The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902, May 12, 1898, Image 1

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Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated.
NO. 51.
The World la Talking Over Dewey'e
Gloriou Achievement at
Won Agalnit Great Odda-Superior
Generalship andArmsMade
Buooe" Possible.
An flUlorleal llsttle.
Hong Kong, May B.- Among navol
Hum, military men and civilian, Eur
opean unrl native here,, there i only
one subject of discussion the bril
liant, dashing, annlbiiiotliig victory of
llic, American fleet under Commodore
Dewey, over the (Spanish fleet com
manded by Admiral Mori tv jo In Manila
buy 011 Sunday, Muy 1st.
Commodore Dewey's orders wero to
capture or destroy the 8pnnlsli fleet,
and never were Inst rtietloiiH executed
iii so complete a lasiuon. At we enu
f seven hours there was absolutely
nothing left of the Kpunlsh fleet but
a few relics.
At the end of the action Comodore
Dewey anchored bis fleet In the buy
Ire fore Manila iiud sent a message to
Governor-General Augustl announcing
the inauguration of the blockade and
adding that if a shot wa fired gainst
bis ships he would destroy every but
tery about Manila,
'i'he position occupied by the (Span
lards, the support which their snips
received from the land batteries and
the biff guns tiiey had ashore, gave
them an enormous advantage. There
fore when it is considered that the
(Spaniards lost over six hundred men
in killed and wounded, that all their
ships amounting to about fourteen,
were destroyed, and Unit their naval
arsenal at Cavlte wns also destroyed
with its defenses, it will become appar
ent that the victory of the American
commodore is one of the most co 1
jilete and wonderful achievements in
the history of naval warfare. Not a
man on board the American fleet woe
killed, not a ship was damaged to any
extent, and only six men were Injured
slightly on board the Uiiltlmore.
This grand achievement is quite as
much due to the generalship of the
American admiral, and that the (run
ners mid their guns lire superior to
anything In the same line afloat any
where. Credit must also be given to
the fullest extent to the ofllcers un
der Commodore. Dewey, for to a man,
they seconded their gallant command
er in every way poHsible and thus
helped him win the laurels which are
juHtly Ids.
When the squadron left here it
touched first at a point in the Philip
oiiiu islands near llolinoo, ns Commo
dore Dewey wished the insurgent h d
ers to disembark there to ascertain
Iho iMisitlnu and strength of the insur
gent forces, to arrange for preventing
needless bloodNhed and Inform tue In
surgents of his intention
to change the government of the
Philippine islands, the commodore
strongly objecting to giving the rebels
a chanee to commit exeessea. The In
surgent leaders, however, refused to
disembark, under any consideration,
and the American ships coasted in
search of the Kpunlsh ships, but failed
to find them. Commodore Dewey ar
rived at Hublg buy, atxHit thirty miles
north of Manila bay, on Suturday, Ap
riU'10, and sent the llaltlmore and Con
cord to reeoiuiolter the enemy. They
found no rSpanUh ships at the entrance
of the buy, and so the rommislore de
cided to link the mines and procc!
the same night after dark Into me buy
of Manila, which he did.
The American licet entered Manila
bay on Saturday liiitht, with the great
est rase. The Saiiiard hod not ploo
m a piinl, and there wire no search
lights at the entrance of the !ay, la
fact the Amvri.nn uhm would rwh
ably have juvd iiuitle the ly with
out any ehulleng had It nut hn that
some siarks nVw up from the M('ul.
liM-h's funnel, ThereUHiu a few shoU
wrre rvehangeil with the battrries nit
t'orrcgidor UUiul; but th IWI did
imt bw down and iii took UJ a
thb nArnxsHip ofccor
kM4 ui4, 1 Uuit a lw. IUf mw mi 4 mm. fwaf
II U it tiwfc, (ur UvU aa4 N twaltat mmmm aet MMamvei
sitlon near Cavlte, awaiting dawn in
order to commence bositllltles.
The early hours of the morning re
vealed the opposing ship to each oth
er and the (Spanish flagship opened
flro. Her action wo follower! by some
of the larger Hpanliih wnrhlps; then
the Cnvlto fort opened tip and tlie
smaller (Sjianlsh vessel brought their
gun into play.
