Iftt I mm Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated. VOL. X. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY MAY 19, 1898. NO. 1. 8 Tb Firet Regiment of Nebraska Volunteers Left Lait Mon day for Ban Franoleco. TO BELIEVE ADMIRAL DEWEY 18,000 to 20,000 Troops Will Boon ' Start Aoron the Pacific For Manila. Other Weraw. Three spcciul train are ajieedlng wt currying the First lelraka reg iment to Kan Francisco, One left ov r tlin Hurllngtou a little after 10 o'clock, one over the Union I'aelllo be tween it and 3, and one over the Hock Island ut 4 o'clock, The Hurllngton will deliver iU train to the Union IV dllc at Cticyttitnc, the flock Island will turn. If train over at Denver ami all three will go west from Cheyenne over tins Union I'acJlc, They should ur live at Hau i)raiielco Thursday. The Hurllngtou had IU cure set ou the Hiding' at the wet side of the ground. The Union raelilc care wen southeast of the ifrou ikJm and when the flock lland train was wit In It waM pluoed on the northcuat Hide, The Hurllngton earn were loaded first hh the First bntalllon wwt went uy way of that road. One Imjx ear wan 11 1 led with tcntage and other camp roulpuge. One uugguge ear wiw lotuf- l with provision or use id the battal ion on the road. Mine tourist sleep rs were reserved or the men. Trans portation wan Indued or 14 ofllccr and 31fl men, 'J'he olllccre were given it I'ullman lcecr for their weary bodies to rent in, J he train wwt ready to leave the camp by JO o't'loek. It wum In charge oi Jleuleiiuiit Colonel Col ton. The second battalion traveled by way f the Union J'ocllic, Colonel JJratt and hi staff ormed ixirt of thl battalion. The rood Muppliti one lxx car, one baggage, one stock, one full' man sleeper, and eleven coaches, Klghteen a-Hlccr unci 1)44 men were jiaalgned to thlM rood. Thl won Major Wtotaenburg'e battalion. 'Hie third battalion commanded by Major Mnl ford wan a-slgned to the flock Islund road. The officer of thin road were compelled to order tourist car from cant of the rlver.Jo the use of the troop. They dt not arrive un til In the afternoon although expect ed early in the morning. They furn-H Jshed ten toui'Jift sleepers, one stand itrd slccer for ollleer and men and two box earn for the laiggngc, Fygr tcen ollleer mid 315 men were Kent on thl train. ' Kneh battalion wu (riven enough money to purchase coffee on the trip, moiiic ollleer being named to take charge of the ciimIi, That the govern ment believe in giving il men plenty of hot coffee while travelling limy lie wen from the following figure rcp rcitcuting the amount of money given to each battalion for HiIh purpoMe; First, $1.1.4-1; Heeoiid, :;h(),mo; third, WiiAU), This iiicihim about -1 cent per day to eaeh liian. The coffee will be pui'chiiMcd wherever convenient ailong the line, order Iwing telegraph ed ahead. There Iiiih Wen iniieli weeping on the ground since the order cninc to move, and iim the train prepared to pull out, hanilWf i-chief were freely used for HiilnleN and for other puriMm , The Uiyn cheered and wing the old army Kong and wuud their gooi 1 1 yen, The people who tilled nil of Hint corner of the ground did not feel much like cheering. Hihtern uiul xweet heiirtu and wIm'm were betvaved lv red eyeH, no inatler how brave an air they attempted to aHHiime. An the train pulled nut amid nong and fare well call uiul fluttering Imndkrr Milef uiul Hwliiglng huU, ln women near the track colhtpKed lutnriu h oth er'n nrm and mIIh'I h fciericullv Wur wu Miiiiethlng inoro In llieui than a Miimuier picnic in the Philip pine. HUYAN TAI.KM TO TIIK lVH. .IiimI at in .on Mr. Ilyntn rile up ou hi bhu-k home. 