbe build ing of railroad and tbe like, aud tbo created enormon bonded obligation! payable in gold and llver, tbe money then current in tbe civilized world. Tbt United Htate emerged from four yeara cf a giguntio conflict, which ahook tha civilized world from enter to circum ference, a reunited, invincible, Inde pendent and conquering power. Tbe disaster of tbe Franco-German war cul minated in re-establishing a republic in France, Everything seenied pointing to (be overthrow of tbe satanio power of the Anglo-itotliNcbild syndicate, wbiob wa levying tribute upon tbe commerce MONARCHISM IN INDUSTRY. The Jtitlo of Gorai-omunt Owaarshlp ( Hallways la Vital. In a letter on "Industrial Sovereignty and Privilege," delivered before tbe Obrlittian Workingmeu's olub of New York, Joslah Collin Tumnelly saldi "ftpaln bai come to judgment, for our American people are united in tbe d termination to punish her despotism of centuries, to put down tbe mounter breed in oppressed Cuba aud to vindi cate tbe sanctity of justice and human ity. A our buttleship are today voio- Ing the truth, and a wo unite today to destroy a sovereignty of wrong in Cuba, so when tbe time ootnos we, a true oitizeua, most muss our forces to put flown iu America an industrial sovor elgnty equally baneful. We are in for tbe war. It 1 also fur reconstruction and liberation, but not by fire and aword. "Lincoln said at tbe clone of tbe civil war with keen prophetic vision: 'It hue been indeed a trying hour for tbe repub lic, but 1 aee in tbe near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and cause me to tremble for the safety of our country. Corporation have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high place, and the money power of tbe country will endeavor to prolong it reign by working upon the prejudice of the peoplo until all wealth i aggregated in a few hand and tbe republic 1 de stroyed. I fool at tbi moment more anxious for tbe safety of my country than ever before, even iu the midt of of the world and holding in abioot bond . it .. ,. i. .J . A - 1 tUUfl ' of the east. The United Btates wa tbe by hi counsel and warning, we greatest military power on earth. Her goint monarchist! ia industry, amies were invincible, and she possess- "4 we believe tbe Master i in hi own d the only navy in tbe world worthy , way making our people ready for a new A tbe name, strong demonstration of thu prln- To overpower tbe United State, bold dp'" f' the republic of the New Testa (he republio of France in check and Kent. We can note already the coming continue tbe prosecution of tbe design i Ue dawn of a new era. for the establishment of financial slav ery of tbe world wa tbe new problem presented to tbe gonitis of tbe ttotbs child combination. The keen eye of the almost omniscient financier soon discovered politician in power in the great republio a pliable aud us blind to the suffering of their fellow men a those whom they found left in power fter the great Napoleonic struggle. The , plan which had formed tbe foundation j A the great wealth of the itothobild combination in 1819 by converting pa- j per debt worth 40 cent on the dollar into gold obligation wa aecretly and clandestinely repeated in tbe United . Btates aud continental Korope in 1878 by demonetizing silver and thu in le (ban 25 year doubling tbe purchasing power of gold and increasing the burden -ot all contract more than 60 per cent. The United Htatea by that mean wa deprived of her bounteou upply of tnoney metal and compelled to look to the great financial syndicate