The American squadron,, which bad
been led Into the bay and through the
channel by the flagship Olympla, did
not reply, though the shells of the
Kpanlnrds began to strike the water
around them, tvhon iienring Holer
bay a sudden upheaval of water a
short distance, abend of the Olympla
showed tli nt the (Spaniard hod explod
ed a mine or a torpedo. This w fol
slou. They were both utterly unsuo
slon, They were both utterly unscc
cessful. The American fleet was then draw
ing nearer to the Spaniards, whose
gunnery whs very poor, the shots frcm
(he (.avlte batteries mill the (Spanish
ships being erpntlly badly aimed,
either fulling short or going wide of
the mark. When the American fleet
entered the buy the following ws
their order: 'J'iie Olyinpla, Halfliiiore, !
Knlclgh, Concord, Jioston, I'etrel and
tin! McCulloch, with the two store
ships, the Non-Hhnri and the Zafiro,
bringing up the reiir. In that order
they swept grundly before the city'
in (I faced the enemy In column line.
TlmlMrlt (( K fin Mill l-1tt 1,111 mtl.Mml
ut ()000 y(miM) ihn Americans te-
served flro until wltiiln 4,000 yards of
the enemy, when the real battle h
The Itelria Christina, Costilla, Don
Antonio de. Dlloa, Isia do Cuba, Isla de
Luzon and the Mindanao were In line
of Isit lle oulsidc of Cava te at thattlme,
with four gunboats and the torpedo
boats inside the harbor,
The American ships then paNsed
biukwanls and forwards six times ac
ross the front of the Spaniards, pour
ing in ujion the latter a perfect hail
of shot and shell. Kvery nerlcan
shot seemed to tell, while almost ev
ery Kponlsh shot missed the mark.
After having thus scattered iath
and demoralization among the Span
ish fleet and In the Hparilsh batteries,
the American fleet retired for break
fast and liicldently n council of war
was held on board the Olymnla.
lly this time the Spanish sfiirm were
In a desperate condition. The flagship
flcina Christina waa riddled with shot
arid shell, one of her steam pipes had
burst, and she wan on Are. The Co
tilla wss also on fire, and soon ater
their condition became wo: so and
worse, until they wero eventually
Diirned to tlie water s edge.
Jlio Don Antonio do ulloa mode a
most mogiiiflcant show of desperate
hravery. WJien tier commander found
she was so torn by the American shells
that he could not keep her afloat, he
nailed her colors to the m. st and she
sank with all hands fighting to the
last. Her hull was completely riddled
and her upper deck had been . .rept
cleun by the awful lire of the A inert
can guns, but the Spaniards, though
their vessels wero sinking ticnrath
them, continued working her guns on
trie lower deck, until she sank ixmcalh
the waters.
During the engagement a Bpanlwh
toris'do boat crept along the shore and
around In the oiling in an attempt u
attack the American store ships, but
she was promptly discovered, wns
driven anliore and was actually shot to
The Mindanao had in the meanwhile
been run nsliore to save her from sink
ing and the Spanish small craft had
sought shelter from the steel storm
behind the breakwater.
The battle, which was started about
5:30 a. in., and adjourned at 8:30 a. m.,
was renewed about noon, when .t orn
modore Dewey started to put the fin
lulling touches on the glorious work.
There wus not much fight left In the
hiiuiiianls by that time, and at 2 p. m,
the I'etrel and Concord had shot the
Cuvlte butteries into silence, leaving
them heaps of ruins and floating the
white Hug. The NmiiUh gunboats were
then scuttled, (lie arsenal was on lire
and the expbmlou of a SpanUh nmga-
1 nr caiiMt'd further mortality among
tlie defenders of Spain on shore.
On the water the burning, sunken or
dcidrtitcd ,Hmnliih esels could le
wen, while only the crulmT llitllliiiure
hud suffered In any way from m t e
of the rneiny. A shot which struck
her explode! some ammunition near
one of iter guns and slightly injured
half a den of the crew.