'HoniVlMMly culled out "three eheent for Hilly Urian. ' Thev ifUcn with euthunluKiii, n,l mhu lUrlv "tigem" were l kwl on for good lueuMiire, I hen tn Uiv of com iHtny it iM'gau tuning lor a h. Mr. Ill) on trtlked for M Inoiuriil Mil It tin ortierr kUinlmg ii.r. mih a tne nittil Ihli krlird arituinl liliu i mini r Imlulgentlv and J mi a U lo comply vHh Km iv.pn.l, tin l..!, rf hU hi I and kik (u it iMirri.l- lliiitnl loin. i .ii tht It aa uiiiiviul ihl.iir for him to iuk on a ul, J.i l m chil li all i.f i,n m,, w ri unilr.l, an ttf li-l done lumt of IU Ulkltig Iiii Iti0 wiUi v-iv ill i.l.-.l au, Mr, In inn llf irfl i'irll,,i lining thriuattir. M Ur a ll Mar va i.mh ri wa iftut . tmi lhl the ..l of I alll lal. Mrnt u Kitrnt In Ihl if i tu,l tt humwi.li , WnK a Mft lh Uliy-V, Of til f .f lha ..l tir and il-a -rw ui..i tk i.hMm Ktifht , fv f,.f hrr r Mr Mriaii )..., ai. t acalu V tttttv wllk Itl.M lll the'. t M' . H Ht i HIM.. Wt.iiw lhr ai ltll m, ihitaa.l Miea til vauip ttn ..Htrlin .ni a ''"''' va.a.. ai iwUI AHa.MiyK lk !. ( ikji lrt au.l K.e,t ilul in. I artUUlo .t any yt )l U may 1m mKI Hiia T TUB PHILIPPINE ect truth that the boy remaining be hind are actually lonely without their premier in ornm. Thin may aecm ri- diciiloiiM to th(M ouulde, but it In true iieverthelcMH, The Houthwent aide of the camp lle covered with traw but there Ik nothing cine left to re mind one that the UW4 boya of the Flint regiment of Nebranka infantry volunteer imed to wcupy It, They have taken up the tourney and it will be at leant a year biTore the men will en camp together mile the will of the war department hcihIm the Kecon . af ter It fellow regiment, After the departure of the Int Imi tation the lxy of the Hec'ond regl- incnt Htood around Hciilatlng iiikii) wnen nicy would get out. An Indim- trou rumor to the cffe't that the regiment had been ordered to Chick amiHiga got In It work until about 2 o clock when It wan Jul r J low by a de nial iroin I OlOIII'l JHIIM. Ciiptain Culver of troop K, Third volunteer ha received word Unit he will be cxnnceted Hhortl.v to leave or nicaainnuga, l lie captalira troop rorin part or t lie regiment cominand- cd by Colonel (lrlgby. In cane lie move aouth he will meet the balance tt the regiment at Chicago or ome nearer point, Captain Culver liu a fun tnp but Khort alwut 1 ftv IIOrHCN, i . U MX OK THANHI'OUTA'ITOX, An Omaha piiper glvea the following ucian or min traniK,rtallon of trMp: ine iiuriliigton, Klkhorn and M. ht- Nourl J'licliii! will tranport the Hecond eoraa regiment to t hlckamauga. The in t will be alwmt $10 jht man. Thl will Make the cot of tmimnort- Ing thl reirfment about 20.