THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. April 28, 1898. The Housekeeper's Corner. I would offer thin week ft tribute to odo of whom the world take no not, wboe defldnr uuchronlchtd, her praie un una. Bhe in not couapicuou, you 't, nii'k tinr nut In ft crowd. Hlie In not numorou although nrljr every mm iiuk.Im hor anmitllino III hi III''! the plain ummiMhIi womun, without a tuition who hulpN other lor the ak of hi'lpliiK them, not becaue he want to bo holj ful. Vou remember how eheciuneln one afternoon when you were utriiKKlliiK with an uuflnhdied Ironing and a wivere headaeh. How ho took mat tew Inlo her own band, put you to bed, adjimted the pillow without nkinn; queetlone, eemliiK to know by litllnct what you wanted; bathed your nulling head with a firm, Ren tie tounh. When you groaned over the Ironing undone and the Nippur to get, ''" quieted you with "Nev.-r uilnd, I'll o to that." You wondi rod a little even at theeffnot on yourmilf, for ordlnatlly to be told to "never mind" when thing were in niiofi "trait would have Irritated you. You were even be witched Into forgetting your pride and almont Indifferent to the feet that your neighbor wait doubtltiH h aving work of her own to do your. After making you a comfortable a iioMHibln mIhi lull you to rent while hu looked after matter In tho kilt hen, You could hear her mov ing about, not hurriedly 11 If there wan much to be done, but quietly and with a calm UKNiiranee that iimplred you with ooiilldeiicH and gave you a dolieloii enii of rent; of being able to throw off all re epoiiHibility for the time and be ure that everything would be all right. A Ming that no 010 I better able to np preelate than the houikneper, Hint put the Ironing out of the way, doing what muet lie done at that time and put ting the ret nlde; made preparation for upper, utilizing whatever of help wa available, doing all that wa neeiar,y nut not more to burden you with uoiimo of obligation. ZZ2 You remember all thl and when you think of It you realize that her I no uommon gift. Other might have flu lhed your Ironing and got theiipper for you, but who elo could have put you ho entirely at eae while nlie did it? How did flie do It? You cannot tell. Nor can I. We nan only rie up with the other, the dlHcaed In mind a well a the nick In body to whom abulia minlxlered, and call her bleimed. Doiiotiiy. . No human being ha u moral right to become the elave of her noanwt and dnnrcNt. The hoiwekooper and mother thould poo a certain flruino and moral dignity which ahould prevent her family from regarding her "imply in the light ol a general Mcrvnut. Few fumillo will nut the fact o plainly to thennM-lve, btrt in thotiMand 01 fatnilie the (act i ho apparent to all outsider that It muet tie a Hpeclc of will delimion thateach and all do not recognize It. Selected. Fruit often take tliti place of medicine and I much clmuir. linked macaroni with choeae. Ilreak macaroni Into inch length and throw into boiling Halted water, lloil alowly about forty-five minute Mlirrlng fre quently to prevent it Nettling to the bottom. When done turn Into a colan der and drain well, lu the bottom of a pudding "IihIi arrange 11 layer of miteu ronl, and upon It Mtrew Homo grated cheem with bit of butter. Add a little Halt and popper, another layer of maca roni, then whii