The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, May 12, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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May 12, 1898
il Democrats Win a Great
Victory In Congress.
GrotYenor the Most Intense Par
tisan In the House.
1 in
Outshone tho Lot of Country Exhibited
bjr Northern Kepubllcous In tho Vtiture
Thoro Hhoold It Mo Question m to Oar
Foreign Fajtc Xuropeon Power Ton
ant ot Onr Will.
Special Washington Littor,
" 'Twit a fatuous victory " which the
Dmiirirmfn wnt, in thu lnm uurl
hi tiuht over the Cuban Question. While
the bouse resolution as amended by the
seuuto Mud again amended by the house
and again amended by the conferees are
not un strong an the resolutions submit
ted to the house by the Democrutio mi
nority of tho house foreign affair com
mittcju, they are so much stronger than
the milk and cider resolutions original
ly ruHMod by the bouse on Weduesduy,
.April 18, that we houHe Democrats can
(truthfully and merully claim a decisive
victory. Truo we did uot get quite all
wo wimtod, but then the president got
a grcut deal mere than he wanted Rot
the very thing he argued aguinst in bin
niessugo to wit, Cuban iiidopcndeiina.
The historian of our time will ren
der the verdict that in tho hour 0 the
country' peril the Democrat mood fore
most for Justice, liberty, humanity and
the maintenance of the national pres
tige, dignity aud honor.
Thero ha been a good deal of gor
geous eloquence about a reunited coun
try, a though that were a thing
brought about in 1808, Not no, howev
er. The country ha, thank God, been
reunited ever since Grunt uttered the
noblest words that ever fell from mar
tial lipH, "Lot um have peace," and
since Joseph E. Johnston attended him
to the grave a one of hi pallbearer,
livery man living in a border state,
where pussiou burned tho fit'eest, know
thin, but it require a long time for
tiome people to learn a lesson, and I am
glad that at lust 18 year after the
fact even tho dullest ha discovered
that tbi in in very truth a reunited
nountry. An to foreign nation, to bor
row the felicitouN word of Jefferson in
1601, "We are all Federalist; we aro
all IiepublicatiNl" which, being inter-
nritttitl tti.i ttiMlitrti TitirtiuiinlfiffV UfftuM
A read, "We are'ull Republicans; we are
Fotrltlo Houthfirner.
In tin Htrnggle to recognize Cuban
indeueudence the southern Demwrat
) have been inoro patriotio than northern
Bepublicaus. That fact cannot be gain
said. If I were called upon to name the
woe; in ten ho partisan in the house, I
would unhesitatingly name General
Grosvcnor of Ohio. When he i forced
to admit publicly the burning patriot
ism of the southern people, it may be
lafely assumed that everybody else will
admit it also. Having used words in the
heat of debate which everybody thought
meant that ho intended to say that the
impending war with Spain would be
"a Republican war" and having been
go charged by the New York Sun, tho
general rose in his place and said:
"My purpose was not to intimate
that tho Democratic party of this coun
try was not as loyal to tho country a
was tiiu Kepublican party, and I hud
taken occumoii to state, earnestly, at
the time of tho past-age of the f IjO.OuO,
000 emergency bill, my unqualified in
dorsement, and, indeed, my profound
delight, nt the record of tho Democratic
party with reference to it. My proposi
tion, which 1 was seeking to enforce,
wu that, this atliiiiiiistrutiou having
three yeurs to Nerve, the war that we
were entering upon probably ut that
time, and certainly now, would havo to
be conducted under the administration
of the present chief oxtmutive of the
United hutes, and I was aptx-itling to
f gentlemen tin this floor not to hamper
tin Miiiiiuiuuuiiou in uny maimer, Mil
t stand together solidly iu its support,
"Ana now, ii it is iieeimMtry, .Mr.