Sfwml thola I dangerounl
cliwM li CommiMlnre lewey, little
or tut damage was done on Uiard the
The Inlliimi has a displacement of 10,888 tons, cost 3, 020, 000 and baa a
peed of ',Ui knots, Bhu carries four 18 inch, eight 8 inch, four 0 inch guns
and 80 smaller guns, Ilor nmininotb 19 iuob gone are mounted In turrets, twe
forward and two aft.
men lire sold to have lieen killed on
board the Himnlsli ship which was to
tally destroyed. Admiral Monfrjo, the
Npiiiilsh coininttiider, transferred Ids
ling to the Isla de Cuba when his ship
caught fire, but the latter was rlestrry-
ed also In due Course of time. 1 lie
llelna Christina lout her ciiiiu.ri, a
lieutenant, her chaplain, and a mid
shipman by one shot which struck her
About 100 men. killed and fiO wound
ml on board the Caslilla, Indeed, some
estimates place the number of Hpaulsh
wounded during Die engagement ut,
over a thousand men,
The Olympla was struck five times
about her upjM'r works, and a whale
boat of the Italclgh was smashed.
Although the Krupp guns on the
Ksplanado of Manila were fired con
tinuously during the engogemeiit,
Commodore Dewey did not reply to
them, and the battery afterward
hoisted a white flag in token of sur
re ruled.
The terms of the enpltiilotfon were
still unsettled when the McCulloch left
Manila, am) it Is said Commodore Dew
ey feared rioting utiou tbo part of the
Insurgents ir he attempted a iiomoard
ment of the remaining fortifications
ut Manila.
The forts at the entrance of the bay
were dismantled on Wednesday after
they bad capitulated.
It Is said that the American commo
dore ordered the cobles to lie cut, lo
calise the Kpau lards refused to Hrmlt
him to use It (lending the complete sur
render of the city.
It is said that the Bpanlsh ships did
riot get under steam until after Uie
alarm was given. The Hpanlsh (?om
mander informed the goverrior-geneial
that it was advisable to surrender In
the Interest of humanity, that I waa
imixisslble to resist successfully, but
that he and his men were willing to
fight and die,
Kven when the flagship was shot
half away, her commander, though
wounded, refused to leuvo the bridge
till the ship was burning and sinking,
her stern shattered by a common shell
and her steam pipe burst,
As yet there ore no further detail
of the fighting. After It was over Corn
modore sent an untlmatum to the city
battery, ordering It to ceaso firing or
he would iMimlmrd
The I'etrel chased a gunliont up the
river I'uslg and the .Spanish captain
came In a boat to negotiate condition
of surrender. The American captain
replied : "Unconditional surrender or
To this the Spaniard answered: "We
are willing to light. I'lcnae allow us
to send for nmmunitlon because our
store is exhausted,"
On a proposal to the existing autbo-
itles to continue temporarily under
the American flag pending the termi
nation of the war, the Kponbtrds de
layed their decision and kept wiring to
Madrid. The Americana requested the
privilege of using the wire, and when
this was refused they cut the eiiMe.
The Ksmeralda from Hong Kong ar
rived just In the midst of the Imttle,
During the adjournment for breakfast
nn American cruiser wa detached to
receive her, as it was believed that she
might le a Spaniard. When it was
learned that the new arrival was a
l!rltlh vexMid she was warned to keep
away. The Kioueralda, therefor, mov
ed up the bay ten or fifteen miles.
There are still two or three HpanUh
i-uiiImmiU about the Philippines, but
no resiktanee front them Is poiu.lbte.
dun recently captured ait Americau
Uutdou, May l.The Hong Kong
eorrvaiNuideiit at Manila of the Daily
Mail gie tlie following additional de
tail of the fighting:
I here was an act of Irrachery on
the part of a HpanUh ship who low-
red her color and then tired on a
Imat filled with a crW who went U
takut po-iloii of her. The American
unit wrre again t mined on her and
lii wtia M-nt to the iMilttiiu with all on
lawi'l hrvirial .U cliwe Iii khoie
Ui4Hl iii the Mine w.iy and shaied
1 he i.ulir.U bud fooirlit to ttnir l'ii tiM.I tuny miri-n.b ir.l I to V
j til. I Urn Ullloolld lug thai Hi uol i
i 4i -il I kill v una In l'iOli and w ,ii.,t' t a V'tirf iinnfoiiiii f
i. l .l.l.-ii of umn y im t the
iaMt fi. in It, l'in and our
lino in. I In Injur IKe Wound,'. I ,i 1 1,
KoiiaI. a init-r uf ft lh in
sitd 'nl tlivit km If in' Ml lh i'-ii-
t-lt r ilottoMi, with i .