more cIiwhm and no on till the dieh In full. The hint, layer of innearoii I ahould have only butter, no cheeae aproud over It. Add a few poon fill of milk and bake lowly until ot a rich golden brown. Horv lu the ilinh in which It wa baked. Lemon ('net ard. Take the juice of one large lemon or two Hinall one, add two aud a half teacupful of water, a cup of Migar, and heat over the lire. While it I heating, rub two tahloMpoonful of corn March ainooth with water, aud beat the yolk of three egg. Gradually tir the lemon water into the corn March and egg and eet it 011 the Are to thicken. When doueetir la the beaten white ot the egg and cool. Th day lor very fluffy foliar tb-eora-tlou ha cloned, and the uew ueck IIuihIi I a narrow trill ol lac or net aom the back, only with two roaett of the nmu crushed nganiMt the rollar. The latter I a plain band on a woolen gown, and often the ame on a ilk one, with a row ol trimmlug at the top. Thin material bava a collar ol the mtine good In mall tuck, aud ribbon I lolded la amooth rowa.itof louHljr)i ruiihed a ol vow. Col lar ara comfortably high, aud whit linen one ar woru with hirt aitol all kind and with tailored gowu. Ktork ol ailk or antin have a aiu.mth baud With a hi ptw Iroui each aide ot th back tied in a mal bow i front or arraegml tu a long knot, but them aro lor th iUmMt gown or wtuat. l.oug ntl, mull or aud China ailk uirfa r wora lu la ol collar I mm around lie aet k, and tHiwml la Irout with ud loth waiat lm,..ljf .UV Horn Jourual. . child of Hu iia Wvni't ilnt..', tl the in.ii', i ihn- )r'i tin i.i m aholtt-u.'.l to the ki.., alu-f l'i nl.otil t I -a l.iillii-u,l t lltn a.vr Mgw r ! an tmh to a Jr, ilt.t i. li Uo hi 1,; M i t th I'htU VcU to id M4TV tvuuUt.a thl. H.I d tilu' i-li toa. t aim tum a woih a nr. "lnr", .11 1 Mr. Thorn, ha a daw iraiiaht aith aphim aMaia4 had U ltfd hi itoi a!tn-atuia wtlh tvianf ail, " Vf ' aafl Mrf iMtwrTiliir4v, Mk) a4 hi ail hat h la h a IWrMMs" a( Mr, 1 hui atih a a laMal i'l"ad ra' .!. hoUrr al taali, ah d.i ihiak ehouM taka I Ha rta)t tuaaM rmiatul ta't at" taa ut 4 U , al4 VI ra. Thoma. promptly;" and so, my dear, I'll ay at once thai 1 m very norry. 1. tn Mr. Thoma that might have been a well for him to make thu flrur. tu vhiich. alter all. out lie thoughtfully retrained from Maying o. Youth Compuniou. Inetcad of Helling all old rage, nve a nice roll of oft linen ami hiiihikim, clean them thoroughly and keep in Home convenient place o mat un will Im! ready In cao of accident. A mixture of fflyccrino and uay runi i excellent for chnppcd i roughened bond. ' Th ltuul 1'uwarnf ITIvllrgn. (Ily Jubnl K, M Uiiriinn.) Tti miuwlv door of l'rlvll( ll cliiM'l nnd (loulln linrroil, A tilnut hnml lum turn') th look, Within anonnil It liranl 01 my rili and uniiiptuiiiiii Ixiwllu, Wlill wllliout lb myrlttil pruM, Kiiorklig lit lli liulUnl ulriiui'K, Mnyliiir 'iio 1111 to u. Kiiorkln at tin 'loor 11I prlrlleK. With nil .nit, ami ilBifmiliiK din, f'rjln upn wliln III linllml ituor Ami lt llm in ' In I Wlllilll l rnynl f.'IKt.ltiK For Kin Muiiiiinin'ii clinunn fuw, Wllliout wnfull with fmiiliiu, (III lot UK nllHI'H with foa. Tito niftlv ilnur of irlrlli'if 1 (.'loiH.fl nuil anMjr tiarrail, Kin Mum limn ' liitiiil fan turuiiJ tlmloik, Wlllilll It IMIIIIIll IN lli'llf'l, (itrlimlilry ml (iwrlim, An wllhoiiL thu jn r prm; KnurkliiK Nt tint Miiar4i I fniimi Hnyi'iK "I'"'1 ume ' Hut thu Kiinrii"l 'lour of I'rl v ll"X Will iiimiliiy li, KIiik Miiiiiiiii'H'n IiuihI nlin.ll trumlilu, And wlllilll ii noiiinl h liMinl (If wall nml IihIiIiinn iilumliiiK An wllliout Mi" iii.vrliiiln irN, llmiikln iluwii tlixrloNNil iii iiiitranrM, 1'hainliirliiK tli mm w lit k rmlniNN. 