j J 3 uhmmMnl i ( Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated. VOL. IX. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY MAY 5, 1898. NO, 50. 3 5? '1 IE MAINE IS AVENGED flpaniaa Flag Sbot out of th Philip pine Iilande-tara and Stripoe War Oyer Manilla. ADMIRAL DEWEY HEARD FROM Aalatio Squadron Meote Bpeoiib Fleet and Completely Dea troye it. A cablegram received Hunday after hi ton Jn.VVuNhfiigtori by way of Madrid atatcd Unit Admiral Jtowiry, command ing the AmwU-u.il fleet In the Paolfio ocean, had fiflwl ft pannage into the harbor of Muni lit in the Philippine in huiil ut ft itvSivb Honday morning and had at once engaged the fort ftlli the Kpunlnh (lct, After ninklng and burn ing purl of their boat and nuntAlfiiig aome damage blmnelf he retired wrtm the iniy and uftcr landing bin wounded (Hi 1 making wimm iciwirn, uguin brought bin fleet uUt action and (w plctcly aunihJIiatcd the enemy' fleet and ni'uiuu tim rort. 'I'lif cable connecting tin; inland with Hong Kong bun bcitn nut and iU tailn ure very meagre but It I reported 011 rcliubw authority that neven Hpan- Mi nhlpn WW' denlroycd ami mink and it leant 400 Hiwiniardn killed. Our own JlMIN 1 believed to Im light (HI1 to COIV Mint principally ii damage to tli'! kIiIjin which can be repaired, letter advice my Unit Admiral JJcwey bun funded 11 ntroug force and nulled with the In nurgcntn and Unit the nnrrendcr of Mm 11 1 lit In demanded, Mont of the new mo fur ban come through Hpaninh nonr een inn) II, in all favorable to our fleet, A'liiiinil )'wcy Iiiim ojiciiiul ('oiiiiiiuii h'ulion hI1.Ii tin- Jirllihli I'imul ut, M11 nllft and jflvcn iiotfco that tin rily iiiiimI, NiirriiJcr or Iim will Ix-jfiii a loiiilar'liii'iit. It I thought In o)llf!liil i-'m'W that Hiiaiii lm alvlivl Jut olll-'i-rx In tin j'hlli iIim' to iiini'iiili-r this I'l'iiainiig h!iM an1 tin IhIihuU, and thfro U 110 doiiht ut thla writing that thl Iiiim lxri doiu aial that with th ai'l of the iiiMiirgcntM a provlMioiial Itwvrummt i now Iwfiig foifiwvl. Two Nwlft Khlfm ihii- with (uml and 111 unl tloim of war hav hwii iit U M rnlrol Jh'wi-y from Kan Vrutwmv, and thw war dcjKirtiiM'iit in cormldi-rlng 1ie iilvhillllty of aitiidlng 6,(0 wi-MU-rn triim ti form a garrliton and Jiold the UIiiikIw, KotiiM of thiw troojw may lx part of the Ni'liniwVa National Ifiiard, (iiiimodor l)wi-y U Ihf hero of Hi hour In WBhlnifm and amgrvm will douhthuM rafiM him to the rank of Admiral, It in Htab-d that when the I riil! In ohiiicI at (In v Wreak, lit ran tip Mfgnal ling on thn Olympla, hia flag- Nhip, wlilch niwl: 'l'memhcr the Mainf," Tins ciiiitalnx and twh of our fli-t fought Ilk iIkhioiim, it U Mitld, and the Hpaniidi nlilm nu-IUI away tx-fim; our t rrlldc flri-, The Kngllwh )xrpl are rejoicing er the (Ii'I'IhIvi; vletory aiwl predicting limit It will pnu'liciilly W'tt.h the war luit UiIn view in not held In WomIi inglon and other placn. The Hpanlnh jh-iijiIc are terribly excited and are threatening to overturn the govern Tiii'iit, 'l li Mildiem have iHten ciilllnd out and Madrid iim under martial law, Th cople are dciruuidirig that tha caliiuct rcMlgn and H pal 11 la thrraU-ncd wit'i a revolution at home. They are Mil 1 1 buying Khlm however and claim Hint our fliM-t wmm far Hiiprior to