of England to furnish money for thl government ;nd all tbe vast enterprise of our great country when it wa tbe duty of con gress under tbe constitution to furnish tbe people with a circulating medium, j The financial dependence upon England enured by this iufamou transaction tbrough the treachery of our public men ha robbed tbe great republio of It proud position. Tbe hand of tbe United State being thu bound, the Hotbschlld combination Jl proceeded in tbe last 30 year with marvelous rapidity to enslave tbo hu man race. The chain of feudal slavery have been riveted and fastened upon In dia, and 860,000,000 of human being re now suffering a more degraded and abject slavery tban ever existed or ever was supposed to exist by the abolition ist tbemselvo in any part of America. The inhabitant of the land of tbo Nile are now suffering from the liritlsh lash vpon tholr naked back to make thorn ontribute in taxes to itotbscbild' greed $7 an acre annually for every ore of land cultivated in blooding Egypt. Japan rose from semi barbarism ud astonished tbo world by assuming the Importauoe of a first rate power tbrough the advantages of cheap silver aud tbo difference of exehange which II prod nood. In tbe spring of 1N98 Japan realixdd tbe source of her progfea aud attributed ber marvelous suommui in war, I in commerce aud in tbe acquisition of wealth generally to tho use of silver a aouey, wniie tne western world wa isaffertng from falling prices, bankrupt oy and decay by adhering to tbe shrink ing volume of gold. Unfortuuately for Japan, flinrmaiis and (,'lnvelatids were found in that country also, who in the fall of IhUfi boirayed her and by false reasoning and wbal other moans the world may never know iiidumd her to adopt tbe gold standard aud plungo in laukruptey. Ma i now a bankrupt apatiiilaiia if the Urlllsh empire aud will tiuk l a k into the miserable condi tion fritu which she so retxtully emerg ed. The lblUMM, allhouub they have been made cowardly aud uupatriollo by the iiiUgtiverniituiit of the utaiidarlus, are a iim mrvolm ra iu trade aud tnani, Thy ctiU Id nut I hi iuduoed l fullw Japan and viduutarlly ihmuihII nuaitotal Itaraklrl, at lb gallaiil but vain JauM were liidur la tVm kiMut4iiiy the grval ltlh hlld syudi nt wbli h uiw etitnutaitdt all l uMpe bas uii.tiHk. Ilia glgaullti eiilerpilM f dlvl hug up amtuig tita WMivrn uw ris Ilia am I nil I and lpultia mttptie of t hUta. VVMh that shall tu thiuiduitl, t:iiiiiiil u uiwl, lutjtiV' it.liatlaui itilid ali laa loauusf t f ItillUh l-mir la I r I aud ladle. ll.a a. no luUtu.ut t-l hialle It.iuK att I Itta Dual sutJH ttai t at, A.I4 ami Ahl t tea tula or lb y Swr di-ad Ua4 eaoutial' llh, Ntlding up Mta aud lug d.-w.iv, MItulilr U M Utat. far vtati hUiU wlkM . to a ihi a bow KttM iluloe I. ttn and Af ttel V AU baa is oti " I uuy n W It ItisiMsalVM t the t tbsisby tm Ike Utg 4 1 IImhLuU 1 h mi ly MutMna i 1 ....... 1 it. I tiae tWaaia llg tin l , . u A I h t u I MwlLiUud Kit mtk ll liue t i 11.4 mn miv, , , . uy tmii il the wmatiy Miopia The that tl .4f. , . , f h Mtinwtit ewns lite 'he. MuuUI mmx .ul at 1 iL.,.l ..