(M)0. while the '0t of trainiiMjrtlnir the K1rt. reiflment I aniiroxliniiij.lv 4(i.finii. iv. tal of $W,0(KJ for the Ncbruaka trooja. The iftmt o traiiHiMirtliig the regular from th department wilh about Imo.. ono. "Major .lone uid that on a muirli ktliiiate he would rather uiv Unit in ot o traimiMntlng the troop of the whole country to their respective iiolnt of concent ration would aver uge about $12,000 ix-r regiment. A there are nearly 100 regiment of reg- iilar and volunteer thu far ordered orward, thl miikc an cxpciimc or traiiMiiorfiitlon ulreiulv Im.-ih-ii..! .f about $1,000,000. WAit NiavH in.' Tin,'. ivin-'K' I,nt Wedneday tho torrx-do Uat WIiimIow, while making a daring aa- u ii It, on Cardena waa atruck by twenty ahotn rom a iiiiink- e-l buttery and dlabled. JU cxecuUve otllccr. I'nulgn Worth llagley, and four of It crew were killed by a four incn alien. jiai it not been for the ducky conduct of the revenue cutter ludaon, which ntuck by the Wlnalow lllll lIWOll I Dili, ftf rillliru (I,,. t . . . ' I ... I uoiii woiiKi nave ix!cn dcMtroyeil wltn- Inten minute, the Hpnnlah artillery- men having got It range trfetly. They howiVl very good muMmMp ami today Key, Went I talking ataut the (jerinan anil Auntria artillerymen ... . . ..... I who, It I a.ld, went Into Havana ou the French tcamer Lafayette and were diHtilliuted along the batterle on the (-Ulan cinimI, Lieut,.nant Uerniuiou, commander of tlie WIiimIow, Ik lnurel bv a piece of ahell which ent4rwl hi thigh. Hilly 'iittei-Mon, a, llrcman, wa aiao wound- I. 'i-i ,t i. I I he tight wiim the, reHiilt of an expe- ,i 7. .. .i ' dit Ion to destroy four or five miiall SpaulHli gunboat which have taken .......... !.. 1 ' I I I , -iki- in .iiitii'iiim iiiiv niiiri- vin ll eclureil, I he attneking niuiulron ,, , , . n-re a no after nformat hut about the hai'lior, wliii'li tliey . i , ,i . i . . , , ,,,, wii " "V ' . ; I I million., tin- l.ii-iieilii hi ml I'l'iilm-r WIiihIow , ,r .. ' ' .. . . mill III. I.l.lllll- I II I Illlll- hoii, well known in New York harlior, entered (niili-iiiix bay at H;4S n. in., and liegan to make Hounding aluioHt under tlie guim of Cardeiia. The Wil mington imim in eommnnd of tlie ev- m I it ion. SAN" .M AN JMMIIAIil)i:i). Tlie fort of San .luitn de Puerto Ki- eu were ImuuImiiiIi'iI by part of Iteur Admiral SampHon' Heel Wediiewluy inoriiing, May l;'. The enemy' Ion U l-Ueveil to Im heavy. The Aiiii'I'Ichii Iomm U lo men killed iiiiiI Hcveu in Jureil. After three hours' fighting the ud iiiinil Mithtliew tht; Iliil and, heading lor Key Went, he kiiid: "1 uiu aalintled Willi the liiuriiiiig'a i.ik. 1 could have taken Sun Juuu but I have no foiee to hold it. 1 mil,) iiuuli'd to iidmiuUter puulnh ment. I hl ha been done, I cum for the Spuulali fleet and lint for Kill Juuu," MOKY OK I UK KMl.VtiKMKNT. Die t'ligugviiieul U yuu at i: H a. m. and eiiiletl ul ;li a. m. (ha viiemy'a Uitlrlle Mere nut aiU'iieiNl. 'lite towu In the rvur of the foitiliia .una itmt- utilv urtiid, llie ahliMi taking iwrt la Uie ml 1011 wviv thtt Iowa, ludiuua, Ne m It, Iniur, Auiphltrite, IK ti.it, M.iiiv"iiii r, WuuipHiui k and SiU r. I U riieiiiv'a Bring heavy tml wild, aud itta low 4 ami .Nww uk wn pn.il. iim .Hd aldpa tut , Ihrl wvut I Ik lit up Ult.U-r llitf Hum In ii.Iiiiiui, ib In vi 1 i.f lnMM,Li,r, ami llu ivluiumi. In (Hi ,d thina in I ii. m uf i f..iw, ttinii i,,n i.f l I IMI ll.lv. 1 1 U Iiiiiw.i,U, a liklgw the auiouut . ll-HMrtrfv ,M, l.i l, t.Ml,tifc. B14, iM, I ! aiMarvl to U. k.IIu.I Milk h,,l, but lint ..IHIHMI.U M ! I'biikv. 