lu ll t K Sal,US kliiule glm thtr
Itua t I iill ! ati.t woiiiid.d la
h It'UiA MrU I 'HritHaa fs toe are
Wliti l.i tiia U ii k'tlfl or ilrowH'
Ibe iiiir uf the gtinbul MiVU
hh, with whom I Hoitl
Iwar WiliMiony t.i taa trry f the
HwnUril li ef Hartteularbr .ralel
ih llat ert-w of tha Castill, whom
they desirit a "taa brateal h j
ever sacrificed in battle," They con
sider the result of the fight a remark
able Instance of the ml vantage of .ong
range II ring to the side which is bctW
In artillery and marksmanship,
i'rlvate papers captured at Cavlte
show that it was intended that the
Hprtiihth fleet should engage the Amer
icans outside the bay the day 1 fore
the fight. No explanation is forthcom
ing for the change of plans. My infor
mant fold me that a landing was not
effected at Manila, where food is
score-!', because Comodore Dewey could
not undertake any responsibility, HUH
J do not think there is any danger of
the Insurgents massacring the nopula
tloii ut Manila, if they began to do so
Comodore Dewey would land men arid
stop them,
'1 ho American commander hns wired
for instructions regarding Manila, not
caring to take over the city on .. s own
responsibility, Hupplle are being
stopped by the Insurgents ut Manila
arm uivite, where trie Hospital has
been plundered for food. The Ameri
cana landed supplies for the Hpanlsh
wounded. The Olympla won bit thir
teen times during the engagement,
The war news of the week baa not
been startling. Admiral Dewey's re
port of the battle nt the Philippine
iMlorids won received and shows a vic
tory more complete than was antici
pated. Hloting bis continued n many
Hpanlsh cities and several, Including
Madrid, arc under martial law. Trooj
and mobs hove had several encounters
and lives have I wen hist, Bpaln Is In
a disorganized state and would no
doubt welcome peace If It could
secured without a cornnlrte backdown
Admiral Hamoson sailed with bin
, aqnudron from ln-fore Havana to Porto
(u t.hW week expecting to meet the
Hpanlsh fleet and give battle, but lat
ter advices state that the Hpauiards
have returned to Cadiz and show no
signs of coming across the Atlantic
to fight.
The war deportment fins given or
ders to moss western troop ut Han
Francisco, from which itoiiit 8,000 or
more will lie sent to hold the Phllllp
plne Islands and assist Amnlral Dewey
in preserving pence among tlie native.
Itcport from Manila say that Dewey
Is unable to control the insurgent or
siiImIui! the Kanish land force, and
that fighting la going on attout the
city, It fw hIho reiMii'ted tliitt Insur
gent have killed tlie Raiifh admiral,
Montejo, and his two son. Dewey I
waiting fir United Sttes troop so that
he con take the city, preserve order In
the Islands and establish a provisional
government. VchmcIs are now being
chartered at Ran Franclsi'o to cany re
lief to him In tlie way of soldiers, pro
visions and munitions or wr
Troop from eastern, central and
southern states are leing moaned at
Washington, Tampa and other south
era olnt and the present plan I to
hind ,10,000 or more trooM on Cuba at
on early date and advance on Havana
st the rear while Admiral Harnpaon
iMiinbnrds the city and Ita defenses
from the sea. The eampslgn Is exnwt
ed to be short and sharp. Porto loco
another Spanish possession, la also to
lie taken by the fleet and troopa.
Hen nil small pi Ucs have been 'eken
this week and brought Into Key Wrst
and it is remit ted that a few American
nil Ins have been ruptured by HpanUh
cruisers. Heveral of our gun Utat
have exchanged shot with the forts
st Havana and also with some Ha. Uh
gun Unit which are hovering around
the Cuban eoant. but mi damage has
U't u done by either side.
The movement of the HpauUh
Miiadmit I still in mvstrrv
and it puii or di-li..atlou l still
a nuiiter of eoiijecture.
(New Yoik Journal,)
New otk, May As nearly a can
lm SM'it tMlmd after coital, leruhln ln
ifn'iloii, the following a fxlrlv
amuiate lUt of the Vuieili4it and
mnlnh Miiadriii. which it Is eict-
r, will inert n IT rutin lilt'ii. I lot T
tiibluhiuviil of a n nwirlilii at Krr
rl and aUn at HomUh polls pre
lent i lie tritainUaluii of Iiiftiriuatt"ii
trifunlieg thn titovrinenU of wsr.l.iin
sud thin 1 il.le hua I en VoiitplU'd froiu
litf iiiiiii.,ii nii. lied from M. Iliiimi
and I . 1 1 11 .11
VMMilt W pgl'.UU.ON,
b.wa. t I.Miii h, Slmh, U I III. It,
g r.