-.ia ika teUllM l !!, y.aii.h aud rW tlall if II.4UU..1 at M 1,1 iLa iuii.t inww aud nrrl elMiU Urael tail nueuwiel'twlffMidMi V a ilaalhMaw a I td IWn aad Uaaauae nUt Utalaa, ttkhth .uld i ftUiM 4r tboaat tHuMuUtll Ike sukawe t4 auln-U ' lVlt(iiajJ as si I (iiitts( a aa fc,k IVWT7IVTVI IVUI HUM MX V ingabfrbed under public oontrol for public purpose, wherever the collective organization of tbo commonwealth is being employed la place of individual effort, wherever in tbe public interest the free use of private laud or capital la being further restrained, there i one more step toward the complete realia tiou of the ideal being taken. "And these principle properly ap plied demand, among other thing, the national ownership of the railroad. Ho all powerful have thoy become that tbe question of their oontrol in the future is one vital to the people' interest. "The railroad bring us in the United State to a turning point in civilization, at which there must be a new assertion of tbe people's power or a fatal losa of liberty. With us public control without publio ownership is an impossibility. Ownership must precede control, aud ore long, too, or those who own tbe railroads will own the government. We have over 230,000 mile of railroad, controlling $400,000,000 of property and $900,000,000 gross revenue, and having power and influence over leg islature and over business interest truly gigantic. "The railroad companies work with other monopolies. The 'Big Four,' a Chicago combination of Armour and three other firm, control tbe whole meat Sid cattle trade of the country, dictating e freight rate on land and sea, con trolling markets, freezing out small holders and middlomen and providing an unhealthy and abnormal condition in the grain as well as cattle and dress ed meat trade. Buch a condition of things could not have existed in other countries where publio oontrol i tbe rule. "The interstate ootnmoroo commis sion has dono something to better these conditions, but its success has only boon partial. It ha been embarrassed by too littlo power, and power difllcult to use. " Tbe advantages of government own ership, Air, i'umpelly held, are many. "It would," ho said, "give the death blow to the greatest lobby that ever existed. There would be no more strikes, no more cut downs. It would give em ployment to 1,600,000 men iu addition to the 760,000 now employed. It would treat all alike, as In our postofllces. It would save the lives of muny now sao rlfloud every year for tbe want of a more humane system of supervision. It would take tbe roads out of polities, with their corrupting aud debauching methods. It would transport freight at one fourth the present charges. As the express busiues would also go into the hand of the natiim with tbe railroad It would save $3,000,OUO or mure yearly iu that "In New Zealand and Australia, a our friend, the Hon, Hugh l.usk In forms luo, the system of state owuurship of the railroad work more smoothly and satisfactorily by far than the cap ttalltlo system In this ouuutry, while the txmiforl aud oouvoultmoeof the pub lio appvar to be Iu uearly avury way bet ter pruvldwd tr there lhau hire." Uraola f I rtul. A $10,000, uoo stove trust Is being or gaaUml. A auut Irani to utru US euinH.ru la Iu rMws if formation. All lite tudopaiidonl spirit manufacturing plants are iMauUlalug aud will be finally aU.fl by ll.a tiust. The J.ooo.UiiO bar Irul.iH t trul Is rotlatly aMurvi Tha Hlaitdard Oil lluil It Invading tiu Atot,oOi.f It pi t iMuy Iu the bit. k butiwMMi u l hat gubiilmt unliuf the If Unit iu New Yutk slat Thirty inuuUtlorti .f mailt In lb ili n latently g giitf ti "gulal i rt.'i" aud "mtma brtt MitlilUu." MMttillauwittaly withlltl siiuuwu(oiti tireliappMtrN lit in dally ai au advent i f au U l l w-ttil liiatlta au a vtkltky duiilUry tit.utl inaitow, all M Ihe aw4 1 ara t f "kllllMg e-uiiuil.a," RUBGE & MORRIS COMPANY 1118-1126 N St., 1113-III7 0 St. LARGEST FURNITURE MARKET IN THE WEST. OVER