ppeuker, and I certainly think it i not,
1 will nay thai I It liito this war will
be as energetically wugud, both in the
umehliivry ueceMary carry II ou aud
he response t" tho call fr arm by lint
diiiiuistratiou, by the IViuocraU aud
ty the I'upulUU as by the lUpubltcaii,
and ih'UI1j lu 1 believe that the re
ipoiisu of palriolisui will eoiiin froi, v
ry southnu ui?. from fti.Vu
Mm!, tuldlir h ti .t! U i f r
lti( aim aud will bo Joiiml lu by mi
HiaiMbaal clii of vi loty moti' the
jl lo i f lh ullt and by tho b )l
man who wnt Ibo Hit." I'rtilmitfoU
ppUaso. I
UNtlMM't IMottooh
I ittl lb Kuial't tUIutt (
will Mi l tall II niiUl.u, a bo tils
tUlwtt wmitMttliil tUt4 t4t lit
..i.ui for tho n-il a-itiu-11 j
l,Ur rirwUll'H lban Ibal alT..i.Ul ty
lao !V;?alMl liwt t.t, U l y
, uj tau4 lb a l,U.i hlMj lU ttut t44
4lit ' m4
A tllwttiatlt 1 1 ulbiM IhiIiIoIUw,
' au4 ! ff lb l t 1 1 UlaiMlitatltiNj
hlIB4rlf llltf llUlolJI, I iMNJft 111
falttiWtbf qiltUt flom mo of
I SvtllkKIM ft4 Ul.l UI IkjtMMtalt,
o N ! iH f4MOtliN llll tltulUt
it Mtai loa, atttt tho bto I too U 4
im mhi 4lity.
JJl Wt. A. N Aim. t- I tl ill,
n ttii ! lutlllwt all ba.l t bo tMt
tf ib ftblt iitWit ft4 tMt tff U
Htitot tlk4 III lb ftwiMo mi
W IK, Urwt tavlb g mi kl
VmmiJmI U tk 4lrWali n4 v
tular appropriation bill to reoognize
Cuban belligerency, be said inter alia:
"I insist that it is in order, in the
highest sense of legislation, above and
beyond petty little rule made to sup
press, destroy, hamper, minimize and
defeat the desire of the representative
of the people, to put into the bill a pro
vision which ia illustrative of their
sense of prevailing conditions and needs.
"Is thi subject worthy of considera
tion? Is it worth while for the represent
ative of the American people to de
clare what tbey think about the situa
tion in Cnba? I it worth while for
thorn, when every day' newspaper
bring tho most harrowing tale of suf
fering and outrage and wrong, to con
sider whether anything shall be done?
"Should these representative hold
themselves within the narrow, petty
limit of little rules; fiddle while Home
i burning; bow here, oomplaisuut and
acquiescent, merely because some little
rule is invoked, when principle a
mighty, principle a glorious, princi
ples a holy a putriot ever espoused or
heroes ever defended are involved in
the consideration? It would be more or
derly, it would be more in seeming with
the generui performance under tho rules,
if the resolution looking to the recogni
tion of Cuban belligerency were before
us formally, to be acted upon formally
aud regularly; but it is not here. We
aro not allowed to have it tbu before
us. For mouths the seuuto resolution
ha slept In some of tho secret place lu
the room of tho committee on foreign
ftlmtnrrul Dll If Itellylu;.
"The power that i dominant in the
bouse, the mighty power of the speuker,
and tho acquiescence of you gentlemen
upon the other side in the suppression
of that which your constituent us well
as mine desire to have considered have
kept that resolution away from us,
What promise have wo, what ground of
hope have we, thut the representatives
upon this floor will be unshackled vol
untarily ; thut the bond will be broken;
thut tho despotio power exerted over
them will be staid; that graciously they
will bo permitted to consider bore the
things which their constituents demand
shall bo considered, which iu tho numo
of humanity and justice and patriotism
and right ought to be considered, uud
which too long have been delayed?
"Tho attitude of the government with
respect to Cuban affairs ha been shame
ful. It i a disgrace to American man
hood, an insult to American patriotism.
It is contrary to tho traditions, contrary,
to tho history, contrary to tho impulse
and tho aspirations of the people of thi
great republic. " Loud upplause. J
Jan. 20, in my speech ou Cubu and
"Tho Monroe Doctrine us Interpreted
by a Missouri Democrat," I said:
"Hurcly tho time for diliy dallying
and sliilly shullying on tho Cuban ques
tion is past. There never was any sense
in mincing word about it. The hour
for honest, courageous, unequivocal
speech and action is ut bund.
"Thi republic ought to grunt bel
ligerent right to the Cuban putriot.