tliclrn and that 1I1U our flrnt victory will have no effect on the war, Tli Hi nihh Atlnnl.br fliMt hit hn the ( ape He Verde. UlnaiU and in mi-lm- to I h on lu way to liomhard our ciNtat cltled or meet our fleet un der Admiral Hampon In naval battle. It la reported that Admiral Hampann hoa ralaci the blockade of Havana and that ho baa gone to xrn--t the Hixuiiah Mpiulroii aiw newa of a -rrrlbfe lat- tie la daily exjiccted, it in not known where the Hpanlarda are fend ahould our fleet inlaa tlicjn a blow might l tiiick ut aome of oil Kat eitlea, Iamu aldirrable anxiety la ahown in army el re ka at Wua)iingtrn. Naval otfieem are wild with enthua- loitiii over Dewey'n victory and all are an x ton to me't tho enemy on tlie Inn tic and give them another example of American fighting. It la thought now that if the tMwera of Kuroiio hiul any InU-ntlon of intr- fering tliat It boa een alxitubnwvl and that HiuIn uiiiat fight to the end or unconditionally aurrender, She W doiMlena fight 11a ahe In not much hurt by the low of the riilllpplne or ner raeine aouiuiron ami una in now determined Ut have revenge land and aea, 8CKNK OV mrHVUTTOUY, Wiwhlngm, I), C May 1-Th flgbt off Manila harbor Hunday imrnlng brlnga more elonely tfore the public eye Hpalu'a luliiiidn In the 1'aclflc, wlilch are comjaraf Ively unknown U America, They ire ao far dlntaut that they have excited but little intreat until the recent trouble attraefxl m,i verNiil ntt'iitlon, Next U Cuba, the Philippine lalandM conotitute Mpnln'a moat vul mible (iolonial tioNwaalon, When a eomjmrixon of extent and re wmrt'fH la made it in difficult to Mtc why they are not of anjierior value to Cuba, Tbclr area la 114,320 aquare miJea Ut Cuba'x 43,830; their ptiu a- tlou In, m'cordlng to Die lateet obuil 1 able flgurcN, T,D'M),(M); that of ('uba, l,:i!,ttN7. The I'hlllppine lalanda were ai.!ttle by tlie wlilteN flrat Ifl It In claimed by recent writer titiott the 1'lillipplnc revolt ngalnut Hiiafn that the bitter jicraclf rtoeg not thoroughly know the I'lillliiolnc fNlnnda, Th re are native frlliea In tiuexplore1 inUr ioi-N, governing themaelvca lidcpciid cut of Hriiln, nurcflehed, unknown, un- numbere'l. VVhllo the. commercial Imixirtenee tri Hie InIiiikIn falla far lielow tliat or tii- lui, yet the natural reaoiircea of the former are Immeaaurably mi erlor to (how of the latter, Tlie aoll of the I'hilliiolncN In no verNnflle that H trt'o- ducee everything, frotn the coffee, au gur cane, fiiUmi and rice of the tropica to the fiolulocN, wheat and male of more northern ellinatea, The land ia riebly waU-rel by lukee and inland Neiie mul by generoua rivera fliwli 7 from the rnoiintalna. nmne of the lat ter are 7,'XK) feet high, ami are covered from an mm it to buae with Immenae treea yielding excellent Umber and valuable ornamental wooiln. The prin cipal product and export la hemp. .Manila liemp In the bcNt known to i-ommeree. rtext eomew an gar. vnnu vit, copra and no pan wood. Tlie atory of the i hillpplne revolu tion la the old, old Ntory of Knanlah eonqneat and cruelty. The native peo ple have through the centnrlee lani the burden of opprcaxlon without Tiro-b-Nt, In fact while the Philippine have iK-en Niiblect to Hjmln alnce IfifO, HpnnlNli ule lia not, la-en generally