THE NEBRASKA INDEPEDENT May 5, 1898 fHE OPINIONS OF THE PEOPLE Id thta department w will publish eommunloatloni 0 a worthy and ultabl vharacter, weired from rabnorlban to ibb pal. No oonmunuutiom mould Mom tb 800 wow. Manuwript will not b returned. A Itsllritad Hlrlfc in swIUnrlsml, Although In HwlUorlund railroad com paule wen put under trot control of th Moral administration, an enormous power cciiiwntrattiil In the lunula 'l tlm directors of lint iimlii roud ami nil laws and regulation cannot; prevent that aulflsti, avaricious, und Imperious man from misusing audi power. For a comfortable and safe rallrond transportation a sullluiniit number of well educated, dutiful and nonscleiiacloue employe are the llret necessity, and ae til loiiat remissness or uegletit 01 umy tuny oausu Irreparable losses of hundred of nrcolou live aud of valuable pro irty, a etrlut discipline is me nrsi ooniif tlou and the mnuiiiiliig of such discipline will ioou degeuerato In tyranny and absolutism; If thin power In put In the hauiUof wlflli Imiierlou tnnli, whereof history produce pinny of proof. All Jeepotlo, absolute rulers, ecclesias tical im well ae civil, UNUrped their might by misusing the power of discipline, i The transportation business In one of the most accidental of all, ae 110 one can jtull what the next hour will bring forth, '0 that employee sometime for week aud even month have to work to their utmost capacity to master the business, whereas at other time there I nothing tn do. but then atfalu when It In leant tpected, A rueh uome nt onne when very out ha to work to hi full ua- ' It'! natural that men who have had no experience In th buelneN and direc tor who wleli to euve every oent, think that railroad employee are a buy crowd of men If they eee them laying around for hour and even for day and doing nothing, aud in consequence of thlome of the employee are discharged and their work put 011 the ehoulder of the rent, whereby the eervloe ha to euffer because the employe are overburdened. Al ft natural ooiisciiuenee of extending the railroad eyetem by building costly branch Hue through a mountaiuou country like Bwltxerland, the Intereel And dividend of the eliareholder were cnt down aud therefore It I natural that theyehould try to cover the loe by leugtheulng the hour aud reducing the wage ol the employee. A the French proverb Nay, "appetite comee with eat log" ( a soon a greedy man ha one tested this remedy, be Increase the done until the burden of theemployee becomes unbearable, Thl watlieoaNe with the employee of railroad lu Hwlli-rland. About lx or eight year ago, I forget which year, the railroad employee of Hwltterlend.efter ueelee remoiiMtratlou by the director, resolved Hint If the managers would not accept a Just scale of wages aud a ten hour labor day.that all tbmploye of all the road would quit work on (he flrt of March of that year, After thl categorical demand the the llundesrnth (federal counsel) waited for a peaceable arbitration between the parties but a the time paened without any slgu of an understanding, on the WOtli or 27th of February, the Hutidcr rath subpoened delegate representing the directors and the employes from the different railroads In HwitmrlniMl, to np (tear before that authority for settling tli difficulty. All thosesubpoened obeyed the strumous with the exception of the directors of the North L'ueteru road, who declared there was nothing to arbitrate. The lluudes rath examiiied the question of dispute and altfir cnreiul dtiblhitruilou declareil that the demands ol the employes were Just aud therelore ordered the tlelegatve of the directors who were present to grant these demand, Hut to the direc tor of the North husteru who tailed to oley the sumiiioim they seat the cats gorical order that after