She should recognize tho indepeudenco
of Cubu. If Kpuiu does not bring tho
war to a speedy conclusion, tho United
Htutes ought to expel her from tho west
ern hemisphere. These things ought to
be done in the cause of humanity. They
ought to bo done as the beginning of a
sound and permanent business policy.
They ought to be done as evidence of
our settled determination to be supreme
in the affairs of our half of the world.
Man does not live for himself ulono.
Neither does a nutiou.
ICebel and Krvolut ionUt.
"Wo were the first rebels or revolu
tionists in this hemisphere, for let it
never be forgotten that tho only dis
tinction between a rebel and a revolu
tionist is that the latter succeeds, whilo
the former fails. It is not it dilh rence
of principle, but of results that is all
"Thero can be no doubt us to what
has been our traditional foreign policy.
What our foreign policy is under tho
McKiuley administration, like the pcuce
of God, pusNoth all understanding,
Laughter, j There ought to be no ques
tiou u to our foreigu policy iu the fu
turo. Tersely uud bluntly stated, it is
this uud it ought to be enforced with
iron bund that we intend at all haz
ard and at whatever cost to thoroughly
dominate the western world."
Then, after statiug the luuguago of
JetTerMiu and Monroe as to the Monroe
doctrine, I said ;
"Tim Monroe doctrine bus grown
with our growth, strengthened with our
strength, Imreaned with our territory.
It ought to be (Ulargetl, stretched, ex
punded, until it iHMMiuieN an irr-Mlblo
force iu international politic. In it lu
fancy Mr, Monroe simply notified Lu
ropNH nation that new scheme of col
ouUatlou In this hemisphere would txt
rr gar did with au uufrltmdly eye. by thi
republic Thai wa a surtict.ul a'i
tiou i f our iMfftliuu to long u wo were
ft feoblo folk, t ul now thai wo aro the
uiotl 1 ulunul nation ou tho globo wo
should testalo our tuition and should
al oin Nifulfy to all r.uropi u power
thai ltiy retain a fotuoll lu tho wtl
w buil( brio t4ily I y our sutti rsum,
Ittal Ibey aro m io imam at will, anJ
thai ttnvu itollnotl by u Ibey mud va
cate tho l totuUwo. j ApplaaoM, )
"IVtigioM u.M forntaUtolho Mmi
too doviitita a wo ttiiw aiidvouiot tt,
and II should to Iti wold atnitt as fid
lows: 'lb A km H utile bfty
lake all of Not lb Aiuoili. ( ulial
Attteite. ttutiiii Amttiv att'l all bo l
lauds of ibo od ).! I budt r lUo
bajow of bi totvUn(f win-, guar'
Uv Ut tkHt any ft titt of gufHtuitl
tby boaa and tu I ttn oo, Ala
an-1 AtiK la kv Ibeif off bo
WeolWft klwlt bl tu Ibo I bally of
Utt)j biab4 wttblti luvitif tbotf
In.' AtsU. 1
A MoM4blo
"TkatU lb li t. liot uta a In.
Wi'il4 if XltoM'ttil Ktuui-ial.
laktr, I Wt koal4 silvMd bviol
ivtuu tv tbotit all .V'vlotioof
tbooo t'vtitul of stoalkj AmaiUaii irfab'
U mm tualuUlu iiltidtw.lo.Hitk
at vat iau4, tby ;kt lb iill
If ft44Mi ftm 1fty vtio4 tbotf
form of government from ours. Round
about the young and feeble republic al
ready established in this hemisphere we
should throw our friendship and influ
enoe, and we should enoonrage Cnba and
all the rest of the West India islands to
unite themselves intoarepublio of their
own. The habit of representative gov
eminent is healthy and laudable. It
should be fostered by u in every way
possible, We should not only lend them
onr moral support, but should give them
physical aid in cases of necessity."
In closing, iu order to get what we
wanted, I said:
"My Republican friends, I urgently
invito yon to lay aside the weight that
is holding you down, assert your right
and come out ou the side of etorual jus
tioe and human liberty, thereby demon
strating that yon are worthy of the high
vocutiou wherein you are called. We
Democrat and Populists stand here
ready uud anxious to remove from
America her grout reproach. We on thi
side will contribute 150 votes to the
good cuuso. If only 34 rightooua men
can bo found lu this Republican Hodom
if only 24 will breuk
their heavy yoke, defy their moroiless
taskmaster and join na in this noble
work, before the suu set thi day we
will send tho glad tidings ringing round
the world thut 'Cuba i free! Freo,
thunk God, by the act of the Americuu
congress I' " Applause.