'I lia gronl llouiel T'iwr of I'rlvllnK", With nil Mm IiIiMhii Ntom, Of imliir.n wmillli, mul url ul mini, lly Mitiiitiiiiii l.orilml o'r. Ami uliurml union tux K'iIiIi.'U fw. Muni all It ilnum uulnir, Nor liriitH' ilHr nor will of man HI111II 'r cIiin ttiaiii morn. for Trill IikIiiiII llitiuiliir iluwii tlm door, Ami Miimmiin' KIiim'Ioiii full, Ami JiiNili' niitk Ui old Itoiind Towur A irlvllKd ilni' for all; And Uiimi no iiiorw tlm Koldun d w MlmllKiirgn wlilln myrliiil proiw, ; And liimnlii nt III uniinluil door, Cr,r, 0pa unto u. HtroiiiNliur, Nulir., April I. I HUH. (luring- ami Klinlmll, Tlii week Hteim have been taken look ing to the 8Htahlihinerit of a telephoun line between (iohntig and Kimball, It I (animated that hiicIi a line would coHt in tlm neighborhood ol f (JOU, half of which ha already been Hubrtcnbod by men of tiering. If Kimball and ilurri burg will take an iniereMt in the matter, thime point may be jiiuet hooii. No braka Hometead. Altxiilloii farmer. I have iii Htock the bet riding and walking lieler 011 the market, alo the hct '2 row 1)11! cultivator, the old relia ble "Weetern." It ha many advan tage of adjiietment that none other have, ('all and get price before you buy, ami alo ee the very (Inn line of farm and epring wagon and baggie. They are the bet iu the market for the price. ONLY $25,000,000 ON HAND The iloverumoiil Naad Mora Money for 1 1111 War. Wamiinoton, April as. The wur revenue bill win reported to the yesterday, and, by mi arrangement made, the ileliiilu began to-day, ami will continue at night hi-kniou until Frlduy. At 4 o'clock 011 that day the vote will be taken. The report bowed that the appar ent cauh balance in the treasury when the Joint resolution appropriating SIM), OilO.O'K) for national defense was passed wa about Crj.'i.oon.ooi), Including the JlOO.OiMI.ODO gold redemption fuud, or JI'.'.'i.OOiumH) excluding that fund. Hut till balance wan, the leport ran, only apparent, Inasmuch a 813, WO, 000 consisted of fractional silver, largely uncurrent, mid minor coins, leaving only IU0(1,000 lti t of this nuiouul J H.Doo.oo,) eonslsted of receipt from the sale of the I'nlon Paeltlo rati road, held la the treasury for the payment of that anion nt of Pucltlo railroad bndi, due January 1, next, and I I I, noo.noii of the l.oud redemp tion lend, held tor llu payment ot luile of national b.tuUs failu I and ot liquidalloa ir reducing circulation. lVduellng these aiuouitts, and the ac tual avadable clt in the treasury at the tint talouglug to the government, xeluaiv of the greenback redemption fund, m only I'iVoo 1,00,1. Inasmuch a a working balance of at'nut Uil.ooi.o 10 it re. 1 11 1 red i. prop erly carry on the mrtiiu of the govarnuit-ut, there remained only lKSi,tssi Uitoiillig to th goverumeitl aailatU (or use la mttuir the i,isst,i).ii appropi ution It wilt he in .i. ry la order to no-el all th e imtdtlttre under th .ii. sm, vmi M (. prirtalna all of whieli hv Un I'M11'1'"! a Ulna a few weeks- tu tue vVes,t.Hi f ihe bauk rv.louipUou Lin I. a r ol which utaat t r ).'s. wd U for the ttlosu t( tha praseat tlHtUr )r THE I'ArUS 13 SAFE. !kt4 Ma4f la St Saa a ta t u th 4 i.s.rMa. April J Whiia Ur Waur Masi hla hat ar rld kr lr.ta Neat aa raat 14 I irisil, rHrU that at u'wUwk t.n Muaday aixralw;, la UttUda VJ, ad oeilnU tat, tha sd aa Awserleaa Uar, iruaiahljr Ihe 'rt fha aav aa ftpaalsa arklu ilartaf the tejra, I I SPANISH STEAMER EN TERS CIENFUEGOS. 