close sxaiuiuu tlou the Huudesrutu had out that the demands of the employes of the Northeastern road were jimt, and there fore were tint directors ordered to imme diately grunt all I hese deinamls, ot her wise the Hunilearuth would take posse siuu of the roud end uianugs it lu the luterest d the oommou tteul. Thi cate gorical deuiaud the d recti ir of tint North Fasteru did not dare rii-k. to ilia, itbey. ly such wnet und Just acts of the lluudesruth a general rHilroad strike was previ-nteil in Hwliierlaud. It Is sell fvident that elttir sncli a de feat the directors of the Northeastern had not I lie klmlmt IhiIiiiks for their em. ployi-e nnd then forw alter a while they tried the old Ira k iitftnu to thiiMtiait tint i)iiiplois aiiddii liuige uome if tlm lead ere, but It was ol im nva I, The em iilnyea w, re well orttunUed and acted liariiioiiiouHly, and agam their demands. iHud not tiled the ilinc- tor that they would quit work If tin ir deuiaud were not n Muted by ttmnnil ol March, lMid. As the directors of 1 1 road had btdorw dmitUid their enmitum the Itundeerath did not Inti-rlerw tin time. Tbea after the lUvd Una tKtt with the stroke ot U at mi. I night ol the Uml ol March every w bel mi thswhuU road a atotMi ami t.ti good a either awnpted or delivered, eiceplieg rlahabU ginW shi. h r unloaded aud delivered. Fvry fiiil i from the litght lo the lowmt wasal hts post, Jmrtl) to guard aud proln i II property aud partly tu eontiutt,ra work! once as as Ihs Uittivu was eottWd. ta the Htomteg of March l b It.iu (Weratn tHKritnd tt Iks direvlnrs and to Ik eatoloVM that two methlfr would be dwWgated .t wills the dinpu'e aad l eowauuc ullht Hua.bvrath, Tsaip, au I Mullvf ws uk aa xtr train Inutt IWa t.t Aaroit the U u tioa u the et)trl road w hrt aa n- Ries with Bret class ear otitis strtko.g orlb ) aWt roal waitwl la curr ta l.urtck, afci re is were grwud. wuk thetlitiiwl imtlmism( as all iUm alike were ta sHiatlv eitk Iks strikes Alr a ehorl sMiin.a ol lhot !U td dispul tkvss lea aohls ottt.vr bad Itiued wut tksl H iKmms Is ul lh eai lo) wsre)4l lkJ r wrt tka wrried la araal lk Uuiaads mi . or ks iNa hsiratti would lilts bold d Ike road aa I Hissat It la or dr la r ta lh isirrru ta Irnrti.., t.r dus of Ike dlhsm pilots was graalw-l eilk ts slegWei- wptlon. They hud demanded the die cliargo of the mimngliig superintendent, aud thl demand the delegates of the Hijiidesratli refused, though every one thought that the directors weru made to uiilWetuiid that iniudesrath would me coiidllionally taku the manaKement of Ut? road In lis own hands If In the future thi least iulerriHitl mi of the tralllcslioulil oi;ciir, With this the strike ended ami the directors were fortuna te in not hav iijig been prosecuted, either by the gov ernment or private partes, fordamiitfH hy malicious interruption 01 me traiiin. A'he whole strike did not last forty-eight Fliours and hardly an hour hail cliipscd after the question was settled, before every wheel wusagalu lu motion as ev ery man was at his post as long us the strike lasted, Thl was the end of the first and last railroad strike lu Hwltzcrluud and It was the greatest aud most glorious victory which organlmid labor aud common sense ever gained over the insatluble money bag, ovcr!usolcm),etupidlty and brutal force. This decision was received wltli the greatest acclamation from all the tsiople of Mwltxerland, aud the strike had con vinced th people that only government ownership of railroads could warrant safe, cheap, uninterrupted and comfort able railroad transportation. 