At the time of their delivery those
utterance were deuouuocd by certain
uowspuper of "tho peace ut any price
variety un wild jingoism. However, for
weal or woe, iu Ion than 00 duy tho
two house of oongross solemnly placed
tho same ideus u little veiled perhups,
but the sumo, nevertheless into a joint
resolution, which the president sigued.
Bo thut in tho blessed yeur 18DN we
have taken a bold aud momorublo step
by announcing that henceforth uud for
ever wo are tho solo muster of thi
western hemisphere. Whut was "jingo
raving" iu January is the settled policy
of a mighty people lu ApriL Verily,
"tho world doe move.
CUUeu Hait He I'rotucted.
March 8, in speaking in favor of the
150,000,000 pouce 0) appropriation,
Thomus C. McKito, tho deuu of tho Ar
kuusuH delegation, a mun of influence,
capacity aud conservatism, said und in
so saying spoke the sentiment of hi
stute uud section :
"Mr. Hpeuker, thi is an important
occusiou, perhups tho most important
since thut momorublo ouo thut divided
our people and put them to fighting
among themselves. It iH un occusiou
when patriotism should and I dure say
will obscure sectionalism and partisan
ship. It is un occusiou when Americuu
ism should assert itself iu behalf of the
defense of Americuu honor.
"I join with my friend from Missis
sippl (Mr. Allen) in saying for the peo
plo of the south, und particularly for
tho stuto from which I come, that there
is but 0110 sentiment, and thut is thut if
this impending wur can ho honorably
uverted without injury to tho cuuso of
freedom it ought to bo, but if some reck
less, impetuous foreigu foe shall invade
our shore or assault our citizen we
will show thorn 'whoso dripping bludo
and stulwurt arm will hew u red circle
in their lino aud feuco our country'
flag from harm. '
"Mr. tipcakcr, tho flag whioh floats
over this cupitol and tho flag thut so
grucefully bungs over your chuir is the
flag of tho south us it is of tho north,
We havo no other flag. Wo wuut no
other Hug. Thi is good enough for us
and has behind it power enough to pro
tect every Amorioau citizen. And iu
this hour of threuteued uud impending
wur every man who claims to be an
American aud who would desire to exult
American manhood should bury hi par
tisanship and by uu affirmative vote on
this bill say that tho honor of this gov
ernment and the liberty und rights of
our citizens everywhere shall bo pro
tected by it without regard to cost."
Loud appluuse.
A Ulorlou Itrrord.
Hon. Denton McMillin, one of the
house leaders, who missed :t Uuited
States senatorship recently only by two
votes, and who ufter 20 yeurs of splt u
did servico in congress decline u re
election in order to be governor of Ten
nessee, in discussing the quostiou of
time for debute on the majority aud
minority house resolutions said in part:
"There is, Mr. .peuker, a gnut dif
ference between these two resolutions.
Il is knowu that a year ago, or nearly a
yeur ag", there eouie from the seuuto a
resolution recoguWiug the belligerent
right of Cuba. 1, 011 behalf of gentle
men on thi tide, moved to NUspeud the
rub' ami pirns it.
"That side f the bouse lied from it
by forcing an adjournment of tha houna
aud preventing connbh ration. It U the
luoal uufortuuale day lhal thi t ougreM
ho niciiuined when lhal sad action
wa taken; for If that day wo bud im
ply tueoiiiUd tha right of l'ub4 ami
gltelt her ft chance lit wiu her tudept liil-tut-vit
wo bad takiu our revuuuo cut
lull trout around Iter U td f and
tha atrtolht ptopla of Ihi eouulry ft
vbauca lo ltd tbm ti pile, aud fof
Ihmii lu lay uiplUa, without anulea
Ibal will trUb from yll w fuver. aud
without fotvhiM vouiilkallout, INib
Would ha boon fr May and wo
Would tiao tu fr trout otluotiot
I AppUuMt iti Ibo lK.i rotk) tldo,
"Aud lUy KIUul Atuetkfttt
allot, wheoo tfUty will no Mo until
lhal fUsj t-tt account of Ibeif M r
lUo fof iboti vottblry, uM b4o boots
liiu A ,iUi oaitoio."