1 ;.w a(Ur tuittl if Iha ,t, I'hltltl fot mil uf l.l.Ur liiiriamtiilt ttuiiMif Mm rt tf,iK. i.i. i,t. bat alia ti,. rl a at wult Ut NhhiiI AI- 1. r u.a art imm t . .,. ik f,.,i. Il.w iKiitut ami ll MiHily M,irr 1 rv iiii, iNur fui. Uii-r to, null t.t now i iUuta, l tin s,iir aif I laiuiliwk a)i tlatiHl nut .f tm.gv. I nn.kw Imitjf r trttiiii,,. inliiia tka a mi nt Ua utin-i ai.. u.klKf tanlab la I. II wki rtt tturl TORPEDO Tbe Foote If ewift aa the wind. 1,000 boriopower. Her dioplaooment la only 149 tone, and abe eoet $97,600. Kaiaeron torpedoii nnd eii email guna are her woapona of offeuie and dofeuno. "hot Mruck. Tlie otlk'ira and men- of all the nhliw lHihaved with cxlnc and bravery. 1 lie aliota new thick and fat over all our ahlpa. Morro battery, on the cimtward arm Ihe harlior, wn the principal point f attack. Hear Admiral Hanimon and M aptalii J'.vnn were on the lower brldire of the Jowa and had a narrow cucaiie from flying xpllnteni, which In Mured three men. The Jowa wa hit eight time but the ahell made no Imprewdon on lier armor. Tlieweatn- er w" fl"w 1,1,1 the 'u'ayy 'n"16 M',raM aim aimcuir. ' Anmiroi naniwon aig- riali-4 "Ccanc firing." "lletire," wo n'""""'" 0,1 tm ,nwa' Bn" "e wieo from the Khore. , lie 'l error wa tne hwt hlp In the line, and falling to nee t ne aignai, oangca awuy lor mwuii u-n hour, the concert of xnore gun roar- lli ,,,,r a"d th? wft.u'r fl,vlT around "er from the explcHlciJ hell. Hut ane powHii a- cnainea lire ami rcuctnn retired at B: 15. A nt 1atjin.im,tiie tory conuitiona, tne mnoKe ' ,h Htii'-e prevented any Im- M"" ":'" -"i'' """ '' -- T"f " imi,enf'l nJ "'"J h,K" "hoU muat have reached It. No ' " nniiimi illiini, ,,,n- ..i(i1,1i in 4lt f ttt a vt,t tt. Hmnll V' , : fln;H: vr,!l'l' mZ" "J'l"11' extlr,f K""'V,vt" tl,C.,,!'l,ef. . K I' K "TE: , . 77, t ,th tww. !"M"'; ' t Infiinfrv mi Iwiiir.l In elifirifa ftf 70110 ritle and 200,000 round of ammuni tion. Intended for the iniirgcnt In the province of I'innr del Hlo, remain "'!! ,V' vt";: 1!hu,Tltty;. Fri,,?,!l!! rm 1. 1, i u,.( , i-.ii , i.j i.y Mir, iiiiiiiilij gun Ixint Manning, in a vain attempt to IiimI her cargo, and remained here hint night. t ir 11 , . 1. l iiimiiiii ,i. ji, jorni. oi i.iii- Kiuii. i 1 , , . , ,. ,. , (icneral Mile and formerly tinted State military attache at Vienna.hcad- i-d the cxM'li1loii. Her commander, ,.., .1 . i... L i ....... ..ii . L . , ' , , i . . , , having faded to hi'i-oiii p I ihIi tlie m : .. . i . it. It. . n nn, n iiii i upinn ii nun, it'iiini'ii or inn l'-Vond lulmltting the ... . . r. failure ami Having the liiiNMe will re- ....... (j 'I.,,,,,,,,, L- It Ih lielifved, however, that tlie fail ure to land the rupplies wn due moiv to failure of the iiiHiirgeut to iiniM-nr a agreed upon than to the rcHiatanec of the SpiminrdH, who apiicarcd, how ever, in eoiiHldrrilble force off the M tllllIIM COIIHt. Vdviee are that the Smnihh itrmaila K ,. w i,,.)';,,, at or near the ooiiHt of ene.u hile Admiral SiiiiipMou'a fleet a ed to lie wntehlng the Windward iMioHage, between Huytl nnd CiiIni. spaiiiuli