1 nereiore on Huuday, October 4, J Mill), the people ol Hwltierland unocpted by the referen dum with a majority of GU.OOO votes, a law vhlch urged all railroad companies to produce correct accounts as well over the cost of building the roads a over earnings and expenses of th road, for the period of the last 25 years, Thl was the first official step taken for the purpose of government ownership of railroads. All thl look mo reasonable and nat ural that we should think that no sane man would dare to oppose such just and reasonable measures, but a proverb ays: ' give the devil the little finger and lie takes the whole body," (Jive the greedy man or corporation the least privilege and they will swallow the whole nation aud defend their plunder with fir and sword. Usurpers are the same the whole world over and there fore It I not so easy a matter a It look on thl on per to conquer the money power. In Mwitzcrland they have a pro verb to describe the powers of the church which says: "Jf you shake a priest' cowl every oge of them wabbles from here to Home," It I the same with the money power. Blinks a single money bag ami every one of them wabbles from here to New York, Uome, l'arls, London, Ilerlln, Vienna and Moscow, There Is not a little bit of difference between the money bags of the Pope, General llooth, preacher of Trinity church, and the money bags of the few Hothsehllds, Queen Victoria, Mark Man ila, Vanderbilt, l'ierpont Morgan, Cleveland, etc. All the treasuries of the whole world would not be sufficient to fill a single one of thesa money bugs. Although every one of thesu gentlemen would If possible swallow all the others they unite and harmonlxe at once if you attack a single one of them. A long as the money bag was not touched all these moral, pious philan thropists looked for years quietly mid indifferently on the most barbarous nnd beastly killing of a hundred thousand of Innocent children, women and feeble old Nople In t'ubn, but as soon as the peo ple of the United Htates resolved to pul an end to this Hpanleh brutality, these gentlemen were afraid that HpanlNh bonds would nuffm- through a war, there fore the I'opu and the Furopcan powers tried at ones to Interfere and protest lu the name of liiiinauitv agaiiiNt a war between the I'nitetl Stales and Hpuiu, whereby the people of Cuba would be freed from paying tribute to the money bug. In Switzerland too. the money bags of other countries united to defeat the law which urifei) 1 lie railroad companies to produce their accounts. The iwople of 8il.rlniil would never have been able to break the railroad power without having Mie initiative and referendum. As this article is already too long I will have to utop und bring in the rent in the next article, FlIKO Kt'MWKITZKII, Woow.Aw.N, April 27, iHiw. A BACKWARD SPRING. Brings Bloo.i Diboabos, Nervous Dorfingonionta ami Uhronci Catarrh, Never was there a Krenter demand J.r stirinii medicines timet lung to cleanse the blond, sfcliutheii tin, nerves ami regulate the ditfetion, U there any medicine so jfood lor thioMt urMMes a I'e-ru-ua? I houttnU of dnvturs, drug tlints, nnd tens ol thousands ol p.ipln of all elusMHi and voe.tlt.ui have In ng tttfo ilet'ldeil tills iU tiMl Unit has im'il lu IhiMH-eMwHt, Poor '!lr h'oln trong, vlttor.iu and lie.rt alter a lew bo'tl d It. I'vt.ple who ant bio I eked, tnii,lH mu. ant, In aud siuNtf'stt, livr lad In And a rourwt ol IV ra ti . I.t t hutr the kiM luvitfiimte th" fM aud esru k Us I.I. .ad. I krouto ra larrh la all l i,i aiw, Ihu hasd th- Ul i. ir.ttii 1,1 l.r aev )ar leksa lt .tl ,, iVruua In her salire rlt.l. Nurton. dxbdilt, 4kWMr4 ol bulk hih, tt aama, Itrtt nblllly, de(isd.SfV, kM bus lt(4, all Ihima duuir akva IV-m-fc Is ud a.rdns In dim lion Huso! l'i at. m tHsirurlK ItiMiktoa itirxsHi iMtarrk r (msil.d lr t beieg set, I hi b IV rl h a I 'rug Maau-f-itiinii Itmipsjf, t'ldmtibns, nKt.i, IkisbtM'k M iairwtiivly llius, IraM with iuie dtasiugs and will Its seat free ta auv ad trs. A Mif kt awMolty, le-ru-na i if. FDlTOKIAh IDKAH. Blanker (iuftln enn lie found nfc any hour of the day, morning or evening, on bis farm, busy with tlw spring work; bit is running his farm this year without any hired help, and bus no time to be nrouiid setting up k111 Icul plus.