neknowledged until 1829, and to tl In day the Negrito triU'N in Mlndoro and in the wooded and mountuiiimm partx of the other Ulanda have no communl entlona with the HjianlardN, The natlv ea row in 1H72 ngalriNt .he Hpanlarda, but the rebellion wiia not wldeapreiwl and wna aoou put down. HlnCc then the InxeN have Ix-come more opprcaive. They are no formed on 1 give a mo nopoly of the. market, for manufactur ed prixluctN Ut the HpanlHh jtroilucera, THB DOUBLB TURRET MONITOR TERROR Tha Terror la a nodvro coaxt dofoniw tomoI of 8,dll0 ton dlnplaccmant. Hf ipeed if 19 knot, and aha oot Uoole Ham $3,178,040, Her four big 10 inch otii ara carried twolaauob torrot, Bbealiio ba eight aumllur gnmi. lu uctlmi iba oau Ink m that hot upper dock 1 fluah witb the water and bur ourvod deck lad revolving turreta aro akma proauutad ai a target, Bbe oarrla a crew of 300 UMIl. Tha Fight for American aa aa Cuban Freedom la Con (treaa. the whole war bill, Including the treas ury eertlllcttUa, bud been paid." Ami In a (Huagmpli following thl It 1 eta a itute aeeret out of the box ly nildlngi "Attempt o puna a bond bill through the aciiute, and we, ralae all the (lerlloim brood of ptmullitt and all ver i ucet Ioiin, Including the oolnage of tha wlgrilonige, Jxit ua nay aa we go." Unlike inuiiy of the biulera in the gold etandurd ifunn the Tlmea reallseea LET THE SENATE STAND FIRM . "?fc w on ti.i. bond m in nie huh 1111 rinirv 10 upnuiy lince It through will react on the achemcra, I hen here cornea the Chicago lleerrd ml very aenaihly and forcibly ulatea Loading Join Matropolitan Journal! ua in Opponlng Honda, cupidity of theNM oljlclula are auddenly Ntrlpped or tlie HiNt reatlge or ineir wordly pfwaeNNioiiN, In u. word the I'liiiiiminca ure no execution to hn n- InIi colonial rule, that of relcutleNwly Niicklng the llfe-blooo out of the colo- nli'N and then oprcMung end ouiiInIi ing them for not f urniNhlng more gold and Nil II more ffold. Manila la the capital city of the In land of J, 1 1 .on and of the I'hlllppine Inland, It In Niild to have not lcx than ,'00,000 1 11)111 lil tii 11 In, being divvi ed by a river Int) two ni'IIoiin, Manila projier and isinomlo, J lie former in the military town, aurrounded by Jof ty walla, but the latter, aa freUen y hiipN-UN In the cuw of fortiflcathma under KpanlNh rule, are imrtly In rulna and can hardly count ua defenalve workN, However, Nliwie the rela-lllon of two year ngo the town boa le.n forfllled ly modern iruna, whbli, VltSi pwiN'r bundling, might la very form idable to veaaoiN 11 p p root ni 11 g tlie in ner ii arbor. The KnanlNb authorltlea In Manila, bv tha governor genera 01 tne laianlN, allil upon tne HimnianiN ut oner an the rewUtence lamalble Ut lliw Amen- an fleet. In bia proclamation, na ae- nounced the Americana with all he fury of which the lAtln chnracter ie 'iiMille and apjieaiwi w ine loyai nui ie'te f det roy the Yankee ahlia with ''foreign aallora," To back up thla pa ir of. e outbnrNt lie gave on 1 era ut Kin iwery HfHi-nlard who did not freely of fer Ida body na a liuiwaric Tor tne HpanlNh caiiNe, It doe not Neeni to be the Intention of the I'nlUwl Htatca to do nuire with the I'hlllppinca than with Cuba, Per manent hnncmhIou of tliewe Inland would la of Niiiall iin Ut UiIn