toriM-do lioat Terror renmln in m. rierre, .Martinique, in a dUitb led eoudltioii. Uuinoro thai the SimulanU have Cai- lured the liiixllUry eruiner Vale are denied In Wntdilngtou. ( oiiiiiiihoi 8eh lev a living no und nm iimliored off the Uir ut (iiiirlm- ton. 8. t'. The dUpiiich boat Hugh Merulloueh ha arrivi-d at Hong Kong with d in put, hr frtuit Admiral lVwry at Mil uihi. Iifwey atill rule there. He re junta the en pt u re of the KMnUh gun Unit t'ulliMi, whli'h entered the bay, not knowing of the luit tie that had iM-Curved. tXl'i wWrf?7V,K ms r. . . ' .. . aiai. THE nm Hi KaeaeiaiM te Pal tHy. pita i ejeteay saia. leas btin aa Wh. m W M eatvhee el eneau r. IW u a tai faCMl m seal et vlw,inMk My-i"'r - r" fife V IJ JeWe 4. ; ..--'a aelfc "m BOAT FOOTE Bho onn do 94.0 knot an hoar and haa The 8panlh cabinet lion resigned and it I believed that a new mini try will be formed by Haguata. Spaniard at Havana again attempt ed to decoy the blockading ahlpe with in range of Morro'a guns, by aendlng out two crulMer, but the plan failed. J he Spiinlnrd nhowexl their vexation by firing from the Santa Clara batter ies when our boat were out of range. Order have been lwiued In, Well ington making new UKHignmenU for the volunteer troop. The plan con templating rnnlng over 00,00 men at Chlckamauga, Ohio, Wlconln and lllinoU trootw have already arrived there. A call ha been iHiied for 200 Till liol naval militia. t xt ent moijUi to Admiral Kamion' fleet ; The following: dlpatch wn received by the navy department rom Admiral llcwcyi "Cavite, May 13, via Hong Kong, May 15. Maintaining strict blockmle. Ilea hoii to believe that the rebel are hemming In the city by land but have made no demon! ration, "Scarcity of pi-IvIhIoii in Manila, 'rolable that the Kpanlh governor win iw obliged to aurrender eoon. "Can take Manila at any moment. ' "Climate hot and tnolat. On May 13 captured gunboat Callao.one French two Herman nnd one Japanese vea- elcl here obervlng. DKWEY." MOKK TUOOl'H NERDH1). Wahlngton. Mnv Ifl.'There will imuticMtioiiuhl v a weond cull fr.r voliintei'ra and eqiilpment,"ay a well known rcpublli'an aenntor, who holda Intimate jH-rKonnl relatlona with Sec retary of War Alger. "To properly hold the Philippine Uland. he con tinued, "wn Miull find 30,000 to 50,000 none too many. To clean up matter In Cuba In a quick manner we Khali need not fur from uoo.ooo. With the regular and volunteer in the field we find ournelve hort about 75,000 men, I understand that the ore dent i connidcring a call for 100,000 ad ditional volunteer, I alxo understand that the necrelary of war and flcricral Mile agree with the preHident that the, cull i a timely one. Secretary 1ong ha found it neee- nary to inane a general order calllngi the attention of enlisted men partlcti- Inrly to the UNclcHMueh of employing auomey 111 nettling any qucNtiou of pay, lmunty, pi ie allowance or claim in general.. All that la poHHible may I oe iiccoiu uiHiieii oy writing to the an- dltor for the navy department who is Ktatloned In the treasury department. .Mioiner general order hit lieen iMNiied, reipilrlng that all ollleer hIiiiII furn- ih the navy deiMirtiiient with the name and udilreaa or the ueaiet rela- live or i nc iM-iHoii in wiioiii advice I miimiiu hciii, in 1 ue event of hihiim- '''I";, I i iiieinfii, Aiay ., hin'CIii to the .louiiial from WiiMhiuutou. hiivn: I 1 reaidellt Ml'KinleV lilt nluiinliiii.l I Ma peaceful bh Uile idea. Ordera """ir cuoieu 10 tlie commaiiiler of 11... i.i.