- Wnhoo New Km. N OMOIIK IIONDH. The people will linvo no more bonds lu I be event, of war with Hpnln, The griMit war of tint rebellion whs fought lint wllh greenbacks! Wb i'Iiii thrush I In. HpuiilunlM with the miiiih' kuld of money,- (illibon llcporter. TIIK I'Klf AL 1tKSJIr. 'i'l-euiiiseli In I'oiifrouU'd willi imo ImihIk InhiiciI for waterworks, uml linl u cent lit Jin.V I belli, 'I'ecillMHcli ttlll have to do about n every other elty iloes Hint Imhiich IioiiiIh, towit, I uml and refund nml let conilng gciieratloim look out for the payment. Auburn lilllill.MT, The Oionbii Worbl-1 lorn III dropa In to poetry wllh tlm following stiirlliug ri'Mull i Ilreiilhes there 11 limn with soul so deudswho never to blinself bus wild, I'll show, before I go to bed, tlm col ors of my nation? If such them Is, go murk I1I111 well, For him no nilr.s tn l ruptures swell, nml when lit dies he'll go to -well, to public execration, HIIOFId) CAIX 11 IM DOWN, If tho republican partv expecta to gain any respect, for llself lu Nebraska I he slu4 comiultien should call down ,1, VV, .lobnson, Ills abuse of (loverm or llolcoiub Is i;criulnly iiucullcd for uml libelous In Hie exlrcinc, lie tony snllsfy a certain crowd, Hut the cotn nilllei. should take warning nml nek that crowd of parly wreckers U Inhn a back sent, Mobrura I'lonccr, rep. Oov, llob'omh 1ms written a letter to a friend In which be declines to be I'linii' a cumlldutc for unother term. It Is true there am many who opposa a third term, but still they iim not willing to let It stand lu the way of putting the very best material at band lu olllce. While they do not. favor a third term yet they would acceiit It In preference to N)or material, Crete DcnnxTiil. Til UN AND NOW. Tbn Chicago llccord lu. referring U) tint prompt rcssmseN made by the city to the president's cull, said In Its Issue of April UA: Chlongo bus wit nessed no such st'ene since the days of tint civil war. On Huliiday, April in, 101, came tint news that, Fort rtiimpU-r hud Is-cn ltoinlsird ed, Then, as now, the first, inovcniiicnt tisik place iisui a Hiinduy, the streets of tint lesser Chicago of years ago be ing crowded by an indignant and ex cited throng, Then, also, as yeidcrihiy, the sermons In the churches wem de voted mainly to the subject of war nml the cuco'urugement of the, One day later was Issued the cull for troops, 'which brought forth the rendy rcMuHcs of all the existing military orgaulutlons, nml raiiscd the Imediale foruuitioii of six regiments of volun teers, TIIK Tit A M I I'HOHIda!. Four states have 110 tramp laws. In three-West Virginia, ami Irfniishiua the trump Is "worthy toor." Two com mit, blm to public labor; one, New Mexico, to labor 011 the streets nml rmids; the other, Missouri, sells blm to work six months for the highest bidder, I'cnnsyltanlii lulds the rigor of solitary coulincment to bard labor, New llampMhlrc and Connecticut of fers a reward for s apprehension, lu Nevnda the district attorney gets $10 for convicting blm, (icuernlly he Is set to work In the bridewell, prison or penitentiary. Illinois semis him to the Iioiimc of correction lo mm oIT a line, but allow loem authorities to em ploy blm if they desire, Kugluud sends the trump to the work house. Fruiu'c makes him do convict Inlxir, (ierimiuy nml llellum pul blm on pemil fiirins, Chicago llccord. There Is great nctltity nmoiig the 1 1 II 11 it'l l i ih i l l l(.'Ml iiill ilili'li i-literprlseN in I lie country, ttlili li speaks well for this misli' of fnrmliig. People ttho U lit 1 w