IbofoWoio Htouy vth f pvb4 t f
liko at m lhuooaUvo(oiL 1 wttsj
I oM iv thtu all. lby nko
lofl'tt r'4 tvf IWttto. tot fm44
wbUkj tliMoitt Ioou4al uttMtivtt
Ibal on wlut w ko ftlway
tliut4labotiftlMi. UMM lly
f Attttlk.
In all tho world todajrln all tho htitory of
the world no ductnr or iiwlltutlnn hot treated
and restored to mnny men as ha the famed
This Is due to the fact that the company eon
troll tome Inventions ami dlwovvrle which havo
DO equal In the whole realm of mis I i nil elunce.
Ho iniicli i1cccitlm has U'cn priuaUwl in adver
tlsliiiitliatthltgruudoldcoiiiiiaiijrnow aiukei
They will send their maidcitlly effeptlvoappll
anre and a month's courxo of realonitlve nmdlis
lxwltlvely ou trial, without exnuusu, to any To
llable nam.
Hut a dollar need b paid until mult$ art hnoum to
and acknnwkiliird by Out. pallnil.
The Krlu Almllcol CoiHiniiiy'i Appllanco and
Remedies Imvo beun tulkcil of mid writtuu about
til) every man ha heard ul them.
The hlKheiit medical nuihorltlei In the world
have lately commended them.
They iwoh marveloiit puwer to vlUtllise, de
velop, restore und simlala.
They create vlRor, healthy tlwma, new life.
They stop drains t hat sup the energy,
They euro all elTvut of evil huhiu, excesses,
They give full streiiRth, development and tone
to every portion anil orgim of tliu Uxly.
Kill hi ni IrntHHtMl (lo ; axe no harrliT.
This "Trial Without Kxieime" olfor is limited
to a short tntiu, aud upplluuilou must be mado at
No C.O.D. scheme nor tWeptlon 1 noozposuro
a clean Imnltiesi prosiltioii (yaeomttuy of high
financial and profcHHlomil bIiokIIiik.
Write to the Kill H MKDIi'AI, COMPANY, Buf
falo, N. Y., and refer to their olTur lu this paper.
Mutual Insurance.
Our hull company ih ou it feet, fully
incor)orutid under the hull Insuntnce
law, Applications nre now coming In.
We start in with 114 tiieinbiir In 14
counties, and none of them in the ex
treme western pitrt of the state.
This company I not mini aged wholly
in the intercut of one man but for and
by a board of nine directors, all of whom
are nctive farmers. They will meet iu
August and ufter looking over the books
andnccountH will proceed to levy ussesa.
ments. Of courso it will not be to their
interest to levy any more than will be
The season of storms is here. Thous
ands of homes nre without any inaur
once. Our farm company has not had
an assessment since Juno, 1HD0. Our
town company ha never had an assess
men t.
Wh are in uced of atrenta for nil three
of these companies. Wo do not pny
large fees but good agents cun make
good wugns.
Director A. II. On tilth of the. fine
iirtH bureau has conic to Omaha tx hii-
eriiitciid the ioMliillnlion of tho works
of art in the floe artH building', and
will lie. here coiitiiinouslv from this
time on until the eloM' "f Hu eNjMmi-tiou.
He and his nnhistanf s will proliaol y 1m-
iililc to lx-f.'in hanfinu' piclurcH Wcil-
iiesilay, for il is stated that one of too
rooiiiK in the building will In- reiulv for
them at that time. Alton!. 1.10 pie-
lures are here anil more are coming.
1 11 all, 11I1011I Too pictures have been
securcil. .More have lieen 1 iron 11 soil
ami will 1m- shipped, but tl rigiual
intention of making the collection not
lurge loil excellent will be carried out.
ami it is uot likelv that more than fiOO
lict oics will L'11 011 the walls. Aiiioutr
the foiciirii iiiiintliiL' will be u lot of
------- r , n
eeiitv i-liipl-t'd by ( 'inuuiisHioiier
AiiniT 111 1 iiriM, uihi loeise aie oopniM u
to lie iu New olk now, having ttet-n
eiit on the .uarre troiii llui'te, .trll
Hi. So I tin t the war, however It may
alTect fiilviLMi t'hililt ill trelieral, i
...1 , t.i li:ii. fine lit liniutir.