1,000 SOLDIERS ON BOARD Mall ataamihlp Montserrat Oat A war rrom th North Atlantle ijoailron tarrlsil ((), 000 In Mllvar and Klfblaan Uans of (irsal tall liar- fnalilato Katar Havana Harbor. Nkw Vokk, April 2-4. A Havana rablo to the New York Herald aya. 'ilia Hpaiisli mall wtearnshlp Montser rat ha reached Cluiif uugos, breaking the blockade, Hho wa bound for Havana, and on nuurlng the port the American ships fired at her. The mall atcamer, after firing twice, went away from the blockade to tho outl crn coast hho brought 1,000 soldiers, f00,0o0 in allver and eighteen gun of great caliber. A dUpateh from Washington thl afternoon ay the Montserrat landed tit Sun tlao de Cuba. Thl port waa not Included In tho J'resldcnta block- ade proclamation. It I Niiid that (lomez ha the troop from tho Montserrat surrounded so that they cannot reach I!lanco' maud. co 111- A LAND SIEGE ON HAVANA. (lanaral Mile lloM Aniithar t on fur- n With I'tibim. Washington, April 2d. Another conference lias been held between (ieneral Miles, commanding the I' tilted Ktatc force, and representa tive, of the Cuban civil and military authorities. Tha latter included Honor (juusada, charge d'affaires of tho Cuban legation, lirlgadiur General Nunez and Lieutenant Artiago of tha Cuban army. The first purpose of these move' menU, it I said, I to bring about a full equipment of Insurgent forces, rather than secure a joint movement between them and tha United Htatos troops. It Is said that Garcia and Ooinuz together can muster Sfi.OOO men, and that they will bo able to make a strong forward move ment on Havana as soon a they have arms, ammunition and medical supplies. The latter, and particularly quinine, is said to be greatly needed. The understanding among those best acquainted with the plans of co-operation is that the Cu ban forces will advance on Havana and mako a land siege in co-operation with the blockada now tn progress by the United States warships. there is renewed talk of a recogni tion of tho Cuban, at least their bel ligerency and possibly their Indepen dence, and confident hopes were ex pressed to-day In high Cuban circles that recognition would bo granted nithln the next two week In tho event of Cuban recognition It Is probable that President l'alma of the Cuban junta would be first minis ter accredited from Cuba, with He nor 'ucsada a charge d'afTairs at Wash ington, and Senor Albcrttnln as first secretary. COAL IS KING INDEED. Ilrltlih Declaration That IC Is Contraband Kalaaa Hpanlsh I'rleaa 00 far Cans, Madhid, April tH. The price of native and foreign coals ha risen nearly 50 per cunt in the last eight days, causing much inconvenience to trade and manufacturer. Th gov ernment ofllcially declared that It had made quite sufficient purchase of coal in Cuba and the peninsula to meet all emergencies for some time. Neverthe