OWE ACRE OF FLOOR SPACE. Office and Entrance 1122 N Street, Lincoln, Nebraska. No. 100-Ludios CuiieHeat,Holid Oak, .Full Mm itockor, only 90c. No, 183 Large Arm Hooker, Hard wood, finely finished wood wat, $3.00 Can at $3.50 No, 136-Ifard-wood, authjuo fin lab, can seat $3.50 In siddle seat only $3.25 Extra value, bnrd wood, cane seat, finely fin isli ml, only $1.00 No. 1 lO si new style Itooker, leather seat. leather Uphol stered buck, bard wood, mahug. aoy finish, only $375 Carpets. No. 3-A fine, solid oak cane seat Pin lug Chair, full size and well braced, only 85c. No. 7-Oak, can seat iMulngC'lialr nicely oarv'd can't be bent, set of six for $6.50 CARPETSjA HANDSOME LINE. You have become so accus tomed to havincr that old cat pet that you don't notice it i worn a great deal, and that i is time for a new one. Time are improved, and you ca better afford a new carpet tha; ever. Your home is entitle to the brightening influence o a good carpet. We will inter est you with prices, as well a with our new spring pattern! flattings. 1 Imported direct from Chin and Japan.Spccial valuet Baby Carriages, f7fr7 Our new Illustrated Catalogue, and if you I I EE can' what you want in It, write to us. Visit our store when in the city. We take pleasure In show ing our stock. Remember, we pay the freight 1 00 miles on our out-of-town orders over $5, and we employ a city buyer who will buy anything in other lines for you and ship with any goods you may order. We solicit a trial mail order, This hoadsome llaby A AA Carriage only k) V.UU NEW STYLES JUST IN-: Owing to lack of space w cannot illustrate them, si send for our special catalog which shows the largest lin made. We show over io different patterns in this cje partment, The Housekeeper's Corner. Making Baflf Carpet Carpet weavers say they have never had so fnuch work bi-fore in one eaaon as they hav this spring. Muny houno koeper who Intended to buy ingrain carpet to put down after the spring boufto cleaning, found they would coat more than they could afford to pay for them, so they have made useful and handsome floor ooverlng out of what would otherwise been put In the rag bag or left to I'Oinlwr tbe attlo or closet. Hug car;iet are durable us woll ns econ omical. One need not Imi ufraid to let tbe sun shine on them, nor shudder if some on stepson thorn with muddy lot. In fact It I the most suitable cur pot one can have In the dining room or sitting room where there are eovoral children iu the family. The first carpet I shall describe took tbe premium at tbe eounty fair thm years ago, and is very handsome. The wldeatripos were mad of dark rags sowed hit or miee. The brltfbt triMi were eiunpiMHtd of sii threads of oraii, all grvan, (our yellow aud rdlwlaUd, 'l ite lost wa the renter of the strliai. The rag were imiatly ooltou aud badly (aded. The white aud Unlit eolored one wore separata! from the ol!nrsand dyd oriwiK", groou, yellow, red and purple with diamond dye for rotton, and uad lor tha brih-bt stripe. Tins t-arpet ha mu in ft inst a lit uaeewr aiuoeltwoa mad and ltr It was waahad tha eolor wore a bright aad pretly a whoa new. II jou do nut wiah to go to the iwiim f in a Una a trlal oarpol, make It Ih old hit or hiImi stU. t caver ( bar front twu to bre route 1m lor ihia than lor strip. Alter lh wmkly wahing la dniiK, lr Ih aora out elulU inn Into strum and put llin lusUt kept i.r thai puriatM, ( ol.irtli hahl OMe yalltlW, rant. blU Nlld grwH lalor tnHriua" thuiii aud mil them with tha other bolore tha sawing le due lhr will te Monty ilitnliuWl. Thov will t.i tK llu lli i'arpt wuadarlutly, V ka I on hwvuuut(k lor lhaerl w aad wie I thsin lata ball. ( anjr kia l l i haia ) cm lh, brow aud wbita U lrtl woicN la ihwkw l.od or brU iks !)