..... ... ...... ..j-..,.
mil- the ni l ilii-plnt . - (liuali.i WorM
.1" ,VV ' w ." j il,tTJT ,
" ( )n' quitk tl.h vill iu it,"
V"A, IMP OUIl K lUtll 1I
tmr htrri nnl you, loo,
a t - I
il jou luvii t a ijoikI, trun.
ami wrll nuolc harm, uch
.1 wr krrp in our luiuUtunr,
lUlith iintl n iul'lc o.ik kUn k,
r art tip to ilatr in all kimU
ti( htrr. kootk. Coo Um
iiov, n So. nilt St , Lincoln.
J viol It j a s . t t.f I OMroi, tL
t0 Uff aatl ttwwot rvcwWiWf
600 Substantial Suit for men at ,
250 Hound or Square Cut Sack Suits, at.,
Clothing Bargains
A m
1,000 Men' all Wool Sack Suits, at
A Vast assortment nf flno. Itufotv tn Wanm rn-7-. wn.
111! I 60 ami I 15 tyl"" " ,0'BO, 7'B' ,y,5 ,10'
Hat Bargains.
Men' Fine Wool Fedora Hats, color black and brown... 50C
25 Dorxui I'ure Fur Fedora Hat, all color 75C
10 Style Flue Fur Huts, all style und all color $1.00
Our Guarantee Stiff Hat 1 1150
Furnishing Goods Bargains.
00 dozen Laundered Neligeo Shirt, with collars OR a
attached 6UU
100 Dos, regular 6O0 Laundered Negligee Shirts, beau- QCA
tiful pattern , UUU
500 Dost. Negligee Shirt, worth easily 76c, with un only 50c
Men' Itockford Sock go at, per dozen 48c
4-Ply Lltnm Colar each only ,
8 l-3c
Do uot miss us ou your smallest purchase. We save you
money every time,
Armstrong Clothing Co.,
1013 to 1019 O St., Lincoln, Neb.
For Garden
And Field
liest adapted for the wester climate. Price Iteasonahle. Headquarters
tor Alfalfa, Clover, Timothy and I Hue (Iras Heeds, Seed Wheat, Seed OaU
mid all other Seed (J rains; Seed Corn, Cane, Kaffir Corn and other Forap.
Plant Sends; VeKntnhle and Flower Seed our specialties. A full line of
Poultry SoPPllCS and Remedies. Catalogue mailed fro. on application.
Write for special prices.
jw - a.v4
' '' ""''C'i-'rV :tv-i fj
For . .
The Finest
Made in America today
The Farrand
. . and Votey
ORGAN has the sweetest tone,
is the most durable in construction, and is the only really
mouse-proof Organ made. Don't forget that we also carry
the finest line of Violins, Guitars, Mandolins, etc., and at
lowest prices.
Matthews Piano Co.,
Hay, Grain and Mill Feeds, Bale-Ties
Hth tad Nicbokj Bt&, - - OMAHA, NIB
in n m
AM isouvini lortsttci
Mt Sum
f i II !.
Miabii.i ln4utIHM
S. ... t ..9 oIm
mm fmlt mn r"'.
itmmm tttt ltt .o voio
1. , . J. , ... 1 ,.. , f..., .
IntiMi k, tU4
ii I , Oa.W tett
". tl-4lWM mith fM'WI
f4l t tlH J Sj
Wiirmsj to .Viostm ltntrttT vrltiag lot ar advrtaro.
Seeds Seeds Seeds
AImi Mixrtl I'aintv White t.cul, l.invrrtl Oil, etc. Always
rrlial'lc, aU j) tirt clati. Vikv e cnUcvur ta hive r ij Kt
Roy's, 10th and P.
1 r.Uii.
liurstcs.i'haetons. Surrey s.Tiars. Harness i
...iwl M l. IMH itwfco " 00 '', i ! m)!
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