less in the press and tn ofllclal oirclos much HI humor 1 shown against Eng land aud other powers because it la supposed that they are disposed to cousider coal contraband of war. Hhti lnwrnil ol Var. Itosrox, April 81 There are many valuable vessDl and cargoes scattered over the occaus at the present time which are destined for New Kuglsnd or which ar owned lu New Kngland, any one of w hich may fall Into h punish hand, Tha captains of many of them cannot possibly know thai a state of war exist between thl country and hpitia. There are twelve bark, seven teen schixiiier, several steamers aud ulher craft, M. MutM Wants Hawaii, Asiiismos, April 2. The Monata foreigu relations commilte held It regular weekly Inert in la-day, Kan alur Morgan urg.d upon th oouinttt tee the iinportaiue of agaiu taking up the tiuentioit ot attlivstn' th Ha waiian IslatuU Other members of the eomiulltee esprvssed th opinion thai it was Impracticable to proceed with th treaty al presvul. I ah I nasal At Klala4, Y ssHtvoiok, April t Tha ststa t( the eousuls called lu frotu Cuba has beea sellle.t by lha lprlaeal of atai after onsuHllo with ih sad lltad otlteer of (ha treaiury. The h ait teea Hotifled that they ara granted sltty days' la of aUsuta, with full par. 4 aiiiiiaaaita uitas tli a lioatoH, April t. J M.mloiur (, a atlllioaalra al this lty, has laa tered hU yh Varaa U ths aa aeearluiaaV 4( ... 0 . h . 0 as.? nil jT3 rj yis m s sm7 ra a cvcw jtv n irjr yi A ROOM-MAKING SALE IN THE CLOAK AND SUIT DEPARTM'T Despite the fact that our Cloak Parlors are the largest in the State, our immense assortments of Shirt Waists must have more room. We therefore inaugurate this clearing sale, and offer these most desirable goods at a time when they are most wanted, at prices that mean a remarkable sacrifice. Ladies' Jackets in black, green and brown, satin and taffetalined, $10 and $12 val ues, our price to close $4-89 NEBRASKA'S GREATEST HOUSEHOLD DEPARTM'T Hunting or Kitchen Kpoon 10-Inch 4c, H iu 3C Hardwood Towel Holler 20 in Ca long, a shown in cut, each JO i&fffri- ! J Ktil '&'fy-''ySJ I'uddinif I'an. 1 'JUrt . WMfry 'mart, ... 2 1 nn K-l&JLy quart lUb I'narneled HUm nrcwwrv- No. H, 7 tit, heavy ing Kftthw, ;i i On ' "' ""l ot ITk, 2 nt Kettle... 1 1t Sewn Door Hprii g ...9c Tho navy depart man t ha piirchaned .1. I'iernont Morgan' fnt yacht (iraair, It will Im fitted out a a full hedged tor pedo boat and will lie inted a audi.'iitciiant commanoer Uiclinru wain- right, formerly chief intelligence olllcer, nud lately the executive officer of the Maiuo will couunaud tho bout. F.x-lMiuty I'nited Ktate Marhal Lid- diard, better known to many a Hattle Hiiake I'ete. ha received word from Gov . . tit ernor llolcomii to come to mucoid. Captain Llddiard, neveral day auo.tini dered hi wrvice and the aervic' of a full cotntianv of half breed Indian, i quipped with Winchi'Mter rillit, to be raiHi'il liy linn m three tiny tor imme ilitite wrvice in the war with Spain. Tho proviaiou market ha rieu rap idly Hince war wa declaretl. Htock and bond have atiout hehl their own. May wheat advanced five cent ou Monday aud five cent tuoro onTuedny, but lot two cent ednedn y. July wheat i uIho advancing. Other grain aud moat product alo hIiow a rie iu price Khoiilder Arm, bov! (lot youraclve atlv for atimmer. To do it well un