I ml 4i,4, t 1 1 In. h, I In, h, t i lueb.
N w Yoik. a to. H, II t Ito h, g
M.oityoiiiriv, 5 tin h, g, r, a a-
poll lul, t
Drttoti, in, fc, g iv, a pound, i,
Mo, II, u
Puritan, ( 1 I to h, I 4 In. h, Q f.
Ait.j.iiilrile, 4 I I la. h, I 4 bo b, t a
loit,. Ii,, I',
.,rd,i lloat M4yt1wr, Poller,
Infanta Maria Teresa, 2 11-lncb, 10
Vlnch, 8 2-inch.
Aliniriinte Oquendo, 2 31-Inch, 10 fl.5
ineh, H 2.2-irich.
Vlzeayo, 2 11-inch, 10 6.B-lnch, Q. V.
Cristobal Colon, 2 10 inch, 10 0-iuch,
Q V.
Marquese de Kansada, 0 4.7-incb, 4
Conde de Venedito,
Infiinla Isabel,
fin ii boats Nucva Kspana, Klllp
pini's, Magcllunes, Antonio a)w.,
Torpedo Uoat Destroyers Furor,
I'lii ton. Terror.
I,nst Hatnrday Was Gala Day for Lin
coln and tbo Htote. us Well,
Lincoln veteran of the late war,
through the old hero, (ienerul Thayrr,
colonel of the First Nctroxkn in tHQl,
on the stop of the cnpitol plaza en
trusted brilliant emblem of our coun
try's glory to the two new regiment
just mustered into the national service
for war with Hpaln, The occasion
mode a day purely military and patri
ot Ir, Jong to lsu rcmciulxrrcd by thou
sand who t li rouged Lincoln' street.
The only slip in the program wn the
inability of Colonel Furnas, of the Bce
ond Nebraska regiment in the late
war, to be present and band over the
flog to tbo Bcooiid regiment.
Never before in Lincoln were mt
much bunting arid so many lag
sprcod to the breeze.
The Nebraska national guard, al
ready partially transformed into Unit
ed Htate troops, left Camp Alvli
Hon fillers ut 2 p, in,, headed by (Gover
nor Ilolcomlr an commander-in-chief,
Adjutant (ienerul Harry, lirlgadier
Ocnerul lillls and the other brigade of
ficers, and the regiment were beaded
by Colonel llratt and Hlschof,
The two regimental standard to be
presented were held by Minnie Howcn
and Carrie Packard, little girl dressed
In white with crown or blue, with
white stars.
General Aniosu Cobb presided over
the exercises, speaking of the signifi
cance of the occasion and paying a
tribute to ex-Oovernor Thayer,
General John M. Thaver delivered
an Impassioned and patriotic oration
in presenting the Hag to the two reg
iment. The crowd about wo far too
vast to be reached by his voice, but
perhaps six thousand stood about ths
grounds a close a they could get till
all wri through.
Governor Holcomb rcsonded to the
gift of the flags with word fittingly
recognlziint of the Intense feeling of
the old soldiers and be gave assurance
that the Nebruska troop would cher
ish the color mid guard them with
their live, currying them along the
path where lnith honor and danger lie.
In the intervals of the speeches the
two regimental bund played "Hail Co
lumbia," "The Htar Spangled llanner"
and "America," and each time the
throng burst out in deafening cheer.
An immense flug had been stretched
on the side of the dome of the capitol
and the gaily dressed crowd at the
windows and on the lmlcony made a
beautiful background for the stirring
scene lielow.
On the campus the mas of grizzled
warrlou looking down on the sea of
blue forage cap and regimental arm,
the dozen flag and regimental ban
ners, the surrounding crowd of specta
tors, made a spectacle that was inter
esting In Itself nnd doubly so when
the meaning of it all wa understood.
At 4: IS the exercise were over and
the troop marched north on Four
teenth street, extending from J to past
H street and watched In-fore by
crowd at every Intersection.
MlSSIONAltlF.S A it H Klf-I.KD.