report that there will Im- one hundred per cent more hind ni liiiillv militated along Hie Irrlirnl ion dllelies IIiIh eason Hum heretofore. Irrigation fiiiinlntf in Hils couulry 1ms proteu tery reliiinieriitlte to those engiifeil in it, and It is on aiVottnt of greater xs-HiliillHi-H In Hits illntl Ion Hint these elensie Improt ements are lieiug liniile. .Sidney Peoples I'lilimr.l, ic 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii -11 1 1 piiH'r in iiortliwest Ne liiusltii Hint priili'M llxrlf 011 U'Iii t In lie plus nil 111 ot repulilietiiilsm imule 11 ilfni nit- it few rk lio to jiislilt Hie Htt it 1 it of Hie supreme nun! In Hie Mnore I'line I il.t lnilny Hllll .luilp- Si 1 1 1 V 11 it wiim ceolmiikildi' fur the .I.', i-lnn. I he t.dl.ttt evlrm t f It 1 1 1 1'.' Stilllwiii u illeiiliii)f .) ill). HI ktlllUK III ttlllll piilnlile lull li.i.U Hie H'-lil pi."k ttlll kltnii: " the il. f. inliint. I.t his pleii of pill It, bus coiifi-kked tliitt'.ie itteitetl Ilie HI. met t inl.tvlid ilk iiiiilllur of pill, lit iii'i'iniiilk, nml I do not t li 1 11 k Hull c s In hi 1. 1 ilirei tit i'l I't n.-.'ik-tii t linp i r, ill. 111 mi lium one of inn ottn di Is 1.11m In older In bold Hi. 1 1 !.! niiiti-a klttll l fiilM-. 1 1 it V -pllnrk lender. IHi IM I ll CM I IN V II r ,' V nl.k. ilU f In I u Win Id In lliMlmt Hull II Hit W lllfklllllk , Will in. I Hie Win Id t-luine iiln-ml iin.l HnsMir, llti intt-i 1 1i1H.n1, ttliot? will nl hi t -lit 1 -1 1 li (..- I nlut ; How will ttur ui ninplult 11' i,. iiftir wr, wluit,' I tltr, llttli t lutein f fiM- t tllwi, innlv hiiiUi kltiu No limit- li.ttU'i of Hie I 11 U. n l..r lillmlf In Srti,( ,t i,,n l,tt,t lloll Htlll.olt l 'l M' H Nil ItliMf I, tilt In l ii n inttlf (till t -ll 1..11 No mt-ie liltiMinif no ,tf nttr tlti-t In li t lirtllk'l will fit. I 11 1 hi ni liimirv I 1 1 tC -t- 1. ti I tie i-.ilt mi tllft lwl of J.iklitV mnt fitrtloiii l ttlll nllte the I i.iir.l ) ,l, of ,,n l.tit.litK Im in. ii. (..ii,r 1 Kkkf tti one t-it ' I iikt-ttlid ijttt ktiniit be o pt t'-r the lktt of H4 II. " ''i i.irlit U M llktl tllilll II I . t!l.. Hflll." 1 I tif spi-U. Mti.-w ..f fnnti tor tint If lull wilt hte Htrtt lne4i I tti will t t omplUlt tke r ttlll )ikl tKie.l I't litlttiMf S.U fioni Ihu ,rittt phiie, tui It He i.f all the troubles In Culm, as her lionr- bouism, her rapacity, her cruelty and her incapacity for clvlllzetl govern ment were the cause, of the revolutions Central and Mouth America from , r domination. 4, After war, in-aee. With js-nce the orgiiul.atlon or "a stable nnd inde pendent government In . 1 1 1 fit by the free net Ion of the people thereof" 11 government bused iijioii the consent of Hie governed: n republic. This will lo the grandest exhibition of unselfishness ever imule by a strong s-ople lu bchulf of II weak one, Th s will be the noblest monument to the martyrs of the Maine, New York World, ANVIlTlMI KI.MK? The Kay Center iKini.) World says: "This town will be nil right Just ns soon as It builds up, II needs a grlsl mill, a lumber yard, 11 blacksmith shop, a biihciy, a millinery store, a lino! ami shoe store, 11 foundry! u 11111 cliluc shop, 11 burlier shop, 11 butcher shop and some new residences," A Cuban war correspondent finds timit to fell uboiil. n Mpiiulsb girl In lliivanii whose "eyes rest upon and follow you large, darlt und beaming, luilf-vellcd with long lids nml lushes, On to Havana!