government. Home of the Mieclfle grlevuneea of the nativea that led to the find uprlN- Ing were the reonlNltlon to work forty dnyx of fon-ed labr for the public, an iirbltrurilv unhcmnciI Income tax. Kill tax amounting to $0 annually for each native, a carruige lax, a ncenee tux, frequently amounting to $500 a year for a amall retail hop, and more particularly the penalty of connaca- 1 on. which the BiainlNh omnala Tre- tiently and ao aibltrnrlly enforce that aetlve and prottneroiiN men who have fallen under the ban or exelte1 the UtfJr-fe itlV jSfe ;,.;-r ARMORED CRUISER NEW YORK, I'KOTKCTKD Cllt'lHKlia, AMKIlICAN ASIATIC HtJIJAWlON. COMMOIIOIIK UK WKV. Oiiih Np"1 In mnla kBol bkltarjr pur lir. Olymph...,, 14 Ilaltiinoro 10 llonfon H Halulgh 15 Ot'KIKMTN. Concord ,... 0 Petrel 8PANIHH I'AIU.IPINK Ktil'ADIUlN- AIIMIIUI, MONTKJO, ai.ri U'l (I 1 r, I) 1 11.0 17.0 1:1.0 (Ni'iioTun Kii ciii.'iNRiia. Iteliia ('riatiiia Velnwo I on Juan riu AiiHtrla, InIii ibi Cuba Uln da 1 ,11011 Illioa Camilla ui NIIO.VTM, Pnragun , Oiuia tl, Ml II tiHrjr, H . a . 4 4 4 t , 11 j NwhI In knot ir lir, 17.fi 14 a 1:10 in 0 Kl.o ito 1 1. 0 the Amerh'un nuvy, i wua a hero of the civil war, but, only thoae wIionw memorlea rcwh back to the big dnya of 'ol-'5 will m-u.ll him. For the piiHt llilrty ycurN or more he hua been Nerving Ida count ry on the eN. ami at the varloiiN land atatloim and worka of the nuvy, and baa Iwen in the public eye but little, It reoiiiriul the alarm of wnr to bring him with a bound to the very pinnacle of coiiaplculty, The commumicr or the AnIiiIIc aipnidron In a ipner, mun, who impreNeee one with iinythlng but the utrndv berolNin and liitenae pntrlotlNiii flint are wmiit tip wil hln bla calm exterior, Je In no theoretical lighter, In IiIn youth, titipp IiIn liberation from the tolla of Anno- poliN, he wua a lieutenant on luaird the Nlciim frlgul MlaNlNNlpiilthe brave Nhlp that curried the colora of anoth er hero the Immortal Perry, The MlNulNNlppi wniialitttered wit fa eon fed- erat exploaivee In fhe great Hrer for which It wna named. It did not give up mini ir, wua ocatcii ut piece, Ileu- lennnt Jewey atm'k to IiIn iruna until the Inaf , and be did not quit the vcmm-1 until be went with the captain after uu oinere nni gone out of the di-al ruc tion, admiral Pwter alnglet out the youthful lieutenant for am-Hal tira l. lie apoke of him In worda that are the uwectcat reward that an officer can f given -ulwrve wealth itr fame, or aliova even jromotlon, lint promotion came promptly for the gallant young aol! or, In 18fl!5 be waa a lieutenant com mander. An commander be waa tloncd lu the Aalutle apiadroii, of which he In now the miieler, and In IHK4 he wna lifted Ut the rank of rii rain, which wna to la aon followed by fhe uniform of a commodore, He knowN the w litem of Ihn enil.li well, and line ever etood high with the an thorltlea at Wuehlngton, 'Iim como dore In a Vemionter, and U not vet 00 year old. Calayo U IJ 11 I J i u II Aint.riiaii Pint big eninigli to ri a a a a TW Haw Yitk U auialW Iml faaM thaa the Itrm alyit, kiaaa. kt d4apJaMiMil ,t0 lina, and ti euH t,0(Hi,ooa. kwlt eMl i Im1 m and II wf MuaJUr alltef, llirap4 l II Kha tatrrlM mil Hnnimi Pnmpiigiie Arnvat MfirlvnliM Miiiilurii , Mniilleno lill'MIIII 1 ,11111 lnro