-l,..ii... ..1 1... in .... H ..,,,,,,,, ti in 1 all guulNMila are aunk MlOltT OF NtPMJFA Waahliik-Uu,. Ma 11 1...1 . " ' " twi -JS g. e i.in, an opi,rtu..lty to turn l.i The guna were l m..-,l. the men onleis IMWUmmi. Hpain I.HiU.OtlO la eattla -"' on all forlitlcatlon, where Ihnlr Iniat. ami the tWta i; itf thm ,;itH' -ea 4W,. rrI.t,.ee la offere,!. Fvery t ulMiii ,H,rt ) iwVre'l 1 1 1 iiJ 11 1 ut it 'J,K bJ- Hli'. . hut U..r,M,Kly prot.v.e.1 will iJat- ,'f the elt v .M ,ll I k-P ,m a UltL ..'.!f iT 'J1 ..!." Il,,"r.,t rJ'1 ul' le cleared of the toriiedii Unit. It eu n Sk 11..0 ' 1 ' a. a a. m KATAHDIN. ita.i ly dtf nt to ra n4 U a ett t f II luote and le . 4 taut f steal. 0 (aiitaa y ,, have been rccclvc1 here that Captain (leneral llluneo at Havana la very dliort of ainmiinlUon, ThU etate of ftlTolm jniiy leail to noine de)erate nt- tempt at blockade running on the part of the Hpimiard In the hoi of geMiiig more aiiiuiiiniMon imo nuva- mi, It I believed that the mipplle no freoiieiitlv refi-rred to n beln ir on the Hpanisli flying qiiiulrou were of thl cliuriu'ter, rather than food aujiplIeH, which inakcH It all the more imixu tant that HampNon and Hchley ahould mio- ceiil In keeping Admiral Cervcra iroin renchliiLr llnviiiia bv rnll. f Vtinmndrven H.'hiey probably in well down on the i1 lorida coiiMt now and Mhould lie able to guard the Florida trait by to morrow or next day. Hi aimcantnu) on unit aide or i;uia would chalilo NiuntiMon to bring hi Ironehul la per fect wircty Into CliuiuegoM on the Mouth aide, and with thin dlxmll,lon of our naval force and the free ue of a coniilcrable number of our aeon ting yeel It 1m hard to nee how the Hpan- KlxfcoreXlireci0 M'f f . "FJOIITING HOU" KVANH, WiiHhlngton, I), C May 13, Tlie Iowa delegation in emigre I keep- Ing II eye on , the big .battlenhln which wa namcil for the big com - monweolth on the wet ehora of the MIhmIhmIpiiI, It la the heavUnt aliin n Hnmimon'e wpiadron And It baa the dlHllncUon of having fired tlie flrat hot In the bombardment of Han Juan de Porto Klco. It commander Can- tain Hobert D. Kvana ("Fighting Hob"), ha control of It tremendoua Krea 00tt" a nation, in popo-18-indi rifle, and there I no more uie ,tlan olt 8tateB baa over 70,. ureque iialr than 'Captain Evan and hl mighty ahlp In the American navy. uiptnin Kvaim and the Iowa are watched, too, by more eye than thoae of the jH-ople of Iowa and of the Iowa aenuiom ami congrcMimm, for the fire eating captain haa a many and a TYuiiii ii itwuia m uie capjiai aa any 01 the Yankee ofllccra that are now flghU ing for humanity in the en of the aiiiiicji. ine i act mat j-;van doer not III,.. l.l ..l..l i,Mi..i..i i, ,,, "' HitBiiiiiiiB oi r iirm.mir im u will notbe proof agalnat h . bcinff call. cd "Fighting Hob" by lowana every- wnerc it i related by Ueneral "Pap" 'l'l, ..,. ,i. nt 9 ...,.... ,. ,,. ,,.,. i,itnv I lllliu u, a,. ul I IHS'vllHII ptinml over hi firHm foce mIhmi his him that name. 1'eoplo do not beatow pet naine on men thev do not like. and or Iowa at leaat "Fighting Hob" will be "Flgbtlwg Jlob"-for all time. Co-pl a In I'.vnna la a Virginian by birth. When the aonth ecceded he waa a cadet at Anna poll, and hi txitrlo- tie mother promptly aent In hla rc ignauoii witihout coiiMulting tier aon, .oung Evan wua hi mother' eon. ami aa promptly repmiiated the realg- nation (wnien had iiecn ' meimwhlle m. i -.