Hlerre Ione, West Coast Africa,
May 7.- Additional advice conll nn
the report of the aanaaiiluatiiiu of
Minister Archer, Mlsa Hatfield and Mr.
Cii I n and add to the list of murdered
inlioiiftics the name of Misa "Krgg,'
MiKkibly a mikpronuiiclalloii of the
name of Misa Hcliei k. Mi Cain fled
into the )oh slid her fate la nut
known, All themi iiilmlonarles were
Aiui'i leans, who were sent out here by
the I lilted lln-thri'U Of t hirst Uliaaluu
of 1 ) ton, Ohio,
ma auiscR
mm. iii , -r -Tmr Lfcf "ITlaiij
i d i , 1 it n I, r It Ki -iie
T nlfalt Hilse Miiel inh ri-U fire gnaa, tli piwalra, twa
pmadata ami tlleg a. Mie dUt V,lf keieepuwaf aa. ha ii4
ef 14 ! ktteUi list U(Ueut U l,tfe K-ua. aa4 aa tt 4t,iao.
LKtl Interoit Being; Manifested
in Politic at ih proient
Timo. .
Income Tax Voted Down in tbo Son'
ato Republican Soterminod
on Gold Bond.
The Vulur Outlook,
People' Pre Uurcaii, Ht. Louie,
Mo., Muy 12,Tbe war uplrlt I dom
biunt In every section of the country
and politics, outside the ball of con
gress, lm been almowf entirely ta
1oocd. While the patriotic citizen are
off their guard the bond ayndlcate will
no doubt take the opportunity to in
crease their ill gotten gain, Financial
reformer who orgct tbat "eternal
vigilance 1 the price oi liberty," are
liable to be caught iapplrig in the
coming campaign and wept entire!
off their eel, A war administration 1
very bard to beet. Tbl 1 eometblnir
the res silver! Ur would do well to re
member, 'i'he stal central committee of the
allied silver parties in Iowa recently
met at De Molne and decided to liokt
the state nominating convention at
Marsholtown, (September 7 at which
wine mey will pin out a Joint silver
ticket, Hesolution pledging "eupport
to the president of the Onlfjl hiumm
In the war now declared agalnet
U . ... I ...I I . a
npuui were anopieo.
i tie ruiirotui are trying to force the
government to poy 2 cent per mil
for the transportation of troop, but
the government refuc to concede to
tbl demand.
The public debt for April show ea
Increase of nearly $19,000,000, duo to
war exinmsc,
Kx-Ooverrior John P. 8t. John of
Kansas, who wn at one time the catv
dldate of the national prohibition par
ty for the presidency, I lecturing to
large audience in Kansa on the free
silver oucstlon, having recently allied
himself with the people' party.
The free silver republican of Kan
a have Issued a call for a state nomi
nating convention to be held at Tope
ka on W'edncsdoy, June it,
A general strike is threatened by tho
building trade union of (St. Louie if
demand for their cule of wage 1 not
seceded to,
Tlie democrat renort trnlna in tha
recent municipal election In Indiana.
i ne rirst, nauonai bang oi Cartil
age, N. Y., ho been forced to clos ito
doors on account of the atsMsondlng
of the nresldent. who hna tuin Hm
fraudfng the Institution for the past
c i gin year, mi m anotiier demon
st ration of the "best system the world
ha ever eeu."
A law recently enacted In Pennsyl
vania provide for the flue and Impris
onment of any manufacturer or other
employer who discriminate agulnst
a loborer becaua of hi connection
with any union organization.
Governor Leedy of Kansas ha been
unduly criticized In ome quarter for
reorganizing the national guard of
that state. The governor desire tbo
organization to be something mora
than a political machine, and be I
Chauncey M. Depew, the great New
York railroad magnate, exprease the
opinion thut had the president been
left to himself there would have been
no wsr,
A sharp debate wa precipitated la
the senate last week on the Innoine tax
proposition offered by Mill of Texaa,
but a might have been expected the
provision wa voted down by the re
publican, Tha Nebraska board of tipiallmtlon
ha Increased the valuation of the va
rious railroads in that atata foe a-
at ion urK)es, and the eoinpanie
tn rein,-it to H'a tiioir caan to the
Hie wheat market haa iruna akt
ward during the last week on account
or tha war operation. Unfortunately
for the producers, moat of the grata I
(CoutiuuMl on Fifth !.