- Chicago Time Jfer ii M. A Colorado contemporary says: "There will be 110 Issue of this paM'r next week, We am going out. to co. lert n little money flint has been duo us for some lime. Kill lor must live as well as human beings," TIIK HOUTII AT TIIK KIIONT. Mcnllmcnt, Is not without Its uses in war time. The fact, that the first gun of the war with H011I11 was fired by a Mouthcm man coimmindliig a gunboat henrlng a southern name, bus bud tin electrical effect throughout that sec tion, Is It. not remarkable flint. Hpnln, who Is constantly at war with lice muci nous colonics nml always has 011 hand an Insurrection or two, should Isdlcve that, t he soul hern states of t his conn try, having ein'e risen in revolution, should be ready to rise again at the si I vb test provocation, ,v less an an tborlty than the Mpunlsb ainbassmlor at Vienna, t ininf lloyos, in n recent, in terview, assured the Aiistrlans that "If the (fulled Mlnles attempted to In terfere lu the Philippine tbo Hpaii lards would Incite x rclielnon lu the southern slates of America," Mcetlonnllsm no longer exists lu this nation, Kvcry Intelligent. American knows that fact, but, It, will reoulm a national war Impress It, upon, Hie minds of outsiders, in tills emergency the south Is not only prepared to fur nish Its full proMrllon of men ami munitions, but If will also welcome the oporl unity to prove flint, the ani mosities of civil warfare have been wiped out by the blessings of national union, It seems orcullurlv lining that Commander Washburn Mnynard of Knoxvllle, Trim,, and bis gitu.lsHit Nashville should lead In the fight for Cuban IndeiM-ndence,"-( blcago I Inn Herald, IN TIIK NAMK OF HUMANITY. For hundreds of years the Hag of red ami yellow has lion led over Morro Castle, its brulal supremacy Is ihsiin- ed. It lias fluttered at. flic gates or a colossal slaughter house, an emblem of government by the sword ami of the control of a country whose watctiwoni sins Meualor Culloui, bus been bbsnl and whose inspiration dentil. There Is scant precedent for what lias Just lieen added to the pages of American his tory. Intervention comes lu response to sentiment which has swept the country, if not the continent, so Hint the vloees which were heard In pro test linve been shinned into whispers liurely iinilll.le ami worlli lillle of Hie lin n! It that Is spent upon I hem, In the luws which govern Intervention Hie acadeiiili'liins lire welcome to all the satisfaction they can llnd. While they are ipilblillng over the arid tech ulealitles which contribute to the mils tlliess of liiteruallomil statute linohs Hie people of the Culled Slates linve answered their president with the tolee of thunder, lie iikked that In the name of humanity nnd of eltillatiou nml lu behalf of eluliiuu'creil Ameri can lliti'leklk he lie cmpottc red to net, to Include If iieeessiiry lilood und steel In the catalogue of It Im resourei-H and lo ask no mitloii ou the carlli whnt il Ihouuhl about the matter, From every klnte In Hie union clime the l'i ilv, tell ing of 11 1 1 ! 11 In every slate, talking not of cost or cinikiM jiience and pusnlng up on Hie Mpaulnrd seiitenec that i'Iiii know uelilier eoiiimiiiat ion nor sus pension. The ImiII has fallen. It would be us easy lo recall the hull tthb h hits hch'hcd from the llltle of a eiluiion lis to lirri'kt Hie motemeitt which be 11111 on M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 v pill k, llriHikltu Faule. t lo- I' mi .111 I I li,' I ul nr.. in, 1 . 1. r in 11I 1 1 in 1 in mii, I only tiki I ,1.1 I nil Hi,. 111 hii'V I've .. nl f r 1 in I , .i n mi in y - Mt hoy tt.nil. t ini! ,t i.i lit iv lllg h.llllt, vt. nil. In I li,. ' Polilitit. llU'lulelv t, in. 1 inn, I . hny neno I'm- anle I kt-iinnl hull. I I Inn-lull,., leiiUier tfp, In (,-tMkl itpit ir, k, , I u; lite till) leiiHn l tup IniKl,'''' e' (lit, fIV tS nnd llu, I -pll.'h' tt.l irmik ut .'.., im, 1 kinit, iiett, iii I'll, . I' IIHItl MHt'lIk, t, l.'o, fin, tin, I inn.. i-t ti.i 1. kid tt.i'.ni I.'.', I I tt 11 trilled linn Jot. Ii.. lltsi, tittl lli.n, tte tntte j.ikt nnl.i.t.h.l Iwn lilt 11 tiilll.ifctt, phitil.nit. hn,l,'tt k, 1. uhI ttk.ti,k litn kstt 11 1 , ti(t", tint i it r h'.t l i f rul.ltt-r Hit the ttnetl on Hie nutiki-t, tt rait save )nti fn-iu Itu tu t,,l ftMiU tt .11 IH 1. 