-I tf a i i fcr accci ited at Wanhlngtoi;), and waa re-1 proportion of wealth and banking capl ed to the Nervicc. He was nuideltal the standing armleeof tbe two Ntorcd to the aervicc. He waa nuideltal the standing an eiiNlgn In 1113, un,i went, to the war. In an attack on Fort Flaher he landed a force of acumen and marine ami wua aiiot twice In the leg for hi pain. That I why "Flirhtinir Hob" . . . . truti with a limp on the deck of his mg nattleanin. in anolher -n,ni,...- ment, on the wat-r, with Fort Kuinp- - - r NT, lie wn punctured with a niece of ahell which broke hi kneecap, but, 1 miming 10 go neiow, he took part In uie engagineiir until It wn over. A a cadet MiiHter Evan waa rouifh with hi young men but he made itihhI ollleer. On one occiimIoii one of his 'iiildHhipineii made nu error na royal .vardmiian In aending dirtvn yard. F.vnn from the nuarterdeck ordered him to "lay down aloft and comb the neyweu out or in mur. ' It wn rath cr a nevere and Intcio,ely Anieriean re buke. The iniiUhfpimiii 1 now n coin- ma -r ami one of the eaiitnln' ml mirrr. In 1MI Ciiptain Kvan waa nunk-iidl to the oik town. Hi ahlp entered tlie hurlMir of Valparulao when Chile und thl iuutry were bltlnir thumba at each other. The Vorktow n nuehored nil cell v liefore the ljill.rl.. Kl. , a iorly armored ahlp and lightly armed. The Uiy was ocupicd by tt Initio -r of i..i-im., .. L.i. i himI uh il... Y..rLt.... .1 iJl l.i, I,, . I... .1 1 . ' ..I ,M.int of attack, t'uptaiii KvanoH l i.l 1,, 1-.1,,.. ...,..i- - 1 ' . nrili-riwl Ma alilll cleared fur art ion waa done, Oiptaiii I'vaita won hla name of " inib at t lighting Ikib" at alparatxK Onca the ri,i,Uh mliil.ier came alaa.nl hU lilp with two refugfr. Kiana flml a auluie In honor of the ruuulrv h l now fight ing. The t hllean aetrr ! now Bghiing, lb t hlleana aevrre- il... ........ l. .k. -.1 ..." . . I i,, ,,ir aaiiilir. ,i nm lime k mi l thl If the tiH.a..a did .. t lha thciH hj.. he woiikl maki. li uirll uf tf,irll,-. It, has hrl.l hi pit will rnk aliu-e Iv.t, ami hi. . 1 ;'',,", U l" hl'" 'he num. man's altir U rvnrrallv a Imim. I I biuiiMieil hat, a b an Mrt au.l i tin a It aa,Hll4ut.iaaHail.t fal.llab o i iha Hiiirwtfa luuka 11 11 also t.t 11 m.i n,m 1. . 1 . few ralal-otah atlflla, aoiu tart hau luta ,,r h4mmHka, twu ,.r tkrx ;Mtt. jw .. an I lha in. In t 1 he al ir.tj. Nimi of lha KioiHea of ha wraltKv d.lu-at,ty form,. I. Ttsev ara a.r rr V"' j-H-tte. - t hkat Tlna. lekl. TWO NATIONS COMPAR D I The Population, Wealth, Frodao tlon, Education, and niitovy of the Two Oountrlea. SPAIN AND UNITED STATES The Marvoloui Growth of tht On -The Downfall and Euln of the Other, Interettlng rant and Figure!. The bltory ol tbe United Statee and the hlntory of Bpaln U the lilatory of oontrate. One In the coming power of th o-wond-the other . the dying i ruuinnus oi uiu worm laaaaiiam. une le aland of youth, of Invention, of hope, ' progroae, Tbe other le the land of deaay, ol bigotry ,ol llntluMn, of retro groeelon. 