to I aineA rt'urf. l Clothing Store, ll.'KIO treet, I.lncolu. lut riillnii lliat Nail. Servitnt Two inventur wunt to wo you, Kir. iMte him t mpll tinmr gun, wurranted to hill tlfty men in tlfty pcoiuIn, and Ihe other ha a new patent llfu-oaving iippuratu. Cupitiilinl -Siinw the mint with tho gun in. Kick the other fellow out Talilo Hoard f J r.O. Meal 1 ,'.c. The Model Dining Hall. Mus. ioir r !'ki:i:land, I'llul'ltlCTIIIiHH, io So. i Jih St., LINCOLN. I ttkl I l I' Milt HI VICTOR Incubator MT ll NliU ! a ,.i . ,imi l' mi VI I- i ...... l.nU. I Ml I, lita tKltl. It. ijlhi 1,111 NUTICK Or INUUMI IUNMS. K ul1 ta I. I ' t'.'ir. I iaua. '' a. lunei I tuamilaa muii4 !'" ul ( tialu ml tak k 1. aail !" I riaiia ! aart'u 4 fkal I. I "" . " '! a4 B.a Hill mI h tl !", ' avkiw ikalaii tkaakiMif al IM 1 1 r. I a (., aH 1 ! mtm .4 taa la44 !( Il.a aat ' TWW " I ? - , '1 m. m M m h m I ta.aawii iiiin.Kii.oi t ftl M HHMMMT. l tMrt. v?;'-ir? See our Shirt Waists in all the new colors and plain white lawns, prices range upwards from 97c Pique waists upward from $1-25 , $3-00 Kli-el liutclu-r Knlvi',full A. l.i aud u good kuife, each ( Hfcicl labia knivc and fork lx knlve aud ix fork, OHn per ct , .....0 f v 12 Quart , Water l'ail, 10c. It tpiart heavy Milk ran, On MU-.U UUi Knamith'd Ktccl Water lipxr 13c I Un lUU Two packages, of f'ar'iH Tack, p any Mi,'........ , 1 V fA ".tA AfA f tA AtA AtA A a BILLIflEYERtS SADLER fib. Vr v If you want a first-class, reliable, strictly "A rade" Carriage, l'hae ton, Bugy, or Surrey, till, We are the only people .'I'M m in stock. We will not misrepresent a piece of oods to you, but we will sell you a good, reliable vehicle for less inon ey than any other dealer in town. y x We have more up-to-date Ji lu. than any other house in the state. m i at 'I ft& lMCYCLl-S, IUCYCLHS, HICYCLI'S, AND AtA plenty of them at $25.00, $35 00 and $75.00. fyj r.1 mmr DlLLiYlci Ct a 202. 204.206. Vi' ' Seeds Seeds Seeds AT ROY'S DRUG STORK, C0RNKR TENTH and V STS. 4Uit Mit tl I'diiils, White l.r.ul, l.ilisn i Oil, t h . v,iy rt lialile, .ilv.i lust cl.i, I'ritt s v i mlr.ior In have riht ahvay. Roy's, 10th and F. nutfk'lcs.l'hactons.SurrcysJrars.llamcss ,W f rl .1 Hk.UU fit, M Ml Ititl r " ITN ui..4 M laa - in h4 Wul.lui,. h.,Jr Vj7yvT, vMt' '' "' ', nftur AHUM UrrUf I , f n Waists Percale andcham bray, this sale each 39c Navy blue and black suits, new and stylish, sold for $10 and $12, our price to close $4.89 Grocery Department. These for 25c. Four can of corn...... 25c Four can of tomatoes, ,., 25c Four can of string bean,,. 25 Four (aim wax bean 25c Four fii ns upplebtitti'r.... 25c Th rw can of pwir 25c DRIED FRUITS. Priud upple, throii lb., 25c I'ruiie IM low OH, III ,...,..,... ,.,.5C liasin a low u... , 4',C Kolhl oat, fur pkg , 5C I'.ird itd, per pkg., ,.,.,.. 5C Chicory, threw stick , 5C l'offco i'skoijbo, two box;. ,,.,. , 5C Cnu.-kud Java, per lb ,,.,,,....6C A good drink, all coff" per lb. 8c J'lwikngii coffue a per lb.. 10c W pay tha higheat market prh for produce. What ara you paying for ugar7 (Jet our pri befora you purchaao again. A ok or (wind for 11 iimiile of our MiU'Un. ' and Java coffee. .tA cKim fXlh ft, in town carrying them .tA rlr i 'r.A l viv t trvavaB. dc fcAULtlf. yfo S. 11th St. r c haatllta4kaWiW itmVJi I !.. ( rl u I lirUaaii. o. tlla law. a I