l Ut "ir th H 1 mil uli liipiim miiiailrou luukN nwiilliiw iliH Ann rlniii iiudriiu, (or immi lui I'luliteell ami lliw oilier all I. veu lu reaix ct ill kuiin I lie Hiinuili nvm lo tin vm Uim tidvatitiia" lr they hitv illy 11 ve in-tv in thw nltV'wvru o( tli Ameru'iiiia, I' at llm iliii'-iinn 1 01 lan Amnricitn Vi'eU w.i H,IITI bom In tli l.'i.llj I loiu ut (lie HI'NUIhIi Vf l, I bv lldfiTi'lii-e III lUpllplie'llt, ill Iplllli Ma. I uiauliiMtd did tli rl. So linirn ara ol Ailmirnt iiwy lie Imii r-e.'lM. mn e Moicbtv ulieu llm on bin Irmn llmiii kiuifli Manilla ihh In uik, UIKiiM.l.ANT IHAVKV. Waihlugtoii, l. May I 'oiiiiiii ilur tiMMtrn lHwiy, who tlgtiml al lanlly In lb fltflit iilT Manila barUif, U hum of (ha nnmt gwltaut nlllieiN la TIIK INHUIMTKNT I,KAI)KU. WiiNhlngton, II. C May 1. I'mllio Aqulmildo, the limurgent leiuler of tie Philippine IhIuikIn, who In now with Commodore Dewey on the latter e flag. Nhlp, In dearly lielnved by the rele PhlliiplncM mid will prove a troulili- Nome ciiNiomerN tor the Hpiinlnh. Aiinimildo owcn a terrible revenge Ut Hjielii, and there In no doubt be will wreck It when ( ommodore Dnwey n big Nhqm give him the opxrrl unity, IIIn mime In a tallNiiiuu among the mo tive iiopuliitlon, who will rally round ami fight bravely under IiIh command iifU-r lie Iiiin Imcii blinled 011 Phillpplnn Mill anil Iiiin Im-imi nble to riirgaue the native army find begin the opern- I Ioiin whlrb have nlrendy been plnnncd iiy hluiwir 11 ml niniii'Mlore Mewev. The mIIuiiIIoii In Hie PlillllliliiueN U tery like I hut In Culm, The limurynit riireeN lire untile up of ilcciiidiiiil of HpnuliiriU mid the na ll en and the mi lUee iIii iiiucIm-n, 'I Iik tal tr lire t ailed TugnthiVN and ert a very high tyM of man. I hey ure Intelligent, i-eailv chl lied, it ii I eager to make progrr In the iiiIn ami lu ediii'iilliiu. The bu t Hint I lit- v can hnntM I lie Kpnn iiid mul ciinv on a kuccenNfiil ritiolul Inn U xnltli li ill proof lluil lliev ure i-iiger to lake iidvniitutfc of Ihn 1 Ie ftln'it of iM Illa I Ion If lillnvteil to do no, Aiiiln lildo U n TngililtIV IdliiMelf, beloed b,V IiUoii mmiiIii mid I lie Imlf lni iU lie In ouiig, hniidwiiiiiv, pttlrlolle and brute. 'I he wholesale bull lnrb' ear I'led on bt llie tlllauoilN II lid ITMi I I'ob title Jit liHte only Nerved lo liillalue Ihn ili-ilieelilH llli. I make llielll Iiimii' ill Irl iiiini-d limn iter In llirotv ti'T I In" aiiliili rule I'llW Hi lt WlllIKH 1,1' MilH.H tMliulnnliMi. tul. M.tv ' It.u limniliitr Itto bill lei Iih of Hie llr.l ur till it, CM , unite.) ai Mount I IimiiIii, t "tint II Mellon heal Ihe li m.ii H.iltr wuik. Ilirt will net n H t'totrd for the Mtwder Murk "Iliim llm 1 tdolim if iMiwdir 111IIU In 1 1 f -feienl pari of 1 In rioinlrt tin jf 1 IiiIiiihI Mini the lun.ii intniotii t lime fin re. I IrcNi'liet) mi Ilie uii I ,f MMtiiUli Ngeiitu, and the gotei iinitnl ileelded ll pi lee Nil United 4lro aUttil Hot woik Only einplotiHi are Man allotted near I lie eiUblilinit-il, l,et Hi J'eoil MNk, After aeverul dayu' batlUi In thff hoiiNe of repi'CNeiifatf ya tha new i)iijk- Icy revenue bill, duNlgned U provide money for carrying on the wur, ullaa- ed, I'ari'yiiig with It provlNlon fo an iNMtie of DOO,OUO,000 ill-treat lasting bond. The voUi on a