1 nome Of the controite between the two natlone preaonUid by etatlstlce InMul uull'e dictionary of etatUtlce areolin wreei attuie time, ea-ieeiaiiy toreadere ol the lKDMicifT who are etudeute not Prelof ware, but of Industrial and McM condition and of national deetl- lum' 'riao not Ten an, out tney 000'000' 8Ptt,n ftboot 17,000,000. Ka- a,,,!"a w "ue" ,n' reireeiea tuue: Spain la wealth tbe oomparleon le ae fol Iowa: llnltwd Htatea: OB,000,(00,OQQ. uir , ,. ntn nnn JJ-,bIo Hi, 600,000,000. Tbe publie debt of tbe two natione; retain, l)7i)U,nim,iMK) i I n. i... u... mu . nn f'W The private and corporate debteof uuiteo wtatei are eatlmataa by dif- I l.m.nf. nnik.liU Imntn ivn Ann unn I w. , v,,rw ww hviu V,,WVV,VW,- W0 to 35t0OO,0OU,00O. Tbm art no reliable atatiatiee a to tbe amount of Hpanlab private and corporate debte. I The number of land ownere in tbe two countriee le given M followe; I Hnltad Hfata. 4.000.000. Hpaln, 6U0.OOO. "T. . , . Tbe banking capital of tbetwoeoun trie oomparee thua: CwIM Htataa, IIOO.OOQ.OOO, Spain, 1385,000,000. 'i !' , . , j li ,!'( .''I'll- . . j Notwithetaridfng thia enormnai die I oountrlea era almoat la reverse orooor tlon to tlmlr wealth aud general re source Tbe spectacle of a bankruot 1 . . . ... ... . I unciort weignted uown witn a great mil I Itary etHblihmont ougbt to De aaoh emu odmouitlon to the people of America; Hoaln, rogulnr army, 145,000 men. JJulted Htatea, 20,000. The annual productive ooworofeach nation for each luhubitaut Is given by .Mulhall: I'nlted Htatea, 230. s piun, $100. The average wages for common Jar labor, per dimn; I nltwl SfntiMi, fl.32, Hpain, lJ cents. Tbesaviuga bank deposit olthstwo coantries present another striking eon trust ot ths hnblta ol the two people. ..... l. .1 .. " 1 ii" -r i:ii.iin ui'inmiia art; I lilted Htntiwi. fTJ. Hpnin, 60 cents. I The foundation Industry of all oher I liulilHtrlea la aurleulturi. ('omiuira th I total annual agricultural production I l h two eountriea: I ultiHl htatea. I.I.NnO.lHKi IMmi Hiwia. lul5.tMHl.tKl. Mala miiithrmiiniuUi-inttiiiA.ii.l.. ol n produewl mr inhabitant-. II Wtml Mate. aaiMI iMiuuila. Himln ,., , 1. 1. r"-' "" "r in" i ouj riaiaa aaa .l.'.ll IUUI .LIU tit.mln k., . ... I m A 1T.I luul . No woiiiVr tne Hpaabd aawa paiwrarall tb Anieriean sat on "piga." Tate a law otkrr luduatrial trata. la tbe ivt-rHM n.M the l atled tttaltai pnaliMed VTtMMHi.tMio tons ol foal. Hm prw.lufi ll,tNiO,tMHj toua. 1 da ZtuLA ni tain imhi t.,i iT- 1 1...1 k 1.. ...t ' " MM r. iwl. L I Uiul mWI laul ..u.ll. .k.. , Jji.vti.mit'm. " fc- uUaaattal ol th. t ail.J lai.i u a 1,, 1 o.u. Lp. aitaoaly mwlourla Ik inpuU. tM,a abat i.aaltU Ika a.alili nd. Wrta I U (,( ,! riMu lotMea ll.feliial l,Lll.,lll,ui.l I. tk it...l u.., li 1.. taixi ik. aii.! kih..iJ uimii ... ..1 ..i.i tiaia Aiwlu 0.11! H 1 J.i l.u. i.l -..1.1 ...I til ,. edm l a talaaol fiU.iHai,, mat, nuti.ti. a In Ika aaioaat lania.f vrra'aliutf le, tpia ara ai y Ua'datl. "M "" w ' V (I oatieaod fllla Ma- i,i,iiiii.i"i, 111 sa ina Aiuorica na 4 1.. 1