1 I'll Ht It pKM lltftl , t, hiii, ttiil nvtt ttttik t,. i.l.l Ml Itit lr i-th tiilne, im lioi.hli- t.t tlttttt mU, tie Hie I tfii li.g I't'tt f..r i.ur tbtpUt s.l lltiiupli l t Ul' IUitlttle to, t t.l in r II Hit. I tltlt tllt-tU Many People Cannot Drink ..ft at aUjki, Il Hiils ikslr ! nil saw drink liraia'H wW ytH.leM a l vt like Htt '" tlsaia-O tt.) tt ttttewlaVM It auaritkiA diMsra a4 ksmla, II Woks asd UsIm tikalM tMl t.tjs 'tf rvtititMrwaa. utit tsniplw asd kil lra (iraia'tl t Iks Iwltlttsk, MotletrtiMi rfaia. W itki hmt war I inlay, Tl U tt td i.f e, U asd i Wt Li veo- Ddls Uke tillloumicM, ilyH)mla, headache, eonntl patloa, iimr simuiM'h, ImllKextien are promptly ctireil hy lioixt'a J'llls. They do their work ndlS riitlly iind thiii'oiiuhly. Iti'tt uftor iliiiinT pills, 21) cents, All lIl'IIKKlHtS, Pills Prepureit hy t', I, Ihmil ti Co,, Lowell, Mas. Tim only I'lll tu take wllh IIooiI'm Harsitjiarlllu. Itock Salt for Stock, Use Kansas Itock suit for stock, licet und cheapest way of salting your stock. .Woven Wire FENCE NKNI UN 01.00 or our machine that makes fence any height for 10 to 14C per rod. Fvery machine guaranteed. MOOKNSKN & LsHoUNTV, 717 H, a.'ld Ht., Omaha I m 1 4 vt 1 M LiiivUiu cAtiiaiiKc mnib. 420 norm ytn st, Cusotm Grinding a specialty f All Ik. 1 t, ... . .1 u. .., i II th tint srsitus ul Aoar hsiiHtil Ur whiat, sars f oats. W so sr fob moesjr. IUKTLKTT A HOWARD. 1 CHICKEN MITE EXTERMINATOR no LICE KILLER Kills all lies, nltos, lst tl on Poaltrr aud Slock. Hum wr wltb tat labor ol daitlng, frtt. In, dipping or ttsndiluf of rool rf, Si in sir pstst lbs rooit pokN and nut boi and Ml in Kgtarml tiatnr doss tba rat, No wius will troaid Mttlm Htni wbta Kit fCstursilsator la otod bfor Minna lb llfi, 0id for Olroalsr that tails all shout It. Half gal lun toi on gallon Ta. JAMES CAMERON lAvcn City ncmmiu. SULPH0-SALINE Bath House and Sanitarium s , . , r 1 , ZZZJ Corner Htb M tu, LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. Open at All Honrs Day nnd Night All Forms of Hatha. Turkish, Russian, Roman, Electric. Willi H'IhI atluiitliin to th application ol NATURAL SALT WATER BATHS. HuTural tlnam utronver tlinu aa wulur, It hun in n I Ihiii. Skin, IIUhmI niet Ni.rvniu III anuii, l.lvi'f nii'l K IiIiihv Trniililii ami Chronic A tl moil t aru timilixl mu c inl ill I y . $Sea Pat hi n g, .3 mnv li iiiiv'.t "I! eil,.,ii III im. InruH SAt.T MtVUIMINO I'IMll,, Mill 12 It-Hi, ft to IU fi-Ht ilp, liKUlml lo Hindu 111 li.iiii pruture ul bU iIcki.uu. Drs. M. II. & J. (). Kvcrctt, llmnmiiin I'lnuli'imiH Wyatt-Bullard lumber Company LUMBER. ANO KKTAIU Offloa 20th and liard 8ta. i'bune 47e Writ lor I'rioisi. OMAHA. till NKh Hlltl t'lli HAT- Ta lb llraml CaeaiiHiiil Mining ll If lei, ! joining, The I'liltni 1'aeiHfl will all tieksfa at 011s furs lor th rouud tritt, jilua f 5, Iroiii nil tolnt tit Ktts, Nefirsuls, I'uliirit dit ami I t tab In Itnttliua, Vit. I'litea tot whlt h lii'kvta mill Im aohl r 1st and .1 1 lutwday lu Mitv, June, July, Auuuni, s. I t , IS I., Nad Nov, Kiima hea Uily rtvi httiinlav ftth way ltt-u lUts. Ilea ud tlrNHtl KiifatiiiiifUl. r'or lull tu fur in a 1 ton rail ou or dttrr4 ' t. hlttMtiu, Owu'l Al-t 1-iutHilu, Neb. dual try a tv uf IWareU, th ft liner atttl i-'Wil rrKtiUUir strr 111 S'lut m 0 91JIC1CIES BE10W COST 1URKISH f CMALE TQKIC A Hnmfa la Waal Wtaaan, tt4i4 iMHu awai awnatj t"l (N.r a B)Mk fmm a U as. tmU. ml ' mmmm v iMiia NaaliAta NtaiaHt hatrsaT aba Iau av t a n , 1 u iMk A , 1 u it auu, Dr. Ketchum. Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat and Catarrh, z x z Spectacles Carefully Fitted, All Fees Reasonable 226 South 11th rka Bight Boat to Ktotadtka. Whether you delect tbt H-water rout by way of St. Michael, or tb ortrland rout via Dyea, Skagway. Cooper river, Tako or Btlklne, you must first reach a Paoiflo port al gmbarkatlon. Tn Rio Ohakdi Wmtbrn Railway, la eoBDectlon with the D. R. 0., or Colorado Midland Ry., U tba ahort. di rect and popular rout to Baa Franoleco, Portland, Taooma or Seattle. Through laaplag (ban and Ire reollnlag chair oara from Daovar to Bat Francisco and Denver to Portland. Choice of thrt route thro' tbt Rookie and tbmol magnlfloant oenary In th world. Writ to P. A. Wadliioi, G. P. A.. Bait Lak Uty lor eopy of Kloadlk folder. To PumI Bound and Alaika Potnta. Tb Northweatern-Unlon Paclflo I tb direct rout to th Puget Bound and Alaska point. Morning and afternoon train make direct connection at Fre mont with through tourist deeper and free reclining cbair car to Portland. For correct Information call on A. B. Fielding, city ticket agent, 117 south lOtb at.. Liucoln, Neb. Make Cheese at Home Bond $1 to C. K. Kittlnger, Ipswich, S. Dak. for 10 rennets with printed instruc tion for making cheese at home without buying costly apparatus. Anyone can. doit. Your money refunded If you fall. Full Cream Cheese a the Kind Made The New- Union . ELEVATED LOOP in Chicago I NOW Ol' EN. It runs on Van Buren St,. Directly in front of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific STATION. Passftntrer arriving in Chicago can, by the new Union Klevated Loop, reach any part of th city; or, for a five-cent fare, ean be taken Immediately to any ol tb large store in the down town district. All Elevated Trains will atop at tb "Rock Island" Station. Train avery minute. These facilities can only be of fered by the "Ort-at Rock Iiland Route." If you will send 11 Vl-cent stamp for postage we will mail you at once a new bird's eye view of Chicago, just Issued in Ave colors, which shows yon just what you want to know uliout ChiesKo and the new Loop un! Klevated Nystoin, This map you should have, whether you live out of the city and expect to com to it, or whether you nowllvs in Chicago and you or your (Honda contemplate making a trip. Addreas Jons Kbbas- TIAN, O. P. A., Chl"llKO, NBVT TOCKIHT OAK LIMB. Wklj Parianalljr OoodoeUd Eiooraloaa to Portland, Or via Uarllnfftoa Kouto. On February 17, and every Thursday thereafter at 0;10 p. m., Pullman touriat sleitMirs, in charge of our own excursion conductors, are schuduled to leuva Lin coln for Portland via Dsnvsr, Leadviila, Bait Lake City, Oirdeu and the Oregon Short Line, passing through th graud' eat acenery of the Hock lea and atopping eoveral hour in at Halt Lake City to al low a vidlt to Vie 111 any points of Interest there. Mirths, tiekst aud full informa tion may lie ohlaimtd at II. A M. depot or city ticket office, corner of ( aud loth strtwla, (Iko. W. Hons a ll, C P. ,1 T. A. to ir rani ntt In t'ttllfitrala aatl lllkar Pa. rtrte Cnaal 1ralr. The above rtiliietlon ailiea tn the tlms en n ni to, t the Northaaatern I'nlon Paelflit ruit tha tlm laonanluht, or IS tinura, leas than by nthr linita, Thaavea nmiiv, t-rth rate, and thle sit hiiiira of wearlmioia far rtdieg. At Fritiiiiiiii run iin- Hi ma ar ihrvrl with tl.rttnirh tnuiil and Pullman lir, fhslr ears In fVnvr, O-ten, Mntt Lake eltv, I'liftl ih.l and Hun Kraeelaen. tia. inn rar Ihrnuuh In thenat. (IrMs-k. ata and trth n-arr valine id A. H. Ptl,. Im any iNli-i ain-nl, UT aoulh UU t., I ltrulH, NVh, l irta luia to 1 aiMk I ail It UkiM, if you Wva l.iboiila tt tba lUrlmrfttiii'a aw ft I tram U U ft, IM . BUV lli4 . ilill,J.l A- :" .t-(Hii, h , 11, 4 ui 4,.! etty i.ltl.a, i ttaa l Tia airwl f, tortk, ts-knia and full lalnrmoi,.. Uau, W, U.iai.L, v, T, A p, A, TURKISH UN1V Ut4 riHNYROTAC. riLiii fcta3h MaMAft aiaaauov. ota tow. ja ariltaf vr admtir