inoUou to atiike out the liond pr vInIoii ami aultltuta an iiwoma fax Nectlon wua dHcatud llli yitim Ut 171 nuya and thw 111 witb the lamd I'laiiNO paaacd by JH you Ut 11)1 iiuyN. Three euMlei'ii 'deiuiMiiaU voted with the rcpuhlicaiiM for the bond provlNlon and Uirw republicuna with the iNipuliata und deimamla 11 gal net tha bill, The) bond bill now goee t the a"n- ale and great prcNNure will I mi brought 10 ocur mere for na puNNiige, ah lu the faouae the cry of ,!iwti'lotliu" will la ralaed-an thmoiigli an American were more of a patriot for aeekliig to inuiige ihn coiiniry juw tne abywa i bonded debt) ilcNldca UiIn, every preparation la lug made by the admliiUlrutlou at Nhlngbii to force through tlie land liieuaure, Mecrclary (luge who In the ruling NPirii or the cabinet, Jimm tken the Niibjcct lilriM'tly iifcharge, A Ntrong uiiviHiiiM of an Inniio of 500v MHt,tnnt of 1ondN la-forn the war broke out be determined rirt to Uma the 00- portuully of acciirlng them now aa a "war liieuaure," Tbla week' dlNjNiteb ea atat that Kwrefary (Jnga la very iiiucb gratified at the maul renin I Ioiin of "patrlotlNiti" that are cmulng from every aliln, Jle lioa ulnuuly reeeiviul UNMuraiiecM from aavlnga banka, 1 aur ance com pun lea, tmaf, companlea ami ot,her Inatltutlona whldh couvlnce him that aeverul tlmea aa much money aa will Im iieceeMiry can Im am'iired with out the albbleat difllculty, and a great many oiuimn nave orreivo" to lu't u agenta for the dlNtrlbutlon of the bain without comiulNalon or other com pen nii (Ion, The alrnggle la now on In the eenate ami it win lot a hot one, Beiintora Allen, and Marlon Ilutler have both given notice In advance of thetr de termination to ojijnmi to the luafc the lamd project, TJiere la 1iojm$ of their naving neip jiini now from imepcted aoureee. For inatance the New York Tlmea cornea out In a leading editorial io Nuys "Tbn iwmt of carrying on the war with Hpnln Nhould be met by taxing fhe (M'ople liiNteud of by borrowing money on fhe credit of the govern ment. That jailley la commended Ut ua ian.ii ny juutice and lty exmwliency. It In a, iNdicy of wladmn and of aafety, The I'luiea urgea cngrcaa ami t, e iidiuliiUl radon to awk the Amerlian iieople to pay iin they go In UiIn wur, 'ei... 1.., 1 . .it.. . 1 ne nii' i inn rrvniiun taxea lain in Mr, Dlngiey'N bill will yield nearly a hun dred mil noun, without touchlnir tea and coffee or providing for an inereane lu the lax on alcoholle liquor. Add iheae timiorte and atlll otlmra not liv cludetl In the ireMiit bill mifflclent to bring the cut I united annual proiliict of the tax up to I. ',0,000,000 or 1200,. (Mio.oiM), and retain the ncctlon uutho,-- 11 ng the Mccrctary of the trenaury o Innum 3 iNr cent reMiiry eertlflcutea ritleeiualile at. one year. Tliene me. a ureN would enable the government to eurry on the wur, and the Internal rev enue taxeN Mliould lie continued until ifl iioaitlon, ua Mlow! "The Jtecord Ja fully In nympathy Ith thowe pernona in and out of eon freaa who iualNt that tne expe-naea of miilntalnlng the war ahoubl lie met by umuiionui taxea rather than by exca Hive bond iNNiica, The people demand ed war with Kpaln, and they ahould bear the cxM'iine enbil.itl, and not an dhi it upon the next generation, ilia people are