!. The lag r a carpel should m rtu and u. Oaaaud ia loartk Muadol r will Miak a tard olrar lt aad va aad a- a all or aiskt jniaads id laiM will ha aauugk lf Iwoati M yard Houo loom ut a Nebraska state Insurance Association. ' For Firo, Lightning, OycloriityTor nadoou, and Wind Storms, Lo- catod at Fairfiold, Clay County Nebraska, Mil more i baia Ihati uihr Vla. Ilia tualoiial ( J. giailiug M l.oi's Iikw yolit bog dtlu tali" r al ,Vrl.aka I My I aa tha aio.md aad It I aald Iha r Hill "i make i aiHm, lf MiMIM Utatlilttf doMj't lata hf eM,H ai will put la a wb tlag pfi hi vtflt Idaa ( lte liMMiir and the ( of Ihleg ( uiaiula a wtaat kinra.1. I, til a taMna Ioh would at iia Ut the dl"a i and I a glMt MUlig AaUafW fl.l. t'orrpiifiiltif i mid ut tjr J, M, Manford, uonorni nannKr, The above na mod company I one of the moat eu!caaful mutual Insurance nompnnloa In the atate. On December Jllst, 1HII0, we numbered M from the top as to tbe amount of insurance In forco, and on December ill, 1HU7, we wore number 0, having passed twenty other insurance compatiie In the year as to the amount of Insurance ia force, In other words there wore only three other mutual compuulo in the state that wrote more Insurance than this company did last year, aud there la only three mutual companies In the state Imo- sidoe our own company that wrote more Insurance in the whole year of 'U7 than w have written In the first four month of 'H, and last week we wrote Ml uw member and this amount ol fire mid cyclone lueuraii" la 7il,'i4), I Ills coini'Hii v la the i nsniat and lieat company In the tnt for fir, Huh I itlnif. efoluua, windstorm end tornadiwa. Ibiaeomiiaiiv ulv a iritul iium- Itorahlp tm aud l(ua a Hrtual indloy. We never riiarg tor matina any ehaiigi-a in said pohry pruvldd th In surance la not liioraaevd, V never charn for eaneollation, If you hav luaurtel vonr property by Are in soma atook company, on aouul ol a inortuaga. we will lusure you agatuat eyeluuva, wiud etorm and lornadiaai aa c tisap, or enr tiian any ol'isr state eompany, IMore you Iu- sura ak aouie id oar agar I a we have llMlta the M4. la r thr Who aia of onra In your locality writ lor aa oaiM J h'f yourll or rvoiumtitd aoai gui4 lire man. Ad Iroaa j, u, riisroan, tlvuaral kUaatfvr, r air Mil, ,Nh, Uriuera' Mutual Insurant Amo elation of rairflolii, Nob. M, Ku4, Know ) Ikat tkl la tk ol .l and nttly Hiutaal kail lasnraa tiatp4ay thai kae niv4 a path I la tkat slat? It kae raa ! yaate aad ka pal I a Io la ltd aa r adpiat' Herat, aad has rMutt f i lamuf. plus bark lt Ik iHiia jr hot.Wf. M ur yt agat ia the Raid auk rlit salve Iimsh Ike auditor ol pulilte aa oaeKaad e kav Mvata ttaltat Ilk lHI aiot a4ta ka are aot tl taady to urd-r aadilor'e tattiAoaa. l law Male are ai arur4 war Tt uaatiMa la tkUt. 1 Ma will ielvvt a boot both ImI aa4 ?! kail lnaa that eoaiattuia rwe. M lint uile a t tvoe e 4 tea tatla) aide, U ll If a whole county should be bailed out we can pay in eatne, Your only safety lain a company that doe a business in all the cultivated oouotle In the elate. tve are doing a good hall Insurance bus iness at tiresnnt, notwithstanding It I only tbe middle of May, we write from 'JO to 40 policies per day. We want a (rood agent in every town ship In Nebraska where the soil Is gener ally well farmed, lor wuicn w will pay tno nest comtnlsniion, , This