willing to bear the expenaa of the war an it proved. It may be iicecNnnry to authorize loa.ua for cmerA gency needn, but for tnoao only, The cimt of the wur ahould be met by the tnxHiyer of the preaent, and ho war revenue bill ahould be framed with that end in view, Taxation and not bond iNMiice nhmld be the regular inennN of raining f unda for carrying' n the wur," And with thene two cornea the Oma ha let, which flrat prfnfa A letter front Henry W. Yaten, the well known Oma ha bunker, who iirgucn the absolute necennlty for a bond innue, end then aildn Mm own crlthHuiu am folbrwai "Mr, Henry W, Yatea, Omuha'a well known banker, dlnagrwa'wlth the Bee in Itn proamnion Ut a national bond Innum under prrleinut of war enuTgcn cv. Mr. YaU-a aaaNertni Flrnt, that the fotuj nurn which may be required for the HjnuiIhIj war will reach $;i00, 000,01)0 In luldlllon to what lion already beu exiiended, Hecond, that there m no available IiuIiiuch In the trenaury for tbla piirinww. Tlilrd, that any nchenie to obtain the large num de manded by Immediate taxation would be iiiiwImo and might prove mulcldul by wrecking the crei.,t of the nation, I'ourlh, Hint uggrennlve wur being m poNnlble without ImmedlaU-ly available fuudn, a bond Innue liccomcn abaolute y rieceNuary, Fifth, that the intercnt on $:i(M),000,000 would not reach a num demanding any greatly inereoaed tax ation, aa no provlnion for a nlnklng' fund la required, "From the bondbolder'a atandpoint thai poaltion of Mr, Yatee may com mend itaclf. From the atandpolnt of the taxpaying citlen who hoa no ln terent in the perpetuation of a bonded debt It appeare indefennlble," Thereupon the flee proceede to (rive Ita flguren upon the probable coat of the warwhich, though not complete, are Interenflng. It anym It will coat up to January 1, 1809, In cluding the f.10,000,000 already appro priated for navy and army equipment, fa $i:i0,0W,000, aa follow.: "Kn tl mating the addition to the ar my at J 110,000 men, their monthly pay roll at f2S per man would be 14,000, 000, Fntlmatlng their aubalntenee at 83 cent per day per man, or $10 a month, muken 11,600,000 per month. Adding 1400,000 a month for nubNUten ce of liorwa and Incidental make A total of Ifl.ooo.ooo a month for nnr and NiilmUtence of the army. "Kntlrnntlrig the addition to the na vy at 10,000, nalbwn, and offkfera, tha naval pay roll at $25 per month per man, would aggregate $250,000 per month. Adding cont of aulwlntenne at $10 per month bring it up to $390, 000. Adding for fuel ami other nav al Incidental $11,10,000 per month muk en the total $1,000,000 for the lncreoae of naval exjiennca. tomwuting the coat of ammuni tion and tranniiortaHon on land and Hen at $100,000 a day, we add $3,000,- (NiO a month, making a grand total of $10,000,000 ier month, or $H0,0OO, 000 for the coat of war up to January 1, Iklig. Including therewith the pre liminary outlay of $50,000,000 for war equipment and we have only $130,000,- 000 needed in addition to carry ua to (( ,011 tinned on page a.) . . ' f ij'il.i SEAGOING nATTLESHIP IOWA. The Ion U tlieiitT'iniif(WmltUl.Ululeldm llrrilatUlleart Me. taanieitt, ll,40tea mw.t, lut lmrMiHWr, II.IUiOi wt, 1 4,010,000 1 MAiainaut, fear tl lues., eight Inch, ill 4 Inch ua au4 1$ guua f antaUar alllmr,