company ha no salaried officer at present for all saluries are set after one years' work Is dono, by the boarded directors, at what they think I reasona ble for the work done, This aaHociatlon last your had a branch office at Lincoln, Nobraaka,oonductod by J. Y. M. Hwlgart, but said branch office proved unsatisfactory and wa therefor discontinued by the meinbera at the an nual meeting and we now have no con nection with any Insurance companies doing business In Lincoln. Agent want ed In every township that have not now an agent and a good oommlasloa will be glvou on all work done, tor agencies write to J, M. BANroiiu, (leneral manager, Fairfield, Neb. Nabraaaa aad Wyuiulag Kseunluna, llmhr June 7th and aist th Rlkkora NorlhweeUru line will sell ticket at one fare plus I J.Od lor round trip to point on It lin In aorthwoetertt Nbraaka aud Iu Wyoming weat of aud lucludiim Orlu Juuotion. Miuimuiu rale fu.un, Htopovtr prlvllegue going, Final limit twuaaya. City ollioe 117 Huittti 10th street. Lin coln, Nh, l.l' ! 111 . , ill DR. 171 c GREW I TBI Ball tIO I AUST wavi tasr sm Prlvtti Oliutet MIN ONLY au (. KiMfi, i,MtM kit kk k t a t i.kt-.lt. uatiw. nra,i I tik a4 rrM It. uwama. aan. fa rat - aa4 Alaska ratal. TkNotkwwet'loa ! ht laa aimt roate ta tke f agt .aa4 a4 Alaska tHiiata. Uvtraiaa aad aHHe traiaa asoka dlraal eoaaaattoa at I r swat with tkrwaak '' elar aal w rhaiag saaif r ta 'ottlaa4. iv eorrwi latoraiawoa eait ea a. aatdtag, any ttektt ag Uf tk ota si , t.iaada. hh. A SPLENDID DAILY. The ilM-ky Mountain " New, pul imniMi iMmvur, ioiorooo, is tno ok est puper In fkilorndo and tha ltock Mountain reirion. It has been ident fled with tho growth and progress c that region since it inception In 1851 and devotion to the resource and lr terrsta of this port ion of tho west hs nl way a boon tbe chief aim of the pu per, Bpocliil attention has alway been paid to Its state mining depart n io nt, to Mm end tout thefulleat an rrosfieat roiHirU ot operations in a Inlning dlatrlcta shall appear in it coIuiiiiim dully. At present tt Is (It votlntr iinexumpled enerorles to th task of furnlshlnir its natrons with tb war news. The News la the only papc In tlirt west wiiioii una tne benent ol the splendid telographlo service of th New York Journal and this ins urea th aiM'ody aiwl efTectual transmlaslon ol every detail of tho niwatlona at thl aeat or war. Tlio iews prlnU in on newa tliuiy, mui poaaeaaea a larirer cla cnlation anil nuvertlstng patronagl than any other iiaiN-r In the ltock nioiinUiln region. Ihe puhllahera wi mail sample coploa Umu ajipllottion. J. H. Trbniiolm. A. VancilJ New 2d Hand Store 30 1' Htraat, north of I'oetoffloe, Nsw gooil etohangad fur old. High! eaah price paid for all kind of Btovsa aad Faraltar! Give us a Trial Trcnholm & Vand( aw tuvMtat cam iia Wai rrailf raAas4 aUiasalaaV a rUa4, UHt, tla pMUaraa kUaaa. Oa Fsbraary IT. aad evert Tkajwiar tkarW t at a. ID p. at., biliataa tearfe. elaatwre, ia ekarge uf ear oa afir eoaJaetiar ara eea4i4 ta taava Uy aula lot I'ortiaad via I , LeaJvUtay' rWt UkCtty,ttgda aad tka Urager het baa, paaeiaf tkrwagk tke graaaVi at e0ar s) U It. aal aririar fatal ktaie ta al aa't lad 0 W hta a fait Ut the ataey (Kaaie ial UaaNc tW. Dirtka, takte aad Ml tafcmJ Uwa ataj H efetataed at A U. Vt a eily la k itOtaa. eoraat of U as 4 9C treala. Uao, V, aVatA (V r. A T. 4w T'JMIIHntlAU ICSIC, A fare& I) Weak. traaikak tvra aa ) r4i 4 Saatiiia iMi iljna tesaff ta raamw nsaiav trta! I I naiMit (aaAr.. ' ' v.1 Ma)tiar1tit4MA laaarisaast wkaa vlki W tw admlbara 3